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Marco A.

Canada and Mexico:
Is public medical care that important?


Population 34.88 million 112.3 million (2010)

Average life expectancy 80.93 years 75 years

Infant mortality 4.78 deaths / 1000 live 16.77 deaths / 1000 live
births births

GDP $ 1.821 trillion $1.177 trillion

Death rate 8.2 deaths / 1000 4.94 deaths / 1000

population population

Total area 9 984 679 km2 1 972 550 km2

CO2 per capita 16 tons 4.3 tons

UNHDI ranking 11 61

GNI $1.484 trillion $ 2.016 trillion

Mean years of schooling 15.3 years 13.7 years

Why the differences?

The life expectancy between Canada and Mexico differs by 5 years, 5 years that, in
average, a Canadian live more than a Mexican. This difference can be because of the
deficient medical care that Mexico has, the poverty which exceeds the half of the
population or the little importance that the government give to the population.
If we take a look to the death rate or the infant mortality shows how deficient its the
medical care in Mexico. For example, if you have a prostate problem when you are old,
the time required to get the results or are 4 to 6 months and then if you require surgery
it costs and if the people is poor nobody can pay for surgery, therefore they are dead.
What can be done to help?
One solution could be giving more importance to the health in Mexico, if you give better
health care, population will live more. Another solution is to give better education,
Mexico is one of the countries with more poverty in the world so if you give better
education the people will be more prepared for better jobs, therefore less poverty in
Mexico and the government will get more money. Also they can change the system of
public medical care, but thats too much.



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