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Marian Koster and Lisa Leimar Price: Rwandan female genital modification:

Elongation of the Labia minora and the use of local botanical species

Josefine Larsen: The social vagina: labia elongation and social capital among women
in Rwanda

Ethno-veterinarians use Solanum aculeastrum Dunal var. albifolium as treatment

against eye diseases and conjunctivitis in animals and the crushed berries are
smeared in the vagina of cows as treatment against nymphomania.

Marian Koster and Lisa Leimar Price: Rwandan female genital modification:
Elongation of the Labia minora and the use of local botanical species

Rasputin was heavily tortured as his tormentors tried to ascertain what links he
had with Germany. His testicles were crushed flat.

In 1917, after the overthrow of the tsar, a number of Petrograd workers removed
Rasputins corpse and burned it in a nearby forest. Alarmingly for the workers,
Rasputins body sat up in the flames causing them to flee in panic.

During Stalins rule, the autopsy report into Rasputins death vanished and Stalin
ensured that all those associated with it vanished as well.

The medicinal properties of Solanum aculeastrum Dunal and Bidens pilosa L (see page
197 - 200)
We were taught that these plants were weeds, but they have so many useful
properties which disqualify them from being weeds. In general, Solanaceae species
are long known for the presence of pharmacologically active glycosidal alkaloids
and, until recently, anti-spasmodic drugs obtainable from this family were the only
therapeutic agents alleviating Parkinsonism.
Marian Koster and Lisa Leimar Price: Rwandan female genital modification:
Elongation of the Labia minora and the use of local botanical species

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