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The Behavior Analyst 2000, 23, 1-10 No.

1 (Spring)

Private Events: Do They Belong in

a Science of Human Behavior?
Cynthia M. Anderson, Robert P. Hawkins,
Kurt A. Freeman, and Joseph R. Scotti
West Virginia University
The role of thinking, feeling, and other private events has received a great deal of attention in
mainstream psychology but has been virtually ignored in behavior analysis until recently. This paper
introduces a series of papers from a symposium that explored the roles of private events in a science
of human behavior. We briefly explore the role private events are assigned in several behavioral
orientations. Next, we discuss several positions on how private events might be conceptualized
within a behavior-analytic framework. We conclude by noting that the dearth of research and con-
ceptualizations about private events unnecessarily limits the theoretical or conceptual understanding
on which applied behavior analysts base their work. With this paper and the papers that follow, we
hope to spark research, discussion, and yes, thinking, about the roles of thinking and feeling.
Key words: private events, behavior analysis, cognition

Few people would argue that the haviorism deal with private events.
events to which we behavior analysts Second, we describe how behavior
refer as private-thoughts, feelings, analysis has attempted to address these
and physiological responses-do not forms of behavior. Finally, we explore
occur. Although private events gener- several possible approaches to concep-
ally are accepted as occurring, their tualizing the role of private events in a
place within a natural science of hu- science of human behavior in an at-
man behavior is not well established. tempt to stimulate greater endeavors in
In fact, there seem to be three points this area.
of debate surrounding private events. Throughout this article the terms
First, should private events be included thoughts and feelings are used as En-
in a science of human behavior, at least glish language names for events that
on a philosophical or theoretical level? are at least partly unobservable by the
Second, do these private events affect usual kinds of interactions between
our overt behavior in any significant people. In other words, they are so-
way? Third, should the analysis and at- cially constructed terms used to cate-
tempted modification of private events gorize certain events that occur within
be included in the applied part of our a person (e.g., thinking typically refers
science? In this paper we discuss these to privately occurring verbal behavior
three issues. We do not presume to pro- or images). As such, the terms should
vide definitive answers to these ques-
tions, but rather to provoke behavior be considered separate from the actual
analysts to investigate, interpret, and events or phenomena. We certainly do
theorize more about thinking and feel- not wish to imply that they are nec-
ing. This is accomplished by first re- essarily best considered as two distinct
viewing how different schools of be- classes of events or, especially, that
feelings are best considered as falling
This series of papers is based on a symposium
into the socially defined classes named
presented at the annual convention of the As- by the popular terms for various emo-
sociation for Behavior Analysis, Chicago (Haw- tions such as remorse, guilt, anger, re-
kins, 1997a). sentment, or joy. Any classification of
Requests for reprints should be sent to Cyn- private events should be based on the
thia M. Anderson, Department of Psychology,
West Virginia University, Morgantown, West best natural science evidence avail-
Virginia 26506-6040. able.

What Sort of Behaviorist Are then, an understanding of private

You, Anyway? events remains largely unnecessary be-
The question of what constitutes an cause they are not observable by peo-
ple other than those who emit them.
appropriate subject matter for the field This is not a denial of the occurrence
of psychology has been, and continues of private events, but rather a practical
to be, debated. Is psychology the study setting of limits on the domain of
of consciousness, the mind, the self, or study.
behavior? Behaviorally oriented psy- A second type of behaviorism, cog-
chologists often argue that psychology nitive behaviorism, has many similari-
is the study of behavior in its relation ties to methodological behaviorism.
to environment and physiology; how- For example, both are largely deduc-
ever, the question remains "What is tive sciences, and both primarily use
behavior?" Does behavior include only inferential statistics about the behavior
events that are observable by more of groups to test scientific hypotheses
than one individual or does it include (Leigland, 1992). In contrast to meth-
other events as well? That is, if psy- odological behaviorism, however, cog-
chology is the study of behavior, are nitive behaviorism does allow the
those events that occur privately and study of unobservable events and pro-
only at the neurological level to be cesses. In fact, most cognitive behav-
considered behavior, despite the ab- ioral psychologists seem to agree that
sence of muscular movement? This cognitive events not only exist, but that
topic is considered by focusing briefly they mediate overt behavior and that
on three types of behaviorism: meth- most learning is cognitively mediated
odological behaviorism, cognitive be- (Bandura, 1977; Mahoney & Arndoff,
haviorism, and radical behaviorism.' 1978; Weiss & Weiss, 1989). To illus-
Methodological behaviorism defines trate, researchers (e.g., Ingram & Scott,
psychology as the study of behaviors 1990; Mahoney, 1977) have suggested
that are observable by others (Leig- that people respond to cognitive rep-
land, 1992; Skinner, 1953, 1974). What resentations of their environment rather
the originator of methodological be- than to the actual environment. Cog-
haviorism, John B. Watson, sought was nitive processes are said to play a cen-
"A ... lifting of psychology out of the tral role in producing, predicting, and
mire of introspection and bringing it understanding behavior (Kendall &
closer to the natural sciences" (Chiesa, Hollon, 1979). Further, cognitive
1994, p. 185). Thus, Watson proposed events and processes include not only
moving away from a focus on infer- thinking and feeling but also hypothet-
ences concerning mental processes- ical structures such as schemata, mem-
the approach that largely dominated ories, and information processing net-
the field of psychology at that time- works (Foa & Kozak, 1986).
toward a focus on observable respons- A third type of behaviorism, radical
es and the role of environmental influ- behaviorism or behavior analysis, dif-
ences in determining those responses. fers from other behaviorisms in several
From a methodological perspective, ways, including the sorts of questions
asked, the methodology, and the role
' We have not included Staats' (1994, 1996) of the environment (for accounts of the
psychological behaviorism (earlier called para- distinction see Baum, 1994; Catania,
digmatic behaviorism and, still earlier, social be-
haviorism) as a fourth type of behaviorism be- 1993; Chiesa, 1994; Dougher, 1993,
cause we do not see it as fundamentally different 1995; Leigland, 1992; Skinner, 1953,
(Hawkins, Anderson, & Eifert, 1998). However, 1974). Radical behaviorism also differs
it does include several aspects that make it a in the way that unobservable events-
broader perspective than contemporary behavior
analysis, especially for dealing with complex private events-are viewed. Specifical-
human behavior, and it does include private ly, radical behaviorism is based on a
events. monistic view of behavior; no distinc-

tion is made between external physical regarding the roles of private events,
responses and those responses that oc- insufficient work has been done to ad-
cur within the body. Instead, all re- vance our understanding beyond what
sponses, public or private, are viewed he offered (Anderson et al., 1997). Be-
as natural, physical events, many of havior analysts almost totally ignore all
which are observable, even if only by private events, not even differentiating
the person emitting them (Anderson, between private responses and private
Hawkins, & Scotti, 1997; Baum & stimuli. To illustrate, we perused the
Heath, 1992). In contrast to methodo- subject indexes of five recent texts on
logical behaviorism, radical behavior- general principles of behavior-Cata-
ism does not require agreement be- nia (1998), Donahoe and Palmer
tween two or more people that an event (1994), Grant and Evans (1994), Mal-
has occurred. Further, in contrast to ott, Whaley, and Malott (1997), and
cognitive behaviorism, radical behav- Pierce and Epling (1995)-searching
iorism includes only those private for references to either thinking or
events that are observable to the person emoting. Of these texts, only the first
experiencing them, including thoughts offered any discussion of thinking, al-
and other neurological events, such as though some of the others did have
the beating of the heart. Such events brief passages about private or covert
are distinguishable from the hypothe- behavior or cognition. Some behavior
sized structures and processes of the analysts might claim that this is be-
nonphysical world that have been cause these texts deal only with basic
called mentalisms (Skinner, 1953, principles, yet it seems a serious limi-
1974). Mentalisms are not directly ob- tation if even a basic text has virtually
servable even by one individual, but nothing to say about the profoundly
rather are inferred from the occurrence important topic of human thinking.
(or nonoccurrence) of behavior. Private There is one group of behavioral
responses would thus include such texts that is almost exclusively about
events as verbal thoughts, private per- human behavior: those on behavior
ceptions (e.g., visual images, auditory modification and applied behavior
images), and the private aspects of analysis. We perused five texts on this
emotional responding (i.e., physiolog- topic as well: Chance (1998), Kazdin
ical arousal). They would not include (1994), Martin and Pear (1996), Mil-
hypothetical structures such as a fear tenberger (1997), and Sarafino (1996).
network within which phobic stimuli Although only Chance and Martin and
and responses are organized. Pear had an index entry for thinking,
we found that all but Chance presented
The Roles of Private Events in cognitive behavior modification pro-
Behavior Analysis cedures at some length. By comparing
texts focusing on basic principles and
Based on the writings of Skinner those focusing on the application of
(1953, 1974, 1977) and other behavior those principles, we see a clear gap in
analysts (e.g., Baum, 1994; Dougher, the scientific approach to private
1993; Hayes & Brownstein, 1986; events. Applied behavior analysis ap-
Moore, 1980), it seems clear that the pears to recognize the need for tech-
roles played by private events should nologies for modifying certain private
be included in a comprehensive sci- responses, thus suggesting they play an
ence of behavior, especially human be- important part in the everyday lives of
havior. Unfortunately, there is little dis- humans, whereas the basic portion of
cussion to be found in the scientific lit- the science appears to be largely ig-
erature on behavior analysis regarding noring such events.
what those roles might be. Although Emotion, and particularly anxiety, is
Skinner (e.g., 1945, 1953, 1963, 1974, a very popular topic in clinical psy-
1977) offered several interpretations chology. But how much coverage does

emotion get in behavior analysis? about the roles of private events leads
Again, perusal of the same five texts to continued avoidance of the topic.
on behavior principles revealed that The field's silence about private
only Catania (1998) contains anything events unnecessarily limits the theoret-
substantial on emotion, and even his ical or conceptual understanding on
coverage is quite limited. Perusal of which applied behavior analysts base
the same five books on behavior mod- their work. Further, a large gap exists
ification, which are important for bud- in behavior analysis that is obvious to
ding clinicians to study, reveals that other behavioral scientists, to our stu-
emotion is given approximately zero to dents, and to our potential students,
six pages of coverage, the most being giving them the unfortunate impression
in Martin and Pear (1996). Does this that behavior analysis is unwilling, or
dearth of information on emotion and worse, unable to deal with certain im-
modeling the ways to talk about it portant and interesting behavioral phe-
mean that behavior analysts do not nomena. This may have led many
consider emotional behavior impor- would-be behavior analysts to join the
tant? Is it because the topic is too dif- "cognitive revolution" in search of a
ficult for behavior analysis at present? means of addressing the important, and
Is it because behavior analysts gener- real, phenomena of human thinking
ally take little interest in respondent re- and feeling. If behavior analysts con-
lations (which certainly are involved in tinue to be negligent in efforts toward
emotional behavior) or is there some addressing issues related to private
other reason? events, this trend is likely to continue.
Regardless of the reasons, it seems Of course, behavior analysts could
to us that not only is behavior analysis do what clinicians of other persuasions
neglecting important areas of study and have done for decades: invent pro-
theory but also that such neglect makes found-sounding theories about the role
behavior analysis seem to the rest of of private behaviors, theories that are
the world like a specialized and limited without empirical basis and are not in-
paradigm that cannot deal with some tegrated with the rest of the science of
behavior. That approach would be un-
of the major phenomena in human be- wise; behavior analysis has remained a
havior. Further, it is not obvious to remarkably integrated science and
even seasoned behavior analysts how technology thus far, and we see great
to describe relations between private advantage in maintaining that integrity
behaviors and overt behaviors from a (Hawkins, 1997b). Instead, we argue
behavior-analytic perspective. For ex- that theoretical and empirical work is
ample, Chance (1998) states that needed that results in an integration of
"thoughts and feelings are behavior, private events within our paradigm.
not environmental events" (p. 14); yet
each of us has had the experience of Private Events in an Applied Science
privately planning some action before
executing it. Is that private behavior Perhaps out of professional necessi-
merely epiphenomenon or does it pro- ty, some applied behavior analysts
vide stimuli that serve valuable func- (e.g., Dougher, 1993; Dougher &
tions in human affairs? In contrast to Hackbert, 1994; Hayes & Wilson,
the failure of most authors to specify a 1993, 1994; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991)
role for thinking and feeling, Johnston are beginning to investigate the role of
and Pennypacker (1993) say that "the private events in a science of behavior,
environment for a particular behavior in particular focusing on how private
can include not only the organism's ex- events might influence overt behavior
ternal features but physical events in- and how this might be accounted for
side its skin" (p. 28). However, the and utilized in therapy. Their work is
general confusion in behavior analysis to be commended, but much more is
needed. Specifically, work should fo- yses of environment-behavior interac-
cus on delineating the relations be- tions.
tween private responses and overt re- Consider a clinical example. Sup-
sponses and on how private responses pose that a husband and wife are com-
and their stimulus properties might be ing to a marital therapist. The clini-
dealt with in applied work. Consider cian's assessment suggests that the
two examples. wife needs to speak her opinions and
Sports psychologists often instruct preferences more often and more per-
athletes to visualize a good perfor- suasively. First, notice that we are not
mance before executing the perfor- saying that the lack of assertiveness in
mance overtly. Evidence suggests that her behavior is caused by something
this prior visualization improves the she has been thinking or even assum-
overt performance of the athletes (for ing, or by a schema regarding herself
a review, see Suinn, 1993). How does and her role in the world, as is com-
the instruction to visualize have such monly done in cognitive therapy and
an effect? Although it cannot be prov- cognitive-behavior therapy. We do not
en with present technology, it seems have knowledge of such things, and it
likely that the athletes emit private vi- is unnecessary and nonparsimonious to
sualizing responses that exert some in- assume their occurrence. We simply
fluence over their subsequent overt re- believe that there are numerous situa-
sponses. Of course, only the external tions weekly in which the wife's inter-
events of the psychologist's behavior ests would be better served if she
(instructing the athletes as to how to spoke up, and that, in the long run, the
visualize) can be confirmed as anteced- husband's interests might be better
ents, but it seems credible that those served as well. Now suppose that one
instructions have their effect only if the thing the clinician teaches the woman
athlete actually engages in the private is to privately rehearse what she will
visualizing behavior. The question that say before she says it, so that she can
remains to be answered in such situa- not only practice saying things in
tions is whether the inclusion of private promising ways but can also sense (as
behavior, in this case visualization, in private stimuli) the likely consequenc-
the analysis of the relation between en- es of alternative things to say and ways
vironmental variables (e.g., the basket- to say them (cf. Skinner, 1974, p. 103).
ball court, other players, sensation of To us this seems to be a very sensible
the ball in hand) and behavior (e.g.,
intervention for a clinical behavior an-
alyst, yet behavior analysis contains so
shooting the foul shot) is critical to the little literature about the roles of such
effective prediction and control of the private behavior that it is difficult to
behavior of interest (e.g., making suc- describe such an intervention or its ef-
cessful foul shots). If successful pre- fect to fellow behavior analysts.
diction and control occur without in-
clusion of private responses, a more Some Roles That Private Events
parsimonious account of environment- May Play
behavior relations is made if they are
excluded. If, however, we cannot ef- In considering the roles of private
fectively predict and control behavior responses in a science of human be-
without including private events in havior, at least three alternatives are
some way, then we must account for evident. First, private responses some-
them. Unfortunately, behavior analysis times might be best viewed as merely
has not yet arrived at a consensus as to collateral to overt behavior and of no
the best way to include (or a rationale functional significance. Second, private
for excluding) private events in the responses, as stimuli, sometimes may
analysis of behavior because private be best viewed as causal events, as dis-
behaviors are so often ignored in anal- criminative or motivative antecedents.

Third, as a middle ground, private re- lytic perspective, it is problematic be-

sponses might be viewed most usefully cause it does not identify the environ-
as stimuli that, at times, are function- mental variables of which the overt be-
ally related to the occurrence of overt havior is a function. Specifically, in be-
behavior. Let us examine the hypothe- havior analysis, an explanation -is
sis that private responses, although useful to the extent that it allows one
they certainly occur, simply accompa- to work successfully with the phenom-
ny overt behavior and have no func- ena of interest. In other words, "truth"
tional role. Returning to the example is equated with explanation that can
of the woman who was to privately re- lead to effective action (Baum, 1994;
hearse what she wanted to say before Moore, 1992). Thus, although the
acting overtly, one might argue that the above explanation may be partly true,
overt stimuli of the therapist's instruc- it is problematic because it does not
tions set the occasion for both her talk- specify the external, measurable, and,
ing to her husband and her private re- perhaps, manipulable environmental
hearsal, but that the rehearsal had no variables that affect both the woman's
effect on her overt talk. Although the overt and covert behavior. Perhaps a
private behavior occurred slightly be- more parsimonious explanation in-
fore the overt behavior, it did not affect volves simply appealing to the verbal
the overt behavior in any way. If one instructions provided by the clinician
subscribes to this perspective (which as the causal variables involved in the
certainly would be compatible with a improvement of her communication.
methodological behavioral position), it However, because this explanation ig-
would not be necessary to spend much nores the issue of whether private
time investigating the status or role of events play a role, sole reliance on
private events; they are simply depen- such an explanation is more consistent
dent variables and have no other status with a methodological behavioral ap-
or role. This is the position that behav- proach than with a behavior-analytic
ior analysts often appear to take, al- one.
though it seems that the position fails The third alternative is to consider
to explain why we think at all. It seems private responses as dependent vari-
unlikely that humans would acquire ables that, although not adequate by
private behavior at all if it were not themselves as causes, often do have an
functional. Also, because pausing to effect on overt responses. We "hear"
think not only expends effort but also ourselves talk silently, we "see" im-
produces a delay in the reinforcers for ages that we are privately visualizing,
overt behavior, thinking would not be and so on. It seems likely that these
maintained even if it were established private responses do, at times, affect
temporarily. Thus, it seems likely that overt behavior in important ways. In
thinking does, at least some of the fact, if private behavior were not func-
time, play an important role in the tionally important, then it seems un-
chain of behaviors. likely that humans would acquire and
The second hypothesis, that private continue to emit it. The question, then,
events are a primary cause of overt be- is what role do these private responses
havior, poses other problems. In the ex- play? It seems that there are at least
ample of the woman who privately re- two possible answers to this question.
hearses what she wants to say, a person First, private responses might exert dis-
arguing from this position would say criminative stimulus control over sub-
that the woman's private rehearsal was sequent responses. Second, private re-
the proximal cause of her talking to her sponses might best be accounted for as
husband more effectively than if she contingency-specifying stimuli. These
had not privately rehearsed. This seems possible explanations are briefly ex-
to be a very popular perspective in plored next.
psychology, but, from a behavior-ana- Private events as discriminative

stimuli. Although private events (as de- only if the environment provides ade-
pendent variables) cannot be treated as quate reinforcers for that relation.
the sole causes of other behavior, as Also, it might be useful to include, in
seems common practice in cognitive the explanation, the learning history
therapy, a private event may often set that established instructions as control-
the occasion for another response. This ling stimuli.
response could be private or overt, but Although several behavior analysts
to simplify discussion we will address (e.g., Anderson et al., 1997; Forsyth,
only an overt response. Such control Lejuez, Hawkins, & Eifert, 1996;
could develop by at least two means: Moore, 1980, 1992) have suggested
(a) through direct training during that private events might acquire dis-
which a particular overt response was criminative control over other respons-
more likely to be reinforced in the es, this explanation is problematic for
presence (but not the absence) of that some examples (e.g., self-instructions)
private response, or (b) as a result of when one considers the definition of a
the private response participating in an discriminative stimulus. A discrimina-
equivalence relation with an external tive stimulus is defined as an anteced-
stimulus that exerted discriminative ent stimulus that sets the occasion for
control over the overt response (cf. a response because in the past, rein-
Hayes & Hayes, 1992; Hayes & Wil- forcement was likely to occur in the
son, 1993; Sidman, 1990).2 In fact, presence, but not in the absence, of that
DeGrandpre, Bickel, and Higgins stimulus (Michael, 1980; Sulzer-Aza-
(1992) established interoceptive stim- roff & Mayer, 1977). Returning to the
uli, produced via drug administration, example of the woman rehearsing what
as members of an equivalence class she might say, if private rehearsing is
that also included exteroceptive stim- to be considered a discriminative stim-
uli. ulus, then it must signal the availability
Using the example of the woman of reinforcement. That is, reinforce-
who privately rehearses what she ment must be available when rehearsal
might say to her husband, one might occurs, but not when it does not. It
argue that these private responses ex- may be the case that if the woman re-
erted stimulus control over her overt hearses she is more likely to emit a re-
behavior. In behavior analysis (but not sponse that results in reinforcement
cognitive psychology), such an expla- but, and this is a critical point, rein-
nation is incomplete unless it also de- forcement is available for emitting that
scribes the relation between the thera- response whether she rehearses or not.
pist's instructions and the woman's pri- That is, if the woman did not rehearse,
vate behavior and probably some direct and happened to emit the "correct" re-
influence of the instructions on her sponse anyway, that response would
overt behavior as well; however, it still be reinforced, even in the absence
should also be recognized that an ex- of the private rehearsal. Thus, conceiv-
planation in terms of only the overt in- ing of private events as some sort of
structions appears to be similarly in- discriminative stimuli does not seem
complete. Of course, the influence of quite accurate for this kind of example.
the woman's private behavior on her Private events as contingency-spec-
overt behavior would be maintained ifying stimuli. A second way that the
impact of private events on overt be-
2 We leave unexplored here the issue of havior might be accounted for is by
whether the stimulus properties of private events considering them as contingency-spec-
can also function as consequences, reinforcing ifying stimuli. Contingency-specifying
or punishing overt behavior. Their maintenance stimuli (CSS), also called rules, are
of such functions would no doubt require that stimuli that affect the function of other
they be "backed up" by overt stimuli that have
such functions, but that does not seem to be an stimuli, and do so by describing at
unlikely contingency. least two components of a contingency

(Blakely & Schlinger, 1987; Schlinger mentioned earlier, our goal in this pa-
& Blakely, 1987). More specifically, a per is to promote discussion regarding
CSS might describe the relation among this topic rather than to provide defin-
antecedent stimuli, behavior, and con- itive answers, and thus this position re-
sequences; between antecedent stimuli mains a hypothesis.
and behavior; between behavior and Research supporting the position
consequences; or between two or more that private events may, given the
stimuli. proper conditions, exert some influence
Schlinger and Blakely (1987) sug- over overt behavior is emerging. Tay-
gest that CSS alter the function of oth- lor and O'Reilly (1997) demonstrated
er stimuli in several ways, one of that both overt and covert self-instruc-
which is by altering discriminative re- tions were functionally related to the
lations. That is, CSS may establish a occurrence of targeted overt behavior.
new relation between a response and a As mentioned earlier, DeGrandpre et
previously neutral stimulus, resulting al. (1992) established that both private
in that stimulus acquiring evocative and public stimuli can be members of
functions. In the example of the wom- the same equivalence class. In addition
an who rehearses privately, rehearsal to empirical work, theoretical discus-
alters the discriminative effect of a pre- sions (e.g., Anderson et al., 1997; Fri-
viously neutral stimulus-her husband man, Hayes, & Wilson, 1998; Horne &
voicing a suggestion that she does not Lowe, 1996) are advancing our under-
agree with-by bringing her overt re- standing of the role of private events
sponse of speaking up (in the manner in a science of human behavior. To-
that was privately rehearsed) under its gether, recent empirical and theoretical
discriminative control. That is, if the work suggests that behavior analysts
woman privately rehearses (rehearsal are beginning to evaluate empirically
involving privately imagining certain how we can incorporate private events
responses and the probable conse- into our science. However, there is
quences of those responses), she is much more to be done.
more likely to emit those responses The authors of this and the follow-
when her husband emits some behavior ing three articles are all clinical behav-
that she does not agree with. The re- ior analysts. We rely extensively on the
hearsal has served like a rule, indicat- basic science for principles and exam-
ing what behavior should be evoked by ples that we can apply to clinical prob-
her husband's action, to yield the most lems in order to analyze them and de-
favorable consequence. This concep- vise effective interventions. The ex-
tualization of CSS seems to be a par- amples provided above notwithstand-
simonious account of their role in in- ing, the dearth of basic literature on
fluencing other behavior. thinking leaves us either ignoring that
behavior or bravely venturing analyses
Conclusions that may be seriously flawed or incon-
sistent with a behavioral paradigm.
We have discussed several positions All of the authors of this and the
on how private events may be concep- next three articles in this symposium
tualized within a behavior-analytic happen also to be members of the As-
framework, positions that are not mu- sociation for Advancement of Behavior
tually exclusive. Although some be- Therapy, and over the years the older
havior analysts (including several of of us have witnessed a sad metamor-
the present authors) have suggested phosis in the content of that organiza-
that private events might, at times, tion's conventions and publications.
serve as discriminative stimuli directly There has been a great increase in con-
evoking other behavior, we now sug- ceptions viewed as cognitive (Haw-
gest that a more consistent account of kins, Kashden, Hansen, & Sadd, 1992)
this role is to consider them CSS. As and an increase in conceptions that are

no more scientific or behavioral than havior analysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/
those of the layperson on the street. It Cole.
Chiesa, M. (1994). Radical behaviorism: The
is easy to be pessimistic about the fu- philosophy and the science. Boston: Authors
ture of behavior therapy, as conceived Cooperative.
by the majority of behavior therapists DeGrandpre, R. J., Bickel, W. K., & Higgins, S.
(Franks, 1997; Hawkins, 1997b). T. (1992). Emergent equivalence relations be-
tween interoceptive (drug) and exteroceptive
More than four decades ago, Skinner (visual) stimuli. Journal of the Experimental
(1957) wrote, "There is no reason why Analysis of Behavior, 58, 9-18.
methods of thinking and of the teach- Donahoe, J. W, & Palmer, D. C. (1994). Learn-
ing of thinking cannot be analyzed and ing and complex behavior. Boston: Allyn and
made more effective" (p. 449). What Bacon.
Dougher, M. J. (1993). On the advantages and
we are proposing is that behavior anal- implications of a radical behavioral treatment
ysis get on with such a program of re- of private events. The Behavior Therapist, 16,
search and theory. Such efforts will 204-206.
benefit both basic science and applied Dougher, M. J. (1995). A bigger picture: Cause
and cognition in relation to differing scientific
work of all kinds, including clinical. frameworks. Journal ofBehavior Therapy and
We believe that, had behavior analysis Experimental Psychiatry, 26, 215-219.
been making greater effort at studying Dougher, M. J., & Hackbert, L. (1994). A be-
and conceptualizing the role of think- havior analytic account of depression and a
ing in human behavior-as Skinner case report using acceptance-based proce-
dures. The Behavior Analyst, 17, 321-334.
(1957) and Staats (1996), for example, Foa, E. B., & Kozak, M. J. (1986). Emotional
have begun for us-more behavior processing of fear: Exposure to corrective in-
therapists and other behavioral scien- formation. Psychological Bulletin, 99, 20-35.
tists would now be involved in and Forsyth, J. P., Lejuez, C. W., Hawkins, R. P., &
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