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Hereditas 132: 35-42 (2000)

MtDNA polymorphism in the Hungarians: comparison to three other

Finno-Ugric-speaking populations
Department of Medical Genetics, University of Turku, Finland
Finnish Genome Center, University of Helsinki, Finland
Department of Genetics, University of Turku, Finland
Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Human Genetics and Teratology, W H O Collaborating Center, National Center for
Epidemiology, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Biochemistry, National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest, Hungary

Lahermo, P., Laitinen, V., Sistonen, P., Bkres, J., Karcagi, V. and Savontaus, M.-L. 2000. MtDNA Polymorphism in the
Hungarians: comparison to three other Finno-Ugric-speaking populations. -Hereditus 132: 35-42. Lund, Sweden. ISSN
0018-0661. Received August 19, 1999. Accepted January 10, 2000

Mitochondria1 DNA sequence variation as well as restriction site polymorphisms were examined in 437 individuals from
four Finno-Ugric-speaking populations. These included the Hungarians (Budapest region and the Csangos from Hungary
and Romania), the Finns and two Saami groups from northeastern Finland (Inari Saami and Skolt Saami), and the Erzas
from central Russia. The mtDNA data obtained in this study were combined with our previous data on Y chromosomal
variation for eight different loci in these populations. The genetic variation observed among the Hungarians resembled
closely that found in other European populations. The Hungarians could not be distinguished from the neighboring
populations (e.g., the Austrians) any more than from their Finno-Ugric linguistic relatives.

Piiivi Lahermo, Finnish Genome Center, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 21 (Tukholmankatu 2), FIN-00014 University of
Helsinki, Finland. E-mail:

The Hungarians, Finns, Saami, and the Erzas are The Basin has been a crossroads of migrations for
each speakers of Finno-Ugric languages, one of the many different ethnic groups, and the Hungarians
largest mostly European group that does not belong have had extensive contacts with various different
to Indo-European languages (RUHLEN1991). This population groups, especially Turkish peoples, even
study has its focus on the Hungarians, whereas the before their arrival to the Carpathian Basin. As far as
three other populations, the Finns, Erzas, and Skolt known, the Hungarians are the only Finno-Ugric
Saami, represent Finno-Ugric speakers, who have speaking group that has adapted to an equestrian-
clearly different population histories, both from each pastoral way of life. Today, one of their few stronger
other, and from the Hungarians. ties to the other present day Finno-Ugric groups is
The Finno-Ugric language group was dispersed by the language, their closest linguistic relatives being
the end of the 3'd millennium BC. The present-day the Ob-Ugrians, who still live in the wooded steppe
living area of the Finno-Ugric populations extends west of the Ural Mountains (FODORand CZEIZEL
from east of the Ural Mountains in Central Russia to 1991).
northern parts of Scandinavia in the north, and south The Csango group consists of approximately
of the Danube River in the south. The area around 120,000 individuals who live in comparative isolation
the large bend of the Volga River east of Moscow, in Hungary and Romanian Moldova. Besides of their
where e.g., the present day Erza live (Fig. l), has language the Csangos in Romania have remained
traditionally been considered to be the original living separated from the rest of the Romanian population
area of the ancestors of the present-day Finno-Ugric- also partly because of their Catholic religion. The
speaking populations (e.g., KORHONEN1991). How- origin of the Csangos is disputed, but they are re-
ever, the idea of a geographically defined "home- garded as ethnic Hungarians (ANDRASFALVY and
land", previously in vogue, has largely been rejected KELEMEN1991). They were the Hungarian popula-
during the past few years. tion who had the least in common with the other
According to historical evidence, the ancestors of Hungarian ethnic groups (e.g., the OrsCg and Jasz)
the Hungarians settled in the Carpathian Basin in 895 (CZEIZELet al. 1991). Also Csangbs have been con-
AD after two millennia of migration towards west. sidered to be a population group that has preserved
36 P . Lahermo et al. Hereditas 132 (2000)

most of the ancient Finno-Ugric and Iranian genetic MATERIALS AND METHODS
traits among the Hungarian populations
D N A Samples
Mitochondria1 DNA variation in the Finno-Ugric- A total of 146 Hungarian DNA samples were col-
speaking populations has been analyzed in a growing lected, with informed consent from the individuals,
number of studies (e.g., VILKKIet al. 1988; SAJAN- by the staff of the Department of Human Genetic
TILA et al. 1995; LAHERMO et al. 1996, TORRONIet and Teratology, National Center for Epidemiology,
al. 1996) during the recent years. Other genetic data Hungary. 68 of these were ethnic Csangos from Hun-
for these populations are available mainly on poly- gary and Romania, and 78 were individuals of mixed
morphic protein and blood group markers (e.g., Hungarian origin living in Budapest. For compari-
NEVANLINNA 1972; ERIKSSON 1973, 1988; son, samples of 57 Finns from various regions of
GUGLIELMINO et al. 1990) and lately on Y chromo- Finland, 48 Skolt Saami from north-eastern Finland,
somal variation (SAJANTILA et al. 1996; ZERJALet al. 127 Saami from the Inari Lake region in northern
1997; KITTLESet al. 1998). Based on classical mark- Finland (from our previous study (LAHERMO et al.
ers, the contribution of Uralic genes among the Hun- 1999), and 59 Erzas from Central Russia (Fig. 1)
garians has been estimated to amount to 13 YO were included in the study. The Finnish samples were
( f 2.3 YO)(GUGLIELMINO et al. 1990). obtained from the Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfu-
In this work we analyze the mitochondrial DNA sion Center and the Saami samples were collected by
the local health care centers. Some of the samples in
variation and population structure among two differ-
this study have already been partly analyzed in (SA-
ent samples of the Hungarian population; a mixed
JANTILA et al. 1995; LAHERMOet al. 1996; 1999).
group of Hungarians living in the Budapest area, and
Total DNA was extracted from lymphocytes by using
the Csangos. The Budapest Hungarian sample in this
standard organic extraction protocols (e.g., in VILKKI
study represents the total genetic variation in the et a]. 1988).
Hungarian population, whereas the Csangos repre-
sent a isolated subpopulation among the Hungarians. Restriction -Site Analysis of mtDNA
For comparison we analyze the mtDNA variation in The entire mtDNA of each sample was amplified in
three other Finno-Ugric populations; the Finns, nine overlapping fragments as in TORRONIet al.
Saami, and Erzas. In addition, the Y chromosomal 1992, by PCR (SAIKI et al. 1985). PCR was per-
variation found in our previous study (LAHERMOet formed as described in LAHERMOet al. 1996 and
al. 1999) is discussed in further detail, and is com- TORRONIet al. 1996. Each of the nine PCR products
pared with the variation of mitochondrial DNA. was then digested with 14 (Alul, AuaII, BamHI, Ddel,
HaeII, HaeIII, Hhal, Hincll, Hinfl, HpaI, Mspl,
MboI, RsaI, TaqI) or six (AuaII, BamHI, Haell,
HincII, HpaI, Mspl) restriction endonucleases, one at
a time. Alternatively, the eleven short fragments were
amplified and digested with a subset of the described
enzymes as in (TORRONI et al. 1996). Following
digestion, restriction fragments were separated by
running the samples in 1 % SeaKem LE-agarose or
1 YOSeaKem LE + 1 YONuSieve agarose gels stained
with 0.5 mg ethidium bromide/ml. Boehringer
Mannheim DNA molecular-weight marker VI served
4 as the fragment-size standard. DNA fragments were
visualized under UV light, and the results recorded.
In ambiguous cases, samples were sequenced to verify
the true nature of the polymorphism.
Based on restriction-site data, both mtDNA haplo-
types and haplogroups were determined according to
the protocols described in e.g., VILKKIet al. 1988 and
TORRONIet al. 1994a, 1996. Samples that did not fit
any of the European-specific haplogroups in (TOR-
RONI et al. 1996) were screened for the presence of

Fig. 1. Living areas of the four Finno-Ugric-speaking pop- polymorphisms defining the Asian-specific hap-
ulations. 1 Hungarians (including Csangos, 2 Finns, 3 logroups (BALLINGER et al. 1992; TORRONIet al.
Saami, 4 Erzas. 1993; 1994b).
Hereditas 132 (2000) MtDNA polymorphism in Finno - Ugric-speaking populations 37

Sequence Analysis of mtDNA inal input space into a lower dimensional (typically 2
dimensional) space in such a way that the distances
To investigate the sequence polymorphism in between the samples in their original space are pre-
mtDNA, two segments of the mitochondria1 control served in the mapping space. Sammon stress is a
region (D-loop) were amplified by PCR. A 404-bp measure of the goodness of the mapping: the lower
fragment of the hypervariable region I (HV-I) and a value the Sammon stress has the better the distances
460 bp fragment of the hypervariable region 11 (HV-
are preserved. Reduced median networks based on
11) were amplified for 35 cycles by using primers as
combined mtDNA sequence and haplogroup data
described in VIGILANTet al. 1989. The amplified
(BANDELT et al. 1995) were calculated as in
PCR products were purified from a 0.8 YOSeaKem
RICHARDSet al. (1996).
LE agarose gel by phenol/chloroform or by using
QIAquick spin columns (QIAGEN Inc).
After purification, a 360 bp (nucleotides 16024-
16383 of the Cambridge sequence (ANDERSONet
al. 1981) segment of the HV-I region and a 389 bp Sequence diversity
(nucleotides 28-417) segment of the HV-I1 region
Differences were found in the numbers of shared
were sequenced using an ABI PRISMTM377 auto-
mtDNA sequences within the populations. For exam-
matic sequencer as recommended by the manufac-
ple, 75 % of the Csangits shared their HVR-I se-
turer (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems). Sequencing
quence with at least one other Csang6 individual
reactions were performed using ABI PRISMTM
(Table 1, Appendix, obtainable upon request),
DyePrimer and DyeTerminator Cycle Sequencing
whereas only 30 YOof the Hungarians from the Bu-
Ready Reaction Kits or, alternatively, ABI PRISMTM
dapest area did share their sequences with each other.
BigDye Primer and dRhodamine Terminator Cycle
This difference between the Hungarian populations
Sequencing Ready Reaction Kits supplied by Perkin
was even more striking when comparing combined
Elmer. The samples were also analyzed for the pres-
HVR-I & HVR-I1 sequences (13 shared sequences
ence or absence of the intergenic 9-bp deletion of a
out of 40 different mtDNA sequences among the
tandem repeat between the genes for COII and tR-
Csang6s vs. 3/72 among the Budapest Hungarians.
NALys, at nucleotides 8272-8289 (CANN and
The difference between the different distributions of
WILSON 1983; WRISCHNIKet al. 1987), previously
shared sequences was statistically supported by x2-
considered as a marker of eastern origin.
test and Wilcoxon rank sum test at probability of
Statistical Evaluation
> 99.5 %) Both Finns and Erzas had approximately
50 % shared sequences within the population. The
Intra- and interpopulation mean pairwise sequence most strikingly homogeneous population, what
differences, as well as genetic distances, were calcu- comes to shared sequences within the group, was the
lated on the basis of the mtDNA data obtained in Skolt Saami, who harbored only six different HVR-I
this study. F,,-values were calculated using the Ar- sequences, amounting to 92 % shared sequences be-
lequin 1.1 software (SCHNEIDER et al. 1997) and the tween individuals in this population.
significance of genetic distances tested by permuta- The most common shared sequence between the
tion test implemented in the program. From the populations (Table 1) in this study was the Cam-
several evolution models available, all giving compat- bridge consensus sequence (ANDERSONet al. 1981)
ible results, that of Tajima and Nei was selected for that was found in all populations, with the exception
HVR data (TAJIMA and NEI 1984) while pairwise of the Skolt Saami. The two Hungarian populations
differences were used with the restriction haplotype shared 12 mtDNA lineages, including approximately
frequency data. After bootstrapping the original se- 30 % of the individuals in both populations. The
quence data using the SEQBOOT program of the Austrian reference population (PARSONSet al. 1998)
PHYLIP 3.572 program package (FELSENSTEIN had 9 shared sequences with the Hungarians, com-
1999, the genetic distances required for Sammon prising approximately 20 YOand 30 % of the Hun-
mapping (SAMMON1969) were computed by using garian and Austrian individuals, respectively. The
the program DNADIST. Prior to construction, the Finno-Ugric speaking populations, with the excep-
between population means were estimated from boot- tion of the Skolt Saami, also had a comparatively
strapped genetic distances by using the program high number of identical sequences with the Hungar-
NEIREP (courtesy of Dr. L.B. Jorde). Sammon map- ian populations (3 to 7 shared sequences, comprising
ping (SAMMON1969) belongs to a class of multidi- approximately 13 YOto 41 % of the individuals in the
mensional scaling algorithms. The purpose of the respective populations). In contrast, the number of
Sammon mapping is to map samples from their orig- shared sequences between the Hungarians and the
38 P. Lahermo et al. Hereditas I32 (2000)

Table 1. Individuals with shared mtDNA sequences (HVR-I), intra- and interpopulation comparisons. A ) The
numbers on the diagonal illustrate the percentage the shared lineages in the population. The numbers in the upper
triangle illustrate the number (n = ) of duerent shared sequences between the populations. B) The percentage of
the shared sequences in the population identq5ed in the first column. E.g., 3 different shared sequences between the
Finns and the Csangbs amount to 22.8 % of the Finnish individuals analyzed in this study, whereas the same
sequences cover 13.2 % of the Csangb individuals

!KUNG 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FINNS 56 3 7 2 3 2 1 2 8
CSANGOS 75 12 1 4 4 4 1 S
M. HUNGARIANS 30 1 8 5 6 1 9
SKOLTS 92 1 0 0 0 1
ERZAS 55 4 4 2 6
TOSCANANS 23 3 4 4
TURKS 17 3
!KUNG -+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FINNS f 0 23 35 4 28 23 18 18 30
CSANGOS + 0 13 32 6 18 1s 13 3 19
M. HUNGARIANS + 0 18 28 3 21 1s 19 9 22
SKOLTS -+ 0 60 49 49 49 0 0 0 49
ERZAS + 0 29 26 41 3 26 22 21 33
TOSCANANS -+ 0 21 6 21 0 27 21 19 27
BULGARIANS -+ 0 10 30 50 0 23 30 10 33
TURKS + 0 10 10 10 0 14 10 10 17
AUSTRIANS + 0 29 29 33 1 29 28 29 24

Turkish (CALAFELL et al. 1996) populations was The mean pairwise sequence differences for the
lower (1 shared sequence with both of the Hungarian combined HVR-I and HVR-I1 regions were also cal-
populations, comprising approximately 3 YO-10 % culated. The lowest intra-population mean pairwise
of the individuals in the respective populations). Al- sequence difference (5.5) among the four Finno-
together, the Hungarians, or the other Finno-Ugric- Ugric-speaking populations was observed in the Skolt
speaking populations, did not show significantly Saami and the highest (9.3) in the Csangos. The
more similarities with each other than with the Indo- inter-population differences among the four popula-
European, here specifically Austrian, reference popu- tions did not vary significantly from each other. The
lation. The Skolt Saami shared two of their lineages genetic distances (FST) among the four populations
were of the same order of magnitude among the
with the Finns (comprising 60 % of the highly homo-
Finno-Ugric-speaking populations (with the excep-
geneous Skolt Saami sample), and only one of the
tion of the Saami) and the other European popula-
two with the other three Finno-Ugric-speaking popu-
tions (Table 2). Distances are also illustrated in the
lations (still comprising 49 % of the Saami sample) in Sammon maps (Fig. 2).
this study. The only non-Finno-Ugric-speaking popu-
lation that shared sequences with the Saarni was the Haplogroup diversity
Austrians. The relationship of haplogroups vs. sequence varia-
In the reduced median networks built from the tion among all of the four Finno-Ugric populations
combined sequence and haplogroup data the distribu- follows closely the associations presented in T o R R o N r
tion of mtDNA types found among the Hungarians et al. (1996). The diversity of mtDNA haplogroups
overlapped strongly with that observed in the other found in the Hungarians, Finns, and Erzas resembled
populations, whether Finno-Ugric or Indo-European. that found in the other European populations (TOR-
Neither did the Hungarian types form strong clusters. RONI et al. 1996). The Asian haplogroup M was
The same observation is valid for the Finns and the found in the Finns, Erzas, and Saami (3, 2, and
Erzas. (Data not shown). 5-10 YOof the individuals, respectively), but not in
Hereditas 132 (2000) MtDNA polymorphism in Finno - Ugric-speaking populations 39

any of the Hungarian individuals analyzed in this soma1 (LAHERMO et al. 1999) and other genetic data.
study. None of the individuals belonged to other Although the diversity values did not differ signifi-
Asian haplogroups. A few Hungarian samples could cantly between the Hungarian population samples,
not be placed in any of the currently known hap- the distribution of the mtDNA sequences (Appendix,
logroups based either on their sequence or RPFL obtainable upon request), as well as Y-chromosomal
data (Table 3). The two Saami populations were haplotypes (LAHERMOet al. 1999), was different
significantly different from the other populations among the Csangos and their countrymen from the
(Table 2b and 3) but also from each other. The Budapest area suggesting founder effect and genetic
haplogroup H, the most common one in Europe, was drift in the relatively small and isolated population.
totally absent in the Skolt Saami, and it was found in The Csangos have lived in Romania in self-sufficient
only two out of 127 Inari Saami individuals. The two village communities isolated from the main Roma-
most common haplogroups in the Saami were the nian population by their Hungarian language and
haplogroups U and V, both of which are found in culture and their Roman Catholic religion. In the
other European populations, but with much lower 1940s many of them immigrated to the present-day
frequencies. Hungary (FODORand CZEIZEL1991). The popula-
The Sammon map construction based on mtDNA tion group from the Budapest area was more hetero-
sequence and haplogroup data gave essentially the geneous than the other Finno-Ugric groups in the
same results. The both Saami populations were far present study. This does not come as a surprise, as we
separated from all the other populations (Fig. 2), can consider about this area as an ethnic melting pot
whereas the other European populations were of various Hungarian and other ethnic groups. Possi-
grouped together. For comparison the Sammon map- bly other small population groups of Hungary be-
ping was also performed on the Y chromosomal sides the Csangos would also have shown differences
haplotype data, published earlier in LAHERMO et al. from the Budapest population.
1999 (Fig. 2).
The genetic relationships between the Hungarians and
other populations
This study further supports the earlier findings con-
Population structure among the Hungarians
sidering the Finno-Ugric-speaking populations (LA-
The results of the present study on mtDNA further HERMO et al. 1996; TORRONIet al. 1996). The
support the earlier conclusions based on Y chromo- mtDNA variation in the Hungarians, Finns, and in

Table 2. Slatkin linearized FSTs as t l M = F S T / ( l - FST) x 100 shown for HVR-sequence (a) and restriction
haplotype (b) data. ( M = N for haploid data)

Fin Csa Hun Sko Erz Tos Bul Tur Aus

Csangos 1.5
Hungarians 1 .o
- 0.5
Skolts 12.6 16.4 14.8
Erzas -
1.7 0.5 0.0 17.0
Toscanans 1.2
- 0.6 0.0 17.6 0.0
Bulgarians 0.7 0.9 0.2 -
19.8 0.2 0.0
Turks 1.5
- -
1.4 0.0 -
17.8 0.8 0.0 0.4
Austrians 0.9
- 0.5 0. I 16.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.7
Pygmies 156.8-140.1 139.8
~ 235.5
~ 157.6
__ 135.6
~ 159.1
~ 106.2
__ 155.6
(b) Fin Csa Hun Sko Saa Erz Swe
Csangos 0.0
Hungarians 0.1 0.4
Skolts 22.1 -
19.2 24.5
Saami -
24.0 -
21.5 28.1 17.6
Erzas 0.3 0.0 0.0 20.2
- -
Swedes 3.0
- 0.0 5.1 26.s -
31.1 2.1
Toscanans 0.3 0.0 0.0 27.3 -
34.2 0.0 1.9
Figures underlined denote that the distance is significantly different from zero with p 2 0.05
40 P . Lahermo et al. Hereditas 132 (2000)

tions did not show a special genetic connection to the

02- other Finno-Ugric groups. E.g., the genetic distances
were in most cases approximately similar between
01- +ERZ+CS~
both the Hungarians and the other Finno-Ugric-
0- +HUN
speaking populations, or the Hungarians and the
-01 - +lNA Indo-European-speaking populations. Turkish or
Slavonic influences could not be detected in the
-0 3
analyses. Furthermore, based on both the mtDNA
data and Y chromosomal data, no clear portion of
the genetic background of the Hungarians can be
-0 5 +SKO separated from the common European gene pool,
-02 -01 0 01 02 03 04 05 and traced to separate Finno-Ugric sources. This was
further supported by the absence of the Tat polymor-
Sammon mapping: Sammon stress=0.0064 phism (ZERJALet al. 1997), conspicuously a Finno-
Ugric feature. The reason why the Hungarians still
retained their Finno-Ugric language and ethnic iden-
tity may be that newly accepted population elements
always remained a minority both in size and in their

\ 1 +AUS

-BUL role in the community power structure. Also, the
distinctiveness of the Hungarian as a Finno-Ugric
language may have hindered interaction with other
peoples (FODOR and CZEIZEL1991).
Although Y-chromosomal as well as mitochondria1
variation in the Hungarians falls within the European
variation, some special Hungarian features exist.
Most notably, the Y specific Alu insertion Yap
12 , tIKU , , , (HAMMER1994; HAMMERand HORAI 1995) was
-2 0 2 4 6 8 -10 -8 -6 -4 unexpectedly common in the Hungarians (17.5 Y ) ,
I0. I 0.
especially in the Csango group (39 YO).None of the
Sammon mapping: Sammon stress=0.0374 individuals harboring the Yap insertions shared the
microsatellite haplotype consisting of the Yap inser-
tion, the Tat polymorphism, and the six microsatellite
C markers (ARNEMANNet al. 1988; ROEWERet al.
2l 1992, 1996) with other European populations in our
fLAT studies, although closely related haplotypes were
+SKO found infrequently among the Karelians and the Lat-

vians. Therefore, it seems possible that part, although
not all, of the Yap insertion haplotypes found among
the Hungarians have originated from the same source
as the insertion haplotypes in Northern Europe. Since
-05/ , +A +KAR +or , ,
we do not know the frequency and the haplotype
background in the neighboring areas we can not
-1 5
speculate whether the more different Yap insertion
-2 -15 -1 -05 0 05 1 1 5 2
haplotypes have their origin elsewhere, e.g., in the
Turkish, Iranian, or Slavonic populations.
Sammon Mapping: Sammon stress=0.0027 The absense of East Asian haplogroups excludes
the possibility of strong Eastern effect on the Hun-
Fig. 2. Sammon maps for mtDNA haplogroup (a) and garian population, and further supports our interpre-
mtDNA sequence (b), and Y chromosomal data (c).
tation of the Hungarians as being an
indistinguishable part of the common European gene
the Erzas may be placed in a gene pool common to pool. The presence of haplogroup M in the Finns,
Europeans, whereas the genetic distances between the Erzas, and Saami suggests some, albeit not strong,
Saami and the other Europeans remain significantly Eastern gene flow. Still, the high percentage (10 YO)
longer. The mtDNA lineages or restriction enzyme of haplogroup M among the Skolt Saami is more
morphs (haplogroups) of the two Hungarian popula- likely a result of genetic drift and other chance effects
Hereditas 132 (2000) M t D N A polymorphism in Finno - Ugric-speaking populations 41

Table 3. M t D N A haplogroup frequencies

Finns' Skolt Saami Inari Saami Erzas Csangos Hungarians Swedes' Italians'

H 0.42(44) 0 0.02(2) 0.36(2 1) 0.37(25) 0.37(29) 0.4 1( 15 ) 0.42(20)

I O.Ol(1) 0 0 0.07(4) O.Ol(1) 0 0 0.04(2)
J 0.08(9) 0 0.04(5) 0.14(8) O.lO(7) 0.17( 13) 0.03( 1) 0.15(7)
K 0.03(3) 0 0 0.03(2) 0.06(4) 0.04(3) 0.14(5) 0.0613)
M 0.03(3) O.lO(5) 0.05(6) 0.02(1) 0 0 0 0
T 0.05(5) 0 0 0.09(5) 0.12(8) 0.03(2) 0.22(8) O.lO(5)
U 0.22(23) 0.38(19) 0.66(84) 0.19(11) 0.22(15) 0.17(13) 0.16(6) O.lO(5)
V 0.04(4) 0.52(26) 0.17(21) 0.05(3) 0.06(4) 0.04(3) 0.05(2) 0
W 0.06(6) 0 0 0 0.03(2) 0.05(4) 0 0.02(1)
x 0.04(4) 0 0 0.02( 1) 0.01(1) O.Ol(1) 0 0.08(4)
Others or? 0.04(4) 0 0.07(9) 0.02(2) 0.01(1) 0.12(9) 0 0.02(1)
Total 106 50 127 58 68 77 37 48

References' (TORRONIet al. 1996) and this study

than a sign of substantial Eastern influence in that with influences from the Indo-European sources be-
small population. Although the Saami show longer ing more evident than those from e.g., the Turkish
genetic distances, most of e.g., mtDNA haplogroups sources.
found among them (90 % in the Skolt Saami, and
88 YOin the Inari Saami, haplogroups U and V) fall
within the haplogroup variation found throughout ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the Europe. On the other hand, it must be noted that We wish to express our thanks to all our blood donors.
the haplogroup H, found in approximately 40 YOof This work was supported by grants 38826 and 42183 from
individuals in all other European populations studied the Academy of Finland.
this far is virtually absent in the Saami. This suggests
that either the Saami have gone through a drastic
genetic drift or founder effect, or that an important REFERENCES
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more likely to be the dominating factor behind the Hungary. The Csango group. In: Genetics of the Hun-
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Arnemann J, Jakubiczka S, Schmidtke J, Schafer R and
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ians from the Budapest area share most of their Ballinger SW, Schurr TG, Torroni A, Gan YY, Hodge JA,
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Asian mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals genetic conti-
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