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‘Yousef Al Otaiba Novae €20% ye venrenn ca © ‘Why dont you sop by my oflice around 2pm tomorow. een on °) rm avalatie anime orn rata ong. Fm nen (ap ost ON ayy Lot Mew wre Sertton ay Phase ‘Yousef Al Otsibe rmnesaronei By ‘Obviously this is quite shocking, ona variety of evls. | think this needs face to face conversation. I jst returned to DC bu I head back home tomorow night. Whats your avalality today or tomorow? (Otherwise Tm not back until Nov 22nd. Byron Fogan wow ear Youset, {ave boon genuinely eed to wie youths communication. But thas come to a point where [can no longer terate the tlt end shame tha oe regaring is contacts, whe continuing enoy the banal creumstances that do nt feel ke Teesere ‘Tomorrow, yu wil cave a cal om the Office of tho US Atlorey in Washington DC infoing you that have been undor Inwestlgtcnby thane Revenue Serves fr soma tire, The Inesigaon arose when led en exension on Beth my business and personal axos in 2012 (for tx yer 2011) and fle for another extension in 2013 (or tx you 2012). ‘rosea and ecrome garding ossbs conpoled me ofao these extonsos. IAS Invesigaton reveal aly Compulive gambling and alcoha abuse creates a circumstance where Iles remendovs amounls of personal weath and ‘mmanagee tunes tha wore crusted 19 me~ncuaing Oass Founcaton unde. Those loss ical apprximetay St 2 mien. Wie have aways enjoyed gaming rom time to ime, my gambing and rnkng habits changed radically ate visted opin inJure of 2011” Un my retry Tbagan to tek very Peavy, vary often ois myo that | was dng bocauso ot the sess of seeing Joplin. Tat was, tums out realy an acohole excuse ocrnk to excess By the end of June 2011, \was ding daly ten tothe port of Backing ou. Matan are Jacob vavoled to Syracuse during tne ast Wook! June nt ater the fouth of July of 2011. During the ime they were gone, I made my fst ist to Holywood Casino in CChaesown, WV about an hour ive fam my home n Columba, ND. Tho iat everung | vista a casino, I wen couple ct bucs, drank alot and had a prety good tre. | returned tothe casine te net day, and won over S20K. I etumed again ‘ho naxt dy ard won over SS0k ‘Thal wookerg, lst evry de | wan, pus anather saver howend dol. kept ng to.use mongy to win back what had ios. Witt afew weeks, | was garrng dal often wit reckless amounts of manly lad whe arnkng reckosaly. Fora whe, twas ur, an seemed ike Iwas winning mor han was eng. Ths Was, fat net the case. |was lang huncreds ana thousinds cf dovars a Gay an geting, By Seplembet 2011, | stoooed Corng home a righ, ncaa choosing to goto the casino game and dik. Mafian became alarmed ty behavior ‘is, she became concerned a he amour of eas had aroun the Mouse. I made Up excuses fer the cash as purchased ‘pareve gts for her ard Jacob to coverup rte fact al my gaming was Gestoying Ue imam vegan orecogrize tat had a problem when I chose to move out of my house in January 2012, go that cout ink and ‘ganblein peace, wihout bong unde: Man's waictl eye. I blamed har fer being abal-busing woman. She, however, ‘dotting wrong | was alameda ne pace at my gaming took on che Iie the MOUSE. | was elarmad fo the pont ‘ner 'settexcuded rom all casinos n West Vig ard Dulawae (ea-excusion is a process where you sign documents Daring you torn entaing casinos ma sala for a number of year). By this por, Inadtaken io redoing Pete pay Paul ‘moving unde between various bark accounts to bath moot My inant coigatons anaearnue my gaming. fred my ‘ascot, because my gambling would not low me io Kaop him. avd ation actos where | Couk conduct bsinass ‘ane gamble iout anyone noterg my absence fom th fice. By Jy o 202, about a year agp, | had won ana lost Inns of dotars. My dnkng and depression became nee fate. wes charged wih ad bea tst DWI in Ohio, but ‘as free nto a brie rehab progam nly of 207 (3 Gay intervention in Cotunbus, Or). | moved back home, and was ‘ble 9 not ar organi fora Son por oftime, I real erect, was unt Novernb® 2012, ‘Ato Fight gt in Noverber, my inking and gamBing ook of wars fan belore to uriraginableevels. This continued ‘ata fata paca unt | was approaces by Federal ivesigators at my nome in February 2013. was 1 by investigators to ‘ol dco to nature of tor vosigason to aryone, unr peraly of aw. I was unable te couse to lass Fightanod ‘or my family, moved out of my ouse again retanod a avyer and an attorney specially or amy la sues, and treo 10 ‘Shel Maran and Jacob tom aay imac tet my gambling and aloonoem coud cause. Unorunaty | wes $0 ‘compulsively acdted to gaming and crkng, het avan afer boing notes ote Investgahon | cavenued oo bath, heavy ana cangeroushy | topped taking care ot myeet. stopped eaing about anyone or anying. I waned to commit ‘Suc, Du was to much ofa coward 1 6 50. Anglais an example of how | sare Ne He. My neath began ace, wth mulppiehosptalvaton betwoon December 2071 arc August 2073. On four oocasons, | ‘early dea'tom cian ana ne arxety of compulsive garg, Gamblng has & Sma physical efector me as cocaine. | tay got nlp or my acictons mn August, Between August 8 and August 12, | rank nortop and gambled as we | was arestag on August 10, ater Casing my car. ana charged win nue acoho'laod oensos cuang arg under {he iniuenco, rig whe reoxcsto, rg n possession ofa canrellec cr dargoreus substance (pen cotaina nd ‘ovoral oho violators potarang to longo suspensons fr non paymant ofYekets, aio alsno-eutod. UNmatey ‘ccopieg a rotation ator udgmert on one court of Don Octobe 1, 2013. The resto ne charges wero cropped by ‘he prosecuor Icunersly have rested crverslesnen and was equa obtain an gnton msec deve ny Ca. Tam serving a yoar of superieed probation inthe State o ayane. | wort to the hospital on August 12,2013 and was acid into the psyehiaic ward at Howard County General Hospi. 1 ‘as referred rom at faci to Patway Adcicons Recovery Center n Annapolis. | entered that eatmentfciy as an I~ Dalenton August 14, 2013, Thave nether crank not garble’ since August 12, ough I clevate August 14 as ny Feovary dat fra vanity reasons tha wil ot Bae you wih |sttond mutt mestngs of Alcohol Anonyrous dally, work witha psychiatrist and addicts treatment team inusing ‘wth a sponser A who alo learsed ado roaentspeeals!) and [core place mean cumstances whore ‘ink or gambling presen Abu Dadi was my rs! mo nthe presonee of hes ering 1 pt mas of my Sen ‘ny room having askad Aerlana have the hotel remove a loo rm my min bee | woud ike to one int a legally binding arrangement wit youto repay the funds that I mismanaged over the cours ot time, [wish to continue 1 werk fr youn De various capacttos ra fulla now. lar good at my b, and elove hat can ‘cortinue tobe an asso. Ido, however, understand the egrepous nature of my behaver and can seep your deision on ‘hs eave I oor |go know thatitis the Oe of he US Atom intron o prosecute me fr my actions —seakng to imprison me fer 310 ‘years. |am also propared io accopt those consequences. Howeve, | do bebeve hat would be mor uebul to you and 10 ‘sce by contruing my wears and my career, such tha can repay th money. Towards at end, imagine at you ‘re you legal tam may be abl te conve he US Atay to rot pesooule me, should yeu dea oof mo such ‘rotten under a repayment agreement. |do notkrow wnat course you could ake, and, shoud yous chanse, | would ‘Bk that you allow me to speak a Hamiton on ths mate. 60 not want goto pzan though perhaos, Pat 8 whee | ator ‘Youset ve you ike aeter. Not abrther, ta tend..but Ike atthe. Ihave alee you and everyono ese that caro ‘tout andiove. Ihave bst my famly—he espe of my wife and ao. Rave gen up every tal you can magi, and | tand ose mun moe than that. Sorry oesn Deg 10 desorbe Now fee! abou thie stuaton. lam embarassed and ‘ashamed and fat cicut ogo on somedays. You Delved in me and let you down, Please help me make tis it. Pleacekrow tat | not do his because | was greedy or jalous. | have a disease, | ‘Sen ron how bad cous be # uncoated. There eno one eles on earn that knows te etal at Ist shared wh you, Please iarm me # you desde o sare th infomation wi anyone ala, as hare aroogal mpicatons to ma at | would lk tobe able to manage and corr. | made a nage eeves of mistakes om whic t wil ake me years 10 recover. Please late kaon nom you woud Ike ra to proceed trom here. | am ry sory, wile in reatment meetings for most o the day tomorrow and may not be abe to reepond immediatly 0 {yur Ea, should you rood call me. Byron Youset Al Otaiba [Eisen Yousef AOtninn Decenbe- 20,2016 1012 AM fe: Onis Just need @ rough estimate on the number if possible, Perhaps you can check with BF himself, Paymant for lawyor will happen soon, wo're a litle slow due to holidays. Omar is the right address on the payment. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T =~Original Message From: Loeb. Hamilton Date: Set, 28 Dec 2013 18:11:11 No info yet. Upda * BF nevr lawyer has met with ine prosecutors. They are still not commiting either way on what they will do next e charging him, * we have asked prosecutors on behalf of embassy for access to the records and the IRS agent so we can ‘assemble the facts on the Oasis accounts. Again no comeback s0 far. “we have not received payment from embassy on the invoice containing the retainer forthe new BF lawyer. | plan to chock with Pauline on that on Monday. (Or is Omar the one to check with?). keep teling the new lawyer i's coming. * my understanding from BF was that Oasis received ~S7m. The BF misuse items were $1.9, according to {govt | don't know what was paid cut on non-BF logit exponse items. So something below $5m should stil Be in the account. * Ll call lead prosecutor this week to tell him we want to get Oasis wound up and the money moved to @ ‘now fund. Will report back on what | hear Original Message-— From: Yousef Al Otaba [otaiba7@hotmail com Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:26:46 +0000 ‘To: H. E. Yousef bin Mana Saced Al Otaibs ( Subject: Update meeting and request (Mz. Ambassador: Hope your trip was productive, T understand you'll be back in WDC over the next few days, and Tam hoping to doa catch-up meeting with you on a shor list of Embassy matters, including the Oasis Foundation. Probably @ 20-minute discussion altogether. If you're agreeable, I wil et this up with Pauline. In addition, Tike to check on your emenablity to discussing a side project I'm involved in that has a lexge intersection with Abu Dhabi. A close fiend of 40 years (college suitemate), Michael Morgan, is an author and screenvriter who wrote the 2008 book “Lost History: The Enduring History of Muslim Scientists, Thinkers, and ‘Artsts” Random House/NUI Geographic), which I think isthe best popular, non-academic depiction of the golden ‘age of Maslim intellectual history. Mike is heading to Abu Dhabi next month to meet with Sheikh Nabyan and ‘with Zaki Nusseibeh, to talk about suppor for an epic film project, titled “Golden Age.” Which is based on the ‘book. Sheikh Nakyan has also offered to introduce Mike to Studio 2454 and vo Imagenation, and to the zlevant Ministry staf. Michael Buchen (Sheikh Nebyan's director of investments, who is at Dubai Holdings)Dubsi Group) is working directly with Mike and the Hollywood producer on the project. Tspent a day last month in LA, ‘connecting Mike and the producer (Marty Barab) with the Etihad folks there and with Abdulla Alsaboosi, (There ‘are summaries ofthe Golden Age project I can send if you'd like to see them. There’s a Youtube trailer at itp youtube com/ratch?v=L LwwRSCAvd,) ‘Knowing the sereenplay and the principals involved, think ths willbe an important and successful project in ‘ringing the Arab-Muslim history and its message of coexistence, tolerance and imagination to a mass global ‘audience. [think i its the UAE culturaVistorical message precisely, as wel sits ambitions inthe entertainment sphere. Think it would be a plus bth for you and for Mike to know each other, end Tam sure it ‘would be helpfl tothe project. Mike has been inthe UAE many times asa speaker so he knows how things ‘work, but know he'd benefit greatly from your insights on the process and players. always want to stay away from blurring the lines between our Embassy representation and anything els, but on this think you'd find it worth knowing about. Mike will route through Dulles forthe December trip to Abu Dhabi, so he'll stay over with Bonnie and me and I've love to bring him by fora vist if you're amenable. Let me Jknow if thats a good idea. Ham Loot, Hamilton agus To: Youre Al Otiba * We met with him Friday, at his request. Me and Jay Darden, plus his lawyer Preston Burton. Meeting was constructive. BF clearly looking for any last possibilty of avoiding the plea and jail time. * Jay Darden was especially helpful in laying out that Embassy has done allt can do, and that he (as a former DOJ prosecutor) would nat recommend to Embassy or Amb that they attempt more. Would be seen by 004 as a personal interest of Amb, not state interest of UAE, so DOJ wauld be unlikely to move even if the hierarchy at State could be persuaded to try to lean on them. | added that the folks at State Outside NEA would also be very unlikely to want to carry this to DOJ, given the nature of the conduct and charges. * BF wanted to test out the idea that Gvt was waiting for Embassy to push back harder, as a tactical move. We emphasized that line guys are overworked/underpaid and would not sink time/effort invested so far if they expected they'd be overruled politically * We confirmed that our side will fund the $5000 needed for the expert in Bureau of Prisons, to try to get BBF into Alcohol/Drug program that can reduce time served by 12 months. * No firm deadline from US Atty but early Aug was the time they expect BF response. * The one issue for you is: Preston laid out the process as he Sees it, which includes right of BF to ask the Judge to be more lenient in sentence than the plea deal. (USG cant ask for more than the plea desl.) Preston will use that to present picture of BF. They ask if Oasis Foundation will supply letter supporting this effort. | told them () I will discuss with you, but (i) since | am now the Exec Dir of Oasis, | would be likely to recommend that Foundation do that on basis that OF priority is getting restitution. They did not ask, and | did not raise, idea of a personal latter from you. * We can discuss this aspect in next few weeks when youve back, and when and if BF goes forward with the deal. Glad to filin more now if usetul HL (On Aug 3, 2015, at 2:58 PM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: ‘Any updates on byron's case? Loeb, Hamitton oven 6, 2018 9:48AM To: H.£,Youset bin Mana Saeed AlOtaba Ge: Darden Detale ‘The Govt. has fled the negotiated charge against Byron, see attached. If you want fo meet or discuss on thi; Im here over weekend and next week. Two ACTON/DECISION items for you IN CAPS BELOW, Key points: “The plea date (at which Byron is to appear in court and plead quit) is Nov. 16. Thatis a simple "I plead ‘guilty, yes I understand I'm waiving my rights" avent. “The altached charge (called an "Information" - equivalent of an indictment, but ne grand jury needed) is bare-bones. ~- AS was represented to us by the US Attorney's Offic in our discussions with them, the Embassy or UAE are not identified in te fling. “ Qasis Foundation is named but its funding soures or use is not named, ~The staled amount for the forfeiture charge is $223k. However, the Statement of Facts, which has "ot bee fled at is pol bu wil become PUR at sentencing, wl eat thatthe amount taken was 1M, -- The charge is one count of money laundering. That is an improvement over the plea Byron had signed a couple of years ago, which had 4 counts including money laundering and fraud. Preston reports that the feds simple would not agree to limit the charge to a more bland tax-evasion charge. “The case is assigned to Judge Collyer. She's a long-serving, very straight judge. A good draw for Byron ~ not a real hardliner ike Some of them, may be more pliable on the sentence than some, . ‘sentence: with ereditsf he gets into the Alcohol program at the prison, Byron will probably ‘serve 18-24 months, = The timetable: ~- Nov 16 Plea date ~Nov-Dec Preston organizes sentencing presentation; Byron works with Bureau of Prisons consultant to try to pay way Into the Alcohol program to reduce time served. “-~Fep: Sentencing hearing --==Mar: Byron reports to assigned prison. Preston says the Govt has agreed not to oppose leaving Byron free until the sentance is pronounced and a "report date” specified. He thinks Collyer will agree, but no guarantee. DECISION ITEMS: 1. Preston requests, and we agree, that the Bureau of Prisons expert be retained next week. Cost $Sk. 1 CAN HANDLE THIS THROUGH OUR BILLING PROCESS, IF YOU APPROVE. 2. You (and perhaps the appropriate Embassy staf should be alert for media inquiries. Though Embassy isnot named, any reporter could google “Oasis Foundation” and find connection to UAE as funds source. IF YOU AGREE, I CAN BRIEF MINTZ ON THIS FOR POTENTIAL RESPONSE, OR CAN WORK UP A. ‘SHORT STATENENT TO BE READY IF/WHEN CALLS COME IN. HL Loeb, Hamilton memerecmacn Oy byron updste PRIVILEGED & CONFIDENTIAL To: HE. Yause bn Mana Seed Al Ota ( Today Byron appeared before Judge Collyer and entered a guilty plea. It was low-key a quick. The judge had a couple of questions about the restitution aspects of the plea deal, but nothing really probing. Sentencing is set for Feb. 19. Prior to that, the Probation Office will prepare a presentencing report. As part of that process, Oasis Foundation will get a request to talk with them, which I will handle. I would also plan, subject to confirming with you, to prepare a letter to the court so the judge will know what the victim (Foundation) view are. Byron’s counsel Preston Burton reports that Byron was ok and stoic during the process, He asked Preston if he (Preston) thinks you will submit something to the court; Preston said he would take that up with me but not to count on it. Happy to discuss if you wish. HL Fe ete seg ——@O se in Nana Seed A tai (otsiba7 hata crn) Resending attached draft letter for 4:00 call, in case you need to see it again Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 9:03 PM To: H. E, Yousef bin Mana Saeed Al Otaiba ( Subject: Byron ~ letter to judge re sentencing ‘Mr. Ambassador: Byron’s sentencing is set for Feb. 19. My plan has been to submit a letter to the judge on behalf of the Oasis Foundation on or about Feb. 9, making the points we discussed in our prior meeting. J attach a draft of that letter. I have highlighted in yellow some specific language to check, to be sure that you are comfortable with it. ‘A few notes as you look at this: 1. The prosecutor emailed me last Friday that the Probation officer writing the pre- sentencing report for the Government wants to talk to me, as current head of the Oasis ‘Foundation (the victim here). But — par for the course ~ she has not responded yet to ‘an email and voicemail from me. My draft may change a bit if I talk to her, based on ‘what she seems most interested in, but I want to get it to you early enough to be sure it, hits the right notes, from you point of view. 2. At our request, the criminal complaint the Government filed (a public document) did not identify you or the UAE as the source of the Oasis Foundation funds that are at issue. I therefore drafted this letter the same way — it does not identify you or UAE, ‘and refers to the “founder and sponsor of the Foundation.” (Ido not know for sure that the Probation Office’s pre-sentencing report to the judge will continue to observe the no-identify-us courtesy.) 3. There will be a chance, if we attend the sentencing hearing, to elaborate on this to the judge more informally in the courtroom. Look forward to your thoughts. Ham Yousef Al Otaiba Seer smc tees By RE: Alert ae Byron lg Good. Just make sure Rich is in the loop in the off chance someone picks it up. From: To: ‘Subject: RE: Alert note re Byron filing Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 23:02:05 +0000 will touch base with Rich ‘The pre-sentence memo is written by Byron's lawyer on behalf of Byron. Most of itis about his background, ‘treatment he has gone through, letters of support from his AA sponsors and others. ‘One ofthe letters it refers to isthe letter from me as current exec director of Foundation, written in the Foundation’s voice; it refers to “the Foundation’s sponsor” without identifying you or Embassy or UAE. There is ‘no Embassy communication or postion in any ofthis. HL From: Yousef Al Otaiba {] ‘Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 5:47 PM To: Loeb, Hamilton ‘Subject: RE: Alert note re Byron filing Press should be handled by Oasis but with guidance from Rich. ‘The memo is written in a personal capacity, correct? (not embassy communication) > From: > To: > Subject: Alert note re Byron filing > Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 22:45:13 +0000 > > Mr. Ambassador -- > Tust to be sure we are prepared in the event of press inquiry: tomorrow (Tues.) Byron's pre- sentencing memo will be filed, and next Monday (Feb 19) is the sentencing hearing in court. I have ‘worked with Byron’s counsel to iron out the references to you personally in the pre-sentencing memo. ‘Thope the whole thing goes unnoticed by press, but want to be sure you're aware on timing in case calls come to the embassy. > Tam inclined to alert Mintz too, although you might want to have any press handled by the Oasis ‘Foundation to keep the Embassy out of it. Let me know your thinking on that. > >HL > Loeb, Hamiton reernsoncanny To: HL E,Youset bin Mana Saeed Al Otibe eta I spoke to Abdulla this afternoon about his situation in Virginia with the accident. He is sending me copies of the citations; will take it from there. (On Byron, Post reporter is doing a story, will be posted later today. Have worked with Mintz and team on moving it toward Oasis positive contributions, but the lead still sounds like it will wave the $1m figure. | suspect prosecutors fed the reporter; not much we could do to prevent it, HL ‘See More from Loeb, Hamilton a Loeb, Hamilton fener oneroana By ‘Sentencing hearing was today. The judge was a bit more lenient than the Gvt asked for, but not as lenient as Byron's counsel sought. Outcome: * Byron sentenced to 21 months. Judge recommended the federal prison in Morgantown, Wa. (Govt asked for 27-33 months.). He will have to surrender in 30-60 days. * 3 years probation (supervised release) after that. * Restitution order in the amount of $233,576 (the figure the Gvt asked for). We had asked that restitution be direct to the Foundation; | have not seen the actual order yet, to see if she accepted that. (We will have a private restitution agreement with Byron for the full amount; the $223k is a technical figure related to what the Gvt could charge.) HL Losb, Hamilton seaomeerm Qy ‘I’ve been holding Judge Collyer’s sentencing ruling on Byron to give you to at our next ‘meeting, but here itis. No action you need to take on this. Key points: + Ruling is 5 pages, in which she justifies her being more lenient than the Sentencing Guidelines. (She gave him 21 months, down from 27 month minimum under the Guidelines.) + Nomention of you or of UAE. Refers to “founder and sole donor” of Oasis Foundation, but does not identify who that is. (And no further media coverage, so far as Lam aware.) + Refers to “upwards of $1 million was purloined.” That’s the Govt’s figure. (Ours would have been >$900k.) + As sentencing decisions go, this one is fairly sensitive to Byron. Refers to “strength of character” that he showed in “climbfing] out of his black hole”, etc. + Confirms restitution amount of $223k. ‘Byron counsel tells me BFwill have to report to the federal prison about 2 weeks from now. “This message i sent bya ow frm and may contain information that is paged or confisenti If you receved 1s transmis nero, plebse notiy the sender by reply e-mail an delete the message and any etches For acatonal information, please vist our website at wt David Printy Shino iwizomaasenn By To: Youte A Otalbe, Saeed Al Nya appreciate your acknowledgment. LIke you Ido not have the detals but the emails and phone calls rom trusted professionals motivated my email One macsage came from a US physician wino worked at Ossie in the past who was able to attend oficial opening last Fall Tam confident an answer can be found. ‘Altho Bost David Printy OSes From: Youset Al Otaiba ( ‘Sent: Monday, Apri 18, 2016 5:14 PM ‘To: David Peinty ; Sacod Al Niyadi Subject: RE: Oasis Hospital David, ‘Thank you forthe heads up. | will certainly flag this tothe people back home. However, m not in a positon to evaluate what the hospital needs or doesnt need at this point. But | will make sure someone is aware, Youset From: dlprock ‘To: otaiba? @hotmal, com: saeed alneyadi@ene.covae Subject: Oasis Hospital Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 22:41:13 -0400 Dear Ambassador and Saeed, | writing to inform you of the financial trouble Oasis is facing today. It appears that a variety of management cisions have placed Oasis ina very dificult situation that cannot be fixed without His Highness’ intervention. While | am fully engaged in US | would be wiling to return to UAE for 2-3 years to tum around Oasis so that His Highness’ generosity is honored. While | do not have any financial details | believe 15-25 milion AED will be needed to support ongoing activity while increasing appropriate medical sett and regaining Al Ain Emirat! support. | departed Oasis in December 2011 after six years. (Oasis Hospital is a visible example of the tolerance that started with Sheik Zayed and continues to be the foundation of the UAE. His Highnass and a number of his brothers and sisters enter life through the oare of (Oasis Hospital and the Kennedy Physicians. | feel | owe this honest update so you can take appropriate action. (Only my haart and respect for His Highnass guides my actions. David Printy 802ys Gov taro Ugnes aor i 8 ‘Yousef Al Otaba Hey Noah, its great to hear from you. Its been a while. ‘Yes, Hamilton is now in charge of Oasis which is really on its last legs and might be shut down soon. The low oil prices have created significant budget cuts all around. | will do my best to make it to the gala if '™m actually in town. October is very tough as I'm on the road 4 times. But | will do my best. Yousef ‘Yousef Al Otaba ‘ A reer acthassan BY I don't need no stinking eacurlty. ‘Sont via BlackBerry by ATAT Original Message—~ From: blogan Date: Mon 2 Feb 2000 16:52:04 To: Subject: Fs FYI. J aoady think | know your response, but | am forwarding anyways. Sent Feb 2, 2009 11:47, Subject: Hi Byron, ‘twas good meeting you at Denise's party on Saturday - Bungalow @ was a great way to cap off the night! ‘As mentioned, my security frm handles protection forall of Denise's events and we do her personal protection as well My company protects major events and provides personal protection for people Inthe ciplomatic and entertainment fields as wel. We supply venhicles when needed in additon to heavily ‘experienced male and female protective agents. ‘Much of the protection we do involves work wih the US Secret Sevice, US State Department, and NYPD. We're based here in New York, and do alot of business in Washington and around the country. \'d love to speak to you about helping Youset with any eventipersonal protection needs he may have. Pease let me know when you have a few minutes to tlk. Thanks, Mike Zimat (718) 601-2984 © (17) 763-7051 ‘edicshit Gizont26s=chs%s26Aam0 - ‘Subject: Recommendations for Donation to a Chatty on behalf of Maria Svar ‘Mr. Ambassador — ‘Amy asked that I research and present relevant options for a donation to a charity on behalf of ‘Maria Shriver. Of Mrs. Shriver's extensive philanthropic initiatives, here are four entities to ‘which a donation would be appropriate: 1) Alzheimer's Association (national or local CA chapter) ~ Maria Shriver’s father suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. She recently produced a four-part HBO documentary on the disease, and testified before Congress in March of this year to raise awareness of the disease and to advocate for increased funding. 2) After School All-Stars (national or local CA chapter) ~ Both Mrs. Shriver and Governor Schwarzenegger are honorary co-chairs of this organization, an L.A -based. ‘nonprofit that provides opportunities for inner-city youth to participate in sports, educational, cultural, and community enrichment programs. 3) Califomia School Garden Network ~ Mrs. Shriver is an honorary chair of this ‘organization that’s mission isto create and sustain California school gardens to ‘enhance academic achievement, a healthy lifestyle, environmental stewardship, and community and social development. School garden creation is one of Mrs. Shriver’s initiatives (“WE Garden”) as first lady of CA. 4) Youth Serve California - This nonprofit is dedicated to helping California youth ‘transform themselves and their communities though service. It has helped build playgrounds for underserved youth as part of another of Mrs. Shriver’s initiatives, “WE Build.” ‘Thank you ~ please let me know if I can provide additional information, Kristen Kristen Slaughter Oasis Foundation of Washington DC 2300 NStreet, NW, Suite 1200 ‘Washington, DC 20037 (202) 821-1258 (direct) (02) 821-1257 (main) (612) 483-1913 (cell) slau ‘, Yousef AlOtalba serrenencans wcsestnescinn By ‘Sounds like a good compromise. Both of you should go if possible. To: Subject: Re: Oasis Foundation From: byron Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 23:54:25 +0000 I think that rather than send her as a representative of Oasis, she might be better served to take me with her... Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From: Dede McClure Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:44:47 -0400 To: Byron Fogan; ‘Subject: Oasis Foundation Yousef and Byron Hope you are both well and content. Tam having a very fun time working through the nuts and bolts of a potential philanthropy campaign. You may find I am not like most East Coast folks, I have a very ‘West Coast sensibility it is about coops and collaborative. I am hopeful that you will latch on to an idea or two in my thinking and whether we work together or not ~ that. there is something you may take away from my proposal. I own nothing ~ I share all-~ 1am writing now though to ask a favor of sorts. I have been invited by Katherine Bradley to attend a private briefing on April 1 that Is being hosted by the Philanthropy Roundtable. The topic ~ Progress, Setbacks and the Challenges Ahead for DC Schools. Arne Duncan and Michelle Rhee are doing a morning plenary session - they have a really good lineup for the day ~ should be an interesting day. The invites are to local philanthropy organizations and local individual philanthropists. Please don’t ask how I got on the list as I am both broke and not involved with a local philanthropic organization. However, I would be happy to go as a representative of “the Oasis Foundation” - which would also serve as putting your organization on the radar for both CityBridge ( a co- sponsor) and the Philanthropy Roundtable - this would insure that your organization was Invited to other similar events. Let me know what you think - Best, Dede ‘Subject: Ltr to Mitch LandiewLt. Governor of Lousiana Date: Tha, # Sep 2008 05:57:21 -0800 From: “p: otain7Bhotral com (Cc: Retard. Aovbassoder, In the woke of Huricane Gustav {suggest that we each ou o Lt. Governor Lande, wth whem we have been in contact regarding ‘various aspects ofthe recovery effort in New Crlears and the Gu post Katrina. This Serves as an opportunity fr the Embassy to re= ‘engage inthe region. ‘Gwen the ie of the financial contrbutlon thatthe URE made to the recovery effort pos-katrina and the importance played by Lousiana ‘and other Gui Staas inthe energy production of the US; the publi isomacy program should focus some atention on that region, 115 my recommendation thatthe flowing lente be sent to the Lt. Governor as 8 means of opering/centinung a éaiogue with Loustana. 1 wll provide further recommendations on other follow-up acbites (trough bath the Embassy and the Oasis Foundation) ‘designed to bring our mestages tothe Guifin the coming days. LLeutenant Governor Lan Twanted to let you know thatthe people af Louisiana and the ante Gu region were in our thoughts as you weathered urncane Gustav earfer this week. Whe damage frm tis storm was clearly signer, the global community shares your rele that preparations prior to the stam aria helped to avert the potential humantaran disaster that Gustav threatened to We wish you well as you continue your recovery effets fram both Gustav ad Hurcane Katrina. I 8 my hope to vist the region eventuly so tat I may report my first-hand observations of your recovery efforts to our govemmental eadership. It ‘ll be goed for us te see how intermatonal aid has assisted youn your recovery elo tus fac. Moreover wil be instrctive {o dscover what adcional works lett be done to ensure that New Oreans and te entre Gf Region ae al restored. “Again, our thoughts are with you as yeu conte your recovery efforts. Please expect further communications frm my team regarding a future vst to New Orleans. Sincerely, Ambassador Youset A Oaiba ‘ted Arab Emirates Aribascador to the United States 1 you agro wil interface with Dima to get this etter printed and mailed to Louisiana today. Thank you in advance for your ‘consideration. Byron KFogan, 2 The Harbour Group 200 See, NW Sue 1200 Washgon, D6 20087122 usa Taie2959r78 wzesi07181 byron ocandaruracom wn rarbourracom From: Khaldoon Al Mubarak (EAA) ‘Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 2:51 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: FW: Proof of Concept Memorandum We need to give Yousif our input and recommendations go/no go From: {maito:otaita? @hotmall. com] ‘Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 10:41 AM To: Khaldoon Mubarak ‘Subject: Fiv: Proof of Concept Memorandum ‘The proof of concept memo is attached. ‘Would be great if'I can get a green light on the concept before I meet him tonight. Sent via BlackBerry. From: "Byron Fogan" Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 15:19:50 -0400 “ CC: Subject: Proof of Concept Memorandum Good afternoon Sir ‘Atthe request of Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the United States, I am Forwarding the attached document to you. The document is being delivered pursuant to a conversations between the Ambassador and His Highness Sheikh Salman bin Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa, Crown Prince of Bahrain, ‘The attached document 4nd activities of the proposed philanthropic collaboration between Mr. Nelson Peltz of Trian Partners in New ‘York and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed AI Nahysa,Ceovin Prince of Abu Dhabi Please feel free to contact either Ambassador Al Otuiba or myself regarding any questions that may arise during ‘your review ofthis document. I thankyou for your time and look forward to assisting you inthe future. Byron K.Fogan JD Vie Presient ‘The Harbour Group 200 Sued, NIV Suite 1200 Washinglon, BC 20087-1122 Usa 7702205.0778, wanesio7s9% ‘byron fogand@hatbourp.con ‘ww From: "Khaldoon Al Mubarak EAA" Dato: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:02:38 +0400 ‘Tor Subject: FH: Proc of Coneept Memorandum FYI | also had waleed check on the guy with Marty, and he raised some concerns about high profile associations, With Peltz based on his reputation From: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:45 PM To: Knaldoon Al Mubarak (EAA) ‘Ce: Daniel Slack-Smith (EAA) ‘Subject: RE: Proof of Concept Memorandum Khaldoon, Whave looked at the document and Danie! has carried out some background work. In principle, this is @ \Wwel:eaning intative (a partnership to promote tolerance and understanding). However, we would raise the folowing considerations: 1. Is itwise/appropriate for HH to so deeply align himself wth Nelson Peltz (a good profile here: hito/Imoney.cnn.comimagazines/fortune'fortune_archive/2007/04/02/8403476/indax hirm). While there ‘may be nothing evidently wrong with the individual partner in question, who is most widely known as @ successful investo,is it wise to partner with one individual so significantly? - We would advocate its not. 2. Peltzis co-chairman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization («usw On lis website the Centar’s mission Includes *.. promoting human rights and ‘dignity, standing with Israel, defending the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaching the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations." Rightly or wrongly, the potential impact ofthis must be evaluated — in {terms of politcal impact, but also in terms of what this would mean in terms of brogrammingintavesevensprortie for is new chartable parership being proposed between HH and Pelz 3, Is there a good reason to establish this partnership in addition to (or separate to) the charitable ‘foundation that the UAE Embassy in Washington is already setting up (The Oasis Foundation), or instead of a dedicated foundation created by His Highness on his own? It would be good to understand why the UAE wants to do this at the same time, in partnership with someone else, instead of just including tolerance in the terms of reference for the UAE's own charitable foundation (over which the UAE will have {ull conta). 4, This partnership relies heavily on Peltz generating profits in the UAE (as he’s allocating 20% of those to {und his share of the initiative), while the Embassy's own foundation (or a new one in the name of HH) wail be funded by the UAE/AD as i sees fit. We should not just accept this offer because Peltz has proposed ly if overlaps with oF undermines the Embassy's own charitable foundation or the potential ‘value for HH to establish his vehicle. Just some thoughts, but we think they deserve answers before we can give an informed evaluation on this partnership. ifyou asked me to provide you with counsel on the basis of what we have | would say tsa “no 190°, mainly because of the dependence of Peltz's proposed business in the UAE and the Wiesenthal issue. Simon, ctaivarehomaam Soo nouns Sinn esas we btn amdn a No rsh. Just arly to simon how both foundations can complement each other. Sent via BlackBerry. From:"Byron Fogan Date: Th, 1 Sep 2008 11:39:48 +0000 To: ‘Subject: Re: Prot of Concapt Memorandum ‘Am on my way the pentagon. Wil iake care ofit immediatly aftr Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From: olaba7@hotmalcom Date: Tu, 1 Sep 2008 11-28:44 +0000 ‘Te: Byron Fogan-byron oganharbourgra.con> ‘Subject: Fw: Proof of Concept Memorandum ‘Gan you spond to senon comments please, Explain how the nelsons foundation wil sport and augment oasis foundation. Sent via BlackBerry, From:"Khaldoon Al Mubarak YEAAY) Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:02;8 +0400, ‘Torectata? @hormal com> ‘Subject: FW: Proo of Concept Memorandum FY | also had waleed check on the guy with Marty, and he raised some concems about high profile associations with Peltz based on his reputation. Youset AlOtalba | think its a great idea. Perhaps we should also consider providing thanksgiving meals/food, Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Original Message From: Byron Fogan Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2006 14:51:54 “To: ; Ce: ; Subject: FW: Fire strikes Bea Gaddy homeless shetter Greetings Gentlemen, ‘The attached story arises out of a story that | saw this morning. Fire struck the Bea Gaddy Women's Shelter in Baltimore last night, displacing ‘a number of women and children. The Bea Gaddy Center has a dual purpose. One, it serves to house homeless women and children~an etfort ‘that was eliminated by last night's electrical fie. The center also serves as a food pantry for the poor in Baltimore, with its signature event being a Thanksgiving feast which fed nearly 40,000 last year. The expected need this year isin the neighborhood of 55,000 people. ‘The electrical fire which destroyed the shelter impacted the center overall, which now has no power. Thus, its refrigeration is out. The center has received assistance in the form of a refrigerated cab to place items for the Thanksgiving Day meal. ‘The reason for this e-mail is that | think there is an opportunity for ‘the Oasis Foundation to step outside of the beltway and offer the Bea Gaddy Center a grant for between 5 to 10K to assist in its time of desperate need. Coincidently, the shelter is in Maryland's 7th Congressional District, represented by Elijah Cummings (0). lease let me know if you see the value in our engagement with the Bea Gaddy project. As time is of the essence, your timely response will be most useful. Sorry for the short notice, but this just hit the radar screen this AM. Thanks in advance. Byron K. Fagan ‘The Harbour Group Yous Al Otaiba [sen Yous Oise Marche, 200040 Ro: Boa Mosting-Oass Foundation No. Sent via BlackBery by AT&T =~-Original Message From: Paulina Habr Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2008 20:27:42 ‘To: Subject: Re: Board Meeting Oasis Foundation Would you ike to have lunch with them after the meeting in your ofice ? == Original Message From: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘To: Pauline Habre Sent: Fri Mar 06 17:28:39 2008 Subject: Re: Board Meeting-Oasis Foundation Sure, convey to byron, ‘Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ~~-Original Message From: Pauline Habr Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 22:28:00 hotmail com> To: ‘Subject: Re: Board Meeting-Oasis Foundation Yousef, Can we push itback one hour ? As you have CEO of cleveland at 11 same date and he did plan is trip for that datetime , shou vat do you think? Otherwise, | can check with him From: Byron Fogan ‘To: jean francois seznoe ; Raymond Kemp ; Yousef Al Otaiba Ce: Dima Alfaham; Pauline Habr Sent: Fri Mar 06 17:17:17 2008 Subject: Board Meeting-Oasis Foundation ‘As one of the three ofthe three directors and our founder are both not available on March 10, | am requesting that we reschedule our Board Meeting two weeks hence, on March 24, 2008 at 11:00 am. The: location will be the Embassy. Please let me know if this will work. Thank you. Byron K. Fogan, JD ‘The Harbour Group 2300 N Street, NW Suite 1200 Washington, OC 20037-1122 USA 202.295.8778 202.510.7105 ‘byron ‘ Youset Al Otalba ‘Sure but let's keep it as a last resort ifthe fellows cannot come up with their own funding. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Original Message-—- From: Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:44:23 To: Great idea. | will be with Matt shortly through early afternoon. May I discuss this with him 2. -——Original Message-—— From: Yousef Al Otaiba To: Hagir El Awad To: Marjorie Adams Ce: Byron Fogan ‘Sent: Mar 26, 2009 8:13 AM Subject: Fellows As a last resort perhaps we can explore the possibilty of funding the trip through the business council or oasis foundation. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile Youset Al Otaibe Seeman samasin y will look for it tonight. To: Subject: Re: Final Truman List From: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 14:57:50 +0000 Any luck finding amended export law? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Yousef Al Otaiba Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:01:46 -0400 To: Marjorie Adams; Hagir Elawad ‘Subject: RE: Final Truman List, Lets inform Janet and take it from there. To:; Subject: Re: Final Truman List Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:57:13 -0400 From: ‘Thank you for the update, Hagir. Mr, Ambassador: as discussed last Thursday, we do have the offer of the transportation from down this way. Original Message----- From: To: Ambassador Yousef Al Otalba ; Marjorie Adams Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 5:58 am Subject: Re: Final Truman List, Morning Boss- I spoke with Janet Eisenstatt last night and the idea of any ‘sponsoring from the UAE or affiliates (Oasis or Biz Council) is not an option for them. They have a new director coming onboard next week since it is a political appt and we will discuss how they can still make the trip. Janet mentioned there's a chance the trip would be delayed. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Yousef Al Otaiba Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 06:32:17 -0400 To: Hagir Elawad ‘Subject: FW: Final Truman List This is the Truman scholars group, visiting abu dhabi later this month, Note their itinerary, very similar to WH fellows. om>; Marjorie From: David Print [maito:ciprock@] ‘Sent; Wecnesday, September 23, 2008 6:44 PM ‘Tor Yousef Al Otibe’ Subject: Greetings Dear Ambassador, "Trust that your weokin NYC ls productive and personally rewarding as you meet with world leaders. The role thatthe UAE plays in displaying respect of all peoples and peace tothe region struy the foundation for a new era. Oasis Hospital is Fonored to bea small example 2s we work wit UAE Leadership in bringing healthcare to the Eastern Region along with supporting the needy in Aighanistan and Bangladesh among others. “Thursday my wite and | return to Al Ain to prepare forthe historic ground breaking forthe New Oasis Hospital Monday tho 28th of September. We areal humibid by the tesk ahead but we will kaop true to Sheik Zayedts (God rest his soul vision that Is Kop alive by Presigent Hie Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayes Ai Nahyan and Genefal Sheikh Wonammied bin Zayed Al Natyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces. All of us at Oasis appreciate your support and counsel. | must say en @ personal nate your frendship is treasured. My bost wishes as you serve, David. Prnty POBox 1018. Alin Unite Arab Emirates monie:971506636426 From: Yousef Al Otaiba(malto:ctalba7@] Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 6:23 PM To: Cynthia P Seneicer ‘Subject: RE: thank you; New Beginning confernce Cynthia, Iwas great to s8e you atthe evant recently. Let me look into this with Byron and get back o you but tobe quite frank | dont see this @s something within the parameters ‘of Oasis 0° samething tne UAE gov't Wil get behind but let me doublecneck. Youset ‘Subject: thank you; New Bagianing canternce Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:08:01 0500 From: ‘Tor otaiba7 @hotmaieom Dear Yousut, “Thank you very much for including me and my husband in the dinner folowing the Journey to Meoca premier last right. Irenjoyed the dinner very much: tne food was delicous, te sating was elegant and f was @ pleasure 10 seo ‘ld friends and meet new ones. had the good fortune to be seated next to JimKimsey, $0, as you can imagine, we had a fascinating conversation. | was very glad to hav e the opportunity to moet Taran Davies. |hope that my ‘organization MOST (Muslims on, Soreen and Television: 8 Cross. Cultural Resource Conter, www mostresoures.0rg) will beable to work with him in the ture. ‘At the reception | spoke briefly with your Crist ot Staff about my inquiry sentin late December about your potential interest n being involved with an inibatve ied by the Library in Alexandria to organize a conference in June. 2010 (June 16-18) ta follow up an President Onama's Cato speech. The goal a he Alexandra confarence Wil be to take stock af ‘what has happened in terms U.S. Muslim world relations and engagement in the past year, anc to discuss and launch ‘concrete prjecis tnat build on the ideas in President Obama's speech. The White House is very supportive of tis Iniative. | was wing t0 G60 if you might bo interested — eltner through the UAE government ofthe Oasis Foundation ~ in suppering ane ofthe two planning workshops forthe Alexandra conference, and/or the Alexandsia ‘conference isell. | think't should be a landmark evert, one that the UAE would be proud to support. Yale university is hosting and sponsoring te fst planning workshop in lale February but we are looking for suppor for the second ‘conference, scheduled for mid to ate March. | would be hapoy to talk with you, your Chie of Staff, er Byron on this mater. “Thank you again for including us inthe inner. Best regares, ‘Gynthia.P. Schneider ‘Gyntia P_ Schneider, PhD Distinguished Professor inthe Practice of Diplomacy ‘School of Foreign Service Georgetown Universty Sonior Non Resident Fotiow Brookings Institution Former Amoassacor tothe Netherlands tol. 301 708 2260 Youset Alotalbs @ Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:02:27 -0700 From: donotreply To: CC: Subject: Invoice from DC International Advisory, LLC Dear Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, ‘Your invoice is attached. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience. “Thank you for your business - we appreciate it very much. Sincerely, DC International Advisory, LLC Invoice Summary Amount Due: $30,000.00 —_been provided as an ‘The complete version has ‘attachment to this e-mail. Invoice #: UAE14Q3 Invoice Date: 06/17/2014 Due Date: 07/01/2014 Terms: Due on receipt | Yousef Al Otaiba iy nova 9.7 a Tar SyonFoge ovis Iwill call you. ‘See More from Byron Fogan Byron Fogan sencnnsconn Dear Ambassador Al Otaiba, I wish to thank you for every opportunity that you have given me over all these many years. My continued work in my current capacity is untenable, not only for me but for all those involved in our project. As such, I propose termination of my engagement with the Harbour Group. Effective immediately, I am prepared to offer my resignation to Richard Mintz and Harbour Group. My past actions leave me in a position where it is nearly impossible for me to be an effective employee there. Both myself and the leaders of that organization would agree that our continued interaction hinders the overall project. As itis not my wish to hamstring any part of this project, I implore you to accept this decision and advise me to move forward with this plan, Iwish to remain on as legal advisor to the Embassy, working from my office in Maryland and concentrating solely on legal work under our current agreement, without modification. It is in this role that I can be most effective to you. Tam happy to do whatever it takes to make this transition seamless. I think it would serve everyone’s best interests. Most importantly, it would serve yours. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. I will be in a variety of doctor’s appointments today, but I am free to discuss at your leisure. Sincerely, Byron K. Fogan Richara Mintz Eribor- vou Arabs A yon We officially terminated him as of today. (I had to do it by texvemail since he has not responded to my calls/texts.) He no longer has access to our offices or computer system. Picking up the pieces: ‘We had a conference call yesterday with Ham to review outstanding contracvlegal requirements on various donor agreements (e.g. NJ and Dallas flelds, agreement with Noor Al Suwaidi for Meridien) T'll send you a memo next week on status of Reputation.Com, Byron hasn't paid the bill in afew months so there is a pending balance. (I’m meeting with Tripp on Thu to discuss their capabilities on this and broader Emb social media platform). T'll send you a note on EverybodyWins literacy program. Last year’s Oasis commitment ($30K) remains unpaid. He is also being removed from the EW board. ‘At least for the moment, Matt will step in as prineipal Emb contact on various initiatives that were Byron's responsibility (eg. Joplin, New Orleans). ‘Let me know if you have any questions. From: otaloa7@hobmallcom [mailto:otalba7@hotmall coms] ‘Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 9:56 PM. Tor Richard Mintz ‘Subject: Re: Fogan items ok Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Richard Mintz Subject: FW: Fogan items Need to talk to you about Byron. Lots of things on his plate and no follow through. And he’s not answering my calls or ‘emails From: Matthew Tiiaca| ‘Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 4:18 PM. ‘Tos Richard Mintz ‘Subject: Fogan items Per our conversation, I thought it would be elpful to send you alist ofthe most pressing items oa which I have line-of sight: ‘Noor Al Suvvaidi contract ~ Needs to deft agreement and share with Dima, Ellis Marsalis Center ~ Needs to follow-up with the Center and finalize the ters ofthe Embassy grat. + Reputation com ~ Needs to confirm payment of $10K has been made and that other steps have been taken to bring account upto date, + NT Soccer contracts ~ Needs to get Omar's signature on contracts and send back to local partners. + Dallas Soccer contract ~ Needs to get Omar's signature and send back to local partners. + Everybody Wins ~ Need tofu on Emb funding commitment irom lst year. ‘Let me know if you have any questions, Youset Al Otaiba nsen-vouet Alois ester zone at 20M RE Some onal wit Byron ~ Ha noise Yes, please send to omar. I'll take care of it with him. From: richard. To: Subject: FW: Some emails with Byron - Hi and Invoice Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 20:33:29 +0000. This is Everybody Wins $30K commitment for 2013 that is still unpaid. Invoice attached and email chain from Byron with confirmation is attached. Do you want me to send this to Omar? From: Mary Salander [] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 10:23 AM To: Richard Mintz ‘Subject: FW: Some emails with Byron - Hi and Invoice Importance: High Hi Richard, We'll be out on spring break back on the 21°. Do you need anything else from me? Just checking. Have a Happy Passover with your family. Mary From: Mary Salander Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 5:37 PM To: ‘Richard Mintz’ ‘Subject: Some emails with Byron - Hi and Invoice Importance: High Richard, Here is a series of some of the emails between Byron and me regarding this school year’s 2013-2014 Lead Mentor Corporate Sponsorship at School Without Walls Francis Stevens. We had a breakfast date that did not work out in the summer. He was bringing me a ck at that time. As you can see, his intention over the past number of months was to get the ck to me ~ but for reasons you are aware of, it never happened. The sponsorship was for $25K and he also did a sponsorship for the Scramble golf ‘Tournament — which the foundation received signage for etc. - that took place in June of 2013. That’s why the invoice is for $30K. Also attached is a write up about the sponsorship — Byron may have all of this in his files. If you think it is better to wait until he returns in May, that is ok. It would be good to get it in. I hope the email trail below is helpful. Please let me know if you need anything else. ‘Thanks for your help. Mary From: Byron Fogan [] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:16 AM To: Mary Salander Subject: Re: So good to see you last night Got them. Sent from my iPhone On Dee 4, 2013, at 11:14 AM, "Mary Salander" wrote: $30K is correct, if that works for you. We sent invoices - do you need them? Mary "I learned what every dreaming child needs to know - that no horizon is so far that you cannot get above it or beyond it" - Beryl Markham. From: Byron Fogan [] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:12 AM To: Mary Salander Subject: Re: So good to see you last night Let me know how much I owe you. I think it is 30k. I'm running around like a crazy person this morning trying to make a flight this afternoon. Sent from my iPhone On Dec 4, 2013, at 9:24 AM, "Mary Salander" wrote: Byron, Ihave a staff meeting in a couple of minutes and will call you afterwards ~ around 10:30ish. Great to see you last night. A WOW! Event. Mary From: Mary Salander Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:30 PM To: ‘Byron Fogan’ Subject: Hi and Invoice HI Byron, You asked me to send you this invoice — so just following up. Also just a little reminder about the Scramble check for $5,000. Our fiscal year is about to close — end of September. It would be very helpful if you could get the Scramble check to me by then. I’d greatly appreciate it. Sorry to be sending financial requests to you! Hope all is good. Mary From: Mary Salander Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 11:26 AM To: ‘Byron Fogan Subject: Hi and Invoice Hi Byron, hope you are having a good day and getting progressively better as time passes. You asked me to send you this invoice. I waited to see if Kirkland & Ellis was going to take on the LMCS role again at Marie Reed, in deference to your inquiry. Mark Director is still looking into it for the “green light”. So, thought I'd go ahead and get this to you anyway. If for any reason, K&E decides to take a time-out ~ I'll slip you over to Marie Reed instead of Francis Stevens. ‘That said, we are incredibly grateful for the support you continue to shower upon us! It’s means a great deal to us — more than you may know. I will be sending you nothing but good healing vibes as you recover and move forward. Will keep you up on our news. Beautiful day. I hope you can get out to enjoy some of it. Mary “Itis only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye” ~ The little Prince Yousef Al Ota ‘We promised him some money towards a car. Il discuss « number tomorrow with Omar and get back to you, From: Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:24:07 -0500 Subject: Re: Contract ‘The Embassy covers the tickets from the employee's country to the employer's residence. = ‘The Embassy will pay upon termination of this agreement regardless of the reason of termination, + The Housing Allowance($50.000.00) the Embassy pays James monthly ( divided the amount to monthly payment ) $4166.67 ~ the embassy does not cover the car payment . ‘Omar (On Jan 21, 2015, at 6:03 PM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: ‘Omar, do you remember the exact numbers? Greetings Sir, Thave reviewed the information below. It is my assumption thatthe terms below were discussed between you fand the candidate. If so, these are items that I would include in the contract. 1am not certain as to the agreed upon price of the vehicle or the housing allowance. I assume the housing allowance would be the same as James's Lam happy to put these terms in the contract if that is your desire. Byron K. Fogan ‘The Fogan Law Group 10092 Hat Brim Terrace Columbia, MD 21046 (0) 410.730.1159, (F) 410.730.1188 (M) 202.510.7191/443.545.6830 (On Jan 21,2015, at 9:06 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Byron, (Can we get answers to these questions please. Youset > Subject: Contract > From: lindsaywilson2000@ yahoo > Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 08:37:35 -0500 > To: > Hello Sir > Thank you for my contract I received it yesterday. I just wanted to check on a few things before I sign for peace of mind, I'm sure they are fine but better to ask and be sure. > The following things are not mentioned in the contract I just wanted to check weather they should. bbe orif they are just agreements we have that will be honoured at the appropriate time. > 1) repatriation expenses > 2) lump sum car payment > 3) annual flight to Australia for myself > Could Talso please ask about the housing allowance, T have bee told that it will be paid in monthly stalments at the start of each month... Is this correct?” > Thank you very much > Lindsay > > Sent from my iPhone Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 11:10 AM To: Abdulaziz Alshareef (; 'Elias Jaalook’; ‘Omar Al Shamsi' Ce: Byron Fogan ( Subject: Tysons lease - for action today Since it is now Friday and we are at the end (or past the end) of the Landlord’s stated deadline for getting the lease situation resolved, I think it is important that all of us are on the same page and that we get a decisive response in place. I am concerned that, because the Landlord has provided the necessary documents to NBAD to draw on the letter of credit but has held that process up because our side has assured them we want to go forward with the lease, the Landlord will simply instruct NBAD to draw the full LIC. ‘To summarize: ‘+ The lease runs for 7 years, at about $200,000 per year. It calls for the Landlord to spend $350,000 up front to build the space out, which the Landlord would recover in the rental payments. To protect this investment, the Landlord required an unusually large security deposit, in the form of the ‘$468,000 letter of credit, ‘+ In the last proposal from our side (this Wednesday), the PA proposed to move the free-tent to the ‘end of the lease, rather than the beginning, so that the PA/ADPGHQ would start paying rent as ‘soon as it moved it. Per my discussion with Elias, this was offered in part as addressing the Landlord's claimed anxiety that it would build the space out but the PAADPGHQ would leave it ‘once the rent obligation kicked in, ‘+ | partied with the Landlord's lawyers over the diplomatic and sovereign immunity situation, and backed them off the demand for the Embassy to sign the lease. They agreed to accept ADPGHQ ‘as the tenant but insisted on a confirmation of the immunity waiver clause by the Ambassador's

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