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Japanese speakers


(girl) common error (ball)

W (a camera) common error (heart) or as spelling
(ship) confused with i (sheep)
(cup) confused with (man)
(book) confused with u (boot)
u (boot) has different quality
e (tail) common error e (pen)
W (phone) common error (clock) or (ball)
W (beer) common error (we are)
eW (chair) common error e (they are)
(ship) may be unvoiced/whispered
(book) may be unvoiced/whispered

Difficulty with groups of consonants.

l confused with r
l (ball)
h may sound like f before or u
(thin) common error s or (shoe) before or i
(feather) common error d or d (jam)
v common error b
w found difficult in front of (book) or u (boot)
z confused with s especially finally
(shoe) confused with s
confused with k in final position
pronounced d (jam) or (shoe)
n confused with m or (ring) in final position
j (yellow) found difficult before (ship) or i (sheep)
common error or k

t may be pronounced t (cherry) before or i, or ts before u

d or z may be pronounced d (jam) before or i
d may be pronounced dz before u
s may be pronounced (shoe) before or i

Cambridge University Press


Falling tune and other intonation exercises will be useful.

Stress and rhythm

Sounds staccato. An extra vowel may be added at the end of a word.

Joining word exercises will be useful.

Cambridge University Press

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