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Peak Performance Workshop

Individual Senses,
Activating the Bi-Pedal
Mind Synergising the Hemispheres
of Brain & Focusing on the Thought
Darts You Can Acclerate The Entire
Process Of Learning And Rapid Recalling

Conducted by
Peak Performance Expert
Mind Masters International

Bangalore Mysore Kochi Chennai
Mumbai Kolkata Delhi Nepal
There is a System to Power Memory
How many times have you heard a song playing on the radio and immediately the
memory of a place or event comes to your mind? Or have you ever been listening to
someone talk and they will say something that triggers a memory from your past as
suddenly becomes as clear as if you had experienced yesterday?

You probably didn't even know it was happening at the time but you experienced
the secret to unleashing your memory.

Each of our experiences and personal events are stored in our memory. Yes, every-
thing we have read, seen or done has been recorded in the memory banks of our mind.

Question : If that's the case why don't we remember more than we do?
Answer : Because we haven't learned how to "systematically" store and recall
these events from our memory.

What does it mean to "systematically" store and recall events? The dictionary
defines the word "systematic" to mean:

1. Carried on using step-by-step procedures.

2. Purposefully regular; methodical.
3. Marked by or adhering to method or system

Or in other words...
Using a step-by-step system to store our memories so that they can be recalled at
any time.
I will go one step further and tell you that our problem is not the storing of
information but the recalling of information. Have you ever seen someone you knew
really well several years ago but couldn't remember his name?
At one point in time you knew their names instantly without thinking but after
several years you now have difficulty recalling it. Why? You can't recall it because
you didn't use a system for moving that name from short-term memory into long-term
All we need to do is train our minds to use the Power Memory System on a con-
sistent basis so that it becomes second nature to us.
The majority of people believe that they have an average or below average mem-
ory. The truth is that all of us have a Power Memory, but most people just don't know
how to use it.
The Student Power Memory System


What really is "Power Memory?" Power Memory is the same as long-term
memory or the ability to remember things in detail after a long period of time.

Mind Masters 1
Most of us can remember the details of what we did yesterday but we have a dif-
ficult time recalling the details of what we did two weeks ago.
The key to power memory is to increase our ability to move our experiences from
our short-term memory into our long-term memory.
But before we move on to learning the hidden secrets of the Power Memory
System you must learn a few foundational ideas that we will refer to again and again.
I refer to these ideas as "foundational" because they form the foundation of the
principles of Power Memory.
These foundational ideas are called " The Five Laws of Memory." When under-
stood, these laws will enable you to unlock the mystery of memory enhancement.
The Four Laws of Memory are the following:
Law of Association - We remember events or experiences that are associated
with other familiar things more than activities that are not associated with anything.
For instance, I remember my computer pass code because it is the same as my wed-
ding date.

Law of Images - Humans think in pictures or images. All our memories are
recorded as images. Most humans learn to recall things much
easier when they think in pictures or images.
Law of Recency - We are more able to recall from memory our recent experi-
ences as opposed to experiences that happened long ago. Not
that the experiences that happened long ago are not in our
memory, but our ability to recall them continues to diminish
over time.
Law of Repetition - The more often we repeat or experience an activity, the more
that activity is registered in our long-term memory. For
instance, you are more likely to remember your best friends
name and phone number than your driver's license number.
Law of Intensity - The more intense or vivid an experience is, the more likely we
are to remember it. I can remember where I was at and what I
was doing during the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion but
not what happened the day after.
There you have it the Five Laws of Memory. Now all we have to do is apply these
five laws to those things that we want to memorize and they will instantly be taken
from short-term memory to our long-term memory.
Let's review again the Five Laws of Memory and explain how they should be
applied in order to move short-term memory to long-term memory.
As we review these laws I will introduce the "Power Memory Rules" put the Five
Laws of Memory into action.
The Law of Association states that we can recall facts, figures or events much
easier when they are associated with other familiar things.

2 Mind Masters
Memory Rule #1: Associate what you want to memorize with something else
that can be easily recalled.
The Law of Images states that humans think and record memories in pictures or
Memory Rule #2: Associate what you want to memorize with a picture or image
that can be easily recalled.
The Law of Intensity states that the more vivid an experience, the easier it is to
Memory Rule #3: Associate what you want to memorize with a picture or image
that is intense, larger-than-life, weird, silly or shocking.
The Law of Recency states that we can recall things that have happened recent-
ly much easier than things that happened long ago. If we wait until the memory of
the activity that we are trying to memorize has dimmed, our chances of moving it to
long-term memory have decreased greatly.
Memory Rule #4: Immediately associate what you want to memorize with an
image that is intense, larger-than-life, weird, silly or shocking.
The Law of Repetition states that the more we repeat something, the more it gets
moved into long-term memory.
Memory Rule #5: Once you have associated what you are trying to move to
long-term memory with an image that is intense, larger-than-life, weird, silly or
shocking, repeat it in your mind several times.
Did you notice how each of the Power Memory Rules built upon each other? This
is how the system works and that is why understanding the Five Laws of Memory is
so important.
So let's try to summarize the Power Memory Rules into one super rule that we
can put into our long-term memory banks.
Power Memory Rule - Immediately associate what you are trying to move to
long-term memory with an image or picture that is intense, larger-than-life, weird,
silly or shocking and then visually repeat the association in your mind several times.

The super Power Memory Rule is used for storing, retaining and recalling any
and all types of facts, figures and events. The same rule can be applied in many dif-
ferent ways using several techniques.


Now that we have learned what the Power Memory Rule is and why it works, lets
apply it to several techniques for memorization.
These association techniques are not all encompassing. They are just an example
of how you can use associations to enhance memory storage and recall.

Mind Masters 3
The following are several examples of different techniques you can use to mem-
orize and recall information:
1. The One-Bun Method - Have you heard the sayings, "one-bun"," two-shoe",
"three-tree", "four-door", "five-hive", "six-sticks", "seven-heaven", "eight-gate",
nine-vine", "ten-hen." The trick is to associate the second words, "bun, shoe, tree
etc." with what you are trying to memorize.
2. The Story Method - Can you make up a wacky story? Then you have this
powerful memorization technique down cold! With this method you associate
what you are trying to memorize with elements of the story.
3. The Location Method - The Location Method is super simple but so powerful!
Imagine each element of what you are trying to memorize is in different rooms
of your house. All you have to do is think of a room and what you put in that
room will automatically appear in your mind. Think of all the houses and rooms
you could use with this simple technique!
4. The Body Parts Method - The Body Parts method is a potent memorization
technique because all your memory triggers are right where you are standing.
They are parts of YOUR body! This method associates the different parts of
your body with what you are trying to memorize (toes, feet, knees, hips, bottom,
back, tummy, chest, shoulders, neck, face and head). Try it. It's super easy!
5. The Face Parts Method - Like the Body Parts Method, the Face Parts Method
uses the different parts of your face to associate with other images such as your
eyes, nose, mouth, ears, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, forehead and hair.
Now that the five association methods have been introduced we will put them
each into practice using an example to demonstrate how each method works.

Peg Images
Before we jump into our practical examples I need to mention a few words about
"peg images." Peg images are used in each memorization technique that uses associ-
Other than the Story Method, each of these techniques I have mentioned uses
what are called, "peg images." Peg images are used as a base for making associations.
For example, in the One Bun Method the words "bun", "shoe" and "tree" are all peg
In the Body Parts Method, the actual body parts like "knees", "hips" or "back" are
peg images.
You will use peg images over and over again in forming image associations. If
you remember the peg image all you have to do is make the association. And each of
these methods was specifically designed to allow you to easily memorize the peg
images so all you have to do is concentrate on making the association.
The One Bun Method
Let's assume that I am trying to memorize the names of several important

4 Mind Masters
presidents of the United States. The following are the names of the presidents that
need to be memorized :

• Andrew Jackson • Woodrow Wilson

• Franklin D. Roosevelt • George Washington
• Thomas Jefferson • Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
• John F. Kennedy • Abraham Lincoln
• Ronald Reagan • Harry Truman

Using the One Bun Method we will associate each of these presidents with an
image that can be linked to the One Bun images.

Mind Masters 5
You will notice that each situation included to some degree the Law
Association, the Law of Images and the Law of Intensity. Each idea was associ-
ated with an image. And each image represented something out of the ordinary
that we very vivid. Remember, when doing associations, the stranger the image
the easier it will be to memorize.

Hint: When making associations try to use action. Action intensifies the
image even more. Swinging in the tree, trees blowing up, doors being shot up are
all action images that are intense and will be remembered easier than static

6 Mind Masters
In the One Bun Method, the ten original images are used for every application.
In other words, the images of the hamburger bun, the shoe, the tree etc. do not change
from application to application. Only the graphics that help to associate a bun, shoe
or tree with what you are trying to memorize changes.
One-Bun Long List
The great thing about the one-bun method is that it is short and easy to remem-
ber because of the rhyming words. But you can use this method for long lists as well.
The key is to memorize peg images with numbers that go up to fifty or even a hun-
It is similar to memorizing the multiplication tables. You use rote memorization
on basic formulas to expand your abilities to perform extended mathematic equa-
tions. In the One-Bun extended list case you will memorize base associations to
extend your capability to memorize long lists.
Another advantage of the One-Bun Method is that you don't have to memorize
things in order like the Story and Location Methods (which will be discussed next.)
The One-Bun Method allows you to memorize things regardless of their order in a
list. The words will automatically be derived from their associated number directly.
You can associate whatever image you want to numbers beyond the number ten
but make sure that the words that represent the images are short and represent an
image. In other words they should be nouns, not verbs.
Here is my list of peg images going up to the number fifty.
1. Bun 11. Chair 21. Knife 31. Dog 41. Soap
2. Shoe 12. Ring 22. Desk 32. Paper 42. Lamp
3. Tree 13. Boat 23. Gum 33. Pen 43. Clock
4. Door 14. Bike 24. Nail 34. Key 44. Ball
5. Hive 15. Rake 25. Glue 35. Bed 45. Car
6. Sticks 16. Sign 26. Moon 36. Leaf 46. Soda
7. Heaven 17. Book 27. Fire 37. Bottle 47. Gym
8. Gate 18. Pants 28. Plane 38. Tire 48. Duck
9. Vine 19. Cow 29. Bowl 39. Phone 49. Hat
10. Hen 20. Dime 30. Rock 40. Nut 50. Tape

Make a list of your own and then make a set of flashcards with the number on
one side and the image on the other side with the word that describes the image. Now
take about an hour and go through your flashcards over and over.
Tomorrow morning do the same thing. Take another hour and go through the
flash cards over and over again until you can associate a number with an image auto-
matically and vica versa. Do this exercise with a friend, you'll find that it will be even
more fun.
If you are really motivate you can create a list of up to 100 with images that are
associated with each number. The more peg images you create the more powerful
your memory recall system will be.

Mind Masters 7
The Story Method
The Story Method uses a story to memorize and recall information. It can be a
true story or a fictitious story that you make up. The benefit of using the Story
Method is that you can memorize a limitless number of things.
Although the number of items you can memorize is virtually limitless with the
Story Method, you should try to make each story apply to only one topic or subject.
Let's assume that we are studying sociology and need to memorize the historical
reasons for mass migrations of people. The following are general reasons why peo-
ple migrated to other countries in the past:

Historical Reasons for Migration of People to Other Countries

Natural Disaster Religious or Ethnic Persecution
Following Family and Friends Slavery
Financial Opportunity Criminal Incarceration / Department
Famine Economic Problems
War Political Strife / Turmoil / Opposition

Now let's take all these reasons for migration and turn them into a story that we
can easily memorize.

Historical Reasons for Migration of People to Other Countries

John was sitting in his house one day when all of a sudden
he felt the ground starting to shake. Things began to fall off
the wall and shelves. All of a sudden the ground started to
open under his feet! An earthquake was happening right in
his house so he ran outside only to see his house crumble.
Without knowing what to do John went down to the local
Red Cross shelter to find help.

8 Mind Masters
Historical Reasons For Migration of People to Other Countries
Once he arrived at the Red Cross shelter he was
shocked to see all the people who were being treat-
ed for their injuries. To his shock, an older girl came
up to him. As they looked at each other they could-
n't believe their eyes. It was Mary, John's long lost
sister! They hugged and cried. Mary was much
older but looked the same as when she left home.
Following She had a friend with her named Kathy who was
Family and very attractive. John immediately felt an attraction
Friends for her.

Mary said that they were planning on going to San

Francisco because they had heard that rocks of gold
were being found everywhere there and people were
getting instantly rich! Mary wanted John to go with
them to San Francisco to find gold together.
Suddenly John got excited and agreed to go.
So the three set off to San Francisco. They walked
the entire distance. When they arrived they were
stunned. Not only was there no gold, but people
were starving in the streets. Suddenly, a baby came
up to John. She was crying and crying. John could-
n't make here stop. She was so hungry for food that
her little tummy was swollen. John, Mary and her
friend were disillusioned and destitute. They didn't
have any food or money themselves.

John saw a big sign that said, "Army Recruiting" and a

long line of men. They were all signing up in the Army in
order to make some money to feed their families. John
decided that he didn't have a choice and that he would
sign up to. As soon as he signed up he was shipped out to
War Germany were the Nazi's were taking over Europe.

His assignment was to find Jewish Prisoners of War

and set them free. When he arrived he could hardly
believe his eyes. Jews were being persecuted, sent
to concentration camps and then to death chambers.
He rescued as many as possible but one day he was
Religious or

Mind Masters 9
Historical Reasons For Migration of People to Other Countries

As a Prisoner of War, John was made a slave. He had

chains put around his wrists and ankles. After a short
time, his wrists and ankles started to bleed, but that
didn't stop him from performing his slave duties. After
a year his Nazi master went on a military trip to
Australia. He took John with him to do menial chores.
When they arrived in Australia, the war suddenly
ended and John was freed. He was given ten dollars
and sent on his way. As he was walking down the
street two men came up behind him and shoved a pis-
tol in his back. His money was taken away and was
left penniless. John soon realized that Australia was
Criminal full of criminals. They had been deported from
Ibncarceration / England just a few years back because the prisons
Department were full. It was difficult for John to survive.

There was much political strife and turmoil in

Australia at that time. In the last year, five military
leaders had overthrown the unstable government and
there were many small turf battles between warring
factions. He knew he had to leave so he escaped by
boarding a cargo plane.
Political Strife /
Turmoil /
Luckily the plane was headed for the United States.
When he arrived in the states he jumped off the plane
undetected. He found his sister Mary and her friend
Kathy. They were so happy to see each other. John
wrote a book about all his travels and adventures. It
Economic was a best seller and John suddenly became rich. He
Problems established a fund for the poor and needy to provide
shelter, an education and temporary housing. From
then on John was known as, "Rags to Riches."
Now that you have read this story, close your eyes and tell the story to yourself
again. When you come to each part that represents what you are trying to memorize.
For example, when you come to the part about John, Mary and Kathy wanting to
go to San Francisco to get rich, state "Financial Opportunity." This will help you
solidify the key parts of the story.
You might be thinking, "Wow, that was a long story. Do I have to do that every

10 Mind Masters
time I want to memorize something?"

The answer is, "Yes...kinda." It's important to make up a story with exaggerated
details because it will be easy to remember. However, after you review the complete
story in your mind four to five times you will start to abbreviate it.
Eventually, you will be able to recall the details and key parts of the story so well
that you will automatically abbreviate the story by moving straight to the key parts.
Let's assume that I have repeated the story to myself five times, a couple times in
the afternoon, twice at night while lying in bed and once in the morning.
The next time I review the story it will go something like this, "There was an
earthquake (Natural Disasters) so I went to the Red Cross. I saw my sister and her
friend (Following Friends and Family) and we went to San Francisco to find gold
(Financial Opportunity). There was no gold just a lot of hungry people (Famine). I
joined the army and was sent to the war in Germany (War). There was a lot of Jews
being persecuted (Religious or Ethnic Persecution). I got captured and became a
slave (Slavery). My master took me to Australia where I was set free and immediate-
ly got robbed. There were a lot of criminals in Australia because they were deported
from England (Criminal Incarceration / Deportment). Because of all the criminals the
government was overthrown several times (Political Strife / Turmoil / Oppression). I
escaped to the United States by plane and became rich. I established a fund for the
poor to provide them with food and shelter (Economic Problems).
You see, the story will become shorter and to the point after reviewing it several
times and it has been moved to your long-term memory.
Fixed Story Method using Objects
Another powerful way to do the story method is with a "fixed story" using
objects. By "fixed story" I mean that the same story is used over and over again to
memorize different information as opposed to the story method explained above
which changes with each list of information that you want to memorize.
While making up a story using the Fixed Story Method, move from object to
object. Associate each object with what you are trying to memorize.
My favorite stories have objects like the Statue of Liberty, purple sports cars,
King Kong on the Empire State Building, yellow submarines, orange talking alliga-
tors, three headed aliens etc. Each of these characters and objects can be associated
with what you are trying to memorize. Your imagination is the limit!
Remember that the objects in the story allow you to associate the information that
you are trying to memorize with something. They are a type of peg image. The more
unique and vivid the peg image and the association, the easier it will be to memorize.
And if you can add action to your associations, they will be twice as easy to
Let me give an example of the Story Method using objects. This story starts out
with a vacation trip to New York City.
As I walked up to the plane that was going to fly me to my weeklong vacation in
New York City I noticed that the pilot sitting in the cockpit was a giant. He was so

Mind Masters 11
big that his head stuck outside the window of the plane. He
waved to me as I boarded the plane with the rest of the
As we got closer to New York City many of the passengers
on the plane started to gasp and quickly talk to each other. I didn't
know what all the fuss was about until I looked outside the plane's window and saw
something that startled even me...the city of New York
was upside down! I couldn't believe my eyes. The pilot then
got on the announcer and told us that we weren't
all crazy but that the plane was upside down.
What a relief!
Unfortunately as we turned the plane right side up we
were headed right for the Statue of Liberty. We were flying so fast direct-
ly and the statue that we didn't have time to turn and we smashed right into
Lady Liberty. Bang! The next thing I remember I was lying flat on my back
on the runway dazed and confused. Pieces of plane and people were strewn
everywhere. I was the only survivor. As I came to my senses a purple sports
car pulled up. It was very shiny, had a ribbon tied on the front of the grill
and I noticed its headlights were actually eyes. The car was alive! A man
got out and put me in the passengers seat as we sped off.

I heard this crying sound. It was very loud. It sounded as though it was
coming from the backseat. I turned around and there was a baby in the
backseat crying its head off. I couldn't get the baby to stop no matter what
I did.
Finally we stopped the vehicle and got out. We were
right in front of the New York Stock Exchange! Wow, I had always
wanted to visit the Stock Exchange. I was so excited that I darted in
and jumped right down onto the trading floor. I remembered that I had
brought along one share of Microsoft stock so I hur-
riedly pulled it out of my pocket and jumped in the group of
traders that were trading and I traded the stock for
$1 million dollars. Payday for me!
Just at that moment, a man with a dog's head
dressed it a nice suit and carrying a stethoscope came over and grabbed
me. He said he was from the secret service and was there to escort me to
the Alligator Ball. The Alligator Ball, what was that?
Well he tucked me away in a car and drove me out to an old house in
the country. It was beaten up and had tree limbs thrown all over it. He walked me
inside and there was a full-size basketball court! He then intro-
duced to one of the strangest creatures I had ever met. He called
himself Alligator Jordan. Alligator Jordan was in fact an alliga-
tor! He was wearing a blue shirt and purple shorts. He immedi-
ately challenged me to a game of basketball. After he finished
dunking over me, dribbling under me and slithering around me

12 Mind Masters
I was through. He had beaten me by more than 100 points. Of course the game was
only to 100 so I didn't even have a chance to score.
After the game was over he took me outside and showed me his
yellow submarine. He asked if I wanted a ride so we got in and off
we went. Once we were inside the submarine the Beatles song,
"The Yellow Submarine" came on the loudspeaker. Alligator
Jordan and me sang the song together as we cruised under water in
the New York harbor.
Once we pulled up to the shoreline, wheels sprouted from underneath
the submarine and before I knew it we were driving down the streets of
New York. We pulled right up to the Empire State Building and Alligator
Jordan let me off. We said goodbye and I stepped out of the yellow sub-
marine. I looked up at the tall building and low and behold, there was
King Kong! He had scaled the side of the Empire State Building just like
in the movies but he had a bunch of books in his hand and he was hand-
ing them to a woman who was at the very top of Empire State Building.
She was smiling and thanked King Kong for bringing them all the way up the side of
the building.
Mr. Kong then came down and picked me up in his hand and asked me where I
would like to go. I told him that I would like to visit Central Park. So he took me to
Central Park and set me down. Just then a brown rabbit came up to me and asked me
if I would like to have a picnic lunch with him. I was a bit hungry so I answered,
"Sure!" He pulled out a blanket and some sandwiches and we sat
down to eat. Just as we sat down it started to rain. "No problem,"
said the brown rabbit as we pulled out an umbrella and opened
it up. We finished out lunch and I thanked him for his hos-
It was time to go home so I flagged down the bus that
would take me back to the airport. Soon enough the bus pulled
up and a giant cow was driving it. By now there was just about
nothing that could surprise me so I stepped onto the bus and said
hello to the gigantic cow driver. He said, "Hello there!" with a
big smile. I sat back and enjoyed my ride back to the airport and
my wonderful vacation in the extraordinary town called New
York City.
Did you notice the peg images in the story? I hope so! When memorizing infor-
mation using this story, all you have to do is make associations between the peg
images and the elements that you trying to memorize.
Like the previous Story Method example, after repeating this story to yourself
several times at different times of the day over several days you will have remem-
bered it so well that it will become abbreviated. This is what it may sound like after
you have locked the story into your long-term memory banks.

I got on a plane to NYC. The pilot was a giant and had an oversize head. We flew

Mind Masters 13
into NYC but it was upside down. We crashed into the Statue of Liberty. A man
in a purple sports car picked me up. There was a baby in the back seat that wouldn't
stop crying. They dropped me off in front of the New York Stock Exchange. I trad-
ed a $1 million dollar share of Microsoft stock. A dog-man took me to an old beat up
house. Alligator Jordan beat me in basketball. He took me onto a yellow submarine
and gave me a ride across the harbor. He dropped me off in front of the Empire State
Building where King Kong was giving books to a lady at the top of the building. King
Kong took me to Central park and I had lunch with a brown rabbit. It started raining
and the rabbit pulled out an umbrella. After lunch I boarded a bus that was being driv-
en by an oversized cow to go back to the airport.

There were a lot of peg images in this compact story. I counted at least twenty-
one peg images that could be used to associate with information.

Let's name some of the potential peg images in the story:

1. Plane 12. Yellow submarine

2. Big headed pilot 13. Empire State Building
3. Statue of Liberty 14. King Kong
4. Purple sports car 15. Books in King Kong's hand
5. Crying baby 16. Lady at the top of Empire State Bldg.
6. New York Stock Exchange 17. Central Park
7. Microsoft stock 18. Brown rabbit
8. Dog man 19. Umbrella
9. Old house 20. Oversized cow
10. Basketball court 21. Bus
11. Alligator Jordan 22. Airport

This means that you can memorize at least twenty-one different and unique
pieces of information from this short but powerful little story!
You can use the same story over and over again with different applications. I have
an arsenal of about ten stories that I use over and over again depending on the num-
ber of elements that need to be memorized.
Again, stories can be used if you have a longer list of things you need to memo-
rize and are great ways to come up with peg images.

Location Method
The Location Method uses familiar locations to help you memorize important
information. Each location is a peg image that helps you form an association.
The Location Method is a fantastic way to lock-in important information because
of the many locations you have at your disposal.
You may not believe it but you know a lot of locations already that you can use
to make the Story Method work for you. Here are just a few places that you may be
able to use:

14 Mind Masters
Rooms in home or a previous home Areas of local library
Rooms in friend's or relative's homes Frequently visited local businesses
Room in your church Workplace
Areas of the local park Favorites stores in the local mall
Areas in your school Areas in local fitness center
Businesses along the main street Friends home in your neighborhood
States in your region of thecountry Areas inside and around your car

Let's take a couple of examples from the list to demonstrate how to you can come
up with easy-to-remember peg images.

Location: Areas inside and around your car

• Glove compartment • Dashboard
• Drivers seat • Hood of car
• Front passenger's seat • Trunk space
• Back seat • Top of car
• Bottom of car • Ash tray
• Cup holder • Storage compartment

Using you car you have automatically come up with at least twelve peg images
that you can easily remember. Just think of all the places you could use if you had a
If you're not convinced how easy this is let's take another example. Let's try to
come up with peg images from the areas of your local park.

Location: Areas of local park

• Bathrooms • Swing set
• Volleyball court • Monkey bars
• Basketball court • Picnic tables
• Barbeque pit • Parking lot
• Softball field • Pavilion
Of course the areas of a park will vary depending on the design of your local park
and the areas that you can easily remember.

The trick with using the Location Method is to pick a defined route in your mind
that passes by or enters into the locations that are using as peg images. This is impor-
tant because it will prevent you from leaving a location out of the list.

O.K., let's look a great example of using the Location Method. We will use the
rooms of a home for our peg image list and let's assume that we are trying to memo-
rize multiple parts of a computer and a couple of peripherals.

Mind Masters 15
The following are the computer parts and peripherals that we need to memorize
and recall:

• Compact Disc • Floppy disk • Hard drive

• Keyboard • Hand scanner • Mouse
• Monitor • Laser printer • Serial port
• video circuit card

The route you should take through the house depends on your house.

This is the route we are going to take through my house. I'll first walk up to the
house and stand in the yard for a moment. Then I'll knock on the front door and after
which we'll enter in and pass by the study on my left and the dining room on my right.
Then we'll enter the living room and walk straight into my bedroom. From my bed-
room I'll go into my bathroom. I'll leave the bathroom and step into my closet. I'll
then leave my closet and my bedroom and go to the kitchen. Lastly, I'll walk through
the kitchen and then open the door and step into the garage.

Now let's put it all together using associations.

Computer Partsand Peripherals

Association: II walk up to the front

yard and see a giant video circuit
card with a big smiling face on it

Front Yard Video Circuit Card greeting me with a high five!

Association: Then I walk up to the

front door and to get in I have to
put in my red floppy disk into the
disk drive that is embedded in the
Front Door Floppy Disk door.

16 Mind Masters
Computer Parts & Peripherals

Association: Once I am in the

house I look to my left and see a large
hard disk drive spinning around mak-
ing screaming sounds. I go over to
the disk drive and stop it by holding
Study Hard Drive on to the spinning disk.
Association: I then look back around
and see my significant other typing on
the keyboard naked. She is just typing
away without a care in the world.
Dining Room Keyboard
Association: I then enter into the liv-
ing room and there is a laser light show
going on. The laser lights are coming
Living Room Laser Printer out of the laser printer.

Association: I step over the laser

printer and enter into my bedroom.
There in my room is the world largest
computer monitor and it is showing
Bedroom Monitor the Lawrence Welk show.

Association: As I step by the

monitor I go into my bathroom and
there is a giant mouse brushing his
Bathroom Mouse teeth. He smiles and waves at me.

Association: I then enter my clos-

et and see big flash of red light then I
hear a sound as though I am being
scanned. I open my eyes back up and
there is a massive scanner scanning me.
Closet Scanner

Association: I run out of the clos-

et and walk to the kitchen. There I
find a giant box of Life Cereal.
Yummy, I get a bowl and eat it before
Kitchen Serial Port I move on to the garage.

Association: As I walk into the

garage there is a monster CD with red
eyes looking at me. He starts spin-
ning and laughing at me like Vincent
Garage Compact Disc Price.

Mind Masters 17
Now that you have read the associations, close your eyes and walk through the
house again. Can you see the giant mouse brushing his teeth or the laser light show
in the living room?
Notice that I made the associations using some form of action whether it was
brushing teeth, a laser light show, or an evil CD with red eyes laughing at me. Action
brings the images and associations to life and will help you lock-in that image in
long-term memory.
When you use your own home in your imagination it becomes even more pow-
erful. Again, when you use the Location Method, think of locations that are familiar
to you.

The Body Parts Method

The Body Parts method is the same as the other methods except that you are
using your own body parts as peg images. By now your own body parts should be
pretty easy to remember. If not, just look down!
The different parts of my body that I usually use for peg images are my foot, leg,
bottom, belly, chest, shoulders, back, arm, hand and head.
Let's assume in this example that I am taking a Greek mythology class and I need
to memorize several of the important Greek gods. These are the Greek gods that need
to be memorized.
Greek Gods
Hades - God of the underworld Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty
Hermes - Zeus's son and messenger Hera - Zeus's wife and sister
Apollo - God of truth and light Artemis - Lady of wild things
Poseidon - God of the sea Athena - Goddess of the city
Ares - God of war Zeus - Ruler of the Gods

Making associations for the Greek gods is a bit more difficult than the examples
that we have looked at thus far. The names of the Greek gods are quirky and unique.
When working with difficult words like the names of the Greek gods, you should try
to make associations that rhyme.
Even associations that are somewhat weak can be made strong by reviewing
them repetitiously in your mind over a period of time. Eventually, even the weak
associations can be recalled instantly.

Greek Gods

Association : Imagine ladies

kissing your feet. The word ladies
rhyme with Hades. Also you feet are
the lowest extremity on your body and
Foot Ladies can be associated with Hades or Hell.

18 Mind Masters
Greek Gods
Association: Look down at your legs
and imagine your knees knocking wildly
together. The word knees rhymes with
Hermes. Also Hermes used his legs to be
a messenger.
Leg Knees

Association: Imagine having a hollow

behind. The word hollow rhymes with
Apollo. Also Apollo was known for having
a great body and a good-looking behind.
Bottom Hollow Bottom

Association: Imagine you just drank a

bunch of water and you can hear it
sloshing around in your stomach.
Poseidon was the god of water.
Stomach Ocean
Association: Imagine your chest
having a breastplate on it clothed for war.
Ares was the god of war. You can also
think of the "hair-es" on your chest.
Chest Breastplate
Association: Imagine tightening your
muscles and making a bodybuilding
pose. You look mighty. Think of "Miahty
Back Mighty Aphrodite."

Association: magine having Farrah

Fawcett hanging on your muscular arm.
Farrah rhymes with Hera.
Arm Farrah Fawcett
Association: Remember the song, "Puff
the Magic Dragon." Imagine using your
hand to lead a song by waving it back and
forth. A phrase in the song says that Puff,
"frolicked in the Autumn Mist." Autumn
Mist rhymes with Artemus. She was also
Hand Puff the Magic Dragon
lady of wild things such as dragons.

Association: Athena sprang from

Zeus's head. She didn't have a mother.
Imagine Athena coming out of your
Head Athena

Mind Masters 19
Greek Gods

Association: Imagine a goose

biting your shoulder.
Zeus rhymes with goose.
Shoulder Goose

This Greek god example was a bit tougher. You need to be creative and use asso-
ciations that are familiar to you. The song, "Puff the Magic Dragon" was one of my
favorites as a boy so it's easy for me to sing the words. You may want to use some-
thing else.

In one way or another I was able to make an association for each Greek god.
Stronger associations that are easy to remember are better than vague associations,
however, after reviewing the associations several times the names of the Greek gods
will be automatic.

The Face Parts Method

The Face Method of memorization is very similar to the Body Parts Method of mem-
orization in that is uses parts of your own body to provide peg images for making
memory associations.

The parts of my face that I use are the following:

I. Forehead 2. Cheek
3. Ear 4. Mouth
5. Eyes 6. Chin
7. Nose 8. Hair
9. Eyebrows 10. Tongue
11. Teeth 12. Nostrils

It is virtually impossible to forget your peg images using the Face Parts Method
because each peg image is sitting right on your face!
I want to bring these memory and recall techniques to life for you be giving you
realistic examples of how you can use them in your studies and daily life. So let's put
the Face Parts Method to work by applying it to a real-life example.\
Let's suppose that I am studying business writing in school. The instructor teach-
es the Nine Principles of Good Business Writing and expects each of use to know
these nine principles cold. The following are the Nine Principles of Good Business
Writing that we've been asked to memorize:

1. State your objective

2. Know your audience
3. Stay on topic
4. Put your conclusion first and your evidence second

20 Mind Masters
5. Use formatting techniques such as lists and subheads
6. Use simple sentences
7. Strengthen verbs
8. Speak in your own voice
9. Spell check

He states that every class period he is going to call on a student to stand up and
give an explanation of at least one of the Nine Principles of Good Business Writing.
All the students are frightened to death because of the instructor's promise. Not me!
I know how to memorize and recall the nine principles instantly using the Face Parts

First, I need to put the nine principles into long-term memory. Let's do this
through association with the different parts of my face.
Nine Principles of Business Writing
Association: Imagine there is an
object in your eye that you can't get out.
Your eye turn red and bloodshot. Object
should remind of objective or "State you
Eyes Bloodshot Eye objective.

Association: Imagine that your ears

are audio speakers with music blaring out
of them. The word audio is associated
Ear Audio Speaker with "Know your audience."
Association: Imagine a top spinning
on the top of your head. The top should
remind you of topic. Or "Stay on Topic."
Hair Top
Association: Imagine the words
"Guilty" sitting on your left eyebrow and
a magnifying glass burning a whole in
your head over the right eyebrow. The
word "guilty" stands for conclusion and
Eyebrows the magnifying glass stands for facts.
Reading form left to right the imagery
means to state conclusion first then
present the evidence or facts.
Association: Imagine a doormat glued onto
your forehead and then imagine the door-
mat being ripped off and how much that
would hurt. Doormat rhymes with format,
which will help you remember "Formatting
Forehead Doormat techniques such as lists and bullets."

Mind Masters 21
Nine Principles of Business Writing

Association: Imagine a big pimple on

your cheek. Pimple will remind you of
simple or "Simplify sentences."
Cheek Pimple
Association: Imagine your nose
smelling a bunch of herbs. Herbs should
help you recall the word verbs or
"Strengthen your verbs."
Nose Herbs

Association: Imagine your mouth

speaking. and the words speak, speak,
speak coming out so that you can see
them. Speaking should help you remem-
Mouth Speaking ber "Speak in your own voice."

Association: Imagine a big check-

mark on your ch5n. The checkmark
stands for "Check spelling."
Chin Check
After you recite these associations to yourself at least five or six times, or even
more you will get to a point where you can touch your chin and you'll remember,
"Check spelling." Or when you think of the top of your head you will remember top,
or "Stay on topic."

Can't Think of an Association?

You might have figured out by now that the toughest part of developing a Power
Memory using associations is being creative enough to come up with associations.
In the previous examples using the Body Parts and Face Parts Methods most of our
associations used rhyming words. Using rhyming words will help you develop an
association quickly and painlessly.
For instance, from the previous example in which we had to memorize the names
of Greek Gods we found that the names were unusual and not easily associatable
with common images. Instead of wracking our brain to force an association we found
words that rhymed with the word we were trying to memorize and could be associ-
ated with the peg image.
For instance, instead of trying to find an image that could easily be associated
with "Hera" we took the word "Farrah" which rhymed with it then associated an
image of Farrah Fawcett with a muscular arm.
This technique can be used to memorize new vocabulary words that are difficult
and unusual. Have you ever tried to memorize the parts of your brain? Words like
"cerebral cortex" are difficult to pronounce let along memorize.

22 Mind Masters
The cerebral cortex is the part of the cerebrum that controls the high brain func-
tions such as sensory perception, learning and memory and individuality. So a good
association might be to imagine a skier wearing a ski suit made out of multi-colored
Cortex material (a breathable water repellant material). The word Cortex rhymes
with cortex and the multi-colored material can remind you a person's individuality.
Using rhymes can help you create associations fast and easy but don't rely on them
solely for all your associations. The best associations are two images that have a
natural fit but are joined by an illogical or an extreme action.
The Importance of Having Solid Peg Images
Now that we have learned several different ways to remember and recall most
any type of fact, figure or piece of information using powerful associations you can
see the importance of having peg images.
You should strive to memorize at least 15-20 unique peg image lists that can be
recalled instantly. You should be able to repeat the one-bun list or personal location
list like it was second nature. Once you have these lists memorized cold, you are
halfway to having a Power Memory.

Too Many Associations?

Some people ask, what if I memorize too many associations? Won't they start get-
ting mixed up in my mind? The answer is, probably not. If you review your associa-
tions for a small amount of time each day, you eventually won't even need the images
to remember them.
For instance, if you've associated the image of a yelling baby with the name of
one of your friend's children and you've been able to say his name several times to
the point that you've now memorized it, there is no need to continue to remember the
association. You can now forget the image or use it again in another association.

Be Selective
Try to be selective in what you choose to move to long-term memory. For tem-
porary things that you need to recall only today or tomorrow, don't attempt to put into
long-term memory.
Important information that you know you will need to use in the future should be
put into long-term memory. Things like names, important facts about people you
meet, and information that may show up on tests should all be put into long-term
The human brain has an infinite capacity to store information. This means that
our mind will never fill up and will continually receive more and more information.

The Letter Methods (Mnemonics)

Let's look at a couple of other powerful memory techniques that are time-tested
and work well for short lists. Two of these methods are the Acronym Method and the
Sentence Method.

Mind Masters 23
The Acronym Method - You've probably used this method before and just
didn't know it. The Acronym Method takes the first letter of what you are try-
ing to memorize and puts them into a word.

The Sentence Method - The Sentence Method is a cousin to the Acronym

Method. You take the first letter (or an important letter) of the word you're
trying to memorize and form a sentence out of it.
Each of these techniques uses letters to form familiar images such as a word or
sentence. Unlike the association techniques talked about earlier, the Letter Methods
use more rote memorization.
However, if you take the Acronym and Sentence Method to higher level you can
associate the final word or sentence with an image or series of images that will help
you recall the information.

The Acronym Method - An Acronym is formed using the first letter of a word.
We use acronyms daily but just don't realize that they are "acronyms." Some exam-
ples of common acronyms are NBA, which stands for the National Basketball
Association or the word SCUBA, which is short for Self Contained Underwater
Breathing Apparatus.
Let's practice putting some acronyms together. Assume you had to memorize
some of the following ideas in school:
Geology - Types of fossils, 1) Actual Remains, 2) Petrified, 3) Imprint and
4) Molds or casts. Take the first letters of each word and when put together they form
APIM. Now lets reorganize these letters and make a word, or at least something that
can be strongly related to a word. How about PAIM, which sounds almost like the
word "pain?"
Religion - The famous reformers, 1) John Wesley, 2) John Calvin, 3) Martin
Luther, 4) Ulrich Zwingli, 5) John Wycliffe. Take the first letters of each of the last
names and put them together to form, WCLZW. Not only does this not spell any-
thing, it has no vowels so it is impossible to form a sensible word. However, after we
put a couple of vowels in and reorganize the letters we come up with the word
What does the word cowlawz stand for? Nothing! But if you imagine the reform-
ers as a herd of cows changing the laws of the Catholic Church it will remind you of
The Sentence Method - Using the Sentence Method, a sentence is formed with
the first letters of each word that is being memorized. This is good for longer lists as
compared to the Acronym Method.

24 Mind Masters
Let's review some examples :

Anatomy - Skeletal bones, 1) Vertebrae, 2) Humerus, 3) Radius, 4) Ulna, 5) Carpals,

6) Femur, 7) Tibia, 8) Fibula and 9) Patella. Now we will try to make a sentence
using the words that start with the first letters of the names of each bone. "Victor
Hugged Rats Under the Carport the First Time Fred Panicked."

History - Names of dinosaurs, 1) Plesiosaurus, 2) Tyrannosaurus Rex,

3) Brontosaurus, 4) Stegosaurus, 5) Velociraptor and 6) Pterandan. "Paul Toured
Barcelona Singing Vibrant Praises."

The Sentence Method is particularly helpful when you have to memorize things
in a particular order. The Sentence Method is also much easier to develop somewhat
logical phrases as compared to the Acronym Method.

Both the Acronym and Sentence Methods can be easy to develop and simple to
remember, however, they aren't as flexible as the association memory techniques.
They don't allow you to express images as well and humans think in images not

Sing-a-Long Method

We are going to talk about one more method for memorizing lists of important
information. It is the Sing-a-Long Method. This is by far the most fun of all the meth-
ods we have talked about so far.

How many of you remember any jingles that you have heard on the television.
Let's test you by finishing off these phrases:

"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, _ ___ _ _ ___ _ __!"

"You deserve a break today, so get up an get away, __ _________•"
"Purina cat chow, __ ______ __."

Were you able to finish off the T.V. jingles? If you couldn't its probably because
they are a bit dated. Sorry for showing my age. However, the principle is still the
same. These short songs stick in your head and stay there for a long time. This is the
same principle that the Sing-a-Long Method uses.

The Sing-a-Long Method makes a song out of what you want to memorize. Pick
a popular tune that you like and insert your words into the song. At first it will seem
a little weird but after singing the tune a couple times you'll be amazed at how well
this method works.

Here is the step-by-step method to using the Sing-a-Long Method of memorizing

and recalling important information.

Mind Masters 25
Step 1 - Choose a song with which you are familiar. Make sure that you know the
melody and words really well. Folk songs are great for the Sing-a-Long Method
because most of us learned them when we were young and still have them fresh in
our minds.
Step 2 - Write down the words of the song you chose with triple spaces between each
line. This will allow you to put your new words below the original words. Start a new
line for full line of the song.

Step 3 - Write down the notes or information that you want to memorize as bullet
points on a separate sheet of paper. Pull out the important key words that you want
in the song and abbreviate your notes as much as possible.

Step 4 - Now take each line of notes and fit it into each line of the original song. It's
great if the new words rhyme but it is not essential. What's more important is that the
number of syllables on a line "somewhat" matches the number of syllables of the new
line. Put small filler words in to make it sound smoother.

Step 5 - Sing the new song and make any adjustments you need.
The Sing-a-Long Method is easy to do and is so powerful. How hard is it to learn
words to a new song? Not very hard...especially if the tune is familiar. Let's review
an example by putting the following words to the song "Jingle Bells," a song most
everyone knows.

First let's review the words to the song so that you can establish the tune in your
"Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we
go, laughing all the way, ha ha ha, bells on bobtail ring, making spirits
bright, oh what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Jingle
bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse
open sleigh, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun, it is to
ride on a one horse open sleigh."
Now we are ready to put words to the new song. Let's suppose I was taking a
marketing class and our assignment was to memorize the 10 Keys to Effective
Advertising. The 10 keys are as follows:

1. Understand you audience, address its needs

2. Set objectives
3. Communicate with the creative people
4. Keep it simple
5. Grab the audiences attention
6. Provoke an emotional response from the audience
7. Substance, not puffery
8. Be truthful
9. Identify yourself

26 Mind Masters
Now that we have a picked a tune and we know what we want to memorize lets
overlay new words on to the Jingle Bells melody.

"Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we go,
Understand your audience, then address it needs, set objectives straight,

laughing all the way, ha ha ha, bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright, communi-
cate with creativity, ha ha ha, lets keep it simple now, and grab the audience,

oh what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Oh, Jingle bells, jingle
bells, Provoke an emotional response with the-eee audience, Oh, Sub-stance,

jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh, sub-stance,
substance not puffery, and always be truthful.
jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun, it is to ride on a one horse
open Identify, identify, identify yourself, these are the 10 keys to effective adver-


By now you are probably saying to yourself that this is too much work to do to just
memorize a list of information. But in reality, it is not difficult to put new words to a

Here are some hints. First, don't worry too much about making words rhyme. As
along as the words semi-fit into your song, its O.K. Second, you can put a few small
filler words in to make it sound better and fit smoother with the melody. Third, the
better you know the words and melody to the original song the easier it is make what
you're trying to memorize fit with the original song.

A further suggestion to make the Song Method even more powerful is once you've
created the new song, record it multiple times on a cassette recorder and play it back
to yourself while you are in your car. You'll be astonished at the results and how easy
and fun it is to use the Song Method to memorize important information.

Let's take another example and use the song, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Here
are the words to the song:

"For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly
good fellow that nobody can deny. That nobody can deny, that nobody can
deny. For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a
jolly good fellow, that nobody can deny.

We won't go home until morning, we won't go home until morning, we

won't go home until its morning, till daylight doth appear. Till daylight doth
appear, till daylight doth appear. We won't go home until morning, we

Mind Masters 27
won't go home until morning, we won't go until morning, till daylight doth

Let's assume now that we are still in the same marketing class and we are study-
ing about the effectiveness of newsletters. The instructor tells the class to read an arti-
cle titled, "Making Newsletters that Sing" and that there will be a quiz on it the next
day at the beginning of the class.

So you decide to read and summarize the article in a catchy song so that you can
remember the important points for the quiz. After reading the article you have deter-
mine that the following points need to be put to memory for tomorrow's quiz:

• The marketing newsletter is an effective tool

• It allows you to gain an emotional response from your customer without being there
• You need to set the objectives of the newsletter first
• Make the objectives limited so that it provides focus and substance
• Ensure that your newsletter is appealing to the eye
• Consider using color, art, photographs and lots of white space to make it easier to read
• Determine what the readers needs are by asking for their feedback and suggestions
• By meeting your readers needs you will gain credibility, which will strengthen its appeal
• People are very business so keep it short, simple and to the point
• Be consistent. If you say you're going to send it bi-weekly then send it bi-weekly
• Make sure you match the newsletter to its medium whether it be the net or
printed mail
• Finally, make sure that you proofread the newsletter and clean it of any mistakes

Now let's take all these points and put them to familiar music. Most everyone knows
the song, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" so lets use that song.
It goes something like this...

"For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow
that The marketing newsletter, is an effective tool, the marketing newsletter, can

nobody can deny.

change the heart of a mule.

That nobody can deny, that nobody can deny.

But you must set objectives, they should be limited.
For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow,
Make sure it's appealing, use color, art and white space,
for he's a jolly good fellow, that nobody can deny.
photographs are clever, and make it easy to read.

28 Mind Masters
We won't go home until morning, we won't go home until morning,
What are the readers needs, ask them for input please,

we won't go home until morning, till daylight doth appear. Till daylight doth appear,
gain credibility, and it will be read by many. Keep it short and simple,

till daylight doth appear. We won't go home until morning,

and send it out regularly. Adapt it to the net,

we won't go home until morning, we won't go until morning,

printed mail may be best, proof it before it goes out,

till daylight doth appear."

or your customers will scream and shout.

Sing it a few times to get the hang of it. After singing it about six or seven times
close your eyes are start to sing parts of it by memory. Cheat a little bit if you have
to but try to sing as much with your eyes closed as you can.

Scripting this whole song took me only ten minutes. Is it worth ten minutes of
your time to put important information to memory that you know you will be on a
test? Yes!

Eventually this song will become the same as any song that you sing off the radio.
You'll know it by heart and you will be the first one done with your quiz and have the
highest score...guaranteed!

Like the association methods that we have learned, the key to the Sing-a-Long
Method of memorization is having a list of "Peg Songs" that we can access whenev-
er we need to memorize something.

Here is a list of ten peg songs that you can refer to often. Use this list as a starter
list. Add to this list with songs of your own with which you are familiar.

• Twinkle, twinkle little star • B-I-N-G-O

• This old man • Old McDonald had a farm
• Three blind mice • She'll be coming around the mountain
• Row, row, row your boat • My Bonnie lies over the ocean
• You are my sunshine • I'm a little tea pot

Nursery rhymes, Christmas songs and folk songs are great to use for the Sing-a-
Long Method. If you have trouble remembering the songs and their words go to that has a goldmine of over 250 songs with words that you can
use as Peg Songs.

This technique is so powerful that I suggest you make a Peg Song Sheet by typing
all the songs up on a computer and printing out the sheet and have it plasticized at

Mind Masters 29
the copy center. Put three holes in it and put it in your binder as a memorization
cheat sheet.
Number Code Method - Memorizing Numbers
It's great to be able to memorize items, objects, ideas and words but how about
numbers? We are surrounded by numbers all the time and are required to remember
numbers frequently.
Think about it, social security number, license plate, addresses, phone numbers,
dates, prices, zip codes etc. But how do we apply the five Laws of Memory to mem-
orize and recall numbers? Without a system, numbers of difficult to memorize
because our mind thinks in pictures, not numbers.
It's easier to remember a dog eating a big orange carrot than it is to memorize a
string of numbers like $32, 554 or (713) 332-6149. But what if you could associate
a number with a picture and use many of the same techniques that we have learned
already to remember numbers.
Let's assign each number 0-9 a letter that is a consonant. Then when we need to
remember a number we can throw a couple of vowels in with the consonants and
reorganize them to form a word. This word can be used to form an association with
whatever other image we want.
For instance, let's assume that we wanted to memorize the population of the
United States, which is 281 million. Now substitute the numbers 2, 8, and 1 for N, F
and T. We'll put a couple of vowels in and make a word that spells, "NaFTa.
NAFTA may stand for the North American Free Trade Agreement but in this
example is represents the population of the United States. Imagine an image of every
one in North America abandoning the country to go to Canada and Mexico all at
So why did I choose N, F and T to represent the numbers 2,8 and 1? I assigned
each number 0-9 a letter. This is an old memorization trick that works great. Once
you memorize the nine letters you will have a system for memorizing any combina-
tion of numbers for life!
Here are the number / letter combinations :
Number Letter Memory Aid
1 tord Tand "d" have single downstrokes
2 n "n" has two downstrokes
3 m "m" has three downstrokes
4 r Looks like a reverse "4"
5 h Five fingers on your hand
6 j Looks like the number "6"
7 lork "I" Looks like a upside down "7" and K is two "7's" upside down
8 b Capital "B" looks like an "8"
9 g "g" looks like "9"
0 zors Zero begins with the letter "z"

30 Mind Masters
Before we go on I need to share some rules that go along with this method of mem-
orizing and recalling numbers.

Rule 1 - Vowels are always ignored - the letters c, q, f, v, w, x, y are not ignored also
Rule 2 - Use nouns instead of verbs or adjectives when creating words
Rule 3 - Double letters only count as one letter
Rule 4 - When making a word, use only phonetics

Let's practice with number system using the letter substitutions and the rules that we
just stated. I will give some examples of important numbers and their translations.

Number Significance Translation Associations

1. 138 Number of men TMB ToMB - Imagine that all the men
million in U.S. lad died and were buried in the U.S.
in one monster size tomb.
2. 143 Number of TRM TeRM - All the women in the U.S.
million women in U.S. served in congress for one term.
3. May 13th Doctor's appt. TM Imagine May 13tn is a Tuesday
Morning so TM could remind you of
Tuesday Morning.
4. 3413.0 BTU's per MRTM MR.TiMe - Imagine the clock on the
kilowatt-hour city hall building in the movie, "Back
of Power to the Future" that got electrocuted by
lightning was named Mr. Time.

5. 299,792,4 Speed of light NGGLGNR NaG, GLue, GuN, ReHaB -

58 mtrs / HB Imagine an old lady nag, chewing
sec. out her husband while he is put-
ting glue on big gun, sticking it into
his mouth and walking into the Betty
Ford rehab center.
6. 385,000 MBHSSS MoB HuSSy SoS - imagine a large
Distance of
km moon from mob that brings a dirty hussy before
earth Jesus while writes the word S-O-S in
the sand.
7. 561-9983 Girlfriend's UTGGBM 5, JeT, GiGi, BuM - Imagine five
phone Number jets in a nose dive landing directly on
two people, a shapely girl named
GiGi and an old bum.
8. 5537 Friends HHML
Mapple Address H, H, MuLe - Imagine slapping a
St. mule's behind with your hand twice,
as hard as you can, to get it to walk to
your friend's house.

Mind Masters 31
Number Significance Translation Associations
9. 11.8% Percent of U.S. TTBS TuT, Boss - Imagine your boss walk-
Paputation below ing into your office and he has King
aoverty level Tut's big gold head on his houlders.

10. $40,816 Average U.S. RSBTJ RoSe, BaT, Joe - Imagine a big rose
household springing out the end of a wooden
income bat and the bat has the name "Joe"
branded on the side in huge letters.

These are ten examples of how you can use the Number Code Method to associ-
ate pictures to numbers that allows you to memorize and recall strings of numbers.
Let's review some of the examples above.

In example # 3 I used the first letters of Tuesday and Morning to represent the
appointment. When you have just two letters that represent one number some times
it's easier to use the letters to memorize the number instead of turning them into an

Look at example # 4 in which I used a title "MR." to represent two numbers. This
is acceptable as long as you remember that the title term is used as part of the mem-
orization code.

Example # 5 was perhaps the hardest number for me to code because it was so
long. But look what I did; I broke the number down into smaller bites. Instead of
finding a single word for "NGGLGNRHB" (which is impossible) I broke it down into
manageable strings, NG - GL - GN - RHB. The next step was to code the letters to a
word (image) and put the image together using the Laws of Memory.

Refer to example # 7. I used the number 5 to start the memorization code. This
doesn't follow the Number Code Method rules. However, I represented the number "5"
by using five jets which reminds me that the number starts out with the number "5."

In example # 8 I didn't even use the letters H, H to form a word. As in example

# 7, this also departs from the general rule of the Number Code Method but some
times its easier for me to use a hand image doing actions to represent the number "5"
rather than find some a noun word that contains the letter "H." In this example I
imagined slapping the mule twice with my hand meaning that the number starts out
with two "5's."

Read examples # 9 and #10. These examples used good nouns as images to mem-
orize, however, one could be confused as to the order of the images. When review-
ing the images you have selected that represent numbers, always include in what
order they go. For instance, when reviewing example # 10 in my mind and will
always say to myself that the rose comes before the bat and the bat comes before the
name "Joe."
32 Mind Masters
Now that you have memorized the code you can literally memorize any number
in the world. If you stay to this system, you will be able to use it forever! Unless some
brilliant mathematician invents another number between "0" and "9," you can always
use this system.

Rote Memorization Using Repetition

In spite of all these awesome methods for building a Power Memory the most
widely used method for memorizing information is the old, traditional rote memo-
rization, which follows the Law of Repetition.

The dictionary's definition for the term "rote memorization" is, "A memorizing
process using routine or repetition, often without full attention or comprehension."
Rote memorization is repeating information again and again until it gets pushed into
our long-term memory.

This method is absolutely appropriate in many situations and shouldn't be dis-

counted. For example, everyone should memorize the multiplication tables because
it is something that you will refer to your entire life and needs to be retrieved very
quickly from your memory.

I remember while learning electronics in the military that we had to memorize

Ohm's Law, which goes something like this:

R = E/I
I = E/R
E = lxR
(R=resistance, E=voltage and l=amperage or current)

This was pounded into our minds through repetition and because of that I will
probably always remember Ohm's Law by heart.

If you are studying by yourself the best way to memorize using rote memoriza-
tion is using flash cards. Flash cards are usually 3' x 5' cards with a question; term or
formula is written on one side and the answer written on the other side. The figure
below is an example of two different flash cards.

Notice in the upper right hand corner the source of the information is noted.

When reading your chapter or reviewing your notes, rewrite them as flashcards.
During the day take every opportunity to can to review your flashcards and memo-
rize the

Mind Masters 33
information. Bus rides, standing in lines, waiting for class to start, during
lunch etc. are all great times to use your flashcards to review and memorize infor-

I would also consider using electronic flashcards. You can download several
shareware flashcard programs. These programs are relatively inexpensive and can
be super exam prep tools. Some flashcard programs will allow you to develop
multiple choice, true/false and traditional term / definition questions. They are fun
to use and are super powerful! Try using flashcards for doing rote memorization
on your next test.

When doing rote memorization you need to understand that less is more.
Studies have shown that we will forget more, on the average, during the first hour
after leaning than during the next 24 hours; and we will forget more, on the aver-
age, during the first day than we will during the next thirty days.

34 Mind Masters
Mind Masters 35
36 Mind Masters
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38 Mind Masters
Mind Masters 39
40 Mind Masters
41 Mind Masters
42 Mind Masters
Mind Masters 43
44 Mind Masters
Mind Masters 45
To compare the Brain with galaxy is a modest analogy!
Every intact person on our planet carries around his 3.5 pound mass of tissue
called brain without giving much thought to it. Yet every normal brain is capable of
making more patterned thoughts than the number of stars in this universe.
Your brain can be very much compared to computer in terms of its calculative
speed and storing, otherwise called Bio-Chemical Supercomputer.
Our brain has been divided into two parts
Two parts of Brain
1. Left Brain
2. Right Brain

According to the current research on brain and mind, experts have confirmed
that people use only 10% of their brain power. The rest of them unused leaving the
brain power in wastage.
Especially for Smartworking we have to use more and more of our creative brain,
i.e. Right - Brain. There should be synchronization between left and right brain. For
any person to develop super - learning qualities, the person needs to have his/her
brain carrying out four important functions.
a) mental co-ordination,
b) mental flexibility,
c) mental endurance, and
d) mental strength,


1. Rhythm
2. Spatial awareness
3. Dimension
4. Imagination
5. Gestalt
6. Day Dreaming



46 Mind Masters
Three types of Tuning :
1. Permanent Tuning :
A person who has a permanent beliefs like, 1 am an Hindu, Christian, or I want
to become literate, following culture & tradition I is called permanent tuning. This is
subconscious and changing these beliefs are impossible and difficult. It is estimated
it may take 5-15 years.
2. Temporary Tuning :
Recreation activities, taking tuition, light reading like novels, Newspapers falls
under temporary tuning.

3. Self-Tuning :
A person who craves for success and performance, Self - Tunes himself towards
the direction of success, by mastering the skills required to achieve. Observe the fol-
lowing pyramid.

A. Pyramid
1. Only Desire > Time Killer
2. Desire + Knowledge > Follower
3. Desire + Skills > Cheater's category
4. Desire+knowledge+Skills > Tuned for Success

The muscle called " Brain ". Do you exercise it ?
Mind and body are integrated into one system. There is no doubt that movement
activates the neural circuitry throughout the I body, making the whole body a part of
learning mechanism.
Brain Gym activates full mind/body function through simple intergrative move-
ments, which focus on specific aspects of sensory activation and facilitate integration
of function across the body.
Cross Crawl
You can cross crawl by marching in place, brining your hands and knees up high,
or by crawling on the ground, remembering that your left arm moves forward at the
same time as the right leg, and vice versa. The Cross - Crawl is done by touching the
right elbow to the left knee and then the left elbow to the right knee so that large areas
of the both brain hemispheres are being activated simultaneously.

Brain Buttons
Brain Buttons stimulates the vestibular system for improved alertness and
blood supply to the brains. Brain Buttons are done by placing one hand over the navel
while the other hand stimulates points between the ribs. The hand over the navel

Mind Masters 47
brings attention to the gravitational centre of the body. The other hand gently
rubs the indentations between the first and second ribs directly under the collarbon
(clavicle), on either side to the sternum.
Hook - ups are an extension of cross crawl and activate the sensory and motor cor-
tices of each hemisphere. They are done by first by placing one ankle over the other,
whichever feels most comfortable. The hands are then crossed, clasped and inverted.
To do this, stretch your arms out in front of you, with the back of the hands together
and the thumbs pointing down. Now lift one hand over the other, palms facing and
interlock the fingers. Then roll the locked hands straight down and in towards the
body so they eventually rest on the chest with the elbows down.

Lazy 8 for writing is specifically geared for improved written communication.

Similarly, the lazy 8 for eyes improve the hand/eye and eye/hand coordination. To do
a lazy 8 you draw an infinity symbol (a sideways eight or an eight lying down) on
paper or chalkboard with a flowing contiunous movement. Start at the middle, draw
counter clockwise first: up, over and around; then clockwise: up, over, around and
back to the midpoint. Five or more continuous repetitons are done with each hand
and five or more with both hands together.
Lazy 8's for eyes are similar to the lazy 8's for writing except that the focus here
is on eye movements and improving hand/eye and eye/hand coordination. The Lazy
8's are done by training the eyes on a moving thumb as it describes an infinity sign
in the visual field does the Lazy 8's.

The elephant is the most integrative and if done on a regular basis stimulates the
whole vestibular system and re-establishes damaged nerve networks. It is done by
placing the left ear on the left shoulder, tight enough to hold a piece of paper between
the two, then extending the left arm like a trunk. With kness relaxed, the arm draws
a lazy8 pattern in the mid-field, again starting up the middle and out and around with
eyes following the movement past the fingertips. For increased effectiveness, it
should be done slowly three to five times on the left and an equal number of times
with the right ear against the right the right shoulder.
The Thinking Cap physically stimulates the tactile receptors of the outer ear and
wakes up the whole hearing mechanism, it is done by unrolling the outer ears from
top to bottom several times.

The Energy Yawn is done by massaging the muscles around the Temporo-
Mandibular Joint (TMJ). The TMJ lies right in front of the ear opening and is the
joint where the lower jaw meets the upper jaw. Across this joint run trunks from five
major cranial nerves that gain sensory information from all over the face, eye mus-
cles, tongue and mouth and activate all muscles of the face, eyes and mouth for mas-
tication and vocalization.

The Energizer. To do the energizer, place your hands on the desk in front of you.
Lower Your chin to your chest, feeling the stretch in the back of the neck and the
relaxed shoulders. Taking a deep breath, scoop forward with the head bringing it up

48 Mind Masters
and back, allowing the back to arch slightly and opening the rib cage. Then exhale,
curving the back and bringing the chin back to rest on the chest.

Ambidexterity One way to use both sides of your brain probably is ambidexter-
ity. The ability to use both hands involves the use of both the dominant and non-dom-
inant parts of the brain. The practice of using the non-dominant hand deliberately,
improves the efficiency of that lobe and thereby the overall efficiency of the brain in
addition to the ability to better use the non dominant limb. So keep a small part of the
day to do things that you normally do, to use the non-dominant limb. Imagine you
have lost the use of the eyes and feel your way around. Could be fun and you improve
the function of the brain in the process. Another is to do right brain and left-brain
tasks at the same tune like the brain gym.


1. PRACTICE Pranayama & Meditation.
2. Develop positive mental attitude
3. Feed your brain with negative ions-spend time in parks & open space
4. Eat a high protein & low carbohydrate diet.
5. Alcohol is an enemy of your brain.
6. Learn to alternate left & right brain dominace through nostril breathing.
7. Apply reflexology to stimulate right & left-brain
8. Silence saves your energy & increases brain power.
9. Apply aware & beware techniques to increase brain power
10. Brain diets are soybean, dhal, lady finger, Cow's milk, Rose Water, Apples,
Ginger, Fish & Chicken.
11. Ginseng is a brain power elixir.
12. Drink Gold imprinted water.
13. Vitamin E is a brain power tonic-soy-bean, Wheat gram, Whole grain, eggs,
Dark leafy vegetable, date fruits.
14. Hold your breath under water everyday.
15. Brain gets stimulated in deep concentration.
16. Best way to stimulate brain is to memorize any thing consciously by using
creativity & imagination.
17. Singing, dancing, laughing & story telling are some other effective methods to


Mind is the functional part of the brain. Activities like thinking, dreaming,
learning, hearing, feeling, smelling, memorising, recalling all takes place in mind in
Various forms.
Every man's mind is his private corridor. Attributes like character formation,

Mind Masters 49
assertive behavior, attitudes, aptitudes, behavior, personality are all caused out in



Conscious Mind :
Operative mind with which we think, analyse, imagine, create etc-showroom

Subconscious Mind :
Store house. All our experience are stacked here.

Unconscious Mind :The mind, with which we are born.

Super Conscious Mind : Evolved mind. The contents of this mind are pure,
noble, and spiritual.

During the process of learning we actually make of conscious mind. The con-
scious mind is the Seat of Short - Term memory (STM) whereas subconscious mind
is the Seat of Term-memory (LTM). Conscious mind can be compared to a
showroow, where as subconscious mind for store room.
Our conscious mind has the capacity to store 7 piece of information at a time,
whereas the subconscious mind has the capacity for 20,000 pieces of information at
a time.
To develop super learning qualities and it is necessary to develop and learn how
to use subconscious mind . Our subconscious mind works when the mind is relaxed
with serene alertness. Certain techinques like Creative Dynamic Meditation activates
the superiour working ablilties of the subconscious mind.


1. Sustained concentration
2. Detachment
3. Planned Thinking
4. Positive Thinking
5. Control Over Impulses.


1. Thoughts have vibrations.
2. Thought vibrations are different from physical vibrations.
3. Thoughts have a power of materialization.

50 Mind Masters
4. Thoughts hit the person against whom it is directed (TELEPATHY)
5. Thought transference is independent of time and space.
6. Thoughts are constantly modifying and affecting our subconscious mind.
7. By harmful thoughts, we are activating the law of karma.
8. None of your thoughts is hidden.
9. A strong and positive mind remains immune to negative thought vibrations.
10. Thoughts attract like thoughts.
11. Negative thoughts weaken mind and make it restless.
12. Positive thinking creates a positive aura around your body.
13. Thoughts create thought forms.
14. Your thoughts tend to induce similar thoughts in others.
15. -ve thoughts Produce stress response in the body'. Positive thought creates
relaxation response.
16. When you think about a place, you are affected by thought vibrations
of that place.
17. Thought vibrations also influence physical objects also.


1. Avoid random and hapazard thinking
2. Be positive at all times. Try hard.
3. Reduce emotional elements in your thoughts
4. Be Consistent in your thoughts, words, deeds.
5. Conscious relaxation.
6. Practice Pranayama/Meditation


1. Relaxed Meditation
2. Stretching Exercises
3. Aerobic Exercises
4. Massage
5. Acupressure
6. Hydrotherapy (Water Bath)
7. Yoga Nidra.
8. Abdominal Breathing
9. Humor Therapy
10. Dancing & Shaking of body.
11. Music of Emotions

Mind Masters 51
1. Visual / Spatial:
Use of mental pictures & Imagination for grasping the knowledge.

2. Logical/Mathematical:
This intelligence helps us to think in an organised manner, differentiate clearly &
the helps in problem solving, analysis & decision making.

3. Linguistic :
Our ability with language. The most important intelligence that governs our
commmunication skills & recalling ability. A very good grammatical skills &
a good working vocabulary is needed to tap this intelligence.

4. Musical/rhythmic :
Our listening skills, presentation, public speaking are governed
by this intelligence.

5. Bodily :
Physical skills like writing, drawing, is governed by bodily intelligence.

6. Intra personal:
This indicates our own knowledge. Our strength, weakness, character and habits.
The more we know about ourselves the faster we can improve.

7. Interpersonal:
Enchanting human relationships are governed by this. Develop extra - ordinary
social skills for success in life, business, love, marriage, work place.

Four Elements of Human Intellect :
1. Learning Style : e.g., 1 apple costs 4 Rs. then 1 Dozen costs 48 Rs.
2. Memory Power : e.g., Recalling information like poems etc.

3. Common Sense : e.g., If 1 cat eats 1 Egg in 1 min, then how much time it
takes for 100 Cats to eat 100 eggs, if you say 1 min, that is common sense.

4. Reflexes : eg. Analysing and reacting quickly to any given situation is called


Depends on 4 factors :
1. Environment 2. Education
3. Patience 4. Exposure

52 Mind Masters
By Arousing your five senses,
By Concentrating On your goals,
By Activating your Bipedal mind,
By Synergising both sides of your Brain
By Developing creativity & Intelligence
You can Accelerate The Entire Process of learning and Rapid Recalling.


Knowledge Skills
1. Memory > Retention and Recalling
2. Thinking > Analysing
3. Learning > Acquiring & Grasping
4. Study Skills > Developing intellect
5. Exam Skills > Scoring High Marks
6. Reading Skills > Efficiency in Understanding

Functional Skills
1. Communication > Expression of deas
2. Leadership > Control and Motivating
3. Problem Solving > Solution oriented
4. Decision Making > Unleashing capability

5. Physical, Mental & Spiritual Strength

Attitudinal Skills
1. Positive Thinking > Belief in one - Self
2. Self - Confidence > Self - Esteem and Ability
3. Concentration > Sustained Focusing
4. Goal > Setting Vision
5. Human Relationships > People Skills
1. Put force to your enthusiasm when you are forming a new habit. ; Feel it, remem-
ber you are in primary steps towards making the new mental path. Initially it will
be tougher than later. Make the route as I clear and deeper initially, so that later
it will be easy for you.
2 Keep your mind away from old paths, and pay attention. Concentrate on new path.
3. Travel over newly formed paths as often as possible. Make opportunity for

Mind Masters 53
during some, for passing over those new mental paths, at the very start.
4. Resist the temptation to travel over the older habits.
5. Be Sure you have mapped the right path.


What is a Mind Map ?
A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to
unlock the potential of your brain, it harnesses the full range of cortical skills - word,
image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness - in a single, uniquely
powerful manner, In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expans-
es of your brain. The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where
improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance.
Originated in the late 1960s by - TONY BUZAN Mind Maps are now used by
millions of people around the world - from the very young to the very old - whenev-
er they wish to use their minds more effectively. Similarly to a road map, a Mind Map
Give you an overview of a large subject/area
Enable you to plan routes/ make choices and let you know where you are
going and where you have been.
Gather and hold large amounts of data for you.
Encourage problem solving by showing you new creative pathways
Enable you to be extremely efficient
Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over and remember.
Attract and hold your eye/brain
Let you see the whole picture and the details at the same time.
Assist YOU !
How To Mind Map
1. Turn a large A4 or preferably A3 White sheet of paper on it's side (landscape),
or use a Mind Map pad.
2. Gather a selection of coloured pens, ranging from fine nib to Medium
and highlighters.
3. Select the topic, problem or subject to be mind mapped.
4. Gather any materials or research or additional information.
5. Start in the centre with an unframed image-approximately 6cm high and
wide for an A4 10cm for an A3.
6. Use dimension, expression and at least three colours in the central image
in order to attract attention and aid memory.
7. Make the branches closest to the centre thicker, attached to the imAge age and
'wavy' (organic). Place the Basic Ordering Ideas (Bolt) or th 'chapter heading'
equivalents on the branches.

54 Mind Masters
8. Branch off thinner lines off the end of the appropriate BOIse to hold support-
ing data (most important closest)
9. Use images wherever possible
10. The image or word should always sit on a line of the same length
11. Use colours as your own special code to show people, topics themes or
dates and to make the Mind Map more beautiful
12. Capture all ideas (your own or others') then edit, re-organism mali more
beautiful, elaborate or clarify as a second stage of thinking.
Mind Map Laws
These are the brain-reflecting foundation structures of a Mind Map The More of
them you follow, the more effective your mind map
1. Start in the centre with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colours
2. Use images, symbols, codes and dimensions throughout your Min Map.
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word word/image must be alone and sitting on its own line.
5. The lines must 'be connected, starting from the central image. The Central lines are
thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image .
7. Use colours-your own code-throughout the Mind Map.
8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your Mind Map Use
Learning Reduce those 'tons of work' Feel good about study, revision and
exams. Have confidence in your learning abilities.
Overviewing See the whole picture, the global view, at once. Under stand the
links and connections. Concentrating Focus on the task for better
results. Using all of your cortical skills attracts your attention.
Memorising Easy recall. 'See' the information in your mind's eye.
Organising Be on top of all of the details for parties, holidays, projects or
any other subject.
Presenting Speeches are clear, relaxed and alive. You can be at Your best.
Communicating In all forms with clarity and conciseness. Planning orchestrate all
details and aspects - from beginning to end - on one piece of paper.
Meetings From planning to agenda, to chairing, to taking the minutes... the
jobs are completed with speed and efficiency.
Training From preparation to presention they make the job easier and
much faster.
Thinking Having a method to analyze thoughts-almost a 'way' - station' for them.
Negotiating All the issues, Your position and maneuverability in one sheet.
Brain Blooming The new brain-storming in which more thoughts are generated

Mind Masters 55
56 Mind Masters
Mind Masters 57
Why to Study
1. To develop our intelligence.
2. To get ahead in life.
3. To acquire individual freedom
4. To create someting novel
5. To achieve something outstanding
6. To participate in this globalization
7. To create our own knowledge village
8. To develop thinking clarity
9. To understand what we are and what we can be
10. To awaken our sleeping potentials


1. Study when the concentration is 100%
2. Best time is between 4am and 9am, while concentration is 100%

100% X 4 am - 9 am
80-90% X 9 am - 1 am
60% X 1 pm - 4 pm
50-60% X 4 pm - 7 pm
80% X 7 pm - 11 pm
70% X 11 pm - 4 am

3. Space the studying and observe brain rhythms for every 20 minutes of study. or work for 20 min and take a mental break for 5 minutes. This is called
spaced learning. Recalling will be easier, and swifter.


Combination of subjects ;
First organize your study materials, and chart out clearly how much total time
you are going to spend (and amount of details you are going to study. For example,
if you are studying chemistry or economics not enough make sure in that subject
which chapter, what content to be exact. This helps you in better grasping and swifter
recalling. Now, go for the combination of subjects. ie.. apply law of attraction, as +ve
attracts-ve, in the same way first study theory and next problems or practical and next
theory. Alternate the subjects, by doing so you can avoid boredom and also it will
help you to remember the information learnt.

58 Mind Masters
Tips For Better Studying :
1. If you are studying complex subjects then try to simplify it by making! rhymes,
songs, jingles and pneumonics.
2. Follow minimum information policy, ie. study minimum information and keep
the next for last, if you want.
3. Don't memorise if you don't understand
4. Try to be more organized, and have a clear picture of what you are studying and
5. Discuss the knowledge with your friends, colleagues constantly
6. Make your own notes.
7. Be clear in exactly what you want to recall and how!
8. Take the help of your tutors and do reference work
9. Use and muster all your intelligence for devising your own study tools
10. Make your study an art rather than a boring and scientific


Two Sections:
1. Preparation
2. Application

1. Pre-Reading-1 Min
2. Questioning & Anticipating 1 min
3. Mindmapping previous knowledge of topic (Randomly)

1. Reading
2. Summarising
3. Revising.

Principles of study skills:

1. Be postivie in your approach towards studies
2. Establish clearly the purpose of studying by asking why and what questions
3. Make a systematic plan of your study
4. Plan your time systematically
5. Remove the habit of post- poring
6. Apply PA-Method continiously

59 Mind Masters
7. Revise at regular intervals
8. Make your own notes
9. Develop a solid- language hold and use creativity
10. Develop exceptional math and logical skills through reasoning.

Seven Steps
1. Recognition
2. Assimilation
3. Basic Comprehension
4. Analysis
5. Retention
6. Recall
7. Communication


1. Words must be read one at a time
2. Reading faster than 500 wpm is impossible
3. The faster reader cant understand
4. Higher speeds reduce concentration
5. Slow reading is natural and it's the best


1. Reads with a purpose in mind
2. Good vocabulary
3. Reads a lot of book
4. Reads for main ideas first
5. Understands the logical structure of the book
6. Pre-Reads first to get the clear picture of the topic
7. Knows which technique to apply while reading books of variety
8. Varies his/her pace according to complexity of the reading
9. Know's how much time to spend and amount of detail to be read before hand
10. Has the clear idea of how to communicate or recall the information after reading


1. Read for one minute- note start and end points
2. Count the number of words on 3 lines
3. Divide that number by three to give you the average numbers of words per line
4. Count the total number of lines read (Ignore short lines)
5. Multiply the average number of words per line by the number of lines you read,
which will equal your reading speed in words per minutes (wpm)

Mind Masters 60
# of pages no. of words per
read x avg page
Speed in wpm =
Minute spent reading


1. Newspaper : Inverted Pyramid technique
2. Magazines : Preread > Key wording > main facts
3. Stories : Preread > Dramatis Personae > Photoread
4. Novels : Preread > Theme, Characters Climax > Photoread
5. Text Books: Study Techinque
6. Letters: Preread > Photoread
7. Technical Book: Preread > Mindmap > analytical reading
8. Scientific journals: Preread > Keynoting > Phonetics
9. General knowledge: Keynoting > Phonetics
10. Poems - Verses - Slokas : Find the meaning > oral recitation > visualize
> link first line to next line.
Speed Reading Tips:
1. First Practice finger reading or spaced reading to train your eyes for speed
2. Practice the above exercise for newspapers, magazines.and light or easy
books for 3 days
3. Maintain eye-fixation of minimum of 5 words/seconds. Check your speed
4. Pre-Read the book before speed-reading so that you will have a comprehensive
understanding of the Subject later
5. Read with the specific purpose in mind
6. Revise immediately after reading
7. Devise a recalling pattern
8. Use creativity to recall and exhibit the answer logically and clearly in an
organized manner
9. Improve your basic reading efficiency every time and proportionately
10. Be fact specific, ignore the opinions


1. Develop a burning desire to achieve
2. Have a tremendous faith in you
3. Remind yourself constantly about your goals
4. Act as if though you have achieved your goals
5. Become expert in the area you have chosen
6. Plan and organism your work logically
7. Take firm and positive decisions

61 Mind Masters
8. Never accept a defeat till you have reached your goal
9. Take the help of key-people in your endeavour
10. Think like a winner
11. Explode your fears
12. Be creative and original


1. What is the real problem and how does indirect problems effect us?
2. Shall I Concentrate on main problems or indirect problems?
3. How the problem starts and for how many days it will stay?
4. How many times the problem appears and what is its gravity and depth?
5. What are the factors that create the problem?
6. What are the consequences of the problem and what the end result?
7. If the problem appears as temporary then is there any good things from it?
8. What and how was the problem solved before by me or by others when
it appeared?
9. How to control the problem so that it doesn't effect our mind, body,
family and overall personality?
10. Whether the problem was created from external or internal actors.


SATWIK: Fruits - Vegetables - milk - honey - lemon - yeghurt- nuts -
whole grain cereals etc.
> Alerts mind
RAJASIK: Tea - Coffee - tobacco - alcohol - cigarette - cola - sugar -salt
> Restless
TAMASIK: Meat - Stale Food - Onion - fatty foods etc.
> Dull mind and lethargic

1. Try to do the usual things in an usual manner
2. If you want to ask somebody something, ask in a different and confident manner.
3. Self-tune your brain everyday by feeding positive thoughts
4. If you are giving something to somebody then think that dozen is not 12 but 13
5. Enjoy the magic of colors
6. Be romantic in your expression
7. Blossom your environment with beauty of magical flowers
8. Attract and make new friends through your personal magnetism,
the magic of friends

Mind Masters 62
9. Surprise your parents, children by telling good morning and see the
magic happen
10. Think in different styles everyday


1. Focus your mind on the topic or work clearly
2. Relax and involve yourself totally. Try to listen to music in a background
3. Enjoy the process with full of happiness
4. Control and direct your thoughts on what you do well and get absorbed in it
5. Observe brain rhythm for every 20 min of work by analysing how flexible you
are, how much you have learnt

1. Watch T.V. for 5 minutes without deviating even for 1 sec
2. Listen very carefully anything for 3 minutes continiously with out speaking a
single word
3. Do any physical work for 5 minutes without thinking anything else
4. Meditate on any topic for 5 full minutes without allowing any other thoughts
to enter your mind
5. Give a 5 min lecture and keep track of the quality of your words spoken
6. Think how can you create something new in 5 minutes

(Remember after practicing the above exericises, increase the time proportiately by
5 min for each of the exercises)

Work Smarter, Efficiently and Relaxingly

1. Give total and detailed attention and be aware of what you all doing.
2. Associate a positive attitude towards each and every work you do
3. Feel the happiness during the course of work and not after
4. Anywork done with attention and awareness becomes a source of joy
5. After completing the work, forget it totally and focus your mind on the next topic
6. Eliminate the doer ship feeling
7. I will strive for better in every step 1 take
8. I always keep my basic principles intact
9. I anticipate beforehand any change 1 have to make in my goals
10. I try to for see my future clearly in case there is a change in my goals


1. A combination of key words is called key-Noting

63 Mind Masters
2. A noun, verb or adjective and its phrases can make a keyword
3. A keyword has a strongest associative link to infinite knowledge.
4. key noting reduces frustration of unnecessary verbiage
5. Improves concentration
6. Reading skill can be mastered easily with keynoting
7. A very good revision technique
8. Also helps in organizing essay type answers
9. Eg. Ramayana can be keynoted as Rama-Sita-Forest-Exile-Ravana-
10. Use keynoting while reading, learning, memorizing, revising.Organising
and writing


1. Wastage of time while recording words which have no bearing on memory (90% waste)
2. Time is wasted re-reading the same unnecessary words
3. Time is wasted searching for the words which are not memory words
4. The connections between key memory words are interrupted by words that
separate them
5. The key memory words are separated in time by interverning words
6. The memory key words are saperated in space by their distance from each
other on the page

Mind Masters 64
1. As soon as you get up repeat (twenty) times "make me a child again just
for today".
2. Follow oil-pulling techniques
3. Drink three glasses of hot water
4. Instead of three glass of hot water, you may have honey and lemon in hot water
5. Before having bathig take one bucket of cold water and then dip your eyes in it
6. Practice SURYANAMASKARA and five pranayama
7. Make an attempt to be always at meditative level by practicing aware/beware
8. Let breakfast be light, lunch moderate and dinner be heavy
9. Vegetarian food is preferaby better (optional)
10. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
11. Reduce the intake of coffee and tea and also avoid soft drinks
12. Consume lots of limejuice with sugar
13. Don't be too much concerned with health. Lesser you worry better it is for
your health
14. Maintain outer and inner silence
15. In the evening take three sweet limes
16. Sing a song, when depressed or melancholic. Do this vigorously with dance,
if situations are conducive
17. Constantly remember the sentence "Life is series of choices"
18. Always have a project in hand and work on it. Unless you have a specific
burning desire, it is impossible to achieve anything great in life.


1. Self - image is your own conception of the sort of the person you are. It is the
product of past experiences, success and failures, humiliations, and the way other
people react to you, especially in the early childhood
2. You build a picture of yourself, which you believe is true. The picture may be
false. In many cases it is false but you act as though it is true.
3. The self-image is the foundation stone of your personality
4. The self-image may be changed
5. Consider yourself to be unique. You should see this fact as a positive life force.
Not as a fact substantiate a feeling that you are inferior or superior.
6. How you acted yesterday does not matter, how you act tomorrow does not matter.
See yourself as a success, keep this image alive. As the time goes on, you contin-
ue to use this imagination positively, providing information into your success
7. Live your day spiritedly doing your best to achieve your goals and live in harmo-
ny with your fellows, realistically accepting yourself.

65 Mind Masters
8. If you want to have peace of mind and better self-image, you must accept your
9. Set goals that are reasonable, but at the same time, don't under estimate your
10 Success is an individual thing. You must define it for yourself
11. Set goals that are yours. Be sure they are realistic in terms of your talents and the
world you live in. Visualise your goals and use imagination for the realization of
the goals. You must implant in your mind the seed of success.
12. Life should be a process of continious growth until death. We watch Cricket
Game on television when we might be better off playing cricket. We have come
to be "Watchers" instead of "Doers". We have thus lost faith in our Creative pow-
ers. We are becoming passing people who observe life while it passes us by
13. You can change yourself image and become more sucessful in life if you see the
truth about yourself.


1. Mental blocks may be understood as the process, which hinder the growth and
efficient functioning of the mind
2. All Negative emotions such as jealusy, envy, anger, irritation, resentment,
worries, tension, stress, etc will undermine efficient operation of the mind
3. One of the best ways to explode the mental blocks is to activate the subconscious
mind with affirmative statements
4. The following statements may be repeated as many time as possible depending
upon the availability of time at your disposal.
5. Be Happy, Be jolly, Be Cheerful
6. Make me a child again, just for today
7. Have faith that I'm brave and intelligent, born to do great things in life
8. Begin, the work will be completed
9. I am alive, 1 am alert, 1 am exited
10. When 1 Win 1 Win, When 1 Lose 1 Learn
11. I choose to be happy, 1 choose to be healthy, 1 choose to be Wealthy
12. The best is yet to be
13. If 1 believe, nothing is impossible for me
14. Day-by-Day in every way I'm getting better and better


I firmly believe that maintaining Vibrant health is in my own hands

Mind Masters 66
I strongly endorse the view that all healing begins and endsessentially with mind
I shall reach Alpha waves of mental state for total relaxation to manage my
stress effectively
I shall endeavor with all sincerity and earnestness to practice the package of
exercises regularly without a days break
I shall try my best to liberate myself from the clutches of synthetic medicines,
as far as possible.
I shall develop tremendous confidence and courage in the adaptive mechanism
of my own body
I shall honestly attempt to free myself from all negativefeelings
I shall never allow my mind to get disturbed or worried over minor illness
I shall become so engrossed in a project that 1 simply cannot allow myself
to become ill or indisposed.

1. There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face
reality, and then there are those who turn one into another.
2. Knowing is not enough, We must apply, willing is not enough we must do".
3. 1f you think education is expensive try ignorance
4. The deepest longing in the human heart is the desire for appreciation
5. 1 don't know if you will fail or succeed, but 1 know this, you will fail if you don't
6. 1t is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning
7. "Why is it that if someone tells you that there are one billion stars in the universe
you will believe them, but if I tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to
touch it to believe?
8. It is through science that we prove, but through intution that we discover
9. Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open:
10. "The impossible is often the untried"
11. All mankind is divided into 3 classes, Those who are immovable, those who are
movable, and those who move".
12. Everything looks impossible for the people who never try anything".
13. " People rarely succeed unless they enjoy what they are doing
14. The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled
15 Always remember you are unique. Just like everyone else"
16. Whether you think you can, or think you can't-you're right"
17. Nature is neutral, if you do the something that other successful people have done,
you will inevtably enjoy the same success they have"

35. Master The Art Of Public Speaking, Be a Good

Speaker 20 Important Points For Better Speach
1. Select a proper subject
2. Prepare your speech
3. Train your voice

67 Mind Masters
4. Get friendly with the microphone
5. Start the speech with appealing statement
6. Use expressive movements of hands and arms while speaking
7. Give justice to the subject
8. Keep your speech simple and smart
9. Use clear and easy words to help the audience to understand
10. Make pure pronunciations
11. Make use of stories, incidents, quotations, etc.
12. Try to be original
13. Follow stage manners
14. Look at the audience while delivering speech
15. Dress up properly
16. Keep smiling and talk positive
17. Write your key points in a small booklet
18. Practice your presentation
19. Conclude your speech touching the hearts of the audience
20. Give vote of thanks precisely to everyone including the audience


1. You gain self - confidence
2. You can win friends and influence people
3. You will learn the art of preparing effective speeches
4. You can represent effectively before anyone
5. You can develop better relations with relatives, custom ers, sub-ordinates, etc.
6. Your mind becomes a strong asset
7. It helps your personality to develop
8. Spontaneous decision making power is developed
9. You get respect from others
10. You are free from fear and doubt
11. You develop your observation skills
12. Your nature becomes cordial and co-operative
13. It creates atmosphere of emotion and trust
14. It develop leadership qualities
15. You get happiness, peace and power


The first few words must grab the audience’s attention and persuade them to
listen to you.
Preparing an outline will guarantee that you don’t miss any points and will keep
you on track. By preparing effective notes the audience will get what they came for.

Mind Masters 68
If you can develop the skill of listening you can master the art of communication.
If you can listen good, you can speak better

1. Make an attempt to evaluate what the other speaker is saying without bias
2. Be a good listener using the power of concentration
3. Don’t express your feelings about the person who is talking, that will affect
his participation
4. Don’t divert your mind when when you are listening
5. Ask frequent questions and clear all your doubts. Don’t give all the answers
from your side.
6. When a person is speaking to you don’t allow your mind work overtime to \
figure out how you will refute what he is saying
7. Don’t be a restless listener. Be cool and relaxed
8. Don’t be an open - mouth listener, the one who starts communicating
as soon as the speakers take pause.
9. Never pretend to be a listener whereas the speaker will immediately detect
that you are neglecting him
10. Be a sensible, sympathetic, and careful listener. While listening keep your
mouth closed and keep your eyes and ears open


1. Learning and gaining new knowledge and information on a daily basis is
essential to be a good speaker
2. The ascent and descent of voice in speech plays and effective role to impress the
audience, otherwise they get bored due to stereotype and monotonous speech
3. Eye contact is important to create a bond with audience.
The eyes should be rotated in 60 degrees in both the directions
4. The speaker should have good sense of acting. A natural and properly timed
acting makes the lasting impression about the orator.
5. The voice aspect is responsible for 38% impact on the listener’s mind. It is one
of the prime weapons of the speaker.
6. Representation is a power to convince the listener, proper representation leads a
listener to agree with the speaker’s point of view and the speaker manages the
show successfully.
7. The self-confident speaker wins the audience, self-confidence of the speaker can
change the unfavorable atmosphere to a memorable speech.


1. Introduce yourself on your own to other people.
2. Don’t think of rejection, think that other people also like to meet you.

69 Mind Masters
3. You say ‘Hello !’ first.
4. Keep smiling and display your sense of humour.
5. Try to remember other people’s name.
6. Don’t feel ashamed to ask the other person’s name in case you have forgotten it.
7. Accept new ideas.
8. Show genuine interest in other people.
9. Tell others about your liking and about yourself.
10. Ask other people about them and try to collect more information about them.
11. In case, if someone has forgotten your name re-introduce yourself.
12. Keep your communication sweet and short.
13. Take risk and go out of way to meet new people
14. Always speak with enthusiasm. It will generate excitement in others
15. Keep yourself aware about body language
16. Be natural in your presentation
17. Always keep interesting topics and tell others something challenging about you
so that they will remember you
18. Invite people for food, social gatherings, etc. this will give you lot of confidence.
19. Greet People more often
20. Always try to keep equal balance of receiving and giving of information
21. Don’t feel shy to express your opinions and feelings to others
22. Keep your knowledge up-to-date so that you can communicate c various subjects.
23. Try to help people so that they will help you in case you need them
24. Try to bring to the notice of others that you are enjoying their talk.
25. Listen carefully when the, other person speaks
26. Keep in touch with your friends and relatives
27. Keep changing the topics of conversation
28. Keep eye contacts while communicating
29. Always compliment and admire others about their appearance, their style,
their act, etc.People like to be praised.
30. Always try to search other people’s’.interest
31. Always keep company of.the people having positive attitude.
32. Let the other person know that you want to know and understand them better
33. Be tolerant because every person’s behaviour will differ from yours.
34. Encourage others to improve their communication skills, in return you master
your skills.
35. Always start and end the talk by shaking hands or with warm greetings
36. Use the other person’s name frequently in the conversation
37. Don’t criticize unnecessarily and don’t express your anger.
38. Avoid nonsense and vulgar talks, it creates a bad impression.

Mind Masters 70
39. Make the other person feel important maintain a win-win approach.
40. Remember good communication requires lot of practice.

40. Planning for A Remarkable Performance

10 Years Career Planning Guide
where you want to be ten years from today? plan now Home-based plan.
1. The kind of house you want to stay.
2. The kind of standard of living you want to provide to yourself and your family.
3. The kind of holiday package you want to enjoy with your family.
4. The kind of help you want to support to your grown-up children.
5. The kind of happiness you want to make available to your elderly parents

1. The kind of social groups you want to associate with
2. The kind of friends circle you want to keep
3. The kind of social services you want to render to your society;
4. The kind of essential skills you want to learn and master
5. The kind of social reforms you want to bring for your community

1. The kind of responsibility you look for
2. The kind of position or authority you want to obtain
3. The kind of respect you expect to get from your colleague
4. The kind of work you would like to perform to satisfy yours
5. The kind of income level you want to achieve

The important thing is not where you were or where you are but
where you want to go.. Dave Mahoney
1. Make a right decision about what you want ten years from now.
2. Imagine yourself ten years from now.
3. Write down your plan.
4. Set goals step by step to get the things done
5. Reach out to your goal, one step at a time
Remember : Little progress day by day, adds up to big results


Don’t make one long jump towards success
Attempt one step at a time

71 Mind Masters
Try following guidelines for the next one month
After one month review your progress
Start again with new goals with the same guidelines given below.
Try to learn from the mistakes and make improvements


What I am today and I will be after one month?
1. Give up the following habits :
a) Vices
b) Gossiping, criticising, complaining
c) Watching television for more than an hour
d) Using slang or negative language and thoughts
e) Delaying today’s job for tomorrow

2. Develop the following habits:

a) Planning each day’s work, the earlier night
b) Care and compliment other people’
c) Exercise daily
d) Develop your personality
e) Introduce yourself to at least one new person every day

3. Increase your value among subordinates at work place

a) Greet everybody smilingly,with whom you come on contact
b) Suggest three new ideas for the benefit of your institution to your colleagues
c) Learn and collect more information about your institution
d) Ask your colleagues if they want any help from your side
e) Think of staff welfare and act accordingly

4. Increase your value among family members at home

a) Give attention for at least one hour everyday, to people at home
b) Take one meal (lunch or dinner) together
c) Do something special as per the need of your family once a week
d) Always appreciate the little things your spouse does, which you have been
taking for granted
e) Eithergo out for dating with your spouse or enjoy picnic with your full f
amily once a month
f) Ask your colleagues if they want any help from your side
g) Think of staff welfare and act accordingly

5. Improve your mind power and knowledge power

a) Go through important headlines in the newspaper everyday

Mind Masters 72
b) Read at least one self-improvenment book during these thirty days
c) Write down tips about the book you read
d) Meditate at least for ten to fifteen minutes everyday
e) Communicate and discuss on any of the topics, relevant to your living,
with your family and friends


1. Decide exactly what you want
2. Write it down
3. Determine how you are going to benefit from the achievement of this goal
4. Measure/Analyse your current status
5. Set a Deadline
6. Identify the possible obstacles
7. Identify the knowledge you will have to acquire for you to achieve your goal
8. Identify the people/organisations/associations etc. whof will help you to
achieve your goal.
9. Make a Plan
10. Identify priorities within the plan
11. Get a clear mental visualisation of your goal as though it were already achieved.
Play that picture on the screen of your mind over and over again
12. Back your plan with ACTION, determination and persistence and resolve
to never...never..never give up


Decision : Make an effective decision. Study the facts & figures, Analyse the
problems & obstcles. Avoid a delay. Stick to the decision
Projection : Project an impressive self image First impression is the last
impression smile more often. Read personality development books
try to study & judge others.
Presentation : Develop public speaking. Be enthusiastic. Express yourself
confidently, speak disitinctly & effetively. Think like a leader.
Action : Act confidently try to change adverse situation. Remember your last
success, Think & act positive, Dream of conquering the
Development : Develop ideas, plan goals, be creative & use imagination power,
develop skills & gain knowledge note down your goal & see it
everyday.lay out strategies & accomplish them you try to do it.

73 Mind Masters
You can live your dreams as there is no limit to your possibilities.
You also have a fair chance, like other successful people to be the great.


Failure is not something to worry about, but it is something to study about.
Failure reflects frustration, aggressiveness, insecurity, loneliness,uncertainty,
resentment and emptiness. We all think, to overcome failure is a tough job. This is an
attempt to KISS failure i.e. keep it simple and safe, we all like to from experience, if
you study history, you will find successful people were not different than common
people, they were also failing, in fact they were making records of failure, but they
never thought of quitting. They kept on trying...trying., and trying till they succeed-
ed, to change the reflection of failure, we have tried to change the complexion of the
situation. Everyone likes stories, but very few learn the morale of the story. Try to
come into that few category of people because success knocks the doors of few

1. Abraham Lincoln failed in his business in 1831 when he was just 21 years old.
He failed to win the legislative elections in 1832.

He failed in his business in 1833. It was the hat-trick of failures. In 1835 he

lost his wife. He had gone through nervous break down in 1836. He lost the election
for congress is 1843. He lost a senatorial race in 1854. He tried to become vice pres-
ident of U.S.A. but failed in 1856. He again lost senatorial race in 1858. In spite of
so many failures to his share, he never gave up. Finally he was elected the president
of U.S.A. in 1861. What a courage!
2. Charles Darwin was the grandson and the son of physician. Charles was also try-
ing to become a physician. But he could not. He tried to achieve a high post in the
church but failed.Finally he started developing deep interest in natural history and
became successful in this career as we all know.

3. Albert Einstein is the greatest mathematical genius of last century. When he was
in school his teacher said he could not learn mathematics and that he is hopeless.
Albert took this as a challenge and proved himself to be a great successful person.

4. This was a boy in his school years, when teacher wrote a bad remark about his
singing. This boy did not lose heart. He worked as a driver, but while driving he kept
his vision on his goal. When the opportunity knocked his door, he welcomed it. This
was the turning point in his life and he became world - famous as Elvis presley.

5. How can we forget this tragic story of sudha chandran who has overcome the
greatest failure of all time, sudha was dreaming Up become a well-known dancer.
Unfortunately she lost her leg in an accident. But she kept on practicing and showed
the world that she is a good dancer and ever the actress without her original leg.

Mind Masters 74
6. This boy failed twice in his college. He started working as a clerk at the port trust
office, but he kept his interest alive in mathematics. This boy was Srinivasa
Ramanujan who received scholarship. He died at young age of 33 but by then he was
a well-known mathematician

7. Louis Braille lost his eyesight at the age of 3 bacause of an accident. He was sent
to blind school where he found the letters in books for blinds were raised and those
books were very Expensive. Braille heard about the morse code through which tele-
graphic messages are sent. That time he decided to invent a system for blinds to make
reading easier. He worked hard for many months, and family he introduced a system
known as the Braille system of writing and printing blind’s script using a simple and
inexpensive instrument,

8. Swami Vivenkanand was humiliated when a big mob started throwing rotten
tomatoes and eggs during one of his lectures in America. This never stopped him
from making a great presentation. He kept on practicing harder dand harder. Today
we all study and honour Swami Vivenkanand’s Speeches.

9. Somerset Maugham used to stammer, but he became famous writer

Ved mehta in spite of being blind, became a good wirter
Michelangelo was very ugly. But the painted beautiful paintings
Shivaji and Napoleon were short in height, but they were great warriors.
Henry ford forgot to put reverse gear in his first car, but later he became the top
car manufacturer in the world, he was broke at the age of 40.

10. Thomas Edison was partially deaf. He was removed from school. He had only
three months of school experience. Later he failed almost ten thousand times and
invented the light bulb. Failure and attempts for ten thousand times is not a joke.
Thomas, at the age of 67 lost his factory in a big fire. Bravely he fought the disaster
and within a period of three weeks he invented one more miracle i.e. phonograph.
What a come back!


1. Find a better balance between your work and leisure.
2. Try to share your problems with your close friends and relatives.
3. Never say ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘No’ Learn to deny
4. Be proactive.
5. Don’t lose your temper. If you get angry instead of cursing and slapping others,
do that mentally withyourself and deceide not to get angry again.
6. Think about how you should react to the situation and then act on it.
7. Avoid negative thoughts, rather act positively and assertively.
8. Keep yourself busy doing something interesting and productive
9. Help others and enjoy the difference.

75 Mind Masters
10. Accept the past and have no regrets.
11. Live for today, get the best out of it and make plans for the future.
12. Don’t turn small problems into big ones. Don’t make an issue out of it.
13. Don’t expect too much from life.
14. Take regular exercise, eat healthy food.
15. Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol, tea, and coffee.
16. Keep talking to yourself and encourage yourself by saying “I can do it”
17. Reduce your work load and avoid doing too much of work ar once.
18. Be true to yourself and your values.
19. Keep promises.
20. Reward yourself for your achievements.
21. Try to bring variety and creativity in what you do.
22. Do your best in everything you perform.
23. Read motivational tips in between works, Invest in books. It can be the best
investment in your home and in your office. We furnish offices and houses by
spending thousands and lacs of rupees, but furnish our mind we should invest
in books, which costs a few hundreds. Reading books helps a lot to live life
stress free.
24. Develop your will power to work hard but within limits.
25. Travelling is things, so keep it to the minimum.
26. Don’t depend on pills that relieve stress.
27. Take couple of short holidays.
28. Imagine and visualise yourself having lots of fun.
29. Listen to light music as music helps as a peacemaker.
30. Cry if the situation demands, it’s great reliever of tense mood
31. Take enough sleep.
32. Take a massage and a hot bath.
33. Take proper care of your children, as children is one of the major causes of stress.
34. Give yourself time for prayer, yoga, meditation.
35. Poor light, loud noise and poor ventilation also causes stress, keep yourself
away from poor and dull environment.
36. Accept challenges as they keep you enthusiastic and dashii set goals in your life
and try to achieve them step by step and even when you achieve small goals
celebrate the situation.
37. Mind your appearance, if you look good, you feel good.
38. Relax! Relax! Relax! Learn to relax while performing the work.
39. Think and act cheerfully and you will feel cheerful. Laughter brings strength
which can be a simple way to manage stress.
40. Remember if you think happy thoughts, you will be happy and you think
fearful thoughts you will be fear!
41. When you feel stressed because of some problem, try to search the solution
to the problem. Every problem has a solution.

Mind Masters 76
42. Remember the story of a crow, who used pebbles to raise the water level in
the jug and quenched its thirst, if a crow can find a solution you can too.
43. Use the sixth sense i.e. common sense more often and you will find it helps
to remain stress free.
44. Don’t keep your work pending, pending job is also one of the
stress boosters, so try to clear up your pending things.
45. Be a simple person and enjoy simple pleasures by reading books, meeting
friends, going to a small picnic,-movies, etc.
46. Keep good thoughts and good ideas in your mind as your moods are
controlled by your mind, if the mind is healthy, you feel stress free.
47. Think positive and stress free this is one of the prime way to manage stress.
48. Keep yourself aware that there is somebody who is your boss, may be ar
home or at office or elsewhere and they can create problems for you, if you
don't perform well. This thought can also keep your stress away. Many a
times bringing a thought of tension can create a sense of affection. When you
are arrestive you are stress free.
49. If you want to stay stress-free the most important thing you should do is
change yourself bring changes in your behavior, thoughts and approach.
50. You breathe in fresh air, but when it is stinking, you don'g the same way
when you sense stressful environment for a particular situation stay away
from it.
51. An orange is orange and an apple is apple, so why compare yourself with
others? Avoid comparison with others and compare yourself with your own
potentials and achievements only. Comparison causes stress quickly.
52. Never try to complete all your work at a strectch instead break your work
into small divisions and manage them without stress.
53. Arrange the things you want at home and at office in such a way\ that you
can get the things at your fingertips.
54. Keep a small diary called as 'Do it today' and use the check list to keep a
track whether you are completing the work or not. This gives you touch of
enthusiasm and keeps stress away.
55. If you want to manage your stress effectively, first of all please find out
what are the reasons, which lead you to stress.
56. Always ask yourself whether the things which you are performing are your
'need' or your 'greed' Many a times we run after greed and get into a trap of
57. Remember the Chinese quote : 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a
day: teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime'. So if you learn
things, the learning part will keep'you stress free.
58. Never think of others, it is the tendency of people to criticize if you venture

77 Mind Masters
out on something. So don't give attention to this kind of criticism and avoid
59. Develop a habit of waking up early and with a positive attitude.
60. Memorise the ‘Always think positive’ section from this book.


5 steps to control time
1. Priorities : concentrate on what is important
2. Start with small and easy work first and then turn to difficult ones
3. Identify time wasting factors
4. Accept responsibility of achieving your goal
5. Reward yourself

There are four types of work:

A. Urgent & Important
B. Urgent but not important
C. Not Urgent but important
D. Not Urgent & not important

You list out your work as per the following table

and allot time accordingly

Urgent & Important Not Urgent But Important

All emergencies Planning
Time bound projects Creative activities
Our daily routine work Searching new opportunities
Accident & natural calamities Building relationships
Urgent but not Important Not urgent & not Important
phone calls Insignificant work
Newspaper Fun activities
Some meetings Useless work killing time
Disturbance by people Long telephone calls


1. Give importance to other people
2. Give the other person authority so that he will help you in case you want his

Mind Masters 78
3. Ask the other person to be kind enough to assist you
4. Let the other person feel important
5. Give sincere thanks for his help
6. Little courtesy reaps big dividends
7. Always practice to appreciate
8. Start showing others, like your family, friends and colleagues that you like them
9. Pass your compliments about anything that others deserve
10. Never flatter anybody, people are smart enough to understand it.
11. Never criticize without complimenting
12. Praise at least one attribute in case of need to criticize
13. Always greet others with enthusiasm and genuiness
14. Cultivate the habit of remembering people’s names
15. Title like Mr., Mrs., Sir, Madam, Dr., etc. make people feel important, so use
them according to the need of the situation.
16. Never gossip
17. If you are noting a position, at times, to appreciate some one, don’t comment
18. Be a good listener
19. Show an interest in what others have to say
20. Form a habit of helping others
21. Be co-operative and flexible
22. When you help someone today, he may help you in the future.
23. Don’t forget, to err is human, try to forgive others.
24. Don’t be rigid. No one is perfect, be tolerant
25. You be the first to appreciate, others will follow you Coming together is begin-
ning... Keeping together is progress... Walking together is success...


1. Try to take initiative to communicate to people from your side first.
2. Speak to the people by greeting them first
3. Keep smiling more often
4. It requires 14 muscles to smile, but it takes 72 muscles to frown
5. Always call people by their first name. It is a melodious tune to people’s ears
6. Be co-operative and friendly with others
7. Offer your services to others, it makes the difference.

79 Mind Masters
8. Give respect to the other person’s opinion even if there is a difference of opinion.
9. Act cautiously while dealing with criticism
10. Don’t be a miser while praising others
11. Take honest interest in other people
12. What you do for others is more important than what others do for you
13. Never play the role of a selfish person
14. Always try to speak generously
15. Present yourself with enthusiasm as it generates positive positive human

50. Master Keys For

Better Human Relationship
1. Always speak to people warmly. Be complimenting. A small greeting card can
make a big difference in tying the knot of friendship and longer lasting rela-
2. Smile. It improves your face value
3. People love to listen their first name from an other’s mouth
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if it is a genuine pleasure. Co-operation breeds
faith. Where there is faith, there is victory.
6. Be sincerely interested in other people. Don’t be selfish. Selfishness creates war
but co-operation wins the war.
7. Be generous with praise and careful about criticism. Praises are better for old
records but criticism is better for creating new records.
8. Always care for other people’s feelings. If you care for others, others will care
for you.
9. Always respect suggestions and opinions of other, it is vital, When your
thoughts differ from others. Everything is fair when it comes to improvement.
10. Always be service oriented. You help people, so that they will help themselves.


1. Admit your mistake with courage

2. In case of a mistake, instead of saying ‘sorry’ say ‘I admit I made a mistake

3. Never involve in chit-chatting at your work place.

4. Be loyal and honest to your allotted work

Mind Masters 80
5. Live to learn, don’t learn to live
6. In case of a query don’t be afraid and don’t give an excuse. Try to give
proper explanation
7. Be short and clear in your telephonic talk
8. Take keen interest in gathering information as a knowledge part
9. Don’t bring home, office worries and don’t carry home worries to office.
10. Be careful in your dressing, which should be suitable to your appearance and
11. Be punctual when you have fixed up an appointment
12. Be an idol of enthusiasm and cheerfulness. -
13. Don’t switch off your positive mood
14. Be humorous try to cut jokes, but never play with anybody’s emotions
15. Lavish gift or token of love or appreciation in case of need.


Tips for successful human relations:
1. Understand people and their nature properly.
2. Decide to be a skilful manager while dealing with people.
3. People are mainly interested in themselves. They are not interested in you
4 Man’s actions are controlled by self-confidence, self-respect, self-thought,
self-interest, self-acceptance, self-discipline, self-knowledge and self-esteem
5. Developing different skills with people will be an important human talent to
gain confidence and power in dealing with people.


1. Delete the four words ‘I, me, mine and my’ and substitute them with ‘you’.
2. Don’t talk to people about yourself.
3. Talk to people about themselves.
4. Convinced your mind for doing above three steps although it is difficult.
5. Practice them regularly for better rewards.


1. Treat people like ‘somebody’. Don’t treat them like ‘nobody’.
2. Let them feel important so that they will respond to your well.
3. Let them talk more, you listen to them carefully.
4. Compliment and praise them when they deserve it.

81 Mind Masters
5. Pay your attention to the full group and not only to the captain of the group.
6. While talking to your group use the work ‘we’.
7. Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound
in any language to that person.
8. Before replying to anybody’s question breathe in. This pause will make them
understand that you are thinking over what they said.
9. Always thank people for small things too.
10. Remember the date of birth of people who are your good associates and greet them.
55. Tips To Be Agreeble With People,
1. Develop an agreeable attitude.
2. When you agree with others, say ‘I appreciate you and agree with what you say’.
3. Avoid arguments. Arguments are not good for winning the battle.
4. Apologies sincerely saying ‘I admit I made a mistake’.
5. If you disagree with others don’t say so.
6. The easiest way to handle a fighter is to refuse to fight.

56. Tips to listen to People, Successfully

1. In developing communication skill listening is more important.
2. Be courteous while listening to others.
3. Give your attention and look at the person who is addressing you.
4. Ask questions to show to the other person that you are interested in what
he says.
5. Don’t interrupt the speaker in between the speech.
6. Don’t divert the subject. Discuss or reply to the speaker’s subject only.

How to thank people, successfully

1. Be genuine while thanking people.
2. While thanking always keep eye contact.
3. Use clear and distinct words while thanking.
4. Personalise your vote of thanks by using the name.
5. Practice different ways and styles of thanking people.


1. ‘First impression is the last impression’. Make a note of it when you are
approaching somebody, first time.
2. Don’t worry even if you are meeting a stranger. Remember, ‘A stranger is a
friend you haven’t met as yet’.

Mind Masters 82
3. Enthusiasm is contagious. So you enthusiastic.
4. Don’t Keep expectations because expectations lead to frustration.
5. If you can’t talk anything good, don’t say anything bad. just keep mum.
6. Don’t make empty promises.
7. Keep your talk simple and smart. Use little works to make a big impact.
8. Don’t let other people down.
9. Always show positive approach.
10. Be practical inside but portfay:emotionality from outside.


1. Find out what are people’s needs by asking them and by listening to them.
2. When you satisfy their needs, you help them. In turn they get convinced.
3. Always talk about the people’s advantage and benefits.
4. Always give examples of the third person.
5. Speak through third person by quoting successful stories and facts and data.
6. Give people a reason why they should do something, which you want them to do.
7. Get them into positive frame of mind by asking ‘yes’ questions to them, so that
the answer will be ‘yes’ only. e.g. you want a good book
8. Don’t give them choice between ‘yes’ and ‘No’. e.g. instead of asking of ask-
ing ‘Do you want big or do you want small? ask them ‘Do you want one of
9. Expect people to say ‘Yes’.
10. Let them understand that they are expected to say ‘Yes’.


1. Don’t let the chance go off the chance to praise others.
2. Be sincere and generous while praising.
3. While prasing don’t favor the person but favour the act of that person.
4. There is a lot of joy in praising others than receiving praise from others.
5. Practice a habit of saying one kind thing to at least couple of people to enjoy


1. Criticising people is the spirit of improvement.

83 Mind Masters
2. Never criticize a person personally or criticize his act.
3. Don’t criticize openly, do it in absolute privacy.
4. Always accompany criticism with compliments.
5. Use kind and polite words. Don’t be harsh.
6. While pointing out the wrong always show the right ways.
7. Don’t criticize repetedly. Nobody likes criticism.
8. Don’t demand co-operation. Ask for it.
9. End the criticism with a friendly note.
10. Nobody likes criticism. So use it to the minimum.


1. Don’t criticize.
2. Don’t complain.
3. Don’t condemn.
4. Always give honest and sincere appreciation
5. Develop, in the other person, an urgent need.


1. Always begin a talk or meeting in a friendly way.
2. The best way to get out of an argument is to avoid it.
3. Dramatise your ideas and thoughts.
4. Appeal about things that everybody likes.
5. Give respect to other’s point of view, suggestions and opinions.
6. Never say to the others person that he/she is wrong and that you are correct.
7. In case of a mistake, admit it immediately.
8. Be sympathetic to the other person’s desires and ideas.
9. See the things from the other person’s point of view.
10. Let the other person talk more.
11. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
12. Turn the other person’s ‘No’ into ‘Yes’
13. Give a challenge. Accept the challenge.
14. Be co-operative and be open-minded.
15. Control your anger and generate happiness.

Mind Masters 84
63. A Short Course In Human Relations
For You to Succeed........

Believe in 3 Qualities 3 Keys

1. You (I can) 1. Desire to have and to 1. Get Excited
Become More
2. Team 2. Willingness to work 2. Pay Attention
Be focused
3. Product/Study 3. Teachable 3. Never Quit
3. Secrets 6 Ss to Follow 3 Characters
1. Complaint 1. Simple & Sweet 1. Be patient
2. Control 2. Smart & Short 2. Be Persistent
3. Curiosity 3. Secret & Selective 3. Be Consistent
3. Steps 3. Cs to Use 3. Cs to Avoid
1. Steps 1. Compliment 1. Complain
2. Supervise 2. Care 2. Criticize
3. Service (Train) 3. Counsel 3. Condemn


1. Creativity is the discovering of something that is novel and unique but also
useful or relevant or economical or elegant or valuable.
2. The Product or outcome of a creative effort must be both significant and
strikingly different from the beaten track.
3. Creativity may also be identified with openness in expressing feelings,
receptivity to ideas, concern for others, desire to grow i as a person and
actualise one’s potential as a human being.
4. Those who are high IQ scorers are not necessarily creative and vice versa.
5. Creative person often thinks the unthinkable and does the undoable.
6. Mostly creative persons are productive mads after pursuing truth with an
anxiety to produce something useful to the society.
7. Creative individuals tend to prefer a life of both imagination and practicality.
8. Even ordinary people can be trained to be more imaginative without relinquish-
ing their hold on practically.
9. Creative outcome is characterised by novelty and relevance, while a non-
creative outcome may be novel but not useful.

85 Mind Masters
10. The creative process consists of four overlapping stages.
a) Preparation
b) Incubation
c) Illumination
d) Verification

11. Preparation involves the investigion of the problem in all direction, incubation
is the letting go of the problem by the conscious mind and allowing it to
ferment below the level of consciousness. Illumination is being struck by a
solution in a eureka -like experience. Verification is the evaluation or
verification of the I solution.
12. An interesting point noted by researchers is that creative ideas, whether in the
arts or the sciences frequently occur only after very hard labour at the problem.
But curiously the creative idea may come as a flash during reverie-like states
when the conscious,analytical mind has been coaxed away from the problem.
13. Creative ability can certainly be improved through the following processes .
a) There should be a BURNING DESIRE to be creative. This would facilitate
you to channelise all your mental energy into creative process.
b) If you are interested to invent something new in the field of engineering or
electronics you should familiarise with yourself the different patents obtained
in the field.
c) It is essential to keep yourself updated by learning as much as possible in the
field of your interest.
d) Immerse yourself in a climate of creativity. Constant effort is needed to be a
creative personality. Continuous experimentation is needed, keep a small note
book with you all the time, even while sleeping. Whenever you get creative
ideas, write them down.
e) There are no set rules or principles for creative action or thinking. One
should have the mental attitude that there is so much there in the universe to

f) You can be more creative and productive when your mind is calm and quiet,
serence and tranquil. A disturbed mind can never produce any creative ideas.
Therefore, learn to reach and maintain ALPHA WAVES OF MENTAL STATE
all the time, if possible.

14. The world was built by practical people who knew how to get into an
imagintive frame of mind, listen to their imagination and build on the ideas they
could find.
15. The mental blocks for creative activity are
a) I am not vey creative
b) I stictly follow rules and regulations

Mind Masters 86
c) There is right answer for everything
d) This doesn’t seem to be logical
e) I am very practical in my approach
f) I don’g want to make any mistakes
g) Creative people are all mad fellows
h) I don’t want to maste my time with frivolous things

16. The way to explode the mental blocks is the be aware of such mental block and
plunge into action and start general ng creative ideas.
17. How do we develop creative ideas
a) Develop an atsitude to be creative
b) Search for new ideas based on your past knowledge and experience
c) Try various approaches
d) If you are not able to get anywhere, try some crazy, foolish, impractial and
even useless ideas.
e) Break the rules occasionally
f) Explore for ideas outside your field
g) Have the faith that truth is all around, you have to explore according to your
needs and requirements.
h) The best way to get good ideas ideas is to get a lot of ideas through brain
storming, you may not be able to use all of them but of the number you gener-
ate, you may find a few that are worth while.
i) For development of creative ideas follow imaginative phase and also practi-
cal phase, the motto of imaginative phase is to generate and play with ideas and
that of practical phase is to evaluate the ideas generated and execute them.
j) Be an artist and also a judge, the open minded attitude of the artist typifies
the kind of thinking you use in the imaginative phase when you are generating
ideas, the evaluative outlook c the judge represents the kind of thinking you use
in practical phase when you are preparing, ideas for execution.
k) Frame a few ‘what if questions. Example: What if animals became more
intelligent than people? What if Mr. Robbins made Rakush to disappear from
the session all of a sudden? etc. such ‘as if questions would stimulate the
thinking process and thereby facilitate for the genearation of some useful cre-
ative ideas, it is also powerful way to get your imagination going.
1) Challenge the rules, if necessary, this does not mean that you should do
anything illegal, immoral and unethical. Don’t fall in love with a certain
approach. Then you will not be able to see the merits of alternative.
m) Necessity is the mother of invention but playful attitude is certainly its
father, when you are in a playful mood, your de fenses are down, mental blocks
are loosened, concern for rules is absent, practicality is given the backseat no

87 Mind Masters
guilt conscience for being wrong, when you win you and when lose you learn.
n) Group thinking may not be very conducive for generating creative ideas. In
a group people would tend to get approval of others.
o) If you enjoy what you do you will come up with more ideas.

p) Getting into a humorous frame of mind not only loosens you up, it enhaces
your creativity.

q) Using metaphorical language with fun and humor would add colour and
flavour to creativity. Examples: Life us like a ‘Vada’ it is delicious when it is
fresh and warm, it will be hard if not cooked properly. The hole in the middle
is a mystery, without that hole it won’t be a.’Vada’. HAVE FAITH IN YOUR


1. Choose a specific aim in life. There will be perennial flow of energy through-
out your life.
2. As long as your objectives are kept alive, the energy flow would be continuous.
3. Realise the fact that energy is not sold in the form of pills or tablest or lotions
in bottles, it flows from your thought patterns.
4. Positive thoughts generate abundant energy, Whereas negative thoughts sap
even the energy that is already in existence.
5. Start on a new project. Energy would flow endlessly.
6. Tiredness is a disease, it does not come from a virus, it comes from boredom,
lack of interest, a need for a goal, a target in life.
7. As long as we love and appreciate life, we continue to enjoy ever flowing energy.
8. One of the ways to conserve energy is to keep silence and avoid unnecessary talk.
9. It is not the physical frame of the body that produces more or less of energy, but
the mental state of equipoise - a happy, jouous and meaningful direction
produces more energy in a person.
10. Mind never gets old. However if it is not activated through constant work it
may become inactive. Busy mind never age.
11. When a person has an irresistible desire to accomplish a goal in life, he would
be supplied with perennial flow of energy.
12. Self-confidence generates energy, it comes from preparedness.
13. Have a daily target of work to be done and you will have endless energy to
accomplish the task on hand.
14. Energy builders are happiness, laughter, love affection, kind ness, helping oth-
ers, agreeability, hope and confidence.

Mind Masters 88
15. People who have abundant energy are less prone to suffer from diseases caused
by stress and tension.
16. A young man rushes to old age the moment he feels that he has nothing to do
in this world.
17. Secret of having energy is proper planning of each day.
18. People with dreams to shoot at in life generate the energy to get things done, so
to stimulate energy, have yourself a day dream.
19. Three reasons to cause executives to lose energy are (a) fear to accept respon-
sibility (b) Fear to delegate authority and (c) Fear of sickness.
20. Lack of energy does not go down the hereditary line.
21. Music restores energy
22. Fear of failure robs you of your energy
23. The more a person pursues his target in life the greater would be the energy his
thought waves would produce.
24. Mind is a great control box over the body, it can generate energy for you or
drain if off, depending upon the nature of your thoughts.
25. Successful living means perennial flow of energy in a person.
26. People who must constantly make decisions of what to eat, wear each day burns
up needless energy.
27. Some of the de-energising mental blocks are. My mate is not faithful, my sex
drive is failing, my friends are not true, my life is useless, etc.
28. It is experimentally proved that man does not expend any energy during
mental work.
29. Learn the art of keeping busy. Activity generates energy.
30. Do the things you like, you would be happy and content and bum up less energy.
31. The best way to energetic life is to meditate.

(Application of the principle of psycho-cybernetics)
I take the following SANKALPA (Resolutions) for my own growth and
prosperity through CREATIVITY & MIND MANAGEMENT.

1. I firmly belueve that 1 have the potential for CREATIVE GENIUS.

2. I shall reach and maintain ALPHA WAVES OF MENTAL STATE and thereby
generate Creative ideas most of the time.

89 Mind Masters
3. My TIME is the precious currency of my life, which I utilise most
productively and Creatively.
4. I shall CHERISH AN IDEAL and devote myself for its realisation.
5. I shall become so ENGROSSED IN A PROJECT that I simply cannot allow
myself to become ill or indisposed.
6. I shall seal the Dead Past, not to worry about the Unborn Future but always
LIVE AND ENJOY the Realistic present.
7. I Fully believe that the only competiton worthy of me is with myself. No one is
superior to me no one is inferior to me and I AM WHAT I AM.
8. I strongly endorse the view that success is not just money or
position in is the total FULFILLMENT OF MY INNATE
POTENTIAL as a human being.
9. I shall EJONJOY WHATEVER I DO and finish any project within the
stipulated time frame.
10. I am the maker of my own destiny and try my best to be always


(Mind minute genius- Each item to be reflected for a minute)
1. Be crazy to be creative and original.
2. Develop the abilities you already have.
3. Rely on yourself.
4. Preseverance is the key to any achievement.
5. Don’t doubt about your abilities on any account.
6. Determine to be something in this world and you will be something.
7. Genius is nothing but continued attention.
8. Give to the world the best you have.
9. Do not let personal handicaps hold you back.
10. Begin, and the work will be completed.
11. Your own resolution to succeed is more important.
12. Let the aim be single.
13. Pursue your aim aggressively and persistently.
14. No work can be done without sacrifice.
15. Prepare yourself in advance for new opportunity
16. The man who wins is the man who thinks the can.
17. Every man stamps his own value upon himself.

Mind Masters 90
18. Don’t get dejected over the rejection of others.
19. Cultivate the virtue of self-discipline.
20. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses.
21. Each success achieved leads on the greater ones.
22. Your achievements show your own future.
23. You can constantly improve.
24. Find happiness in your work.
25. A day without improvement is a day lost
26. Increase your personal dynamism and creative living
27. The greater you control your emotions the better would be your possibility
to develop your talents.
28. Self-image sets the boundaries of your abilities.
29. Weep not for him who departs from life, for there is no suffering beyond death.
30. Memory is the treasure of the mind.
31. If you do not plant knowledge when you are young it will not give you shade
when you are old.
32. Confidence is the key to unlock the doors to any achievement.
33. Knowledge and skills build confidence.
34. Search for the deepest inclination of your heart and follow it.
35. The past is to be dropped not because it is bad but because it is dead.
36. All suffering comes from a person’s inability to sit still and be alone.
37. There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.
38. People are your greatest resources.
39. Accept the inevitable
40. Work regularly at growing
41. Live in the joyous expectancy of the best
42. Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams.
43. You have the potential for greatness.
44. Don’t label yourself as a failure.
45. There is no abiding success without commitment
46. Hard work lays genius on the line.
47. Find fault with yourself not with others.
48. Today is the very life of life.
49. Have victory overself.
50. Clean your Inner or subconscious mind of all wrong mental pictures.
51. Make up your level best each day.
52. Action is the supreme law of life.

91 Mind Masters
53. Show them, do not tell them.
54. Believe in effort, not in fate.
55. Don’t wait, start right now.
56. Indulge in pure thoughts.
57. Be yourself Imiation is suicidal.
58. Cherish an ideal and devote yourself for its realisation.
59. Turn your liabilities into assets.
60. Don’t expect that god can give your every thing.
61. Prepare with patience.
62. Through firm devotion to duty man gains his excellence.
63. ACHIEVEMENT of whatever kind is the crown of effort and the diadem
of thought.


1. Sustained concentration
2. Guide your imagination
3. Tune your mind
4. Develop self mastery skills
5. Manage your time
6. Read faster
7. Develop specialized knowledge
8. Develop creative memory
9. Practice Brain-gym
10. Be a life long learner
11. Apply mind minute tekniks
12. Express your ideas and thoughts creatively
13. Do the usual things in an unusual manner
14. Boost your brain power
15. Be rational (thinking) than emotional (feelings)

Mind Masters 92
Here’s a new mnemonic diagram to illustrate the year that Man first walked
on the moon:

The number 69 traces the flight trajectory.

Man’s first steps on the moon occurred at 2.56 GMT on 21st July 1969, when Apollo
11 astronaut Neil Armstrong left the Lunar Excursion Module, having landed earli-
er on the 20th.

Apollo was the name given to the moon rocket programme following the success
of the Gemini spaceflight programme. To recall which Apollo flight was the first
manned landing, just recall the “double-L” as a number within the name:

For the crew of Apollo 11, just recall:

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins

The entire series of manned landings was relatively short-lived due to rising costs.
After Apollo 11, there were only 6 more manned flights to the moon, one of which
(Apollo 13 - an unlucky number!) ended in near-disaster. Thus only 12 men have
ever walked on the moon, the third man in each crew having stayed in lunar orbit.

Apollo 11 - 20.7.69
Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Michael Collins

Apollo 12 - 19.11.69
Charles “Pete” Conrad, Alan Bean, Richard Gordon

x - Apollo 13 - April ‘70 [no landing]

x - James Lovell, John Sweigert, Fred Haise

Apollo 14 - 03.2.71
Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, Edgar Mitchell

93 Mind Masters
Apollo 15 - 30.7.71
David Scott, Alfred Worden, James Irwin

Apollo 16 - 20.4.72
John Young, Thomas Mattingly, Charles Duke

Apollo 17 - 11.12.72
Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmit, Ronald Evans


Here is a useful mnemonic for distinguishing whether a near-full Moon is coming or

“When Coming (or arriving), it is really departing.

When Departing (a ), it is really coming.”

Another way of telling is this:

L-E-FT hand curve = D-E-CREASING.

R-I-GHT hand curve = -I-NCREASING.
Using the natural curve of the hand from first finger to thumb, if the
Moon’s crescent fits the curve of the L-E-FT hand, then it is D-E-CREASING,
but if the crescent fits the R-I-GHT hand, then it is -I-NCREASING.

There are several “types” of moon, each with their own description:

Blue Moon: the second of two full moons occurring in the same month. The lunar
cycle is 27.3217 Earth days in length (or 27 days 7hrs. and 43m.), and thus it is rare
for two full moons to occur in the same month - hence the term “once in a blue

Crescent Moon: occurring in the two periods just before and after new moon, when
the bright part is less than a semi-circle and gives the moon the appearance of

Gibbous Moon: the opposite of a crescent moon, these are the two periods near full
moon when the bright part is greater than a semi-circle but less than a circle; from
the term meaning convex or protuberant.

Full Moon: When totally visible, the opposite of a new moon. The moon shines by
reflected light from the sun, and when the Earth passes between it and the Sun (once
every 271/3 days, usually on a slightly different crossing-plane) it becomes a complete
circle and is then called “full”.

Mind Masters 94
Half Moon: the period exactly halfway between a new moon and a full moon, when
the moon appears to be an exact semi-circle of light. There are two half moons in a
lunar cycle.

Harvest Moon: the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox, rising for several days
at about the same time as sunset and providing enough extension of light to enable
farmers to continue harvesting after sundown.

Hunters Moon: the next full moon after Harvest Moon, so called because of the
extra light beneficial to hunters out stalking game in the evenings...

New Moon: When virtually invisible, the opposite of a full moon. The moon shines
by reflected light from the sun, and when it passes between the Earth and the Sun
(once every 271/3 days, usually on a slightly different crossing-plane) it becomes
invisible as the reflecting surface points entirely away from the Earth. It is then called
“new” because it is about to start a new lunar cycle.

Earth’s moon is the 15th largest in size of the planetary bodies in the solar system.
Here’s a useful mnemonic for remembering the order of the planets within
our solar system:

“Son - Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Nocturnal Purposes!”

(Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

To place the asteroid belt, one can also “..Easily Make [Alcoholic] Jugs..” (ie.
..Earth, Mars, Asteroids, Jupiter..)

Gary L.Foiles (a Cowley County Attorney) has e-mailed an alternative for the plan-
ets and asteroids, although he says it’s more useful in those countries where a clos-
ing punctuation mark is called a “period” rather than a “full stop”:

“Martha Visits Every Monday And Just Stays Until Noon, Period.”

From Barbara D. Martin (9/00) comes:

“My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles.”

From Marcus Lewis-Price (10/00) comes another:

“Many Vampires Eat Many Jam Sandwiches Until Nanny Protests.”

From “Moleshouse” (4/01) comes yet another:

“My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets.”

John Herbert (7/01) of the UK suggests:

95 Mind Masters
“Many Volcanoes Erupt Mouldy Apple Jam Sandwiches, Unusually Nifty
(KEY: Mercury Venus Earth Mars [asteroids] Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto)


Here’s a new mnemonic for recalling the order of size of the five largest bodies
(including planetary moons) within the solar system:

“ SUN - J - SUN! “
(Sun - then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
Of diameters (miles x 1000): 865, 89, 75, 32, 30.

The Earth is the next (6th) largest body, followed by Venus, Mars, Triton (N),
Ganymede (J), Titan (S), Mercury, Callisto (J), Io (J),
The Moon (E), Europa (J), then (17th) Pluto.

These lesser bodies have diameters of (miles x 1000):

7.9 (E), 7.5 (V), 4.2 (M), 3.7 (t), 3.3 (g), 3.2 (t), 3.0 (M), 3.0 (c), 2.3 (i),
2.2 (moon-E), 1.9 (e), 1.8 (P)

For a new mnemonic to recall the entire order of planet-sizes excluding the various
moons and Pluto:

“ Son, JaSUN, EVen MaM! “

(Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury)

Lastly, for a new mnemonic to recall the solar system’s three largest moons

“ Triton, Titan (Ganymede intercede)! “


Here’s a new astronomical mnemonic by Peter Hobbs for remembering the names of
the ten brightest stars in the Earth sky.

“ Son: ‘Sir Can Rig A VCR, Pa..’ “

Sun (-26.7), Sirius (-1.43), CANOPUS (-0.73),

RIGIL CENTAURUS (-0.27), Arcturus (-0.06),
Vega (0.04), Capella (0.09), Rigel (0.15), Procyon (0.37), ACHERNAR (0.53).

Those in CAPITAL letters are not visible from Britain. For the two “rigs”,
remember “Sir Can Rig Kent Ark!”, to distinguish between Rigil (in Centaurus) and
Rigel (in Orion).

Mind Masters 96
Stars are classified according to their level of brightness as seen from the Earth. The
unit of brightness is called magnitude. All stars that can be seen with the naked eye
are of a magnitude between 0 and 6 (magnitude 6 being just visible to the naked eye
on a clear night, with each next magnitude up being about 2½ times brighter than the
one below it). A star of magnitude 1 is 100 times brighter than a star of magnitude 6.

There are nearly 3000 stars of magnitude 0-6, but only the Sun and four other stars
are brighter than magnitude 0 (and thus have negative magnitudes). These are Sirius
(-1.43), Canopus (-0.73), Rigil Centaurus (-0.27) and Arcturus (-0.06). A further
eleven have a magnitude of less than 1.

Some stars are variable in brightness. Thus Betelgeuse (in Orion) is the 11th bright-
est star with an average magnitude of 0.90, but when its cycle is at maximum bright-
ness it becomes brighter than several of the first ten stars.
Here’s a famous astronomical mnemonic for remembering the descending order of
classification of stars. The actual classification is a spectral one, but some also call it
the “temperature type” as the spectrum of each star is linked to its surface tempera-

“ Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now, Sweetheart!”

class [hottest] O, B, A, F, G, K, M, R, N, S [coolest]

In the spectral class system, our own Sun is class G.

Stars vary greatly in colour, the contrast between Sirius (the Dog Star) and
Betelgeuse (in Orion) being very marked for instance, and their colour is usually a
measure of their surface temperature. However stars are not classed by colour but by
spectrum - they are arranged into classes that reflect the steady change in the
strengths of their representative spectral absorbtion lines.

The basic phrase “Oh, Be A Fine Girl - Kiss Me!” has helped several generations of
astronomers to learn the stellar classifications. Ironically the mnemonic, still used
today, refers to classes developed by a woman - Annie Jump Cannon (1863-1941).
She greatly simplified earlier classification systems by applying an “arbitrary” divi-
sion of stars into spectral classes O, B, A, F, G, K, M etc. Her “eye” for stellar spec-
tra was phenomenal, and her Draper catalogs (which ultimately listed nearly 400,000
stars) were highly valued as the work of a single observer.

Her classification letters have led students to create many alternative mnemonics for
fun, including:

“Only Big Astronomy Federal Grants Keep Money. Research Needs Support!, also “Out Beyond
Andromeda, Fiery Gases Kindle Many Radiant New Stars” and “Only Bungling Astronomers Forget
Generally Known Mnemonics!”.

97 Mind Masters
Nearly all star information is derived from studying the light they emit. Through their
spectra we obtain information about their compositions, temperatures, motions and
ages. Most information comes from studying the absorption lines (which appear as
dark strips) in a star’s spectrum. Absorption lines represent specific wavelengths in
a spectrum which have been eliminated.

Patterns of absorption lines were first observed in the spectrum of our sun in the
1800’s by Joseph von Fraunhofer. Later Secci and Pickering noted that stellar spec-
tra could be divided into about 22 groups according to similarities in their spectral
lines. Annie Jump Cannon then refined the groupings into the main classes O, B, A,
F, G, K and M used ever since. Each of these classes are nowadays divided into ten
subclasses. Thus the spectral types are: O0,O1,O2,... to O7,O8,O9, then B0,B1,B2...
etc. The Sun is classified as a G2 star.

In the 1930’s and 1940’s it was realized that the factor most responsible for determin-
ing the spectral properties of a star is its surface temperature. The surface tempera-
ture determines what ions are present. For example, type O stars which have a tem-
perature of around 40,000°K will have a large amount of ionized helium. Radiation
of wavelengths x and y is absorbed by ionized helium. Therefore in O type stars dark
absorption lines characteristically exist at these wavelengths. M stars are cool stars,
having temperatures of around 3000°K. with different absorption lines created by the
absorption by molecules in stellar atmospheres. These lines are absent in hotter stars
since molecules are broken apart at high temperatures.

A further refinement of the classification was introduced in the 1940’s and 1950s
when it was determined that stars of the same temperatures but having different sizes
will show subtle differences in their spectrum and thus a different luminosity. This
refinement introduced a Roman numeral to the end of the spectral type to indicate the
luminosity class. A numeral I indicates a supergiant star; a III, a giant star; and a V,
a main sequence star. Our Sun, a main sequence star, is a G2V.

Colour Index (B-V):

The blue magnitude, B, is the brightness of a star as observed photoelectrically

through a blue filter. The difference B-V is therefore a measure of the colour of a star.
There is a close relation between B-V and the spectral type, but some of the stars are
reddened by interstellar dust. The probable error of a value of B-V is about 0.02 mag
at most.

Full Spectral Classification:

A “temperature” type (O,B,A,F,G,K,M,R,N,S) is given first, followed by a finer sub-

type (0-9) and a “luminosity” class (Roman numerals I-IV, with an “a” or “b” added
sometimes to indicate slightly brighter or fainter). The sequences are such that the O
stars are hottest, M stars are coolest, Ia stars are the most luminous supergiants, III
stars are giants and V stars are the most numerous; the V’s are known as dwarfs or
main-sequence stars. Other symbols are “p” for peculiar; “e” for hydrogen emission;
“m” for strong metallic lines; “f” for broad, non-hydrogen emission in hot stars; and

Mind Masters 98
“n” or “nn” for unusually broad lines (=rotation).

A separate mnemonic exists for recalling the ten brightest stars in the Earth sky.


Here’s a “farmyard” mnemonic that recalls the five classes of vertibrates (or higher
Chordates) in the animal kingdom, suggested (02/01) by Rebecca Probasco of
Kettering, Ohio.

Fish - Amphibians - Reptiles - Mammals - Birds
The mnemonic also gives a reminder of which classes are cold- and warm-blooded,
as all the first 3 are cold-blooded while only the last 2 are warm-blooded (ie. have a
constant body temperature).

Taxonomy is the classifying of living organisms (ie. plants and animals) into
scientifically-named groups based on similarities of structure, origin etc. Animals for
example can be single-celled (ie. microscopic) or multi-cellular. Among the latter,
the vertibrates are regarded as the highest form of animals. All vertibrates have a true

Fish form the largest class of vertibrates. They are all water-living, gill-breathing
animals and are subdivided into three classes (the Lampreys, the 600 species of
Cartilaginous sharks and rays, and the remaining 20,000 species of Bony Fishes).

Amphibians are the most primitive of the land vertibrates, with about 1,100 species.
All are cold-blodded and have to pass through a fish-like larval stage before meta-
morphosing into their adult form. Many breathe largely through their skin, which
must therefore be kept moist. They are subdivided into three groups (the lizard-like
Tailed Forms, the Tailless Forms being frogs and toads, and the Blindworms).

Reptiles are also cold-blooded vertibrates, but usually covered in horny scales and
reproducing by means of shelled eggs. Their 4,300 species are subdivided into four
groups (the Crocodile order including alligators, the rare Tuataras, the Turtles which
include tortoises, and the Snakes and Lizards).

Mammals are warm-blooded vertibrates, of which the females give milk to their
young. The 3,500 species of mammal are subdivided into three groups (the Egg-lay-
ing Mammals of Australasia, the pouched Marsupials such as the kangaroo, and the
Placentals - this last being largest group with 16 orders including the Bats, the
Whales, the Carnivores, the Insectivores, the Rabbits, the Rodents such as squirrels,
mice and porcupines, the Elephants, the Odd-Toed Hoofed Animals such as horses,

99 Mind Masters
the Even-Toed or Cloven-Hoofed Animals such as camels and pigs, and the Primates
such as apes and humans. Over half of the world’s species of mammal are Rodents).

Birds are warm-blooded vertibrates with front limbs modified to form wings
(although some are flightless). All 8,600 species are feathered, toothless and egg-lay-
ing. They are subdivided into 20 orders (including the Flightless Birds, the Penguins,
the Swans, Ducks and Geese, the Birds of Prey, the Parrots, the Divers, the Gulls and
Waders, the Owls and the Perching Birds).

A separate page has a mnemonic means of recalling the various taxonomic classifi-
cations in general.


Here are some useful mnemonic rhymes for the order of bones in parts of the human body.

1. For the bones of the upper limb:

“ Some crooks have underestimated Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “

(scapula, clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges).

2. For the bones of the lower limb:

“ Help five police to find ten missing prisoners. “

(hip, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges).

3. For the vertebrae of the spinal column:

“ Clever Dick looks silly clot! “

(cervical, *dorsal, lumber, sacrum, coccyx).

*Dorsal vertebrae are also called thoracic.


Here is a useful mnemonic sentence developed by Shelley Clough of Hawarden
(Indiana) for recalling the five lobes of the human brain.

“ First Place Often Takes the Trophy. “

(Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal, Temporal).

Here’s a mnemonic illustration that distinguishes between the two main types of

Mind Masters 100

“A Bactrian ( ) Camel has two ( ) humps
but a Dromedary ( ) only has one ( ) hump.”

To be exact, the two-humped Bactrian Camel inhabits the colder regions of central
Asia (where it also exists in the wild), while the Dromedary is just the lightest and
swiftest of several breeds of the one-humped Arabian Camel (its name deriving
from the Greek “dromas”, or running, to distinguish it from for example the Pack-
Camel variety). Unlike the Bactrian, the Arabian Camel is extinct in the wild, being
entirely domesticated long ago.

The two types should therefore be thought of as:

“A.B.C. (not D.)”.

ie. Arabian/Bactrian Camels (not just Dromedary)

Taxonomically speaking, camels are related to llamas, vicunas and alpacas. All are
mammals in a separate sub-order belonging to the order of Artiodactyls (even-toed
or cloven-hoofed animals), being two-toed.

Here’s a mnemonic illustration that distinguishes between the two main types of

“A Bactrian ( ) Camel has two ( ) humps

but a Dromedary ( ) only has one ( ) hump.”

To be exact, the two-humped Bactrian Camel inhabits the colder regions of central
Asia (where it also exists in the wild), while the Dromedary is just the lightest and
swiftest of several breeds of the one-humped Arabian Camel (its name deriving
from the Greek “dromas”, or running, to distinguish it from for example the Pack-
Camel variety). Unlike the Bactrian, the Arabian Camel is extinct in the wild, being
entirely domesticated long ago.

The two types should therefore be thought of as:

“A.B.C. (not D.)”.

ie. Arabian/Bactrian Camels (not just Dromedary)

Taxonomically speaking, camels are related to llamas, vicunas and alpacas. All are
mammals in a separate sub-order belonging to the order of Artiodactyls (even-toed
or cloven-hoofed animals), being two-toed.


Here is a medical mnemonic for the names of the twelve cranial nerves, supplied by

101 Mind Masters

Bill Woods (7/99) who describes it as “handy-dandy”!

“ On Old Olympus Towering Tops,

A Famous Vocal German Viewed Some Hops”

The initial letters of each word in the sentence stand for:

Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal,

Abducens, Facial, Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus,
Spinal accessory, Hypoglossal.

Jesse Garcia has an alternative mnemonic (6/00)

that substitutes “Accessory” for “Spinal accessory”:

“ Old Opticians Occupy Trojan Tricycles, [while]

Abdul Faces Very Glossy Vagrant Active Hypes”

A useful mnemonic rhyme to remember, in order to avoid a hangover (or worse!):

“Beer on whisky? Very risky!

Whisky on beer, never fear...”

The rule for “whisky” applies to all spirits in general! Rock Hopp has e-mailed (3/00)
a variation using the US-style “liquor”:

“Liquor after beer, you’re in the clear.

“Beer after liquor, never sicker.”

Ultimately one should try never to mix grape and grain...

“Wine on beer? Makes you queer!”

Jeanie has e-mailed (10/99) a further variation:

“Wine after beer makes you feel queer

but beer after wine makes you feel fine!”

All combined, this suggests one might be able to start with wine, move onto beer and
then end up with whisky - but don’t take our word for it, as we haven’t done any
actual research on the results! A proper medical explanation of the effect of mixing
drinks in the stomach would be much appreciated if anyone knows it...

Mind Masters 102

Mind Masters Foundation

Do you have a passion to accomplish!
Something outstanding in your life!
Then, take up one single project, after your heart
Make that project Your Whole life
Enjoy working on it relentlessly day & night
Think of it, feel with it, and play with it!
Never, never, give up on temporary setbacks
Success is not just money or position in essence
It is the total fulfilment of your innate potential!
And you can be a genius in the field of choice

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when we change everything changes

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