Pma Step Process Sheet

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Support Team Education Plan (STEP) - Simplified Process Sheet

The purpose of this guide is to help teachers and administrators understand the STEP process and how to refer and
support students who may have difficulty learning due to a specific learning disability or challenge. While it serves as a
simplified process sheet, all teachers and administrators should read S ection 14.2 of the ADLA Handbook to more fully
understand the STEP process and requirements.

The STEP Referral

1a. Parent Referral (often with documentation such as IEP, 504 Plan, or Neuropsychoeducational Eval.)
1. STEP Coordinator meets with parent to complete Documented Professionally Diagnosed Disability Worksheet.
2. STEP C oordinator completes an Initial Support Team Education Plan and forwards to each of the students
teachers and any support faculty as needed.
3. STEP Coordinator sets a date for Follow-up Support Team Education Plan Meeting and forwards a Progress Log
to all of the students teachers.
4. Teachers use the STEP Progress Log to document their use of the strategies and adjustments described in the
Initial Plan.

1b. Teacher Referral

1. Teacher(s) emails the STEP Coordinator to share his/her concerns.
2. STEP Coordinator documents the referral and checks-in with the students other teachers and counselor.
3. Teacher(s) begin providing initial supports and record the strategies and adjustments used in the Classroom
Support Log. After applying various strategies and adjustments and, if the student continues to experience
difficulty in the learning environment:
4. Teacher(s) complete a Request for a Support Team Education Plan Meeting.

The STEP Meeting

1. STEP Coordinator sends out a Notice of Support Team Education Plan Meeting to all.
2. STEP C oordinator obtains and organizes the following information:
a. Parent Questionnaire
b. Student Questionnaire
c. Teachers Classroom Support Logs & Student Work Samples
3. STEP Coordinator Facilitates the STEP Meeting, and helps the team, which includes the students Teachers,
create a STEP Plan.
a. STEP Meeting Agenda
b. STEP Plan

The STEP Follow-up

1. Teacher(s) record their use of the agreed upon strategies and adjustments in the STEP Progress Log according
to the Directions for Completing a Progress Log.
2. STEP Coordinator along with the Guidance Counselors monitors the students progress and checks-in
periodically with the student, parent, and teachers.
3. STEP Coordinator schedules and facilitates a Follow-up STEP Progress Meeting:
a. STEP Coordinator invites all (as needed) to the follow-up meeting.
b. Teacher(s) share their Progress Logs and Samples of Student Work.
c. STEP Team discusses the students progress and makes adjustments to the STEP Plan as needed.
4. STEP Coordinator forwards the STEP Plan to new teachers annually.
5. Teacher(s) continue to maintain Progress Logs
6. STEP Coordinator monitors the students progress and facilitates STEP Plan Follow-up Meetings as needed.

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