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Name: ____________________________________

I. True or False. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if otherwise. Do not guess.
Right minus Wrong.

_____ 1. In the pillar of education learn to know, students need to develop learn-to-learn skills.
_____ 2. Learn to do entails not only development of competence but also of life skills, personal qualities
and aptitudes and attitudes.
_____ 3. Learn to be is of prime importance to building of genuine and lasting culture of peace in the
_____ 4. In learning to live together, aims of education should be the total development of the person.
_____ 5. In learning to be, the aim of education is to better develop ones personality and to act with ever
greater autonomy, judgment and personal responsibility.

II. ANALOGY. Complete the second pair by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter
on the blank before each number.

______6. Learning to know: mastery of learning tools; learning to do: __

A. Certified skills C. Personal commitment
B. Occupational training D.Social competence

______7. Learning to live together: Work for common goals: Learn to be: __
A. Emphasize expression of human freedom C. Teach human diversity
B. Harness traditional forms of knowledge D. Upset the social order

______8. Learning to live together: Social Relational Skills; Learning to do: ___
A. Personal competencies C. Productive competencies
B. Cognitive competencies D. Social competencies

______9. Learning to know: cognitive competency; Learning to be: __

A. Productive competency C. social competency
B. Personal competency D. professional competency

_____10. Learning to be: a compass with which to find oneself; Learning to know: a compass ___
A. With which to find others C. to sail the sea of knowledge
B. To achieve self-discipline D. to be entrepreneurial of the world

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