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MATH 3005 Homework Solution Han-Bom Moon

Homework 1 Solution
Chapter 0 - Basic properties of integers and equivalent classes.

1. Show that if a|b and b|c, then a|c.

From a|b, there is u Z such that b = au. From b|c, there is t Z such that c = bt.
Thus c = bt = aut. Therefore a|c.

2. Suppose a and b are integers that divide the integer c.

(a) If a and b are relatively prime, show that ab divides c.

Since gcd(a, b) = 1, there are two integers s and t such that sa + tb = 1. By

multiplying c on both side, we have

sac + btc = c. (1)

On the other hand, because a|c, c = ua for some u Z. Similarly, c = vb for

some v Z. Then we can replace the left hand side of (1) as

savb + btua = c.

Therefore c = ab(sv + tu) and ab|c.

(b) Show, by example, that if a and b are not relatively prime, then ab need not
divide c.

4|12 and 6|12, but 24 does not divide 12.

3. Find integers s and t such that 1 = s 13 + t 17.

There are infinitely many possible answers. One example is s = 4, t = 3.

4. Let a and b be positive integers and let d = gcd(a, b) and m = lcm(a, b).

(a) If t divides both a and b, prove that t divides d.

Because d = gcd(a, b) is a linear combination of a and b, there are x, y Z

such that d = xa+yb. Now t|a and t|b imply t|xa, t|yb and hence t|xa+yb = d.
(b) If s is a multiple of both a and b, prove that s is a multiple of m. (Hint: Apply
division algorithm to s and m, then s = qm + r. Show that r = 0.)

By division algorithm, we can find two integers q and r such that s = qm + r

and 0 r < m. So r = s qm. Since a|s and a|m, a|s qm = r as well.
By the same reason, b|s qm = r. Therefore r is a common multiple. If
r > 0, because r < m, m cannot be a least common multiple. Hence the only
possibility is r = 0. That means s = qm and m|s.

MATH 3005 Homework Solution Han-Bom Moon

5. Determine 74 mod 13, 123 mod 17, (19 + 23) mod 15, (82 73) mod 7.

74 mod 13 = 5 13 + 9 mod 13 = 9
123 mod 17 = 8 17 + 13 mod 13 = 13
(19 + 23) mod 15 = 4 + 8 mod 15 = 12
(82 73) mod 7 = (5 3) mod 7 = 15 mod 7 = 1

6. (a) Determine 121000 mod 11 and 111001 mod 12.

121000 mod 11 = 11000 mod 11 = 1

111001 mod 12 = (1)1001 mod 12 = 1 mod 12 = 11

(b) Determine 72014 mod 5.

72014 mod 5 = 22014 mod 5 = (22 )1007 mod 5 = 41007 mod 5

= (1)1007 mod 5 = 1 mod 5 = 4

7. Let R be the set of real numbers. For a, b R, define a b if a b Z. Show that

is an equivalent relation.

For every a R, a a = 0 Z. So a a. If a b, then a b Z. Then

b a = (a b) Z. Thus b a. If a b and b c, then a b Z and b c Z.
Therefore ac = (ab)+(bc) Z and a c. Hence is an equivalent relation.

8. (a) On Z, consider the equivalent relation a b 5|(a b). Write all equivalent

0, 1, 2, 3, 4

(b) On Z, define a b 5|(a + b). Is it an equivalent relation?

This is not an equivalent relation, because 2 + 2 is not a multiple of 5, there-

fore 2 6 2.

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