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United States

Department of National
Service Handbook

Section 3 Sedimentation
Chapter 9

Units and
General ................................................................................. 9-1
Metric system (81) conversion ................................................................ 9-1
L Rules for style and usage ................................................................. 9-2
Conversionfactors ....................................................................... 9-2
Other conversions ......................................................................... 9-8
References ............................................................................... 9-15

9-1. Conversion of tons to acre-feet for various volume-weights.. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9-9


9-1. .
Base units of the International System (SI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9-2. Prefixes for use in multiples of International System (SI) units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9-3. Conversion factors for hydraulic volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
9-4. Greekalphabet ...................................................................... 9-11
9-5. Map scales and area equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
9-6. Volume-weight conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
9-7. Conversion of inches to feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Chapter 9
Units and Equivalents

General Metric System (SI) Conversion

Various lists, tables, and charts are included in Most of the procedures, formulas, and tables in
this section for the convenience of geologists com- this handbook are presented in English units. Con-
'bpiling information on rates, volumes, and quan- version factors are included in this chapter for
tities of sediment, rock formations, and geologic those who wish to use the metric system. Table 9-1
processes. The only explanations in the tables and shows pertinent base units of the International
charts are those necessary to give the basis for the System of Units (SO, and table 9-2 shows prefixes
information presented. The conversion factors to be used with SI units.
shown are generally four significant digits; more
precise conversion factors of five or more signifi-
cant digits may be needed in some instances. In all Table 9-1.-Base units of the International System (SI)
conversions, retain enough significant digits to en-
Base unit
sure that accuracy is neither sacrificed nor
exaggerated. Quantity Name Symbol
Length meter (metre)' m
MassZ kilogram kg
Time second s
'Both spelling are acceptable.
=Weightis the commonly used term for mass.
Table 9-2.-Prefixes for use in multiples of International Rules for Style and Usage
System (SI) units

Mutiplier Prefix Symbol

of an SI unit is governed by convenience. The
The choice of the appropriate prefix (multiplier
10l8 exa E multiple chosen for a particular application is the
10l6 peta P
10" tera T one that yields numerical values within a practical
los G range.
1O6 mega M Use a slash (0 to form a compound unit by
lo8 kilo k dividing one unit by another, e.g., mh, kg/ma.
lo2 hectoa h
Area or volume units are indicated by the ap-
10' dekaa da
10-I decia d propriate superscript, e.g., kma or m3.
10" centia c Do not use multiple prefixes, such as dkm or pml.
milli m
lo-% micro Cc
lo4 nano n
10-l2 pic0 P
10-l6 femto f
10-l8 atto a
Fl'hese prefixes are generally not recommended.
Multiples of 1,000 are preferred.

Conversion Factors
To Convert Into Multiply By

acre hectares or square hectometers 0.4047
square feet ($q ft)a 43,560.
square meteds (ma) 4,047.
square miles (sq mi) 1.562 x
acre-feet (acre-ft) cubic feet (cu ft) 43,560
cubic yards (cu yd) 1,613.
gallons (gal) 325,850.
megaliters (ML) 1.234
cubic meters (ms) 1,234.
cubic dekameters (dams) 1.234
acre-inches 12.00
acre-feetlsquare mile cubic feetlacre 68.06
(acre-ftlsq mi) tonslsquare mile (Tlsq mi) See fig. 9-1
tonslacre See fig. 9-lb
watershed inches 0.01875
cubic meterslsquare kilometer (ms/kma) 476.3
acre-feet of water tons 1,359.
cubic dekameters (dams) 1.234
megagrams (Mg) 1,234.

'These abbreviations may be used when

their meaning is clear; otherwise spell
them out.
b ~ f t egetting
r tondsquare mile from
figure 9-1, multiply by 1.56 x to con-
vert to tonduere.
To Convert Into
- Multiply By
L acre-inches acre-feet (acre-&)
cubic feet (cu ft)

Celsius (C) Fahrenheit (F)
centimeters (cm) feet (ft)
inches (in)
meters (m)
millimeters (mm)
centimeterstsecond (cmls) feetlminute (ftlmin)
cubic centimeters (cmS) cubic feet (cu ft)
cubic inches (cu in)
U.S. gallons (US. gal)
liters (L)
U.S. pints
U.S. quarts
cubic dekameters (dams) acre-feet (acre-ft)
cubic feet (cu ft) cubic centimeters (cmS)
cubic inches (cu in)
cubic meters (m3)
cubic yards (cu yd)
U.S. gallons (U.S. gal)
liters (L)
cubic feettacre acre-inches
acre-feet (acre-ft)
L cubic feet of water pounds (Ib)
kilogramstsquare centimeter (kg/cma)
kilogramstsquare meter (kg/m2)
poundstsquare foot (psf)
poundstsquare inch (psi)
cubic feettsecond (cfs) acre-feet per day (acre-fttd)
acre-feet per year (acre-ft/yr)
gallonstminute (gpm)
million gallonstday (mgd)
cubic meterstsecond (ms/s)
literstsecond (Lts)
cubic feet/second/square liters/second~squarekilometer
mile (csm) (L/s/kma)
cubic feetlsecond-days cubic feet
cubic inches (cu in) cubic centimeters (cmS)
cubic feet (cu ft)
cubic meters (ms) cubic feet (cu ft)
U.S. gallons (U.S. gal)
cubic yards (cu yd)
cubic meterstsecond (mS/s) million gallonstday (Mgalld)
cubic meterstsquare acre-feettsquare mile
kilometer (ms/kma)
cubic mile (U.S. statute) acre-feet (acre-ft)
cubic yards (cu yd) cubic centimeters (cms)
To Convert Into
- Multiply By

cubic feet (cu ft)

cubic meters (mS)
acre-feet (acre-ft)

days seconds (s)
degrees Fahrenheit (F) degrees Celsius (C)
Fahrenheit (F) Celsius (C)
feet (ft) centimeters (cm)
kilometers (km)
feet (ft) meters (m)
miles (mi)
centimeterstsecond ( c d s )
feettsecond (fps)
kilometershour (kmh)
miledhour (mih)
feetlsecond (fps) meterstminute (mlmin)
meterstsecond ( d s )
mileshour (mph)
kilometershour (kmh)

gallons (U.S.) cubic centimeters (cm3)
cubic feet (cu ft)
cubic inches (cu in)
cubic meters (mS)
gallons-British Imperial
(gal Br. Imp.)
liters (L)
gallons of water pounds of water
gallonstminute (gpm) cubic feettsecond ' (ds)
cubic meterstday (m3/d)
literstsecond (Lts)
cubic feethour (cu f t h )
grams pounds (Ib) 2.205 x
grams of water cubic centimeters of water 1.0 (at 4C)
(cm3 of H,O)
gramstcubic centimeter kilograms/cubic meter (kg/m3)
gramstcubic meter (g/m3) partstmillion (ppm)

hectares acres
square feet (sq ft)
hours (h) days (d)
weeks (wk)
T r u e within 1 percent when concentr*
tion is less than 1,000 ppm (g/m8 = mg/L).
To Convert Into Multiply By

inches (in) centimeters (cm) 2.540
inches (watershed) cubic feet/second/square mile (csm) 13.584
inches eroded tons (t)d 1.815 x volume
wt (pcD of up-
land soil
kilograms (kg) pounds, avoirdupois (lb)
tons (T)
megagrams (Mg) or tonnes
kilograms/second (kglsec) tondyear (Tlyr)
kilograms/cubic meter pounds/cubic foot (pcf)
kilometers (km) miles (mi)

liters (L) cubic centimeters (cma)
cubic feet (cu ft)
gallons (gal)
liters/second cubic feet/second (cfs)
liters/second/square cubic feet/second/square mile (csm)
kilometer (L/s/km2)

megagrams (Mg) tons (T)
megagramslsquare kilometer tons/square mile
megaliters (ML) acre-feet (acre-ft)
meters (m) yards O.d)
feet (ft)
inches (in)
miles, U.S.Stat. (mi)
meters/second (rnfs) feetlsecond (fttsec)
micrometer bm) meters (m)
cubic dekameters (dams)
miles, U.S.Stat. (mi) kilometers (km)
mileshour (mph) feet/second (fps)
milliliters (ml) liters (L)
millimeters (mm) inches (in)
micrometers (pn)
million gallons/day (mgd) cubic feetlsecond (cfs)
cubic/meters/minute (ma/min)
minutes, angular (mid degrees (deg)

d ~ o n means
s short tons (2,000 lb) unless
otherwise indicated
To Convert Into
- Multiply By
ounces (02) grams (g)
pounds (lb)
ounceslgallon (U.S.) gramsfliter (gm/L)

parts per million (ppm) gramslcubic meter (glm?
pounds (lb) grains
grams (g)
kilograms (kg)
ounces (02)
pounds of water cubic feet (cu ft)
cubic inches (cu in)
gallons (gal)
pounds of waterlminute cubic feetlsecond (cfs)
poundslcubic foot (pcf) gramslcubic centimeter (g/cmS)
kilogramslcubic meter (kglms)
poundslcubic inch gramslcubic centimeter (g/cma)
poundslgallon (U.S.) gramsfliter (g/L)
poundslcubic foot (pd) tonslacre-foot (Tlacre-ft)
kilogramslcubic meter (kg/ms)
poundslsquare foot (psf) poundslsquare inch (psi)
pounds/second~foot kilogramslsecond/meter

rods feet (ft)
miles (mi)
seconds (s) days
square centimeters (cma) square inches (sq in)
square feet (sq ft) acres
square meters (ma)
square inches (sq in) square centimeters (cmP)
square kilometers (kml) square miles (sq mi)
square meters (ma) square feet (sq ft)
square yards (sq yd)
square miles (sq mi) acres
square feet (sq ft)
square kilometers &ma)
square meters (ma)
square yards (sq yd)
square yards (sq yd) square feet (sq ft)
square meters (ma)
e!l"ruewithin 1 percent when concentra.
tion is less than 10,000 ppm (g/ma =
To Convert Into
- Multiply By

tonnes tons 1.103

pounds Ob) 2,205.
megagrams (Mg) 1.000
tons (long) pounds Ob) 2,240.
tons 1.102
pounds Ob) 2,205.
tons kilograms (kg) 907.2
megagrams (Mg) 0.9072
pounds (lb) 2,000.
tons (long) 0.8929
tonnes 0.9072
tonslsquare mile acre-feetlsquare mile See fig. 9-1A and B
(acre-ftlsq mi)
megagramslsquare kilometer ( M g M )
tonslacre (Tlacre)
tons of water124 hr pounds of waterhour
gallonslminute (gpm)
cubic feetlhour (cu ftthr)
tonslacre-foot poundslcubic foot (pcf)

watershed inches acre-feetlsquare mile (acre-ftlsq mi) 53.33
acre-feet (total) 53.33 x drainage
area in sq mi
Other Conversions

Figures 9-1A and 9-1B are charts for converting

various volume-weights or weights of sediment per
acre-foot to tons. Table 9-3 is convenient for con-
versions of hydraulic or sedimentation data. Table
9-4 shows the Greek alphabet. Table 9-5 shows
map scales and equivalents for use with aerial
photographs and U.S. Geological Survey
quadrangles. Table 9-6 illustrates conversion of
volume-weight between pounds per cubic foot and
tons per acre-foot. Table 9-7 shows conversion of
inches to feet.
Suspended sediment and sediment yield can be
converted from parts per million by weight to tons
as follows:

ppm x discharge (cu ft per period) x 62.4

1,000,000 x 2,000 (or 2 x lo9)

= sediment yield (tons per period)

ppm x d s x 86,400 x 62.4 = ppm x cfs

2 x lo9

x 0.0027 = sediment yield (tons per day)


0.01 0.1


Figure 9-1A.-Conversion of tons to acre-feet for various volume-weights.



Figure 9-1B.-Conversion of tons to acre-feet for various volume-weights.

Table, 9-3.-Conversion factors for hydraulic volumes
Multiplier to obtain:
L/ Initial
unit Cfs-days Cu ft x 10' Gal x 108 Acre-ft Idsq mi
Cfs-days - 0.08640 0.64632 1.9835 0.037190
Cu ft x lo8 11.574 - 7.4805 22.957 .43044
Gal x 10" 1.5472 0.13368 - 3.0689 .05742
Acre-ft 0.50417 0.04356 0.32585 - .018750
Idsq mi 26.889 2.3232 17.379 53.33 -

Table 9-4.-Greek alphabet

A a alpha H q eta N v nu T T tau
B p beta 8 8 theta E 4 xi Y u upsilon
r y gamma
A d delta
I iota
K x kappa
0 o omicron
n n pi
@ + phi
X x chi
E E epsilon A A lambda P q rho VI ly psi
Z 5 zeta M p mu 1 c sigma Q o omega
Table 9-5.-Map scales and area equivalents

Fractional Ft In. per In. Mi Meters Acres per Sq. in. Sq. mi per
scale per in. 1,000 ft per mi per in. per in. sq. in. per acre sq. in.
1: 500 41.667 24.00 0.008 0.0399
1: 600 50.00 20.00 0.009 0.0574
1: 1,000 83.333 12.00 0.016 0.1594
1: 1,200 100.00 10.00 0.019 0.2296
1: 1,500 125.00 8.00 0.024 0.3587
1: 2,000 166.667 6.00 0.032 0.6377
1: 2,400 200.00 5.00 0.038 0.9183
1: 2,500 208.333 4.80 0.039 0.9964
1: 3,000 250.00 4.00 0.047 1.4348
1: 3,600 300.00 3.333 0.057 2.0661
1: 4,000 333.333 3.000 0.063 2.5508
1: 4,800 400.00 2.500 0.076 3.6731
1: 5,000 416.667 2.400 0.079 3.9856
1: 6,000 500.00 2.000 0.095 5.7392
1: 7,000 583.333 1.714 0.110 7.8117
1: 7,200 600.00 1.667 0.114 8.2645
1: 7,920 660.00 1.515 0.125 10.00
1: 8,000 666.667 1.500 0.126 10.203
1: 8,400 700.00 1.429 0.133 11.249
1: 9,000 750.00 1.333 0.142 12.913
1: 9,600 800.00 1.250 0.152 14.692
1: 10,000 833.333 1.200 0.158 15.942
1: 10,800 900.00 1.111 0.170 18.595
1: 12,000 1,000.00 1.000 0.189 22.957
1: 13,200 1,100.00 0.909 0.208 27.778
1: 14,400 1,200.00 0.833 0.227 33.058
1: 15,000 1,250.00 0.800 0.237 35.870
1: 15,600 1,300.00 0.769 0.246 38.797
1: 15,840 1,320.00 0.758 0.250 40.000
1: 16,000 1,333.333 0.750 0.253 40.812
1: 16,800 1,400.00 0.714 0.265 44.995
1: 18,000 1,500.00 0.667 0.284 51.653
1: 19,200 1,600.00 0.625 0.303 58.770
1: 20,000 1,666.667 0.600 0.316 63.769
1: 20,400 1,700.00 0.588 0.322 66.345
1: 21,120 1,760.00 0.568 0.333 71.111
1: 21,600 1,800.00 0.556 0.341 74.380
1: 22,800 1,900.00 0.526 0.360 82.874
1: 24,000 2,000.00 0.500 0.379 91.827
1: 25,000 2,083.333 0.480 0.395 99.639
1: 31,680 2,640.00 0.379 0.500 160.000
1: 48,000 4,000.00 0.250 0.758 367.309
1: 62,500 5,208.333 0.192 0.986 622.744
1: 63,360 5,280.00 0.189 1.000 640.00
1: 96,000 8,000.00 0.125 1.515 1,469.24
1: 125,000 10,416.667 0.096 1.973 2,490.98
1: 126,720 10,560.00 0.095 2.00 2,560.00
1: 250,000 30,833.333 0.048 3.946 9,963.907
1: 253,440 z1,120.00 0.047 4.00 10,244.202
1: 500,000 1.1,666.667 0.024 7.891 39,855.627
1:1,000,000 33,333.333 0.012 15.783 159,422.507
SCALE 12,000 63,360 SCALE Ft per in. (SCALEY 43,560 x 144 (Ft per in.Y
12 SCALE SCALE 63,360 < 0.3048006 43,560 x 144 (SCALEY (5,280Y
Table 9-6.-Volume-weight conversions

Lb : Tons : Acre-ft : Acre-in. : Tons Lb : Tons : Acre-ft : Acre-in. : Tons

per : per : per : per : per per : per : per : per : per
cu ft : acre-ft : ton : ton : acre-in. cu ft : acre-ft : ton : ton : acre-in.
Table 9-7.-Conversion of inches to feet

1 in. = 0.08 ft 7 in. = 0.58 ft

2 in. = 0.17 ft 8 in. = 0.67 ft
3 in. = 0.25 ft 9 in. = 0.75 ft
4 in. = 0.33 ft 10 in. = 0.83 ft
5 in. = 0.42 ft 11 in. = 0.92 ft
6 in. = 0.50 ft 12 in. = 1.00 ft
American National Metric Council. 1979. Metric
editorial guide. 3d ed. American National
Metric Council, 1625 Massachusetts h e . , N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036, 17 p.
American Society for Testing and Materials.
1980. ASTM standard for metric practice.
E 380-79. American Society for Testing and
Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA
19103,42 p.
International Organization for Standardization.
1973. SI units and recommendations for the
use of their multiples and of certain other
units. I S 0 Standard 1000. American National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York,
NY 10018.
National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of
Commerce. 1977. The metric system of
measurement. NBS Letter Circular 1078.
Zimmerman, 0. T., and I. Lavine. 1955. Conver-
sion factors and tables. Industrial Research
Service, Inc., Dover, N.H.

* U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING O F F I C E : 1983 0 - 418-028

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