Reticular Activating System

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Reticular Activating System (RAS)

(After the motivational section)

All of us have a part of the brain that -- if properly programmed -- can lead us to great
happiness. Conversely -- if unconsciously programmed -- this part of the brain will
create a life of misery.

This part is called the Reticular Activating System. It acts as secretary or office manager.
It takes all of the nervous signals coming into the brain -- signals like nerve pressure from
sitting, taste in your mouth, everything that you hear, everything that you see -- and
decides which of these signals should be sent to the conscious brain.

This is important the reticular Activating System sends what it thinks is important, or
what you have told it is important. Most of us program this part of the brain negatively.
The last part of 4 Minute Fitness will show you ways to consciously program this part of
the brain so it will bring into your life what you want, not what you don't want.

Here is an example of how this part of the brain works. Have you ever noticed that when
you buy a new car, you begin to see that car everywhere? Or if you are pregnant, you
start to see pregnant people everywhere? This is an example of the almost magical
abilities of a Reticular Activating system to bring into your consciousness what it thinks
you want to know. Does anyone have any similar examples?

Within the exercises, we are now going to use energized "Power Phrases". These are like
affirmations, except they are done with energy -- as if they are real, as if they are truly
happening right now. The energy simply helps program the RAS faster.

(PLEASE say the Power Phrases with suggested phrases listed near the bottom of this
document when you do your complete 4 Minute Fitness from beginning to end).

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