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Archive footage introduction

Ed: 24TH of June 2016. After months of vicious campaigning, the
United Kingdoms referendum result left the nation in shock and
the world in chaos. Uncertainty and distrust. No one can predict
the future of our country. Will this be a momentous achievement
of independence or a turmoil mess of fail? With the future of so
many young brits left uncertain. We wanted to find out if the
young were even considered by the older generations and to
find out if our leaders are up for the job.
Opening title card
Ed: Ive come to Westminster London, the heart of the beast.
Where all main decisions were made and which the people now
suffer from. In this divided nation, Ive come to the diverse city of
London to get a clear opinion towards Brexit.
B-roll transition
Ed: here are the results of the referendum. Now, if we take the
same results and just apply it to one age group. Say 65+, lets see
what happens.
So, it is clear that the older generation are mainly anti-remain.
Now contrast this to 18-24 year olds.
So it is clear that there is a huge difference between the two
B-roll transition
Harry: Do you think the voting age should have been lowered for
the younger generation?
Interviewees answer
Harry: With the UK being in the EU for 43 years, do you think the UK
could potentially survive outside the EU?
Interviewees answer & b-roll transition to college
Harry: Do you think the older generation took the younger
generation into account when voting?
Interviewees answer
Cut to Politics teachers office
Harry: Ive come to the Henley College politics department to
have an interview with Stuart Hargreaves. A politics teacher, to
have a discussion about Brexit.
Stuart talks
Harry: With the general consensus being that the younger
generation are more liberal and Euro friendly, but also having the
lowest voter turnout of any age bracket, why didnt they put their
beliefs on paper and vote?
Stuart answers
Harry: I think its also just more with younger people, you look at
other people and they just dont seem that interested in politics as
well. They dont pay as much attention as others.
Stuart talks
Archive footage finish

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