Honorable Judge

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Honorable judge, subservient opposition and effulgent audience a pleasant good

afternoon. The topic for our debate is Teenage mothers should be allowed to
attend school before and after delivery. We the opposition strongly disagrees with
the moot. Now, I would like to define some key words in the moot. According to
the united nation children fund organisation a teenage mother is a girl within the
age range 13-15 that gives birth to a child. The oxford English dictionary defines
school as an institution for educating children. So the re define moot states A girl
within the age range 13-15 that gives birth to a child should be allowed to attend an
institution for educating children before and after delivery. Today I would be
portraying my views on the moral and health aspect of this prevalent issue that
needs the right solution. My illustrious second speaker will be presenting on the
social aspect of the issue while my meritorious third speaker will be tackling the
psychological views.As the ole people used to say, There is a time and place for
everything... The underlying message that is wrapped and decorated within this
quote gives the basis on which the issue of teenage pregnancy should be addressed.
Even though our dynamic society nowadays has moved away from traditional
ideologies, it is still critical to preserve some of the lessons behind the ole time
sayings. The term teen mother is quite an ironic one if we were to really sit and
think about it. Here, a teen describes as an individual who is at a transitional stage
of development, caught somewhere between childhood and adulthood, where they
are categorized as biologically but not emotionally and psychologically mature. On
the other side of the coin, there is a mother defined as an individual who has given
birth to a child and is expected to nurture, love, protect and care for a new life. So,
what happens when we put the two together?Babies having babies is the product
that glares right back at us. Teenaged mothers needs are undoubtedly a far cry
from a regular teenaged girls needs. Hence, it is my view that they should not be
allowed back into the school system before and after giving birth. Since everything
has its time to happen, a school girl being impregnated is not only unacceptable
and highly inconvenient, but also life-changing. For starters, we shall deal with the
aesthetics of the situation before getting into the heavy discussion. The most
crucial mistake made was the first step taken down this path when a young girl
decides to become sexually active. She is at a time in her life when she is unfit to
be a mother and unable to provide for herself, much more for another life. Once the
teenager is allowed to continue her schooling at the same institution, what message
does it relay to her peers? Does this mean that having a baby is an issue which is
treated casually and after the pregnancy has run its course, its business as usual? Is
it worth the risk of contaminating the psyche of her peers? What if the teen mother
decides to wed, would wives be going to school with teenage daughters? I'm not
saying pregnant learners should be denied education, according to the country's
constitution, everyone has a right to education, including the pregnant
learners...From my perspective this learners should rather consider home studying
during their pregnancy period. Being a learner at the same time pregnant, it doesn't
only affect you,it affects people and things around you...It affects other learners, it
affects your reputation it affects the schools reputation, just imagine 100 school
girls pregnant in the same school, 100 of them were one would not understand if it
is a school or a pregnant women house. The law states clearly that everyone a
child,adult, an elderly, a girl or a boy have a right to education,which means no age
restriction in getting education.What I'm implying on is that this learners should
not be allowed to come to school when pregnant and they should come after they
have gave birth. The other thing is that,these people need high and special medical
care. They are also exposed to high danger, imagine if she trips and fall over,if she
tries to buy lunch at a school kiosk and someone pushes her by mistake,if the boys
mistakenly hit her tummy with a ball while playing. Imagine if she gives birth at
school in most cases Prematurely that will require her to get a serious medical
attention,it will disturb ongoing lessons this will cause a chaos..So they rather stay
home during there pregnancy period, there is no use of going to school were in
every week you will be absent for a medical check upWith the common cases of
high blood pressure caused by pregnancy, its a risk if she continues with school.
Her growing belly will be the centre of attention at school and this is bound to
affect her performance and she might eventually drop out on her own. Teenage
pregnancies are far riskier than pregnancies in older women because they are way
too young.According medical experts, teenage pregnancies pose more risks like
going into labour early. In most cases she is likely to go in labour 37weeks earlier.
What will a teacher do if she goes into labour during class?Therefore, to save the
girl the trouble, its better she stays home and returns to school after she has given
birth.she should be educated but, based on the fact that she is pregnant she now
needs to be educated in a different area so that she is knowledgeable on what is to
come. It is not discriminatory to be honest and in such a case 'beating around the
bush' helps no one; furthermore a school has not the resources neither do the
teachers have knowledge on how to deal with a pregnant teenager.
Do we expect teachers to deal with teenage pregnancy and other social issues and
still expect them to teach our children? Think my friends
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

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