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$ 2 .0 0 P OW E RI N G M LIV E .C O M SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 017



may shake
EPIDEMIC up 2018
Julie Mack

L A N S I N G Michigan Attorney General

Bill Schuette might reshape Michigans
2018 gubernatorial race with his criminal
prosecution of state ocials involved in the
Flint water crisis, some observers say.
Schuette sent shock waves through
political circles and state government
Wednesday by charging five state offi-
cials, including the head of Michigans
health and human services, with involun-
tary manslaughter for failing to address
an outbreak of Legionnaires disease con-
nected to Flints drinking water supply.
Ive been around 50 years, and its
absolutely unprecedented, said Bill Bal-
lenger, a longtime political analyst and
editor of The Ballenger Report.
Ive never seen anything like this
not only charging top state ocials with
serious crimes of inaction, but also hav-

Heroin, horse Drug abuse is ing a Republican attorney general con-

duct such an aggressive investigation into
a Republican administration.

tranquilizers and No. 1 killer of Schuettes actions come as he is consid-

ering a run for governor in 2018, and his
likely competitor for the Republican nom-

heartbreak: How 30-something ination is Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, one of Sny-
ders point people in responding to the
Flint controversy.

addiction killed 51 in white men in At his Wednesday news conference,

Schuette maintained his prosecution of
15 current and former ocials in the Flint

Jackson County in 2016 Jackson County case has absolutely nothing to do with
I know there are people who view Flint
as a master chessboard where people are
Danielle Salisbury Nathan Clark trying to gain political advantage, he
Not true in his case, Schuette said.

e must have seen how her body went limp, t was the No. 1 killer of white men This is about justice and accountability.
Yet, Schuette also is a career politician
how her lungs stopped. in their 30s in Jackson County last with a reputation in some circles for nely
honed skills in political opportunism.
Bailey Spahr must have known how close heroin took his year, taking more lives than suicides, A lot of Schuettes political enemies
girlfriend to death. will be very cynical about this, said Susan
He tried to revive her all the way to the hospital and, breath- homicides and vehicular crashes Demas, editor of Inside Michigan Politics.
less and shirtless, he trailed medics as they wheeled her on a Theres massive speculation that politics
gurney into the emergency department. combined. was a factor in the Flint water criminal cases.
It might have been a wake-up call for both of them. It might You cant look at this situation and
have put the fear of God in them. Drug abuse deaths in the county, most of ignore the politics, Demas added. While
But addiction has one aim and it doesnt care about cost. which can be linked to heroin, more than dou- I cant speak to his motives, I can speak to
While Brittney Baldwin was on a ventilator in a medically bled from 20 in 2015 to 51 in 2016, according to the fact that there clearly is a governors
induced coma in the intensive care unit, Spahr disappeared a Jackson Citizen Patriot analysis of the coun- race in 2018, and Calley and Schuette are
with a backpack containing the animal tranquilizer carfent- tys 1,713 death certicates, as well as almost central gures in how the Flint water crisis
anil, distributed as heroin. 100 police and autopsy reports. is playing out.
He was found dead the next day, Nov. 24, face down between Overall, drug abuse accounted for about As the race heats up, I expect the Flint
the toilet and the sink in a single stall bathroom at Henry Ford 3 percent of all deaths in the county in 2016. water crisis to be an explosive issue.
Allegiance Health. Eighteen Jackson County autopsy reports Ballenger isnt so sure about that.
Seven days later, Baldwin was dead on her in 2016 listed prescribed narcotics hydroco- So far, the Flint water crisis hasnt been
bedroom oor, a needle beneath her body. done and oxycodone, sold under brand names a factor in any election outside of the Flint
Baldwin and Spahr were two names on a list Vicodin and OxyContin. About half of those mayoral race in 2015, he said.
of 51 who died of drug abuse in Jackson County deaths were linked to heroin. He noted Gretchen Whitmer, a former
in 2016, according to a Jackson Citizen Patriot Overdoses and drug deaths have spiked at state lawmaker seeking the 2018 Demo-
analysis of death certificates and autopsy such a rate that ocials have labeled it an epi- cratic nomination for governor, has criticized
reports. demic. Police and other rst-responders are Schuette for the cost of his investigation.
All but five of the deaths were opioid- Brittney battle-fatigued, to say the least. But now that Schuette has charged DHHS
related. There were signs of heroin in 37 or Baldwin It has been getting tough out there, Jack- Director Nick Lyon and the states chief med-
72 percent of the cases, police and med- son Fire Capt. Todd Weaver said. For the last ical ocer, Dr. Eden Wells, Whitmer cant
ical examiner reports show. In only 19 of the couple of months (of late 2016), there have say that hes only going after low-hanging
deaths, however, did laboratory testing reveal the quickly been at least one or two overdoses a day. Were fruit, Ballenger said. The only bigger per-
SEE ADDICTION, A10 SEE DEATHS, A11 son would be (if) Schuette charged (Gov. Rick)
Snyder himself.
Inside: County residents impacted by heroin tell their stories. PAGES A12-13 Ballenger said its clear Schuette has been
positioning himself as the anti-Snyder in
the gubernatorial race, and he has been at

Advice, E5 Business, A9 Classified/Jobs, C1 Health, E4 Local, A3 Obituaries, A14 Perspective, B1 Real Estate, E3 Sports, D1 Travel, E6 Weather, D8
Copyright @2017 The Jackson Citizen Patriot Feedback: Send your comments to
A2 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8, 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

City Council discussed embezzlement

Sara Scott

case during closed session in April

Regional News Manager
By Department Taylor DesOrmeau zled about $29,000 from sumers Energy. the case as a misdemeanor, reduced. the citys Neighborhood City authorities discov- rather than a felony. I didnt agree with it. and Economic Operations ered the missing funds ear- Per the Michigan penal I didnt think it was right.
Letters J A C K S O N The Jackson department. Prater worked lier this year, and a Jack- code, embezzlement at or Regardless that the money City Council had a closed as a supervisor there. son Police Depa r t ment above $20,000 is a felony. got paid back, its still a
Obituaries meeting April 11 when it The minutes go on to say, investigation was launched Burtch, however, said he crime that was committed, discussed potential charges Council(man) (Craig) Pap- March 30. never made such a request. Dancy said. I just think it
517.768.4872 aga inst a former cit y pin recommends delayed On April 3, Prater admit- He said he and City Attor- sets a precedent.
Customer Service/ employee who embezzled sentence w it h reduced ted to police she stole the ney Bethany Vujnov met
Delivery $28,884, according to min- charge to misdemeanor. funds, according to a police with Assistant Prosecutor UNUSUAL SITUATION utes obtained by the Jack- The minutes were con- report. Kelsey McKinnie, but they T h e C it i z e n P a t r i o t
877.213.3754 son Citizen Patriot. firmed as accurate by Coun- did not make a recommen- sought comment from all
Note: Customer Service is T he pu r p o s e of t he cilma n Freddie Da ncy. REIMBURSED THAT DAY dation. council members, but both
closed Saturdays. closed session was to dis- He said Pappin, who is an The city was reimbursed The council wanted to mayoral candidates Bill
cuss a written legal opinion attorney, outlined possible the full $28,884 on April 11, make sure she was treated Jors and Derek Dobies
STATEWIDE regarding a potential civil charges. the same day as the citys no differently. We felt the didnt respond to interview lawsuit against a former Thats what he recom- closed session. same way, Burtch said. We requests.
Danny R. Gaydou employee, the minutes say. mended, to be charged as a Prater pleaded guilty May wanted to make sure that C ou nc i l m a n A nd re w
President misdemeanor, he said. 8 to a misdemeanor charge everything was done appro- Frounfelker said, I wanted DISCUSSING OPTIONS Pappin did not respond to of taking funds equating to priately. her to (be) fully prosecuted.
John P. Hiner The discussion centered requests for interviews. between $200 and $1,000, McKinnie did not respond He added, ultimately, the
Vice President of Content on the citys options out- The City Council did not according to the criminal to a request for an interview. decision was up to the side of litigation to resolve make any decisions on a complaint. She is scheduled Jarzynka has not county prosecutor.
Charity Plaxton the matter, and discus- recommendation during to be sentenced Friday. re sponde d to repeated Councilman Daniel Greer
Chief Revenue Officer sion of additional options, the closed session or after- County Prosecutor Jerry requests for interviews over said the city handled the including referral to county ward, according to four of Jarzynka said in a May 19 the past four weeks. He case as well as it could.
Matt Sharp prosecutor with recommen- the council members at the interview it was his under- referred questions to Chief (It was) a very unusual
Chief Digital Officer dation, according to the meeting and City Manager standing that Bur tch Assistant Prosecutor Kati situation. No one could have minutes. Patrick Burtch. requested a misdemeanor Rezmierski, who could not ever guessed that this par-
Michael Assink During the meeting, the Prater left the city in charge. That, and the fact answer specific questions. ticular employee would have
Vice President of Sales City Council first learned September to take a job as she made a full restitu- Dancy said he thought done such a thing, Greer that Sheila Prater, a for- a zoning and permit agent tion, were key factors in his Praters initia l cha rges said. But good people make
Steve Westphal mer employee, had embez- with Jackson-based Con- offices decision to charge shou ld not h ave b e en bad decisions all the time.
Vice President National
Small Business
politics is behind Schuettes
Part of Bill Schuette
Spring Arbor alum behind camera

odds multiple times with
Snyder over the governors
is politically driven, and
part of Schuette is process
driven. Im not sure whats
on new History Channel show
Jackson Citizen Patriot handling of the water crisis. in the drivers seat right
Published seven days a week That may be a smart now, Bucholz said. Marie Weidmayer Most of it was camera tors, Fisher said. We inter-
by Mlive Media Group at 100 political stance, considering From a governing per- assistant, but I got to help viewed the engineers. We
E. Michigan Ave., Jackson, that Snyders reputation has spective, I would hope the with some assistant edit- interviewed CEOs.
MI 49201 taken a tremendous beating biggest thing right now for S P R I N G A R B O R Going ing, Fisher said. I got to Fisher said the new series
Phone: 517-768-4830 from the Flint controversy. Schuette is following the to the Arctic Circle was a help with some research. I is appropriate for all ages,
Postage paid at Jackson, MI But Ballenger said Schuette Constitution and due pro- drea m for Spring A rbor got to help with the inter- and he hopes adults and
Publication identification: might be vulnerable polit- cess, Bucholz added. University graduate Jacob national travel, so all sorts children will watch it.
(USPS 271-760) ically if he takes the Flint That said, Bucholz said Fisher, and, thanks to his of cool stuff. I really enjoyed Hopefully, young kids
Postmaster defendants to trial before he knows Schuette well, work on a new series for working with the small watch it, and they might
Send address changes to the August 2018 primary and the attorney general the History Channel, its a team they had. ... With want to go and learn more
Advance Central Services, and fails to get a conviction. doesnt go to the wall unless dream that has been real- these guys, I was allowed to about t hat a nd maybe
3102 Walker Ridge Dr., I think a lot depends on hes got evidence that will ized. get a lot of experience in a become engineers one day,
Walker, MI 49544 how fast these cases move make the charge stick. F i s h e r, a D e a r b o r n lot of different areas of doc- Fisher said. Hopefully,
Weekly Home along and what the verdict Like Ballenger, Bucholz native, worked as an assis- umentary film making, so adults watch it, and they
Delivery Rates: is, Ballenger said. It might said hes struck by the tant camera operator for the that was cool. realize the government isnt
Tue./Thu./Sun. $6.70; Thu./ be better for him to wait unprecedented nature of new series Project Impos- According to the History just wasting money on proj-
Sun. $5.70; until after the election to the criminal case. sible. Channel website, the series ects, but were moving for-
Sunday only $5.50. have the trials. Its nearly unprece- I have always wanted to is about a new generation ward and were doing really
7-Day Digital Only Rate: T.J. Bucholz, a former dented to charge a senior go to the Arctic Circle, he of epic engineering proj- amazing things.
$4.99 per week. spokesman in the admin- member of the state admin- said. That was something ects that were considered The Project Impossible
By Mail: Tue./Thu./ Sun. istrations of Govs. John istrator with involuntary that was really cool for me. unthinkable just a few years pilot aired May 24, and the
$7.89 per week; Engler and Jennifer Gran- manslaughter, he said. I We were up in the North- ago. first season will air this fall.
Sunday only $7.10 per week holm who now runs a pub- cant remember it ever hap- west Territories in Canada. One of the great things It was a blast, Fisher
lic affairs consulting firm, pening in the states history. ... That, for me, was proba- about the show is we didnt said. It was a really cool
Subscription includes access to said its unclear how much Ive never seen this before. bly my favorite location. just look at the science but project. I was just about
the print and/or digital edition of
the Jackson Citizen Patriot on the During the eight months we also interviewed work- right out of school at Spring
days specified on the subscription I would hope the biggest Fisher worked on the series, ers. We interviewed the Arbor, and I got to do it.
offer selected, the Thanksgiving he was able to do many dif- guys wearing the hard hats, It was an exciting eight
edition, other holiday editions,
and additional digital or print ben-
thing right now for Schuette is ferent things. the guys who ran the trac- months.
efits and content we may make
available to you. All included in following the Constitution and
the price noted above! Temporary
suspensions in print delivery are
due process.
not credited to your account. At
the end of the initial period, the
subscription deliveries and digital T.J. Bucholz, former gubernatorial spokesman
Meth lab found near police station
access will continue and you will
be billed at the then prevailing
rate unless you cancel. Print deliv- Nathan Clark by Michigan State Police for the meth lab, Garrison
ery by independent carriers. investigating a separate said.
matter, Det. Sgt. Benjamin Shor t ly a f t e r b e i n g
NAPOLEON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION S P R I N G P O R T Police Garrison said. called to Springport, JNET
were busy cleaning up the JNET officers seized sev- received a call from the
toxic remnants of several eral meth components, as Jackson Police Depar t-
Livestock Auction every Mon- HOGS: 40 Plus 31 Directs small meth labs through- well as a gas generator prior ment requesting cleanup
day, 2 p.m. HEAD out Jackson County last to decontaminating the of a meth lab found in an
Sale of June 12 No. 1s 220-250 lbs. 57.50 to week, including one found home, Garrison said. abandoned home in the
All quotes are prices per 58.50 in a home a street away One suspect was arrested 100 block of West Euclid
100 pounds Sows 33.00 to 40.00 from the Springport Police at the scene for a parole vio- Avenue, Garrison said.
Boars (light) to 33.00 Department. lation, police said. No arrests have been
SLAUGHTER CATTLE: 193 Jackson Narcotics Charges are being sought made in that clean-up.
HEAD: (sold @ 4:15 p.m.) HAY & STRAW: 818 bales (sold Enforcement Team offi-
Choice Steers & Heifers @ 2 p.m.) cers were called to the
130.00 to 145.50 1st Hay 1.00 to 3.50 home in the 300 block of
Good Steers & Heifers 105.00
to 129.00
2nd Hay to 2.50
Round Bales Hay 22.50 to
East Main Street about
2 p.m. Wednesday, to dis- GET READY TO RIDE TO FUN
pose of the meth lab found

Choice Holsteins 104.00 to 27.50
Good Holsteins 85.00 to
105.00 IN RED HOT
Utility Cows 55.00 to 85.00 CREDITS
LOTTERY Canner Cows 40.00 to 63.00 for free slot play
Butcher Bulls 96.00 to
Midday Daily 3: 540
Midday Daily 4: 6720


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Rehabilitative Care BLUE LAKES CHARTERS: 866.276.5536
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Saturdays Classic Lotto 47 Holstein Steers 200-400 lbs. Occupational, physical, and speech therapy TUESDAYS FROM JACKSON
jackpot was worth to 75.00 available seven days a week. DEAN TRAILWAYS: 800.282.3326
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was worth $52 million. Holstein Steers 600-800 lbs. to learn more. 5177870222.
Tuesdays Mega Millions jack- 70.00 to 72.50
pot is worth $123 million.

CALVES: 13 HEAD (sold @

More results at 2251 Springport Road | Jackson, MI 49202 G E T YO U R ON

4 p.m.)
lottery. Other drawings took Deacon Calves 125.00 to NEWS/rehab/3-16 877.FKC.8777 |
place after our deadline. 210.00 8164484-02
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 A3

5,000 pig
farm closer to
Township Koleda said. Ive done a
review of it, and I have sent
residents voice a request back to the farm for
some minor modifications.
concerns Its waiting for a response
back from the farm from
their CNMP provider.
Marie Weidmayer Koleda said she sent the application back Monday.
There is no set time-
C ONC OR D T OW N SH I P line on when they have to
The potential 5,000-ani- respond back to us, Kol-
mal pig farm in Concord dea said. We generally say
Township is one step closer within 30 days. Theyre usu-
to the start of construction. ally pretty quick, though.
Litle Bend Piggery LLC If the DEQ application
has been verified through from Litle Bend Piggery LLC
Stacy Konieczki, left center, watches six of her family members enjoy a meal in 2013 at the Jackson Public Schools Summer the Michigan Department is accepted, the farm must
Nutrition Program cookout at Loomis Park in Jackson. The picnic was put on to promote the summer nutrition program, of Agriculture Right to apply for a special land-use
which provides youth age 18 and younger free hot or cold lunches and breakfast all summer. A similar program is offered Farm Program, said Steve permit and receive zoning
this summer files Mahoney, of the Michigan approval from the township,
Department of Agriculture Township Super visor Al

Free meals available

and Rural Development. Cavasin said.
The application was sub- ( D o b b i n s m u s t) g o
mitted by Richard Dob- through the planning com-
bins. He did not respond to mission to develop t he
requests for comment. special-use permit, Cava-
I did a site visit and sin said. The planning

for kids across county

(reviewed) the material c om m i s sion refer s t he
that they sent, and the site special-use permit to the
does meet the site selec- board of trustees which then
tion GAAMPs (Generally either modifies it or approves
Accepte d A g r ic u lt u ra l it. Its a long process.
and Management Prac- When the potential pig
tices), Mahoney said. The farm was announced, many
Income not a Adults may purchase a on location, but all programs Springport Mobile Home proposed project did get residents were not happy.
meal at any location for $3. will not operate the week of Park, 208 Bayport Circle, approval to construct. More than 60 attended
factor in summer July 3. will serve meals Monday The manure manage- the township board meeting
MICHIGAN CENTER No adults may receive through Thursday. Break- ment system plan, odor Monday, and about 50 spoke,
meal program Jackson District Library, food at these locations. fast will be served from 9 management plan and the Clerk Judy Clark said.
3125 E. Michigan Ave., will All locations are open to 10 a.m. and lunch from construction drawings and The Michigan Right to
serve lunch from 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. noon to 1 p.m. specifications were verified Farm Act provides a way for
Marie Weidmayer to 1 p.m. on Thursdays from Nor t hwe st Educ at ion Onondaga Commu- by the MDARD, he said. citizens to voice their con- June 15 to Aug. 4. Center, 6900 Rives Junc- nity Church, 4474 Onon- The odor management cerns, in addition to help-
Adults may purchase a tion Road, runs from June daga Road, will serve lunch plan includes an odor man- ing farmers, Michigan Farm
J A C K S O N Children 18 meal for $3 at all locations. 12 to Aug. 18. It serves from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. agement model which esti- Bureau Government Rela-
and younger will have free The following programs breakfast and lunch, 8 to Monday through Thursday. mates how far the odor tions Specialist Matt Kapp
breakfast and lunch avail- run Monday through Friday 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to Adults may purchase would travel with basic said.
able across the county this from June 12 to Aug. 4: 12:30 p.m., respectively. meals for $2. average ma nagement, Per the Michigan Right
summer. Arnold Elementary, 4064 Northwest Early Elemen- Mahoney said. (The odor) to Farm Act, neighbors, or
The meals are free regard- Page Ave., will serve lunch tary School, 3757 Lansing VANDERCOOK LAKE doesnt come in contact anyone for that matter, have
less of income level. from 11 a.m. to noon. Ave., will have a break- Townsend Elementary, with any non-farm resi- the right to complain about a
K e i c h e r E l e m e n t a r y, fast and lunch program 1005 Floyd Ave., will serve dences in the area. farm, Kapp said. If a neigh-
CONCORD 137 Broad St., will serve beginning June 19 and lunch from 11:30 a.m. to Next, the Department bor complains about a farm,
Concord High School will lunch from 11:30 a.m. to ending Aug. 11. Break- 1 p.m., Monday through of Environmental Quality (MDARD) per the Michi-
serve lunch from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. fast is served from 8:30 Friday. must approve an applica- gan Right to Farm Act is
12:30 p.m. Monday through I n d i a n V i l l a g e C lu b to 9:30 a.m., and lunch is The progra m begins tion submitted by the farm required to go out onto the
Friday. House, 2600 E. South served from 10:30 a.m. to Monday and runs through a step that may be done farm and determine if that
The program began June St., will serve lunch from 12:30 p.m. Aug. 11. soon. farm is conforming to all the
12 and will end Aug. 19. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Windham Hills, 4020 Meals will not be served I received the CNMP GAMMPs that apply to that
Adult s may purcha se Ashton Ridge, 2907 Ash- C ou nt r y Fa r m Roa d , July 3 and 4. (Comprehensive Nutri- fa rming operation. The
lunch for $3. ton Ridge Drive, will serve will have a lunch pro- Adults may purchase a ent Management Plan) for Michigan Right to Farm Act
lunch from 11:15 a.m. to gram from 11:30 a.m. to meal for $3. review, DEQ Environmen- is just as much for the neigh-
HANOVER HORTON 12:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. tal Quality Analyst Rachel bors as it is for the farm.
Hanover Village Park will Ridgewood Vista, WESTERN
serve lunch from 11:15 a.m. to 5000 Ponderosa Drive, SPRINGPORT Wa r ne r E le m e n t a r y The odor management plan
12:15 p.m., Monday through will ser ve lunch from The program runs School, 118 Star Road, will
Friday, through Aug. 19. 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. through Aug. 16. serve lunch from 11:30 a.m. includes an odor management
Hanover-Horton Elemen- The building should be Springport High School to 1 2:30 p.m., Monday
tary School will serve lunch entered via the front Cafeteria, 300 W. Main St., through Friday. model which estimates how far
from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. on entrance. will serve breakfast at 7:15 This progra m r uns
select dates. The dates are to 9 a.m., and lunch from through Aug. 19. the odor would travel with basic
June 20-22 and 27-29 and NORTHWEST 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Monday Adults may purchase a
July 11-13 and 18-20. Program dates vary based through Thursday. meal for $3. average management.

Steve Mahoney, of the Michigan Department

Breakfast, lunch, dinner among options of Agriculture and Rural Development

Marie Weidmayer
a school bus will make four
stops in Jackson. The route
will begin at 11:30 a.m. at
State police seek
J A C K S O N To keep chil-
dren fed this summer, Jack-
son Public Schools is offer-
the JATA Playground, 500
Griswold St. and will end at
the Nixon Pool Pavilion at
volunteers for new
ing free breakfast, lunch
and dinner to those 18 and
2:20 p.m. This route begins
Monday and ends Aug. 11.
For a complete list of
Angel Program
The meals are free to all breakfast, lunch and school
regardless of income level or bus locations, Andrew Surma provide support and trans-
school district. Page/552. portation to treatment.
There are 48 locations Two special events with Volunteers are required
serving food, according to free meals will happen this JACK SON The Michigan to complete an application,
the JPS website. The pro- summer. State Police Jackson post is which is available at the
gram runs from June 12 to The first begins at 9 a.m. looking for volunteers in a Jackson post. They must
Aug. 11; however, opening July 19 at McCulloch Acad- new program to help drug have reliable transportation,
and closing dates vary by Jackson Public School food service workers get hot dogs emy. Area experts will train addicts get clean without a valid drivers license and
location. ready for kids and their parents at the 2013 Jackson Public kids on fitness and exer- fear of arrest or investiga- live within one hour of the
All locations are closed Schools Summer Nutrition Program cookout at Loomis cise, along with an obsta- tion. Jackson post.
July 3-4. Park in Jackson. This summer, 48 locations are serving cle course. Two bikes and State police recently Volunteers receive train-
New this summer, two food across the district. The cookout at Loomis Park will be various prizes will be given expanded the program to ing prior to assignments and
locations will serve din- July 26. away during the event. Jackson, according to a will be reimbursed for mile-
ner Monday through Friday Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. news release. age and meals.
all summer, starting June 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food service A cookout for children The Angel Program is a To become a volunteer or
19: New Macedonia Baptist The Jackson YMCA, 127 begins Monday and ends begins at 11:30 a.m. July 26 pre-arrest diversion pro- to learn more about the pro-
Church, 1020 Francis St., W. Wesley St., will serve Aug. 11. in Loomis Park and ends at gram that allows someone gram, call 517-780-4580.
will serve from 4 to 5 p.m., lunch from 11 a.m. to noon The Middle School at 1 p.m. The Jackson Police with a drug addiction to The Angel Program began
and Faith Temple Church of Monday through Friday. Parkside, 2400 Fourth St., and Fire Departments will walk into a state police post in 2015 in Gloucester, Massa-
God, 1020 N. Blackstone St., Lunch service began June 12 will begin serving breakfast bring their vehicles for the and get help. That person chusetts. It is supported by
is open 5 to 6 p.m. and will end Aug. 18. and lunch Monday and stop children, and there also wont be arrested or inves- the Police Assisted Addic-
Five other locations will Jackson High School, 544 Aug. 11. Meals are served will be games. tigated, the release said. tion and Recovery Initiative.
ser ve dinner at various Wildwood Ave., will serve Monday through Friday. Adults may purchase More than 150 police Michigan State Police
times and dates throughout breakfast and lunch Monday Breakfast is 8 to 9 a.m., and meals for $3 at JPS loca- departments nationwide plan to continue expanding
the summer. For the full din- through Friday. Breakfast is lunch is 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tions only. For more infor- take part in the program. the program across the state
ner schedule and menu, visit 7:30 to 9 a.m., and lunch is Monday through Friday, mation, call 517-841-2173. Volunteers are needed to throughout the year.
A4 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

Man found dead in

burning car labeled
homicide victim
Nathan Clark Unit determined the vehi- cle was intentionally set on
fire with Herendeen inside,
SOM ER SET TOW NSH I P police said. Police did not
A ma n found dead release further details about
in a burning vehicle six how Herendeen died.
months ago has been listed The incident remains
as a homicide victim, and under investigation.
a reward is being offered to Anyone with information
aid in finding and convict- is asked to contact the Mich-
ing his killer or killers. igan Arson Prevention Com-
The Hillsdale County mittee at 1-800-44-ARSON,
M e d i c a l E x a m i n e r s or the Michigan State Police
Office listed the death of at 517-780-4580.
30-year-old Tyler Craig The Michigan Arson Pre-
Herendeen,of Jonesville, vention Committee is offer-
as a homicide Thursday, ing a reward of up to $5,000
according to a Michigan for information leading to
Jesse Irving was sentenced Thursday to 15 to 25 years in prison for armed robbery, first-degree home invasion, carjacking, State Police release. the arrest and or conviction
receiving and concealing a weapon, larceny of a firearm, felonious assault and using a firearm to commit a felony by Herendeens body was of anyone involved in the
Jackson County Circuit Judge Thomas Wilson. Claire Abendroth, discovered by Somerset arson.
Township firefighters who Herendeen was a Jones-
were called to a vehicle ville High School graduate

There are no winners,

fire about 9:30 p.m. Jan. 11 who went on to receive an
near Voorheis and Waldron associates degree at Jack-
roads. son College, according to
The SUV was engulfed his obituary. He joined the
in flames when firefighters U.S. Army National Guard in
arrived. 2009 and served in Afghani-

judge tells robber, 39

T he M ich iga n St ate stan in support of Operation
Police Fire Investigation Enduring Freedom.

Napoleon student
Addict, who admitted sibility for what I did that night. tually got hold of the mans gun, hit-

attack on 77-year-old,
Irving confessed, he said, because
he wanted to take responsibility for
his actions and he wanted to spare his
ting the homeowner several times and
forcing him to give up his keys and
charged with felony
sent to prison 77-year-old victim the pain of having to Irving fled in the homeowners
relive the night he attacked him. truck and five days later, arrived at Nathan Clark the victim who said she did
While we appreciate he confessed Henry Ford Allegiance Health seek- not know the teen using her
Nathan Clark to everything and admitted it was ing treatment for his gunshot wound. card but recognized her as because he was addicted to heroin, this He at first lied to police who were NA P OL EON T OW NSH I P a fellow Napoleon High stu-
does not change what he did to (the vic- summoned to the hospital, saying he A 16-year-old Napoleon dent, Pittman said.
JAC K S ON A month after admitting tim), said Assistant Prosecuting Attor- accidentally shot himself. He eventu- High School student is in School officials identi-
to every felony he was accused of com- ney Kelsey McKinnie. The only reason ally conceded under questioning that serious trouble after she fied the teen in the security
mitting against an elderly man while (the victim) opened the door is because he knew the victim and was surprised allegedly stole another stu- footage and had her come to
looking to feed his heroin addiction, his neighbor would check on him occa- by his own actions. dents credit card, used it the school office to talk with
Jesse Irving is heading to prison. sionally. We are lucky he is still here. He said he used the stolen money at a gas station and lied to police.
Jackson County Circuit Judge On Dec. 23, Irving went to the to buy drugs and sold the handgun for police. When confronted, the
Thomas Wilson on Thursday sentenced elderly mans home on Winifred more drugs, Blackman-Leoni Town- T he st udent, who se teen denied doing anything
Irving, 39, to 15 to 25 years in prison for Street in Blackman Township. He was ship Public Safety Detective Joseph name is being withheld, wrong, Pittman said.
his crimes. armed with a military-style knife and Merritt earlier testified. is charged as a juvenile Pittman first showed the
Irving admitted at a pretrial hear- demanded money, according to infor- There are no winners in this mat- for one felony count each teen school security footage
ing in May to one count each of armed mation presented in court. ter, Wilson said in rendering his sen- of illegal use of a finan- of her finding the victims
robbery, first-degree home invasion, The homeowner earlier testified he tence. The victim was doing nothing cial transaction device lanyard in the school hall-
carjacking, receiving and concealing a told Irving his money was in his reclin- but sitting at home when you came in and lying to a police offi- way and pocketing it. Then,
weapon, larceny of a firearm, felonious ing chair and he would retrieve it. and threatened his life, hitting him cer, both four-year felonies, he showed her a photo of her
assault and using a firearm to commit Instead, he pulled out a .380-caliber multiple times in the head. I under- Napoleon Township Police taken from the gas station
a felony. handgun and told Irving to leave. stand you had a heroin problem that Chief Duaine Pittman said. security camera using the
I am truly sorry to him and his fam- When Irving refused and rushed led you to do this, but now your family The victims family was stolen credit card, spending
ily for what I did, Irving said, looking toward him, the homeowner shot him. has to watch you go to prison for what willing to let the incident $13.05, Pittman said.
into the courtroom gallery at his vic- Bullets struck Irvings abdomen and you did. slide if she had been honest I gave her multiple ways
tim. This is not the person I am. Drugs grazed his hand. Irving was credited for 165 days about what happened, Pit- out of the situation, hoping
made me this person. I take full respon- The two struggled, and Irving even- served. tman said. But as soon as she would admit to what she
we told them she wouldnt did, but she just kept lying,
stop lying even after I Pittman said.
showed her photos of her Police later recovered the
stealing the girls lanyard stolen lanyard at the teens

Man running from rollover arrested a mile away and using the card at the
gas station, they said to go
ahead with charges.
home and sent her case to
the Jackson County Prose-
cutors Office, which issued
On May 9, the victims the juvenile petition for the
Nathan Clark Territorial Road intersection and was driving with a suspended license and family called police to two felonies. struck by a westbound vehicle, police had two outstanding warrants for report their child had lost Two $15 gift cards for
said. probation violation and failure to pay a lanyard with her attached Applebees and about $10 in
C A M D E N T OW N S H I P A motorist The impact caused both vehicles to child support. car keys and a wallet with cash, also inside the victims
was arrested Wednesday afternoon, veer into a field at the northwest cor- The driver of the westbound vehi- her credit card inside and lanyard, were not recovered.
shortly after running from a rollover ner of the intersection, the northbound cle, a 67-year-old woman, and her they needed to report the The school suspended
crash a mile away. vehicle rolling several times, police 74-year-old passenger were taken to card was stolen, police the girl for the remainder
Police and rescue crews were called said. Hillsdale Hospital to be treated for said. of the school year, Pittman
to the two-vehicle crash about 6 p.m. After the northbound vehicle landed injuries, police said. The man and his Shortly after the report, said.
at East Territorial and Bird Lake roads, on its roof, the man climbed out and passenger were treated at the scene police received a call from The maximum punish-
according to a Michigan State Police fled, police said. He was located a for minor injuries. the credit card company ment she faces is four years
release. mile from the scene, leaving a wooded Troopers credit the use of seat belts advising the card was used in juvenile detention.
The 37-year-old was traveling at high area. He was arrested under suspicion in saving lives in the crash. at a Napoleon gas station, I hope this can serve as a
speed northbound on South Bird Lake of being under the influence of mari- Pioneer Ohio Fire Rescue personnel Pittman said. lesson to other students that
Road with a 34-year-old female passen- juana. and Reading Emergency Medical Sup- Police reviewed security they cannot lie to police like
ger when he failed to stop at the East Police also discovered the man was port Ambulance assisted at the scene. footage at the station with this, Pittman said.

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J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8, 2 0 17 A5

City Council approves


Esther Delilah Gutierrez and Orion Adam Michael Green and Ashley
Fredrick Lee Shipe Jr., both of Ann Kontos, both of Jackson

$2.8M for water

Jackson Gregory Lea James and Angela
Gail LeClear, both of Jackson Samantha Ann Marie Sharp and
Justin Allan Wilkins, of Brooklyn, Jacob William Bailey, both of
and Kinsey Elaine Barrett, of Joel Daniel Mead and Brittany Jackson

treatment work,
Clark Lake Mary-Jo Erskine, both of Grass
Lake Augustus Love Jr. and Ruthie
Matthew David James Henney Laverne Dye, both of Jackson
and Amber Renee Finney, both Barbara Gayle Roy and Wesley

insurance renewal
of Jackson Rujan Jr., both of Munith Jessica Anne Howard and Kyle
Jeffery Holstine, both of Grass
David Allen Soltis and Dawn William Irving Showerman and Lake
Marie Redman, both of Jackson Sherry Diann Winchell, both of
Jackson Courtney Michelle-Lee Zakrze-
Andrew Surma This is a necessary Austin James Ream and Kristen wski and Clayton Allen Lewin,
Taylor Olsen, both of Atlanta, Suzanne Scott McCloskey and both of Jackson
JACK S ON Two new construction con- upgrade, and I wanted Georgia Alexander James Butterfield,
tracts and a renewed insurance policy both of Jackson Marilyn Kay Tello, of Jackson,
will cost the city of Jackson more than to make sure the Anne Elise Tucker, of Jackson, and Jeffrey Lynn Hillman, of
$2.8 million. and Jonathan Mark Osantowski, Anthony Lee Smith and Miranda Pontiac
At its Tuesday meeting, the Jackson information is out of Grandville Ann Herzberg, both of Brooklyn
City Council unanimously approved Owen Matthew Welsh and Trisha
a $17,000 contract for consulting ser- there to the public so Shawn Scott Hamby and Mayra Edwin Rodolfo Velasquez and Emily Norkey, both of Jackson
vices for city bridge inspections and a Novoa, both of Jackson Rachel Marie Hochhauser, both
$2.3 million contract for improvements people can understand of Jackson Jeffery Allen Ruckel and Jennifer
to the citys water treatment plant. It also Trevor Jordan Kimball, of Free- Elaine Dalrymple, both of Albion
approved a $459,000 payment to renew why we are spending land, and Kimberly Grace Cary, Kylie Nichole Ripley and Paul
the citys liability and property insurance of Parma Orlando Tafoya, both of Spring- Maureen Elizabeth Lefere and
policy. so much money. port Chad Douglas Rogers, both of
The $2.3 million contract, awarded to Victoria Paige Resor and Scott Jackson
L.D. Docsa, of Kalamazoo, is the most Jackson Councilman Craig Pappin Lee Hendricks, both of Jackson Tamara Jean Stout, of Spring-
vital for Jackson residents, Councilman port, and Ubaldo Bonifacio-Mar- Adriana Chora and Nathaniel
Craig Pappin said. Joshua Aaron Pepin, of Cement tinez, of Hanover Thomas Steelman, both of
This is one of the most important and out the city as needed. Because of that, City, and Maranda May Oster- Jackson
vital functions that we on council do in Knepper expects the new pumps will holm, of Jackson Charles Burton Hemmerlin and
providing services for the city,he said. save money. Lindsay Amanda Miller, both of Ryan Timothy Sannes and
This is a necessary upgrade, and I Most of the funding for the proj- Cheyenne Agnes Meade and Phoenix Stephanie Lauren McIntosh,
wanted to make sure the information ect, $2 million, is included in the citys Casey Michael Forner, both of both of Grass Lake
is out there to the public so people can 2017-2018 budget, Knepper said in a Jackson Jimmy Joseph Faust Jr. and
understand why we are spending so memo to City Manager Patrick Burtch. Lyssa May Christine Scheidt, Stephanie Paige Cox and Jeffrey
much money. The remaining costs are expected to be Brian David Rett, of Concord, both of Jackson Warren II, both of Jackson
Jacksons water treatment plant included in the 2018-2019 budget. and Rebecca Hale Dow, of Lake
high-service pump station was built in If we were to construct a completely
1924, said Todd Knepper, director of pub- new facility, the cost would be in the $20-
lic works. Most of the six pumps were to $30-million range, Knepper said. In
installed in the 1960s. that context, making these repairs is DRUNKEN DRIVING appeared impaired. Jackson, 12 months probation,
The pump station is responsible for much more cost effective. SENTENCINGS Minor under the influence is a per- $1,600 costs and fines, for
delivering drinking water throughout the The other large expense approved son under 21 with a blood alcohol OWVI, alcohol.
city. He said the pumps are sturdy, but Monday renews the citys insurance pol- The following are drinking level of 0.02 to 0.07 percent.
the piping between them is deteriorating. icy with Michigan Municipal League Lia- and driving sentences from JUDGE MICHAEL KLAEREN
Our fear is if we have a leak, that takes bility & Property Pool for the 2017-2018 Jackson District Court. JUDGE JOSEPH FILIP Scott Allan Beck, 40, of Jackson,
the pump station out of service, which fiscal year. The citys $458,597 premium Defendants hometowns were at Gary Robert Adams, 26, of Jack- one day in jail, 12 months proba-
takes the city out of water, Knepper said. increased by $16,000 from the previous the time of sentencing. son, 93 days in jail, 12 months tion, $1,060 costs and fines, for
The city has a backup plan if a leak fiscal year. The policy insures city-owned Jail sentences may be suspended. probation, $1,100 costs and OWI, blood alcohol content of
occurs, he said. assets, such as buildings and automo- Operating while impaired means fines, for OWVI, alcohol. 0.17 or more.
The renovations will add two new biles, City Attorney Beth Vujnov said. the drivers blood alcohol level Jessica Marie Barber, 26, of Kathryn Michelle Comstock, 23,
pumps and suction piping. New dis- The reason for the 3.6-percent increase was 0.08 percent or more and the Jackson, $1,300 costs and fines, of Cement City, one day in jail,
charge piping is being moved to a new is because the cost of doing business ability to drive was substantially for OWVI, alcohol. 12 months probation, $1,030
underground facility outside the build- is going up, she said. The city expects and materially affected. Jesse Wallace Brigham, 22, costs and fines, for OWI.
ing, Knepper said. to receive a $48,000 dividend from last Operating while visibly impaired of Horton, 93 days in jail, 12 Jacqueline Eileen Wheaton, 49,
Varying speed drives are expected to years policy, according to a memo from (OWVI) means the drivers blood months probation, $1,300 costs of Parma, two days in jail, 12
be added to the new pumps, which adjust Vujnov to Burtch. Burtch said that money alcohol level was below 0.08, but and fines, for OWVI, alcohol. months probation, $1,185 costs
the amount of water pumped through- is placed in the citys general fund. an officer determined the driver Harley Nicole Eteo, 24, of and fines, for OWVI, alcohol.

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College graduates will fare better Embrace these strategies
with an understanding of their debt for a lifetime of financial success Using this method, you can build a their income is probably relatively low. But
solid credit history in a short time and making saving a priority will instill strong

ongratulations! You made it qualify for better terms. ome college graduates have financial habits that can last a lifetime.
through college armed with studied physics and will pur- Regardless of how small your pay-
a degree and hopefully a job. S RESEARCH YOUR CHOICES sue rocket science as a career. check is, you probably can afford to save
Now its time to move on Theres more to choosing a credit Others plan to become doc- something. The amount isnt as import-
to the next stage of your education: life. card than seeking the best interest rate. tors, memorizing every bone in the body, ant at this stage of your life as building
The tests are all open-book, the dead- A wide variety of cards is available that while a few are walking encyclopedias the discipline of saving. One strategy is
lines are varied and some lessons are cater to individual markets. Online com- when it comes to history. to save a percentage of your income
much harder and carry higher stakes parisons and reviews are available to But how many of them can and do this way, your savings will automatically
than others. Worst of all, there is little help you assess the positives and nega- balance a checkbook? increase as your income grows.
grading on the curve. tives of each card. Seek the card that best The National Center for Education Sta- Set an initial goal of saving three to
You know your GPA, but do you know matches your preferences and perks. tistics reports 1.6 million college gradu- six months worth of living expenses in
your credit score? You can get a copy of If you take advantage of introductory ates in 2014 will be unprepared for finan- an FDIC-insured bank or money market
your credit report free every 12 months offers, make sure that you understand cial independence. A large percentage of account. This can serve as a rainy day
from the three nationwide credit-report- how things change after the introduc- graduates never have paid their own rent, savings account you can tap if you have a
ing companies. Log on to annualcredit- tory period expires (such as the effect on balanced a checkbook or created a bud- financial emergency. to learn more. interest rates and repayment terms), and get, much less learned to live on one.
One of your first post-graduate lessons what actions you might take that would The good news in this grim statistic S LEARN THE BASICS OF INVESTING
should be on the proper use of credit. void your great deal. For example, a sin- is that learning the basics of personal Saving money and investing money
Poor early decisions regarding credit can gle missed payment could trigger a high financial management isnt difficult. are not the same thing. After you have
have adverse effects for years. penalty interest rate. Here are some personal finance strate- built up your emergency savings account
Its really important for millennials gies that can help you get your post-col- to a comfortable level, start thinking
to understand what a critical role credit S ALWAYS PAY BILLS ON TIME lege life off to a good start: about how you might want to invest some
plays in your life. Its critical at every life You dont have to pay your credit card of your excess money in stocks, bonds or
phase, said millennial money expert bill in full each month although if you S LIVE ON A BUDGET other financial instruments.
Stefanie OConnell. can, you should, to avoid interest charges Weve listed this as the first strategy Investing involves accepting the risk
To begin your credit education, here but you should always pay at least the because it will provide the foundation for that you might lose some (or even all) of
are some tips: minimum payment amount on time, everything else you do from a personal your money for the potential of earning
without fail. financial management standpoint. Until a higher return than is offered by sav-
S SET UP A CREDIT PLAN Payment history accounts for a large you have knowledge of and control over ings and money market accounts. In gen-
You should not avoid credit. Potential portion of your credit score, and missed how much money youre earning and eral, the riskier your investments are, the
creditors will look for evidence that you payments count against your credit score spending, you wont be able to implement higher the potential return might be. It
manage debts well, and when gauging for a long time. Payments that are late by any other personal finance strategies. might make sense to assume a little more
risk, having no history is almost as bad as at least 90 days stay on your credit report The concept of budgeting is simple; risk when investing for long-term finan-
having a poor history. Use a credit plan for seven years. Multiple missed pay- its the execution thats often difficult. cial goals such as retirement.
to carefully build a positive credit his- ments compound the effect. The first step is to determine your total
tory and a good credit score, which Adam Dont forget other debts such as utility monthly income and expenses. Then S THINK ABOUT RETIREMENT
Carroll, founder and chief education bills, phone/cable/internet bills and even subtract the former from the latter to see Yes, we said retirement. While retir-
officer of National Financial Educators, student loans. Missing payments on any whether youre spending more or less ing might seem like its the last thing you
calls hugely important when it comes to regularly scheduled bill or installment money than you make. need to think about now, the reality is the
making major life decisions. loan will also damage your credit score. Hopefully youre spending less, in sooner you start saving for retirement,
Start by thinking about how many which case you can start thinking about the more time you have to benefit from
credit cards you need and when you plan S DONT MAX OUT YOUR CREDIT how youll save and/or invest your excess compounding returns and tax benefits.
to use them. Stick to one or two cards If you spend near your credit limits, money (see the next two strategies). If Time is the retirement savers best
such as a gas station card and/or a starter your credit score will suffer even if you youre spending more than you make, its friend. Here is what an early start on sav-
credit card (with terms designed for lim- pay the bill off in full every month. Lend- time to take a look at your expenses and ing for retirement can look like: John
ited credit). ers look at credit utilization, the amount figure out areas where you can cut back. started contributing $90 a week to his
Verify that all cards report account of credit you use as a percentage of your companys 401(k) plan when he was 25
activity to the credit bureaus. Make small credit limit, to assess the risk involved in S MAKE SAVING A PRIORITY years old. If he continues doing this for
purchases with these cards and pay them lending you money. As they embark on their professional 40 years and earns an annual return of
off monthly without burdening your Try to keep your balances below 30 careers, college graduates often place sav- 7 percent, hell have a retirement nest egg
budget. percent of your credit limit at all times. ing at the bottom of their priority list, since worth $1 million when he turns 65.

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watched closely. would be an engineer. She MMA. BAILEY

ADDICTION Although I had a sick hoped he would go to col- Anyone who was into Jennifer Spahr was in Chi-
FROM A1 feeling about it, I didnt see lege. mixed martial arts in Mich- cago visiting her daughter
it. Teachers would say he igan knew of Rice, 41. when she heard her son had
metabolized positive marker related offense. For a parent, the signs could teach the class, but he He changed the whole died. His father, her former
for heroin, 6-monoacetylor- are not always obvious wouldnt do the work, Jen- game, said, his brother, Ste- husband, called her.
phine. JESSICA and painful to recognize. nifer Spahr said. belton. Bailey helped Brittney to
The Citizen Patriot anal- There was no answer at A sloppy appearance, lack He at tended We ster n Rice wrestled at Western the hospital its unclear
ysis shows those who died the door, but he could hear of motivation or energy, and Western Options high High School and earned a what led to the overdose or
were overwhelmingly white. the baby, then 1 or 2 months secrecy, changes in behav- schools, but quit in the 12th scholarship to Muskegon where it took place and he
All but 13 were male. Many old, crying and scream- ior, decline in performance, grade. Community College, but left was distraught, beside him-
were tradesmen. Ten had ing. He climbed through a issues with relationships. The Jackson Narcotics when he learned his girl- self, Mays said.
gone to college. Their aver- window. They have new friends, Enforcement Team, a small friend was pregnant with Well before daw n on
age age was 40. Jessica Warren was vomit- friends with unknown last undercover unit tasked with their daughter. The two Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, he
Their stories are tragic, ing, convulsing on the floor. names, said Mike Hirst, of disrupting drug trafficking, also had a son, a recent high disappeared.
and often heartbreaking. A White foam coming from her Waterloo Township, who lost seized 230 grams about school graduate. Police reports suggest
talented mixed martial art- mouth. David Goolsby called his 24-year-old son, Andrew, 2,300 doses of heroin in He became a professional a man, caught on surveil-
ist and coach with a spiral- 911. to heroin in 2010, at the cusp 2016. fighter when human cage lance tape, visited him at
ing dependency on pain His wife had overdosed. of the epidemic. It seems a small quan- fighting was still illegal in the hospital. Camera footage
pills. A Marine who strug- It started a long trend, Its hard to tell. You dont tity to people accustomed Michigan, before the wide- shows Bailey last entered
gled with the sudden death said Goolsby, a business see until its too late, he to hearing occasional news spread popularity of the the bathroom with the back-
of his father. A woman development manager for a said. repor t s of kilog ram s of Ultimate Fighting Champi- pack at 4:58 a.m. He was pro-
whose repeated stints in jail debt collection call services cocaine tucked in a semi- onship, and earned a black nounced dead 15 hours later,
or rehab never kept her sober center. QUINCY trailer or stashed in a pickup belt in judo. A driven, tal- about 8 p.m.
long enough to mother her He cant even keep track On Oct. 10, Quincy Rice, a bed. ented grappler and a A custodian found him in
children. of all the times Jessica got 41-year-old father and well- More than in other drug notorious online provoca- the bathroom. A code blue
Neither recovery nor reli- into trouble, usually for known mixed-martial art- operations, those distribut- teur he fought all over the summoned hospital staff.
gion could save them. theft. She cycled in and out ist and coach, posted a mes- ing heroin typically the country, in prestigious gyms They tried to save him, but it
Its so highly addictive. of jails and treatment cen- sage on Facebook, where he Mexican cartels through and with lauded names. was too late.
To know someone loves their ters while he tended to their maintained a prolific pres- source cities, like Detroit At 5 foot 7 inches, 165 His body, incapacitated
kids, more than anything two children, especially ence. maintain only small stores, a pounds, it was not sufficient by carfentanil and other
in the world, and cant fight their daughter, who suffers I fe el ig nor a nt a nd tactic likely designed to limit to merely win his division. drugs, already was start-
this, said David Goolsby Jr., from severe asthma. Her pathetic for all the unneeded losses and minimize conse- He wasnt the best unless ing to stiffen, according to
who lost his estranged wife, lungs never fully developed, and ineffective efforts Ive quences. he could beat the biggest a police report. A medical
Jessica Warren, 33, the day possibly because of her preg- put into lifes situations guy, Stebelton said. examiner estimated he had
after Mothers Day 2016. nant mothers concealed which were beyond my con- JESSICA Rice retired in 2001, but been dead at least six hours.
How cou ld t here be substance abuse. trol, he wrote. He was 19, and she was his stayed in the sport. As a At least five of those who
somet hing t hat could There were times she But the devil lies in the first love. trainer, he valued discipline died last year were discovered
make you not see them would try. The children now truth that tomorrow Ill She was older, smart and and professionalism. in bathrooms.
every night, kiss them on reminisce about a trip to an catch myself doing it again beautiful. She already had a Even if I dont have a Overdoses of ten are
the forehead, take them to orchard and a visit to a tram- fight in the near future, I reported in public restrooms,
school ...? poline park. She would come train like I do ..., Sandford fast-food restaurants and gas
It is no secret the opioid in the morning to take them was quoted as saying in stations.
issue fills jails and morgues to school. 2013. Quincy would accept At the Admiral station at
and splinters families. It is But, then, it would slowly The drug itself is extremely toxic. nothing less from me. 1910 E. Michigan Ave., clerks
happening in Jackson and get her. We wouldnt see her He took athletes from twice found someone over-
across the country. Politi- for a week. It is also highly addictive. There is nothing to the world stage, dosing in the bathroom in the
cians have made platforms She was accepted into his brother said. past four to six months. Both
of the epidemic. They raise Jackson County Recovery no other comparison in the drug He didt have a ca r, survived.
alarm at government cap- Court, a treatment-centered didnt have a house. He lived Now, the station locks
itals and in communit y track for offenders with drug world, the seduction of opiates in his gym. He didnt want the room and monitors who
forums, but measuring the or alcohol dependencies. all that stuff. It didnt mean uses it, said manager Janel
scope can be difficult. The judge, Susan Jordan, on the brain. s--- for him. Strong, who removed a stor-
There is no classifica- remembers how she was lit Death certificates in Jack- age cabinet once used for
tion for heroin or drug abuse up from within when sober. Newell Turpel, Recovery Court director son County are purposely spare toilet paper and other
deaths in police databases, But after repeated violations of operations and case manager vague on details in drug storage. One less place for
and Jackson County depart- and second chances the deaths, even though the people to use their drugs on.
ments could not generate judge ousted her from the National Association of Med- Sean Mansour owns the
complete lists. The medical program. ical Examiners recommends BP station at North West and
examiners office would pro- She just never could medical examiners max- Ganson streets and had to
vide only numbers. break it, said Goolsby, who and will be left to question son and daughter from prior imize useful information close his public bathroom.
Assembling a catalog of grew weary. my sanity once more. ... Im relationships, and he adored about opioid drug deaths. A lot of just needles and
names and cases required He tried several times to going to keep trying. ... them. Most nights, he was at Jackson County does not stuff, he said. I just got sick
purchasing and reviewing divorce her. He would pray for change. her apartment. specify which drugs caused of it.
all the 2016 death certificates You cant just keep trying Shortly before 11 p.m. She was definitely the or contributed to a death on
and filing Freedom of Infor- to help someone. It stresses the same day, Rice was pro- prettiest thing I had ever death certificates, the only BRITTNEY
mation Act requests for police you out. Takes your life nounced dead. He was found seen at the time, Goolsby, document medical examin- She was hysterical after
reports and then autopsy and over. in a bathroom in an unfamil- 31, said. ers are required to forward Bailey died, and her mother
toxicology records. Six years ago, 5 percent iar home on Renfrew Drive Goolsby and Jessica mar- to the state for purposes of convinced her to stay at the
of participants in Jackson in Spring Arbor. A medical ried when she was four recording vital statistics. Charles Anderson Build-
BRITTNEY County Recovery Court were examiner later noted posi- months pregnant with their You want to protect the ing, the hospital psychiatric
As a child, Brittney Bald- opioid users. Now, they make tive tests for cocaine, heroin son, now 10. reputation of the decedent as ward.
win, 25, never wanted to go up one-third or more of the and fentanyl. She stayed home while he much as you possibly can, Brittney stayed a few
inside. A tomboy in pink, she 70 people enrolled. His companions never worked. She cut coupons, said Dr. John Maino, Jackson days, signed herself out of
liked fishing, mud bogging It is an intensive program arrested placed him in a packed notes with lunches County medical examiner. the hospital Nov. 29 and
and riding four-wheelers. with an impressive record of bathtub and tried to wake and took walks with the He said it is the aggregate went back to her grandpar-
Since she was in diapers, rehabilitation, but among him with running water, baby. data, stripped of identifiers, ents house.
she had been on horses, with the participants, opioid users said his brother, Shannon She was a good mom, he that has value in pinpointing Her grandparents took her
friends or rented from sta- are least likely to succeed. Stebelton, 45, who fielded a said. trends and molding policy. Nov. 30 to the Kroger store
bles. She volunteered for One man died last year, 3 a.m. visit from police. Goolsbys father, a pastor, Dr. Joyce deJong, medical on Argyle Street in Jackson
a time at a Pleasant Lake one day after his recovery With scruffy facial hair and mother embraced her. examiner for Ingham, Kalm- to pick up a prescription
sanctuary and had a heart court graduation. In his and a deep, raspy voice, Ste- His mom showed her how to azoo, Calhoun, Livingston, Mays doesnt know what it
for dogs. Her grandmother apartment, police found $363 belton didnt bother to stop cook, took her to church. She Muskegon and Allegan coun- was and Brittney insisted
Jackie Mays still tends to and baggies of suspected the tears running down his went to school to become a ties, said her offices use such on going to the pharmacy
her pets, Jada, a Labrador- heroin. Laborator y tests cheeks. medical assistant. specifics because it provides alone. Jackie and Richard
beagle, and Lexi, a pit bull showed cocaine and heroin in Suck it up, buttercup, he But there were indica- better data for all the agen- Mays waited in the car.
mix. One insists on sleep- his blood and urine. knows his brother would say. tions Goolsby did not see, or cies that need the informa- It was the next morning,
ing by the door to Baldwins The drug itself is The depth of heroin death maybe he ignored. tion. about 2 a.m., that they dis-
empty bedroom. extremely toxic. It is also investigations seems to differ Her past was checkered. covered Brittney.
She went to Northwest highly addictive, said New- widely. Some police reports Her father committed sui- BRITTNEY AND BAILEY Jackie told police she got
schools, but struggled, espe- ell Turpel, Recovery Court are only two or three pages, cide. Her mother struggled They met while working out of bed to use the bath-
cially with math, and did director of operations and detailing hardly more than with substance abuse and at Olive Garden about a year room. Brittneys bedroom
not graduate. She was good- case manager. There is no on-site observations. Oth- died young. before their deaths. light and fan were on. Jackie
hearted and eager to please, other comparison in the drug ers are far longer, involving Jessica sometimes They drank cheap whis- woke her husband. The room
and got with the wrong world, the seduction of opi- detectives, follow-up inter- wouldnt get out of bed for key, smoked cigarettes and was locked, and he had to
people. ates on the brain. views and cell phone exam- three days. spent most of their time break open the door.
T h a t s w h e n i t a l l inations. To look back now, it together, living with Baileys Brittney was on the floor.
started, her mother, Sandra BAILEY Some of it is because of must have gotten worse and mother or, when she ousted I put my hand on her and
Flannery, said. That drug is Bailey Spahr worked long training, exposure, knowl- worse. them, with Brittneys grand- I said, Richard, shes ice
the devil. hours, usually seven days a edge, and some of it is just They split before the birth parents. cold.
She had r un-ins with week. An employee in a bar, about the perception, said of their daughter in 2010. There were tumultuous Near her body, a Michigan
police, mostly for stealing, he developed a drinking Michigan State Police Detec- Children are often collat- periods, even violence, fam- State Police trooper found
court records show, and problem, one he concealed tive Lt. Lisa Gee- Cram, eral damage, experts say. ily members said. a large metal spoon and a
overdosed multiple times. for a time from his mother. charged with narcotics inves- One man died last year in Months after their deaths, lighter. In her wallet was a
In 2012, she went to a At his worst, he drank a tigation. the presence of his daughter, Spahr still would find notes folded lottery ticket packet
rehabilitation facility in fifth or more a day of Jager- What am I investigating? at the close of her third birth- Brittney left for her son. containing tan powder.
Lansing, but left after her meister, said his mother, Is it a homicide? Or is it some day party. B a i le y, you a r e my Later testing showed it
close cousin died in a vehi- Jennifer Spahr, a Jehovahs junkie who took his life? Jordan, also a family court heart, she wrote. was carfentanil, a drug so
cle crash. Witness, former day care judge, sees the impact drug People tend to judge those deadly medical authorities
A former boyfriend kept operator and mother of four. BAILEY use has on children, and she with addictions, often with warn first-responders not to
her clean, and relatives Spahr concedes she would As a 4-year-old, Bailey has fewer mechanisms for contempt, despite the broad touch it.
thought she remained so buy him booze because it had a stool at the stove. He oversight in child neglect or swath of people affected, Four people died last year
until Bailey called the night was too agonizing to watch chopped vegetables and custody cases because the despite growing education with carfentanil in their
before Thanksgiving. him suffer. made grilled cheese sand- parties are not on probation. and awareness efforts. It is a blood. The drug is intended
Those with a history of As a parent, my kid is wiches. He started cooking Its especially concerning habit with a probable fatal as a tranquilizer for large
opioid abuse require long- white as a ghost. He would at The Hunt Club in Jackson for people who are here and conclusion. Why continue? animals and is not approved
term rehabilitation, a pos- profusely sweat. Id give him when he was 15. they are denying it, she said. Its not as simple as, if you for human use. It is said to
sibility for more people since a couple shots of whiskey, Ba iley, a ffect ionately Yo u k n o w t h e c h i l - dont want to use, then dont be 100 times stronger than
the Michigan expansion of and he was fine, she said. called Bubba by his little dren are suffering because stick needles in your arm, fentanyl, itself a powerful
Medicaid in 2013, but there Bailey was on medica- sisters, was hard-working you have a parent who is Gee-Cram said. synthetic opioid reportedly
are not enough beds avail- tion for anxiety. He was and smart, far smarter than drug-seeking and not par- Although societ y still 50 times more potent than
able and people sit on wait- depressed. He collected his grades demonstrated. enting, and drug-seeking is largely considers drug depen- heroin.
ing lists. a few criminal charges, He could wire anything, really a full-time job. dency a moral failure, it is a Bailey and Brittney were
In the meantime, the saf- most recently for drunken synched the TV with the chronic disease and needs two of four carfentanil fatal-
est place for them often is the driving. Internet years before any- QUINCY to be approached as such, ities last year. None of them
Jackson County Jail. He w a s c au g ht w it h one was streaming Netflix Quincy R ices former said Sarah Allison, health tested positive for heroin.
There, Jackson County cocaine, used mari- and quickly programmed pupil, Brandon Sandford, action coordinator for Henry
Sheriff Steve Rand said a juana, misused pills, but phones. Mathematical equa- now with the American Top Ford Allegiance Health Pre- QUINCY
quarter of the population is not this. Wary because of tions were a cinch. Team in Florida, called him vention and Communit y His brother will tell a story
incarcerated for a heroin- Brittneys history, Spahr His mother had hoped he the states godfather of Health. about how he got smashed,
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 A11


Opioids should be reserved, at the end of a long, rutted in the doorway of his stately
ADDICTION not for chronic back pain, but drive in Rives Township. historic home on Fourth DEATHS
FROM A10 for, say, terminal pancreatic She will say she is numb to Street. FROM A1
cancer. it. Her daughter is far more Dont condemn your-
had his collar bone broken, Part of the problem is peo- emotional; Brittney was her self; we love you. You have trained not to show emo- out of an overdose, he said.
then came back for more. ple expect or want immediate only child. value. tions when were out, but it
He was in a lot of physical 100 percent relief of the pain I denitely miss her. Its Goolsby Jr. remembers is getting harder to do that. ACCESS AND ADDICTION
discomfort. and relief of the discomfort. tearing me apart, said Flan- making far harsher state- In 201 2, the 911 dis- Recovering addict Dan
He wrestled his whole There is no medication that is nery, visiting her parents ments. patch center elded 67 calls Smith admitted his drug
life. Twenty, 30 years of going to do that completely, one weekend from her home He has since done what related to drug overdoses habit st a r ted when he
hand-to-hand combat, his said Maino, also an emer- in Indiana. For months, he must. His parents have in the county. By 2016, that took prescription painkill-
brother said. gency department physician. she had promised to clean been a great help, and he has number rose to 241. ers after an injury playing
Quincy started taking We should be looking for her daughters room, but it a new girlfriend. He takes From Jan. 1 to May 16 sports in school.
narcotics for his injuries, other ways or means to con- remained untouched this care of his children, as he this year, rescue crews have After his prescription
and the resulting depen- trol or treat that pain. day and for weeks later. did long before Jessica died. gone out on 111 overdose- ran out, Smith started feel-
dency aected his relation- It hurts Richard Mays, Goolsby knows he must related calls and police ing sick, a common result of
ships. JESSICA too. be more affectionate, as a have logged 353 other drug- withdrawal. A friend gave
Toward the end, it was so She had been d r i n k- That was his little love mother would be. related incidents. him some pills to cope, he
powerful. The addiction was ing all night, staying with a bug. That was his song for They show emotions, There is no clear answer said. Then, he started buy-
so strong. Basically, he was woman at a home in Leoni her when she was grow- too, sad or angry. Quick on how to turn the tide on ing pills for $50 each, nally
choosing to get high over Township. Police described ing up, Jackie Mays said as tempered, he said of his the heroin epidemic, but switching to heroin, a much
everything, his friend and it as clean, organized and her husband, a retired truck children many agree it must start cheaper alternative at $10
mentee Sandford said. It well-maintained. driver, busied himself by When she was in jail or at the community level per dose.
was a situation where drugs Jessica Warren went out- repairing a radio, unwilling rehab, when she was absent, with residents understand- Sm it h overdosed si x
were a priority for him, and I side before dawn to talk to to join the conversation. t hey a lway s had hop e. ing the addictive power of times, nearly losing his life
couldnt support him. a short man named B, the Jackie Mays, 72, is more Maybe shed get better. heroin. each time, he said.
Soon, Rice lost his insur- woman told police. practical and experienced Maybe shed visit This isnt a problem I knew it could kill me,
ance and started buying The next afternoon, on with loss. She said it is qui- For her to be gone, of just one social and eco- but I just couldnt be with-
medicines o the street, said May 9, 2016, the woman tried eter since Brittney left. Goolsby said, they know, nomic group; it affects out it, he said. It wasnt
his brother, sitting on his unsuccessfully to wake her It was she who would you are never going to see everyone, Weaver said. about getting high; it was
deck in Summit Township. friend. fetch Brittney at 2 a.m., even her again. The person sitting next to about feeling normal.
Twice, Rice went to a There were no imme- when her husband told her Recovery advocates look- you could be addicted to Smiths story and the
rehabilitation facility. The diate signs of drug use to stay. So many nights she ing to reduce stigma often heroin, and you wouldnt link between prescription
second time, he stayed four Jessicas only possessions worried. say: Heroin does not discrim- know it. pain killers and heroin use
to ve months. were a T-shirt and bra Im fine, she insisted inate. It cares not for race or is far too familiar to med-
I thought he was good, but the woman said Jes- one afternoon, when she age or class. Statistics largely MORE LETHAL ical professionals.
Stebelton said. sica snorted heroin to avoid could not hide the tears. back such statements. THAN EVER Data from the federal
Quincy involved himself the track marks left by nee- Narcan or naloxone, the But there are risk fac- Heroin alone has the Centers for Disease Control
in the recovery community, dles. Later tests confirmed opioid antidote, regularly tors; parents who use is a potential to kill its user. But suggest a person is 40 times
started a group and went to the presence of heroin and saves people to die another big one, said Allison, who more and more dealers are more likely to start heroin
the Apostolic Tabernacle, a cocaine. day, skeptics say. Health works in prevention for the selling high-potency opi- after taking prescription
Jackson church captained Foren sic patholog i st s advocates and those in the hospital. oids mixed with heroin or opioids. Meanwhile, those
by a southern preacher with and toxicologists rarely find substance abuse prevention One police report detailed as a substitute for heroin, who use alcohol and mari-
a history of drug use. He was only a single substance when eld see it dierently. the death of a 60-year-old making the drug more pow- juana are two to four times
reconnecting with his son, investigating drug abuse If we dont save that per- man who had been snorting erful and, in turn, deadlier more likely.
for whom he had not always deaths. Usually, it is a combi- sons life, they never get a heroin with his son, 37. to users. Anyone who tells you
been present. nation of opioids and metab- chance of recovery, said At least three of the people Fentanyl, a synthetic alcohol and marijuana lead
About six weeks before olized opioids, cocaine and Shelly Kosmet, who has been discussed here had families opioid prescribed for pain, to heroin use is out of their
he died, he made amends amphetamines, stimulants off heroin more than seven with histories of substance was discovered in 21 drug- mind, Henry Ford Alle-
with Sandford while they like Adderall, Maino, the years and serves as coordi- abuse. related death investigations g ia nce Hea lt h Medica l
attended a ght at the Jack- medical examiner, said. nator for the Jackson Area in Jackson County last year. Director Dr. Rami Khoury
son County Fairgrounds. He Of the 2016 death investi- Recovery Community. How BAILEY The non-pharmaceutical said at Decembers Jackson
and his former fighters ran gations, 16 showed cocaine many times? As many times It pains Spahr, who tries variety of it is produced in County drug summit.
through a warmup ritual, use. There were six positive as it takes. Because if it were not to be bitter, that Bailey clandestine laboratories. Its great that we have
just like old times. tests for methamphetamine your sister or your son or your died by a toilet, that it took Lab tests in two other prescription pain medica-
He helped so many peo- and 17 for benzodiazepines, mom, you would do as many so long for anyone to find cases showed furanyl fen- tion to help people recover
ple, his brother said. antidepressants such as times as it takes. him. tanyl, an illicit designer ver- from surgery, but it has got-
All that, but your own Xanax or Valium. Do I blame the hospi- sion of fentanyl. There also ten to a point now that (pre-
life ... . JESSICA tal? To a certain extent I do, were three cases with posi- scription opioids) are being
It is well documented that BRITTNEY Our last words, were Spahr said. But, you know tive tests for acetyl fentanyl, prescribed for any pain.
the heroin epidemic has its Jackie Mays, barefoot in probably words of redemp- what, Bailey, you are a good another potent analog. If you can walk, you dont
roots in prescription drugs. black, leaned against a Mer- tion, David Goolsby Sr., kid, and you didnt listen to Roseanna Whitehill, 39, need prescription opioids.
Doctors are addressing that. cury Sable outside her home Davids father said, standing your mother. was one of the casualties of
fentanyl-laced heroin last NATIONAL IN SCOPE
year. She had more than Heroin-related deaths
30 times the recommended throughout the U.S. have
medical dose of fentanyl in increased 248 percent since
her system when she died in 2010, according to Drug
August in the bathroom of a Enforcement Agency data.
Jackson home, according to In 2014, the latest DEA data
court testimony. available, 10,574 people died
Bailey Matthew Spahr, of heroin overdose, 16 per-
21, became Jacksons first cent of them in Michigan.
victim of carfentanil in Drug seizures reported
November, according to his to the DEA by local law
autopsy report. Carfentanil enforcement agencies show
is a tranquilizing agent for the availability of heroin is
elephants and other large highest in the northeastern
mammals that also is mixed U.S. and in areas of the Mid-
with or sold as heroin for a west, with much of the sup-
bigger high. ply coming from Mexican
Carfentanil killed three drug trackers.
more Jackson County resi- Although there is some
dents by the years end. collaboration, there is no
When I started (police one agency in Jack son
work) 20 years ago, to have County collecting and ana-
a heroin overdose in the city lyzing all the information.
was rare, Jackson Direc- The drug is far too prev-
tor of Police and Fire Ser- alent in the area to wait for
vices Elmer Hitt said. We a federal solution, Jackson
never imagined we would County Prosecutor Jerry
be dealing with something Jarzynka said. Community
as potent and deadly as fen- involvement and education
tanyl and carfentanil. on how the addiction starts
is necessary.
ANTIDOTE USED OFTEN Jackson County Sheriff
Na loxone, commonly Steve Rand agreed.
k nown as Na rca n, is a We cant arrest our way
potent opiate antidote that out of this, he said. Law
can immediately reverse enforcements role in this is
the eects of a heroin over- limited.
dose. It will take a multi-
The Rev. Kenneth Bass, a former addict, preaches hope at Jacksons Apostolic Tabernacle. Emily Mesner, When the fire depart- faceted approach to deal
ment started carrying it in with the drug problem.
2015, it was used only twice,
Weaver said. Last year, nal- MLive reporter Danielle
AS LONG AS YOURE BREATHING, oxone was used more than
65 times to bring someone
Salisbury contributed to this


Here are the total number of drug overdose and drug related
J. Scott Park Bass was addicted to heroin, crys- impact Quincy Rice, a fellow parishio- dispatches in Jackson County for the last five years.
tal meth and alcohol for 3 years, after ner who died of an overdose on Oct. 10
JAC K S ON As the doors open at this being introduced to marijuana and had on the community. Overdose related dispatches Narcotic/drug related dispatches
small white church tucked in a quiet other drugs by his older brothers at age When you go to a funeral of some-
Jackson neighborhood, passersby hear 8. body thats ODd, you can look out 1,054
loud music pour out. After years of struggle, Bass sought over the crowd, and you can see the 1,000 798
Inside, the Rev. Ken Bass delivers a a new life. hopelessness, Bass said. As long as
lively sermon, often touching on topics You can be reborn, and, when youre youre breathing, as long as youre
of addiction. reborn, you have a brand-new life, 6-foot (above ground), theres always 600
Bass, originally from Louisiana, but Bass said, referring to a message in the hope. 353
a Jackson resident for ve years, is pas- Bible from Philippians 3:13. Apostle Members of his congregation 400 241
tor of Jacksons Apostolic Tabernacle, Paul said, Leaving those things behind swarm the altar as Bass prays over 111
200 67
526 Fairyland Ave. but reaching forward to the future. them. Cries can be heard over the
I was so sick of living the way I was Now, Bass, who has been sober music. 0
living, Bass said. So, when I started 31 years, leads his congregation with Without him, a lot of us wouldnt 2012 13 14 15 16 1
going to church, you know, the Lord openness and understanding. be here, Andrea Surber said, using * Jan. 1 to
Note: Not every overdose call is specifically for heroin.
started moving me, and I went to the During a sermon in February, he a tissue to wipe her face. Theres
May 16
altar one night and started to pray. talked about his addiction and the nobody like Pastor Bass in Jackson. Source: Jackson County Sheriff 911 Records
A12 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT




heir stories are sadly similar. Filled with

heartache, anger and frustration. However,

there are enough success stories of those

who clawed their way back up from rock bottom to

provide a glimmer of hope.

Here are some of those stories of addiction as told through

Beth DeForest: It wasnt photographs. These are the people who live it and breathe Judge Susan Jordan: Recovery Court
something I planned to do puts one more barrier between someone
It wasnt something I planned to do. I it every day as former addicts, family members of addicts, who suffers addiction and death
was just feeling like crap one day, and my Jackson County Circuit Court Judge
neighbor gave me a couple pills for a head- emergency first responders or those committed to fight Susan Jordan has been running Recovery
ache, Beth DeForest said of her spiral into Court since 2011.
addiction from pain pills to heroin. the heroin epidemic. Recovery Court puts one more barrier
DeForest, 40, celebrated four months of between someone who suffers addiction and
sobriety from alcohol and drug use Jan. 18. death, she said.
She went to rehab for her addiction to pre- With a combination of supervision, treat-
scription pills, which she began to use in ment and community support, Recovery
graduate school. Vietnam War. Court participants have achieved a 75 per-
It was in there that I met somebody that I came back from Vietnam, and I proba- cent success rate, Jordan said. The threat of
introduced me to heroin, DeForest said. bly stayed drunk for three years, he said. I going to jail for slip-ups doesnt hurt either.
She began snorting heroin for six months had no will to live. The program was started by Judge Charles
and then started injecting the drug for the Now, Michalowicz is celebrating 23 years Nelson in 2004. Opiates, including heroin,
next two years. On Sept. 18, 2016, DeForest of sobriety from alcohol and drug use. now are the No. 1 problem for the court. It
overdosed at her mothers home. Her mother The biggest part of my recovery is that used to be alcohol, Jordan said.
broke through the locked door to find DeFor- my son and I didnt have a relationship for She likes it when she sees recovery break-
est cold, gray and making gurgling sounds. some time, Michalowicz said. Today, I can throughs.
DeForest doesnt know what made her go to his house, and I walk in, and he gives I feel the best when I see internal
mom check on her that morning, giving me a hug, and he kisses me on the cheek, changes, Jordan said. You know they are
credit to a higher power. Had she waited tells me he loves me. Thats a big deal, and I going to be healthy and have internalized
another minute to call the police, DeForest wouldnt have that if I didnt have recovery. the recovery. Its nice to see people finally
might not be alive. Michalowicz is involved in the Jack- light up.
son Area Recovery Community through
Emily Mesner the Home of New Vision, 407 W. Michigan J. Scott Park
Mary Maino: He had a lot of hurt in him Ave., and Henry Ford Allegiance Addiction
Only a few people knew Ted Maino was Recovery Center. He leads meetings for peo-
addicted to heroin and trying to stop before ple in recovery.
it killed him. I am a support system, he said. Thats
He grew up in a loving family, was an what I do today After many, many years, Ive
altar boy, graduated from Lumen Christi found my purpose. My purpose in this life-
Catholic High School and was enrolling at time is to help another human being. If I do
Jackson College. that, then Im doing all right.
Feeling a sense of duty, Ted joined the
Marines shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, but was Emily Mesner
discharged after injuring his leg in training.
He worked odd jobs and appeared to be con-
tent until 2005, when his fathers sudden
death devastated him.
It wasnt long after that Ted approached
his mother, Mary, and admitted he had a
heroin problem and needed help.
He truly loved his father, Mary Maino
Connie Fridd, Not much worse than said. He never recovered (mentally) from Julie Risner: It took me a long time
having to pick out your sons casket his fathers death. to separate my son from the addict
Connie Fridd turned to her computer on a Ted was in and out of rehab programs I come home from work. Chris comes
recent day and searched for emails from her attempting to treat his addiction but found in, and Im thinking this doesnt feel right,
son, Nicholas. On March 17, 2014, he wrote to it hard to pay; Medicaid only covered 17 days and all of a sudden his voice is getting really
his mom about the death of a friend. of a 90-day program, his mother said. low, Julie Risner said, as she recalled her
He wrote: You have no friends when it He had a lot of hurt in him, and he never sons heroin overdose in September 2016.
comes to that stuff. People will bail on you fully got the treatment he needed, she said. Then, all of a sudden, his head goes back
and leave you to die if you OD for fear of get- On May 28, 2016, one week after leaving a in the chair, and hes out, she said.
ting in trouble. Even in most cases if you just Waterford rehabilitation facility, Maino, 34, Julie Risner attempted to keep her son,
call an ambulance or do something, they was found dead, lying in the driveway of a Julie Kern: I miss him Chris, conscious. She gave him a shot of
can make it. Sad, but a good reminder. friends Liberty Township home. No matter what was going on with Jef- Narcan. After Chris became unrespon-
Nicholas was dead two months later from fery, he never missed the daddy-daughter sive again, she called 911 and administered
a heroin overdose May 18, 2014. He was 28. Nathan Clark dance, Julie Kern said of her son. another shot of the opiate antidote.
Her sons addiction began in his early Jeffery Kern, Julies oldest son, died Im rubbing on his chest, and Im slap-
20s with pain pills, prescribed to him for an July 6, 2013, from a heroin overdose. ping on his face, and Im screaming at the
ankle injury. After his daughter, Trinity, was born in top of my lungs trying to get some response,
Connie recalled the day she learned her 2005, Jeffery and his girlfriend began using and his heads just back, and hes getting
son died. At 4 oclock in the morning, I prescription pills, including Vicodin and gray, and hes gone, she said.
could hear my dogs barking like crazy, and Percocet, which they stole from his girl- An ambulance arrived, and Chris sur-
our phone had been ringing. friends grandmother. Eventually, a friend vived.
She assumed it had something to do with introduced him to Oxycontin, which pro- But Julie noticed a lack of support and
an alarm going off at her business. gressed to heroin. information when she first learned of her
Then all of a sudden my husband was I know Jeffery had deep shame about his sons addiction.
in the bedroom, and hes like, Connie, you habit, Julie said. At times, in the early stages, I would
need to come to the door; the police are Her eyes light up as she looks at a photo tell him, Just try harder, she said. It took
here, she said. collage of Jeffery and his daughter. me a long time to separate my son from the
Now, Connie speaks to parents about the I miss him, she said, quietly drifting off. addict. Back then, we didnt have anybody
dangers of prescription pills and addiction. The night Jeffery died, Julie and her hus- to share stories with; we didnt know there
Had I known that it was that addictive, band were up north. were other people out there like ourselves.
I would have tried to do more. Thats why I He said, You know what Mom, the deci- Eig hteen mont hs ago, Julie, w it h
speak out now, she said. sions I make are not your fault. If some- help from friends, started Families for
Not much worse than having to pick out Jerry Michalowicz: My purpose in this things going to happen, it isnt going to mat- HOPE to offer support and information
your 28-year-old sons casket. lifetime is to help another human being ter if youre here or far away, she said. to those affected by opiate addiction. The
We are not bad people trying to be good; Today, Julie still frequently visits Trinity, group meets monthly at New Covenant Liv-
Emily Mesner we are ill people trying to be well, Jerry now 12. She has Jefferys eyes, she said. ing Church, 2405 W. Washington Ave.
Michalowicz said.
Michalowicz, 68, began drinking at 14. On Emily Mesner Emily Mesner
his 20th birthday, he was drafted into the
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT S U N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 A13


Still, she struggled with addiction. She Every time he overdosed, he felt horrible
sought comfort and strength from her about it, Hirst said. He was, you know, just
church, the 12-step community and the sad, upset. He was really down on himself.
Jackson community. Andy died at age 24. Now, Hirst has
This community, I cant even name become a public figure, talking about her-
all the people, it would be over 100 people oin and solutions throughout the Jackson
that have influenced and helped me to get community.
where Im at, Bannister said, as tears filled Everything in the house reminds you
her eyes. I dont think I would have made it of the lost child, he said. To get up and do
anywhere else. something about it, its pretty rewarding.
Now, Bannister is happily married to
Chris, who also is in long-term recovery. Emily Mesner
They have six children and 10 grandchil-

Joe Smith: Its getting frustrating Emily Mesner Daniel injected heroin on and off for
The most is eight in a day, said Joe 11 years. He could only maintain a two-week
Smith, a Jackson Fire Department fire motor sobriety, as he went in and out of prison, jail
operator and EMS instructor, about the her- and rehab.
oin overdose calls to which he and fellow At one point, he overdosed in the bath-
firefighters respond. room at the Bob Evans restaurant on North
Its getting frustrating, he said. You West Avenue.
know their first names and date of birth The one Blackman guy, he says, We had
because you have run on them so many six of these yesterday, and three of them
times. Its frustrating because you know it didnt make it. Your son is very lucky,
leads to death. Michael Smith said.
Jackson-area firefighters have become Throughout Daniels active addiction, his
experts in the use of naloxone, commonly father was by his side. When Daniel was in
known as Narcan. The citys rescue vehicle the hospital, Michael visited him frequently,
carries three doses of the opiate antidote. often driving through the night to get to
While he has become almost numb to the work on time the next morning. Tammy Leeth: Dont be your
sheer number of heroin overdose calls and Daniel and Michael cherish their new- kids friend; be their parent
even some of the deaths, Smith said he still found relationship. When I got the call, I said, God please
has problems with the lies. I probably wouldnt be here, honestly, if take him, take him, take away his pain,
We bring them back from the dead, and Kristen Austin: I think it wasnt for him. I know I wouldnt, Daniel said Tammy Leeth through tears, as she
they tell you they didnt take anything, he the big thing is having hope said. I got my dad back, and I know he feels talked about her sons death.
said. Recovery involves a lot of making like hes got me back now. Ryan Jeffery Leeth, 31, died from a her-
Smith said he has a hard time under- changes within yourself, your routine, who oin overdose April 2, 2016. He started abus-
standing addiction. you surround yourself with, Kristen Aus- Emily Mesner ing alcohol when he was 18 as a way to self-
I cant grasp what that is like, but I am tin said. medicate after being bullied about his
trying to, he said. Austin, 37, has been in long-term sub- weight in high school.
stance abuse recovery for four years. I was a little naive on the heroin use,
J. Scott Park You want to be around people that push Leeth said. Im thinking that the heroin use
you to become a better person, and making started at about 25, but I wasnt aware of it
that many changes is hard, she said. It was until he was probably 28.
easy for me to hide things during my active Ryan graduated from Recovery Court on
addiction. April 1, 2016, where he learned he would be
Her addiction progressed in her 20s, kept on probation for another six months.
when she said she became involved in the He went right from the courthouse to
party scene. Austin began seeing friends the liquor store and got drunk, and the next
who lost everything to addiction, sometimes day he was found dead of a heroin overdose,
even their lives. Leeth said.
It started to affect so many different Leeth urges parents to stay involved in
areas of my life that it required change, she their childrens lives.
said. Dont be your kids friend; be their par-
Austin found comfort and support in her ent. And no matter what you have to do, get
church and at the Home of New Vision, 407 in their business and educate them, she
W. Michigan Ave., where she is a peer advo- Newell Turpel: You dont see many said.
cate and recently elected board member. 40-year-old heroin addicts walking around She finds comfort in knowing her son is
I think the big thing is having hope You dont see many 40-year-old heroin without pain. His urn rests peacefully in his
Perry Watkins: Addiction gave me wings having hope that recovery is possible addicts walking around. They are either room.
and then took away the sky and just involving yourself in your recovery dead or in recovery, said Newell Turpel, the You just think, Could I have loved him a
Addiction gave me wings and then took community, she said. specialist for Jackson County Circuit Courts little bit more? Leeth asked, as tears welled
away the sky, Perry Watkins, 58, of Jackson, Recovery Court program. up in her eyes.
said. Emily Mesner Turpel has seen a big increase in opiate
His drugs of choice were alcohol and pre- users in the program. Emily Mesner
scription pain killers, but now seven years When I started working here in 2010, we
sober he spends every day doing what- would have an occasional opiate person, he
ever he can to help users find their way out said. Now 30 to 35 percent are prescription
of addiction. opiate or heroin. Almost every opiate addict
Using social media, Watkins is a spon- needs long term treatment.
sor and friend to people all over the world, Turpel also has seen the recovery com-
including Australia, Japan, New York and munity in Jackson grow stronger, and he
Jackson. has pushed for partnerships with agencies
Watkins posts videos of his personal tes- across the community.
timony, inspirational words and advice We all have the same goal of helping res-
to encourage a clean and sober life. That idents of Jackson and Michigan, he said.
includes a live broadcast at 8 p.m. every Everyone wants to help people recover
Sunday on Facebook and Instagram. from their addiction.
Watkins is a volunteer, a spokesperson, an Turpel is a supporter of drug courts. A
advocate, an activist and a friend to people 50 percent drop in recidivism over four
wanting to get sober. He has a T-shirt com- years for drug court participants supports
pany, Love Your Source, which will help that idea.
fund recovery centers. Michael Samulak: The A cheaper tax bill and a safer commu-
There is life after this event in your life. problem was the pain nity, he said. Who doesnt want that? Shannon Jackson: Every time he
Once you are strong enough to overcome I overdosed more times than I have fin- comes with me to speak, I cry
and fight your way out of addiction, the sky gers and toes, Michael Samulak said as he J. Scott Park After being a witness to a traumatic
is the limit. sat in a booth at Jackson Coffee Co., sur- event, Shannon Jackson, 37, turned to alco-
rounded by tables of lively chatter. hol to cope.
Samantha Madar For me, I sold more drugs than I used, She has been in long-term recovery since
starting out, he said. Nov. 13, 2007, thanks to her three children,
Samulak, 42, began using prescription Desmond, Isaiah and Jozlynn.
pain medication to treat a tumor on his pitu- Jacksons experience has led her to Home
itary gland. Eventually, his addiction pro- of New Vision, 407 W. Michigan Ave., where
gressed to heroin, which he said provided a she is the program manager and works to
way to suppress his emotions. encourage others to live clean and sober
When youre in the midst of an addic- lives.
tion, you forgot who you were, you forgot As an advocate, Jackson also travels with
where you come from, and now I dont know her eldest son Isaiah, 19, to speak about the
who I am, Samulak said. impact addiction has on the family as well
Samulaks last overdose turned him away on on the user.
from heroin and toward Jesus. He has been Every time he comes with me to speak,
in recovery four years. I cry. I am so proud of the man he has
I absolutely have no desire to use any- become, Jackson said.
thing anymore, he said. The Lord has Jackson supports every recovery program
taken every desire away because that wasnt Mike Hirst: Everything in the house in Jackson County.
the problem. The problem was the pain. reminds you of the lost child
Samulak believes the main issue sur- When he said, Im hooked on oxycontin, Samantha Madar
Kelly Bannister: I dont think I would rounding the heroin epidemic is pain. He Im thinking, Oh, thats just a pill they give
have made it anywhere else said healing the pain is the solution to the out. I didnt have a lot of fears at the time,
I was always told I was stupid and things epidemic. Mike Hirst said.
like that, Kelly Bannister said, as she talked Now, Samulak attends meetings and Hirst, 62, found out about his son Andys
about life in long-term recovery. Things are helps at the Home of New Vision, 407 W. addiction in 2008. Andy died of a heroin
coming at you, and you doubt yourself all Michigan Ave., an addiction treatment cen- overdose in 2010.
the time. ter in Jackson. I was not aware of the link between oxy-
Bannister, 52, is celebrating 12 years of contin and heroin, Hirst said.
sobriety from alcohol and drug use. Her Emily Mesner Oxycontin and heroin share a similar
drug of choice was crack cocaine, but she chemical make-up, making the progression
also struggled with alcohol, heroin and almost seamless, Hirst said.
more. Daniel and Michael Smith, Spoons He was actually using heroin at the
Bannister started drinking at age 8 as are only for stirring coffee now time, Hirst said. But he told me later that,
an emotional escape. By age 12, she had My dad wasnt aware of that lifestyle, Dad, theres no way in the world I wanted to
run away and was living on the streets. Daniel Smith said of his father, Michael. He tell you I was using heroin.
I tried everything that came my way, and actually found out that I was a heroin addict The word heroin carries a heavy stigma,
life was one big party, she said. by walking into my room and seeing me blue often leading to quick judgments and lack of
Three years later, she moved from Detroit in the face, spoon laying out and needle. It support for those using, Hirst said.
to Jacksons Florence Crittenton Home, a all came rushing in on him. When we cant see the injury, we dont
youth home. After graduating from high Daniel, 27, has been clean since Feb. 7. look at it the same way, he said.
school, Bannister earned an associates Spoons are only for stirring coffee now, Andy was admitted to rehab three times,
degree in business from Baker College. he said. but his addiction was too strong.
What dont you know about Fathers Day? Page 3




Marc Fisher The Washington Post

This is the America that another shooter

ripped into Wednesday: an emerald baseball
diamond, a YMCA, a leafy suburb busy with
families getting their kids to school. Police
risking their lives to protect others. On the
eld, men old and young practicing to play a
game with the people they spend their work-
days battling.
And this is also the America that suered
yet another violent shock on a sticky sum-
mer morning: a shooter who spent countless
hours watching TV commentators trash their
opponents. Politicians who offered prayers
and sympathies but then turned around and
bashed one another for going right back to
their usual bickering.
The shootings on Simpson Field in Alex-
andria, Virginia, early Wednesday cut down
a congressman, an aide, a lobbyist and two
police officers, but the attack on the House
Republican baseball team as it practiced for
a charity game also tore at the nations civic
soul and perhaps even opened a pathway
toward healing.
Its my breaking point, said U.S. Rep.
Rodney Davis, R-Ill., the catcher on the team.
The way we talk to each other has to change.
The political hate has to end.
House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke of the
shock and the anguish that the shootings
instantly produced and of the unity and
resolve that followed. An attack on one of us
is an attack on all of us, he said before the full
House Republicans and Democrats alike
rose as one.
Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., meets with reporters in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday after a shooting cut down ve people. Cli Owen, AP
But if this was a breaking point, it was,
sadly and darkly, one in a very long line. It
was one of dozens of mass shootings this year,
including one later Wednesday at a UPS facil-
ity in San Francisco, where ve people were
So many shootings in recent years have
also been declared the pivot, the one beyond
which none could be tolerated. Precious chil-
dren in Newtown, Connecticut; partying
young people in Orlando, Florida; oce work-
ers in San Bernardino, California, and at the
Washington, D.C., Navy Yard; churchgoers in
Charleston, South Carolina; service members
at Fort Hood, Texas; moviegoers in Aurora,
Colorado, college kids at Virginia Tech.
Each is a breaking point immediately for
the entire nation, forever for those who knew
the victims.
Despite the regularity of the incidents, the
shock is new and real every time, because
each time it happens, another group of people Above, SUV
learns a fresh and frightening vulnerability. with a bullet
The world changed a little bit for us as hole in the
members, said U.S. Rep. Je Duncan, R-S.C., windshield
My colleagues were targeted today. and a at tire
Theres nothing parochial about experi- sits in the
encing the shooting closest to you as some- parking lot
thing that has never happened before, at the ball-
because it has never happened before to you. eld where
the shooting
And when the home the shooting hits is At right,
the peoples House, the impact is especially a Capitol
shattering. The baseball team practiced on U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, R-Tenn., still wearing his Police ocer
an open eld, on grass they shared with Little baseball uniform, describes the shooting scene to reporters at his post.
League kids and dog-walkers. Anyone could on Capitol Hill. J. Scott Applewhite,AP AP photos
wander by and chat up the congressmen.
In this free and open society, the House resents the district where former congress- icans video clips of uncivil political speech Time seems to stand still in the aftermath
chaplain, Patrick Conroy, a Catholic priest, woman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in 2011, and measured how they then talked about of trauma, and there is suddenly plenty of
reminded Congress later on Wednesday, said Wednesdays shootings were a wake-up what theyd seen. What she found was a space to think too much, sometimes. Thats
once again, we are reminded that there is a call ... a time to unite and put our dierences marked uptick in uncivil attitudes. when people tend to promise that terrifying
vulnerability that comes with that openness. aside. To be able to have discussions and When you have people coming on these events will change them forever, that things
The images of the day were horrific but debates about issues, but were together as news shows and shouting at each other, it cannot go on as they have.
also soothing: a congressman standing in Americans. changes the way people talk about politics, But long-standing divisions do not close up
Statuary Hall giving TV interviews while still These are the things people say in their she said. Its a question of modeling. When instantly. Less than ve hours after the shoot-
wearing his baseball cap and jersey, embla- grief and sorrow. President Donald Trump, politicians say nasty things, that aects how ings, Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAu-
zoned with a big red R designating his who won election in part by promising to people judge government and politicians. lie turned a statement of concern for the vic-
team. Tough-talking House members having drain the swamp in Washington, said in The shooter at the baseball practice, James tims into a push for enhanced gun control:
to pause and swallow before they could con- a brief address to the nation, We may have Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, was This is not what today is about, but there
tinue talking about their love for their team- our dierences, but we do well in times like a big fan and habitual watcher of MSNBCs are too many guns on the street, he said,
mates and even their opponents. this to remember that everyone who serves in political coverage. His social media presence, adding 93 Americans die from gun violence
After an ugly and sometimes violent cam- our nations capital is here because, above all, as well as letters he wrote to his local newspa- every day.
paign season, in the early months of a divisive they love our country. per, included attacks on Trump. The chairman of Virginias Republican
and rhetorically aggressive presidency, there The incivility of the past year from Party, John Whitbeck, quickly red back.
seemed to be a yearning to use the shootings SEEING OUR OWN INCIVILITY crowds chanting Lock her up! to Trump Disgusting, he tweeted. Not a day for
as an opportunity for a reset. The change of tone may seem cynical and encouraging security ocers to manhandle politics.
We live in challenging times, and the fleeting, but when something tragic hap- protesters at his rallies, from candidates dis- On Thursday evening, members of the
political rhetoric has been turned up to an pens, we want civility because we recognize cussing their genitalia at debates to comedian congressional baseball teams, Republicans
alarming level, said U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, that incivility has led us to this moment, Kathy Grin posing with a bloodied head of and Democrats, took the field at Nationals
R-Ill., who represents the shooters district. said Emily Sydnor, a political psychologist the president is hardly limited to politics. Park. The annual charity game proceeded as
This should serve as a wake-up call for all of at Southwestern University in Texas who has Theres a lot of evidence that in this Inter- scheduled, a usual event taking place most
us to step back from the battle lines and come studied the impact of rough language on peo- net-connected world, its become a lot easier unusually, a face-o of opponents and a gath-
together. ples political attitudes. to express ourselves without thinking, Syd- ering of colleagues, at once a battle for victory
U.S. Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., who rep- In her experiments, Sydnor showed Amer- nor said. and a moment for healing.
B2 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT


Will America end its long

commitment to volunteerism?
If a free society cannot help the many who
are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedys inaugu-
ral address, Jan. 20, 1961

Linda Stamato
For the Newark Star-Ledger

President John F. Kennedy implored

Americans to embrace civic action and pub
lic service, as most of us know, when he asked
his fellow citizens to ask not what your
country can do for you but what you can do
for your country. With bipartisan support,
he provided the means: the Peace Corps for
Americans to serve abroad and VISTA for
Americans to serve at home. As we start a
year of celebrating Kennedys legacy he
was born 100 years ago on May 29 its fit
ting to reflect on his call to Americans to
serve their nation. And, as we do, we have to
keep that commitment in the years ahead,
confirm the value of national service and
acknowledge the proper role for government
to support and sustain it.
Kennedys initiatives expanded the fed
eral support for service that began during
the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
With such New Deal programs as the Civil
ian Conservation Corps, FDR and Congress
helped the country recover from the Great
Depression. Government was helping the
nations people help one another.
FDRs successors, regardless of party affil
iation or political persuasion, followed his
lead. Lyndon B. Johnson brought VISTA to
life; Richard Nixon created the Senior Corps;
Bill Clinton was responsible for Ameri
Corps; George W. Bush expanded the nations
investment in the Peace Corps and other ser
vice programs, as did Barack Obama.
And President Donald Trump? Judging
by his budget proposal, he stands far apart
from this tradition: There is no commit
ment to national service; indeed, there is a
decided determination to end it. He proposes
to reduce the budget for the Peace Corps
and to jettison VISTA, along with Ameri-
Corps, Senior Corps and other programs that
are part of the Corporation for National and
Community Service. Illustration by Susan Santola/For
And, not to save a whole lot of money
either. As national service veteran Andrew
Eckhous wrote in the Detroit Free Press: The Peace assigned, Sierra Leone. He still does so today. and notforprof BY THE NUMBERS:
AmeriCorps, with its 80,000 members His efforts, through the notforprofit group he its to ma ximize National service
and its nationwide presence, must be a huge Corps, created, Africa Surgery Inc., provide healing, impact. The CNCS in Michigan, 2016-17
drain on the budget, right? Nope. At $1.1 health and hope to patients in dire need. the umbrella
billion, the entire budget for CNCS, which VISTA and
includes AmeriCorps and many other pro
Now, as the Peace Corps approaches 60 years,
consider that several hundred thousand volun
for national ser
vice programs $63.7M
grams, is just .000275 percent of the entire other vital teers have served in over 140 host countries to is not simply help National and local
federal budget. work on public health, education, information ing people at home funding spent in-state
Trumps budget is anything but a New missions technology, water quality, housing and environ and abroad, but is
Foundation for American Greatness, as it is
dubbed. It turns us away from common pur are in grave
pose, promotes selfregard and disregards
mental preservation. Seven thousand are cur
rently in training. Johnson and many others like
him who continue on the front lines create
also contributing
to a better world by 9,585
building the capac Senior Corps and
the needs of those who are not the privileged danger under and sustain a certain faith in America. ity of local organi AmeriCorps members
wealthy. His government slashes, dismantles Their efforts to advance world peace and zations to use the
and diminishes its role.
Said William A. Glastonbury, domestic pol
icy adviser to Clinton: The people who put proposed
friendship continue to provide sources of hope
and, for the givers and receivers both, immense
time and talents,
and the idealism 2,113
and creativity, of Local sites being served
together the presidents budget know the cost Closer to home, workers for VISTA Volun citizen volunteers.
of everything but the value of nothing. budget cuts teers in Service to America contribute their And at the same SINCE 1994 ...
Service, however, has been an important skills to change the lives of people in communi time, it is adding
and consistent commitment in America,
embraced by local and state governments,
producing a vast array of serviceoriented
ties across the country. Thousands of individ
uals annually make this commitment to tutor
and mentor young people, build affordable
value and purpose
to their lives. 29,000
T r ump would Michigan residents have served
notforprofits, and occupying a significant housing, assist veterans and military families, e n d t h i s . F o r for a total of more than 43 million
place in the mission of schools and colleges. provide health services, run afterschool pro weapons and tax hours with AmeriCorps
Given this history and the strong bipartisan support grams, help communities respond to disasters and build breaks. To satisfy
that national service has received in Congress, Trumps the capacity of nonprofit organizations. a dystopian view Source: Corporation for National and Com-
proposals may be cut off at the pass. Still, his preferences With more than 45 million Americans living in pov o f a n A m e r i c a munity Service
his intentions and vision for our nation are abun erty, the value of their work cant be overestimated. that does not care
dantly clear. about its people,
BEYOND THE NUMBERS and should not.
LIFELONG COMMITMENT Since 1994, more than 1 million Americans have given The nation that Trump wants us to see at home and to
Consider the contrast with Kennedys brother Robert, 1.3 billion hours of service through AmeriCorps. Some show the world is one we have to resist. The willingness to
who said, The purpose of life is to contribute in some serve full time to fight hunger and illiteracy, improve serve is a commitment Americans want to make. And, its
way to making things better. Fortunately, a lot of people health services and increase housing opportunities. an appropriate, indeed, a critical role for government to
joined the Peace Corps and VISTA to do just that. These men and women, 18 to 24, commit to a 10month enable and support that.
Heres one example. Tommy Johnson, a resident of residential program, establishing an early connection to
Morristown, New Jersey, was one of the earliest recruits service. Linda Stamato is co-director of the Center for Negotiation
to the Peace Corps. As a volunteer to the poorest people in National service has had an impact far beyond its orig and Conflict Resolution at the Edward J. Bloustein School
Africa, Johnson discovered his purpose: aiding those in inal conception, extending beyond individuals and spe of Planning and Public Policy and a faculty fellow at Rut-
desperate need of surgery in the nation to which he was cific programs to generate partnerships with corporations gers University.

Key Supreme Court decisions expected soon

By David G. Savage Tribune News Service are also expected to act on several appeals. could trigger a major shift in churchstate AsianAmerican band that calls itself the
Chief among them: Lawyers for Presi law. Most states constitutions forbid send Slants and seemed divided over whether this
WASHINGTON Its decision time at the dent Donald Trump want the court to issue ing tax money to a church. Religious rights was a racial slight or humor. (Lee vs. Tam)
Supreme Court, as the justices prepare to an order putting into effect his scaleddown advocates sued when Missouri refused to
hand down the final rulings of their current foreign travel ban and then to grant review pay for rubberizing the playground, and they JAIL AND DEPORTATION
term by the end of this month. They are due in the fall of the appeals court ruling that argue the court should strike down the lim May U.S. authorities arrest and jail for as
to rule in 21 cases, including disputes over declared it unconstitutional. its as discriminatory and abridging the First long as needed immigrants who face depor
religion, free speech and immigration that Appeals in three other cases could lead to Amendments protection for the free exer tation, or does the Constitutions guaran
could have broad significance. major rulings if they are granted review for cise of religion. The court heard the case tee of due process of law accord them a
This years term has been quieter than the fall. One involves a Colorado baker who in April, a few days after Gorsuch arrived. bond hearing within six months and possi
normal. It began in the fall when eight jus turned away a gay couples request for a wed (Trinity Lutheran vs. Comer) ble release if they pose no danger or flight
tices were waiting for the presidential elec ding cake, a clash between religious rights risk? A classaction lawsuit in Los Angeles
tion to decide who would fill the seat left and a states antidiscrimination law. TRADEMARKS AND FREE SPEECH challenged the longterm detention of these
vacant by the death of Antonin Scalia. New Notable cases due to be decided: Does the federal trademark law vio immigrants, many of whom typically go
Justice Neil M. Gorsuch arrived in midApril late the freedom of speech because it for on to win their cases and are eventually set
in time to hear about a dozen cases. CHURCH SCHOOLS bids names and phrases that may dispar free. It led to a ruling from the 9th U.S. Cir
Most of this years docket was taken up Must a state offer equal funds to church age people or groups? Washington, D.C.s cuit Court of Appeals putting limits on the
with cases that asked the justices to clarify schools if other private groups may qual pro football team, the Redskins, are in dan jailing of immigrants. The case was heard
the law, not settle a highly contentious issue. ify? A seemingly small dispute over the play ger of losing their trademark because of this in November shortly after President Trump
Before their summer recess, the justices ground at a Lutheran day center in Missouri provision. The justices heard the case of an was elected. (Jennings vs. Rodriguez)
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 B3

10 things you didnt know
about Fathers Day
The role of fatherhood has morphed over the years and bears little resemblance to the decades-old stereotypical patriarch, who was the sole
breadwinner and voice-of-God disciplinarian. A Pew Research Center study last year showed fewer dads are the sole source of family income;
they nd their roles converging with those of moms; they see parenting as an essential part of their identity;
and work-family balance is important to them.

In 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd,
The modern-day tie6
can be traced to the 1600s,
27, was listening to a Mothers when mercenaries wore bright
Day sermon in Spokane, Wash., and scarves as a sign of rank, accord-
thought about her ing to the Washington Post. Ties
father, William Smart, became popular in the late 1800s and
a farmer and Civil War were eventually mass-produced in the
veteran, who had raised 1920s. For years, their unspoken purpose
six children alone on his was as a status marker, the article says,
farm after his wife had died adding that the message of power, prestige and
during childbirth. strength may be negated if the tie has a pop-cul-
According to the Old Farmers ture gure such as Snoopy.
Almanac, Dodd proposed to
the local ministries that they celebrate
a fathers day on June 5 to coincide with
her fathers birthday. But the ministers needed time to
study the subject matter and prepare their sermons. So, the
Fathers Day is celebrated in Canada and the United
Kingdom on the third Sunday of June. It is also observed in
rst Fathers Day was observed June 19, 1910, in Spokane. Argentina, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Mexico, Pakistan,
Singapore, South Africa and Venezuela. In Australia and New
Zealand, Fathers Day is on the rst Sunday in September.

2 FATHERS ALL Taiwan celebrates Fathers Day on Aug. 8, which is the eighth
About 72.2 million men in the U.S. were fathers in 2014, day of the eighth month. In Mandarin, the informal word for
according to the most recent data available from the Census father sounds similar to that for eight eight.
Bureau. The Census showed that in 2016, about 2 million men
were single fathers living with their children, and that 17 percent Third Sunday in June First Sunday in September
of single parents were men. About 40 percent of single fathers
were divorced, 38 percent were never married, 16 percent were
separated and 6 percent were widowed.

Aug. 8

Americans send out 72 million cards on Fathers Day
a distant fourth behind Christmas (1.3 billion),
72.2 million fathers in the U.S. Valentines Day (114 million) and Mothers Day (113
million), Hallmark says. If fathers trailed Santa Claus,
Cupid and moms, who did fathers beat out? The Easter


The ocial ower for Fathers Day is roses.
On that rst Fathers Day celebration, Sonora
bunny. Hallmark says that holiday accounts for
40 million cards.

Smart Dodd asked that people wear a white rose to STAY-AT-HOME DADS
honor a father who was deceased and a red one for
a father who was living. 9 The Census Bureau estimates that 209,000 men
were stay-at-home dads in 2016. The qualica-
tions for being considered a stay-at-home dad by the
bureau? These married fathers with children

According to the Oxford dictionary, the origin
of the word dad traces to the mid-16th century,
younger than age 15 have remained out of the labor
force for at least one year, primarily so they can care
for the family while their wife works outside the
perhaps imitative of a young childs rst syllables home. The Pew Research Center puts that same
da, da. The Etymology Dictionary says the word number at 2 million in 2012, but its denition for
was rst recorded circa 1500, but was probably who t that bill was much wider.

A survey by the National Retail


Federation, the worlds largest retail trade
association, predicted spending on Fathers Day
this year will reach $15.5 billion. (Mothers Day
In 1916, President Woodrow saw $23.6 billion in planned spending.) The
Wilson (father of three consumer planned to spend an average of
daughters) and his family $134.75 on Fathers Day, an increase of $8.83
observed Fathers Day. over 2016. About 48 percent wanted to treat
dear old dad to brunch or some other special
In 1924, President Calvin outing, 46 percent planned to buy clothing,
Coolidge (two sons) signed a 43 percent would get gift cards and 21 percent would
resolution urging give him an electronic device.
governments to observe the
Planned Fathers Day spending
In 1966, President Lyndon
$15.5 billion

Johnson (two daughters)

$14.3 billion

signed Proclamation 3730, -

calling for the holiday to be
$13.3 billion
$12.7 billion

$12.7 billion
$12.5 billion

celebrated on the third

Sunday in June. -
$11.1 billion

$10 billion

In 1972, President Richard

$9.8 billion
$9.6 billion

$9.4 billion
$9 billion

Nixon (two daughters)

signed a law making
Fathers Day a national

Sources:, Old Farmers Almanac, Pew Research

Center, U.S. Census Bureau, National Retail Federation,
Washington Post, Los Angeles Times,,
Hallmark, National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse,, 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
B4 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

High court
It goes a long way to addressing the problems.
State Rep. Tom Albert, R-Lowell, sponsor of the House version of the retirement overhaul

takes case
on retiree
health care
So far, school employees
have won rulings that state
unconstitutionally collected
millions of dollars.

Julie Mack

L A NSI NG The Michigan Supreme Court

has agreed to hear an appeal in a long-run-
ning dispute between Gov. Rick Snyder and
public schoolteachers over a 3 percent con-
tribution for retirement health care.
The Supreme Court agreed last month to
take the case. Snyder appealed to the jus-
tices after the Michigan Court of Appeals
ruled in June 2016 that teachers should get
the money back.
The case stems from a 2010 law that
Gov. Rick Snyder, right, House Speaker Tom Leonard, center, and Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, left, speak to reporters after required school employees to contribute
announcing a deal on the state budget and teacher retirement benefits on Tuesday at the Capitol in Lansing. AP 3 percent of their pay to retiree benefits.
The money was collected from July 2010 to

House, Senate swiftly

January 2013 before a legal battle threw it
into escrow. It now tops $550 million.
The appeals court said the money was
collected unconstitutionally and should be
returned to teachers.
The Michigan Education Association

revise teacher retirement

said it was disappointed by the high
courts decision.
MEA and our coalition of plaintiffs
have won at every level this case has been
heard, union President Steven Cook said.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette
has refused to represent Snyder on the
Emily Lawler Democrats and teacher groups said the bill did not get enough appeal, and appointed a special assistant
scrutiny. attorney general to the case.
LANSING Two days after coming up with a teacher retirement The rushed passage of this legislation today over the objec- Snyder has said the payments are neces-
deal and one day after holding public hearings on it, the House and tions of educators from across the state who came to Lansing at the sary for the long-term financial stability of
Senate have voted for sweeping changes to the Michigan Public beginning of their summer break is a travesty that will not bode the retirement system.
School Employee Retirement System. well for future school employees, the students they serve, or the fis-
Currently, new teachers can choose between a 401(k) or a hybrid cal health of the state, the Michigan Education Association said.
plan that combines a pension with separate investment from the But Republicans pushed back, saying the idea of changing
The new plan is to put new teachers into a beefed up 401(k) where
theyre eligible for up to a 7 percent employer contribution, instead
teacher pensions had been discussed around the Capitol for years.
Seven House Republicans joined Democrats in voting against
the bill: Reps. Joe Bellino, of Monroe; Gary Howell, of North
of the current 3 percent.
Teachers otherwise could opt for a new hybrid plan with some
key changes. Under the pension portion, the assumed rate of return
Branch; Martin Howrylak, of Troy; Mike McCready, of Bloomfield
Township; Dave Pagel, of Berrien Springs; Brett Roberts, of Char-
lotte; and Jeff Yaroch, of Richmond Township.
using Snapchat
is a more conservative 6 percent, and participants commit to share
any costs of underfunding 50-50 with their employers. Also, if the
plan falls below 85 percent funding for two consecutive years, that
According to an analysis from the Senate Fiscal Agency, the plan
would cost $24.1 million in the first fiscal year, which runs from
Oct. 1, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2018. That combines costs of $11.8 million
to hire 9,000
could trigger the plans closure to new hires.
This bill is a giant step in the right direction. It goes a long
way to addressing the problems, said Rep. Tom Albert, R-Lowell,
for the greater 401(k) contributions, $11.3 million for the new hybrid
and $1 million to providing an additional 1 percent match for exist-
ing 401(k)s.
young adults
who sponsored the House bill. GOP legislative leaders goal was to In the second year, fiscal year 2019, the cost rises to $38.7 million.
de-risk the plan from state liability for shortfalls. It escalates from there, to $53 million in fiscal year 2020, $67.4 mil- Fast-food giant also turning
The Senate passed an identical bill earlier Thursday. lion in fiscal year 2021 and $82 million in fiscal year 2022.
It passed the House 55-52, but met opposition from Democrats. The bill approvals by the House and Senate earned praise from to music, video sites.
Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo, D-Detroit, called the bills asinine the Michigan Freedom Fund, a conservative nonprofit.
and said they were fiscally irresponsible. Todays reforms put Michigan teachers and public schools
It continues to place a burden on our system of retirement, and first, said president Terri Reid. The House and Senates reforms Paula Gardner
our struggling schools, and on the backs of our children, she said. will protect Michigan public schools from crippling deficits and
At the heart of the fiscal argument is $29 billion in debt for the ensure teachers get the great benefits they deserve. Where is the post-millennial generation
legacy pension system, which is about 60 percent funded and The House and Senate passed different bills for the House, when you need to fill summer jobs?
already closed to new hires. The bills dont touch that, but Senate 4647, and for the Senate, 401 but with the same contents. Under McDonalds thinks the answer is on
Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, said Wednesday part a constitutional provision that a chamber must have a bill for five social media. As a result, the worlds larg-
of the budget would be putting around $200 million toward paying days before taking action, the retirement plans wont be eligible to est fast-food chain is turning to Snapchat as
down the legacy debt. be taken up until next week. a hiring tool for its U.S. locations.
The target audience: 16- to 24-year-olds.
We are trying to get a little more
c r e a t ive , s a id M a d a ly n K a lt z , a

100,000 jobs are going unfilled

communications supervisor for McDonalds
in Michigan. Theyre already on this media
platform, and were trying to reach them in
a way thats effective.
In addition to Snapchat, the fast-food
giant is using Hulu and Spotify popular
Paula Gardner Where the workers are Oaklands Lyon Township. sites for videos and music as it launched
The original grant as announced by the its summer hiring efforts on June 13.
Some areas of Michigan no longer await Michigans April unemployment rate was 3.7 MEDC in June 2015 was for $1.6 million The goal is almost 9,000 new employ-
enough jobs for their workforce. Instead, hir- percent, not seasonally adjusted, compared to based on creation of 250 jobs. The amended ees for the 530 McDonalds in Michigan at a
ing pressures in those area are starting to 4.5 percent a year earlier. Unemployment fell in grant, approved in December, is for $1.44 time when the overall state unemployment
threaten the states economic growth. all regions. Here are selected numbers. million based on creation of 225 jobs. rate is falling to less than 4 percent.
I think were getting to a critical junc- The company a division of Magna The competition for staffing at restau-
ture, said Roger Curtis, the states director Ann Arbor 2.2% Saginaw 4.1% International was having a very dif- rants across the state is intense, said Alyssa
of Talent and Economic Development. ficult time finding individuals to hire, Harrison of the Michigan Restaurant Asso-
Curtis said he has talked to some employ- Grand Rapids 2.4% Flint 4.3% according to MSF board minutes. The jobs ciation.
ers who are turning away work now as we includes skilled trades and factory work. Casual, fast dining, fine dining: Theyre
speak. Kalamazoo 3.1% Bay City 4.4% We are working together to solve some all hiring, she said.
They have expansion opportunities of the most important workforce develop- Thats one reason McDonalds is turning
... they are reluctant to take because they Jackson 3.4% U.P. 5.8% ment challenges facing our industry, said to social media to attract teens and young
dont know if they can fulfill the obligations Paul Myles, Magna senior manager, govern- adults who seek jobs this summer.
because they have so many openings. Midland 3.6% Northeast Lower 6.7% ment workforce development and training The Snapchat app is the first-to-market
The 100,000 estimate for open jobs comes programs, said of the partnership. hiring tool in the U.S. that allows job seek-
in part from openings posted on the Pure Muskegon 3.9% Michigan Department of Curtis said the state is looking for solu- ers to be served an ad and opportunity to
Michigan Talent Connect website, which Technology, Management tions. Some underemployed people could begin the application process for a job at
on Wednesday listed 97,036 jobs available. Detroit 4.0% and Budget be tapped for better jobs, he suggested, a McDonalds restaurant, according to
Many of those represent skilled or man- while some retirees could be lured back McDonalds.
agement positions across a range of indus- into the workplace to train new people. The app uses a 10-second video of
tries, leaving other hourly and part-time jobs Michigan Economic Development Corp. ear- A bigger-picture solution will come this McDonalds employees talking about the
uncounted. lier this year, was Integrated Manufactur- month, Curtis said, when the state releases benefits of working there, a theme also
Meanwhile, as another sign of hiring ing & Assembly in Detroit. The project was recommendations to increase career tech found in its new best first job campaign.
pressure, five companies in the state were reduced from 851 jobs to 566 jobs, McKin- education and eventually fill more jobs. About 78 percent of the age group uses
awarded expansion grants through the ley said, and the grant amount was reduced Among many of the job openings are Snapchat daily, Kaltz said. More than half
Michigan Strategic Fund, requested in 2016 from $4.6 million to $3.4 million. positions in the skilled trades including use it 11 times a day, she added.
to reduce the amount following hiring chal- Another company that struggled to hire tool and die and construction and man- Theyre already on it anyway, so they
lenges. even with the help of Michigan Works offices ufacturing-related positions that require can just scan the code and access the appli-
One of those, said Otie McKinley of the and Oakland County was Cosma, based in advanced training, such as robotics. cation.
B6 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

Limit insurance claims

to substantial costs Great Wall of debt
Chinas debts have hit alarming levels. And the into the system to ease the pain, promising that one
authorities in Beijing arent retooling the economy day it will kick the habit.
Dave Says
fast enough to contain the risk at least in the short The countrys total debts most of it held by
term. So says Moodys Investors Service, which last corporations were equal to a disturbing 256
How do you know when you should le an insurance
month downgraded Chinas percent of economic output
claim on a homeowners issue, versus just dealing
credit rating for the rst time last year, one of the highest
with it and paying cash?
since 1989. gures in the world. Moodys
Basically, its when you begin to feel the pain nan-
To ght the global reces- expects the debt burden to
cially. Lets say you have a $1,000 deductible on your
sion in 2008, China ordered keep growing. But the ratings
homeowners policy. If you have an $1,100 issue, just pay
state-owned banks to lend to agency expressed condence
the $100 out of pocket. But lets say you have the same
businesses. It was supposed that the government will
deductible and a $2,000 problem. Depending on things
to be a temporary x. But the eventually manage an econom-
like your overall situation, the value of the house and the
credit binge has proven ic transition away from
cost of the policy, that might just get you to le a claim.
addictive. Beijing doesnt often-wasteful, debt-nanced
Somehow, lots of people get the idea they can make
want the economy, slowing investment toward slower,
money on insurance. You dont. Insurance companies
steadily since 2010, to crater. steadier growth built around
make money, and consumers pay insurance companies.
So it keeps injecting loans consumer spending.
You may have a situation, once in a blue moon, where you
come out ahead on a transaction. But over time, you dont
make money on insurance. The gravy train slows: Debt-financed investment is reaching disturbing levels in the Chinese economy, which
The point is this: If you turn in the claim, youre going to must transition to a consumer-spending model to kick its bad habit.
experience a rate increase or cancellation at some point
that osets it. I only turn in substantial claims, mean-
ing claims that are far above the deductible. China GDP growth Total Chinese debt as a percentage of GDP
15% 300%
My in-laws have inherited some money, and they want
to invest in real estate. They have oered to help my 12
husband and I buy a home, but they want ownership
of some kind as part of the deal. Is this a good idea? 200
Id pass on this oer. Its not a good deal. 9
Im glad they got some money. If they want to do some est. 150
real estate investing, thats awesome, too. If they want to 6
give their kids a gift, that would be generous. But no, were 100
not going for a deal where they have ownership in your 3
home. Things like that end up messy, and it wont get you 50
where you want to be. Even if it does, you wont like the
trip. 0 0
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
If you take a deep look into this, youll begin to under-
stand that it will change the nature of your relationship
with your in-laws. Every time you see them and they see Sources: Intl Monetary Fund; Institute of Intl Finance and the Bank for Intl Settlements Paul Wiseman AP
you, theyll see dollar signs.
Protect your relationships. Please dont do it.

7 amazing camera tricks

Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has
authored seven best-selling books, including The Total
Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more
than 13 million listeners each week on 585 radio stations
and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey. Kim Komando broader Google Translate app.
Other services use the same gimmick, helping you trans-
Camera phones become more sophisticated every year, late menus and signage from wildly dierent writing sys-
and they are changing the landscape of photography. Pro- tems into your alphabet, all using your camera phone. But

Know where and how fessionals are using their smartphones in place of hefty
DSLRs, and indie lmmakers are shooting everything from
music videos to feature-length dramas. With advanced fea-
the standard, for now, is still the free Google app.
5. Learn your wines
Wine is a complicated beverage. There is so much to know

to look for good help tures and tons of free editing software, the camera phone
may become the lens of the future.
That little camera is useful for so much more than snap-
about a given year, vintner and vintage. In the past, wine
acionados had to memorize all that information or refer to
a book. But now you can learn about a particular label at a
shots and home videos. If you ever dreamed of a scanner, glance, thanks to the Vivino app.
Business Tips from SCORE game system and universal translator that fit into your Just scan the wines label, and youll nd out everything
pocket, these apps have made that vision a reality. there is to know, including personalized recommendations.
Over the past 15 years, nearly two-thirds of new jobs have Here are seven amazing things your smartphone can do. Vivino has a database of more than 3 million wines.
been generated by small businesses. Yours may be one of 1. Consult a virtual decorator 6. Augmented reality games
them. Thats good news for your local economy and for your A few years ago, IKEA developed a wild new feature. Cus- Pokemon Go sent millions of players running through
customers, who expect quality service. Its good news for tomers could raise their phones or tablets to a room in their their neighborhood in search of little creatures, guided by
you, too, as you can focus on other priorities. house and then plant a piece of furniture in the picture. the motto, Gotta catch em all! This is just the beginning of
If youre considering a workforce expansion, you want The 3D image would adjust to the screens POV, looking the phenomenon known as augmented reality games.
to be sure the people you hire are qualied and committed extremely realistic. This augmented reality feature helps These entertainment systems create real-time, real-world
to doing a good job. That said, its easy to go into the hiring imagine how an item will look before a customer buys it. backdrops for the in-game objects. For example, when you
process with the best of intentions and end up with results Hot on IKEAs heels is Amikasa, an iOS app that not only play ARBasketball, you can nd a virtual hoop anywhere
that fail to meet anyones expectations. helps you design interior spaces but also inserts imaginary you go, and the Bowmaster inserts targets in your physical
So before you put out the Help Wanted sign, give some decor in real-life settings. You can also add faucets and cab- surroundings.
thought to your goals and strategy for achieving them. inets, or even change the wallpaper. If you are a fan of the undead, you will probably get your
Gauge the need. Its great that your business is on a 2. Scan documents thrills from Zombies Everywhere! This game turns your real
growth track, but is adding sta cost-eective? Reformulat- Scanning paper documents as PDFs is convenient, but world into an apocalyptic zombie battleground. For Android,
ing processes or rearranging current employee responsibil- the scanner can be a real ordeal, slow and cumbersome to check out TableZombies for a similar augmented reality
ities may be all thats necessary, at least for the short term. use. Scanning large bundles at a print shop can cost you a game.
Assess alternatives. If your needs dont match up with pretty penny. But there are apps, such as Genius Scan and 7. Security camera
a new full-time position, creating one or more part-time Evernote Scannable, that convert hard copies into a digi- When you upgrade to a new smartphone, you usually
positions may meet your needs and add exibility. Temp tal format using your camera phone. You can scan multiple have to face a dicult question: What do you do with your
agencies can help with short-term needs. Independent con- pages and include them in the same document. older model? Well, one option is to repurpose it as motion
tractors and outsourcing may also be the answer. But Adobe just launched a stellar app that scans physi- activated security camera. The Manything app uses your
Dene the job. Incorporate the direct and associated cal documents with your smartphones camera and turns smartphone camera to monitor your pets, your home, your
responsibilities into a written job description. Be careful them into PDFs. Just point your camera at a document, kids, or whatever else needs a watchful eye.
with general titles, as they have dierent meanings to dif- and the app will automatically scan it for text using Optical Manything has programmable motion detection zones,
ferent people. Be reasonable about your expectations. Too Character Recognition and save it as a PDF. cloud-based DVR, time-lapse and live streaming. All you
stringent, and you limit your talent pool; too low, and you Android users have another option. Aside from cloud need is another device with Manything installed (to use it as
may be deluged with unqualied applicants. storage, Google Drive has scanning capabilities. your remote viewer and controller) and you will have a low-
Compensation counts. Even when jobs are scarce, 3. Shop in three dimensions cost, around-the-clock surveillance system.
people still expect a fair wage for a fair days work. Cham- When you ip through a magazine, some ads are so vivid Bonus: magnifying glass
bers of commerce, employment bureaus and professional and colorful that they seem to leap o the page. With the Curses! You left your eyeglasses in the car, and you dont
groups can help you set appropriate wages and benets. ROAR app, the ads do leap o the page, at least in the dis- want to leave the restaurant. But how will you ever read the
Also study comparable jobs to determine prevailing rates. play of your camera phone. You can quickly scan a photo of menu?
Attract attention. Promoting a job opening is no dif- a sundress, for example, and within seconds your display No problem: Just turn on your smartphones camera and
ferent from promoting your business; you must go to where will show that outt in three dimensions. use the viewnder to zoom in on the tiny text. Think of your
the candidates are. Options include advertising in your ROAR also lets you take photos of meals and beverages phone as a bionic eye that brings everything into focus.
local newspaper (in print and online) or on websites such as and instantly nd out their ingredients. You can scan items
Craigslist. Post signs in your store, neighborhood or nearby in a store and nd their costs, then price-gauge with other Copyright 2017, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All
high schools and colleges. For jobs requiring specialized retailers. If you pass an eye-catching movie poster, you can rights reserved.
skills, consider using trade magazines, industry-specic capture its image and instantly order tickets.
job banks and employment agencies. Also talk up the job 4. Translate language Learn about all the latest technology on the Kim Komando
opening among friends, neighbors and current employees. When the Word Lens app hit the market a few years Show, the nations largest weekend radio talk show. Kim
ago, users were astonished by the ability to read signs in takes calls and dispenses advice on todays digital lifestyle,
SCORE is a nonprot association of volunteers who pro- foreign languages. The app even used the same font and from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data
vide free, condential business counseling to small-business style in its visual translation. This magical technology was hacks. For her daily tips, free newsletters and more, visit her
owners. Find a chapter near you at later scooped up by Google, which has made it a part of the website at

Facebook shareholders are not happy with how its handling fake news
Hayley Tsukayama The Washington Post To be clear, we are talking about content that is posted In an open question-and-answer session, the Rev. Jesse
and disseminated with the intent to mislead, not the main- Jackson asked Zuckerberg to develop an independent advi-
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg faced sharp stream media, which the president refers to as fake news, sory commission to address the growing trend of Facebook
criticism during the companys annual shareholders meet- said Natasha Lamb, Arjuna Capitals director of equity users sharing violent videos. There is no place for live kill-
ing this month about how the company operates, deals with research and shareholder engagement. She added that Face- ings to be broadcast on Facebook, Jackson said.
violence and handles fake news. book needs to take clear action or risk alienating its audi- Zuckerberg addressed some shareholder concerns.
Shareholders submitted proposals critical of the com- ence. Lamb also spoke on behalf of a petition to have Face- He acknowledged that Facebooks mission has changed
panys top-heavy structure, as well as the way Facebook book release information about its gender pay disparity, since it went public ve years ago with the stated mission of
curates its content. All ve were rejected by majority vote; saying the rm is lagging behind its competitors. connecting friends and family. We have this growing reali-
Zuckerberg controls more than 50 percent. Another group, SumofUs, led a petition to remove Zuck- zation that .. is not enough, he said.
Arjuna Capital and Baldwin Brothers, two smaller inves- erberg as chairman, arguing that role gives him far too much He added that Facebook is a place that should support
tors, called on Facebook to publish a report examining the power. We dont think you should be your own boss, Mr. good discourse, while also making sure that people have the
implications of its guidelines around fake news. Zuckerberg, representatives said. ability to share what is important to them.
Stanley Cup will soon lose Gordie Howes name D2



to show
Jones at MIS looking for
home-track advantage

Taylor DesOrmeau

B R O O K LY N Following a career-best
third-place nish last weekend at Pocono,
its clear Erik Jones condence is growing.
So is his hair.
The 21-year-old NASCAR driver from
Byron is gaining compliments from some
of the best in the sport, including Dale
Earnhardt Jr. and Brad Keselowski.
Hes wearing this mullet, so he kind of
knows how to pick on himself and doesnt
take himself too seriously, Earnhardt said
in his podcast. I think he has a great per-
sonality. I would encourage him to show
that more.
Earnhardt added Jones is a great
talent and should be one of 10 drivers fans
root for after Earnhardt retires at the end
of the year.
Jones, tied for 16th in Cup Series points,
The Detroit Lions oensive line now features three former rst-round picks in addition to major free-agent acquisitions in T.J. Lang didnt originally plan the mullet.
and Rick Wagner. Mike Mulholland, les Its not something that really was
thought out; it was more spontaneous. I
just didnt feel like getting a haircut for a

In light of Taylor Deckers injury, Detroit willing long time, Jones said. Eventually, it got
pretty long, and everybody started getting
on me to cut my hair, so I thought itd be

to pay steep price to keep Stafford protected funny if I just cut it into a mullet. So, thats
what I did.
His cousin cut the mullet when friends
and family came down to North Carolina
Nate Atkins for his 21st birthday party in May. The look
got approval from more family and friends
at home this week leading up to todays
ALLEN PARK They tinkered, toyed, debated and deliberated, but ultimately, the Detroit FireKeepers Casino 400 at Michigan Inter-
national Speedway.
Lions couldnt resist. They went out and found themselves a high-priced oensive lineman to I think the biggest fan of it is my uncle,
because he had a pretty rockin mullet in
replace the one they lost. about 1987, Jones said. He was a big fan.
He said I needed a little bit of work on the
No team responds well to a left tackle going down, let The plan was in place this offseason to lock Matthew back yet, get it a little bit longer, and Ill be
alone a first-rounder, but such is life in the NFL. Injuries Staord into a long-term deal with these maulers in front of just ne. They like it, they think its pretty
happen to everyone and can strike at any time, so teams him, a group that included new mega signings in T.J. Lang funny.
preach next man up, look to the next option on the depth and Rick Wagner on the right side. A front five of Decker, Jones trip home included testing late
chart and do the best they can. Lang, Wagner, center Travis Swanson and whoever won the models in Grand Rapids, a trip to the local
The Lions are not like most teams when it comes to the left-guard battle would rarely come off the field, growing bar with his grandfather and a Flint coney
offensive line. They had little they could do when Taylor together over time. Using the Dallas Cowboys model, theyd SEE JONES, D4
Decker underwent labrum surgery June 5 that will sideline cover up the weaknesses in the pass rush and at linebacker
him for four to six months. by overwhelming with a single strength.
They did something anyway. Detroit signed two tackles Then, Decker went down. Gone was the blindside protector
and traded a sixth-round pick to acquire Greg Robinson who played every snap last season and was ready to improve
from the Los Angeles Rams. In doing so, the Lions took on upon his PFWA All-Rookie campaign. Lang already was out
yet another major salary up front. Theyve turned their recovering from oseason hip surgery. Left guard was still
oensive line into a bottomless pit, protecting investments up in the air. Free-agent options were bleak in a league where
with investments rather than allowing them to erode away. linemen who can play have no trouble nding jobs.
And so in comes Robinson, the 6-foot-5-inch, 332-pound It was looking like it could be time to punt, but the Lions
tackle who was the No. 2 pick in the 2014 draft and will make werent interested in that. Not with a proven quarterback
$3.3 million this season. Hes the fourth Lions oensive line- like Staord, who has waited long enough.
man set to make at least $2.3 million this year, representing So, they fed the pit once more, trading one sixth-round
a fth of the top 20 cap hits on the roster. pick and cutting another while absorbing the majority of
After Robinsons struggles to seal the edge or execute dou- their remaining cap space, all to bet on an uber-talented
ble teams in the running game, he was bumped inside and player who has yet to gure things out.
then dealt for cheap by the Rams. But what some teams view Decker eventually will return, likely late this season, but
as anchors under the NFLs hard salary cap, the Lions look at the need for a guard might still exist. If Robinson can prove
as investments in potential, if not performance, feeding a worthy, the potential now exists to eventually move him
single mission to protect the quarterback. to guard, to bump Graham Glasgow to center and to allow
Its the very nucleus of how theyre built. They werent Swansons contract to expire, creating a starting line full of
allowing one injury to tear that fortress down. versatile high-upside players.
When you feel secured, when you feel sound, whether it If.
be schematically or with fewer guys protecting their guys up This is the Lions sticking to a plan. Theyve chosen pass
front, it allows for a lot more ecient, good, solid quarterback protection as their hill to die on, and theyll be damned if
play, oensive coordinator Jim Bob Cooter said last fall. Staord gets hurt along the way.
Monster Energy Cup Series driver Erik
Jones jokes about his mullet during a news
Inside: Staord says he isnt waiting on other QBs to sign his new deal. D2 conference Friday at Michigan Interna-
tional Speedway. Jake Crandall,


NBA suspends Bullock V-Mart hospitalized with

Reggie Bullock, a 6-foot-7 forward for the Detroit Pistons, irregular heartbeat, put on DL
has been suspended without pay for the rst ve games
of the 2017-18 season for violating the terms of the NBA/ Victor Martinez was hospitalized Thursday night after
NBPA Anti-Drug Program, the NBA announced Friday. complaining of dizziness and was diagnosed with an
Bullock, 26, appeared in 31 games last season, averaging irregular heartbeat, Detroit Tigers manager Brad Ausmus
4.5 points per game. After hip and back issues delayed said. The designated hitter was placed on the 10-day
his season debut, Bullock appeared in four games before disabled list. Ausmus said Martinez experienced sweating,
suering a left knee meniscus tear that required surgery. chills and dizziness in Thursdays game. Tigers, D5
D2 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT


strong Stanley Cup without
after two,
eyes Meijer Howes name? Its coming
LPGA win Brendan Savage

It apparently wont be
Cory Olsen long until the Stanley Cup no longer features Gordie
Howes name.
PL A I N F I ELD TOW NSH I P, The Detroit Red Wings
The field of LPGA players legend won the Stanley
trailing Canadian Brooke Cup four times from 1950-
Henderson af ter two 55 but now that the Pitts-
rounds better be thankful burgh Penguins have been
for holes 17 and 18. crowned the 2017 champi-
Hender son took her ons, the bottom ring on the
8-under lead into Friday Cup featuring the winners
and recorded seven birdies names is full.
with one bogey before tee- That means the oldest
ing up on No. 17, a short yet panel on the Cup will have
challenging par 4. to be removed after next
Her 14-under round was season to make room for
reduced to 12-under with the 2018 winners.
back-to-back bogeys on her The panel that will be
final two holes, otherwise removed, according to a
things could have been story by Ken Campbell
much more challenging. of The Hockey News, is
T h r e e pl aye r s wer e the one featuring the Red
tied at 10-under Car- Wings four Stanley Cup
lota Ciganda, Mi Jung Hur winners from the 1950s.
and 2015 champion Lexi But Howe isnt the only
Thompson, and being four NHL legend whose name no
shots back could have been longer will be on the Stan-
a growing mountain to ley Cup, according to Camp-
climb. bell. Rocket Richard of the
Seventeen could have Montreal Canadiens also Sidney Crosby rides with the Stanley Cup during a parade for the champion Pittsburgh Penguins on Wednesday.
been really close to being a will be gone after next year. Ken Reabe Jr., Special to PennLive
great shot, Henderson said Imagine t h at ,
after her round. I prac- Campbell wrote. Rocket
ticed that shot in the prac- Richard, who has his name 61 with the Chicago Black- remove panels because the No. 9, was determined at the New York Rangers for Bren-
tice rounds, and it jumped on the trophy nine times, hawks, is gone along with Cup was already the perfect April 30 draft lottery. dan Smith (No. 83) and from
forward on the first bounce including five times in a row Hall of Fame teammates size to hold. A series of trades the past Chicago (via Carolina) for
there, and I dont think I with the 1950s Montreal Stan Mikita, Glenn Hall and A panel is removed every couple of seasons have net- Tomas Jurco (No. 88).
got that today. Canadiens dynasty, will Pierre Pilote. 13 years, meaning Wayne ted the Red Wings with 11 Detroits own third-round
So, unfortunately, its a be wiped from the Stanley Ca mbel l repor t s t hat Gretzky, Steve Yzerman, picks, the most they have pick was dealt to San Jose
tough hole, and I just came Cup. Richard won eight when the Cup turned 100 Mario Lemieux and Red had since 2000, when they last year for prospect Dylan
away with bogey, which is times as a player and is on years old in 1992, it could Wings fan favorite Sidney also had 11 in a nine-round Sadowy.
not really what I was look- the Cup in 1964-65, the no longer accommodate Crosby among others will all draft (now the draft is seven The Red Wings have their
ing for. last year on this ring, as an new names. So the decision have their names taken off rounds). own selections in Rounds 3
She said her emotions assistant to the president. had to be made whether the Cup in another half-cen- The first round is Friday, through 7 (Nos. 100, 131, 162
got the better of her on Howe, who was part to en la r ge t he C up tury of so. with the final six rounds and 193). They also a sixth-
No. 18 while trying to get of the Detroit Red Wings something that had been Saturday. round pick from Florida for
that stroke back. 1950s dynasty that won d o n e nu m e r o u s t i m e s RED WINGS HAVE The Red Wings have their Jakub Kindl (No. 164).
Yeah, so, unfortunately, three Cups in four seasons, over the years or start SEVEN PICKS ow n second-round pick The Red Wings currently
two bogeys to finish so is also gone, along with removing panels featuring The Red Wings will have (No. 38) and four third-round have nine picks in the 2018
hopefully that just gives me Hall of Fame teammate names. seven of the top 100 selec- selections from Florida for draft, their seven plus an
a little bit more motivation Ted Lindsay and legend- According to Cambell, it tions at this weeks entry Thomas Vanek (No. 71), from extra second (Ottawas via
going into tomorrow. ary coach-GM Jack Adams. was New York Islanders leg- draft in Chicago. Unless, of Toronto for permission to the Rangers for Smith) and
Its a change of pace for (Bobby) Hull, who won his end Bryan Trottier who con- course, they trade some. speak to former coach Mike an extra sixth (Monteals for
Henderson to see her name only Stanley Cup in 1960- vinced the Hall of Fame to The Red Wings top pick, Babcock (No. 79), from the Steve Ott).
atop the leaderboard with
the season shes had thus
far. Her past four tourna-
ments have resulted in tied BOXING LIONS
for 14th, tied for 21, tied for

Flints Shields lays Stafford isnt waiting

36 and tied for 11th.
She has just two top-10
finishes this season.
Its great to see my
on other QBs for deal
claim to WBC Silver
name up there, Hender-
son said. Its been a little
bit of a rough season so far,
you know, not getting the Kyle Meinke he signed before the 2013
results that Ive been look- season. That makes him the
ing for. But this week seems Eric Woodyard Lions highest-paid player,
to be a turnaround week A L L E N P A R K Detroit but ranks just 16th on the
and hopefully I can just D E T R O I T A white motorcoach bus Lions quarterback Matthew quarterback payscale.
finish strong the next two departed from Flints legendary Berston Stafford is going to become Now that hes thrown for
days. Field House around 5:30 p.m. Friday. a very rich man when he 4,000 yards in six straight
Ciga nda, Hur a nd With about 80 local passengers signs his new deal. Perhaps years and flirted with the
Thompson share second including 19 children they hit the road to the richest in NFL history. MVP chase a season ago
at 10-under and are right Detroit to witness two-time Olympic gold The only real questions because of an NFL record
where they need to be in medalist Claressa T-Rex Shields compete are when that will happen, eight fourth-quarter come-
case Henderson slips. in her third professional bout. and for how much. backs, he is considerably
Ciganda scored an eagle The 22-year-old Flint native didnt dis- Andrew Luck currently underpaid at a position that
and five birdies Friday after appoint. is the leagues highest-paid showers even competent
having a nice run in last She arrived at the Detroit Masonic player at $24.5 million players with huge paydays.
years tournament to finish Temple around the same time as her home- annually. Stafford could Staffords agent, Tom Con-
second at 17-under in a town supporters and posed for photos, then top that, but the problem is, don, opened contract talks
playoff with Sei Young Kim. entered the ring around midnight to earn so could Kirk Cousins and with the Lions weeks ago,
Since then, shes captured the vacant WBC Silver super middleweight Claressa Shields hits Sydney LeBlanc with Derek Carr. Now, its a mat- and there is an expectation
her first two career wins. title. a right during a WBC super middleweight ter of who is willing to set throughout Allen Park that
It was a good week for Shields (3-0, 1 KO) won a unanimous boxing bout Friday in Detroit. Shields won the market first, and risk an accord can be reached
me here last year, so I have eight-round decision against Louisiana a unanimous decision. Jake May, leaving some money on the this summer, as the for-
great memories, Ciganda native Sydney LeBlanc. All three judges table. mer No. 1 overall pick pre-
said. Knowing that I won scored the bout 80-72 in favor of Shields. ESPN repor ted Sta f- pares for his ninth season in
already gives you more Shields jumped on LeBlanc from the I wanted to get the knockout, but I knew ford is expected to wait out Detroit.
confidence. opening bell with a bevy of punches. I was in shape to go all eight and look good Carrs new deal, but he shot The only time I talk
She continued to pierce the face of all eight, Shields said. I think I did a really down those reports after about it or think about it is
LeBlanc in the second, third and fourth good job. We had a long, hard training practice Wednesday at when you guys ask about it,
rounds with big bombs from all angles of camp, and the main thing is just not about Lions minicamp. Stafford said. I just go out
the ring to showcase her boxing ability. winning but looking good and winning. Im not too worried there and play ball.
In the fifth round, Shields continued to The WBC Silver belt shouldnt be con- about what those guys That, he has.
widen the lead by attacking the body. She fused for the WBCs world title. The orga- do, Stafford said. Im just While many teams are
blasted LeBlanc on the ropes with a late nization created the silver championship out here trying to get bet- engulfed in various dramat-
flurry to end Round 6. concept in 2010 to give value to non-title ter. Thats pretty much all ics and controversies at the
The pace slowed down in Round 7 as bouts that are still of great importance. I can say. This time of year position, Detroit has had lit-
LeBlanc tried to press Shields, but was It increases your ratings, and a lot of is football time. Im out tle to worry about at the posi-
nailed with more big shots through her people started with the silver title, like here trying to get better at tion. Heading into his ninth
defense. Canelo (Alvarez), WBC fight supervisor Jill football and help this team season, and the third in this
I learned that shes slowing down and Diamond said. So, its the next best thing win. scheme, Stafford has been
shes trying to see everything, said Jason to being the world champion, and basically Is he willing to sign the picture of consistency
Crutchfield, Shields trainer. guarantees a shot at the world champion- before Carr and Cousins? and ability this offseason.
Shields tried to finish her off with a ship. I got no timetable, he Hes ultra-bright, coach
Brooke Henderson led the knockout in the eighth and final round, This victory should set up Shields for a said. Jim Caldwell said. He is
Meijer LPGA Classic after unleashing a flurry of haymakers, but WBC world title fight Aug. 4 against unde- Stafford is heading into constantly finding ways to
the first two rounds. LeBlanc wouldnt go down despite the feated super middleweight champion Nikki the final year of a three- get better, and I mean every
Cory Olsen, heavy pounding. Adler, possibly in Detroit. year, $53 million extension aspect that you can think.
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 D3


Napoleon blitzes
Gladstone to earn
first trip to state final
Tony Garcia

E A S T L A N S I N G While Gladstones softball team was

warming up in left field before its Division 3 state semifinal
game, Napoleon was in its dugout eating twizzlers.
Napoleon always tends to take its time before games
and the Pirates joke around in order to stay loose
But in unchartered territory, Napoleon coach Doug
Richardson was anxious to see how his team would
The Pirates showed him early, blitzing Gladstone for
eight runs on seven hits in the first inning as they rolled to
a 16-0 win in five innings, earning a berth in the Division 3
state championship game.
We like to go in doing our game, not theirs, Kortz said
of her teams relaxed nature. Were really laid back, were a
family and we know how we mesh together.
Napoleon (36-4) faced Monroe Saint Mary Catholic Cen-
tral, a 1-0 winner in its Division 3 semifinal game over Shep-
herd, during Saturdays final at Secchia Stadium.
Heres how it went in the first inning Friday: Paige Kortz
grounded out, Dylan Wiley singled, RBI single by Rachel
Griffin, Haley Rose reached on an error, Kaitlyn Weaver
recorded an RBI on a squeeze, Ashton Jordon scored two on
Monster Energy Cup Series driver Matt Dibenedetto races during a practice session Friday before todays FireKeepers a double, Kallie Pittman reached on an infield single, Syd-
Casino 400 at Michigan International Speedway. Jake Crandall, ney Coe hit a two-run RBI single, Caitlin Pace got out, Kortz
singled and Coe scored on the error, Kortz later scored on a
wild pitch before Wiley got out.
AUTO RACING And the Pirates never stopped hitting, adding three

New track president

runs in the second, one in the third and four in the fifth on
19 total hits.
You know what, Ill say it was, Doug Richardson said of
whether it was the most fun hes had coaching a game in his
15 years at Napoleon.
Sydney Coe pitched five innings, surrendering just three

focused on fans
hits and three walks while striking out nine and giving up
no runs.
The Pirates made it to this point in the season through
their offense. Napoleon has won its past four games before
by a combined 47-10, scoring at least seven runs in every
game this postseason.

Steve Kaminski Race info

The NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series is just past the NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series: FireKeepers Casino
halfway point of its regular season, and it has been an unpre- 400, 3 p.m. today at Michigan International Speedway TV: FS1
dictable, exciting, sometimes controversial, sometimes con-
fusing time for stock car racings elite.
A new title sponsor, stage racing, three-time new winners, August race weekend. Curtis has since been named direc-
Dale Earnhardt Jr.s retirement announcement and penal- tor of the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic
ties and suspensions galore have been all the talk for the Development.
through the first 14 races. Brenner came to MIS from New Hampshire in Septem-
Changes have come to Michigan International Speed- ber. He spent the past 23 years working in minor league
way, too, which is hosting a tripleheader card this week- baseball, including the past 10 years as the president of the
end, culminating with todays FireKeepers Casino 400 Cup company that owns the New Hampshire Fisher Cats and
race. MIS has a new track president, Rick Brenner, along the Bowling Green Hot Rods. The Fisher Cats are the Dou-
with Jason Lucas, who is the new director of marketing and ble A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays, while the Hot Rods
communications. are the Single-A affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays.
Brenner said his teams focus is on the fans heading into While baseball and auto racing couldnt be more differ-
its first race weekend, which included Fridays ARCA Rac- ent, Brenner said his objective at MIS is the same as it was Napoleon players celebrate after defeating Gladstone in a
ing Series Corrigan Oil 200 and Saturdays LTi Printing 200 for his old job as a baseball executive. state semifinal game Friday at Secchia Stadium at Michigan
NASCAR Xfinity Series race. There are things that are different as it relates to our State University. Neil Blake,
NASCAR and its drivers will take care of the on-track roles to facilitate the needs of drivers versus baseball play-
activity, and we will do our best to create the best expe- ers and race teams versus baseball teams, Brenner said.
rience we possibly can with our fans, Brenner said. We In terms of our fans, which is really where our focus is,
will continue to find new ways to make it easy for people to facilitating people getting tickets, creating extra value for MHSAA STATE TOURNAMENTS
come out, give them reasons to want to come out and enter- them when they are here, providing a first-class safe envi-
tain them while they are there. We are focusing on the fan ronment for them to come and enjoy is certainly nothing SEMIFINALS Division 1 Grandville vs. Macomb
experience. new. Division 1Thursday
Division 2 Richmond vs Ida
The property itself lays out for a great fan experience There is a way in which you approach the business. I Northville 9, Grand Haven 1
Division 3 Monroe St. Mary CC vs.
Saline 12, GP Woods U. Liggett 0
with all the camping so there is plenty of room to come and was fortunate to work with really great people for a long Division 2Thursday
Division 4 Indian River Inland Lakes
stay. We added some new entertainment for people all week time. They have similar philosophy, which is we focus on Stevensville Lakeshore 7, Chelsea 1 vs. Ottawa Lake Whiteford
long to add to the value of the overall entertainment experi- our fans and partners and the on-the-field activity takes Bay City John Glenn 15, Dearborn Divine Soccer
Child 4
ence. care of itself. That has been the mentality here with the Division 3Friday SEMIFINALS
Division 1
Brenner replaced Roger Curtis, who served as president team at MIS, to create lasting memories and focusing on Madison Hts. Bishop Foley 3, Caro 2
Grand Blanc 2, Utica Ford 1
Traverse City St. Francis 3, Schoolcraft
the past 10 years before stepping down after last summers the fan experience. 2, (8 innings) Forest Hills Central 1, Saline 0
Division 4Friday Division 2
Portland St. Patrick 12, Unionville- Forest Hills Northern 4, Holland
Sebewaing 8 Christian 1
Hudson 6, Gaylord St. Mary 4 Bloomfield Hills Marian 2, Linden 0
BASEBALL Freeland 3, Hudsonville Unity Christian 2
At Michigan State
Division 1 Northville vs. Saline Flint Powers Catholic 2, Macomb Luther-

Jackson College pitcher drafted by Pirates Division 2 Stevensville-Lakeshore vs. an North 1

Bay City John Glenn Division 4
Division 3 Madison Hts. Bishop Foley Kalamazoo Christian 2, Muskegon
vs, Traverse City St. Francis Catholic Central 0
Division 4Portland St. Patrick vs. Hudson Lansing Christian 2, Grosse Pte. Woods
Tony Garcia Baragar, who transferred to ERA and 31:3 strikeout-to- The Farmington native U. Liggett 0 Indiana University before walk ratio in 21 innings as was playing a game for the Softball
becoming a seventh round a freshman. He also bat- Kenosha Kingfish, a col- SEMIFINALS
At Williamston HS
J A C K S O N Jackson Col- pick by the San Francisco ted .410 in 50 games, with legiate summer leaguer Division 1Thursday
Division 1Saturday
Grandville 2, Clarkston 1
lege pitcher Alex Manasa Giants, is the only former a .459 on-base percentage. team, on Wednesday, and Macomb Dakota 6, Mattawan 3
Grand Blanc vs Forest Hills Central
Division 2Friday
was drafted by the Pitts- Jet to be drafted higher than He was named all-Mich- will talk with Smith about Division 2Thursday
Bloomfield Hills Marian 2, Forest Hills
Richmond 4, Escanaba 2
burgh Pirates in the 11th Manasa. igan Community College the decision. Ida 3, Stevensville Lakeshore 2
Northern 1
round of t he 2017 M LB Its great for our pro- Athletic Association first Alex has a bright future Division 3Friday
Division 3Friday
Flint Powers Catholic 4, Freeland 0
draft. g ra m, Jack son College team, Eastern Conference and hes well known in the Monroe St. Mary CC 1, Shepherd 0
Division 4Saturday
Napoleon 16, Gladstone 0
Manasa, who just finished coach Rick Smith said. I got all-freshman team and the MLB network, so even if Division 4Friday
Kalamazoo Christian vs Lansing
his freshman season, is a to track him early on, and he Eastern Conference Fresh- he doesnt go this year he Indian River Inland Lakes 8, Kalamazoo
Christian 0
Farmington native and the was just a true athlete that man of the Year. will project even that much Ottawa Lake Whiteford 6, Coleman 1
highest draft pick in Jackson you could tell would have a Manasa has not decided higher next year, Smith
College history. bright future. if he is going to return to the said. So it will be up to the For MHSAA tournament coverage, visit
He is the four th Jets Manasa, a right-handed Jets or enter the Pirates orga- Pirates and Alex to decide and check Tuesdays paper.
player to be drafted. Caleb relief pitcher, posted a 1.27 nization. that.

Listen to Huges Interviews
Catch The Huge Show weekdays from 36 to 69 p.m. Every
Tuesday, an MLive sports reporter joins the show to offer
a unique perspective on the latest sports news.
Read his huge opinion column online at

D4 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT


6 a.m. 24 hours of Le Mans,
11 a.m. FIFA Confederations
Cup, Cameroon vs Australia.
Time for 29 teams to start
chasing champion Warriors
Race. FS1 FS1
3 p.m. NASCAR Monster 2 p.m. FIFA Confederations
Energy Cup Series: FireKeepers Cup, Germany vs Chile. FS1
Casino 400. FS1
4 p.m. Global RallyCross FRIDAY
Series. NBC AUTO RACING Tim Reynolds The Associated Press
BASEBALL 10 a.m. NASCAR Camping
1 p.m. MLB, Tampa Bay Rays World Truck Series: Iowa 200, The alarm was sounded loud and clear by LeBron James
at Detroit Tigers. FSD Practice. FS1 not long after the NBA Finals ended, and every other player,
1:30 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB Noon NASCAR Camping coach and general manager around the league who did not
2 p.m. College World Series, World Truck Series: Iowa 200, end this season drenched in champagne surely agreed with
Louisville vs Texas A&M. ESPN Final Practice. FS1 what he was saying.
7 p.m. College World Series, 2 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity The Golden State Warriors are a problem.
Florida vs TCU. ESPN2 Series: American Ethanol E15 And theyre probably going to stay that way.
8 p.m. MLB, Boston Red Sox 250, Practice. FS1 There will be one question inevitably asked this offsea-
at Houston Astros. ESPN 3 p.m. NASCAR Monster son by most of the 29 other teams in the NBA whose fingers
GOLF Energy Cup Series: Toyota- didnt get to smudge the golden surface of the Larry OBrien
11 a.m. U.S. Open Champion- Save Mart 350, Practice. FS1 Trophy this year. That question will not have a good answer
ship, Final Round. Fox 6:30 p.m. NASCAR Monster for many, if any. Basketballs offseason is here, a draft and
5:30 p.m. PGA Professional Energy Cup Series, Final free agency loom, and for the second time in three years
Championship, First Round. Practice. FS1 everyone is chasing the Warriors.
Golf 8:30 p.m. NASCAR Camping Good luck, everybody. Draymond Green sings during the Golden State Warriors
SOCCER World Truck Series: Iowa 200. Youre going to need it. NBA championship rally Thursday in Oakland, California.
11 a.m. FIFA Confederations FS1 Theyre going to be here for a while, James said after The Warriors are celebrating their second championship in
Cup, Portugal vs Mexico. FS1 BASEBALL the Finals ended , his words coming as the Warriors cel- the past three years. Eric Risberg, AP
5 p.m. MLS, N.Y. Red Bulls at 3 p.m. College World Series, ebration was still going in earnest. Theyre going to be
Philadelphia Union. ESPN Game 11. ESPN around for a while. Pretty much all their guys are in their
TRACK AND FIELD 7 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB 20s. Pretty much all their big-name guys are in their 20s, Many players have opt-in decisions coming before the
10 a.m. IAAF Diamond League, 8 p.m. College World Series, and they dont show any signs of slowing down. July 1 shopping spree opens. Some of those decisions could
Stockholm. NBCSN Game 12. ESPN Boston has the No. 1 pick in the draft to add to a team affect what happens on draft night, when Markelle Fultz will
OTHER 10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers that went to the Eastern Conference finals this season. likely go to the Celtics with the No. 1 overall pick. And there
1 p.m. Sailing, Americas Cup. at San Diego Padres. FSD Miami will have around $37 million in spending money is still all the awards that need to be handed out, like settling
NBC BASKETBALL once Chris Bosh comes off the books. James will try and the Russell Westbrook versus James Harden race for MVP.
8 p.m. WNBA, Washington lure more help to come to Cleveland. Chris Paul, Dwyane There hasnt been a coaching change in more than a year,
MONDAY Mystics at Minnesota Lynx. Wade, Derrick Rose, Gordon Hayward, Paul George and which is an incredibly rare occurrence for the league. But
BASEBALL ESPN2 Blake Griffin may all be changing addresses. The Knicks some front offices have undergone recent overhauls, and
2 p.m. College World Series, GOLF have openly been begging Carmelo Anthony to seek a trade more of that could be on the way especially if Cleveland
Game 5. ESPN 9:30 a.m. European PGA elsewhere. does not retain GM David Griffin, whose contract with the
7 p.m. College World Series, Tour, BMW, Second Round. No, quiet will not happen in July 2017. Cavs is expiring.
Game 6. ESPN Golf Its unclear if any of this summers moves will matter Rosters, though, will definitely change. They always
7 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB 12:30 p.m. PGA Tour, come June 2018. change. The Warriors wont be the same when Commissioner
10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers at Champions: American Family The Warriors might be that far ahead of the field already. Adam Silver hands them their rings next October (when
Seattle Mariners. ESPN, FSD Insurance, First Round. Golf Theres going to be a lot of teams thats trying to figure the leagues longer season designed to give more rest over
GOLF 3:30 p.m. PGA Tour, Travel- out ways to put personnel together to try and match that if the 82-game span) begins. The Cavaliers wont be the same
8 p.m. PGA Professional ers, Second Round. Golf theyre able to actually face them in a playoff series, both either. Nobody will have the same 15 players they ended the
Championship, Second Round. 6:30 p.m. LPGA Tour, Eastern Conference and Western Conference, James said. season with.
Golf Walmart NW Arkansas Cham- Because theyre built for ... from my eyes, theyre built to But the Warriors look like theyre on the brink of some-
SOCCER pionship, First Round. Golf last a few years. thing dynastic .
11 a.m. FIFA Confederations HORSE RACING Technically, the Warriors have some work to do in order No team had a winning record against Golden State this
Cup, Australia vs Germany. FS1 8:30 a.m. Royal Ascot. to remain the Warriors. season five were .500 against the Warriors and 16 of the
NBCSN Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala, Shaun Livingston, Zaza 29 other teams in the league didnt beat them even once. The
TUESDAY Pachulia, David West and JaVale McGee will be among best example of how far the league has to go to catch the War-
BASEBALL SATURDAY many Golden State players in the free-agent waters, and riors might be the Portland Trail Blazers, a very solid team
2 p.m. College World Series, AUTO RACING Kevin Durant will likely join them. Even though it will cost with two great scorers in Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum.
Game 7. ESPN 2:30 p.m. NASCAR Monster the Warriors big money remember, Curry is in line for an Portland played Golden State eight times this season. The
7 p.m. College World Series, Energy Cup Series: Toyota- enormous raise and made only $12 million this season Blazers went 0-8.
Game 8. ESPN Save Mart 350, Qualifying. its more than possible for them to keep their core intact. Again, good luck, everybody else.
7 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB FS1 There also are some other matters of business around Were obviously just getting started, Curry said. This is
10 p.m. MLB, New York Mets 8:30 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity the league to clear up this season. something that we want to continue to do.
at Los Angeles Dodgers. ESPN Series: American Ethanol E15
10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers at 250. FS1
Seattle Mariners. FSD BASEBALL
BOXING 1 p.m. MLB, Texas Rangers at win at until hopefully it finally comes, Jones said. I know
9 p.m. Premier Boxing Cham- New York Yankees. MLB JONES its going to be a tall task, but I definitely think were capa-
pions. FS1 3 p.m. College World Series, FROM D1 ble of it.
GOLF Game 13. ESPN Four days before Jones raced at MIS in June 2016, Jones
8 p.m. PGA Professional 4 p.m. MLB, Milwaukee dog. His home is only about an hour from the track, he father died at 53 from cancer. In honor of his father, Jones
Championship, Third Round. Brewers at Atlanta Braves. added. put the name Dave above the drivers door.
Golf FS1 As for getting trimmed or cut any time soon, I dont Jones father helped him make his way from a Michigan
HORSE RACING 7 p.m. MLB, L.A. Angels at know, Jones said. Ill probably keep it for a little while. kid to a NASCAR driver. Daves legacy still means a lot to his
8:30 a.m. Royal Ascot. NBCSN Boston Red Sox. Fox son, as Jones shared a lesson he remembers hearing from his
8 p.m. College World Series, HOME-TRACK ADVANTAGE? dad early in his career.
WEDNESDAY Game 14. ESPN Jones has raced twice at MIS in his young career fin- We were at Toledo one day, I was racing a go-kart. I was
BASEBALL 10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers ishing fourth in a Camping World Truck Series race and 7, 8 years old, something like that. Flipped over, got in a bad
2 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB at San Diego Padres. FSD third in an Xfinity Series race. Sundays FireKeepers Casino wreck, Jones said. I was fine, just shook up, like any kid
7 p.m. College World Series, 10 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB 400 is his first Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race at would be. Didnt want to race it was in practice. I wanted
Game 9. ESPN FOOTBALL the track. to go home.
7 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB 10 p.m. CFL, Edmonton Eski- I was jealous last year watching Kyle Larson get his He said, Well thats not going to happen. Were not here
10 p.m. MLB, New York Mets mos at BC Lions. ESPN2 first win here, because I was thinking, Man, that would be to quit and go home. He went on this whole speech about
at Los Angeles Dodgers. ESPN GOLF pretty storybook if I could do something like that, Jones getting back up on the horse, going back out and getting back
10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers at 8 a.m. European PGA Tour, said. Id love to get my first win here. after it, not giving up. I finally gave in and went back out and
Seattle Mariners. FSD BMW, Third Round. Gp;f Driving the No. 77 Furniture Row Racing Toyota, his we ended up winning that day.
GOLF 1 p.m. PGA Tour, Travelers, team has momentum. Teammate Martin Truex Jr. leads It stuck with me, even to this day. Theres times when you
7 p.m. PGA Professional Third Round. Golf the points standings and has two wins. After a tough want to give up, quit whether its in the race or you have a
Championship, Final Round. 3 p.m. PGA Tour, Travelers, stretch early on, Jones last three finishes are third, 15th bad day in practice, qualifying, youre ready just do be done
Golf Third Round. CBS and seventh. with it. I always think back to that day and that speech about
5:30 a.m. European PGA Tour, 3 p.m. PGA Tour, Champions: With friends and family coming to watch, he hopes to be getting back up on the horse and going back after it again.
BMW, First Round. Golf American Family Insurance, able to celebrate in Victory Lane with them. Jones first career Cup Series start at his home track also
HORSE RACING Second Round. Golf This is going to be a place Im always going to want to happens to be on Fathers Day.
8:30 a.m. Royal Ascot. NBCSN 5 p.m. LPGA Tour, Walmart
SOCCER NW Arkansas Championship,
11 a.m. FIFA Confederations Second Round. Golf
NASCAR Monster Energy Cup
Cup, Russia vs Portugal. FS1 HORSE RACING GOLF Pitinos suspension is less than Jim Boe-
Firekeepers Casino 400 Lineup
2 p.m. FIFA Confederations 8:30 a.m. Horse Racing, heim and Larry Brown recently received After Friday qualifying; race Sunday;
Cup, Mexico vs New Zealand. Royal Ascot. NBCSN Johnson, McIlroy, Day miss cut for NCAA violations. At Michigan International Speedway;
Brooklyn, Mich.; Lap length:
FS1 SOCCER Still, Louisville said it is appealing the 1. Kyle Larson, Chevy, 202.156 mph.
11 a.m. FIFA Confederations The biggest surprise at this U.S. Open NCAAs decision, and even that wasnt 2. Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 202.117 mph.
THURSDAY Cup, Mexico vs Russia. Fox was not who was leading, but who was enough for Pitino. He fired a few salvos at 3. Clint Bowyer, Ford, 201.664 mph.
4. Kyle Busch, Toyota, 201.523 mph.
BASEBALL 11 a.m. FIFA Confederations leaving. the NCAA after reviewing the report. 5. Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 201.337 mph.
1 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB Cup, New Zealand vs Portugal. Dustin Johnson, Rory McIlroy and Jason 6. Ryan Blaney, Ford, 200.854 mph.
7. Joey Logano, Ford, 200.770 mph.
7 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB FS1 Day the top three players in the world, OLYMPICS 8. Jamie McMurray, Chevy, 200.742
8 p.m. College World Series, 1:30 p.m. MLS, New York City all of them professing expansive Erin Hills mph.
9. Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 200.730 mph.
Game 10. ESPN2 FC at New York Red Bulls. Fox to be perfect for their games cleaned out Olympics, McDonalds part ways 10. Chase Elliott, Chevy, 200.378 mph.
10 p.m. MLB, Detroit Tigers at 3:30 p.m. NWSL, Houston their lockers after missing the cut. 11. Kevin Harvick, Ford, 200.206 mph.
12. Brad Keselowski, Ford, 200.050
Seattle Mariners. FSD Dash at Orlando Pride. Life Left behind was the biggest 36-hole log- The Olympics and McDonalds used to mph.
10 p.m. MLB, Regional. MLB TRACK AND FIELD jam in 43 years at the U.S. Open. go together like a hamburger and fries. 13. Jimmie Johnson, Chevy, 200.306
GOLF 4 p.m. U.S. Outdoor Champi- The four players tied for the lead Paul They are no longer a combo. 14. Erik Jones, Toyota, 200.178 mph.
9:30 a.m. European PGA Tour, onships. NBC Casey, Brooks Koepka, Brian Harman and In a surprise move, the International 15. Kurt Busch, Ford, 199.712 mph.
16. Kasey Kahne, Chevy, 199.369 mph.
BMW, First Round. Golf OTHER Tommy Fleetwood have never won a Olympic Committee announced it was 17. Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevy, 199.225
3:30 p.m. PGA Tour, Travelers, 1 p.m. Sailing, Americas major, and neither have the next 14 players ending its Olympic sponsorship deal with mph.
18. Austin Dillon, Chevy, 198.961 mph.
First Round. Golf Cup. NBC behind them. the fast-food giant three years before it was 19. Ryan Newman, Chevy, 198.708
5:30 a.m. European PGA Tour, 3 p.m. Motorcycle Racing, supposed to expire severing a relation- mph.
20. Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 198.533
BMW, Second Round. Golf Muddy Creek. NBCSN COLLEGE BASKETBALL ship that dated to 1976. mph.
HORSE RACING 8 p.m. 2017 Nitro World No financial details were released, 21. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 198.522
8:30 a.m. Royal Ascot. NBCSN Games. NBC NCAA:Louisville didntdo enough though as part of the IOCs top-tier pro- 22. Michael McDowell, Chevy, 198.211
gram, McDonalds signed a contract exten- mph.
23. Danica Patrick, Ford, 197.775 mph.
The NCAA didnt feel Louisville went far sion in 2012 that was reportedly worth 24. Chris Buescher, Chevy, 197.525
Alex Faedo, enough with its self-imposed sanctions fol- about $200 million. mph.
25. AJ Allmendinger, Chevy, 197.482
the Detroit lowing a sex scandal investigation, so the mph.
Tigers first governing body handed down a few more. HOCKEY 26. Darrell Wallace Jr., Ford, 197.401
pick in last An outraged Rick Pitino feels the NCAA 27. Trevor Bayne, Ford, 197.158 mph.
weeks MLB went too far. Coyotes acquire Cousins 28. Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, 196.223
draft, and After completing its investigation of 29. David Ragan, Ford, 195.780 mph.
his Florida Katina Powells allegations that she and The Arizona Coyotes acquired forward 30. Paul Menard, Chevy, 195.615 mph.
teammates other escorts were hired to have sex parties Nick Cousins from the Philadelphia Flyers. 31. Ryan Sieg, Toyota, 193.668 mph.
32. Corey LaJoie, Toyota, 192.472 mph.
play TCU in and strip for Louisville recruits and play- Philadelphia got a 2018 fifth-round pick 33. Cole Whitt, Chevy, 191.520 mph.
the College ers, antics the NCAA described as repug- and the rights to unsigned forward pros- 34. Reed Sorenson, Chevy, 190.305
World Series nant, it benched the Cardinals mens bas- pect Brendan Warren. 35. Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevy, 189.999
today. AP ketball coach for five games and imposed mph.
36. Landon Cassill, Ford, 0.000 mph.
several other penalties. The Associated Press 37. Ty Dillon, Chevy, 0.000 mph.
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 D5

Through Friday
J.Martinez .318 .403 110 24 35 7 1 11 26 17 32 0 0 1
Adduci .318 .388 44 8 14 4 2 0 7 5 11 1 0 0
Avila .313 .430 131 21 41 9 0 10 27 27 46 0 1 1
Machado .304 .339 56 5 17 1 1 0 4 3 8 0 0 4
Hicks .300 .314 50 10 15 4 0 3 12 1 11 1 0 0
Cabrera .281 .380 196 23 55 15 0 6 31 30 47 0 1 1
Presley .278 .350 36 6 10 2 0 1 5 4 6 2 0 1
Iglesias .269 .298 197 27 53 15 1 2 19 8 29 4 2 4
Upton .266 .354 226 42 60 14 0 13 43 29 71 5 2 4
V.Martinez .262 .337 218 21 57 10 0 5 29 23 33 0 0
Kinsler .250 .336 200 40 50 9 1 5 13 22 27 3 2 1
Mahtook .250 .286 80 7 20 5 0 4 11 3 19 0 0 0
Castellanos.234 .305 252 33 59 15 4 8 37 22 72 2 2 13
Romine .233 .309 146 24 34 7 2 2 13 14 32 3 3 2
Collins .200 .288 130 17 26 4 1 4 12 16 46 0 4 2
McCann .187 .264 123 15 23 4 0 7 18 13 36 0 0 1
Jones .137 .228 51 4 7 1 1 1 4 4 26 1 1 0
Team Totals.256 .333 2251 327 577 126 14 82 311 241 555 22 18 40
Greene 1 0 1.76 32 0 0 30.2 21 6 6 1 12 35
Bell 0 0 1.98 6 0 0 13.2 10 3 3 1 6 9
J.Wilson 3 2 2.67 28 0 5 27.0 17 8 8 4 11 39
Saupold 1 1 2.89 10 0 0 18.2 14 7 6 3 5 15
A.Wilson 1 3 3.07 30 0 2 29.1 26 13 10 3 7 15
Fulmer 6 4 3.40 12 12 0 79.1 76 32 30 4 16 60
Farmer 2 0 3.52 3 3 0 15.1 15 6 6 2 3 20
Hardy 1 0 4.15 20 0 0 17.1 21 10 8 4 6 13
Norris 4 4 4.42 13 13 0 71.1 83 39 35 7 31 69
Verlander 4 4 4.50 14 14 0 82.0 80 43 41 10 42 75
Zimmermann 5 5 5.35 13 13 0 75.2 89 48 45 17 22 48
Boyd 2 5 5.69 11 11 0 55.1 74 36 35 7 24 37
Rodriguez 2 5 6.35 25 0 7 22.2 26 17 16 7 10 21
Ryan 0 0 7.94 8 0 0 5.2 9 5 5 0 7 1
Stumpf 0 0 9.00 6 0 0 3.0 6 3 3 0 3 5
Sanchez 0 0 9.00 11 0 0 21.0 34 26 21 9 9 22
Leon 0 0 12.15 6 0 0 6.2 7 9 9 0 6 2
Jimenez 0 0 12.46 5 0 0 4.1 5 6 6 2 2 5
Rondon 0 1 40.50 3 0 0 1.1 4 6 6 0 3 1
Cuevas 0 0 108.00 1 0 0 0.1 3 4 4 0 0 1
Tigers reliever Francisco Rodriguez has been vocal about his diminished role in the bullpen, saying manager Brad Ausmus Team Totals 32 34 4.70 66 66 14 580.2 620 327 303 81 225 493

and pitching coach Rich Dubee dont talk to him or tell him anything. Mike Mulholland, les

K-Rods venting at
MLB STANDINGS Miami at Atlanta, 1:35 p.m.
St. Louis at Baltimore, 1:35 p.m.
Through Friday Cleveland at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m.
American League San Diego at Milwaukee, 2:10 p.m.
Seattle at Texas, 3:05 p.m.
Kansas City at L.A. Angels, 3:37 p.m.
W L Pct GB
N.Y. Yankees at Oakland, 4:05 p.m.
New York 38 27 .585
Boston at Houston, 8:05 p.m.
Boston 38 29 .567 1

Ausmus misplaced
Tampa Bay 35 35 .500 5 San Francisco at Colorado, 3:10 p.m.
Toronto 32 34 .485 6 Tigers 13, Rays 4
Baltimore 32 34 .485 6 Friday
W L Pct GB ab r h bi ab r h bi
Minnesota 34 30 .531 Sza Jr. rf 4 0 1 1
Kinsler 2b 4 1 1 1
Cleveland 33 31 .516 1
Dckrson dh4 0 0 0
Rmne 2b 1 0 0 0
Kansas City 32 34 .485 3
Lngoria 3b 3 0 0 0
Avila 1b 5 2 2 1
Detroit 32 34 .485 3
M.Mrtin 3b1 0 0 0
Mi.Cbrr dh3 2 1 0
Chicago 30 36 .455 5
Mrrison 1b 1 1 0 0
J.Hicks ph 1 0 0 0
Managers loyalty not repaid when it comes to Tigers embattled closer WEST DIVISION
W L Pct GB
Fthrstn ph 2 0
Beckham ss4 1
J.Mrtin rf 3 3 2 0
Mahtook rf1 0 1 0
Houston 45 23 .662 M.Smith cf3 1 2 0
Upton lf 4 3 2 3
Texas 33 33 .500 11 Daniel. 2b 3 0 2 3
Cstllns 3b 4 1 2 4
Los Angeles 35 36 .493 11
Evan Woodbery In reality, he spent parts of 2011, 2012 and 2013 as a reg- Seattle 33 36 .478 12
Sucre c 4 0
Bourjos lf 3 1
Presley cf 4 0 1 0
J.McCnn c 3 1 0 1
Oakland 29 38 .433 15
ular reliever. (Although that didnt stop him from griping J.Iglss ss 3 0 1 1
National League D.Mchdo ss1 0 0 0
D E T RO I T Among Francisco Rodriguezs about it then, either. In 2011, when the Milwaukee Brew- EAST DIVISION Totals 32 4 9 4 Totals 37 13 13 11
more bizarre gripes when he vented to a ers were on the verge of an improbable playo run, K-Rod W L Pct GB
Tampa Bay 001 100 101 4
Washington 41 26 .612
reporter last week about his diminished popped off to media about his role behind closer John Miami 30 35 .462 10 Detroit 100 552 00x13
role was that Detroit Tigers manager Brad Axford, who was having a dominant season). New York 30 36 .455 10 ECastellanos (13), Beckham (8). DP
Atlanta 29 37 .439 11
Ausmus talks to the media more often than K-Rod is a smart pitcher, and theres no sense in writ- Philadelphia 22 44 .333 18
Detroit 3. LOBTampa Bay 4, Detroit 4.
2BMi.Cabrera (15), Mahtook (5), Upton
he does to him. ing him o as washed up at the age of 35. Maybe hell visit CENTRAL DIVISION (14), Castellanos (15). 3BBeckham (3),
W L Pct GB M.Smith (1), Bourjos (1), Castellanos (4).
Perhaps K-Rod should read what Ausmus has been saying. Comerica Park as an opposing closer in 2022, in the same Milwaukee 37 32 .536 HRKinsler (5), Avila (10). CSBeckham
If he did, hed nd that Ausmus has all but declared him sort of bizarre reunion that occurred Tuesday and Wednes- Chicago 33 33 .500 2 (3), M.Smith (1). SFDaniel.Robertson
St. Louis 31 35 .470 4 (1), J.McCann (3).
a saint among men. A team leader. One of the best who has day when Fernando Rodney posted back-to-back saves for Pittsburgh 30 37 .448 6 IP H R ER BB SO
ever played the game. the Arizona Diamondbacks in wins over the Tigers. Cincinnati 29 37 .439 6 Tampa Bay
WEST DIVISION Ramirez L,3-2 4 9 10 8 2 2
Its understandable that K-Rod is upset. But airing his Rodney, 40, is still pitching and closing games W L Pct GB Pruitt 1 3 3 2 1 2
grievances only made him look ridiculous. Directing them despite losing his job countless times over the years. Of Colorado 44 26 .629 Alvarado 1 0 0 0 0 1
Los Angeles 42 26 .618 1 Farquhar 1 1 0 0 0 1
at Ausmus made him seem ungrateful. course, Rodney topped out at 96 mph last week, while Arizona 42 26 .618 1 Detroit
Its baing that hes aimed his vitriol at the man who has K-Rod was at 88 and 89 mph. No, an upper-90s fastball isnt San Diego 27 41 .397 16 Norris W,4-4 6 8 3 3 1 8
San Francisco 26 43 .377 17 Saupold 2 0 0 0 0 0
been his most ardent defender; who kept him in the closer a prerequisite for success as a closer, but it certainly doesnt Stumpf 1 1 1 1 1 1
role until there was absolutely no other option; who has hurt. Sundays Games Da.Norris pitched to 2 batters in the 7th
Chi. White Sox at Toronto, 1:07 p.m. UmpiresHome, Ed Hickox; First, Jerry
showered him with over-the-top praise at every opportunity; If K-Rod wants to be a closer again for the Tigers or Tampa Bay at Detroit, 1:10 p.m. Meals; Second, Chris Conroy; Third, Ben
and who has never once uttered a word of criticism, even someone else hes going to have to work his way back. L.A. Dodgers at Cincinnati, 1:10 p.m. May.
Washington at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. T3:05. A29,674 (41,681).
when K-Rod almost single-handedly cost the Tigers four The Tigers, of course, would be thrilled to trade him, but Arizona at Philadelphia, 1:35 p.m.
wins over a three-week span earlier this year. even if they offered to eat most of his salary, its hard to Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh, 1:35 p.m.
Ausmus, managing a game in which the players make far imagine they would nd any takers.
more than their boss, is adept at stroking the fragile egos of Thats why a resurgence for K-Rod is in the Tigers best
the teams stars. Its one of the least glamorous parts of the interest, too. If the Tigers are able to ip him for something
job, and the loyalty doesnt always pay dividends. Not in this anything in the next six weeks, it will be a victory. Want shorter games? Stop
case, anyway. In the meantime, Rodriguez should realize that Ausmus,
Closing games isnt an entitlement, no matter how often perhaps more than anyone in the Tigers organization, is stealing signs, Ausmus says
youve done it before. K-Rod should know. rmly in his corner. Heres a novel idea to speed up the slow pace of games:
Its a revisionist history that Rodriguez likes to promote Theres no ill will, Ausmus said Tuesday night. (Rodri- Stop stealing signs.
that hes never done anything but close games, and thus hes guez declined to talk to reporters). Hes competitive. He Detroit Tigers manager Brad Ausmus made the sugges-
like a ship lost at sea trying to navigate outside of his comfy wants to be in the fire, and I dont blame him. Were all tion last week only half in jest.
home in the ninth inning. human. He knows his team is one of the biggest culprits for
the increasing length of Major League games. The Tigers
already have played four nine-inning games of four hours
or longer. Only 15 games have taken less than three hours,

Cabrera opens up about frustrating season which was about the league average last year.
There are a number of explanations. The Tigers, for one,
have a lot of slow workers on the mound. Sometimes, thats
because theyre running through multiple sets of signs, or
Evan Woodbery We know we have a good team. We know we have good tal- conferring with the catcher to sort out any miscommuni-
ent in this clubhouse. So lets put it together and win more cation caused by the signs.
DE T ROI T Miguel Cabrera hasnt talked much about his games. Ausmus said theres a reason for that.
various ailments, because he didnt want to be seen as mak- Cabrera has resigned himself to contributing to those The multiple signs is a complete reaction to baserun-
ing excuses for what is, by his standards, a sub-par season. wins at less than 100 percent. He said he has no plans to ners stealing signs and tipping o the hitter, he said.
But after the Detroit Tigers star crushed the game- take time o to heal. We dont know every time it happens, but were at a point
winning home run in the ninth inning Thursday night No, no, no, he said. I played with a broken foot. If Im where weve seen enough that we assume everyone does
at Comerica Park, he opened up about what has been a able to go out there and do my job, Im going to do it. it. If thats going to improve our chances of beating them, I
frustrating season. dont care how long the game takes.
Ive been struggling, he said. But I always stay posi- TIGERS ROUT RAYS ON FRIDAY More broadly, Ausmus said he understands and sup-
tive. A day after beating the Rays on a walk-o home run in ports Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfreds push for a
Cabrera said the injury concerns that first cropped up the ninth inning, the Tigers slugged their way to a 13-4 vic- quicker pace and shorter games.
during the World Baseball Classic in March, and that sent tory Friday night at Comerica Park. If youre going to have three-and-a-half hour games,
him to the disabled list for 10 days in late April, are still The Tigers didnt just slug; they also put on a defensive I think people, especially young kids, tend to lose inter-
around. clinic to support starting pitcher Daniel Norris. Shortstop est after a while, Ausmus said. I think three hours is the
Cabreras ailments have variously been described as back, Jose Iglesias made two highlight-worthy plays in the fth, benchmark, and I completely understand that from a fan
oblique and groin strains; he added hip exor on Thursday. then left elder Justin Upton made a leaping grab to steal a perspective and a television perspective. You start hav-
The last three are largely in the same area of the lower abdo- home run from Corey Dickerson. ing four-hour games and people lose interest, or they fall
men and upper groin. Oensively, the Tigers got contributions from virtually asleep because its midnight.
Since the World Baseball Classic when I hurt my back, I everyone, including homers by Ian Kinsler and Alex Avila
cant get it out of the way, Cabrera said. Its something that and three runs apiece from J.D. Martinez and Justin Upton. Evan Woodbery
I deal with everyday. Im not going to stop playing or make The Tigers scored five runs in the fourth and fifth
an excuse. I try to do my best. innings, the rst time theyve scored that many in back-to-
He said he didnt want to blame his power slump on the back innings since Sept. 17, 2008 against Texas. The Tigers
injuries. The home run on Thursday night was his rst since won that game 17-4. Tigers schedule June
May 20, a span of 103 plate appearances. He now has six on They scored double-digit runs for the seventh time this SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT
the season. season. Theyve scored more than 13 twice, beating Seattle 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I dont want to say Im not hitting because Ive got (an 19-9 on April 25 and the Chicago White Sox 15-5 on June 2. vs. CWS
W 7-4
vs. LAA
L 5-3
vs. LAA
W 4-0
vs. LAA
L 11-4
at BOS
L 5-3
at BOS
injury), he said. I dont want to make excuses. Youve got to Rays starter Erasmo Ramirez took one for the team on
stop being sorry for yourself. Youve still got to go out there Friday, pitching into the fth inning even after it was clear 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
and play, play hard. that he wasnt fooling Tigers hitters. at BOS vs. ARI vs. ARI vs. TAM vs. TAM vs. TAM
W 8-3 L 7-6 L 2-1 W 5-3 W 13-4 late
The win in the series opener against the Tampa Bay Rays His exit was hastened after he get hit by a sharp
improved the Tigers to 31-34, still three games in .500. With- grounder. He recovered to throw out the batter, Alex Pres- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
out improvement in the next ve weeks, the team is likely to ley, and the Rays said he was uninjured. vs. TAM at SEA at SEA at SEA at SEA at SD
1:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:10 p.m.
sell at the trade deadline. FSD FSD FSD FSD FSD FSD
Cabrera said he had no explanation for the teams strug- Update 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1
gles. at SD vs. KC vs. KC vs. KC vs. CLE
4:40 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m.
If I had an answer for that, Id tell you, he said. I really Next game: Tigers (Buck Farmer 2-0, 3.52) vs. Tampa Bay Rays FSD FSD FSD FSD FSD
dont know. We have to gure out how to win more games. (Faria 2-0, 1.42), 1:10 p.m. at Comerica Park TV: FSD
D6 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT


to appeal
Gary B. Graves
The Associated Press

L O U I S V I L L E , K Y. The
NCAA didnt feel Louisville
went far enough with its
self-imposed sanctions fol-
lowing a sex scandal inves-
tigation, so the governing
body Thursday ha nded
down a few more.
An outraged Rick Pitino
feels the NCAA went too
A f ter completing its
investigation of Katina
Powells allegations that
she and other escorts were
hired to have sex par-
ties and strip for Louis-
ville recruits and players,
antics the NCAA described
as repugnant, it benched
the Cardinals mens bas- Floyd Mayweather Jr., left, will come out of retirement to face UFC star Conor McGregor in a boxing match on Aug. 26. Mayweather, who retired in
ketball coach for five games September 2015 after winning all 49 of his pro fights, will face the mixed martial arts fighter in a 12-round bout at MGM Grand in Las Vegas. AP files
and imposed several other

This fight should be fun

Pitinos suspension is
less than Jim Boeheim
and Larry Brown recently
received for NCAA viola-

right up to the opening bell

Still, Louisville said it is
appealing the NCAAs deci-
sion, and even that wasnt
enough for Pitino. He fired
a few salvos at the NCAA
after reviewing the report.
Not on ly w a s t h i s
unjust and over the top in Tim Dahlberg The Associated Press scene when McGregor rolls into Mayweathers new strip club in Las Vegas
its severity, the coach said and mimics his propensity for throwing cash around.
at a news conference, but L A S V EGA S The real fun will come before the fight, and what a specta- But this is a boxing match, and Mayweather is a masterful boxer. He was
Ive lost a lot of faith in the cle it should be. Put Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor on a stage throwing punches before he could walk, and if he had elected to stay in
NCAA. together to promote their fight and anything can happen. retirement hed still be considered one of the top 10 fighters ever.
Pitino, who has repeat- Put them together in a ring, though, and its an absolute mismatch. Two years out of the ring wont change that. Age wont be a factor, either,
edly denied any knowledge Thats the first thing to consider when all the talk begins about what a and Mayweather has never let himself get out of shape.
of former assistant Andre devastating puncher McGregor is. The first thing to think about when its Oddsmakers in Vegas understand that, setting the initial line at a whop-
McGees interactions with suggested that Mayweather may have lost some of his skills after two years ping 11-1 in Mayweathers favor. It would be even higher than that, but UFC
Powell, wasnt done. of traveling the world in his private jet. fans will be lining up with $20 bills in hand to bet their man as an underdog.
We are devastated by If you thought you were snookered out of $100 when Mayweather fought Realistically if we were just putting up a number and didnt have to take
the news, all of us are, the a snoozer against Manny Pacquiao, you might keep a firm hand on your bets on it, Floyd would be 100-1, said Nick Bogdanovich, oddsmaker for the
Hall of Fame coach added. wallet. The greatest defensive fighter of his time against a guy who has William Hill chain.
But moving forward, we never thrown a punch in a pro boxing match? Let the yawning begin. Mayweather was out on a run in Los Angeles when the fight was
believe we will win the This could be 12 rounds of tedium on Aug. 26 in Las Vegas that makes announced, training intensely like he always does. Someone else will have
appeal because its right Mayweather-Pacquiao look like Hagler-Hearns in comparison. It might to watch over the strip club for a few months.
and its just, and what went be some kind of bizarre disqualification when McGregor finds out May- Theres huge money at stake, even for a fighter who made more than $200
on was unjust and incon- weather doesnt stick his chin out to be hit the way some UFC fighters do, or million for beating Pacquiao. No one is making predictions, but its likely the
ceivable. he really does try to kick Mayweather when hes down. hybrid fight will at least end up in second place in pay-per-view sales behind
The NCAA suspended What it wont be is any kind of legitimate fight, no matter how much the $400 million or so brought in by the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight.
Pitino for five Atlantic rabid UFC fans want desperately to believe it will be. Balance that against the chance McGregor may ruin his brand and that
Coast Conference games; Thats no knock on McGregor, who is a ferocious puncher in the octagon of the UFC by being embarrassed by Mayweather in the ring, and the
Boeheim and Brown each with a personality to match his power. Indeed, he likely would be heavily money wins out.
served nine-game suspen- favored over Mayweather had the two decided to do the fight under UFC rules. Even White, who initially was skeptical about putting his star in a boxing
sions for their indiscre- One of the great trash talkers, too, who was just warming up on Wednes- match, seems ready now to push the idea that he could actually win.
tions. day when he told UFC chief Dana White what his intentions are. Ive stopped doubting this kid a long time ago, White said. The reason
Louisville had self-im- Conor told me this morning the McGregor clan has been taking over vil- hes such a superstar is this guy will fight anyone, anywhere, at any time.
posed several sanctions, lages for 300 years, White said, and that Floyds village is next. Sure, its a freak show of sorts, bordering on something you see in WWE.
including a postseason ban Good stuff, and theres lots more to come. McGregor can turn a phrase as But both fighters know their roles, and they will play them well.
in 2015-16. well as he can throw a punch or a water bottle at an opponent. So enjoy the ride, because it should be a wild one. Just understand that the
The NCA A accepted If this was a reality show, it would be a hit in the ratings. Just imagine the fun almost surely ends when the opening bell rings.
those, and tacked on more.
The other penalties Lou-
isville received include
vacating wins in which GOLF
ineligible players partici-

Love is in the air, and on the course

pated, placing the basket-
ball program on four years
probation, and issuing a
10-year show-cause order
for McGee, Louisvilles for-
mer basketball operations Davis Love IV Opens, said the younger to try to qualify for the U.S.
director. Love, who goes by Dru. Open until he caddied for
T he NC A A h a s no t makes pro debut Hes seen every single pos- his son in an earlier qualify-
vacated the Cardina ls sible thing you can ever see ing round. Love missed out
2013 national champion- at U.S. Open, with on a golf course, so that was by eight shots after trying to
ship yet. The NCAA said pretty much a no-brainer for qualify in Columbus, Ohio.
the school must determine dad on the bag me. But the elder Loves expe-
which games ineligible The older Love won the rience will come in handy at
players participated in, and PGA Championship in 1997 a long course like Erin Hills,
that might include the 2013 Genaro C. Armas at Winged Foot. He is a two- which is making its major
title game. Players deemed The Associated Press time Ryder Cup captain who championship debut.
ineligible would be those will be inducted into the Patience, and routine,
involved in the sex parties, E R I N , W I S . An excited World Golf Hall of Fame this and staying calm, and not
which are considered imper- Davis Love IV bolted out fall. trying to get ahead of your-
missible benefits. the car door after arriv- Dru Love is just getting self, one shot at a time. He
The NCAA announce- ing at Erin Hills and went started. He just finished at reminds me of that, Dru
ment reiterated its origi- instinctively to pick up his Alabama and turned pro, Love said.
nal view that Pitino should bag when he was stopped having learned on Sunday Davis Love III, right, watches his son Davis Love IV hit on the Golf is a family business.
have known about McGees by his caddie. that he qualified for his U.S. range during a practice day for the U.S. Open on Wednesday His grandfather, Davis Love
activities with Powell, who He goes, Whoa, whoa, Open as an alternate from at Erin Hills. Morry Gash, AP Jr., was a teaching pro and
alleged in a 2015 book that whoa . T h is is my job the Georgia sectional quali- played in six U.S. Opens.
staffer McGee paid her this week, Love said in fier. This will be the first time
$10,000 for 22 shows at recounting the words of his I would say the only said the arrangement felt a amateur. that Love III will be wearing
the Cardinals dormitory father, PGA Tour veteran thing thats holding me little odd during their first Ive played with a bunch shorts at a major. So far, it
from 2010-14, a period that and major championship back is my lack of experi- few days at Erin. of 19- and 20-year-olds, the has slowed him down while
includes their NCAA title winner Davis Love III. ence. I went to Alabama for For the first two days it elder Love said this week getting his son golf balls on
run. Its a role reversal for the five years and played one felt weird having him do the as he watched his son tee the range.
Love family on Fathers Day healthy season of golf, Dru things that Im usually doing off during a practice round It takes him about 25
Rick Pitino weekend. What a way for Love said. My dad jokes that for him, you know, handing with Ryder Cup captain Jim minutes because everyone
has been the younger Love to make Im 23 years old but Im 19 in him a golf ball or cleaning a Furyk. But it makes me feel stops and is talking to him,
suspended his professional debut at golf. club, Dru Love said. old that hes playing. Dru Love joked. Saying Oh,
for five ACC the U.S. Open, with his dear While the older Love has Dr u Love has won Love III has been slowed its the first time weve ever
games. old dad on the bag. caddied previously for Dru, tournaments with his father by a bad back this year. The seen your legs and this and
Hes played 23 U.S. father and son have both on the bag, though as an 53-year-old pro did not plan that.
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 D7


CMUs 5-foot-9 Keene

draws inspiration
from little guards
Ansar Khan NBA draft
When: 7 p.m. Thursday
A U B U R N H I L L S The
odds are stacked against Where: Barclays Center,
any 5-foot-9 player reach- Brooklyn, New York
ing the NBA, regardless
of how quick, skilled and TV: ESPN
prolific a scorer he was in
But if Central Michi- Summer League and the
gans Marcus Keene needs NBA Development League.
inspiration, he can look to Felder, from Oakland Uni-
players with local ties, Kay versity, was drafted 54th
Felder and Tyler Ulis, as overall by Atlanta last year
well as Isaiah Thomas, one and traded to Cleveland on
of the best in the league. draft day. He appeared in 42
I love watching bas- games for the Cavaliers.
Archie Miller is introduced in March as the new Indiana basketball coach. He is one of three new coaches that look to make ketball, Keene said. I J u s t f o l l o w i n g h i s
their programs competitive in the league once again. AP les like watching a lot of lit- footsteps, I see what he
tle guards coming out. did at a mid-major, Keene

Times are changing

Because were all little, said. My off year (2015-
people knocking us, but 16, after transferring from
we know we can play this Youngstown State) I really
game. We got to the Divi- watched him a lot because
sion I level by competing at I knew I could do the same
a high level. thing he did to get to the spot

in Big Ten hoops

Everybody wants to where Im at.
play in the NBA, or profes- Keene also followed Ulis, a
sional somewhere, so we Southeld native who played
work hard and try to get to at Kentucky and was drafted
where we want to go. 34th last year by Phoenix.
Keene opted to turn Ulis averaged 7.3 points in 61
pro after his junior year, games as a rookie.
Brendan F. Quinn The new guys Stephens) received raises his lone season at CMU The Phoenix Suns gave ranging from 33 percent after transferring from him a chance towards the
Chris Holtman, Ohio State: Replaces Thad Matta. to upwards of 39 percent; Youngstown State. end of the year and he
Chris Holt- but even with that, asso- Watching those three showed little guards can play
mann, one of Archie Miller, Indiana: Replaces Tom Crean. ciate head coach Dwayne throughout the whole year in the league, Keene said.
the new guys, Stephens earned $287,000, has really motivated me, Keene also worked out for
introduced Brad Underwood, Illinois: Replaces John Groce. while Fife and Garland helped to get me to the Utah and Washington and
h im self. He both made $266,500. point Im at right now, was headed to Houston next.
wore a sharp That puts MSUs total Keene said. A lot of teams compare
silvery-gray twill suit paired his introductory news con- anna). Before that came Tra- salary pool for assistant Keene worked out me to Isaiah Thomas and
with a scarlet-and-gray- ference March 27 beneath the vis Trice and Adreian Payne. coaches at $820,000. for the Detroit Pistons feel like I bring that type of
stripped tie. He looked the five national championship This, more than anything, At Ohio State, Holtmann on Wednesday. Despite scoring power, o the bench
part of a powerbroker: The banners at Assembly Hall. has driven Ohio State fans to was given a pool of $1.2 mil- le a d i n g t he NC A A i n or whatever the team may
new head basketball coach For the secular religion of exasperation. In that regard, lion for his three on-court scor i ng , avera g i ng 3 0 need, Keene said. Thats
at Ohio State. Indiana basketball, recruit- Holtmann was a common- assistants, according to points per game, Keene is what Im going to continue
Then he declared that he ing is the highest sacrament. sense hire. Hell, the 45-year- the Indianapolis Star. Hav- not projected to be drafted to work on, getting in better
a coach with 1,108 fewer old grabbed a commitment ing gone to three straight Thursday. If he reaches the shape and showing teams
college wins than Tom Izzo INDIANA LOOKS TO la st Aug ust from hig h- NCA A Tournaments at NBA, he likely will need I can score at the highest
and John Beilein combined REGAIN GLORY ly-touted 2017 forward Kyle Butler, Holtmann opted to sign as a free agent and level and keep working at my
will lock down the state Tom Crean, IUs former Young, a Massillon native, a to bring his entire staff work his way up through game.
of Ohio from neighboring coach, recruited well, but not week before he was to visit Terry Johnson, Ryan
marauders. Holtmann said well enough. He also won, Ohio State. Pedon and Mike Schrage
Ohio State will close the but didnt win enough. Hoo- Among the grouping of with him.
borders and dominate the
state of Ohio in recruiting.
This was a coach plant-
sier fans, a mostly unhinged
lot, expect Final Four berths
and recruiting that melds a
Miller, Underwood and Holt-
mann, Underwood sticks out
as a stealth bomber. No one
The staff at Indiana
also should approach the
$1 million mark in total
Walton hopes workouts
ing his flag. Holtmann was
pried away from Butler with
an eight-year contract worth
flawless mix of homebred
talent and ve-star McDon-
ald All-Americans. During
is quite sure what to make
of him. Three years at Ste-
phen F. Austin. One year at
compensation. Miller hired
former longtime UMass
and Drexel head coach
increase draft prospects
roughly $25 million to resus- Creans tenure, Michigan Oklahoma State. No ties to Bruiser Flint for a contract
citate Ohio State hoops. enjoyed shopping in Indi- the Midwest other than a likely in Antigua territory, Ansar Khan Tuesday, one of five others
In his introductory news ana, pulling Zak Irvin, Mitch 1992-2003 stint as an assis- well over $300,000. Same the Pistons hosted.
conference, he did well to McGary, Glenn Robinson III tant at Western Illinois. At 53 goes for former UCL A Ive been playing him
salute and lionize the man and Spike Albrecht off the years old, hes a foreigner in assistant Ed Schilling, who A U B U R N H I L L S Der- since my sophomore year;
who came before him, OSU shelves. So did Michigan Chicago, the most anarchic came to IU after earning rick Walton Jr. continues every time we play against
all-time wins leader Thad State, collecting Gary Harris recruiting territory in the over $250,000 annually in to be excluded from most each other we always go
Matta, but made clear that and Branden Dawson. Both country. Westwood. Rounding out mock drafts but is doing at it, Trimble said. Even
he plans to flourish where programs will try to do the Who is this guy? Well, the staff is Tom Ostrom, what he can to change that. before college, in AAU, just
Matta failed keeping Ohio same with Miller manning for one, hes the coach who Millers former assistant at The 6-foot-1 guard from playing on the circuit, see-
talent in Ohio. the air trac control center scored a commitment from Dayton, who holds the title Michigan raised his prole ing him a lot, getting to this
Holtmann says enough is in Bloomington. 2017 point g ua rd Ma rk of associate head coach. at the NBA Combine last level its the same thing, we
enough. The question in the Big Smith who Michigan State A ll told, Under wood month and has displayed go at it, just make each other
So does Archie Miller. Ten is, can Miller repli- fiercely targeted in the was given an $850,000 his skills for nine teams in better.
And Brad Underwood. cate his brothers recruit- 11th hour. Hes also the guy budget allocation for three pre-draft workouts, includ- Being a late second-round
These are the new faces ing? Sean Miller has done a who built a top-25 recruiting assistants, according to the ing the Detroit Pistons on pick would be Waltons best-
of the old Big Ten. Miller remarkable job of shoehorn- class in his lone year Okla- terms of his deal. The gure Tuesday. case scenario. The Pistons,
is at Indiana, the leagues ing Arizona into Duke and homa State. Now Underwood was formulated before Walton described it as a who pick 12th on June 22,
dormant juggernaut. Kentuckys annual two-team is leading Illinois, a program Antiguas hiring, though, good workout. dont have a second-round
Underwood is at Illinois, gold rush. If Archie Miller that can sneak up on every- and could very well have They did not as much selection. That can change
o n e o f t h e l e a g u e s makes it a family aair, the one like a summer storm. been raised. Underwood teaching, just pretty much with a trade. Or they could
basketball-centric unicorns. landscape will shift. ret a i ne d for mer Joh n wanted to see me play, he sign Walton as a free agent if
Holtmann is at Ohio State, Last weekend, Indiana NEW COACHES, Groce a s sist a nt coach said. They put us in a lot he goes undrafted.
a mammoth operation with hosted East Lansing High NEW RECRUITERS Jamall Walker, who surely of situations that test how I In t his process, you
championship expectations. School star Brandon Johns To recruit, though, one earned a notable raise on feel for the game, did some want to cover all aspects,
The three represent a for a visit. The top-50 for- needs foot soldiers. the $190,000 he earned last shooting. you dont want to leave any-
splash of change across the ward forever has been an In a f ine exa mple of year, and hired former UIC Walton can shoot. He thing undone, Walton said.
conference canvas. The MSU and U-M target. Brows college basketball being assistant Ron Coleman. averaged 15.5 points per Thats what I aimed to do at
one thing they all have in most definitely were raised a lawle s s pa rlor ga me, At M ichiga n, in t he game as a senior, hitting the beginning of this (pre-
common is the shared task in Ann Arbor and East Lan- Under wood not on ly meantime, Beileins staff 42.2 percent from 3-point draft workout) process and
of restoring glory. No one sing by the visit. tabbed Orlando Antigua earned a total base salary range. He can run the Im going to do it up until
landed at his new school In Ohio, meanwhile, a as an assistant coach, but of $615,00 last season. Vet- oense, with his outstand- the very last day. Draft day
because a predecessor went rash of invasive species have also handed him a robust eran assistant Jeff Meyer, ing vision and passing abil- is a whole dierent day than
on to bigger and better. All ravaged local high school $375,000 salary a jarring along with first-year addi- ity (fourth all-time at U-M today. Anything can hap-
were hired to shift power gyms in recent years. Duke number in college basketball tions Billy Donlon and with 499 assists). He also pen.
back to traditional stalwarts. grabbed Luke Kenna rd. circles. This is the same Saddi Wa sh ing ton, a ll can rebound for a small The NBA wasnt on the
(Actually, the other trait Villanova snagged Omari ex-Kentucky assistant who made $205,000 apiece. guy, which speaks to his radar for Walton until his
they have in common is that Spellman. Louisville took was fired as South Florida Its a wild time in the competitiveness. senior year. His prof ile
theyre all white, making the V.J. King. Carlton Bragg head coach amid academic Big Ten when a slew of new Its been a great experi- increased tremendously
Big Ten the only high-major went to Kansas. Esa Ahmad fraud allegations; the same assistants are suddenly ence, Walton said. I think during U-Ms run to the Big
conference without a black and Devin Williams went Antigua who had 13 players earning more than old war- Im helping myself a lot by Ten tournament champion-
coach. But thats a column to West Virginia. Vincent leave or be dismissed in 2 horses like Mike Garland playing the way Im play- ship and the NCAA Sweet 16.
for another day.) Edwards went to Purdue. years as a head coach. and Jeff Meyer. But this is ing. I think I answered a lot of
The main areas of change Coming from the north, This brings us to the what happens when power The Lakers, Clippers, questions, just on the side of
will be the two ultimate Beilein found Easter eggs m o n e y. W h i l e M i l l e r, changes hands. Jazz, Rockets, Hornets and being able to score the ball
tools in college basketball: sitting in plain sight: Trey Underwood and Holtmann Are Beilein and Izzo Heat are among the teams and lead a bunch of guys,
Recruiting and money. Burke in Columbus and all pocketed multi-million scared of whats happening he has worked out for, with Walton said. Ive always
Dont for a second think Caris LeVert in Pickerington. dollar contracts, as at Ohio State, Indiana and more scheduled. been a guy that can space the
Michigan and Michigan Next years Wolverines and expected, its their assistant Illinois? Some teams do condi- oor, but doing those things
State arent up the road keep- will include four Ohioans: coaches payouts that will Probably not, but neither tioning, some teams dont, consistently at a high level
ing a close eye on all this. Wright State transfer Jaaron prove noteworthy. is naive. With the Buckeyes, Wa lton s a id . T heres against other guys that were
Miller, Underwood and Simmons (Dayton), Xavier Antigua now is earning Hoosiers and Illini dispro- always competing, thats good was always a plus.
Holtmann currently are Simpson (Lima), Ibi Watson more money than any Mich- portionately unsteady the c on si s tent ac ro s s t he Its important to be versa-
recruiting their 2018 classes. (Pickerington) and Jon Teske igan State assistant. Thats past few years, the Big Ten board. For the most part tile.
These players will be sopho- (Medina). Izzo drove down a group, mind you, that has existed in an oddly theres a lot of shooting, a Guys that can do not only
mores in each coachs crucial I-75 South and grabbed stands as college basket- destabilized reality. lot of competitive things, one thing really well, but
third year on the job. If you Nick Ward from Gahanna, balls longest-tenured intact Now there are winds one-on-ones, three-on- multiple things, guard mul-
dont win in year three, you a mere eight miles outside sta among high-major pro- of change. Michigan and threes, two-on-twos. tiple positions, just being
might not see year four. of Columbus, and plucked grams. From 2014-2016, each Michigan State will see if Wa lt on c omp e t e d really dynamic is obviously
Miller surely is aware of away Kyle A hrens (Ver- MSU assistant (Dane Fife, they breathe some life into against college rival Melo where the game is going
such expectations. He held sailles) and Javon Bess (Gah- Mike Garland and Dwayne a few friendly enemies. Trimble of Maryland on right now, Walton said.

The U.S. Air Force

will soar for two
air shows on
July 1-2 during
the National
Cherry Festival,
which runs July
1-8 in Traverse
City. Submitted


National festival celebrates the fruits of family, food and fun
Andrea Tamboer birds will be soaring over West Grand Traverse Bay Adults also can compete with the Adult Pie
on July 1-2. Eating Contests, 5-6 p.m. July 3, 5 and 7 at the

or a festival surrounded by natural scenic Shows start at about 1:15 p.m., but you might Cherry Blast Stage in the Open Space on the bay
beauty, you wont find one better than the want to arrive early to secure a spot on the beach. shore. Free registration for the adult events begins
91st annual 2017 National Cherry Festival For a price, prime viewing spots include the roof- 30 minutes before competition start time.
on the west arm of Grand Traverse Bay in Traverse top deck (outdoor) of the Indigo Hotel and indoor
City. The festival kicks off July 1 and runs through rooftop restaurant at the Park Place Hotel. ULTIMATE AIR DOGS
July 8 with a wealth of family-friendly events that Love dogs? Love sports? Love dogs and sports?
include parades, fireworks, air shows, live music, PARADES Watch the Ultimate Air Dogs compete, starting
foodie events, kids activities and sporting events. The Heritage Day Parade honors Michigans his- July 6. Watch these athletes and their trainers as
The festival, held since 1926, annually draws tory; its 7-9 p.m. July 4. The Junior Royale Parade, they compete to advance in the regional compe-
about 500,000 visitors to the Grand Traverse celebrating the festival Prince and Princess kids tition, with finals taking place 2-3:15 p.m. July 8.
region. It features about 150 events with about court, is 6:30-9 p.m. July 6. On July 8, the Cherry
85 percent of them free over the festivals eight Royale Parade runs from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m., a FIREWORKS
days. grand daddy of a parade with floats, marching Starting at dusk (about 10:30 p.m.), fireworks
Here are the top 5 free family events on tap for bands and more. will explode on two evenings during the festival.
the annual festival. Go to for a On July 4, the fireworks will be presented by TC
complete schedule and more information. CHERRY PIE EATING CONTESTS Boom Boom Club. Donate $30 and receive VIP
The Kids Cherry Pie Eating Contests are 1-3 p.m. seating. On July 8, fireworks will close out the festi-
AIR SHOW July 3-4 at F&M Park, where a wealth of kids activi- val with pyrotechnics again exploding over Grand
This year, the United States Air Force Thunder- ties, such as the popular turtle races, occur. Traverse Bay.

Festivalgoers watch the airshow at a gourmet foodie event from the rooftop deck of the
Hotel Indigo during the 2016 National Cherry Festival in Traverse City. Fans gather for a sunset concert on the Bay Side Stage during the 2016 National Cherry Festival
Andrea Tamboer, on the shores of Grand Traverse Bay in Traverse City. Andrea Tamboer,


Several foodie events are offered during the Cherry Festival to heighten your festi- Live music with national performers caps off several evenings on the festival Bay Side Stage,
val-going experience during the two airshows on July 1-2. From gourmet to a grand pic- which is on the shores of the west arm of Grand Traverse Bay. The lineup: Mark Farner on
nic, the events offer something to please most palates. The Indigo Hotel air show event July 1; Here Come the Mummies on July 2; Shinedown with Greta Van Fleet on July 3; 90s
(featuring gourmet appetizers and drinks) at the hotels outdoor rooftop restaurant; Air Dance Party 2.0 on July 4; REO Speedwagon with Donny Hartman on July 5; Cole Swindell
Show Gala at the Park Place Hotels indoor rooftop restaurant; the Blues, Brews & BBQ on July 6; Cherry Idol auditions and TruTV Impractical Jokers starring the Tenderloins on
event with craft beer and barbecue at the Hagerty Center at Northwestern Michigan Col- July 7; Cherry Idol Finals and Old Dominion with Aubrie Sellers on July 8. Ticket prices vary.
lege and the Flight Deck with bleacher seating and a picnic lunch. Ticket prices vary. For tickets to music and food events, go to
E2 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

State fossil, the mastodon, was a mighty beast

John Serba Museum of Natural History. Also, the longest trail of foot-
prints 30 of them were uncovered near Ann Arbor.
Assuming one can psychoanalyze a state according to its If we want to further encourage and prolong silly state
ocial fossil, Michigan has a mighty mindset. rivalries, the amazing and astonishing mastodon surely
In 2002, state ocials gave the American mastodon the could stomp Ohios lame state fossil, the trilobite, which is
proper designation. The beast, an evolutionary cousin of the essentially a large bug that couldnt be bothered to leave the
modern elephant, stood between seven-and-a-half and nine ocean. As for Indiana it has yet to even declare an ocial
feet tall and weighed about six tons (although even larger fossil, proof that the state doesnt have its act together and
specimens have been found). It boasted a pair of tusks mea- should just be taken over by Kentucky.
suring as long as 16 feet, and had a coat of shaggy hair. Its also disappointing to learn that Wisconsins state fossil
The mastodon was common throughout North America, is also the trilobite, and not Aaron Rodgers crushed ribcage
ranging from Alaska to Honduras. It died out about 10,000 after the Lions play the Packers. Illinois, notably, declared
years ago, at the conclusion of the great Pleistocene Era Ice the Tully monster its state fossil, something once declared
Age. The global thaw rendered many impressive animals by the Atlantic as the rejected doodle of a drunk fantasy
categorized as megafauna extinct, including giant sloths, artist, and therefore makes fun of itself.
beavers, oxen, deer, moose and other things that exist in Nebraska have staked claim to the mammoth, in a shame- And its worth ignoring that other states have some truly
smaller form today. less case of State Fossil Groupthink. awesome official fossils too, including Californias sabre-
Dont confuse the mastodon with the mammoth, which Frequent discoveries of mastodon fossils was a likely fac- toothed tiger (which hunted mastodons), Colorados Stego-
featured a taller, knobbier skull, and more dramatically tor in the successful mastodon declaration campaign, which saurus, South Dakotas Triceratops and Utahs Allosaurus.
curved tusks. And here, its probably worth noting that was led by a Washtenaw Community College professor. One But really, naming a dinosaur as your state fossil is a bla-
Michigan is the only state to declare the mastodon its o- of the most complete skeletons unearthed was found near tantly obvious and unimaginative choice, and too dang easy.
cial fossil; four South Carolina, Washington Alaska and Owosso, and is on display in the University of Michigans Michigan did it just right, right?


MUSIC June 19 - 23 June 29 June 23- 14 July 7 June 20

June 18 Lion King Drama Camp: Jack- Juggling with Tim Salisbury: Art Journaling: Jackson Traffic Jamin 5K: Downtown Go Green: Jackson District
Trombonefest Concert: Jack- son School of the Arts, 634 N. Jackson District Library Carn- District Library Spring Arbor Grass Lake. 7 and 7:30 p.m. Library Meijer Branch, 2699
son Colleges Potter Center, Mechanic St., Jackson. Mon-Fri, egie Branch, 244 W. Michigan Branch, 113 E Main St., Spring $10-25. 517-268-3213. Airport Rd., Jackson. 1 p.m.
2111 Emmons Road, Jackson. 7 9:30 a.m. $68. 517-784-2389. Ave. 1:30 p.m. Free. 517-788- Arbor. Fri, 2 p.m. Free. 517-750- Free. 517-788-4480.
p.m. Free. 517-787-0800. 4087. 2030.
June 20 - July 27 COMMUNITY June 20
June 22 Comedy Camp: Jackson June 30 June 25 and 9 June 19 Go Green! With Michigan
Growing Hearts-Sprouts: School of the Arts, 634 N. 80s Arcade Murder Mystery: Beading Class: Jackson Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show: Science Center: Lions Club
Jackson District Library Mechanic St., Jackson. Tue & Jackson District Library Carn- District Library Eastern Branch, Jackson District Library Spring Community Center, 4628 Fran-
Brooklyn Branch, 207 N. Main Thu, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $82. 517- egie Branch, 244 W. Michigan 3125 E. Michigan Ave., Leoni Arbor Branch, 113 E Main St., cis St., Jackson. 3 p.m. Free.
St., Brooklyn. 10 a.m. Free. 517- 784-2389. Ave., Jackson. 5:30 p.m. Free. Township. Sun, 1:30 p.m. Var- Spring Arbor. 11 a.m. Free. 517- 517-783-4030.
905-1369. 517-788-4087. ied. 517-788-4074. 750-2030.
June 21 June 21 - Aug. 9
June 22 Zeemo: George Long Elemen- June 26 June 19 and 26 Stop Motion Animation
BJ Barham: Weatherwax Hall tary School, 829 S. Union St., ART/MUSEUMS Sports Stacking with Jim Build it Mondays: Jackson Dis- Class: Jackson District Library
at the JSO, 215 West Michigan Grass Lake. 1:30 p.m. Free. June 30 - Aug. 18 Merrills: Jackson District trict Library Concord Branch, Carnegie Branch, 244 W. Mich-
Ave., Jackson. 8 p.m. $15-18. 517-522-8211. Tea & Conversations with the Library Carnegie Branch, 244 108 S. Main St., Concord. Mon, igan Ave., Jackson. Wed, 6 p.m.
517-782-3221. Mann Sisters: Mann House W. Michigan Ave., Jackson. 10 1-6 p.m. Free. 517-905-1379. Free. 517-788-4087.
June 21 Museum, 205 Hanover St., a.m. Free. 517-788-4087.
June 23 Zeemo: Heritage Park, 121 Tefft Concord. Fri, 1 p.m. Free. 517- June 19 - Aug. 11 June 22
Summer Solstice Party: St., Hanover. 11 a.m. Free. 517- 905-1379. June 26 Food & Fairy Tales - Storytime Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show:
Blackman City Park, 200 E 905-1399. Summer Science - Art Bots: & Lunch: Jackson District Jackson District Library East-
Michigan Ave., Jackson. 7:30 June 19- 10 Jackson District Library Con- Library Carnegie Branch, 244 ern Branch, 3125 E. Michigan
p.m. Free. 517-783-0962. June 21 Knitting 101: Jackson District cord Branch, 108 S. Main St., W. Michigan Ave. Mon-Fri, Ave., Leoni Township. 10:30
Godspell Musical: Westmin- Library Spring Arbor Branch, Concord. 3 p.m. Free. 517-905- noon-1 p.m. Free. 517-788-4087. a.m. Free. 517-788-4074.
June 27 ster Presbyterian Church, 2301 113 E Main St., Spring Arbor. 1379.
Pre-Fourth of July Concert: Ridgeway Rd, Jackson. 7 p.m. . Mon, 1 p.m. Free. 517-750-2030. June 19 June 22
Jackson Colleges Potter Cen- June 26 Writers Group: Jackson Glass on Glass Mosaic:
ter, 2111 Emmons Road. 7 p.m. June 22 June 20 Summer Science - Art Bots: District Library Spring Arbor Jackson District Library Meijer
Free. 517-787-0800 . Zeemo: Columbia Upper Dictionary Art: Jackson Dis- Jackson District Library Branch, 113 E Main St., Spring Branch, 2699 Airport Rd.,
Elementary School, 321 School trict Library Napoleon Branch, Hanover Branch, 118 W Main Arbor. 7-9 p.m. Free. 517-750- Jackson. 2-6 p.m. Free. 517-
June 28 St., Brooklyn. 11 a.m. Free. 517- 6755 Brooklyn Rd., Napoleon. St., Hanover. 1 p.m. Free. 517- 2030. 788-4480.
Growing Hearts-Sprouts: 905-1369. 5:30 p.m. Free. 517-536-4266. 905-1399.
Jackson District Library Carn-
egie Branch, 244 W. Michigan June 22 June 21 June 28
Ave., Jackson. 11 a.m. Free. Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show: Shaving Cream Paint Book- Sports Stacking with Jim
517-788-4087. Jackson District Library Carn- marks: Jackson District Library Merrills: Jackson District
egie Branch, 244 W. Michigan Brooklyn Branch, 207 N. Main Library Concord Branch, 108 S.
June 28 Ave., Jackson. 1:30 p.m. Free. St., Brooklyn. 2 p.m. Free. 517- Main St., Concord. 2 p.m. Free.
Music & Movement for Wee 517-788-4087. 905-1369. 517-905-1379.
Ones: Jackson District Library
Henrietta Branch, 11744 Bun- June 23 June 21 June 28
kerhill Rd., Henrietta Township. Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show: Little Builders: Jackson Dis- Sports Stacking with Jim
11 a.m. Free. 517-769-6537. Grand Rapids Christian Ele- trict Library Concord Branch, Merrills: Jackson District
mentary School, 1050 Iroquois 108 S. Main St., Concord. 2 p.m. Library Napoleon Branch, 6755
Dr. SE. 1 p.m. Free. 517-531- Free. 517-905-1379. Brooklyn Rd., Napoleon. 11 a.m.
STAGE 4908. Free. 517-536-4266.
June 18-25 June 21- 12
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: June 27 Henrietta Knitting Group: June 29
Croswell Opera House, 129 E. Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show: Jackson District Library Henri- Little Builders: Jackson Dis-
Maumee St., Adrian. Sun, 2:30 Lions Club Community Center, etta Branch, 11744 Bunkerhill trict Library Brooklyn Branch,
p.m.; Fri, 8 p.m.; Sat, 2:30 and 8 4628 Francis St., Jackson. 3 Rd., Henrietta Township. Wed, 1 207 N. Main St., Brooklyn. 10
p.m. $15-35. 517-264-7469. p.m. Free. 517-783-4030. p.m. Free. 517-769-6537. a.m. Free. 517-905-1369

June 19 June 29 June 23- 14

add.a.lingua Michigan partner schools
Jeff Wawrzaszek Magic Show: Juggling with Tim Salisbury: Sit N Stitch: Jackson District FESTIVALS AND
Jackson District Library Spring- Columbia Upper Elementary Library Eastern Branch, 3125 E. FAIRS
port Branch, 116 Mechanic School, 321 School St., Brook- Michigan Ave., Leoni Township. June 24 add.a.lingua celebrates our Michigan partner schools for
St., Springport. 2 p.m. Free. lyn. 11 a.m. Free. 517-905-1369. Fri, 12:30 p.m. Free. 517-788- Irish Hills Lake & Home Tour: another successful year of tranforming students and com-
517-905-1459. 4074. Brooklyn-Irish Hills Chamber munities through HIGH-QUALITY multilingual education. Visit
of Commerce, 124 S. Main St.
these schools to experience the
Suite A, Brooklyn. 10 a.m.-7
p.m. $10-$15. 517-592-8907. add.a.lingua
dual language immersion difference!

Corpus Christi Catholic School

Fremont Christian School

Grand Haven Christian School (NEW)

Grandville/Calvin Christian Schools

Holland Language Academy (Holland Public Schools)

Kalamazoo Christian School

Joe and Paula Fleming - 50th Anniversary
Parables: All Abilities Inclusion Worship Legacy Christian School

Parables is a no-shushing, 40-minute, interactive, "special-needs Joe and Paula Fleming celebrated their
friendly" service open to anyone and everyone. It is designed Muskegon Christian School
50th Wedding Anniversary with family and friends at
for the "little red fish in all of us"---that part of us that years to
swim against the tide! This service celebrates the gifts of ALL--- Schuler's Restaurant in Marshall.
NorthPointe Christian School
what we call the Body of Christ---and includes those with special They were married June 17, 1967 at
needs and those without. Begins June 25th, 5pm with pizza meal Our Lady of Fatima in Michigan Center.
following. 2nd and 4th Sundays of each following month. Chel- Oakland Christian School
The couple has two daughters:
sea First Congregational Church, 121 Middle St. www.chelseafcc.
com. Contact LeAnn at Heidi (Pete) and Angie (Deb), and one granddaughter, Lexie.
Zeeland Christian School
734.323.4213 for more information.
J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 E3


Some tips to help you decide
when its time for a new appliance

Elisabeth Leamy The Washington Post

o one buys a refrigerator to solve their midlife crisis. Yet the price of some home appliances is next

in line after little red convertibles. Other than houses and cars, home appliances can be the biggest

investments homeowners make, said Chris Granger of Sears Home Services. Thats why, boring or not,

its important to know what youre doing when it comes to repairing or replacing your home appliances.

The first thing to know is the average visits. And then youll have to make the much energy as older models.
life span of various home appliances. nerve-racking decision of whether to If you do the math and choose to go the
According to a National Association of repair or replace it. repair route, be savvy about that trans-
Home Builders study, you can expect The technicians at Sears Home Ser- action. First, check your warranty. Many
roughly the following: vices have seen it all in their 7 million ser- household appliances have long-term
vice calls annually and say that these are manufacturers warranties. Next, do
Air conditioner: 15 years. the telltale signs that your appliance is a business with repair companies that you
Dishwasher: 9 years. goner: seek out, rather than those that approach
Dryer: 13 years. you. Some appliance repair companies
Furnace: 15 to 20 years. Dryer: If its emitting smoke, its not go door-to-door offering free or cheap
Garbage disposal: 12 years. cost-effective to repair it. inspections, then use that opening to
Microwave: 9 years. Oven: Rust on the sides is too expensive claim you need expensive work.
Refrigerator: 13 years. to fix. When the technician comes to your
Stove: 13 to 15 years. Refrigerator: If the compressor isnt home, ask for a written estimate. That
Washer: 10 years. running, thats a $500 part, so its usually estimate should list all parts needed, plus
Water heater: 10 to 20 years. better to replace the fridge. labor charges.
Washer: If it wont spin, the repair You want it in writing because some
The actual length of time an appliance involves dismant ling much of the states require the technician to get your
lasts depends on the brand and how well machine, which is costly. permission if the price is going to rise
you maintain it. more than 10 percent above the written
The number one mistake home- Have a different problem? Heres a rule estimate. Find out whether the company
owners make is not performing routine of thumb that can lessen the pain: If the offers a warranty, and get that in writing
appliance maintenance, Granger said. repair will cost more than 50 percent of as well.
Appliances are like cars. If you dont the price of replacing the appliance, get a Finally, pay little or nothing upfront.
maintain them regularly, they eventually new one. Fly-by-night companies have been
break down. An argument can be made to replace known to demand payment in advance
To improve upon the numbers above, appliances even sooner, if you can afford and then disappear. Established firms
Granger says, you should vacuum your it. should not ask you for any money at the
refrigerator coils, keep your dishwasher If youre in the position to replace beginning of the job.
drain and filter clear, clean your oven reg- an old appliance, there have been huge Know these rules and you can avoid
ularly, remove lint from your dryer vent improvements in functionality that can repairing your appliances this year only
(not just the trap) and never overload your make your life easier, Granger said. For to replace them next year.
washing machine. example, many modern washers, dry-
But even if you follow all of this good ers and refrigerators can hold a lot more Elisabeth Leamy is a 13-time Emmy
advice, sooner or later one of your appli- than they used to. You can now control winner and 25-year consumer advocate for
ances is going to stop working prob- many appliances from a smartphone, programs such as Good Morning Amer-
ably the same day your mother-in-law and newer refrigerators use about half as ica and The Dr. Oz Show.

Staff & Shutterstock illustratrions

E4 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT

Illustration by JoAnne Walsh

When is it just forgetfulness

and when is it Alzheimers?
Many people struggle to nd a word, Other signs include withdrawal from work or social activ- The 10 warning
ities. Changes in mood or personality also can be a sign signs of Alzheimers
but someone with the disease might such as feeling suspicious, fearful or anxious.
They may have been very mild-mannered, Bennett 1. Memory loss that
stop in the middle of the conversation said. Now theyre cursing in church. disrupts daily life
Annette Campbell, 72, attended the seminar to get a bet-
and have no idea how to continue. ter understanding of whats normal when it comes to for- 2. Challenges in
getting things. planning or solving
You do wonder, the Chicago woman said. I dont problems
Alison Bowen Chicago Tribune remember as well as I used to. Its good to know the symp-

toms. 3. Diculty complet-
or Anne Hunt, clues that something wasnt quite Hunt, who didnt attend the session, learned she had Alz- ing familiar tasks
right started to mount. She was repeating herself. heimers a few years ago. Shed watched her mother and
And forgetting things. Hunt, 80, had always been aunt age with what was likely Alzheimers, so she was well 4. Confusion with time
organized. But the Chicago woman increasingly acquainted with the symptoms. But she didnt expect the or place
found herself confused about plans. Did she agree diagnosis.
to that date, or was she supposed to follow up? I was surprised, she said, I think partly because I 5. Trouble understand-
Her daughter suggested she talk to a doctor about didnt want to hear it. ing visual images and
whether she might have Alzheimers, the degenerative spatial relationships
brain disease that impairs memory, thinking and reason- FINDING WAYS TO ADAPT
ing. After examining brain scans, the doctor conrmed that She and her husband, Bruce, work together to manage 6. New problems with
Hunts symptoms indicated Alzheimers. her symptoms, which include forgetting things or becom- words in speaking or
ing confused during a conversation. writing
WARNING SIGNS Every morning, they meditate and map out the day.
Hunts confusion about time and place is one of 10 warn- Anne keeps a daily to-do list, which helps her stay focused 7. Misplacement of
ing signs of the disease, according to the Alzheimers Asso- and remember tasks. They also write reminders on a dry- things and loss in the
ciation, whose Greater Illinois chapter recently held a public erase calendar. ability to retrace steps
education session on the topic in Chicago. The association Having been married for 60 years, the Hunts know the
says more than ve million Americans are living with Alz- power of communication. If Anne is struggling for a word, 8. Decreased or poor
heimers, the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. Bruce will ask if she would like help or if she would rather judgment
Most warning signs are related to memory loss or con- gure it out on her own.
fusion that poses challenges in daily life. People with the He also gently helps steer conversation, knowing his wife 9. Withdrawal from
disease might experience one or more symptoms to vary- feels embarrassed when she repeats herself. work or social activities
ing degrees. The organization recommends seeing a doctor Hell say, You already said that, Anne said.
if you notice one of the signs, because early detection can The couple radiate positivity, and they point to several 10. Changes in mood
mean getting the most benet from available treatments. reasons why. They live in the same building as their daugh- or personality
A dozen people attended the seminar, where the chap- ter and son-in-law, who cooks for them four times a week.
ters manager of education and outreach, Phillip Bennett, They belong to support groups. They also swim twice a Learn more about
cautioned that just because a person exhibits a warning week at the local YMCA. the early signs at alz.
sign doesnt mean he or she has Alzheimers. The daily journal Anne has kept for 30 years has shifted org/alzheimers_dis-
For example, he asked, how many people have called one from a comfort to a catalog, helping her remember when she ease_10_signs_of_alz-
of their children by another childs name? Hands went up as forgets. And she devised a way to maintain her love of cook- heimers.asp.
people laughed. A memory lapse like this doesnt necessar- ing despite a sometimes-muddled memory. She places all of
ily signal Alzheimers, he said. the ingredients on one side of the kitchen and moves them
It might simply be a side eect of aging, or it could be a one by one as she incorporates them into a recipe. That
dierent form of dementia. Many people struggle to nd a way, if the sugar is on one side of the counter, shell know
word, he added, but someone with Alzheimers might stop whether it has been used.
in the middle of the conversation and have no idea how to For memory challenges, scrapbooks help. A shelf in their
continue. home is lled with bound copies, recounting everything
Similarly, we all lose things from time to time, but some- from family parties to home renovation projects. They
one with Alzheimers might be incapable of retracing his enjoy putting the scrapbooks together, and they saw how
steps in an eort to nd that misplaced item. And perhaps the books helped her mother and aunt.
someone isnt good with directions. But a person with Alz- Even when my aunt was hardly there, she would still
heimers might drive 20 minutes to church and take three- surprise us by pointing to a picture and saying someones
hours to get home because they cant remember the route. name, Anne said.
Someone with the disease (might) remember what hap- Knowing the warning signs, and now managing them
pened to them when they were 9-years-old, Bennett said. as symptoms, has helped them maintain a sense of control
But they cant remember what happened three minutes over the disease.
ago. Its a way of bringing some order to it, Bruce said.
E6 SU N DAY, J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 17 J AC KS O N C I T I Z E N PAT R I OT


Surprised by Omaha
Andrea Sachs bowls out of wood collected
The Washington Post from local neighborhoods
and forests. For $5, pull the

n Omaha, Nebraska, old cigarette machine han-
I searched for War- dle and see what master-
ren Buffett and found piece drops out of the Art-O-
him. I bumped into a card- Mat.
Averill Historical board cutout of the billion- The next time someone
Museum of Ada aire businessman at Gorats asks, Who are you wear-
steakhouse and counted ing and washing with?
Location: 7144 Headley St. several rubber duckies su r pr ise t hem w it h a n
Ada wearing his signature spec- up-and-coming label from
tacles at Hollywood Candy. Hello Holiday. The lifestyle
Hours: 1-4 p.m. Fridays and He appeared on T-shirts at boutique champions inde-
Saturdays True Blue Goods and Gifts pendent designers, such as
and in a glass exhibit case Tuesday Bassen, an illus-
Cost: Free, donations at the Durham Museum. trator who creates cheeky
accepted. Surveillance cameras prob- lettered pins, patches and
ably caught my U-turn out- bomber jackets; and Ben-
Details: Free on-site and side his house. son Soap Mill, where its bars
street parking. Wheelchair To my delight, Nebras- smell like a dessert or a tea
accessible. Tour guides avail- kas largest city indulged ceremony.
able. Museum store. my fan-girl tendencies, B or s he i m s w a s onc e
which extend beyond the touted as the countr ys
More information: Call 616- Oracle of Omaha. Several largest independent jew-
676-9346 or visit adahistori- local musicians Conor Illyana Kelley, 9, seems to be regaled by the stories of these servicemen, two of the lifelike elry store; today, it is better Oberst, Josh Soto, Phil statues placed around the Durham Museum in Omaha, in the 86-year-old connes of the known as a Berkshire Hatha-
Schaffart appear on my former Union Station. Matt Miller, The Washington Post way company. The glittery
list of People Id Like to Get store, which features such
Locked in a DJ Booth With. SHOP gilded names as Cartier,
In the food world, I have The staff goes on guitar Marco Bicego and Roberto
long gushed over vegan safaris to hunt the uncom- Coin, emphasizes (dont
darling Isa Chandra Mos- mon instruments sold at snicker) value.
kowitz, who runs Modern Ground Floor Guitar.Recent Even if you are only an
Love, but after a visit to the nds include a 1990s Peavey, IP in your mothers eyes,
Grey Plume, I made room a Paul Reed Smith model you still may try on finger
on my plate for its Nebras- with a Brazilian rosewood candy, such as a 5.71-carat
ka-centric chef, Clayton neck (Note: youll need diamond ring that sells for
Chapman. For every Jun prop er do c u ment at ion, $235,000. The home-decor
Kaneko, the Omaha-based because the wood is pro- section stocks several local
Japanese ceramics artist, I tected) and a white Airline, designers as well as Cat Stu-
Averill Historical Museum discovered a Celeste Butler, the twin of a guitar beloved dio embroidered pillows,
is in Ada. Submitted photo a self-proclaimed quilt- by David Bowie. Musicians which come in such flavors
apreneur. Even a bridge can practice in the rehearsal as Nebraska, Washington,
named Bob earned my room (free for first-timers), D.C., and Berkshire Hatha-

Museum aections; you can see my

valentine on his Instagram
account. By trips end, I
New York City resident Christina Wu, center, takes pictures
of the selections at Hollywood Candy. Thousands of sweets
new and vintage-style favorites line the shelves.
though some visitors grab a
guitar o the wall, pull up a
chair and start jamming in
At Holly wood Ca ndy,
inhale deeply. One scent du

reveals realized I wasnt just crush-

ing on the people of Omaha
but on the place, too.
Matt Miller, The Washington Post

nado Shelter sign is not part straint does not translate

the main concert hall.
Tr ue Blue Goods and
Gifts, a mash-up gallery
jour was Bavarian-glazed
nuts, though on another
day, the fragrance might be

life on GO
Immerse yourself in all
of an exhibit.
The Bob Kerrey Pedes-
trian Bridge doesnt go by
to simple and spare. Case in
point: duck-fat doughnuts.
Stash your cookbooks by
and retail store, puts more
than two dozen Nebraska
artists on pedestals. Meet
Fruity Pebbles bark, choc-
olate-dipped bacon or PB
Surprise, an in-house con-

states forms of creative expres-

sion care to sculpture
dance? at the Union for
formalities: You can call it
Bob. The 3,000-foot-long
walkway, which soars and
Isa Chandra Moskowitz and
role-reversal time let
the famed vegan chef cook
You r M a ker bio ca rd s
accompany the individual
mini-displays. For example,
coction made of peanut but-
ter, butterscotch and milk
chocolate. The shop lines its

west side Contemporary Art. The

community-spirited cen-
ter holds exhibits (Where
sometimes sways over the
Missouri River, crosses the
state line into Iowa. After
for you. Moskowitz opened
Modern Love in 2014, two
years before her Brooklyn
get to know Mr. Enginerd,
who geeks out on laser-cut
earrings, and Josh Knut-
shelves with the candy of our
ancestors, such as Squirrel
Nut Zippers, Nik-L-Nip Wax We Land opened June you complete the .9K Bob outpost. The plant-based son, who carves spoons and Bottles and Big Hunk.
16), workshops and spe- marathon, snap a selfie dishes skew toward comfort:
The Averill Historical cial events, such as pot- and go collect your prize Wrap your taste buds around
Museum of Ada, located luck-dinner discussions a bumper sticker at the the Modern Cheeseburger,
in a turn-of-the-century with artists. During a tour Omaha Visitors Center, 1001 the Mac and Shews or the Visit historic Mackinac Island
farmhouse and adjacent of the studio spaces, meet Farnam St. F u l ly L oaded Noochos.
barn, provides an informa- the co-op creators and ask Meat-eaters can distract FAMILY VACATION VALUE PACKAGES from $436*
tive window into the life of away. Butler, for one, is EAT their inner carnivore with Available for families of four or five persons, these packages have a long
Western Michigans idyllic happy to explain her quilt- At The Grey Plume, Clay- Seitan Wings or Surf and list of included amenities that offer significant savings all season long.
and historic village of Ada, ing techniques, which ton Chapma n is f idget- Turf, which the sta updates Hurry, call now and receive all of these great amenities and more:
near Grand Rapids. incorporate thread paint- ing at the farm-to-table seasonally. For dessert, no Two Nights Deluxe Rooms
The museum features ing, washed denim and restaurant. The chef/owner udders were harmed for the FREE Ferry Ride Tickets
several exhibits on farm- snow. Afterward, graze the wants to make his menu ice cream sandwiches. FREE Continental Breakfast
house life, the railroad, Abundance Garden, an more Nebraska and less At least once a week, the $100 Restaurant Gift Card
area schools, and local urban U-pick. everyplace else. To reduce real Warren shows up at FREE Luggage Handling
businesses. It has hosted The league players at imports, and waste, the sta Gorats to dine on a 22-ounce All Taxes, Fees Included!
many community events OLeavers Pub Sand Vol- creates herbal liquors, colas T-bone at his preferred table,
for all ages. leyball are a hearty bunch. and tonics as well as con- in a former cloak room.
It also houses a collec- During a heavy rainstorm, diments, jams, bitters and Gorats isnt just a celeb For your comfort and convenience, Lake View offers
air-conditioning and indoor heated pool and spa.
tion of historic Ada pho- one member hopped charcuterie. Single ingredi- magnet, however; its also
tographs, providing an around the wet sand in ents, such as celery, will live a survivor. Of the 50 Ital-
i nt i mate w i ndow i nto pink rainboots. Specta- nine lives as, say, a puree, ian family-run steakhouses Where great vacations begin! (800) 207-7075
American village life. tors were better protected pickled root, shaved ribbons, established in the city, only FREE WIFI
Visitors also may explore under the cantilevered roof garnish and aioli. three survive. When Gene
a unique outdoor garden; of the bar; you cant have The const ra int s ca n Dunn took over in 2012, he
the museums store, which water diluting your Pabst rea lly drive creativ it y, restored the interior to its * Midweek stays after September 17, subject to availability. Rates higher on weekends and full season.
cont a i n s severa l Ada- Blue Ribbon. Five years Megan Malone, the market- 1940s glory and updated Some blackout dates apply. See website for complete details on rates and dates. 8210174-05

themed items; and eight ago, the bandmates of Cur- ing director, said over a glass the menu with salads and
signs placed throughout sive took over the establish- of house chartreuse and sandwiches. But the slabs
the village that contrast the ment, which also includes heirloom popcorn served of meat stayed. The main
past and the present at sig- an indoor bar and stage. in a bowl made of Missouri fare is steaks, he said, from
nicant locations. They kept the divey punk River clay. However, con- Omaha Steaks.
aesthetic but added a beer
garden with strings of bare
bulbs and long wooden Walkout balcony rooms and suites
tables. For Sunday Social,
held during the warmer
months, pay $5 for barbe-
cue and bands. Maybe the
new owners will show up
and do more than just eat
and drink.
Look up, look down, look
Historic Farmstead

Learn more in the Historic

all around the Durham
Museum and marvel at the
Summer in style on Mackinac Island
Preferred Rates from only $235/up
Hitch a Ride.
Michigan Travel Guide, 13-foot-tall chandeliers,
published by the Histori- patterned terrazzo floor 56 Guest Rooms & Suites Main Street and Waterfront
cal Society of Michigan and and soda fountain that Waterfront Collection with Views from Walkout Balconies
available at all state Mei- still sells malts and phos- luxurious balcony rooms Premium Pillow Top Beds
jer locations, bookstores phates decades after the New Mezzanine Level Rooms Fridge, Micro, Coffee-Maker,
or online at hsmichigan.
org. The Historical Soci-
historic Union Station that
it occupies halted rail ser-
Free Continental Breakfast
Ferry Ride Discounts
and 42 TVs in all Rooms/Suites
Free Luggage Handling
ety of Michigan is partner-
ing with MLive to provide
vice. Downstairs, explore
vintage trains and an ency-
Save 10% this June* with online coupon Historic Farm Tours, Restaurant,
details about sites that oer clopedic collection span-
Theatre, Shops & Inns
an opportunity for day trips ning from the Omaha Indi-
that explore Michigans cul- ans and Lewis and Clark to (855) 560 -8005 Nappanee, Indiana
ture. Each week, the Travel the rst African American
pages will feature a land- pro quarterback and the Overnight Packages from $99
mark, institution or venue invention of the Swanson 800-800-4942

* Certain blackout dates apply. See website for complete details. Free WiFi
related to Michigan history. TV Dinner. Note: The Tor- 8221656-02

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