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Mary Jimena Santacruz Bravo



Students answer the questions in the unit 2 according to reading of the chapters 2
and 3 of the book "journey to the centre of the earth".

a) Where did professor Lidenbrock teach? He taught at the University of

Hamburg in Germany.
b) How old was the book that the professor found in the bookshop? It is seven
hundred years old
c) What was the book about? It was about the old princess from Norway
who came to live in Iceland.
d) What was on the old yellow piece of paper? It was about how to go to the
Centre of the earth like an invitation to make this adventure.
e) Which country was the old language from? It was from Iceland
f) What was at Sneffels Yokul? It was the volcano
g) Who wrote the message? It was written by Arne Saknussemm.
h) How were Axel and the professor getting to Denmark? It was very early in
the morning the needed a tour guided and it was the professor
Fridriksson who found the perfect one called, mr hans.

students make up 2 more questions (use propper structures in english for questions)
and send them with their answers too.

i. What did the text cause on you?


I felt as I was inside the story because the topic has been talked for a long time
ago and it would be so interesting to visit the centre of the earth for real.

j. Did you learn something about story_?


Of course, Besides I improved my vocabulary I learnt that people who cross

our path has a real meaning and we also do for them, so we always have to
give our best, we never know when we are serving as a inspiration or as help,

1) He came from France

2) He studied Law
3) His first story was called Five Weeks in a Ballon
4) He wrote about submarines, television and space ships.
5) 1864

Work in groups of 2 students the exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Before Reading 1. Look
the cover of the book. Try to answer the following questions.
a) What can you see in the picture? In our opinion, the picture is abstract, it
means it can be interpreted in different ways, we see, for instance, the most
relevant aspects of cosmos for being able to create life. Thus, we will say that
this picture reflect what the creation needs since it already contains life.
b) What kind of trees are there? There are palm trees in an island
c) Where would you expect to see in a place like this? I would expect to see fruits
such as; coconuts.
d) What would you expect to find in this place? We would expect to see life
different kind of animals, maybe some of them no very common.
e) How do you feel when you look at the picture? (E.g. calm, relax, peaceful). We
will feel peaceful but at the same time curious for knowing what other things
we could find.

2. Now read the back cover of the reader.

a. Talk about the characters mentioned. In our perspective, the characters must
be people who are curious and adventurers since there is said that these are
dangerous adventures.
b. Say what you think the story will be about. It is about to discover new thins in
a place where all to create life has.
3. Match the pictures to the words in the list.
Curtains : 1 cook: 4 message: 6
Desk: 2 shelf: 5 bookcase: 7 Volcano: 3 scientist: 8
3. Match the pictures to the words in the list.
When I was a boy, I liked sitting in my room when I relaxed, I still remember there
were a desk and sit which made me think about my life carefully, maybe these
questions do not make sense for a lot of people but for me they do, my all thoughts
were about why I have just two arms, two legs and how I survived. I just had learnt
how to write and I created and wrote some messages and notes to be able to find
out about them when I grow up. However, my loneliness did not allow me to interact
with other children since while they have toys shelf I have a big bookcase. They
never understood me. In that moment I knew I had to do my investigation by myself.
I also noticed that all books I had never answered any of my doubts, in this way
scientists had not found out yet about why we, as humans, do not appreciate the
nature and walk in two legs and not in four as some animals do.
Now, there is internet and scientists say it because of gens and because human has
more potential in the brain. However, sometimes I think we, humans, should not
govern this beautiful world, we are destroying it, people are not conscious about
environment problems, they think we will have water forever and that is the obligation
of nature give us our tools to be able to exist.
To finish, scientists never will be able to answer why humans having the potential in
the brain keep acting as the most ungrateful and unconscious living being in the

Reading Comprehension questions.

Read the chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the book and later answer.
a. Where did professor Lidenbrock teach? He taught at the University of Hamburg
in Germany.
b. How old was the book that the professor found in the bookshop? It is seven
hundred years old
c. What was the book about? It was about the old princess from Norway who
came to live in Iceland.
d. What was on the old yellow piece of paper? It was about how to go to the Centre
of the earth like an invitation to make this adventure.

e. Which country was the old language from? It was from Iceland
f. What was at Sneffels Yokul? It was the volcano
g. Who wrote the message? It was written by Arne Saknussemm.
h. How were Axel and the professor getting to Denmark? It was very early in the
morning the needed a tour guided and it was the professor Fridriksson.

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