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Oral Tradition, 18/1 (2003): 84-86

Oral Tradition: Weasel Words or Transdisciplinary

Door to Multiplexity?

Ruth Finnegan

Oral traditionnot a concept Im really comfortable with, actually.

Its partly its sneaky connotations: oral as symbol of the primitive, the
other, the marginal at the edge of the triumphant western dream; tradition/
traditional too: opposed to modern/western/literate/individual/creative,
implicitly highlighting transmission and the old, downplaying creativity,
multiple agency, politics, inventiveness. Nowadays we query those once-
obvious ethnocentric universalizing assumptions, of course, and instead
explore the overlap and interpenetration of oral and written (their
intermingling with other media toomusic, dance, material displays,
electronic options) and look not to essentialized divisions between old and
new but to historical changes and multiplicities (to changing genres, to
new media interacting with established themes, to contemporary forms not
just traditional ones)but the older connotations still keep sneaking
through. Oral tradition isnt very transparent as an analytical concept
anyhow: oral with its ambiguity between voiced and (the potentially
much wider) non-written; tradition aswhat exactly? whats ruled out?
In the areas Ive worked in (around issues to do with performance,
oral/performed literature, narrative, popular culturein Africa and
comparatively) the term oral tradition hasnt proved particularly
illuminating as such and isnt nowadays very widely used.
It has pragmatic uses, though. As in this journal, it has served to
gather together questions of textuality, orality, voice, text, performance,
verbal art in a way too often ignored elsewhere. It fillsand
challengesgaps left in the canons of many established academic
disciplines. And its cross-cultural framework and synoptic wide-ranging
vision, unfettered by discipline-imposed shibboleths, can take us
constructively across language, text, literary analysis, genre, media studies,
popular culture, performance, information technology, and

communicationin the process, paradoxically, transcending the separating

marginalizations once implied in oral tradition.
Current growing points? Manifold, but linked above all, Id say, to an
increasing awareness of the multiplexities of human creativity. Not just the
multiplicities of diverse viewpoints, genres, cultures, social situatedness,
power relations, or historical specificities (all now rightly recognized themes
in social and humanistic study), but more the move away from the narrowing
ethnocentric models implied in the binarism of oral/literate into the amazing
range of multifaceted spectrums that people actively and creatively draw on
in their communication and expression. This brings insights into the many-
sided interactions of co-participants/co-creators even within and during one
single performance; into the multiplex processes humans are actively
engaged in across the many dimensions of textualization, of exegesis, of
meta-perspectives, of using language; andcurrently closest to my own
heartinto the multiple modes and media that are so often, in their multi-
dimensional ways, bound in with that simple little term oral. When
examining the actual practice and experience of a (so-called) oral
performance, researchers now pay growing attention to how people are
deploying not just words but a selection from that huge array of auditory,
kinesic, visual, spatial, material, tactile, somatic, and olfactory resources that
humans have creatively developed and put to their purposes. (For examples
of this multiplexity, see the references below.)

The Open University


Barber 1997 Karin Barber, ed. Audiences in Africa. Special issue.

Africa, 67:347-499.

Brown 1999 Duncan Brown, ed. Oral Literature and Performance in

Southern Africa. Oxford: James Currey.

Finnegan 2002 Ruth Finnegan. Communicating: The Multiple Modes of

Human Interconnection. London: Routledge.

Honko 2000 Lauri Honko, ed. Textualization of Oral Epics. Berlin and
New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Sherzer 2002 Joel Sherzer. Speech Play and Verbal Art. Austin:
University of Texas Press.

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