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27-05-2015 INGLS

c) It was instructed to translate "out of sight, out of

1) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde forma ativa mind".
da frase a seguir: d) The Russian translation was then fed into the
A detailed description (...) is given. e) A computer will invariably have difficulty in
a) The authors give a detailed description. making sense of it.
b) The authors will give a detailed description.
c) The authors have given a detailed description. 6) The PASSIVE construction equivalent to "in addition,
d) The authors gave a detailed description. Frogwear absorbs very little water" is:
e) The authors will have given a detailed description.
a) In addition, very little water is absorbed by
2) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde voz ativa da Frogwear.
sentena a seguir: The 1994 cup was hosted by the United b) In addition, very little water can absorb by
States. Frogwear.
a) The United States hosted the 1994 Cup. c) In addition, very little water would be absorbed by
b) The United States will host the 1994 Cup. Frogwear.
c) The United States have hosted the 1994 Cup. d) In addition, very little water has been absorbed by
d) The United States had hosted the 1994 Cup. Frogwear.
e) The United States will have hosted the 1994 Cup. e) In addition, very little water was absorbed by
3) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde voz passiva
da frase a seguir: 7) Leia as sentenas a seguir e marque a que est na
Future generations may regard the scientific
indictment of smoking as a major contribution to a) We were experimenting with the use of sound
preventive medicine and the health of the western waves.
world. b) It was a very low-tech start.
a) Future generations will be regarded by the scientific c) Madonna has now been replaced by high energy
indictment of smoking as | ... waves.
b) The scientific indictment of smoking has been regarded by d) All glass is weak because it cracks.
future generations as | ... e) Glass products have microscopic cracks in them.
c) The scientific indictment of smoking may be regarded by
future generations as | ... 8) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
d) The scientific future generations may be regard by smoking lacuna da frase a seguir: Those people are happy
as | ... because they __________ love in their childhood.
e) Future generations of smoking will be regarded by the
indictment as | ... a) was given
b) has given
4) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde forma c) were given
passiva da sentena a seguir: d) have being given
We encourage the kids to go swimming. e) be given

a) The kids were encouraged to go swimming. 9) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
b) The kids have been encouraged to go swimming. They feed the seals twice a week.
c) The kids will be encouraged to go swimming.
d) The kids may be encouraged to go swimming. a) The seals are fed twice a week.
e) The kids are encouraged to go swimming. b) The seals are feeded twice a week.
c) The seals are found twice a week.
5) Mark the sentence below which is NOT in the d) Twice a week they are feeding the seals.
passive voice: e) The seals are being fed twice a week.

a) A revolutionary telephone system was unveiled.

b) A sophisticated computer was programmed.

Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339

10) The passive form of the sentence "The International e) The underground is ridden by thousands of people
Court of Hague rejected an attempt by New Zealand every morning
to stop further French nuclear tests in the South
Pacific" is: 15) The Passive Voice of "Man has made the world much
more complex" is:
a) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French
nuclear tests in the South Pacific have been rejected a) Much more complex has made the world.
by The International Court of Justice in Hague b) The world was been made much more complex by
b) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further man.
French nuclear tests in the South Pacific would be c) Much more complex was the world made.
rejected by The International Court of Justice in d) Complex has been made the world much more by
Hague man.
c) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French e) The world has been made much more complex.
nuclear tests in the South Pacific was rejected by The
International Court of Justice in Hague 16) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
d) The International Court of Justice has rejected an Did the army surround the city?
attempt by New Zealand to stop further French
nuclear tests in the South Pacific. a) Is the city surrounded by the army?
e) An attempt by New Zealand to stop further French b) Was the city surround by the army?
nuclear tests in the South Pacific is being rejected by c) The city was surround by the army.
The International Court of Justice in Hague d) Was the city surrounded by the army?
e) Was the army surrounded by the city?

11) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: 17) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
Somebody left the lights on all night. In 1945 the allied powers defeated Germany.

a) All night somebody left the lights. a) In 1945 Germany was defeated by the allied
b) The lights are left on all night. powers.
c) The lights didn't leave on all night. b) In 1945 Germany did defeated by the allied
d) The lights were left on all night. powers.
e) The lights was left on all night. c) In 1945 Germany are defeated by the allied
12) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: d) The allied powers were defeated by the Germany
You don't need to wind this wonderful watch. in 1945.
e) In 1945 Germany was defeat by the allied powers.
a) This wonderful watch isn't needed to be wind.
b) This wonderful watch doesn't need to winded. 18) The sentence Young people today think that "Thank
c) This wonderful watch doesn't need to be wound. you", "You're welcome" and "Excuse me" are
d) This wonderful watch don't need to be wounded. servilities that must be avoided, is in the passive
e) You don't need to be wounded by this wonderful voice. Mark the option which does NOT have a
watch. verb in the passive voice:

13) The Passive Voice of "It is alleged that he stole a car" a) The most famous model in the world was born in
is: Brazil.
a) He is alleged to have stolen a car. b) The same syndrome is reflected in some
b) The car is alleged to have stolen by him. advertisements.
c) It was alleged that the car is stolen by him. c) Children who haven't been raised in boarding
d) It is alleged that he has stolen a car. schools are happier.
e) He alleged that the car was stolen by him. d) This piece of advertising was chosen among many
14) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: e) If she hadn't been taught how to model, she
Thousands of people ride the underground every wouldn't be famous now.
19) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
a) The underground is ridded by thousands of people lacuna da frase a seguir: In many parts of the world,
every morning. the future productivity of the soil __________ by
b) The underground was rode by thousands of man's ill use of it.
people every morning. a) endangers
c) The underground is rode by thousands of people b) endangered
every morning. c) will endanger
d) Thousands of people is ride by the underground d) are endangered
every morning.
Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339
e) is endangered c) had already been solved.
d) has still been solved.
20) Choose the correct form in the passive voice for Mr. e) had already solved.
Brown gave us a lesson:
26) He __________ responsible for the accident.
a) We had given a lesson.
b) A lesson will be given us by Mr. Brown. a) was holding
c) A lesson is being given us by Mr. Brown. b) has been holing
d) We were giving a lesson. c) held
e) We were given a lesson by Mr. Brown d) was held
e) would hold
21) A correct active version of the underlined expression
in Hammett came to the foot of the stairs and in a 27) Our plan __________ by the members of the
whisper said, "Come down. Be very quiet. When you committee.
get to the last few steps, crouch very low so that you
can't be seen through the window" is: a) will consider
b) has being considered
a) so that anything can't see you. c) has considered
b) so that nothing can't see you. d) have been considered
c) so that anybody can see you. e) is being considered
d) so that no one can see you.
e) so that none can't see you. 28) Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
Did the idea interest them?

22) All the following sentences have a verb in the passive a) Were they interested in the idea?
voice, EXCEPT one. Mark it: b) Was the idea interest to them?
c) The idea was interested to them?
a) More powerful tobacco health-warning labels may d) Were they interest in the idea?
be required. e) Are they interested in the idea?
b) Where are the warnings that alcohol may lead to
violence, may cause death? 29) Indicate the alternative that best completes the
c) Government and public opinion seem to be following sentence: Not __________ __________
content to allow alcohol to be portrayed as a fun, about the accident since that time.
benign substance.
d) With tobacco, the product has been demonized. a) much has said
e) With alcohol, it is the user who has been held b) much has been said
responsible. c) a lot is said
d) many has said
23) This sentence is in the PASSIVE VOICE: Women are e) very much has being said
warned by doctors. The ACTIVE VOICE is:
a) Doctors warn women. 30) Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the story of the
b) Women warn doctors. seduction, betrayal, and destruction of an innocent
c) Doctors are warned by women. girl, Tess Durbeyfield, who is led by her foolish
d) Women are being warned. parents into thinking she comes from an ancient
e) Doctors warned women. noble family, the D'Urbervilles. The active form "is
led by her foolish parents" is HER FOOLISH PARENTS:
24) Choose the correct active voice form for "They have
been widely praised": a) are lead.
b) have led.
a) The press had widely praised them. c) lead.
b) People praised them widely. d) leads.
c) One has widely praised them. e) led.
d) The press has widely praised them.
e) People has widely praised them.

25) Indicate the alternative that best completes the

following sentence: When the manager arrived, the
problem __________.

a) was been solved already.

b) should to be solved yet.

Rua Lcio Jos Filho, 27 Parque Anchieta Tel: 3012-8339

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