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For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah. 29:11)

Lifetime Lighthouse Linda Lane
Linda Lane was recently selected as the recipient of the CEAI Houston 2017
Lifetime Lighthouse Achievement Award for her many years of dedicated service to God
through her work with children and educators in the mission field of public education.
The prophet Jeremiah spoke for the Lord saying, For I know the plans I have for
you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
(Jeremiah 29:11) Linda embodies this scripture in that God has led her through an
awesome, often challenging, highly successful career which is still continuing! Her primary
job in this field has been to help both students and staff reach their full God-given potential,
their hope and future.
Jesus said, The greatest among you will be the servant of all, and Linda fulfills this scripture. Few educators have
ever worked in as many different schools serving as many diverse students and staff in their careers as has Linda Lane.
Over her forty-four year career she has worked in an estimated 25 to 30 schools. She has served as a first and fifth grade
teacher, associate principal, principal, substitute administrator, Region IV Supervisor and is the current interim Elementary
Director of Instruction. At one time she was assigned to be the associate principal of three schools at the same time! When
Linda enters a school or position it is not for people to serve her but for her to serve them. She says she tries to blend in
like a chameleon helping where she can but does not like being the center of attention. Linda has an enlarged servants
heart which does not decrease her productivity, but increases it, as well as the productivity of those around her.
Linda believes her tenure at Dickinson Elementary for twelve years was a highlight of her career. It was a brand
new flagship school in Lamar CISD which she got to open and she recalls that she had the most caring cooperative
teaching staff and group of parents she had ever served. Low income students were bused into the high income school
neighborhood and many of the more affluent parents established mentoring programs for the children who were in the
greatest need.
In 2011 Linda received an eternal raise, not from Lamar CISD, but from God. Her career up until this point had been
the all-consuming center, passion, and work of her life. God was always there but on the edge, not the center. She knew
about Him and believed in Him but did not have a personal relationship with Him. Her upbringing as a child in a very
ritualistic church had led her to focus elsewhere in life. After the death of a very close loved one in 2011, the Lord led Linda
into a church where her life was radically changed. She felt a peace, in that community, that passed all understanding and
was way beyond the peace she had ever experienced in any school or other relationship. Deep practical Bible studies and
Jesus based relationships with others helped her fall in love with Jesus, who became her new center and anchor.
Linda doesnt talk much about her Jesus but she walks with Him everywhere she goes. Because He is her
cornerstone, she can be at times like a rock that will not move because God has placed her there and she is standing in the
right place at the right time right where He wants her. Not just great, but God things, can be built upon and around her
because she does not change with public opinion. She serves God first even at work. One of her favorite quotes is What
you see is what you get. While serving as a substitute administrator she was often placed in district trouble spots to help
put out parent and faculty fires. This still continues to be an important job in her current position as interim Director of
Elementary Instruction which has become another highlight in her amazing ongoing career.
Linda says, I leave everything up to God. It is total surrender. I give God all the glory. Its not me, its Him. I want to
be a shining light in education because He is guiding my path.
Linda, shine on! Shine on! Keep burning brightly and igniting other educators to shine for Him as well. Well done,
His good and faithful servant!

Prayer: Jesus, help us all run with perseverance the race set before us. Remind us continually to be a servant of all in the
education community and to help parents, students and staff members all reach their hope and future in You.
Reflection: Am I a true servant of ALL parents, students and staff in my educational environment? Explain.
Getting Real: Be willing to let Jesus lead and let His light shine through you. Be willing to serve ALL people at ALL times in
ANY position in education where the Lord may lead you. Let Him, not your position, tenure, or location, be your anchor.
CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Love Ladders Love Matters (For info or prayer contact WEEK 21

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