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By Carol Look, EFT MAS-3

For some reason, I have been asked about EFT for insomnia a great deal recently through both emails
and at EFT workshops, so I thought I would write out some basic steps using EFT to relieve one of the
most frustrating cycles we encounter: sleeplessness.
Start with:
1. First, identify (or ask your client to identify) the type of insomnia being experienced. Do you
have trouble going to sleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and not go back to sleep,
do you wake up too early and can't shut off the static?
2. Identify the major stress triggers in your life.
3. Are you a chronic worrier or do you only suffer when there is a big deadline or crisis in front of
4. Are there any traumas from childhood that might be keeping you up at night?
5. Choose a time you will commit to using your EFT for your sleeping problems.
And of course, ask yourself (or your clients) questions to illicit feedback and material for tapping:
1. What is the DOWNSIDE of getting rid of the insomnia?
2. Is there any UPSIDE to holding onto this problem?
3. What good comes out of being up at night?
4. Do you feel threatened or unsafe in any way by the thought of letting it go?
You may use EFT for insomnia in several ways:
During the day when you schedule your regular EFT sessions for yourself.
During wakeful times in the middle of the night or early morning.
Before you go to sleep at night.
All of the above.
Insomnia sufferers are usually extremely physically tired, but unable to turn off the noise or static in
their mind; an annoying problem we sometimes refer to as 'monkey mind'. Our minds jump from topic-
to-topic, concern-to-concern, and nothing gets resolved. This cycle obviously ruins a peaceful nights
(or several nights) rest.
Chronic worriers need to be treated differently than people who have acute anxiety due to a specific
event or past trauma. The syndrome is different and variations on EFT tapping are necessary.
Lets say you are a chronic worrier--everything stays with you, you worry about everyone else, and its
hard to turn off your mind no matter whats going on. You might even admit that you look for things to
worry about since it has become a habit for you over the years.
I had a conversation with an 80-year-old grandmother who admitted that she felt more useful when
she was worrying, less helpless about the kids and grandchildren. Logical? No, but certainly this is an
upside to holding onto the habit.
How might you feel if you didnt spend so much time worrying?
Who will you be without this chronic issue?
Whos going to worry about others if you dont?
What will you do with all that extra time?
What needs your attention that you have been neglecting in your own life?
It is essential to uncover the downside to giving up the chronic worry. Yes, over time, it becomes a
habit, but it is also accomplishing something positive for you (or your client), or you would have given
it up the minute it bothered you.
Make this topic--the need to worry--as the target for your EFT tapping sessions.
Then Tap:
Even though I need to worry to feel safe, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.
Even though I dont want to give up my worrying, I deeply and profoundly accept who I am and
how I feel.
Even though I am afraid to stop being the worrier for my family, I deeply and completely accept
myself anyway.
Eyebrow: I feel this strong urge to worry
Side of Eye: I dont want to give it up
Under Eye: I need to be the worrier for all of us
Under Nose: Im afraid to stop this habit
Chin: Who will I be without it?
Collarbone: I need to worry
Under Arm: I dont want to give it up
Top of Head: I dont know what Ill do if I dont worry all the time
Even though I wont feel safe unless I am worrying about something, I deeply and completely
accept myself anyway.
Even though I dont want to let go of my worrying yet, I deeply and profoundly love and accept
who I am and how I feel.
Even though I am afraid of what might happen if I dont worry, I deeply and completely love and
accept myself anyway.
Eyebrow: Im the worrier of my family
Side of Eye: I dont know how to give it up
Under Eye: I feel responsible
Under Nose: Im afraid to stop worrying
Chin: Who will I be without it?
Collarbone: I prefer to worry
Under Arm: I dont know how to give it up
Top of Head: I dont know what Ill do if I dont worry all the time
Eyebrow: I feel safer when I worry
Side of Eye: I dont know how NOT to worry
Under Eye: Worrying makes me feel useful
Under Nose: Im afraid to stop worrying
Chin: Who will I be without it?
Collarbone: I dont feel safe unless I worry
Under Arm: I dont know how to stop worrying at night
Top of Head: What will I do if I dont worry at night?
Now that you have addressed some of the downsides to giving up worrying (not feeling safe, identity
issues, what to do instead etc), you have more room to suggest the positive aspects. Notice that I
havent mentioned insomnia or not sleeping. Thats because insomnia is a direct result of anxiety and
worrying. Too many people target this insomnia and never get to the core emotional issues causing
the sleeping problems.
Even though Ive been a worrier all my life, I accept who I am and how I feel.
Even though the worrying keeps me up at night, I accept my feelings and this need to worry.
Even though I have this need to worry, and it keeps me up at night, I accept who I am and how I
Eyebrow: What if I stop worrying?
Side of Eye: I would feel so relieved
Under Eye: Maybe its time to stop the worrying
Under Nose: I would love to sleep deeply
Chin: I want to sleep deeply every night
Collarbone: I want to want to give it up
Under Arm: I am considering releasing this need to worry
Top of Head: I choose to accept myself no matter what.
Eyebrow: Im willing to consider letting it go
Side of Eye: I can always worry tomorrow
Under Eye: I can find new ways to feel responsible
Under Nose: Im willing to give up my worrying
Chin: Im ready to sleep deeply
Collarbone: I appreciate who I am and how I feel
Under Arm: I look forward to a good nights sleep
Top of Head: Im ready to give up my insomnia
Remember, insomnia is just a symptom of the anxiety from worrying, thats why it isnt necessary to
focus on the insomnia in the setup phrasing. Whats important is addressing the anxiety caused by
focusing on negative outcomes.
In addition to the ever so common type of insomnia connected to chronic worrying, there are other
causes that make a full nights sleep virtually impossible.
When you have an acute bout of insomnia, it is often related to something unusual in your current
work or family life. Maybe you are waiting to hear about job changes, maybe your kids are going
through some trouble at school, or a family member is sick or has recently passed away.
You want to ask yourself or your client:
1. What in your life s keeping you up at night now?
2. Can resolving this issue wait until the morning?
3. What would happen if you didnt think about it now?
I asked a client why now regarding her insomnia. Sure enough, there had been a sudden change in
her family, a divorce of one of her siblings, and it was very unsettling. She didnt normally stay up at
night, but the situation felt urgent.
One prescription for acute anxiety is to tap enough during the daytime on the conflict that has
captured your attention to release the anxiety so you fall into a restful and peaceful sleep during the
night. You can always wake up and start the cycle again if you have to! But give yourself permission to
put acute worry aside for the night. (And remember, when we feel helpless, we often worry to try and
find a solution.)
Even though I cant stop worrying about what might happen, I deeply and completely accept
myself anyway.
Even though I need to know whats going to happen in my job, I accept who I am and I accept my
Even though I keep worrying about the outcome of this relationship, I deeply and profoundly
accept myself anyway.
Eyebrow: Im so accustomed to worrying
Side of Eye: I cant stop worrying
Under Eye: I need to know
Under Nose: I dont know whats going to happen
Chin: Im worried about what will happen
Collarbone: I need to worry
Under Arm: I dont want to stop worrying
Top of Head: I need to worry to feel better
Even though I cant stop worrying about what might happen, I deeply and completely accept
myself anyway.
Even though I need to know whats going to happen in my job, I accept who I am and I accept my
Even though I keep worrying about the outcome of this relationship, I deeply and profoundly
accept myself anyway.
Eyebrow: I am so anxious about what might happen
Side of Eye: I feel very anxious about whats going on
Under Eye: I feel so worried about the future
Under Nose: Im worried something bad will happen
Chin: Im anxious and cant shut it off
Collarbone: I feel anxious about what she might say
Under Arm: I am worried about what will happen next week
Top of Head: I am anxious about work
Even though I cant stop worrying about what might happen, I deeply and completely accept
myself anyway.
Even though I need to know whats going to happen, I accept who I am and I accept my feelings.
Even though I keep worrying about the outcome, I deeply and profoundly accept myself anyway.
Eyebrow: Im worried about the outcome
Side of Eye: I cant wait to find out
Under Eye: Im so anxious and need to know
Under Nose: Im feeling a sense of urgency
Chin: I need to stay alert
Collarbone: I have to be aware of what might happen
Under Arm: I dont know how to relax
Top of Head: I identify with being a worrier
There are additional causes of insomnia that can be more complicated than standard worrying and
1. Unresolved childhood traumas,
2. Clinical depression,
3. Chemical/hormonal imbalances, and
4. Side effects from medications.
If you suspect that unresolved childhood traumas are the underlying cause of your insomnia, I highly
recommend contacting an EFT practitioner for additional help and objectivity. Serious traumas need an
experts objectivity, unless you feel totally safe entering this territory by yourself.
There are many signs of clinical depression, two of which are sleeplessness at night and waking up too
early in the morning. Conversely, many people with depression want to and do sleep all the time.
Again, do some detective work with yourself or your clients to find out how long the depression has
been present. Is this a condition inherited from the family chemistry, or has the person been
depressed since a particular event or emotional time in their life?
Other signs of clinical depression are
1. Lack of interest in daily activities,
2. Exhaustion,
3. Changes in appetite, and
4. Lack of motivation.
Remember, we do not recommend that EFT be a substitute for proper medical care, so consult your
physician if you suspect you or a loved one may be clinically depressed. Use EFT for the daily symptoms
of depression, and especially during the middle of the night or early morning when you wake up before
you are ready to get out of bed.
Tap on:
Even though I feel down and depressedand I cant figure out why, I choose to feel calm and self-
Even though I feel this mild feeling of depression, and dont feel like doing anything, I accept who I
am and that I have these feelings.
Even though I remind myself of _________, I accept who I am and how I feel.
Eyebrow: I feel slightly depressed
Side of Eye: I feel irritable too
Under Eye: Im restless and depressed at the same time
Under Nose: I want to sleep but I cant
Chin: I need to sleep more but I cant
Collarbone: I have no energy
Under Arm: I dont know how to relax
Top of Head: I feel utterly exhausted
Eyebrow: I have absolutely no energy
Side of Eye: Im exhausted but still cant sleep
Under Eye: Im so tired all the time
Under Nose: I have no energy but cant sleep
Chin: I toss and turn all night
Collarbone: Why cant I sleep when Im so tired?
Under Arm: I feel low energy all the time
Top of Head: I dont want to do anything
When someone suffers from mild to severe depression, of course they will not be compliant with their
daily EFT practice either. Watch for signs of lethargy, inactivity, hopelessness and low energy.
What are they? How do you know? What makes you suspect hormones or chemicals?
Again, do some good detective work with a family member or doctor who may have noticed changes in
your sleeping patterns. It is a good idea to get a diagnosis from a doctor so you can (1) interpret the
diagnosis energetically, (2) figure out metaphorically what may be going on in your body, and (3) know
what physiological pattern to target with EFT.
Targeting the imbalance with EFT:
Even though I have these chemical imbalances, I choose to allow my body to work them out.
Even though my body has been imbalanced, I accept who I am and how my body is responding.
Even though my body has been reacting with an imbalance in my hormones and chemicals, I
deeply and completely accept who I am.
Eyebrow: My body is imbalanced
Side of Eye: I have these imbalances in my hormones/chemicals
Under Eye: I dont know why my body reacted this way
Under Nose: I wonder what the source of the imbalance is
Chin: I dont know what caused this imbalance
Collarbone: I am struggling with imbalances in my chemistry
Under Arm: I dont know what the source of this imbalance is
Top of Head: Im ready to release the problem and become balanced again
Eyebrow: The imbalances have been disturbing my sleep
Side of Eye: I can sleep deeply now
Under Eye: Ive been suffering from these imbalances
Under Nose: I am ready to release these chemical imbalances
Chin: I am feeling better already
Collarbone: I allow my body to release the imbalance
Under Arm: I appreciate my body and the messages it has been giving me
Top of Head: I am ready to change these patterns
I have immersed myself in the teachings and principles of the Law of Attraction in the past 5 years, and
in combination with EFT, they have been enormously helpful for my clients sleeping conflicts.
Remember, when you or your clients have suffered from insomnia, it is common to start worrying
about a continued pattern of insomnia! This is maddening and anxiety-provoking, and fuels this cycle--
Law of Attraction at work of course. Desperation is often the feeling people describe when they cant
fall back to sleep at night, which of course effects their brain activity and energy system and almost
guarantees that they will not be able to fall asleep, as their focus is on: I cant fall asleep.
When I was a hypnotist, before I had fully incorporated EFT into my practice and life, there were some
other tricks-of-the-trade that I used.
A primary tool that works very well is using a worry journal. Write down your concerns in a
journal/notebook before you go to bed, and purposefully take that journal and place it in another
room. This has the feel of putting it away for the night symbolically and is very effective. Your mind
tends to like this approach and can appreciate the relief of removing the problems from the bedroom.
Before applying the Law of Attraction to your insomnia, you may want to start again with basic EFT
setup statements to release the anxiety about being awake when you need to be falling asleep.
Just for an example, repeat these following statements out loud to get a 0-10 reading on how true they
feel. Then you will be able to determine which aspect is really keeping you alert and awake. Feel free
to add your own limiting beliefs, fears, or convictions and incorporate them into your EFT setup
I cant turn my mind off. (How true on the 0-10 scale?)
My thoughts are keeping me awake! (How true on the 0-10 scale?)
Im convinced I wont be able to go back to sleep. (0-10?)
I will always suffer from insomnia. (0-10?)
Ill never get over this problem. (0-10?)
Somethings wrong with me. (0-10?)
Tapping Statements:
Even though I cant turn my mind off, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.
Even though I keep focusing on my anxiety about my insomnia, I accept who I am and how I feel.
Even though Im convinced I wont be able to go back to sleep, I deeply and profoundly accept who
I am and how I feel right now.
Eyebrow: Im focused on my anxiety
Side of Eye: What if I cant go back to sleep?
Under Eye: What if Im exhausted tomorrow?
Under Nose: Im so restless!
Chin: I have to go back to sleep!
Collarbone: I am so anxious about my insomnia
Under Arm: I cant get back to sleep
Top of Head: I am so upset about my insomnia
Even though Im convinced I wont be able to go back to sleep, I accept who I am and how I feel.
Even though Im afraid I will be exhausted tomorrow, I accept who I am and how I feel.
Even though I am convinced I wont be able to go back to sleep, I accept my worries and who I am.
Eyebrow: What if I cant get back to sleep?
Side of Eye: Im so anxious I wont be able to go back to sleep
Under Eye: Im so frustrated with my restlessness
Under Nose: I need to go back to sleep
Chin: I must go back to sleep
Collarbone: I have to fall asleep right now!
Under Arm: I feel desperate about this problem
Top of Head: I feel desperate to go to sleep!
Go back to your primary statements that you scaled on the 0-10 point scale, and rate the truth of them
again. Notice which ones have gone down on the intensity scale. Keep tapping until you feel more
relaxed and less convinced that these truths are factual.
Now that you have released the anxiety about your anxiety (wink), you are ready to apply the Law of
Attraction method that I use for falling asleep. Remember, the Law of Attraction involves your feelings,
your vibration, and your focus. So when you feel desperate about going back to sleep, you will never
be able to go back to sleep! When you keep trying to get rid of your anxiety, youll get more of
it. When you work too hard to cure your insomnia, your attention on the problem backfires.
Here is a Law of Attraction exercise that I absolutely love. It has done wonders for many people when
they first try and go to sleep as well as when they wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble
turning off the static in their mind.
Remember, the Law of Attraction is always working, meaning that your energy and vibration is what
you are communicating to the Universe. So if you are focused on this insomnia problem when you go
to bed, you will not be able to escape it.
You need to be able to focus on what you want instead of whats preventing you from sleeping. This is
why EFT is so fantastic--you can tap on the very anxiety that is keeping you awake and then allow
yourself to enter a deep sleep by benefiting from the Law of Attraction.
If you can change your focus from your INSOMNIA PROBLEM to how you WANT to feel and what you
want, you can and will fall into a deep sleep.
Now that EFT has relaxed you and allowed you to reduce the level of anxiety, start focusing on what
feels good, relaxing, and comfortable.
Say these statements to yourself while you are in bed, after you have done your basic EFT. If you would
like to tap while using these statements, go ahead, but at this point, the EFT has already relaxed your
energy system and changed your vibration so its not necessary to tap any more.
My pillow is very comfortable.

I love how quiet it is in my room.

The temperature is perfect in the room right now.

I appreciate how comfortable my bed feels to me.

I love sleeping peacefully.

My legs feel very comfortable.

I feel so relaxed.

My eyelids feel heavy and relaxed.

I appreciate knowing I can sleep deeply and calmly.

My bed is very comfortable.

I appreciate knowing my body is so strong.

My mind is calm and peaceful now.

I feel lighter already.

All my muscles feel relaxed and calm right now.

I love knowing my body welcomes a good night's rest.

I feel ready to fall asleep.

I love it when falling asleep is easy.

I love knowing I am able to fall into a deep sleep.

Notice how your focus is entirely on whats good, comfortable, peaceful, and calming. Feel free to
choose other statements.

The point is, after doing EFT, you are in an emotional position to focus on what you want and what IS
comfortable about being in bed.

The only problem with this method is that many people dismiss it before they even try it because they
think it is so simple that it probably wont work!

May EFT and this advice help you use EFT to treat your insomnia and enjoy many nights of blissful,
restful sleep!

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