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Do you need JMP Pro?

Sophisticated techniques for

advanced analytics

JMP Pro is the advanced analytics

version of JMP, created for power users
who need sophisticated modeling
techniques to better anticipate the future
and plan well for tomorrow. Built with
scientists and engineers in mind,
JMP Pro statistical analysis software
from SAS provides all the superior capa-
bilities for interactive data visualization,
exploration, analysis and communication
that are the hallmarks of JMP.

In addition, JMP Pro offers a multitude

of sophisticated techniques: predictive
modeling with cross-validation using a
number of different methods, modern
modeling techniques, model compari-
son and averaging features, advanced
multivariate techniques, reliability block
diagrams, covering arrays, mixed
models, uplift models and advanced JMP Pro statistical discovery software from SAS is built for analytics power users like you.
computational statistics methods.

Having access to all the rich advanced includes a rich set of algorithms for fitting the residuals from the previous
analytics in JMP Pro removes road- building better models with your data. tree. The Partition platform in JMP Pro
blocks to statistical discovery and Two of the most useful techniques for also fits K nearest neighbors (K-NN)
enhances your ability to uncover more predictive modeling are decision trees models. Using these methods lets you
clues in your data. Therefore, you make and neural networks. build models that often predict better
breakthroughs more quickly, enabling than simple decision tree models.
you to become more proactive and The Partition platform in JMP Pro
take greater control of the future. automates the tree-building process The advanced Neural platform in JMP
with modern methods. The bootstrap Pro lets you build one- or two-layer
Key features forest, a random-forest technique, neural networks with your choice of
grows dozens of decision trees using three activation functions and also
Predictive modeling random subsets of the data and provides automatic model construction
At the heart of data mining are the candidate variables, and then averages using gradient boosting. This platform
advanced tools to fit large models that these trees. The boosted tree technique automatically handles missing values
generalize well with new data. JMP Pro builds many simple trees, repeatedly and transformation of continuous Xs,
Reliability Block Diagram lets you build and understand the reliability of complex, multicomponent systems.

which saves time and effort. In addition, with a purely random sample or Each of these models will have common
it includes robust fitting options. stratified random). The training set is quality measures that can be used to
used to build the model(s). The valida- assess the model: R , misclassification

Both the Partition and Neural platforms tion set is used in the model-building rate, ROC curves, AUC, lift curves, etc.
in JMP Pro take advantage of using process to help choose how complex
cross-validation. The purpose of valida- the model should be. Finally, the test set Using model comparison in JMP Pro,
tion is described in the next section. In is held out completely from the model- you can compare all the saved predic-
addition, stepwise regression, logistic building process and used to assess the tion columns from various fits and pick
regression (both nominal and ordinal) quality of the model(s). For smaller data the best combination of goodness
and discriminant analysis in JMP Pro sets, k-fold cross-validation also can of fit, parsimony and cross-validation.
support the use of a validation column. be used in some platforms. JMP Pro makes this comparison
automatically. At the same time, you
Cross-validation Cross-validation helps you build models can interact with visual model profilers
For effective predictive modeling, that generalize well to tomorrows data to see which important factors each
you need sound ways to validate your about new customers, new processes or model is picking up. Model comparison
model, and with a large model, you can new risks so you can make data-driven in JMP Pro makes it easy to compare
easily get into trouble over-fitting. inferences. multiple models at the same time, and
Large models should always be cross- also to do model averaging, if desired.
validated, and JMP Pro does this Model comparison
through data partitioning, or holdback. In the real world, some kinds of models Modern modeling
Dividing the data into training, valida- fit well in certain situations but fit poorly Generalized regression is a class of new
tion and test data sets has long been in others. With JMP Pro, there are many modeling techniques well suited to
used to avoid over-fitting, ensuring that ways to fit, and you need to find out building better models, even with
the models you build are not reliant on which one is most appropriate in a challenging data. It fits generalized
the properties of the specific sample given situation. A typical approach to linear models using regularized or
used to build them. model building is that you will try many penalized regression methods.
different models: models with more or
The general approach to cross-valida- less complexity, models with or with- Standard estimation techniques break
tion in JMP Pro is to use a validation out certain factors/predictors, models down when you have predictors that
column. You can easily split your data built using different kinds of modeling are strongly correlated or more predic-
into different sets for different purposes methods, or even averages of multiple tors than observations. And when there
using the validation column utility (either models (ensemble models). are many correlated predictors (as is
often the case in observational data), as easy as any other modeling person- Partial least squares. Are you trying to
stepwise regression or other standard ality in Fit Model simply identify your model data that is wider than it is tall?
techniques can yield unsatisfactory response, construct model effects and Traditional techniques wont work, but
results. Such models are often over-fit pick the desired estimation and partial least squares (PLS) does. PLS is a
and generalize poorly to new data. validation method. JMP automatically powerful modeling technique to have
But how do you decide which variables fits your data, performs variable in your toolbox, especially when you
to cull before modeling or, worse, selection when appropriate, and have more X variables than observa-
how much time do you lose manually builds a predictive model that can be tions, highly correlated X variables, a
preprocessing data sets in preparation generalized to new data. You can also large number of X variables, or several
for modeling? use a forward stepwise technique, Y variables and many X variables. All
perform quantile regression or simple of these are situations where ordinary
Generalized regression is a complete fit using maximum likelihood. least squares would produce unsatisfac-
modeling framework. It takes you tory results.
from variable selection through model Finally, Generalized Regression gives
diagnostics to LS means comparisons, options to choose the appropriate PLS modeling fits linear models based
inverse prediction and profiling. And its distribution for the response you are on factors, namely, linear combinations
only in JMP Pro. modeling, letting you model more of explanatory variables (the Xs). The fac-
diverse responses such as counts, data tors are obtained in a way that attempts
The regularization techniques with many outliers, or skewed data. to maximize the covariance between the
available within the Generalized Xs and the response or responses (the
Regression personality include Ridge, Advanced multivariate techniques Ys). In JMP Pro, you can build PLS mod-
Lasso, adaptive Lasso, Elastic Net and JMP Pro includes several advanced els with either continuous or categorical
the adaptive Elastic Net to help better techniques to build better models responses (PLS-DA), specify curvature
identify Xs that may have explanatory when faced with data problems that terms or interaction effects and perform
power. Harnessing these techniques is require multivariate fitting methods. missing value imputation.

The bootstrap forest will identify all of the potential variables that could be affecting your responses for further investigation,
ideally with design of experiments. A standard decision tree model will not always do this, as shown here.
Variable clustering. When presented
with a large number of variables to
predict an outcome, you may want
to reduce the number of variables
in some way to make the prediction
problem easier to tackle. One possible
dimension reduction technique is the
well-known method of principal com-
ponents analysis (PCA). The variables
resulting from PCA, however, can be
hard to interpret.

An alternative strategy is to use

variable clustering in JMP Pro to help
you to understand whether your
responses are grouped into clusters
and to determine how many clusters
the responses contain. Selecting any
cluster within the report automatically
selects the clusters most representa-
Use cross-validation and build multilayer neural network models with automatically gen-
tive column in the data table, making it
erated SAS score code.
much faster and easier to specify model
terms or perform dimension reduction.
in your system and be better informed JMP Pro. For example, there is currently
Reliability Block Diagram to prevent future system failures. no other software for covering arrays
Often, you are faced with analyzing the design that also lets you analyze your
reliability of a more complex analyti- Covering arrays data using generalized regression.
cal system a RAID storage array with Covering arrays are used in testing
multiple hard drives, or an airplane with applications where factor interactions JMP Pro also allows you to import any
four engines, for example. With JMP, may lead to failures. Each experimental covering array design generated by
you have many tools to analyze the run may be costly. As a result, you need any software and further optimize it
reliability of single components within to design an experiment to maximize and analyze the results. You can design
those systems. But with JMP Pro, you the probability of finding defects while the arrays yourself without having to rely
can take the reliability of single also minimizing cost and time. Covering on others to build experiments for you.
components, build a complex system arrays let you do just that. JMP Pro lets Test smarter with covering arrays in
of multiple components and analyze you design an experiment to test JMP Pro.
the reliability of an entire system with deterministic systems and cover all
the Reliability Block Diagram platform. possible combinations of factors up JMP Pro continues to amaze
to a certain order.
me. There are always new
This platform allows you to better
modeling techniques and
predict the reliability of the whole And when there are combinations
system and determine the expected of factors that create implausible tools to make my life as
performance based on the current conditions, you can use the interactive a data analyst easier. The
performance of individual components. Disallowed Combinations filter to auto- Generalized Regression
You can easily perform what-if analyses matically exclude these combinations platform is easy to use and
by looking at different designs and of factor settings from the design. fast. And the ability to create
comparing plots across multiple
test/validation variables on
system designs. You can also determine One of the huge advantages of cover-
the best places to add redundancy and ing arrays in JMP Pro is that JMP Pro
the fly is great.
decrease the probability of a system fail- is a statistical analysis tool, not just a
Dick De Veaux, C. Carlisle and
ure. Using the Reliability Block Diagram, covering arrays design tool. You can Margaret Tippit Professor of
you can easily design and fix weak spots do all sorts of statistical analyses in Statistics, Williams College
Use Generalized Regression in JMP Pro to build better models despite data challenges.

Mixed models experimental unit, and these repeated characteristics of individuals who are
Mixed models let you analyze data measurements are correlated or exhibit likely to respond to some action.
that involves both time and space. variability that changes.
For example, you might use mixed Uplift modeling in JMP Pro fits partition
models in a study design where It is also easy to visually determine models that find splits to maximize a
multiple subjects are measured at which, if any, spatial covariance treatment difference. The models help
multiple times during the course of a structure is appropriate to utilize in your identify groups of individuals who are
drug trial, or in crossover designs in model specification when building most likely to respond favorably to an
the pharmaceutical, manufacturing or mixed models in JMP Pro. action; they help to lead to efficient
chemical industries. and targeted decisions that optimize
Uplift models resource allocation and impact on the
JMP Pro lets you fit mixed models to You may want to maximize the impact individual.
your data, letting you specify fixed, of your limited marketing budget by
random and repeated effects; correlate sending offers only to individuals who Advanced computational statistics
groups of variables; and set up subject are likely to respond favorably. But that JMP Pro includes exact statistical tests
and continuous effects all with an task may seem daunting, especially for contingency tables and exact non-
intuitive drag-and-drop interface. when you have large data sets and many parametric statistical tests for one-way
possible behavioral or demographic ANOVA. Also, JMP Pro includes a
In addition, you can calculate the cova- predictors. However, with JMP Pro, you general method for bootstrapping
riance parameters for a wide variety of can use uplift models to make this pre- statistics in most JMP reports.
correlation structures. Such examples diction. Also known as incremental
include when the experimental units modeling, true lift modeling or net Bootstrapping approximates the sam-
on which the data is measured can be modeling, this method has been pling distribution of a statistic. JMP Pro
grouped into clusters, and the data developed to help optimize marketing is the only statistical software package
from a common cluster is correlated. decisions, define personalized medicine that lets you bootstrap a statistic without
Another example is when repeated protocols or, more generally, to identify writing a single line of code. One-click
measurements are taken on the same bootstrapping means you are only a
click away from being able to bootstrap Connect to the richness of SAS making your data accessible in ways
any quantity in a JMP report. As one of the SAS offerings for you might never have experienced.
predictive analytics and data mining, Through dynamically linked data,
This technique is useful when text- JMP Pro easily connects to SAS, graphics and statistics, JMP Pro brings
book assumptions are in question or expanding options and giving access to your investigation alive in a 3-D plot or
dont exist. For example, try applying the unparalleled depth of SAS Analytics an animated graph showing change
bootstrapping techniques to nonlinear and data integration. With or without over time, generating valuable new
model results that are being used to an active SAS connection, JMP Pro insights that inform both the model-
make predictions or determining can output SAS code to score new building and explanation process.
coverage intervals around quantiles. data quickly and easily with models
Also, you can use bootstrapping as an built in JMP. Operating system guidelines
alternative way to gauge the uncertainty
in predictive models. Bootstrapping Share and communicate results JMP Pro runs on Microsoft Windows
lets you assess the confidence in your JMP has always been about discovery and Mac OS. It includes support for
estimates with fewer assumptions and and finding the best way of commu- both 32- and 64-bit systems.
one-click bootstrapping in JMP Pro nicating those discoveries across your See for complete
makes it easy. organization. JMP Pro includes all the system requirements.
visual and interactive features of JMP,

PLS models are useful when you have more factors than observations (wide and short data tables).
Key features exclusive to JMP Pro
JMP Pro includes all of the features in JMP, plus the additional capabilities for advanced analytics listed below.
Learn more at

Predictive Modeling Model Comparison

Classification and regression trees (partition modeling)* Automatic comparison of models built using JMP Pro.
Bootstrap forest, a random-forest technique. Profiler.
Boosted trees. Fit statistics (R , Misclassification Rate, ROC curves, AUC,

K-nearest neighbors prediction (K-NN). Lift Curves).

Support for validation column. Model averaging.

Neural network modeling Modern Modeling

Automated handling of missing data. Generalized regression
Automatic selection of the number of hidden units using Regularization techniques: Ridge, Lasso, adaptive Lasso,
gradient boosting. Elastic Net, adaptive Elastic Net.
Fit both one- and two-layer neural networks. Forward selection.
Automated transformation of input variables. Quantile regression.
Three activation functions (Hyperbolic Tangent, Linear, Gaussian). Normal, Cauchy, exponential, Gamma, Beta, binomial, Beta
binomial, Poisson, negative binomial distribution.
Save randomly generated cross-validation columns.
Zero inflated binomial, Beta binomial, Poisson, negative
Save transformed covariates.
binomial, Gamma distribution.
Support for validation column.
Choice of validation methods: Validation column, KFold,
holdback, leave-one-out, BIC, AICc.
Stepwise regression
Support for validation column. Advanced Multivariate Techniques
Partial least squares (PLS) modeling
Logistic regression (nominal and ordinal) PLS personality in Fit Model supports continuous or categori-
Support for validation column. cal response; continuous or categorical factors, interactions
and polynomial terms.
NIPALS-style missing value imputation.
Discriminant analysis
Save randomly generated cross-validation columns.
Support for validation column.
A Standardize X option, which centers and scales individual
variables that are included in a polynomial effect prior to
Standard Least Squares applying the centering and scaling options.
Support for validation column. Choice of validation methods: Validation column, KFold,
holdback, leave-one-out.

General approach using validation column and validation Principal component analysis (PCA)
role in modeling platform launch dialogs. Variable clustering in PCA.

Validation Column Utility Reliability Block Diagram

Automatic partitioning of data into training, validation and test Build models of complex system reliability.
portions; creation of validation columns.
Use basic, serial, parallel, knot, and K out of N nodes to build
Purely random or stratified random methods to create the systems.
holdback sets.
Build nested designs using elements from design library.
Validation column creation from platform launch by clicking
validation column role.
Continues on next page.
Continued from previous page.

Covering Arrays
Design and analyze covering arrays. ONLINE
Optimize designs after they are created for further run reduction.
Use disallowed combinations filter to specify infeasible testing Evaluation copy
regions. Try JMP Pro for free and take
Import covering arrays created by other software; analyze
statistical discovery to the
coverage and optionally further optimize.
next level.

Mixed Models Customer stories

Specify fixed, random and repeated effects. See how organizations get real
work done with JMP.
Correlate groups of variables, set up subject and
continuous effects.
Choice of repeated covariance structure. Application areas
Variograms serve as a visual diagnostic to determine which, if Explore the ways JMP products are
any, spatial correlation structure is most appropriate. applied in design of experiments,
exploratory data analysis, statistical
modeling and more.
Uplift Models
Decision tree method to identify the consumer segments most
likely to respond favorably to an offer or treatment.
Incremental, true-lift, net modeling technique.
Support for validation column.

Advanced Computational Statistics

Oneway Analysis
Nonparametric exact tests.

Contingency Analysis
Exact measures of association.

General Bootstrapping
Bootstrap statistics in most reports in a single click.
*Generates SAS code ready for use with SAS Model Manager

SAS Institute Inc. World Headquarters +1 919 677 8000

JMP is a software solution from SAS. To learn more about SAS, visit
For JMP sales in the US and Canada, call 877 594 6567 or go to
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other
countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. 105522_S129992.0215

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