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Practice Teaching Portfolio Content (1st Shift & 2nd Shift)

1. Table of Contents
2. Prayer of a Practice Teacher/ Credo/ Personal educational philosophy
3. Resume
4. A brief description of the site of practice teaching
5. Experiences with
A. Students
B. Cooperating Teachers
C. Other Teachers in school
D. Administration (Principal, Asst. Principal, Head Teachers)
6. Demonstration Teaching
A. First Shift
B. Second Shift
7. Examples of lesson plans (detailed, semi-detailed, brief)
9. A professional development plan or career plan

1. Lesson Plans (Local and General)
2. Forms and Reports Accomplished
3. Other pictures
4. Evaluation, Comments and Evaluation from students, CT and other
5. Letters
6. Others reports, records,etc.

Portfolio Criteria/Rubric:
A. Visual Appeal (15%)
1. Cover
2. Lay-out
3. Neatness
4. Creativity
5. Resourcefulness
B. Organization (25%)
1. Order of entries
2. Readability of entries
3. Correctness of form (grammar, punctuation, indention, spelling, etc)
C. Content (35%)
1. Statement of purpose
2. Completeness of entries
3. Diversity of selections
D. Reflection (25%)
1. Depth of understanding
2. Application of ideas

Date of Submission with other requirements: On or before October 14, 2016

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