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Teenagers, Curiosity, Addiction, Dependency, Adventure, Bold, Experiment, prone, assault

The word adolescence is derived from the Latin verb adolescere, which means "to grow
up. Adolescence is the period of psychological, social and physical transition between immature
childhood and mature adulthood. This transition involves Physical biological (i.e., pubertal), social
and psychological changes. During the period of adolescence, biological and psychosocial
development overlap and person's body undergoes dramatic changes. That's why, a healthy
adolescence is a critical juncture for a healthy adulthood.
There is no single event or clear boundary line that demarcates the end of childhood or the
beginning of adolescence, But World Health Organisation (WHO) defines adolescence as the
period of life between 12 and 19 yr of age.
Adolescence is typically a period of experimentation, irrespective of parenting skills and
Adolescents are less-experienced adults. They remain under challenging developmental
stage in which they are prone to errors of judgement and sensitive to neurological assault by
psychoactive substances like drugs and alcohol.
The most common problems adolescents face relate to growth and development, childhood
illnesses that continue into adolescence and experimentation with risky or illegal behaviour. As
adolescents try new behaviours; they become exposed to alcohol and drug use. A child's natural
curiosity motivates him/her to experiment. This is complicated further by effects that might be
perceived as benefits of alcohol or drug use.
Characteristics of Adolescene
Some characteristics of adolescents are given below
(i) Synaptic pruning or neuronal pruning facilitate changes in neural structures by reducing
the overall number of neurons and synapse so as to provide more efficient synaptic configuration.
(ii) Imaginary audience is a false belief in adolescents that others are intensely interested in
their appearance and judge their every move.
(iii) Personal fables are beliefs in adolescents that they are highly special and destined to
live a, heroic or legendary life.
(iv) Egocentrism in adolescents refers to a lack of differentiation between some aspects of
self and other.
It effects on behaviour can be unpleasant, but in adolescence it promotes healthy cognitive
and psychosocial outcomes.
Common Problems of Adolescence
Adolescents of both sexes face various problems due to different factors. Some important
problems are as follows:
1. Acne
2. Hypochondria
3. Lonliness
4. Gregariousness
5. Physiological aberrations,
6. Addiction to drugs, alcohol

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