Questionnaire (Final)

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Santa Maria, Bulacan

Dear Participants,

We, students of BSCE 1-1 from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines are conducting the research entitled
Factors Affecting the Commonly Preferred Courses of Graduating Students. Because you are one of the graduating
students in Santa Maria, Bulacan, we are inviting you to participate in this research study by completing the survey

The following questionnaire will require approximately a very short time to complete. There is no compensation
for responding nor is there any known risk. Copies of the project will be provided to my Polytechnic University of the
Philippines instructor. If you choose to participate in this project, please answer all questions as honestly as possible and
return the completed questionnaires promptly after answering the survey. Participation is strictly voluntary and you may
refuse to participate at any time.

Thank you for taking the time to assist us in our educational endeavors.


The Researchers

General Directions: Please fill in the blank to provide information about yourself.

Name: ________________________________________________

Courses Preferred:

1st Choice _______________________________________________________



2nd Choice_______________________________________________________



3rd Choice _______________________________________________________



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