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Vol 467|16 September 2010



Targeting -thalassaemia
Derek A. Persons
Patients with disorders of the blood protein haemoglobin often depend on lifelong blood transfusions.
That could change, given the success of gene therapy in a patient with one such disorder.
-Thalassaemia is one of several inherited
disorders associated with abnormalities in
the oxygen-carrying protein haemoglobin. It b Lentiviral-
HSC vector particles
is caused by mutations in the -globin chain of
haemoglobin that lead to ineffective produc-
d Genetically
tion of red blood cells and profound anaemia. modified HSCs
Patients with -thalassaemia require regular
blood transfusions for life. Chronic transfu-
sions have a significant impact on the quality
of life and ultimately shorten life expectancy. a HSCs
As for treating this disorder, until now the only c Chemotherapy
available strategy has been the transplanta-
tion of bone-marrow cells, a procedure whose
success depends on the availability of suitable
donors. A therapy based on genetic correction
of a patients own bone-marrow cells has there-
fore long been awaited1. On page 318 of this
issue, Cavazzana-Calvo et al.2 deliver news of
one such success story using gene therapy.
Figure 1 | Gene-therapy procedure.a,Cavazzana-Calvo et al.2 collected haematopoietic stem cells
The potential of human gene therapy first
(HSCs) from the bone marrow of a patient with -thalassaemia and maintained them in culture.
became apparent about a decade ago. In clini- b,The authors then introduced lentiviral-vector particles containing a functional -globin gene
cal trials, children with inherited, life-threat- into the cells and allowed them to expand further in culture. c,To eradicate the patients remaining
ening immune disorders were given their own HSCs and make room for the genetically modified cells, the patient underwent chemotherapy. d,The
pretreated bone-marrow haematopoietic stem genetically modified HSCs were then transplanted into the patient.
cells (HSCs). The cells carried retroviral vectors
to permanently deliver therapeutic genes3,4. The And now comes the first human gene-trans- blood cells: the levels of genetically modified
vectors based on the murine leukaemia virus fer trial for a haemoglobin disorder using cells rose from less than 2% in the first few
utilized potent viral enhancer and promoter a lentiviral vector, the fruits of nearly three months to 11% at 33 months post-transplant.
sequences to direct expression of the therapeutic decades of basic and preclinical studies by many Concomitantly, levels of the normal -globin
gene. However, this approach ultimately under- laboratories. protein increased, with 1020% of reconsti-
mined the success of the treatment. Several In 2007, Cavazzana-Calvo and colleagues2 tuted HSCs containing the transferred globin
patients developed leukaemia, in part because treated an 18-year-old male patient who had gene; this resulted in the improved production
the virus had inserted into the cell genome, HbE/-thalassaemia a form of the disorder and quality of red blood cells. Remarkably, a
activating the transcription of nearby proto- in which haemoglobin production is severely year after the treatment, the patient no longer
oncogenes (potential cancer-causing genes)5. compromised. They treated the patients HSCs needed blood transfusions. Although, three
A later trial6 using retroviral vectors to treat with an HIV-derived lentiviral vector contain- years on, he remains mildly anaemic and shows
another disorder of white blood cells resulted ing a functional -globin gene (Fig. 1). In a bold signs of compensatory expansion of red-blood-
in a similar side effect. move, the investigators gave the patient a high cell precursors in his bone marrow, absence of
These findings led to a pause in such trials. dose of chemotherapy before administering his the need for blood transfusions means that this
In the meantime, however, vectors based on genetically modified HSCs. Their aim was to case can be viewed as a clinical success.
lentiviruses (specifically, HIV) were develop- eliminate most, if not all, of the diseased HSCs This positive outcome, however, must be
ing rapidly as an alternative therapeutic gene- in the patients body. This severe degree of pre- taken with a note of caution. Cavazzana-Calvo
delivery system. Preclinical studies on animal transplant conditioning seems to have been etal.2 report that one haematopoietic cell clone,
models suggested that lentiviral vectors were crucial for the success of the treatment. Had the bearing a vector insertion in the HMGA2 gene,
safer than those derived from retroviruses7. conditioning been less intense, the genetically shows significantly increased expression of
The first use of a lentiviral vector was corrected HSCs might have become diluted by HMGA2 a protein that interacts with tran-
reported last year for treating two children residual host HSCs, possibly compromising the scription factors to regulate gene expression9.
with an inherited disorder of the central nerv- outcome. By the end of the first year after transplantation,
ous system8. In this case, therapeutic success The HSCs containing the transferred this cell clone made up an increasing propor-
was not marred by cancer-related side effects. -globin gene gradually gave rise to healthy tion of the genetically modified cells. Its level
2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
NEWS & VIEWS NATURE|Vol 467|16 September 2010

plateaued about 20 months post-transplant Derek A. Persons is in the Department of 4. Aiuti, A. et al. Science 296, 24102413 (2002).
at about 50% of all cells containing the vector. Hematology, St Jude Childrens Research 5. Hacein-Bey-Abina, S. et al. Science 302, 415419
Although abnormal HMGA2 expression has Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105, USA. 6. Ott, M. G. et al. Nature Med. 12, 401409 (2006).
been implicated as a potential oncogenic stim- e-mail: 7. Montini, E. et al. Nature Biotechnol. 24, 687696 (2006).
ulus in a variety of settings9, Cavazzana-Calvo 8. Cartier, N. et al. Science 326, 818823 (2009).
1. Anderson, W. F. Science 226, 401409 (1984). 9. Fusco, A. & Fedele, M. Nature Rev. Cancer 7, 899910
etal. note that increased levels of the protein 2. Cavazzana-Calvo, M. et al. Nature 467, 318322 (2010). (2007).
were present in only 5% of all circulating haem- 3. Cavazzana-Calvo, M. et al. Science 288, 669672 (2000). 10. Inoue, N. et al. Blood 108, 42324236 (2006).
atopoietic cells, and that there was no evidence
of a malignant or pre-malignant state.
The authors point out that there was exces-
sive production of a truncated form of the QUANTUM PHYSICS

Quantum leaps in the solid state

HMGA2 protein. Although primarily associ-
ated with the development of benign tumours
of the connective tissue, increased expression
of similarly truncated HMGA2 protein has
previously been noted in some blood cancers9.
Mikhail D. Lukin and Jacob Taylor
On the other hand, abnormally high expres- Jumps resulting from the measurement of discrete state changes in
sion of the full-length HMGA2 protein has
been observed in the context of non-malignant
single quantum systems have fascinated scientists from the early days of
expansion of blood cells10. quantum theory. They have now been observed in solid-state quantum bits.
Intriguingly, overexpression of truncated
HMGA2 in the patient was restricted to the A fundamental postulate of quantum mechan- In some isolated ions and atoms, repeated
red-blood-cell lineage, with no detectable ics holds that a measurement with a sufficiently cycles of laser excitation followed by meas-
expression in the white-cell lineage. This result precise detector should produce a sequence urement of atomic fluorescence can be used
is consistent with the possibility that the vector of discrete transitions called quantum jumps, for quantum-limited detection of the atomic
used carried transcriptional control elements which correspond to discontinuous changes in states. This approach, termed quantum jump
that were specific for red-blood-cell precur- the state of the system being measured. Obser- spectroscopy, is the basis for single-ion clocks,
sors. With HMGA2 overexpression confined vation of quantum jumps both in individual and for qubit readout in ion quantum comput-
to developing red-blood-cell precursors, one atoms and in photons isolated in electromag- ers3, which exploit laser-cooled ions to perform
might predict that any proliferative effects netic traps and cavities has provided the computations. However, only a few systems
would be limited to these cells. But this was most direct illustration of the quantized nature permit such direct quantum detection. Most
not the case, as the clone contributed equally of light and matter. Two papers, by Neumann real measurements introduce perturbations
to both white- and red-blood-cell lineages. et al.1 in Science and by Vamivakas et al. in this that destroy the systems fragile quantum states
Although the authors did not observe HMGA2 issue (page 297)2, now describe the detection before they can be reliably determined.
overexpression in mature white blood cells, of quantum jumps in measurements of spin To circumvent these problems, the concept
they speculate that it might have been acti- quantum bits (qubits) in the solid state. of quantum non-demolition measurement can
vated in immature white cells, perhaps caus- Qubits are two-state quantum systems. be used. Here, a quantum system is first cor-
ing expansion of those cells. Such primitive Spin qubits, in which the state is encoded in related with another, auxiliary system, which
cells cannot be obtained from the patient in the quantum spin (the systems intrinsic angu- is subsequently measured. Provided that the
sufficient numbers to test this idea directly. lar momentum), can be visualized as tiny toy correlation preserves the desired quantum
For now, therefore, the relationship between spinning-tops. Although the tops rotation can observable, such as the spin orientation along
the HMGA2 insertion and over-representation be oriented about an arbitrary axis, when it is the chosen measurement direction, the meas-
of the clone remains unclear. precisely measured along a given direction, urement process can be repeated many times,
An alternative explanation is that the exces- there are only two possible spin-orientation enhancing the ability to deduce the quantum
sive level of this clone is related to the fact that outcomes. These correspond to projecting observable. This procedure, first proposed as
the haematopoietic system was reconstituted the spin orientation into an up or down state a Gedankenexperiment in the 1930s, has been
from a limited number of HSCs containing oriented along the direction of measurement. realized over the past two decades for photons
the transferred gene. In this situation, clonal In an ideal quantum measurement, informa- stored in cavities4, electron cyclotron motion5
predominance could occur if only a few tion about the state of the system, in the form and ions. One practical application of this tech-
haematopoietic clones contribute to blood-cell of a quantum observable, is revealed faster nique is an ion clock based on two different ion
formation. than any changes in the measured observable. species: one species provides an excellent clock,
Although Cavazzana-Calvo and colleagues Whats more, the observable is not affected with the other acting as an auxiliary system that
study 2 demonstrates that the patient benefited by the measurement process, and so subse- is used for repeated measurements6.
from this treatment both clinically and in terms quent measurements yield identical results. In their experiments, Neumann et al.1 and
of his quality of life, long-term follow-up of this In the case of the spin qubit, the measurement Vamivakas et al.2 use non-demolition detection
and other patients receiving such treatment will wouldnt flip the spin state from, say, the up to observe quantum jumps in two different
be needed before its efficacy and safety can be to the down state. The only explicit limitation solid-state systems. Neumann and colleagues
firmly established. In the meantime, continued on an ideal quantum measurement is deter- quantum system is a nitrogenvacancy centre
development of potentially safer gene-delivery mined by the uncertainty principle of quan- an atom-like impurity in diamond. Elec-
systems, including modification of current len- tum mechanics. Such ideal quantum-limited tronic and nuclear spins of nitrogenvacancy
tiviral vectors, should continue. Whats more, measurements have important applications in centres are good spin-qubit candidates for
improvements in the efficiency of gene trans- quantum metrology and quantum informa- quantum computation because they possess
fer to HSCs might allow the procedure to be tion science. For example, they are essential the required long coherence times, during
performed with milder pre-transplant condi- for reaching the ultimate precision of atomic which their spin state remains unchanged even
tioning. Nevertheless, this work2 represents clocks and for performing certain quantum- at room temperature7. But only the electronic
a major step forward for the gene therapy of error-correction algorithms in a quantum spin can be directly measured: by focusing laser
haemoglobin disorders. computer. light on an individual centre and monitoring its
2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

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