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- - -
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When a people which has put up with an oppres- - - (. Seferiades
sive rule over a long period without protest sud- 1998: ). o - ,
denly finds the government relaxing its pressure, .
it takes up arms against it.

Alexis de Tocqueville

The Old Regime and the French Revolution Alexis de Tocqueville,
(Democracy in
America, I: 1835/II: 1840)
( -
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. (.. ...) -
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- - .
- :
Tocqueville, -
, / , -
( ) -
(. Goldstone/Tilly 2001: 182-
( ),

Hanspeter Kriesi (. 2004), Herbert Kitschelt
[political process], (,
Dieter Rucht, /
(/ ) -
- -
Peter Eisinger
1973) -

, [timing], (

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, - - ( -
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exclusion/incorporation) . -
, , -
, . (Del-
la Porta/ Diani 1999: 207)
models] (.., / ) ,
Zeitgeist. :

(. Della Porta/Diani 1999: 197ff.)

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(Seferiades 1998). - -
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( ), , ,
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(, .., Sid Tarrow) -
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( : ..
- [expanding
opportunities] ,
, - [contracting op-
- portunities] .
). - , , -
- : , (
( ).

- 1978/79)
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. ...
( - , :
) / (Della
Porta/ Diani 1999: 222). -
(McAdam 1996).

: ( - -
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McAdam, Tarrow Tilly (2001) -

. , -
, -
- (. 58-63), civil rights
, ... movement (. 46-7) Mau-
. Mau
Tarrow (1998: 71) 1950 (. 95-8).
: Dynamics of Conten-
[ ] [ tion ,
] ( -
( -
: (

-) / -
. -
- ,
- -
- , -
- ( ).

[Attribution of opportunity] /, -
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, McAdam, Tarrow ;
Tilly (Dynamics of Contention, 2001) - / -
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- - (, -
- , ), Goldstone/Tilly
. (2001) , -
(, Dynamics,
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( -
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, , - , Golstone/Tilly
(. Gamson/Meyer (:
1996). -. 181).
. . , , 5

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(. 183-85).
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. . , , 7

- - Gamson, W. A., D. S. Meyer Framing Political

Opportunity McAdam, D., J. D.
McCarthy. M. N. Zald (.) Comparative Per-
spectives on Social Movements: Political Op-
portunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cul-
- tural Framings, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
, versity Press, . 275-90.
Goldstoone, J. A., C. Tilly (2001) Threat
(and Opportunity): Popular Action and State
, --
Response in the Dynamics of Contentious Ac-
- tion , Aminzade, R. R. .. (2001) (.)
. Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious
, Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, . 179-94.
- Kriesi, H. (2004) Political Context and Oppor-
. tunity Snow, D., S. A. Soule, H. Kriesi (-
.) The Blackwell Companion to Social
- Movements, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, .
-- - 67-90.
McAdam, D. (1996) Conceptual Origins,
Problems, Future Directions, McAdam,
D., J. D. McCarthy. M. N. Zald (.) Com-
- parative Perspectives on Social Movements:
Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures,
and Cultural Framings, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, . 23-40.

McAdam, D., S. Tarrow, C. Tilly (2001)
Dynamics of Contention, Cambridge/ New
York: Cambridge University Press.

Seferiades, S. Working-Class Movements

1780s-1930s: A European Macro-Historical An-
alytical Framework and a Greek case0-Study,
2 , PhD Thesis, : Columbia

, . ( ) :
, -
: -
, : .

Tarrow, S. (1994) Power in Movement: Social

Movements, Collective Action and Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tarrow, S. (1998) Power in Movement: Social

Movements and Contentious Politics, 2 -
, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Della Porta, D. M. Diani (1999) Social Move-

ments: An Introduction, Oxford: Blackwell.

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