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SECURWARE 2013 : The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

Detecting Social-Network Bots Based on Multiscale Behavioral Analysis

Francisco Brito, Ivo Petiz Eduardo Rocha
Paulo Salvador, Antonio Nogueira Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal Faculty of Computer Science, HTWK Leipzig,
DETI, University of Aveiro, Portugal Germany
e-mails:,, e-mail:,

AbstractSocial network services have become one of the was Koobface [10], [11]. Being currently the largest social
dominant human communication and interaction paradigms. networking service, Facebook is the main vector of attack via
However, the emergence of highly stealth attacks perpetrated by social networking services [12]. Current techniques to detect
bots in social-networks lead to an increasing need for efficient
detection methodologies. The bots objectives can be as varied bots within a social network rely on automated algorithms that
as those of traditional human criminality by acting as agents evaluate social relations. Based on graph-theory techniques,
of multiple scams. Bots may operate as independent entities they try to detect unnatural relations in social networks [13],
that create fake (extremely convincing) profiles or hijack the [9]. Another technique used to detect bot activity measures
profile of a real person using his infected computer. Detecting mouse movements and keystrokes produced while interacting
social networks bots may be extremely difficult by using human
common sense or automated algorithms that evaluate social in the generation of online contents. In [14] this class of
relations. However, bots are not able to fake the characteristic behavioral analysis was applied in blogging activities, but
human behavior interactions over time. The pseudo-periodicity it can also be easily applied to social networks interfaces.
mixed with random and sometimes chaotic actions characteristic The main downside of this approach is that it must rely on
of human behavior is still very difficult to emulate/simulate. software loaded on the client browser, which can be difficult to
Nevertheless, this human uniqueness is very easy to differentiate
from other behavioral patterns. As so, novel behavior analysis implement and certainly impossible to generalize to all users
and identification methodologies are necessary for an accurate due to confidentiality constrains. A viable solution should only
detection of social network bots. In this work, we propose a new rely on ubiquitous statistics that do not compromise the users
paradigm that, by jointly analyzing the multiple scales of users privacy, namely counting the number of social interactions per
interactions within a social network, can accurately discriminate time interval (e.g., number of posts, number of likes, number
the characteristic behaviors of humans and bots within a social
network. Consequently, different behavior patterns can be built of photo uploads).
for the different social network bot classes and typical humans It is extremely difficult to program a bot to replicate
interactions, enabling the accurate detection of one of most recent the characteristic human behavior of social interactions over
stealth Internet threats. time. Humans actions have an inherent pseudo-periodicity
Keywords - Facebook user behavior, Human social-networking mixed with random (and sometimes chaotic) actions which
behavior, social-network bots, bot detection, Facebook interactions are almost impossible to emulate/simulate. Nevertheless, this
model. human uniqueness is very easy to differentiate from other
behavioral patterns. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new
methodology that, by jointly analyzing the multiple scales of
the users interactions within a social network, can accurately
Together with the growing predominance of social networking discriminate the characteristic behaviors of humans and bots
services in human communication, a set of scam attacks within a social network. Consequently, different behavior
perpetrated by bots [1], [2] have emerged. We are currently signatures can be use to accurately detect bots acting with
witnessing a major increasing in cybercrime attacks against a social network.
individuals targeting their personal data and financial assets The proposed methodology applies the concept of multi-
[3], [4]. Most of the current Internet malware threats dissem- scalling analysis based on scalograms to the statistical pro-
inate themselves using social engineering and, mainly, using cesses that describe the interaction of a user within the social
social networks [5], since social networking provides an open network. Scalograms reveal much information about the nature
field for illicit activities [6]. Social networking sites are always of non-stationary processes that was previously hidden, so they
improving their security but this is a constant race behind are applied to a lot of different scientific areas: diagnosis
the leading criminals [7]. Existing botnets [8], [9] can use of special events in structural behavior during earthquake
social networking services to spread themselves, but more excitation, ground motion analysis, transient building response
importantly, can use social networks to impersonate the owner to wind storms, analysis of bridge response due to vortex
of the controlled machine in order to obtain valuable personal shedding, among others [15].
information or force the person to interact with unwanted in- The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows:
dividuals or services. One of the better documented examples Section II presents some important background on multiscal-
of social networking services abuse for malicious purposes ing analysis; Section III presents the characteristic behaviors

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SECURWARE 2013 : The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

number of posts 4

activity energy
average activity energy standard deviation
5 5 5
10 10 10
timescale (hours)

15 15 15
20 20 20
25 25 25
30 30 30

35 35 35

40 40 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
time (days)

Figure 1. Multiscale analysis example: (top-left) number of Facebook posts in 20-minutes intervals, (bottom-left) scalogram / user activity energy per
timescale over time, (bottom-middle) average user activity energy over time and (bottom-right) activity energy standard deviation over time.

of human and bots within a social network and how they of the CWT components of the signal and the (local) Wavelet
differ; Section IV presents the results of a proof-of-concept of Power Spectrum (sometimes called Scalogram or Wavelet
the proposed detection methodologies and, finally, Section V Periodogram) is defined as the normalized energy over time
presents some brief conclusions about the presented detection and scales:
methodologies. 2
|Wx; (, s)|
Ex (, s) = 100 P P (3)
0 0 2
The main purposes of a multiscaling analysis is to identify the An example of a scalogram can be observed in Figure 1
most important time-scales of (pseudo-periodicity) activity and (bottom-left).
quantify the constancy of that pseudo-periodicity. In order to
achieve that objective, it is necessary to quantify the activity
over time for multiple timescales. III. S OCIAL -N ETWORKING B EHAVIOR
Wavelets are mathematical functions that are used to di- C HARACTERIZATION
vide a given signal into its different timescales components. A. Single User Behavior Inference
Wavelets enable the analysis of each one of the signal compo-
nents in an appropriate scale. Starting with a mother wavelet Within the context of this paper, signal x(t) is a counting
(t), a family ,s (t) of wavelet daughters can be obtained process that quantifies the number of social network interac-
by simply scaling and translating (t): tions (i.e., number of posts, number of likes and number of
posted photos) in a time-interval (e.g., 30 minutes, as used
1 t in section IV) over time. An example of a counting process
,s (t) = p ( ) (1)
|s| s (Facebook posts) can be observed in Figure 1 (top-left). In
where s is a scaling or dilation factor that controls the width of order to characterize the user multiscale behaviour over time,
the wavelet (factor 1 is introduced to guarantee the energy it is possible to estimate (i) the Average Activity Energy of
signal x(t), Ex (s), by averaging the normalized energy of
preservation, k,s k = ||) and is a translation parameter
the signal over time for all timescales (see (4)) and (ii) the
controlling the time location of the wavelet. Scaling a wavelet
Activity Energy Standard Deviation of signal x(t), Ex (s),
simply means stretching it (if |s| > 1) or compressing it (if
by calculating the standard deviation of the normalized energy
|s| < 1), while translating it simply means shifting its position
of the signal over time for all timescales (see (5)):
in time.
Given a signal x(t), its Continuous Wavelet Transform 1 X
(CWT) with respect to the wavelet is a function of time ( ) Ex (s) = Ex (i , s), s (4)
N i=1
and scale (s), Wx; (, s), obtained by projecting x(t) onto the
wavelet family {,s }: v
u N
Z u 1 X 2
1 t Ex (s) = t (Ex (i , s) Ex (s)) , s (5)
Wx; (, s) = x(t) p ( )dt (2) N 1 i=1
+ |s| s
By analogy with the terminology used in the Fourier case, An example of these metrics can be observed in Figure 1, in
the energy components of the signal are given by the square the bottom middle and right plots, respectively.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-61208-298-1 82

SECURWARE 2013 : The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

B. User Group Behavior Inference

average activity energy

In order to characterize the behavior of a group of users, it is
necessary to define metrics that can quantify their behavior as
a group. Assuming a group size of U users and assuming that
xu (t) represents a counting process that describes the activity 2.5e-05

of user u in the social network, we can quantify the mean and 2.0e-05
Human Posts (2011-2012)
variance values of the (i) group average activity energy (see 1.5e-05
Human Posts (2007-2008)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
(6) and (7)) and (ii) group activity energy standard deviation timescale (hours)
(see (8) and (9)), for all timescales and users within the group: 1.0e-03
Human Posts (2011-2012)

activity energy standard deviation

9.0e-04 Human Posts (2007-2008)
1 X 7.0e-04
E(s) = Exu (s), s (6) 6.0e-04
U u=1 5.0e-04
U  2
1 X 3.0e-04
V AR(E(s)) = Exu (s) E(s) , s (7) 2.0e-04
U 1 u=1 1.0e-04
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
1 X timescale (hours)
E(s) = Exu (s), s (8)
U u=1 Figure 2. Evolution of multiscale characteristics of human posts on Facebook
from 2007-2008 to 2011-2012: (top) average energy activity over time for all
U  2 scales and (bottom) standard deviation of energy activity over time for all
1 X
V AR(E(s)) = Exu (s) E(s) , s (9) scales.
U 1 u=1

IV. R ESULTS The average energy activity reveals that pseudo-periodicity

The proposed methodology was applied to two different data- with a 24 hours period is predominant for both data-sets.
sets. The first data-set comprises Facebook posted between This fact reveals that humans behave and interact with social
January 1st, 2007 and December 31, 2008 by a group of 160 networks in 24 hour cycles, although humans also spread their
users, which individually posted more than 300 posts in this pseudo-periodic intervals between activity over a wide range of
two year time frame. The total number of recorded Facebook timescales. Another fact that can be observed is that nowadays
posts is 72893. This 2007-2008 data-set was extracted from users tend to have a more spread usage when compared to the
the data presented by Viswanath et al. [16] and is freely older data-set; this reveals that human users have evolved to
available online. The second data-set was extracted from a a more frequent Facebook interactivity, so their profiles are
group of Facebook friends of this paper authors using the not so deeply shaped according to the 24-hour cycle. This
Facebook Graph API [17]. Facebook Graph API is a low evolution on the characteristics of the human activities is more
level HTTP-based API used to query data from Facebooks visible when analyzing the activity energy standard deviation,
Social Graph. The data queried using Facebook Graph API is which is much higher on the newer data-set. This also show
returned in JSON format and can be easily post-processed in that human users have a very variable behavior in terms of
order to extract its relevant statistics. This data-set contains intervals between activities on Facebook.
all social networking activities of 140 users between January
1st, 2011 and December 31, 2012. Only users with more than B. Human and Bot Differentiation
300 interactions with the social network in the two years
time frame were considered. The total number of Facebook In order to present a proof-of-concept for our methodology as
interactions in this data-set are 167171 Facebook posts, 90882 a social network bot detection tool, we created two different
likes and 48755 photo uploads. The second data-set is hereafter bots that emulate Facebook posts, likes and photo uploads
referred as 2011-2012 data-set. according to different behavioral profiles, namely, one periodic
Based on the timestamps of each social network interaction, bot and one exponential bot. A periodic bot interacts with
time processes were extracted from the data-sets by counting Facebook in exact intervals (in this paper, we have considered
the number of interactions in 20-minute time intervals. For the a periodicity of 24 hours) and an exponential bot interacts with
2007-2008 data-set only Facebook posts were considered due Facebook in exponential distributed intervals (in this paper, we
the the limited information of the original data. However, for considered an average interval of 24 hours).
the 2011-2012 data-set we considered separately the Facebook We have applied the proposed multiscale user activity
posts, likes and photo uploads. characterization to human users of 2011-2012 data-set and to
the emulated bots. Figures 3, 4 and 5 depict the multiscale
characteristics (with 98% confidence intervals) of human and
A. Facebook User Behavior Evolution bot Facebook users when making posts, likes and uploading
We have applied the proposed multiscale user activity char- photos, respectively. The results show that the multiscale
acterization to Facebook posts time processes extracted from behaviors are similar when observing the Facebook posts, likes
both data-sets. The obtained results are depicted in Figure 2. and photo uploads. From the obtained results it is also possible

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SECURWARE 2013 : The Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

7.0e-05 7.0e-05
Human Posts Human Photos Up.
Exponential-Bot Posts Exponential-Bot Photos Up.
6.0e-05 Periodic-Bot Posts 6.0e-05 Periodic-Bot Photos Up.
average activity energy

average activity energy

5.0e-05 5.0e-05

4.0e-05 4.0e-05

3.0e-05 3.0e-05

2.0e-05 2.0e-05

1.0e-05 1.0e-05

0.0e+00 0.0e+00
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
timescale (hours) timescale (hours)
1.4e-03 1.2e-03
Human Posts Human Photos Up.
activity energy standard deviation

activity energy standard deviation

Exponential-Bot Posts Exponential-Bot Photos Up.
1.2e-03 Periodic-Bot Posts 1.0e-03 Periodic-Bot Photos Up.

2.0e-04 2.0e-04

0.0e+00 0.0e+00
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
timescale (hours) timescale (hours)

Figure 3. Multiscale characteristics of human and bot posts on Facebook in Figure 5. Multiscale characteristics of human and bot photo uploads on
2011-2012 dataset: (top) average energy activity over time for all scales and Facebook in 2011-2012 dataset: (top) average energy activity over time for
(bottom) standard deviation of energy activity over time for all scales, with all scales and (bottom) standard deviation of energy activity over time for all
98% confidence intervals. scales, with 98% confidence intervals.

Human Likes
activity energy standard deviation

7.0e-04 Exponential-Bot Likes

Periodic-Bot Likes over time. This inherent chaos of the behavior is extremely
difficult to emulate by bots and can be used to differentiate

human from bot users within a social network.


0.0e+00 In this paper, a novel paradigm was proposed to perform the

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
timescale (hours) joint analysis of multiple scales of users interactions within a
Human Likes
Exponential-Bot Likes
social network. The presented methodology allows an accurate
Periodic-Bot Likes
discrimination between human and bot behaviors within social
average activity energy

networks. The results obtained reveal that multiscale behavior
signatures can be built for different social network bot classes
and typical human interactions, which will enable the devel-
opment of accurate tools for the detection of social networks
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
timescale (hours)
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