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1.Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense.

1. Yesterday, I go to the restaurant with a client.

2. We drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a
parking space.
3. When we arrive at the restaurant, the place is full.
4. The waitress asks us if we have reservations.
5. I say, "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress tells us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly walk back to the car.
8. Then we see a small grocery store.
9. We stop in the grocery store and buy some sandwiches.
10. That is better than waiting for two hours.

2.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. Last night, Samantha have pizza for supper.
2. My pet lizard was died last month.
3. Yesterday I spend two hours cleaning my living room.
4. This morning before coming to class, Jack eats two bowls of cereal.
5. What was happened to your leg?

3.Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

1 It (rain) is raining again.
2 I (sit) ________________ on the chair.
3 We (study) ________________ for our test.
4 The teacher (explain) ____________the lesson to us.
5 Mum is (cook) ________________ the dinner.
6 The train(arrive) ________________ .
7 Helen (come) ________________ home late today.
8 I (read) ________________ a very good book at the moment.
9 John and Alice (play) ________________ basketball.
10 The children (go) ________________ to the park now.
11 He (make) ________________ a cup of tea.

4.Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

1 I (finish) finished my book last week.
2 A plane (fly) ________________ over our house.
3 Sam (have) ________________ a sandwich for lunch.
4 The train (arrive) ________________ two hours late.
5 My grandmother (make) ________________ a big cake for my
6 Jill (wear) ________________ a white blouse at school.
7 Helen (run) ________________ to school, yesterday.
8 It (start) ________________ to rain.
9 We (play) ________________ football in the schoolyard.
10 My family (go) ________________ to the seaside for a holiday.
11 We (jump) ________________ into the swimming pool.

5.Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Do/Did/Don’t Ana want to go home?
2 My cat do/didn’t/don’t do it!
3 I do/didn’t/don’t answer the telephone.
4 Does/Did/Don’t we go to the party?
5 Do/Did/Don’t you know him?
6 The shop do/didn’t/don’t close at 7.00.
7 Does/Doesn’t/Did you have a good time?
8 He do/didn’t/don’t wash the dog.
9 You do/doesn’t/didn’t go to school.
10 Do/Did/Don’t your mother cook your dinner?
11 They do/didn’t/doesn’t catch the bus.
6.Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past Tense:

a) My grandfather had a nice life. When he was young,

he_______________ (live) on a farm in the country.
He______________ (look) after the cows. When he was eighteen,
he went to the University where he _______________ (study)
Geography. He _____________ (play) the piano in a band. When
the war ______________ (start) he _______________ (try) to join
the Army, but he _____________ (end) up in the Navy. When his
ship sank, only five men ______________ (escape). They
_______________ (sail) in a lifeboat back to England. There, my
grandfather met my grandmother and they _____________
(marry) after three weeks. He says that he ____________ (want)
to marry her quickly in case he ____________ (die) in the war.

b) Tom ____________ (visit) his friends Mary and Mark last

weekend. It ____________ (be) Mary’s birthday on Sunday, but
they ________________ (celebrate) it on Saturday night. They
_____________ (stay) at the disco until one o’clock in the
morning. Mary _____________ (enjoy) it. She _____________
(dance) all night! On Sunday, Tom and his friends _____________
(be) tired. They _____________ (stay) in bed until 11 o’clock. In
the afternoon, they ______________ (walk) in the park. But it was
cold and rainy, so they ______________ (walk) home again and
_____________ (watch) a video.

c) Dear Jane,
I ____________ (try) to phone you yesterday, but you
________________ (not be) in the house, so I am writing this letter to
you. Last weekend I ____________ (visit) my cousin. It
______________ (rain) all day on Saturday, so we _____________
(stay) in and _____________ (watch) TV. The films ____________
(be) OK, but I ______________ (want) to be outside!
On Sunday, the weather _____________ (be) great. We
_____________ (play) tennis all afternoon and ______________
(enjoy) ourselves. I _____________ (miss) my train. I
_____________ (arrive) at the station at 9 o’clock and my train
___________ (be) at 8.30.

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