Thinking and Urban Agriculture

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Systems Thinking and Urban


Daniel Bergquist, PhD

Department of Social and Economic Geography
Uppsala University
What is a system?

A system is a group of parts which are

connected and work together. Systems with
living and nonliving parts are called ecosystems
(which is short for ecological systems)
Understanding systems

Understanding environment and society as a system

means thinking about parts, processes, and
connections, i.e. interactions

The logic behind the behavior of systems is only

visible with a view that takes into account
relationships between different parts, and at different
- Explanation often found at the next larger scale
Eurasian Jay (ntskrika)
Garrulus glandarius
General Systems Theory.
Important concepts
Autopoiesis - self-organization
Autocatalytic feedback

and principles
1st Law of Thermodynamics
2nd law of Thermodynamics
3rd law of Thermodynamics
Maximum Power Principle (4th law)
Hierarchically organized systems (5th law)

The ability to cause work

and WORK is defined as any

useful energy transformation

The better the ability to cause

work, the higher the share of
available energy (exergy)
in most kinds of work, one type of energy is
transformed into another with some going into a
used form that no longer has potential for further
work (entropy)

There are many forms of

Geopotential energy of elevated water
Not all forms of energy
are equivalent...

sunlight = wind = fuels = electricity

While they can all be converted to heatone

cannot say that calories of one form of energy are
equal to calories of another form in their ability to
cause work...

related to concentration
ease of transportation
Energy Quality

The concept of quality required a

new concept of energy

A concept of energy that recognized

that not all forms of energy have the
same qualities

A quantitative means of measuring

Energy Quality

EMERGY - The energy required directly

and indirectly to make something

Sometimes called Energy Memory = Emergy

Similar to Embodied Energy

The sum of all different forms of energy used up

directly and indirectly to make a product or service

Expressed in energy of the same FORM

usually solar energy
Units = Solar Emergy joules = SeJ
EMERGY - The energy required directly
and indirectly to make something

Inp ut
Em e r g y Inp ut
B Em e r g y

Inp ut
Em e r g y
A Out put Emergy = A + B + C

T r a nsf o r m a t io n
Pr o c e ss

Different types of input energies (sources) are converted

into solar energy equivalents to enable comparison
the solar energy expended in the past (indirectly)
to generate input energies
Energy Quality
Transformity - The energy required directly
and indirectly to make something

The ratio of all energies in different forms

(Emergy) to the energy harvested in
transformation processes
Solar Emergy joules/joule
Typical transformities (Sej/J)

Solar energy 1
Wind energy 1.500
Organic material 4.400
Water geopotential energy 10.000
Fossil fuels 50.000
Food 100.000
Electricity 170.000
Protein 1.000.000
Human services
Genetic information
In what way is Emergy
Theoretical concept and methodology (synthesis) that
enables quantification of

Environmental and human support to economic

processes on equal terms, by accounting for all
inputs and processes
Social and economic unfairness
Sustainability of production and consumption
The degree to which systems are dependent on
local vs. external, renewable and non-renewable
Visualizing systems

To help understand systems, it is helpful to draw

pictures of networks that show components and

With a system diagram, we can carry these

system images in the mind. And learn the way
energy, materials, and information interact

By adding numerical values for flows and

storages, the systems diagrams become
quantitative and can be simulated with computers
Common symbols in systems

Heat Sink Consumer

System Frame Interaction

Source Pathway Line

Storage Tank Exchange transaction

Producer Switch
1st Law of Thermodynamics

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

Int eract ion = Energy Transformat ion

20 J
All energy is account ed for...

100 J
12 J

108 J
Used energy
2nd Law of Thermodynamics

In all processes (transformations), some

energy loses its ability to do work

We sometimes speak
loosely of energy
being used up
whereas what is really 1J
meant is that the St orage

100 J 4J
potential for driving
work is consumed, 97 J

while the calories of

energy inflows and 100 J

outflowing are the

3rd Law
Absolute Zero Exists

Entropy at absolute zero is zero.

As heat content approaches absolute zero molecules are in

crystalline states, and the entropy of the state is defined as

(- 273o C)
4th Law...
Maximum Empower Principle

During self-organization, systems are guided by the

Maximum Empower Principle

Self-organization tends to develop network

connections that use energies in feedback
actions to aid the process of getting more
resources or using them more efficiently...
Maximum Empower

Systems maximize power by: 1) developing storages of high-

quality energy, 2) feeding back energy from storages to increase
inflows, 3) recycling materials as needed, 4) organizing control
mechanisms that keep the system adapted and stable, 5) setting
up exchanges for needed materials, 6) Contributing work to the
next larger system
5th Law
All systems are organized

Energy flows of the universe are organized in energy

transformation hierarchies

Position in the energy hierarchy can be measured by

the amount of energy required to produce something
Energy Hierarchy
Spatial view of units and
their territories

Energy networks including

transformation and

Aggregation of energy
network into an energy chain

Bar graph of the energy

flows for the levels in the
energy hierarchy

Bar graph of solar

transformities (emergy)
A Global Human-Nature Emergy
Hierarchy (social-ecological system)

Diagramming Conventions.

A simple ecosystem
with 3 hierarchical levels ...


Energy Consumer
Source Producer
Diagramming Conventions.

A more complex diagram of a forest...


Nut rient Recycle

Nut rient s

Posit ive Feedback

Bi o -
Bi o - mass
Sunlight mass
Plant s Wild lif e

Forest Ecosyst em

Used Energy
Diagramming Conventions.

Adding more complexity...

. .
Goods &
Serv ices

Nut rient Recycle

Cut t ing
Nut rient s
Market s
Posi t i ve Feedback X
Bi o - Sales
Bi o - mass
Sunlight mass
Plant s Wild lif e

Forest Ecosyst em

Used Energy
Diagramming Conventions.

A city & support region...

Fuel Goods Services


Nat ural
Ecosyst ems Infra-
Commerce Gov't
Renewable & Industry
A g r ic ult ur e $

Cit y

Support Region
Autopoiesis self-organization with autocatalytic
(reinforcing) feedback:

A produces more of B which in turn helps to produce

more of A e.g. the Eurasian Jay


Energy Consumer
Source Producer
Sustainable system design
What nature achieves through self-organization,
and consequently, what the systems approach
strives for, is to increase efficiency by slowing
down the flow of energy and materials through the

This is achieved by maximizing the number of

interactions within the system, through
developing reinforcing feedback and control:

reduce, re-use, re-cycle

there is no such thing as waste
Mimicking self-organization
Emergy system diagram of semi-intensive shrimp aquaculture in
Sri Lanka. Window of attention is set to 1 hectare during one year
System diagram of extensive, milkfish/shrimp/crab
polyculture in Panay, Philippines. Window of attention
is set to one hectare during one year
Las Gaviotas, Colombia
Reforestation of the Amazon savanna

An example of mimicking aotopoiesis

(self-organization) to reinforce sustainable
Introduction of Caribbean pine
not competitive improved soil conditions
enabled (reinforced) dormant endemic tree seeds
in the ground to sprout

Savanna Forest Water Agriculture

Multiple yields:
Carbon sink
Bio-diesel (palm
and pine oil)
Part 2

Urban Agriculture
Why urban agriculture?
If the challenges of climate change and peak oil are
taken seriously, it is important to explore alternative
strategies to sustain urban life in the future

Urban agriculture may be one such alternative

and complement to rural production
Multiple aims

Food security
Food quality and health
Poverty alleviation
Reconnect to nature
Ecosystem services
Sustainable development
Land availability, a basic
Commecial gardens
Social projects
Roof top gardening
Vertical farming
From low-tech solutions

To high-tech plantscrapers
Community gardens
SusUrbia, a research project

Examine the potential of

urban agriculture for
sustaining cities beyond
peak oil

Global energy efficiency Sustainability

Urban self-sufficiency Social dynamics
Food security Climate change mitigation

Decrease energy needed (esp. fossil fuels) to

sustain urban life at local and aggregate levels of
Some research questions
Which are the most appropriate agriculture practices available
for ensuring sustainable food production and security in a
post fossil fuel era?

What opportunities exist for making better use of local

renewable resources available in urban environments?

How much urban space per capita is needed for self-sufficient

and sustainable urban food production?

How does implementation of community managed urban

agriculture affect social relations and dynamics in urban
Theory and methods
Trans-disciplinary approach to urban food production
systems and community structures:

System theories

Emergy synthesis
Emergy (energy memory) = theoretical concept and
methodology that accounts for environmental and human
support to economic and production processes

Action research
Aims at bringing about real-life change during and through the
research process, while learning, applying and generating theory
through action
Urban agriculture in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Santa Horta Community garden:

Organic agriculture (300 m2)

Raised beds and mulching
48 types of medicinal plants,
vegetables and herbs
Focus on local inputs
Members from different
socio-economic groups
Yield: Food and medicinal
In nature, all waste is food. Therefore,
there is no such thing as waste!

The problem is the solution

Emergy Evaluation Table, UA
Unit Emergy Solar Em$
Data Value Emergy Value
Note Item Unit (units/yr) (SeJ/unit) (SeJ/yr) (2000 $/yr)

1 Sun J 3.46E+10 1 3.46E+10 0.003
2 Rain J 3.82E+07 3.02E+04 1.15E+12 0.10
Sum of free environmental inputs (1 omitted) 1.15E+12 0.10

3 Wood J 8.37E+07 1.35E+04 1.13E+12 0.10
4 Organic material J 4.37E+09 1.24E+05 5.44 E+14 46.48
5 Paper J 4.40E+08 2.39E+05 1.05E+14 8.96
6 Plastic g 5.00E+02 6.38E+08 3.19E+11 0.03
7 Metal g 2.20E+02 4.75E+09 1.05E+12 0.09
Sum of recycled inputs 6.51E+14 55.65

8 Seeds J 2.00E+05 3.64E+05 7.28E+10 0.01
9 Municipal Water J 5.99E+06 5.45E+05 3.26E+12 0.28
10 Equipment $ 1.28E-01 1.17E+13 1.50E+12 0.13
Sum of imported inputs 4.84E+12 0.41

11 Labor h 7.20E+01 1.12E+12 8.06E+13 6.89

Total (Y) 7.38E+14 63.06

Emergy indices
Urban Organic Conventional
Indices agriculture agriculture agriculture

Emergy Investment Ratio (EIR) 0.13 0.07 0.25

Emergy Yield Ratio (EYR) 8.63 15.45 4.94

% Renewable 80 59 34

% Recycled 45 n/a n/a

Environmental Loading Ratio
(ELR) 0.24 0.69 1.94
Emergy Sustainability Index
(EmSI) 35.43 22.39 2.55
Positive effects (selection)
Reduced imports and transportation of food products
Cooler microclimates within cities
Reduced urban waste generation
More efficient use of local water sources (e.g. storm water)
Transformation of urban dumping grounds
Elimination of habitats for rodents and mosquitoes etc.
Therapeutic and aesthetic effects of contact with nature
Stronger sense of community (social inclusion and
Raised environmental interest among urban dwellers
Localized life styles
Sumarized Conclusions Urban
Agriculture in Rio de Janeiro
High sustainability index:
Large share of recycled materials and locally renewable inputs
Low dependence on imported and non-renewable resources

Turning problems into resources:

Composting organic waste from households and school kitchens
Discarded PET-bottles for construction and as growing containers
Social segregation cultural diversity/exchange and local labor

5.89 kg food/m2 = 3784 kcal/m2/yr
Extrapolation: (based on FAO dietary recom. 2500kcal/person/day
240 m2/person/yr (normal range: 800-3000)
Urban permaculture in temperate climates
Vertical gardening with biochar

Composting with biochar

closed resource cycles
turning waste into resources

Charcoal when used for CO2 sequestration and soil

conditioning purposes
Stable: remains in the soil for thousands of years
Porous with a large active surface: efficient soil
conditioner and medium for composting

Bild: BEST Energies.

Separating toilets
The current WC-system is a dead-end
Globally: incompatible with increased water
Valuable resources (N and P) are destroyed
Thank you!

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