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Submitted to: Sir Ferdinand Rodriguez

Submitted by: Shiralyn Navarro
Hanz David
Honey Macusi
Jake Gamayon
John Carlo De Guzman
Joyce Santos
Aila Santos
Glenn Pinero
Gelyn Ramos
Jessa Magtalas
Jerome Sioson
Rammel Magsino
Effects of Alcoholism to the Behaviour of Students in the Selected
Grade 11 Students
According to Dusseauet(2015),drinking alcohol has become a very
common activity among teenagers and adults these days. It is common consumed on
a regular basis by some while some are even addicted to drinking alcohol. Even
though alcohol has many negative impact on human health when consumed in
excees, most people prefer drinking alcohol over non-alcoholic beverages. They
enjoy the effect that it gives them and different set of people, set for reason for
drinking, The reason range from a very common activities. The harmful use of
alcohol is a worldwide problem resulting in millions of deaths, including hundreds
of thousands of young lives.It is only a casual factor in many diseases, but also
precussion to injury and violence. Harmful drinking can also be very costly the
communities and societies.The harmful use of alcohol is a particularly gave threat
to men. Because of the effects that alcohol has on the body and on behaviours
governments often regulates it use.The students looks into the effects of alcohol to
the behaiours of selected respondents in SHS in COBNHS. Specifically, it seeks to
answerthe following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Education
1.4 Alcohol consumption

2. How many the social effect of alcohol be described in terms of :

2.1 Family setting
2.2 School setting
2.3 Community setting
III. Questions:
Age: Gender: F M
Grade and Section: Drinking alcohol? Yes No

Never Seldom Most Always

Family setting
of the
1. Nahuli ka na ba ng parents na time
umiinom ng alak?
2. Pinalayas ka ba nung nalamang
umiinom ka ng alak?
3. Alam na ba ng magulang mon a
umiinom ka ng alak?
4. Meron ba sa pamilya mo na
palaging umiinom ng alak?
5. May nagaway na ba sa pamilya
dahil sa nakainom ng alak?
School setting
1. Umiinom ka ba ng alak sa

2. Nahuli ka na ba ng teacher mo
sa school na umiinom ng alak?
3. Pumapasok ka ba ng lasing ka?
4. Nakaimpluwensya ka na ba sa
mga classmates mong uminom
ng alak?
5. Nagcutting ka na ba para
uminom ng alak?
Community setting
1. Napaaway ka na ba sa barangay
nyo dahil lasing ka?
2. Nahuli ka na ba ng barangay
tanod na umiinom sa daan?
3. Nabarangay ka na ba o
nareklamo dahil nakainom ng alak?
4. Tumanggi ka na pag inaaya
kang uminom ng alak sa lugar nyo?
5. Umiinom ka ba ng alak sa
barangay nyo pag may okasyon?

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