Unit 2 Review: Park Restaurant

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Unit 2 Review

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Class: __________________

a) Write the words (6 pts)

1. abggy ___________________
2.clruy ___________________ Train
3.sohrt ___________________ High street
4.ruond ___________________ Movie School

Pink street
5.wahter ___________________

Blue street
Red street
6.tnwo ___________________
Pool Park Pet

b) Look at the map and answer (10 pts) start Main street

1. The restaurant is ____________________ the school.

2. The movie theater is _____________________ the train station and the pool.
3. The park is _____________________ the pet store.
4. The pet store is _____________________ Main street and Pink street.
5. The train station is _____________________ the restaurant.

c) Write instructions to get to these places (9 pts)

1. The restaurant
2. The pet store
3. The school

Useful Language

Go straight Turn left / right

Go past Walk along
The is on your left/right

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