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Social Development

By Janae and Amber

Erik Erikson (History)
Erik Erikson was an American developmental

psychologist and psychoanalyst.

In 1930, Erik Erikson developed the eight psychosocial stages

of social development- this is the theory that he was

most known for throughout his career.

His wife at the time, Joan Serson, helped him develop the

eight stages.
Theory of Social Development
Psychosocial development: Erik Erikson believed that every person must pass
through a series of eight interrelated stages over the entire life cycle. The theory of
social development is a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies a
series of eight stages where a healthy person should pass through from infancy to
late adulthood.
Stages of Social Development
Infancy: 0-18 months Young Adult: 18-35

Toddler:18 months- 3 Middle Ages: 35-65

Late Ages: 65+
Preschool: 3-5

School age: 6-12

Stages of Social Development (0-12)
Basic Trust vs. Mistrust: Children, Infants particularly, begin to trust their parents or guardians to fulfill
their basic needs. If the child's needs aren't fulfilled, they begin to develop mistrust toward their caregiver.
They also can develop worries, suspicion, and anxieties.
Social Development (13-65)
Identity vs. Role Confusion Fidelity: Development depends on what a person does. Child discovers
identity while also struggling to fit in

Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation Love: People start to seek companionship, and then eventually
settle down and create a family. Unsuccessful relationships lead to isolation.

Generativity vs. Self absorption or Stagnation Care: Career and family are most important at this age.
Major life-shifts can occur at this age which many struggle with.

Integrity vs. Despair Wisdom: The reflection stage; while others feel like their life was meaningful, many
adults feel depressed while looking back at life and containing a feeling of despair.

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