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Youset Al Otsiba January 20,2018 at 722 AM ° To: Omar Shamsy, Ce: Byron Fogan Sh. Abul woud Ike 0 suo thm. Porhape ha thre of us can meet next weoko cscs. Sent via BlackBer by ATAT orignal Message-—- From: Omar Al Shamei Sibject Ro: RE: now he website very wall and sry sew te artl last wosk. the guy who cw wrtesalays bd ales spanst uae. He vos in Calfola. Below ithe ‘tile n Engle. ut cund the engi version n ha web Fussin ofc: Gut banks to hlp drag producers in Agharstan and he UAE Ar dolphin founded by Abdlah bin Zayed to ransprt crs rm Aghaistan to use News Catogon:Hoopoe Pushes: 2019101/18 09:51 PM Source: Russa today «a homolans Homeland sald Vicor Wanoy, oad of tho RusianFadoral Drug Conta tate courts ofthe Me East barks cotta tothe hancng of ug producrs Inalghanisian Ths came curing Yomarts to repoders on anety 18 /anuay. “The money clanad fom he sale of rugs, not stored inthe houses, But used in Alben, whore hoy ar” washod”. onto banks GOC france tho uy ‘reducers by gving am loans. is dfca newt can lane im Alghanistan fr he cubvaon of wheat, Whe sea to get aan to pony euvaon.* ‘cording thm, he Fussian Federal Commision for Dug Control covered 10 new atrators in portorn Alghanitan or ru production. He sa, Do not ‘Sap cug proaucton operations n ghanan,curng the ha yar was dscovred 10 row lborterioe je proach dug, n rere Alghantan, ose ‘Tajistanberdr Ths alows the population of he wo counties cooperate with each cher lo Suge rugs acoas ha oder” ‘Are vanov sugested aise th sue of ug roducon in Aigharistan othe UN Security Cou. "The ont way to got df hs scourge iso destoy the ‘tes of dug prodscton and Felds growing plans containing the, fs necessary trae the save nreased rug procuton nAighanstan dug the past en ‘yoar,doopte he prevonce of NATO force ere tne UN Security Coun Under tn existing data with ne Author, sn Aghanstan produce 90 percent of the heron nthe word. habe drug each to Europe and Russia through ‘Tajketan ana Patisan The percentage of heron used by ssscts In Russa 21 percent oth tl wos prosscion. Where den sia each Yer betwean 30 “0 those poopl bocauso of drags. The size othe dug dspansed hs Russa bach year Setween 75-80 lonnes of Aghan hrc aro ago spoke aout the rcant operation. cared out by antctug poco in Russia, where they confiscate 00 kg of Nlghan heroin worth 2g 7milon rubles. Ne noted hat be preparaten or he procese sled several mons sha Bogen tobe mpemested Wom wahin Agra rary. Sho also noted ropors ha tho ain deghin Emtates and owned by Sholn Abailah bn Zayed and scored in ibaa was tasks tanspon rugs rom Afghanistan {2 Dubel and hen send weepone tem Duta to Nghanatan m colaboreton wih Vcr Bout aarger gun smugglers and dog Fusing anda prter Shatin ‘Aslan Bin Zaye, sats at Bout onal row fr terre wo years ag ne U.S. afr hs raven i smogging weapons to Revluonary Armed Font ‘Colombe, nas revealed ater the fal! Munmmar Gada tat he has hada song presenoe, buses n Lye, Sent tom myiPrene ‘She ato noted rpors that he arno dolphin Ersratos and owned by Sbokh Abdulan bn Zayed and score n ibe was tasks transport rus rom Alganitan {0 Dubal and then sand weapons tom Duda! o Alghantan mcalboraton wih Ver Bout aarger gun smugglere and cup Russians snd a partner Shaka ‘Abdan Bin Zayed, staos that Bout on Wal now fos tororan two years agoin ho U.S. afer his ivolveront in smugging weapons t Rovoutonary Arad Font CColombla, was vealed arte fll! Muammar Gadde that he has had 2 song pesenoe, in business in bya. ‘Sent tom my IPhone (On dan 20, 2013, at 9:5 AM, "Yousef Al Ota” > wot: ‘There a US based website ale Watan, Thats where the aie we wantls, Please checkout wi Iaahim A Abe, From: omar @uaeorbass-usa.cra > wrt: ‘think we need to find he webster aka lok tits content. CC: tata nctmal com From: bfogan@foganiaw com ‘Subject Fe FW Date Sun 20 Jen 2019 00:18:89 -0500 “To: omar vacamnshy org “Thank ou, Sic Sent kom my Phone (n Jan 18, 2019, 8:35 PM, Omar Al Shams’ coma useembassyus 9 cml omar Buasenbasy us o> > Woe: ‘Byron plese ind below the vara. have anice evening ‘Vir wanov, he Diecor of Fusian Federal Dr Cont Servic said hat Banks of Persian Gul countries help Aighan chug producers and he Erie Dolphin afings, established by Abdula bn Zayed, anspor crugs rom Afghanistan to Duba. Mo sid in statomerts mado tourna on Jan 18 tha, tn Nile Eastern barks cortrbut to francng the drug producer in Afghanistan. He added that tho ‘money made by sling drugs i ot Kept at homes. goes o busress, whore le laundered. Bank in Perlan Gul une ake partn thang dug [reducton though fans provided fr drug businesses. is now very ict Io rove a loan or growing whoa in Afghanistan, butts very easy to got alean {o gow opum pore. Vitor Ivanov the Diroctor of Russian Fodoral Drug Conitol Servic sald that Banks of Porsan Gu counts help lghanérugproduoos; andthe Emit Doiphin srines,estabished by Abdulla bn Zayed, anspor drugs ftom Aghanstan to Dub Ho bain stalomonts mace to ourals on Jan 18 that, tbe Male Easier barks crtrbut to francig he drug produc in Aighanitan. He aod that the ‘money made by eling rus isnot kept at homes. I goes to business, wher ts laundered. Banks In Persian Gulf eountes take pain arcing ug Producten rough oan provded fe drug businesses. is now var ae orecave sloan fr growing wheat nAlgharistah, butts Very easy to get loan ‘ogrow opium poppy. ‘Aceorang toh, ne Russian Federal Drug Conol Serice lacovered 10 new abn norte Afghanistan producing dg. He added thatthe drag production ‘poration in Algharistan coninuo wihoutntrupton. Wn hal a year, ton new lbs producing drugs were dscovered in nother Alghanisan near ‘Tekst’ border, Tris has helped peoples ofthe two countles to cooperate neose-border Gro emagging operations, Nanov suagestd ‘aking tis issue to he Secu Counc, He said he ony way to eradicate ts scourge st Gestoy the drug production stes and ther ‘clvaton feds. Ho said necessary to discuss athe SC to creased dug preducion inthe last 10 yars, deste to presence f NATO forces ‘ecorting to hs nf avalale to he Faderaton, Alghanstan produces 90 pevent othe works heroin, and these drugs goto Europe and Fuss via “aykstan and Pakistan. The amount of Afghan herein used in Fussla ranges betwoon 75-0 tons annually. Ivanov spoke sso about a recon operaton card ou bythe Russian ant- > Dato: January 19,2019, 502314 PM GMT 0600. “To: Yousot A taba’ > Ce: slabed > ot oom 2m. nom mmm vm vem TIT mM TEI I NTI PONTE MORON TE LIN POPD TEPPRITD PE THEPPPTP PDD PEL ATP pony pe betas ‘Ta: Badr Bin Saeed, Ce: Omar Shamsy, Byron Fogan Yousef Al Otaiba uty 26, 20m a 2:42PM © ‘Coocinate wth byron anak gump aga aan, Make ure MOFA provides you wth speci etal regarding her request. ‘Sont va BlackBer by ATAT iin From: Bade Bin Saeed <}oinsaond> Dato Tu, 26 ul 2011 1038-46 ‘Yo;> (Ce: ompar@uasembassys8.00> ‘Sine: 8, ABZoffeo called asking us to provide them urgety wih backgoundeport on US laws and penaltes in regard to drags. They wil sand us an ofc tor {omorrow ini regard. Paso let me know you wou The me to contact Byron reer naval o ut oper. mann Baer Bin Sones Hea of Media Secton UAE embassy Youset Al Otaiba 7 19:25 M RE: Sheik Khalid - Naw Brochure n Creulation Tor Fras Akhatib Get me a full professionally printed copy thursday please. From: ‘: CC:; HE/Awadiuzeembassy-usa.0r9 Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2008 17:55:55 -0400 Subject: Sheikh Khalid - New Brochure in Circulation Mr Ambassador, Bridget at State has just shared with us a 33-page brochure that Sheikh Khali’s lobbyists have been distributing to Congress: ‘members and the Executive Branch, including the Departments of Defense and Treasury. The brochure is entitled "A Rogue State \Within the UAE?” (Attachment is large, I will send in two separate emails so that it doesn’t bounce back ~ 1 wil also leave a printout with Mar. We are reviewing the document at the moment, but it essentially appears to assert an increasing influence by Iran, Al-Qaeda and the arms dealer Viktor Bout nat only on RAK, but aiso on the "poor... often neglected!” northern emirates. He goes on to note these ‘ectivities question the “ability of the UAE central government to control what happens within Rs own borders” and are a threat to the 123 Agreement. Bridget is sharing your new letter with Executive Branch agencies, and she is trying to get a sense of who Sheikh Khala's lobbyists have reached out to with this brochure. We have netified the Banking Committee and Senator Casey's staff about Sheikh Khalia’s status. We will make sure to note the brochure in the Arabic version of the memo we're preparing for you. Any other steps you would like us to take at this time? Yousef Al Otaiba prety 9, 2010 at #14 PM Re: RAK To: Hal Shapiro ‘ink next time thre's @bézzard we shoul all tke a tip to abu chabi ‘Sent via BlackBer by AT&T riginal Message From: Shapiro Hal Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 21:12:48 To; ‘Subject: RE: RAK 2 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL ‘ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT ‘alr to getit made tougher twill go very s00n (today or tomorrow), ‘Aco, Khali atest bog pos, entitled "Deeply Troubling’, appeared this moming and is copied below. Hope you ae having a good tp (next time youre escaping a bizzard, I be happy to go with you.) n February 9, 201077 Deeply Troubling ‘Tho current relationship betwoon the rogime in Ras Al Khaimah and ran is deeply troubling. love Ras Al Khaimah. Iti my Emirate have cared (The we page has th frst two paragraphs from each report and a fink othe fl pa copy ofeach) Report: Ras Al Khaimah: Rogue State Witin The UAE? “The United Arab Emirates is 2 federation of seven sheikidoms along the shore ofthe Arabian Gull. Lyng tothe north of the famous sheikdoms of ol > From: Yousef Al Otaiba [] > Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:33 AM > To: Omar Al Shamsi > Cc: Byron Fogan > Subject: FW: > > Omar, > > Need this translated into english and forwarded to Byron please. > > Yousef > > > Subject: Fwd: > From: > Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 19:31:59 +0400 > To: > > > > Sent from my iPad > > Begin forwarded message: > > From: alabed > > Date: January 19, 2013, 4 PM GMT+04:00 > To: ‘Yousef Al Otaiba' > > 2 ce: alabed > > From: alabed > > Date: January 19, 2013, 5:02:14 PM GMT+04:00 > To: ‘Yousef Al Otaiba’ > > Ce: alabed > 2 epfle ake cecal od olan ani asl gual Lan nein ae > Ghana 5 VJ] Ola] go lyacall Ja aul) Ov Al ase ane! Gul Loll > Xs) > Acavgpll Alla Agi! ut, Bplay! 98.8 JLB pgall Lasa, {puna - > Clyastell eeiie isa oo pala log Sptill Ulal ,lae Ol wlyasall abla) > Ssi5/abe 18 pope Sead Ups css! Slaypad UML lS ek -olaawsla oad > Sy could 09 G38 V Lassa Bot oe Alamanall igaU Ol" Jibs all > poe ipes ad Acals Bylne polity "plane iy cam syadell 0B psa > Caled 09 2959 gle Span! WI> Coal G29 9sAll ppmie DUS Ge wljaall > gS aac "Guba! Als) 4299 ale Iga! Appeal Goo Gam ad Goll Bes > Gd Basa Olpecee 10 cuenta) Slava ASKS) Qenuagll Saal Aig Ol > Go Shyanall Clo Chloe edgy V* Jp wolpasoll CLV oloawlasl Jl > Go whyaall CLL pa Savas Glare 10 SLauSt as Aiwa) ASS Lasts) > Gales pall Sad reas Lady -OliaSerlb 29> Ge Ayde S Je Oleauileal Jl > sgacul jae Clpuceall Gases Inga aad > GeV galne ale Oiled! a8 Glare! eli! Ula eb agile! e25!9 > Cll a8loe n0.) a 28V! 0B Ge Galeil) aco)! aby bil Ol" Uibs «alo > shail ULate e5b S,9p2ll og clpale gia! ObLall cl; Jokog Chacall > 3529 oe Aesll ole Awalell pall Sigal MS cluwledl 99 Ghasall etal > Sa) d25z30ll Slane! Gorse "slo! uaVll yalee abe Lm iL! olgs > 0am aie -pllall ad Garamell coo Atal 90 CLI! ULwwledl Ad pas tse! > Ug,al endl Sljaxall > od Opin lposcecns ll owaspapll Aen unig OlruiSy beaut poe louse > 30 cya Upaw Leva, vad cndgty am snallall EWM! Jacwo ceo Atoll 21 call ay > = 40 ce Upies lesy 99 SS9pa0l Clyaroll pa 8) wag solpaaall ena Gaon call > 75 ~80 ,.50) Alas! Ge Lal Spill Candy pSV) gra all oo bs > Gusnll oo a5 90 83a pi Guam sleang, eo wlyaxall Aosike Abst Igsies ull > Sgabl bac pass! Qlacd) petal Cl jLaly Jig) Opelo 752 lpsaad &l vlad > Cheb AS 9 ol yl Lal Las AvleddI iol UI els oo losses Lag > Ud 99 lobes ely Gr all ase Guat! GSlaoe ysilly ASL LoV caida > Gage ea JLo] 2) gap ad sll OLawlisl yo Sh arall Jas blage go oS > Suopll Obpacally CAlaull ingen pl aol cgl 935.9 go Uslaall, Uleanlas! yl 2 Ge 8 age Ul asta Cal Sa a ale Geil St ob > 8p Boebunall Boil LaoglaS Aperd CML capes vad AeaLo any LSezal aad cole > Lae oo lac Slane wad lsd Uses a US al GEL! pao bg amy GS. Ibrahim Alabed > Director General > National Media Council - Emirates News Agency > Off : +971-(0)-2-4044311 > Mob : +971-(0)-506160692

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