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PHY attern ( Ck ss XI

Sl No Unit Section Section II Section II Section II Section II TOTAL

I Very Short Short Long
MCQ Short Answer Answer Answer
(1 mark) Answer Questions Questions Questions
Questions I il ( 5 marks)
( l mark) ( 2 marks) ( 3 marks)
Physical World lXl:1 1Xl=1 02
and Measurement
2 Kinematics tx2:2 1X1:1 2X1:2 5X1:5 10
J Laws of Motion 1X2:2 2Xl=2 3X2:6 10
4 Work, Energy lX2:2 3X1:3 05
and Power
5 Motion of system 3X2:6 06
of particles and
Rieid Bodv
6 Gravitation lXl:1 3X2:6 07
7 Properties of bulk lx2:2 I Xl:l 2Xt:2 5X1:5 10
matter (except
heat transfer)
8 Behaviour of lX2:2 zxt:2 3X2:6 t0
perfect gas and
kinetic, theory of
heat transfer
(taken from unit-
9 Oscillation and 1X2:2 1X1:1 2X1:2 5X1:5 10
I4 04 10 27 15 70

o Question paper will have two sections :

Section I : for MCQ ( Question Nos : 1 to 14 )
Section ll will have four groups:
VSA ( 1 mark) -one sentence answer ( QuestionNo : 1 to 4 )
SA I ( 2 marks ) -- ( Question No : 5 to 9 )
SA II ( 3 marks ) -- ( Question No : 10 to 18 )
LA ( 5 marks ) -- ( Question No : 19 to 21)
o There should be no fractions in the marks distribution.
o For SA I , marks may be divided into 1+1
o For SA II , marks may be divided into 2+l
()r LA . marks m
For be divided Iinto 3+2 o 4+l
Section I No Intemal Option
Section II VSA Intemal Option for at least any two questions
Section II SA I Intemal Option for at least any three questions
Section II SA II Internal Option for at least any five questions
Section II LA Internal Option for at least any two questions
SPECIMEN QUESTION STRUCTURE ( for Class XI Annual Examlnation )
qT{ eH TlbfFf ( qrtqrt clftT <tffi$. q-{r )

"tftfrv .9"( ve/r{p/ Usrflr wr fre.tzr yr frsil

qm t qfrvfu, qrf?qFer T(

wrFgl-v {srs-rfi crycE 4w cqeT nem qK t 6o{lts dTx.4 ,tcfw 7Fu qpql
Speaal credit utill be giuen for ansu)ers which are brief and to the point.
Marlc.s will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad lwnduriting.
Figures in the margin indicate full marlcs for the questions.

aqffifu<e a1 ( > qqr<-* em )

1" i i *tu1tr<cwro, 1i*i1=1 A-Blqm, A \e B-q{{-c<lcsTcrr{r+{c{

a) 45o b) 60o

c) 75o d) 90o.

0v< r (d)

2. qffi {qf,{ c{rqr gem{ firs 6fu qE r <-qE 6"rrs Sbq q<( ercs
VF1F frr< qq r qqF< .qQ

a) <-{F< c$Fr y{t &n lt
b) <-{F{ s{c"l3r {Fr qqR<res Rq tg fitr ffi cqrql fuG-d fir<F E{
c) <-{tr{ g{c"l{ fr<f, rgh \9 {IqK qTs qFiltiT qdm QE

d) <-{ft-{ Y{q TCdtE Raro '5* qrsfra t

Sv* : (b)
qfu {(hs gE-${ff df ( : qqr*]t ePs )
3. .srF Sff{{q ns cTllrr{ e+fr <-E-t 6{tt T{t qr{ srf, tr{"t $l +* r 1

4. Esfr {q q{T ,ssfr Tg{ qR{ qfi-{ qEil' qf(q ful st cs.ll {b-s (parameter)-K {l{ E]KI

fr{Rs qr r I

I T\rrn over

q(h? Ee<qff-l ef{ ( I mrs-* em )

5. "vfr{ $"rs frm WInT-{ q-qr qrfr cflaffirrF 6cK ERF ffisv-R{ ET{t c{Fr qq6-t,,
<v-{l'fi IfuTRTKf, qmR qs
- r

6. 1 fr. wq?rf' RFIB qsF Eqqrcsi:r qar q<fu (E fur \-c{r T-Re 0.3 fr. qrq ft-T rFs nqr

"fief+l. fr.fg qE r celqr{ T-fl q"FK affi $"i cqRfi I


q(fre B-s<{ff-u ens ( rr qiqfsg O{ )

7. cq{l\g C{, ,gFE :tfE CqFt6F{ 01fu ':1aq CqrEqB qK, Tfr ,b Cnfqf+-g frg,fT
6S-GI CqFrcK q{T-q(q_{ TTFN|ET ffi s-E r

8. tr68:tef qrE]:t qRn6n-E cqrE qq.f qrcr{ qFlrl;r s EIq qqalg q-"f6fr 6qrt 1 q"HFF \3

s6ETq qRn6r+s DTq-qtvr c{{tr6s-{ cq 6sFr RTm sTmr {&{ (slope) yr{t $;T I

ft{Sg.<qff ar ( c qqcrd ax )

g. a) ,erfr Tftq Sqarq< V1pb{ Dvfrro r <ItflT({ W-roK

'int 3fF qrw 6Trcq r. dqtq Tir
C\, T2 qr3

b) :{-qloftT SF<FF \s qV T{NT qrqt q-q{ fi"fs vE 3+2

"iFftT r

10. a) dqlot sr c{, qT.t {ESFI qvrft{ csFr <E{ mF qfr-s {fu Tft g6?t-<F {r6F I

b) 1e.6 fiDR gwvt frftE csT{ <rftd 'm cqro q& crrcqce s fiE^rtr cqcq qrfr <-n w1pfi+
frm Fnqq T-<t qE r <qF rgsrst qrqts crm ? (TE{ q,fl qrql t.nsl vr) g+z

( English Version I
Multiple Cholce Questions (MCQI ( carrying I mark each )
-+ -) -) -+ -+ -+ -+
l. Two veetors A and B are such that lA+Bl=l A-Bl. The angle between A and
a) 45' b) 60'

c) 75? d) 90".

Ans: (d)

2, A ball is thrown vertically upward. It goes up and then returns to ground. During
this motion of the ball

a) the ball has no acceleration

b) the ball has a constant downward acceleration throughout the whole flight
c) the acceleration of tJ:e ball has different directions during ascent and

d) the acceleration of the ball is zeto at the highest point.

Ans: (b)

Very Short Answer Type (VSAI ( carrying 1 mark each )

3. Cite an example of a situation in which a body having a t:.orr-zero acceleration

has zero velocity. I
4. Name the parameter that decides if a body is in thermal equilibrium with another
body or not.

Short Answer Type-I (SA-I) ( carrying 2 marks each )

5. "It is easier to pull a roller obliquely, to move it along the ground, than to push it
to do so'l Justify the statement.

6. Find out the phase difference between two points, 0'3 m apart on the path of a
travelling wave of wavelength 1 m. Show the steps in your working out of the
answer. 2

I T\rrn over

Short Answer Type-II (SA-II) ( carr5ring 3 marks each )

7. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic if the amplitude
of the pendulum is very small. Obtain an expression for its period of oscillation.
g. Write down the reiation between pressure and volume of an ideal gas during an
adiabatic change and compare the slopes of the isothermal and the adiabatic
curves for the gas at a point in the P-V diagram' 3

Long Answer TYPe (tAf (carrying 5 marks each )

9. a) An artificial satellite revolves round the earth in a circular orbit of

radius r. Show that if T be the period of revolution of the satellite, then
T2 *r3 .

b) Find a relation bet\Meen the gravitational constant and mean density of the
earth. 3+2
10. a) show that the mechanical enersr of a body sliding down freely along a
smooth inclined plane is conserryed'

b) A ba1 is projected horizontally with a velocity of 5 m/sec from the top of a

building 19.6 m high. How long will the ball take to hit the ground ? (neglect
air resistance) 3+2

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