Bible Quiz - Nehemiah

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Bible quiz - questions on books of Nehemiah

1. How did Nehemiah hear about the condition of the wall of Jerusalem and its gates? (1:1-3)
2. What did Nehemiah do when he heard about the remnant that survived the exile and about the condition
of Jerusalem? (1:4)
3. What was Nehemiahs position for the king? (1:11)
4. What did King Artaxerxes perceive about Nehemiah? (2:1-3)
5. If it please the king, and if your servant have found favor in your sight, that you would send me to
Judah, to the city of my fathers' sepulchers, that I may ___________it. (2:4-5)
6. When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them
exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the ____________ the children of Israel. (2:10)
7. What did Tobiah say would break down their stone wall? (4:1-3)
8. With what attitude did the builders of the wall work? (4:4-6)
9. What handicap did many of the workers have? (4:16-17)
10. How would the rest know if an attack took place at another section? (4:19-20)
11. How often did the men change their clothes? (4:21-23)
12. What did Nehemiah cause to stop after hearing the cry of the poor? (5:1-10)
13. I am doing _____________work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave
it, and come down to you? (6:3-4)
14. How long did it take to complete the walls? (6:15-16)
15. Approximately how many people returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel? (7:6-7,66-67)
16. Who read aloud the book of the law of Moses from morning until noon? (8:1-3)
17. What was their strength? (8:9-12)
18. And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part
of the day; and another fourth part they _________, and worshipped the LORD their God (9:3)
19. What did they promise not to do on the Sabbath? (10:31)
20. What did they promise to bring to the priests and the Levites? (10:35-39)
21. At the dedication of the wall where was the sound of rejoicing heard? (12:43)
22. What did Nehemiah do when he heard that Eliashib the priest provided a great chamber in the courts of
the house of God for Tobiah? (13:4-9)?
23. What did Nehemiah do to the son-in-law of Sanballat? (13:28)

Nehemiah Chapter 1
1) When did the events of this passage take place in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 1:1)
2) Why did Nehemiah question his brother in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 1:1-2)
3) What report did Hanani and his men give to Nehemiah in verse three? (Nehemiah 1:3)
4) How did Nehemiah react to the news about Jerusalem and the exiles in verse four? (Nehemiah 1:4)
5) How did Nehemiah describe God in his prayer in verse five of this book? (Nehemiah 1:5)
6) According to Nehemiah, with whom does God keep His covenant of love in verse five? (Nehemiah 1:5)
7) What made Nehemiah more aware of his own sinfulness in these verses? (Nehemiah 1:5-6)
8) What is the major theme of Nehemiahs prayer in these verses? (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
9) Whose behalf did Nehemiah pray and fast for in verse six of this book? (Nehemiah 1:6)
10) What sins were the Israelites guilty of in verse seven of this book? (Nehemiah 1:7)
11) What instruction did the Lord give to Moses in verse eight of this book? (Nehemiah 1:8)
12) What promise of the Lord could the Israelites claim, according to Nehemiah in verse nine? (Nehemiah 1:9)
13) How did Nehemiah describe the people of Israel in his prayer in verse ten? (Nehemiah 1:10)
14) What specific request did Nehemiah ask God to grant him in verse eleven? (Nehemiah 1:11)
Nehemiah Chapter 2
1) Why was Nehemiah able to meet with the king in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 2:1)
2) How had Nehemiah acted in the kings presence in the past in verse one? (Nehemiah 2:1)
3) How did Nehemiahs behavior present an opportunity for him in verse one? (Nehemiah 2:1)
4) What did the king ask Nehemiah in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 2:2)
5) What did the king assume about Nehemiahs demeanor in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 2:2)
6) What did Nehemiah have to overcome to give the king an honest answer? (Nehemiah 2:2-3)
7) How did Nehemiah describe his problem to the king in verse three of this book? (Nehemiah 2:3)
8) What did Nehemiah do before he told the king what he wanted in verse four? (Nehemiah 2:4)
9) What did Nehemiah ask of the king in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 2:5-7)
10) Why did Nehemiah ask that letters be sent to the governors of Trans-Euphrates? (Nehemiah 2:7)
11) How did Nehemiah explain the generosity of the king in verse eight? (Nehemiah 2:8)
12) Who was disturbed by Nehemiahs actions and why in verse ten of this book? (Nehemiah 2:10)
13) What did Nehemiah do when he first arrived in Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah 2:11-12)
14) What strategy did Nehemiah use in surveying the state of the city in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah
15) How did Nehemiah prepare himself to present his plan to the Jews in these verses? (Nehemiah 2:11-16)
16) From where did Nehemiah receive his motivation to rebuild Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 2:12)
17) What did Nehemiah find in his inspection of the city in verse thirteen? (Nehemiah 2:13)
18) Why were the officials unaware of Nehemiahs plan in verse sixteen? (Nehemiah 2:16)
19) Why did Nehemiah say that the Israelites were in disgrace in verse seventeen? (Nehemiah 2:17)
20) How did Nehemiah motivate the Israelites to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah
21) How did the Jews respond to Nehemiah in verse eighteen of this book? (Nehemiah 2:18)
22) What encouragement did Nehemiah offer those people who may have initially doubted his plan? (Nehemiah
23) Why did Nehemiah experience opposition to the work of rebuilding Jerusalem in verse nineteen?
(Nehemiah 2:19)
24) How did Nehemiah respond to his critics in verse twenty of this book? (Nehemiah 2:20)
25) Whom did Nehemiah credit for the Israelites expected success in verse twenty? (Nehemiah 2:20)
Nehemiah Chapter 3
1) How did the priests set the example for all the Israelites in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 3:1)
2) What did the priests do when they had completed sections of the walls and gates of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah
3) What project was the Israelites working on in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 3:1)
4) What does the priests dedication of their work reveal about their motivation? (Nehemiah 3:1)
5) What kinds of people were involved in rebuilding Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
6) What does the wide spectrum of people involved reveal about the Israelites commitment to this project?
(Nehemiah 3:1-32)
7) Keeping in mind the practical reason for the restoration of the city, why was most of the rebuilding focused
on the gates? (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
8) What criticism was leveled at the men of Tekoites in verse five of this book? (Nehemiah 3:5)
9) Why did the common people of Tekoites have to do double-duty work in rebuilding the walls of the city?
(Nehemiah 3:5), (Nehemiah 3:27)
10) How did the Israelites decide who would rebuild what in these verses of these books? (Nehemiah 3:10),
(Nehemiah 3:28-30)

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