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Alhamdulillah. First and foremost, I fell grateful because I can able to finish my
assignments that have been given by my lecturer for me. This task had been done
with all my afford although has a little bit problems happened during did this task.
Luckily, all the problem can be settle down and I can do this task successfully.

Besides that, big thank I address for my lecturer, Madam Mastura binti Othman
@ Abdul Halip because always guide my friends and I and teach how to do our
assignment correctly. Thank you too because always advises me when I was

Then, thanks to my partner, Sabrina binti Mohammad Fathil because always

help me in task 3 about role play and guide me to understand about this task. Thanks
for give cooperate when did this task about role play.

I always want to thank you for my parents because always with me and give me
advice for did this assignment hardly. My parents also help me from financial and
always pray for my studies.

Finally, thanks to all my friends that always stick together with me and give me
the benefit advice when I was careless did this assignment. Thanks for ask me to do
this assignment hardly and successfully. They always give me ideas and comments
about my assignment that I can improve my assignment in many ways.

Thank you.

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