World As Well As Their Social Worldw

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The main purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the use of songs, pictures and games as

a teaching strategy in order to facilitate acquisition of a second language. This thesis seeks also to
examine the effects of game-based and music-based instruction on learners motivation and
classroom atmosphere.

The research population sample selected for the participation in the research has been divided into
two groups: the control group and the experimental group which have received instruction by the
same teacher. The same teaching program has been implemented with both groups. The difference
consisted in the use of game-based, music-based and picture-based practice with the experimental
group, while the control group received traditional instruction only.

Data has been collected using the following instruments: tests for evaluating learners accuracy in
the target language, a general questionnaire for the control group, a questionnaire after picture-
based, song-based and game-based instruction with the experimental group, a questionnaire on
motivation and a questionnaire on classroom atmosphere.

The research findings have shown that music, pictures and games used as means for easier second
language acquisition with the control group learners had an important role in acquiring English,
enhancing motivation and creating a positive classroom atmosphere.


For the completion of this thesis, I would like to thank many individuals. Without their support,
belief, insightful comments and encouragement I would have not been able to gain so much self-
confidence and complete this master thesis.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest and sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Shykrane
Grmizaj, my mentor, for her great help, patience, tolerance and understanding while revising my
master thesis research. Her patient reading of drafts and her comments were most valuable.

Our professors at the Department of English Language and Literature deserve special thanks and
gratitude for giving us most valuable insights during master studies. My sincere friends and
colleagues as well deserve my special thanks for their review of the research paper, their moral
support and encouragement while completing my master thesis.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to Elementary School in Suhareka for their permission to conduct the
research with its pupils. Without their assistance, this study would not have been possible.

I should also thank all the pupils who participated in the research. They gave much of their time and
allowed me the freedom to probe the inner world of second language learners.

And last but not least, my warmest thanks go to my family for all their patience, support, affection
and understanding during the time of study. Their love and insight have carried me through many
difficult times.


Language, culture, music, games and pictures in general are an essential part of human existence,
whereas language in particular is what makes the human kind unique while giving them great mental
powers and distinguishing the human race from animals.

Different kinds of birds have different cries, songs and melodies to communicate about their world.
Similarly, music is used by human beings to express their thoughts and feelings about their inner
world as well as their social world. Pictures as well are used by humans to express their feelings
and thoughts through colors and shapes. Childrens perception of the world is best expressed
through participating in different games which influence their imagination and personality.

My experience as a mother and a principal of a preschool institution has given me the opportunity
to observe how children acquire first language and then a second language. I started teaching my
children different songs in English while they were in the second and third grade of elementary
school. Besides that, they were very interested in computer games which included the English
language. The outcomes were: good comprehension of language, natural and smooth conversation
and a near native-like accuracy in pronunciation. Again, my work experience in this preschool
institution has given me the chance to observe children while playing and I have seen that they
learnt songs more easily through games and movement activities. All this experience motivated me
in researching the importance of pictures, songs and games in second language acquisition.

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