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Week of November 6-10

(Please initial and return this form daily with your student)

Day Homework & Managing Parent

(Star of the Questions
Day) Reminders myself initials

Remember Gym Shoes!

Library Checkout!
P/T Conferences 4-7p

Wednesda Half Day

Noon Dismissal
P/T Conferences 2-5p

Half Day
Thursday Noon Dismissal
(Charlotte) P/T Conferences 2-8p


Here's what we're learning this week:

Reading: Looking at central message, comparing and contrasting A Fine, Fine, School and
The Recess Queen. Finishing our week with a performance based assessment.

Turn over for more information

Phonics: Open and closed syllables: open- no with a long vowel o; closed- not with a short
vowel o.

Writing: Starting to write narratives after immersing and pre-assessing last week.

Grammar: Plural nouns. A plural noun is a word that expresses two or more people, places,
or things.

Math: Practicing our math skills with unknown partners. Ex. 4+___= 9

Social Studies/Science: Beginning a new unit on past, present, and future.

Other news:

Homestead Holiday field trip: We will arrive around 9:25 and our tour will start at 9:30
and will go until 11:00. I can have 1 parent chaperone per 6 kids. Any extra parent
chaperones past the amount we get free have to pay the $4 admission fee. I am in
need of 4 chaperones for this field trip. If you are interested, please let me know via
Golden Sneaker! Our class won the golden sneaker award for gym!!! This is awarded
for outstanding behavior, so thank you for taking the time to talk with your kids about
how first graders act...I have noticed a difference. Just a reminder on the things we
are working on:
Looking like a learning (eyes on the speaker, listening ears, calm hands and
feet, sitting up)
Raising hand, waiting to be called on before sharing out
Transitioning quickly and quietly
Cleaning up after yourself (hallway, bathroom, table space, pods, etc.)
Follow directions the first time

Dates of Importance:

Nov. 14- 50th day of school celebration! (tentatively)

Nov. 22-24- Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 29- Homestead Holiday Field Trip 9:30-11
Dec. 15- Half day, noon dismissal
Dec. 19- Holiday Concert 6-6:30p
Dec. 22- Christmas Party

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