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Name of drug Dosage/frequen Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing Responsibilities


It is an To reduce  Severe renal Side effects are  Patients with a previous history of
Tranexamic antifibrinolytic that bleeding or failure uncommon but thromboembolic disease may be at
Acid competitively inhibits excessive there may be increased risk for venous or arterial
the activation of bleeding  active nausea, vomiting thrombosis.
500 mg/cap plasminogen to intravascular with diarrhea.
1 cap/Q6h plasmin, a molecule While prolonged  Administered with caution to pt
responsible for the treatment may with impaired kidney function
 thromboembolic
degradation of fibrin. disease heighten the risk
Fibrin is the basic of an increased
Classification: framework for the  colour vision thrombotic  Prolonged treatment requires
formation of a blood disorders tendency.
Antifibrinolytic clot in hemostasis.  regular eye checks and live function
drug  subarachnoid test

John Marcial B. Hermosa BSN3-P


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