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Subject : English
Class/Semester : VIII/I
School : SMP Negeri ..
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 Minutes
Topic : Expression of Probability
Skill : Reading
Academic Year : 2017/2018

a. Core Competence
1. Comprehending and experiencing the teaching of the religion fully.
2. Rewarding behavior honesty, discipline, responsibility, receptive,
(tolerant, cooperatively), well behaved, responsive, in interact effectively
with the social environment and nature, in the range of interaction and the
3. Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and
procedural) based on the curiosity about science, technology, art, culture
related to phenomenon and real event.
4. Processing and presenting, and reasoning in concrete field (using,
disentangling, arranging, modifying, and creating) and in the abstract field
(writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) based on the
learning at school and other sources within the same point of view/theory.

b. Basic Competence
3.1 Responding to the meaning of simple short functional accurately, fluently,
and acceptably to interact in the context of daily life. Applying the generic
structure and linguistic features involving the social function of stating and
asking about action/event that is on progress/occur routinely or the general
fact, based on the use of the context.
c. Indicator
Understanding the use of expression of probability.
Identifying the use of expression of probability.
Answering the cloze passages related to the topic.

d. Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri
will be able to identify the use of expression of probability by answering
the cloze passages correctly.

e. Teaching Materials
The modal verbs: can, could, may, might, must, and, should.
The modals are used to show that we believe something is certain,
probable or possible:
a. We use the modals could, might and may to show that something is
possible in the future, but not certain:
They might come later. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come later.)
They may come by car. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come by car.)
If we dont hurry we could be late. (= Perhaps/Maybe we will be late)

b. We use could have, might have and may have to show that something
was possible now or at some time in the past:
Its ten oclock. They might have arrived now.
They could have arrived hours ago.

c. We use the modal can to make general statements about what is

It can be very cold in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold in winter)
You can easily lose your way in the dark. (= People often lose their way
in the dark)

d. We use the modal could as the past tense of can:

It could be very cold in winter. (= Sometimes it was very cold in winter.)
You could lose your way in the dark. (= People often lost their way in the
e. We use the modal must to show we are sure something to be true and
we have reasons for our belief:
Its getting dark. It must be quite late.
You havent eaten all day. You must be hungry.

f. We use must have for the past:

They hadnt eaten all day. They must have been hungry.
You look happy. You must have heard the good news.

g. We use the modal should to suggest that something is true or will be

true in the future, and to show you have reasons for your suggestion:
Ask Miranda. She should know.
It's nearly six o'clock. They should arrive soon.

h. We use should have to talk about the past:

It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now.

2. Impossibility:
a. We use the negative cant or cannot to show that something is
That cant be true.
You cannot be serious.

b. We use couldnt/could not to talk about the past:

He was obviously joking. He could not be serious.

f. Teaching Method
Approach : Scientific approach and cooperative learning
Strategy : Three phase learning
Technique : Work in pairs, whole class discussion, and language game

g. Media of Learning
Media : pictures, worksheet, and PPT/flannel board
Stuff : laptop, (LCD), and marker
h. Source of Material
1. Anonym.d(2013).dRetrieveddfromd
site_php_files/communication-lesson-probability.php. Accessed on
Friday, October 27th, 2017.
2. Kenneth,dBeari.d(Tuesday,dAugustsd08th,d2011).dRetrieveddfromhtt
3895757. Accessed on Friday, October 27th, 2017.
3. Anonym.d(July,d2016).dRetrieveddfromd
Accessed on Friday, October 27th, 2017.
4. Yuliani, Marta & Yuniarti Dwi Arini. 2014. Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Klaten: PT Intan Pariwara.

i. Teaching and Learning Activities

Time Teachers Activities Students Activities

10 Pre-Activity
1. The teacher greets students using English. The students greet the
Good morning students teacher.
How is your day?
2. The teacher asks the students to take prayer
before starting the lesson.
Before we begin our lesson today, lets Students take a prayer.
take a prayer.
3. The teacher checks the students attendance.
4. Teacher reviews the previous lesson.
5. Teacher shows a text that contains of
expression of probability.
Giving direction
6. The teacher gives some question to activate
students background knowledge.
What information do you get from the Students respond
7. The teacher asks the students about the
Well, can you guess what we are going to Students respond
learn today?
8. The teacher tells about the learning
At the end of the lesson, the eighth grade
students of SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin
will be able to identify the use of expression
of probability by answering the cloze
passages correctly.
9. The teacher asks the students whether they
are ready for the lesson.
Are you ready for the lesson? Students respond

60 While-Activity

Teacher asks students to take a look to The students take a

the caption (Power Point). look to the caption.

Teacher explains the material.

Well guys, the term of expression of
probability is

The teacher asks the students whether

they have any question related to the
Well, question? The students ask
The teacher asks the students to answer The students do what
the blank questions. the teacher said.
The teacher tells the students they are
going to play a game.
The teacher explains the rule of the
In this game you should
The teacher checks whether the students
have any question or not.
For now, any question? Students ask question.
The teacher checks students readiness.
Have you ready guys? Students respond

10 Post-Activities
Teacher asks some questions to the
What have you learnt today? Students respond
Please, give the example of expression
of probability!
Teacher distributes worksheets to the
students and gives the instruction. (See
Appendix 3) Students are working
In this activity you should on the task given.
Teacher collects the students worksheet.
Teacher reflects the activities that have
been carried out.
What do you think about the topic? Students respond

What about the activity

Teacher announces about the remedial
that students should do.
Teacher gives follow-up activities
For your homework, you should Students react.
Teacher ends the lesson
Well, this is the end of our meeting Students respond to
today. the leave-taking
Please study hard at home. Thank you for Good by miss..!
your attention. Have a nice day.

Acknowledge by ., Tuesday, October 11th, 2017

Teacher-mentor, Student,

. .

Acknowledge by

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