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Speech Outline NAME: Marlon brionez


Attention Getter: How would you guys feel if your son or daughter would be a victim of
human trafficking how would you feel? According to the estimates, approximately 80% of
trafficking involves sexual exploitation. In this year right now it has increased 54 percent
from the previous year. And the people that are mostly used for human trafficking are
women and girls and that trafficked men and boys are typically used as forced laborers,
soldiers and slaves they nearly send a third of kids globally.

Credibility: Hey my name is marlon brionez and the topic i will be talking about is human
trafficking.I have been working on this topic since junior year and i have learn a lot about it
and i already knew a lot about it so i think i got this topic under control.

Audience Relevance: Human trafficking is a big issue worldwide not only in america we do
not know how the victims parents feel ,How would you guys feel if your son or daughter
would be a victim of human trafficking ?

Preview Points: The three main points i will be talking about are they are being denied by
society, forced into unpaid labor , And unwanted sexual activity.

Transition to Point: I just want to put a stop to human trafficking because it's wrong and
hurts people's life it changes them completely and their families too don't you think we
should put a stop to is ?

Point 1: Human trafficking is a serious inhumane crime that should be stopped because
victims are being neglected into unwanted sexual activity.

Subpoint 1: Trafficking victim are particularly susceptible to sexual assault and

Subpoint 2: Traffickers commonly use sexaul violnce as a tool To assert power and
control over women,children and men.
Subpoint 3: Human trafficking and sexual assault are both traumatic crimes sexual
assault can be verbal ,visual ,physical or anything that forces a person to engage
unwanted sexual contact.
Transition : I'm trying to say human trafficking should be stopped because innocent
people life getting ruined only because other people want to control other people and that's
wrong they should put a stop to this.

Point 2: Victims are being forced to unpaid labor.

Subpoint 1: Most instances of forced labor occur as so good employers take
advantage of gaps in law enforcement to exploit vulnerable workers.
Subpoint 2: This womens are made more vulnerable to forced labor because of
unemployment ,poverty ,crime,discrimination,corruption,political,conflict
Subpoint 3: Immigrants are particularly vulnerable but individuals are also forced
into labor in there own country. People become trapped in involuntary servitude
when they believe an attempted escape from their conditions would result in
serious physical harm or the use of the illegal coercion , such as the threat of
Transition : What i'm trying to let you guys know is this people get forced to work and don't
even get paid so they working forced and for free.

Point 3: They are getting denied by society.

Subpoint 1: Human trafficking denies the scared children of god it destroys the
fabric of our communities.
Subpoint 2: Human trafficking survivors are afraid to show their faces to family
and friends even if they are settled in a community they still face challenges like
sense of terror, helplessness,and lack of confidence of appearing in public.

Subpoint 3: Trafficked survivors are always rejected by their families or

communities for being forced to work as prostitute and for being sexually abused
.This people's life change ,because their memories keep haunting them.
Transition : With everything that i have showed you here i hope you understand how
victims of human trafficking, fear when they escape and they try to live happy.
Transition to Conclusion:So they can live a normal life like ours not being scared about
how people treat them anyway they're still human like us they should not be treated
nothing more or less we should be treated equally.
Review Main Points: So my 3 main points are talking how the life for the victims that have
been prostituted and how they feel about all that that abuse happening to them,.

Conclusion: Next Steps or Call to Action: what i want to do about this is to put a step to
this.Human trafficking has existed for a long time and i think is time to put an end to this
because its its not fun seeing people suffer under something they got forced to into
prostitution and get their lives ruined and i hope you guys are with me to end this.

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