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cb (m) = 0.450
Y 2
l (m) = 0.300
b (m) = 0.450
L (a+c)/2
c a l' (m) = 0.500
b' (m) = 0.650
l' L (m) = 2.100
1 1 B (m) = 2.100
cb D1 (m) = 0.450
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.250
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 0.000
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 2.679
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.050
MZy clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.400
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.400
Y 2 Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m3) = 2.500
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 500
Wt. of footing (t) = 3.747 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet'
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 17.152 (t/m2) = 10.0
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 20.899 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 14.8222

Static case :

P (t) = 26.723 Node 6

Mx (t-m) = 1.808 Load Case 6
My (t-m) = 0.035
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 47.621
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
11.99 9.65 11.95 a 9.60

Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.74

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 4.95 5.17
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 7.42 7.75
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.928 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.745
pt = 0.223 0.178
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 447 pt x b' x d2/100 = 462

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 6.24 6.38
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 9.36 9.57
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.162 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.194
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.317 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.325
tv(N/mm2) = 0.153 0.153
pt = 0.038 0.037
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 733 pt x Agross2 = 751

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 38.15
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.461 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in X-direction : Node 6
L/C 9
P (t) = 28.688
Mx (t-m) = 1.929
My (t-m) = 3.931
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 49.587
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
15.04 12.54 9.95 a 7.45
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.74

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 5.31 7.08
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 7.96 10.62
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.995 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.021
pt = 0.240 0.247
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 481 pt x b' x d2/100 = 642

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 6.70 8.87
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 10.04 13.30
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.162 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.194
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.317 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.325
tv(N/mm2) = 0.164 0.213
pt = 0.044 0.075
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 733 pt x Agross2 = 751

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 38.15
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.461 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in Y-direction : Node 6
L/C 8
P (t) = 27.658
Mx (t-m) = 7.790
My (t-m) = 0.045
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 48.557
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
16.09 5.99 16.03 a 5.93
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.74

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 7.14 5.35
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 10.72 8.03
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.340 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.772
pt = 0.330 0.184
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 660 pt x b' x d2/100 = 479

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 9.19 6.61
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 13.79 9.91
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.162 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.194
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.317 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.325
tv(N/mm2) = 0.226 0.158
pt = 0.086 0.040
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 733 pt x Agross2 = 751

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 38.15
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.461 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
R/F REQD 733.47 751.03
R/F PROVIDED 1373.75 1373.75
Provided 10 dia @ 120 Provided 10 dia @ 120

Ast = 654 mm /m 2
Ast = 654 mm /m
DESIGN OF FOOTING MARKED :- F2 cl (m) = 0.450
cb (m) = 0.300
Y 2
l (m) = 0.450
b (m) = 0.300
L (a+c)/2
c a l' (m) = 0.650
b' (m) = 0.500
l' L (m) = 2.400
1 1 B (m) = 2.400
cb D1 (m) = 0.600
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.300
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 0.000
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 2.679
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.050
MZy clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.550
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.550
Y 2 Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m3) = 2.500
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 500
Wt. of footing (t) = 6.186 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet'
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 21.050 (t/m2) = 10.0
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 27.236 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 14.8222

Static case :

P (t) = 36.074 Node 11

Mx (t-m) = 0.214 Load Case 6
My (t-m) = 1.658
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 63.310
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
11.80 11.62 10.36 a 10.18

Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.73

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 8.37 7.74
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 12.56 11.61
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.639 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.768
pt = 0.151 0.183
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 541 pt x b' x d2/100 = 504

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 7.60 6.99
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 11.41 10.49
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.479 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.477
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.396
tv(N/mm2) = 0.126 0.119
pt = 0.025 0.022
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1087 pt x Agross2 = 1059

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 49.10
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.362 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in X-direction : Node 11
L/C 9
P (t) = 41.862
Mx (t-m) = 0.257
My (t-m) = 7.649
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 69.098
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
15.43 15.20 8.79 a 8.56
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.73

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 9.72 11.05
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 14.58 16.58
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.741 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.096
pt = 0.177 0.266
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 632 pt x b' x d2/100 = 732

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 8.83 10.20
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 13.24 15.30
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.479 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.477
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.396
tv(N/mm2) = 0.146 0.173
pt = 0.034 0.049
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1087 pt x Agross2 = 1059

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 49.10
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.362 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in Y-direction : Node 11
L/C 10
P (t) = 36.880
Mx (t-m) = 3.536
My (t-m) = 1.687
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 64.116
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
13.40 10.33 11.93 a 8.86
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.73

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 9.91 7.91
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 14.86 11.87
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.756 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.785
pt = 0.180 0.187
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 645 pt x b' x d2/100 = 516

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 9.14 7.15
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 13.71 10.72
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.479 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.477
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.396
tv(N/mm2) = 0.151 0.121
pt = 0.037 0.023
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1087 pt x Agross2 = 1059

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 49.10
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.362 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
R/F REQD 1087.48 1058.97
R/F PROVIDED 1884.00 1884.00
Provided 10 dia @ 100 Provided 10 dia @ 100

Ast = 785 mm /m 2
Ast = 785 mm /m
DESIGN OF FOOTING MARKED :- F3 cl (m) = 0.380
cb (m) = 0.600
Y 2
l (m) = 0.380
b (m) = 0.600
L (a+c)/2
c a l' (m) = 0.580
b' (m) = 0.800
l' L (m) = 2.700
1 1 B (m) = 2.700
cb D1 (m) = 0.600
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.300
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 0.000
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 2.679
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.050
MZy clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.550
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.550
Y 2 Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m3) = 2.500
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 500
Wt. of footing (t) = 7.872 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet'
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 26.427 (t/m2) = 10.0
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 34.299 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 14.8222

Static case :

P (t) = 45.522 Node 3

Mx (t-m) = 1.306 Load Case 6
My (t-m) = 0.092
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 79.821
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
11.38 10.58 11.32 a 10.52

Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.70

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 9.73 11.38
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 14.60 17.07
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.832 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.705
pt = 0.199 0.168
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 636 pt x b' x d2/100 = 738

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 8.87 10.32
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 13.30 15.48
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.584 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.607
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.423
tv(N/mm2) = 0.131 0.148
pt = 0.027 0.035
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1216 pt x Agross2 = 1256

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 62.21
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.408 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in X-direction : Node 3
L/C 7
P (t) = 45.058
Mx (t-m) = 1.380
My (t-m) = 7.684
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 79.357
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
13.65 12.81 8.96 a 8.12
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.70

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 9.66 14.26
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 14.49 21.40
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.826 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.884
pt = 0.198 0.212
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 631 pt x b' x d2/100 = 934

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 8.81 13.17
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 13.21 19.75
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.584 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.607
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.423
tv(N/mm2) = 0.130 0.189
pt = 0.027 0.058
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1216 pt x Agross2 = 1256

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 62.21
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.408 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in Y-direction : Node 3
L/C 8
P (t) = 48.828
Mx (t-m) = 15.569
My (t-m) = 0.103
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 83.127
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
16.18 6.69 16.12 a 6.63
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.70

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 15.20 12.21
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 22.80 18.31
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.300 Mu /(b' x d22) = 0.757
pt = 0.319 0.181
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1018 pt x b' x d2/100 = 794

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 14.26 11.07
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 21.39 16.61
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.584 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.607
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.408 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.423
tv(N/mm2) = 0.211 0.159
pt = 0.074 0.040
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1216 pt x Agross2 = 1256

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 62.21
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.408 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
R/F REQD 1215.87 1256.10
R/F PROVIDED 2543.40 2543.40
Provided 12 dia @ 120 Provided 12 dia @ 120

Ast = 942 mm /m 2
Ast = 942 mm /m
DESIGN OF FOOTING MARKED :- F4 cl (m) = 0.600
cb (m) = 0.380
Y 2
l (m) = 0.600
b (m) = 0.380
L (a+c)/2
c a l' (m) = 0.800
b' (m) = 0.580
l' L (m) = 3.200
1 1 B (m) = 3.000
cb D1 (m) = 0.600
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.300
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 0.000
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 2.679
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.050
MZy clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.550
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.550
Y 2 Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m3) = 2.500
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 500
Wt. of footing (t) = 10.248 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet'
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 35.072 (t/m2) = 10.0
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 45.320 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 14.8222

Static case :

P (t) = 65.952 Node 14

Mx (t-m) = 0.367 Load Case 6
My (t-m) = 2.418
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 111.272
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
12.14 11.99 11.20 a 11.04

Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.72

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 19.01 18.29
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 28.52 27.43
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.178 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.564
pt = 0.288 0.390
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1265 pt x b' x d2/100 = 1244

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 16.85 16.27
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 25.27 24.41
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.693 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.488
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.438 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.438
tv(N/mm2) = 0.200 0.208
pt = 0.067 0.072
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1513 pt x Agross2 = 1405

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 85.31
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.559 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in X-direction : Node 14
L/C 7
P (t) = 67.238
Mx (t-m) = 0.431
My (t-m) = 17.742
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 112.558
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
15.28 15.10 8.35 a 8.17
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.72

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 19.41 24.16
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 29.11 36.24
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.203 Mu /(b' x d22) = 2.066
pt = 0.294 0.532
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1293 pt x b' x d2/100 = 1696

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 17.20 21.73
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 25.80 32.59
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.693 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.488
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.438 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.438
tv(N/mm2) = 0.205 0.278
pt = 0.070 0.136
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1513 pt x Agross2 = 1592

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 85.31
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.559 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in Y-direction : Node 14
L/C 10
P (t) = 67.029
Mx (t-m) = 8.091
My (t-m) = 2.335
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 112.349
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
13.84 10.47 12.93 a 9.56
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.72

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 22.45 18.54
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 33.68 27.81
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.392 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.585
pt = 0.344 0.396
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1512 pt x b' x d2/100 = 1263

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 20.04 16.50
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 30.06 24.74
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.693 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.488
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.438 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.438
tv(N/mm2) = 0.238 0.211
pt = 0.097 0.075
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1513 pt x Agross2 = 1405

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 85.31
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.559 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
R/F REQD 1513.14 1696.07
R/F PROVIDED 3617.28 3391.20
Provided 12 dia @ 100 Provided 12 dia @ 100

Ast = 1130 mm /m 2
Ast = 1130 mm /m
DESIGN OF FOOTING MARKED :- F5 cl (m) = 0.600
cb (m) = 0.380
Y 2
l (m) = 0.600
b (m) = 0.380
L (a+c)/2
c a l' (m) = 0.800
b' (m) = 0.580
l' L (m) = 2.900
1 1 B (m) = 2.900
cb D1 (m) = 0.600
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.300
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 0.000
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 2.679
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.050
MZy clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.550
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.550
Y 2 Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m3) = 2.500
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 500
Wt. of footing (t) = 9.026 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet'
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 30.619 (t/m2) = 10.0
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 39.645 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 14.8222

Static case :

P (t) = 52.712 Node 15

Mx (t-m) = 0.291 Load Case 6
My (t-m) = 3.251
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 92.357
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
11.85 11.71 10.25 a 10.11

Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.71

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 14.55 13.15
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 21.82 19.72
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.902 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.124
pt = 0.217 0.273
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 953 pt x b' x d2/100 = 872

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 13.02 12.01
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 19.52 18.01
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.615 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.574
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.434 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.421
tv(N/mm2) = 0.171 0.163
pt = 0.048 0.043
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1367 pt x Agross2 = 1330

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 73.41
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.481 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in X-direction : Node 15
L/C 7
P (t) = 55.572
Mx (t-m) = 0.239
My (t-m) = 18.317
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 95.217
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
15.89 15.77 6.87 a 6.76
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.71

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 15.31 19.03
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 22.96 28.54
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 0.949 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.627
pt = 0.229 0.407
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1006 pt x b' x d2/100 = 1299

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 13.70 17.72
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 20.55 26.57
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.615 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.574
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.434 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.421
tv(N/mm2) = 0.180 0.240
pt = 0.053 0.098
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1367 pt x Agross2 = 1330

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 73.41
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.481 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
Seismic/Wind case in Y-direction : Node 15
L/C 10
P (t) = 54.207
Mx (t-m) = 9.578
My (t-m) = 3.175
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 93.852
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 25

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a b c d
14.30 9.58 12.73 a 8.02
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 4.71

Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :

About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 18.69 13.46
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 28.04 20.19
ku (N/mm2) = Mu /(l' x d12) = 1.159 Mu /(b' x d22) = 1.151
pt = 0.282 0.280
A st (mm2) = pt x l' x d1 /100 = 1242 pt x b' x d2/100 = 894

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 16.94 12.29
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 25.40 18.44
tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)} tv(N/mm2) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}
where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 1.615 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m) 1.574
d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.434 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d 0.421
tv(N/mm2) = 0.223 0.166
pt = 0.084 0.045
A st (mm2) = pt x Agross1 = 1367 pt x Agross2 = 1330

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 73.41
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm2) where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.481 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK
R/F REQD 1367.39 1330.21
R/F PROVIDED 2731.80 2731.80
Provided 12 dia @ 120 Provided 12 dia @ 120

Ast = 942 mm /m 2
Ast = 942 mm /m

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