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Department of Educational
Measurement and Evaluation
free with a view to making it more credible.
It should also cater to the needs of creative
talent in diversified fields. In functional
Examinations are the most
terms it would mean :
vital part of any process of
education. Keeping this in The introduction of school based
evaluation in order to reduce over
view the NCERT undertakes emphasis on public examinations
many programmes related to and in turn to minimise stress on
educational measurement the students due to fear and
and evaluation particularly curriculum load.
in the area of Examination Provision of flexibility in the conduct
Reforms. The programmes of examinations in terms of time,
number of chances and the number
are specially focused on of subjects to be taken up for
research, development of examination at a time.
material related to Provision to make the public
educational evaluation, examination optional at Class X level.
training of key resource Introduction of grading and
persons in the area of eliminating the system of pass and fail.
educational evaluation, Evolving a system of evaluation which
providing academic and is both continuous and comprehensive.
technical support to both Continuous would mean integrating
evaluation with teaching and learning
educational and examining and making it a part of instructional
agencies in the States/UTs. strategy to get the feedback frequently
on student performance, teacher
performance, curriculum and
materials with a purpose of providing
corrective measures. Comprehensive
The Department's vision is to would mean that the evaluation
institutionalise evaluation as a powerful, would encompass all the dimensions
inexpensive, valid and reliable instrument of pupil growth i.e. cognitive, affective
for assessing students' performance with and psychomotor.
regard to their growth, development and
achievement in different areas. Besides, Improving the typology of questions
evaluation is to be used as an effective in testing in order to test meta-
instructional strategy for bringing about cognitive skills and to make
qualitative improvement in education. evaluation more reliable and valid.
The department also visualises that the Conduct of periodic achievement
evaluation process must be humane, surveys at different stages of school
learner friendly, transparent and stress education to keep a tab on the health

of the system. This would also help Nurturing the identified talent through
to evolve a Systemic Quality Index financial and academic assistance.
(SQI) as a means of situating students' Striving to evolve into a National
achievement in a web of data about Evaluation Organisation in due
socio-economic and systemic course of time.
conditions in different states and
Building capacity of teachers in DEPARTMENT DURING
different aspects of educational 2005-2006
Undertaking need-based research in Research
educational evaluation. Development and T ryout of
Developing conceptual and exemplar Diagnostic Tests in Languages and
materials in evaluation to strengthen Mathematics at Primary Stage :
evaluation procedures in schools and Exemplar Diagnostic Tests in Languages
Boards. (English and Hindi) and Mathematics for
Sensitising stakeholders that Class III have been developed in English
evaluation has to be learner friendly medium. The number of tests is
and humane. approximately 30 in each subject.
Identifying talent from diversified Analysis of the Per for mance of
groups like rural, urban, boys, Students Appearing in Public
girls, socially and economically Examination from Rural Schools : The
disadvantaged, children with special study was taken up with a view to know
needs and school dropouts. the performance of students who

Capacity Building Programme for Item Writers (L to R)

Prof. Sarla Rajput, Head DEME, Sangthanmawii, Joint Director, SCERT,
Malsawmthangi, Director School Education, Dr. Y. Sreekanth, Dr. A.D. Tewari
and Dr. Santosh Kumar, DEME
76 ANNUAL REPORT 2005 06

appeared for examination from rural achievement of students in two curricular

schools and to examine the trends in areas of Language and Mathematics was
achievement over last five years. The assessed. The National Report was shared
related data was collected from Madhya with MHRD and 4th Joint Review Mission
Pradesh which was analysed in the light under SSA.
of objectives of the study. The report of
Achievement Survey at the End of
the study has been prepared.
Upper Primary Stage : The data
A Study of the Per formance of received from the Computer Centre of the
Awardees in NTS Examination vis-- Council has been handed over to
vis Performance in Secondary Board computer agency outsourced its services
Examination : The data received from NTS for data analysis as per analysis plan. The
section of the Department has been firm has been given time till mid-July for
analysed on computer in the light of the preparing tables in the desired format.
objectives of the study. The report of the States and National Report will be raised
programme is in the process of preparation. on receipt of the data in the analysed form.
Mid-Term Achievement Survey at the World Education Indicators Survey
End of Class V : This study is under SSA of Primary Schools in India : The survey
conducted to gauge the achievement of has been conducted in four States namely,
students in three curricular areas i.e. Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and
Language, Mathematics and Environment Tamil Nadu. The three questionnaires
Studies. Test and questionnaires were namely, School, Teacher and Annex to
administered in all States and UTs and Teacher were adapted and translated in
data is being collected. three languages namely, Hindi, Assamese
Baseline Achievement Survey at the and Tamil. The questionnaires were
End of Class III under SSA : This study administered to teachers, teaching Class
is undertaken under SSA. The data of one IV in about 1100 sampled schools from
lakh students, 5300 schools and 9000 the four States. The data has been
teachers was collected and analysed. The forwarded to UIS for analysis.

Nurturance Programme for NTS Awardees : Valedictory Function (L to R)

Dr. Balaveera Reddy, Vice Chancellor of Visweshwaraiah Technological University
Belgaum, Dr. Veer Pal Singh, Dr. Y. Sreekanth (DEME), Shri AVS
Murthy, Hony. Secretary RSS Trust and Dr. Bhaskara, Principal
R.V. Teachers College, Bangalore

Development error analysis in Social Sciences and

Languages, question paper analysis and
Seminar-cum-Workshop for Review of preparing detailed marking scheme, and
National Talent Search Scheme : A writing items for MAT and SAT were
Seminar-cum-Workshop for Review of organised for Manipur, Punjab and
NTS Scheme was organised from Mizoram states respectively.
16.11.2005 to 19.11.2005. The first two
Implementation of the Pilot
days were devoted to paper presentation
Programme of National Talent Search
on the concept of talent, researches in
Scheme for School Dropouts : NCERT
talent search and scheme preparation
while during last two days a modified conducted examination for National
scheme of talent search was marked out. Talent Promotion Scheme for School
After the seminar a discussion paper Dropouts to award 100 scholarships. The
on the NTS scheme was developed scheme was launched for a period of one
containing the two proposed schemes for year on a trial basis.
National Talent Search one at the end Chacha Nehru Scholarship for
of class VIII and the other at the end of Artistic and Innovative Excellence :
class XII. The paper was widely circulated NCERT launched a new scheme namely
for discussion. Chacha Nehru Scholarship for Artistic
and Innovative Excellence for award of
Tryout and Finalisation of Distance
150 scholarships to the students
Education Course Material for
Certificate in Educational Evaluation : studying in Classes IX to XII. The scheme
The objective of the project was to try out is launched in collaboration with National
and finalise the distance education course Bal Bhawan. The scholarship will be
material for certificate course in awarded to the students in the field of
educational evaluation. For this, the Creative Performance, Creative Arts,
course material was sent to target Creative Scientific Innovation and Creative
teachers to get feedback and a workshop Writing who participated in Bal Shree
was called for the purpose. On the basis Programme at the national level of
of feedback, the distance education National Bal Bhawan.
course material in educational evaluation Conduct of Nurturance Programme
has been finalised. for NTS Awardees : Two Nurturance
Programmes for NTS awardees were
Training and Extension conducted one each for Karnataka at
Capacity Building in Educational Bangalore from 26-30 December 2005
Evaluation : Under this programme the and the other for North Eastern States at
department organised two training Shillong from 27-31 December 2005.
programmes for the key resource These programmes were aimed at content
persons/paper setters of the Boards of enrichment and personality development
Jammu & Kashmir and Goa. An of the NTS awardees.
orientation programme for teachers of SC Scholarship and Awards : The
dominated areas of Uttar Pradesh in department conducts National Talent
Educational Evaluation was organised at Search Examination and awards
SCERT, Lucknow. Capacity Building scholarships to the selected 1,000
Programme for Primary School Teachers students every year. Out of these 225
of Tribal Areas of Madhya Pradesh in CCE scholarships are reserved for SC and
was also organised. Capacity Building ST awardees. This year also the
Programmes for state resource persons in examination was conducted and
78 ANNUAL REPORT 2005 06

NTS Awardees in Nurturance Programme

scholarships were awarded. The SAT for State Level NTS examination. She
table indicating state-wise number contributed in the Seminar -cum-
of scholarships awarded during Workshop for Review of National Talent
2005-2006 is given on page 79. Search Scheme. A Handbook titled
"What Primary Teachers Need to Know
Major Contributions of the Faculty about School-based Evaluation", is
under print and a paper titled
Prof. Sarla Rajput , Head was
"Feasibility Study of Continuous and
associated with different Achievement
Comprehensive Assessment of Primary
Surveys. She acted as a member of
Students" published in Studies in
NEGAEE and attended various meetings
Educational Evaluation, Vol. 31 (Israel)
to develop Systemic Quality Indicators.
are to her credit.
She finalised two units of the Distance
Education Course material for Certificate Prof. Mamta Agrawal coordinated the
in Educational Evaluation for Secondary activity of the try-out of the Distance
Teachers. She coordinated one capacity Education Course Material in
building programme for teachers Educational Evaluation and organised a
teaching tribal students in tribal feedback contact programme to finalise
dominated areas of Madhya Pradesh. the material. She organised the Seminar-
Besides, she worked as a team member cum-Workshop for the Review of National
in the programmes conducted with J & Talent Search Scheme in November 2005
K Board, Manipur Board and U.P. and developed two papers in co-
SCERT. She also acted as team member authorship. She also prepared the
in the programme with Mizoram SCERT discussion paper on NTS Scheme. She
for orienting paper setters in MAT and coordinated the programme on Error

State-wise and Category-wise NTS Scholarships awarded during 2005-2006

S.No. State/UT General SC ST Total

1. Arunachal Pradesh 2 0 2 4
2. Assam 4 2 5 11
3. Manipur 0 1 1 2
4. Meghalaya 0 0 3 3
5. Mizoram 0 0 3 3
6. Nagaland 0 0 1 1
7. Sikkim 1 0 0 1
8. Tripura 0 0 1 1
9. A & N Islands 0 0 0 0
10. Bihar 17 2 1 20
11. Jharkhand 26 3 11 40
12. Orissa 40 3 5 48
13. West Bengal 14 18 3 35
14. Chandigarh 6 2 0 8
15. Delhi 26 5 3 34
16. Jammu & Kashmir 2 0 0 2
17. Haryana 43 3 0 46
18. Himachal Pradesh 1 1 1 3
19. Punjab 49 9 0 58
20. Rajasthan 75 8 6 89
21. Uttar Pradesh 60 9 1 70
22. Uttaranchal 14 3 1 18
23. Chhattisgarh 27 5 1 33
24. Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0
25. D & N Haveli 0 0 0 0
26. Goa 8 0 0 8
27. Gujarat 15 2 2 19
28. Madhya Pradesh 8 0 0 8
29. Maharashtra 169 42 15 226
30. Andhra Pradesh 7 2 2 11
31. Karnataka 64 17 7 88
32. Kerala 50 10 0 60
33. Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0
34. Pondicherry 1 1 0 2
35. Tamil Nadu 32 13 3 48
36. Abroad 0 0 0 0
Total 761 161 78 1000

Analysis in Languages and Social members in the Development and Try

Sciences for the Manipur Board of School out of Diagnostic Tests for Class III. She
Education. She also contributed in contributed two papers, "Changing the
Capacity Building programmes in the Typology of Questions", and "Pupil
area of evaluation organised for the Evaluation in Indian School Curriculum:
states of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and A Changing Perspective" for publication
Uttar Pradesh. She was one of the team in the Journal of Indian Education.
80 ANNUAL REPORT 2005 06

Prof. V.P. Gupta conducted the research 'National Conference on Pupil

study entitled, "Performance of Students Assessment System at Elementary Level'
appearing in Public Examination from and 'National Seminar-cum-Workshop
Rural Schools." The report on the for Review of National Talent Search
performance of rural students vis--vis Scheme' and contributed two papers. A
urban students appeared in public research paper (joint author) titled,
examination of Class X from Board of 'Feasibility Study of Continuous and
School Education, Bhopal (M.P.) was Comprehensive Assessment of Primary
prepared. He conducted two orientation/ Students' was published in 'Studies in
training programmes for the Punjab and Educational Evaluation', Vol. 31 (Israel)?
Goa Boards of School Education for He was involved in the review of
capacity building of key resource persons Continuous and Comprehensive
in framing good questions and paper Evaluation (CCE) Scheme of Jawahar
setting for public examination of Classes Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) and,
X and XII. In addition, being the member development of self learning modules on
secretary of the Focus Group on Early CCE under DEP/SSA by Indira Gandhi
Childhood Education, meeting of the National Open University (IGNOU).
Group was organised to evolve a road
Dr. Santosh Kumar, Reader was
map on action plan visualised in the
Programme Coordinator of one research
position paper.
programme titled "Development of
Prof. V.K. Jain planned and organised Diagnostic Tests in Languages and
the Second Level National Talent Search Mathematics" for Class III. She was
Examination and NTPS 2006 as associated with all achievement surveys
In-charge of National Talent Search under this department as a team
Scheme. He also developed the new member and she was associated as
scheme 'Chacha Nehru Scholarship for resource person in five training/ capacity
Artistic and Innovative Excellence' for building programmes of the department.
award of 150 scholarships to students Two research papers were also
studying in Classes IX to XII. The Scheme published as joint author. She was
is launched in collaboration with National involved in the review of Continuous and
Bal Bhawan. The scholarship will be Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme
awarded to students in the field of Creative of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)
Peformance, Creative Arts, Creative and development of self learning modules
Scientific Innovation and Creative Writing on CCE under Distance Education
who participated in Bal Shree Programme Programme (DEP)/ SSA by Indira Gandhi
at National Level of National Bal Bhawan. National Open University (IGNOU).
He is also the National Project Manager of Dr. Veer Pal Singh, Reader coordinated
the project 'World Education Indicators three Capacity Building programmes for
Survey of Primary Schools' being Key Resource Persons, on question setting,
conducted in 14 countries to compare how Paper Setting and Educational Evaluation.
primary education is provided in different He worked as a team member for research
national settings. projects viz. Baseline Achievement Survey
Dr. A.D. Tewari, Reader was programme at the end of Class III - MHRD Project and
coordinator of three programmes, i.e. two Development and Try-out of Diagnostic
research and one extension during 2005- Tests in Languages and Mathematics at
2006. He was associated in one research Primary Stage. He worked as co-
and two development and three capacity coordinator for the programme "Try-out
building programmes of the department and Finalisation of Distance Education
as a team member. He attended the Course Material for Certificate in

Educational Evaluation". He contributed Marking Scheme. He published papers

an article entitled "Managing Examination entitled 'Evaluation Practices at
Stress to Attain Success" in the Journal of Elementary School Level Across the
Community Guidance and Research, States' in Experiments in Education, Vol.
22(3), 276-291, November, 2005. A paper XXXIV, No.2 (as one of the authors). 'Role
was also presented on "Identification of of Parents, Teachers and Students in
Talent at Secondary Level" in a national Strengthening Value Education' in a book
level seminar-cum-workshop for review of titled 'Value Oriented Education'
NTS Scheme organised by NCERT. He also published by Discovery Publishing
acted as coordinator for five-day House, New Delhi. pp :123-130. 'A Report
Nurturance Programme for NTS Awardees of Analysis of Question Papers and
held at Bangalore in December 2005. Marking Scheme for Class X'. (Printed)
(Coordinator of the Programme).
Dr. K.Chandrasekhar, Lecturer was Dr. Y. Sreekanth, Lecturer worked as
coordinator for a programme entitled Team Member of Mid-term Achievement
"Capacity Building of Key Resource Survey at the end of Class V. He was
Persons of Punjab School Education involved as one of the Authors in
Board in the Analysis of Question Papers preparation of Practical Geography Book
and Marking Scheme". He was involved for Class XI. He was Coordinator of
as a team member in research projects Capacity Building of the Item Writers of
namely "A Study of the Performance of Mizoram in SAT and MAT of NTSE held
Awardees in NTS Examination vis--vis in Mizoram. He presented paper titled
Performance in Secondary Board "Environment and Learning" in the
Examination" and "Achievement Survey International Conference on Environ-
at the End of Upper Primary Stage". mental Management (ICEM-2005) held at
He organised a four -day training JNTU, Hyderabad. He acted as co-
programme on 'Capacity Building of coordinator of Five-day Nurturance
KRPs of Punjab School Education Board Programme for NTS Awardees held at
in the Analysis of Question Papers and Bangalore in December 2005.

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