Sulu Sultaniyya Magtilahak Sin Kamahaldikaan Iban Pini' in Unudsiyn Sharia

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The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam For Members Only / Untuk Ahli Sahaja / Para

For Members Only / Untuk Ahli Sahaja / Para ha Ahli Hadja


To all concern people of the world, especially, Media Practitioners, Human Rights Activists, Cultural Activists,
Civil Activists, Peace Activists, Social Activist, Art Activists and Legal Activist and of different kinds of activists.

Historically, legally and politically, Sulu Sultanate was never subjugated and conquered by any foreign colonizers,
including the current neo-colonial Republic of the Philippines.

Sulu Sultanate was annexed to the Philippine Republic on the 4th of July 1946 by the colonialist through Treaty of
Peace signed in Paris on 10 December 1898 with the payment of twenty million dollars.
2nd Issue, July - August 2010 Registered under the Council of Regents:A001/01/2010-2011
Inside This Issue
This was signed between Spain and United States of America that was ever known as “Treaty of Paris”. In accor- SULU SULTANIYYA MAGTILAHAK
dance with the treaty, Spain surrendered to the United States of America after defeated from the mock war! Bahasa Sug: SIN KAMAHALDIKAAN IBAN PINI’
Sulu Sultanate had signed the international treaty with United States of America, known as Bates Treaty that was
Sulu Sultaniyya Magtilahak sin kamahaldi-
kaan - 1
Abdalghany Aoueskhanov
signed in 22 August 1899. The treaty was abrogated in 2 March 1904 with illogical reasons. Magtuku, bukun Maglarak Bangsa - 24
Dublun Iban Pilak: Sanjata’ makusug sin Um-
mat Islam - 25 In Sultaniyyah sin Sulu bakas hambuuk saling-
It was claimed that the Sulu Sultan had failed to quell Tausug resistance and hindrance to the effective American Pagpuasa sin Rasul ha Bulan Ramadan - 26 kat lingkat iban masambu hula’ ha likusantara daing ha
colonial administration, where in fact these reasons were not part of the provisions of the treaty – Sulu Sultanate Langan Pusaka’ - 14 tahun 1405 sambil pa hinapusan sin jaman hika 19; ha ka-
indeed UNCONQUERED! Bahasa Melayu:
Pesanan Untuk Tau Sug di Sabah - 9
tilingkal sin kapuan Sulu (amun pagtagun da isab Pu’ sin
Menunaikan Zakat - 21 Mussa’) iban kaibanan bahagi’ sin Uttara’ Borneo hipu’
The citizens adhere to the provisions of the UN General Assembly Resolution, Universal Declaration of Human Para Sultan Ahlul Bayt di Nusantara - 10 sin salingkat lingkat addat bihasa’, maluag in aturan pa-
Rights. Article 15, (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his national- English: gusaha salta’ iban salaum laum addat sin Sufi amun nang-
ity nor denied the right to change his nationality. Dark Justice in the Philppines - 1
Editorial - 2
dahi pa kabansagan sin Sultaniyyah ha katilingkal dunya
Manifesto - 27 Islam iban labi pa. - Gikap 5...
Those of Sulu people that are having their Filipino citizenship are right now shifting into Tausug or Sulu citizenship. Siyagul - 15
Tausug are not Filipinos and Filipinos are not Tausug. Filipino is an “imagined nation” whereas Tausug is a “real Invitation Letter - 28
nation” that existed long before the birth of Filipino nation. Pilak: Sulu Currency is Physically Coming
Back - 7
Muslim Unrest in the Philippines - 11
Tausug is the name applied geographically to the people of Sulu Archipelago, the territories of the Sulu Sultanate Lost and Found - 20
Darul Islam of having different ethnicities. Every ethno-dialectical people here are called Tausug or Bangsa Sug. Understanding Sulu Sultanate: A Culture of
Peace part III - 17
The national language is Bahasa Sug or Sulu Language. There are many dialects in Sulu Archipelago. Tausug is
citizenship and Bangsa Sug is nationality as part of the Darul Islam (Dar Al-Islam).
So much for that, the United Tau Sug People, the Citizens of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam is inviting everyone to
witness the historical momentous event that would be held at Buansa City, Jolo Island, Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam.
Editorial Board
This would be the significant beginning of the journey for the international peace and security in the Sulu Sultanate AsreeSulu DARK JUSTICE IN THE
Darul Islam territories - land, sea and air – beyond boundaries. Director
Neldy Jolo
Editor Zakaria B. Abdullah
The Sulu citizens declare the Assertion of Independence of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam is to regain and execute Sh. Aliazer Sh. Abdurajim
their long lost-stolen to exercise government of their own. Associate Editor For Moro people of the Sulu Sultanate?
Atty. Meltino Jaujan Sibulan
Legal Counsel
This greatest historical event will be the Sulu Citizens’ declaration of Assertion of Independence of the Sultanate According to press report carried out by the Ma-
Rasul Alam
of Sulu on 17 November 2010. International Correspondent nila Bulletin dated June 9, 2010, the Philippines Depart-
ment of Justice has ordered the arrest of officers of the
This event shall stick to the principle of international peace and security by Denouncing War and Renouncing Ter- Contributors:
Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in Jolo, Sulu for
Abdalghany Aoueskhanov
rorism! allegedly planting improvised explosives that caused the
This bulletin printed in Datu Albi A. Julkarnain
Zakaria B. Abdullah killing of two US servicemen and a Filipino soldier on
Invitation letter sent to the Tausug Global Bulletin. Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam Ustadz Abdeen Muhammad September 29, 2009. (See MB report below) - Gikap 2...
Dr. benjamin bangahan

28 1
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
United Tausug People
The incident happened a day af-
ter the Armed Forces of the Phil- Dan Billukan, Buansa, Indanan, Lupah Sug
United Tau Sug People, the citizens of the Sultanate ippines shelled and bombed ad-
of Sulu Darul Islam have always believed, it is only jacent barrios on the Feast Eid Il MANIFESTO
independence that could solve the economic, social and Fitr Day, forcing Muslims to skip In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
cultural problems in Sulu Archipelago. But many oth- the special prayers and celebra-
ers don’t believe it so, especially the “professionals” We, the United Tausug Citizens (UTC) hereby declare the restoration of the de jure government and
Tau Sug abroad. tions due to intense bombard-
assertion of the independence of the Sultanate of Sulu based from the TRUTH, RIGHTS, JUSTICE,
ments, killing innocent civilians FREEDOM and LIBERTY as guaranteed under the provisions of the United Nations Charter.
The Tau Sug in abroad said to be keeping their pro- and work animals. A battalion
fession by working abroad because they don’t want of AFP soldiers tried to ambush The President and government officials of the United States have promised that the sovereignty, in-
to waste the time, money and efforts they spent to get the MNLF contingent in the area dependence and integrity of our homeland, the Islamic Nationhood of the Sultanate of Sulu would be
their degree under the Philippines to support the Sulu honored, respected, and protected as embodied in the treaty known as the BATES TREATY of 1899
independence. Accordingly Sulu government can nev- by taking positions at a nearby
entered into between the United States of America and the Sultanate of Sulu.
er give them salary and it is impossible to get the Sulu mosque before dawn prayer. The
independence. That’s what they believed. alibi was, as usual, allegedly the The Islamic State of Sultanate of Sulu is an unconquered nation, and its relation with the United States
presence of “Abu Sayaf Group” was thru treaties of friendship. The illegal incorporation of the Sultanate of Sulu to the newly created
Impossible or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is (ASG) in the area. Unfortunate- Republic of the Philippines was in gross violation of the 1787 United States Constitution, and blatant
the spirit of believing that independence in Sulu shall abused of the human rights of the Bangsa Sug or Tausug People.
come. It is not the people who will give victory. God ly, they were spotted by a civil-
will give the victory to the people who work for truth, ian who arrived at the mosque Based on the principle of Right of Self-Determination as embodied in the United Nations Charter which
justice and freedom. Free from Riba in terms of eco- ahead of others, who in turn provides that; “ All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they fully deter-
nomic endeavour, truth for the old-age struggle of non- alerted the MNLF forces. Being mine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” Thus, the
ending-zigzag direction and justice for the victims of masters of the local terrain, the United Tausug Citizens (UTC) of the Sultanate of Sulu invoke the right of self defense to achieve our
oppression. mission as recognized by the United Nations Charter under Article 51 which states: “that nothing in the
MNLF forces managed to encir-
Charter shall impair the inherent right of indviduals to collective self-defense.”
The masses shall understand that independence is free cle and inflict severe damage to
from any form of tag from foreign dominion and domi- the attacking government forces Our noble aspiration to reassert the nationhood of the Sultanate of Sulu shall be done with totally peace-
nation. It is also having a free trading market system of in the ensuing encounter after the ful movement, diplomatic and democratic process, avoiding all kinds of temptations, persuasion and
Riba, free economic, social and cultural traditions. It is break of dawn. The US service- suggestions for the employment of force and violence to achieve our goals.
a trading from mutual understanding not by the force of
the enforcement of non-Islamic human-created policy men, accordingly, were advisors
We are therefore earnestly appeal to the peace loving peoples here and abroad to assist us to restore the
for unequal business interest and charges. The spirit of to AFP troops that were poise to Statehood of the Sultanate of Sulu in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.
independence is by the way of non-haram monetary take over the MNLF Camp in
and free trade market. the vicinity, without prior notice With our full confidence and conviction, the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of the Sul-
or arrangements. They thought tanate of Sulu will finally achieve genuine peace, prosperity, and political stability in Sulu archipelago
Sultanate of Sulu sovereignty and de jure sovereign na- and its nearby territorial jurisdiction.
tive people don’t belong to the Philippines. So Philip- the MNLF forces had left af-
pines have no rights to give independence of the Sul- ter a heavy barrage of artillery So help us God. Done on the 17th day of November 2009, at Freedom Hall Capitol, Patikul, Sulu.
tanate of Sulu and hold its sovereignty. The ingredient and heavy bombs dropped in
of independence is “will of the people” to freedom and the campsite. But to think that THE UNITED TAUSUG CITIZENS OF THE SULTANATE OF SULU DARUL ISLAM
self-determination under international law. It is basic those American servicemen were
human rights granted from Allah. Attested by:
only a private and a sergeant, it
Prof. Umar Ibrahim Vadillo once said, “God will you is unlikely they could provide DATU ALBI A. JULKARNAIN
give you victory, Sulu is too small to free itself, but too any better advice to high rank- Chairman
big to free the world. You can save Nusantara by using ing AFP officers some of whom COUNCIL OF REGENTS
Shariah Currency, the Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham.”- were trained in West Point, USA, (The Interim governing body of the Sultanate of Sulu in absence of a de jure reigning Sultan with the
unless they were - Gikap 4 ... mandates of the Tausug People).
Gikap 23...

2 27
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
Pagpuasa sin Rasul ha
Bulan Ramadhan “ PAGSUSSI’ SIN ...Dark - planning to install sophisticated missiles or military equipment in the area.
Ustadz Abdeen Muhammad PANGATAYAN, The exact number of AFP casualties was not readily available but knowledgeable sources
claimed there was almost a shortage of ‘plastic bags’ for the corpses, and helicopter sorties
Alhamdulillahi Rabb`il alameen wa assalato KUNSI’ PA were quite frequent in transporting the dead and wounded troopers from Jolo to Zamboanga
wa assalamo ala kahyri
khalqi Muhammad wa alihi attayyibeen atta- By right the government should not have faulted the MNLF for the death of Americans and
hireena wa ashabihi al-kiram Ramadan sarta biyaytaan ku in Rasulullah Filipino servicemen in that instance. They had breached the peace earlier and the people in
al-muttaqeen… s.a.w tantu in ako nakakita’ sin bulan Ra- that area had the right to deter enemy forces from entering their place of abode. They had
madan ampa na nag-puasa in Rasulullah been subjected to a heavy military operation earlier, and then a barrage of air and artillery
Hangpu` tibayhuan Kaawnan pagpuasa sin Ra- s.a.w iban diyaak niya in manusiya sin bombardments, without any valid reason while the ceasefire is supposedly still holding after
sulullah s.a.w ha bulan Ramadan mag-puasa ha bulan Ramadan. the signing of the Final Peace Accord (FPA) in 1996.
4. kaawnan sin qaul fiil sin Rasulullah
1. In kaawnan sin Rasulullah s.a.w tiyuput niya s.a.w. ha waktu siya puasa ha bulan Event in 2004
in bulan Ramadan ha pag-hinang ammal ibadat Ramadan,biya na si kiyabayta hadith sin
pa Allahutaala daing ha kaibanan bulan,biya’ Imam Al-bukhari iban Imam Al-muslim In 2004, a composite group of Philippine Army-Marine and other units of the AFP staged a
na sin kiyabayta sin Imam Al-bukhari iban hi daing kan Ibn Abbas r.a. dawn massacre of civilians in Ipil, Maimbung, Sulu that included three minors and a preg-
Imam Al-muslim, nant woman. Although the incident was documented by the United Nations Commission
Hati niya: Tantu in Rasulullah s.a.w. nag- on Human Rights as an outright massacre of civilians, the military investigation quashed
In kaawnan sin Rasulullah s.a.w pinaka ma- hijama siya ha kahalan in siya puasa the UNCHR report and declared the killings as justified. A number of American military
tuyu` manusiya sarta pinakamatuyu` ha dalam ‘advisers’ were also seen aboard the boat that raided the seaside community after midnight
ka-awnan sin bulan Ramadan,iban tantu in Ra- Iban bayta hi Aisha r.a. in ka-aunan sin although did not participate in the shooting. The pattern then seemed to be to exposed Ameri-
sulullah s.a.w pinaka matuyu` ha karayawan Rasulullah s.a.w. pag-siyumun niya in can servicemen to danger so that when they sustain casualties, they will make good in their
daing ha hangin dimagsa`. kaibanan ka asawahan niya ha kahalan in participation to declare war against the Moro rebels. Fortunately, it did not happen as the
siya puasa, Americans seem to have another ulterior motive in establishing foothold in the Sultanate of
2. In kaawnan sin pag-puasa sin Rasulullah Sulu. So far, there had been no attempt to declare war on the American contingent since they
s.a.w. labay daing ha mag-niyata bulan,biya na In hadith ini kataymanghuran tuput hadja just confine themselves to their barrack.
sin kiyabayta sin Imam Abu Daud daing kan ha Rasulullah s.a.w kalna kapagmilikan
Aisha r.a. niya in hawa nafsu niya The problem with the AFP is that they don’t seem to respect any Peace Agreement between
their government (GRP) and the MNLF.
Hati nita: In kaawnan sin Rasulullah s.a.w pi- In kaawnan sin Rasulullah s.a.w Mag-
yaparihala’ niya marayaw in bulan Sha`ban kuhul siya sin ANTIMUN ha kahalan in Impartial observers are of the view that the GRP has been plotting for the total involvement
ha bukun biya’ sin pag-palihala ha dugaing siya puasa of the US Army in their fight against Moro freedom fighters. Unfortunately, the Americans
niya (bulan sha`ban),mahuli mag-puasa siya refused to be drawn into the Moro liberation war.
labay daing ha pag-nyata’ sin bulan Rama- Iban bayta’ hi ummu Salama r.a. in kaawn-
dan iban apabila kadampugan kaniya in bu- an sin Rasulullah s.a.w. pagkamahinaatan It started with the beheading of G. Sobrero, an American serviceman on “holiday” in Min-
lan Ramadan,bilangun niya katluan adlaw in siya ha laum junub labay daing ha pag-su- danao who was reportedly snatched by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) from Basilan. There
sha`ban ampa na siya mag-puasa. uk iban asawa niya bukun amun labay da- was no reason to behead Sobrero, but ASG sources say the AFP’s Deep Penetrating Agents
ing ha tagainup mahuli di` siya mag-buka (DPA) that had infiltrated the ASG were the ones demanding for it, allegedly to create fear
3. In kaawnan pag-puasa sin Rasulullah s.a.w. iban di` siya mag-ganti`. amongst relatives and solicitors of kidnapped victims.
labay daing ha panaksi-i iban pangakuhi niya
ha bayta’ sin hambuuk Muslim adil,biya’ na Iban bayta hi Amir Ibno Rabeea r.a. kita This was followed by the roadside bomb blast that killed another American serviceman in
sin hadith kiyabayta sin Imam Abu Daud,daing ko in Rasulullah s.a.w. nag-siwak ha ka- Zamboanga City in 2002, and then a series of bombings throughout Mindanao that killed
halan in siya puasa ha de` kona ma itong more than 90 civilians and wounding hundreds of others. Unfortunately, the last bomb blast-
kan Ibn Umar r.a. iban mabilang. ed the suspected bomb-maker in a hotel room in DavaoCity, crippling Terrence Michael
Hati niya: nag-nyata’ in manusiya sin bulan an-pag-1 Meiring who was suspiciously airlifted out of Davao Specialists Hospital - Gikap 4 ....

26 3
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
...DARK Dublun Iban Pilak: Sanjata’ maku- Ha bayta’, in hi Prof. Vadillo, malugay na
even without the usual immigration and other normal clearances, through the facilities of the sug sin Ummat Islam siya naglawag ha Tau Sug, karna’ nabassa
US Embassy inManila. This episode created the impression that Meiring was the suspected Sh. Aliazer Sh. Abdurajim niya in nusulan sin Sulu daing katagna’
bomber, closely monitored by the FBI/CIA and the US Embassy in Manila in cahoots with Mataud in Tau Sug ha jaman ini di’ na maka- wala’ simujud ha pamarinta sin kapir,
the AFP/GRP. amun sambil pa masa ini masi pa sila nag-
tumtum bang unu in unudsiyn pagusalun sin
The Sipadan Episode kamaasan nakauna ha masa pamarinta sin Sulu
Sultaniyya. Pasal baha’ sin kulang na in maginu- Ha pagbak nila, hi Prof. Vadillo jimanji’
The plotters of the Sipadan hostage drama was also careful not to include Americans among inu atawakan pasalan in limpa sin kamaasan kan Datu Albi, tumabang ha pagmahal-
the hostage taken from the island off Sabah East Coast and brought to the initially unin- kiyatabunan na sin kahalan ba’gu amun naka- dika’ sin Sulu Sultaniyya, labay hapagusal
volved Abu Sayyaf Group in Jolo.
lipaga ha Tau Sug. Sambat da hi Umar Pasha ha sin Dinar iban Dirham. In Dinar iban Dir-
The Misuari Saga hambuuk paginumpung, “In panghati laung na ham mahinang sanjata makusug hi atubang
sin manusiya’ bihaun in pangannal nila in siyn ha unudsiyn sin Kapitalis - U.S Dollar.
Misuari was so far a very good and honest leader. In the beginning, he was a very simple katas kita’ nila yaun biya’ na sin ringgit ujud na
unassuming Maas(elder) of everyone. He was the only leader I know who can afford to travel daing pa ha kaawn sin dunya”. Hangkan na awn In kiyasaplagan sin unudsiyn ini naabut
without money in his pocket. But after an accidental journey which separated him from his
assistant who had the money, now he won’t go out unless he has more than enough in his daing kanila di’ na makaingat in asal usul sin na in Kelantan, Malaysia, Aceh, Indonesia
iban sin milyun Muslim ha katilingkal du-
credit cards. But that was long ago. Now, he is a really transformed man, a leader who cannot unudsiyn kiyabulatan nila – duun naka in un-
take other’s opinion as opposed to his own. As a consequence, those that he did not purge udsiyn yaun mahinang sabab sin hikabaak nila
from the MNLF leadership have deserted him too. Now the people around him are classified dusa atawa karayawan.
as minnows, never been known or seen anytime before in the company of the Mujahideen In Dinar iban Dirham damikkiyan amuna
In hal ini sambil United Tau Sug People ki- in unudsiyn sin kamaasan nakauna, daing
Moro. For that matter, he can hardly win any fair election apart from the one where he first
ran for governor of ARMM. President FVR virtually rigged that election to make him win so yalamud natarbilang awam ha hal ini. Misan naman ha pamarinta sin Islam nakauna ha
that he could surrender more of the Moro people’s ancestral rights, the people proud of their in pagsilawak sin kahamaldikaan daran hihi- Madina sambil ha waktu pa makusug in
ancient heritage, sovereign in their own right and never been conquered. Today he seems vir- nang sumagawa’ bang tungud unudsiyn usalun pamarinta sin Sulu Sultaniyya. Amura ku-
tually isolated, shunned by the majority of the MNLF old guards, his leadership repudiated wayruun da tuud napahantang marayaw bang man in pagtag sin bangsa Tau Sug sin Di-
although still holding a slight respect by the OIC for being signatory to several Agreements biyadiin in pagpaawn sin hambuuk hula’ un- nar amuna in “Dublun” in Dirham amuna
and important documents. Otherwise, majority of the MNLF leaders and Moro masses have
already resolved to find a new leader, even unheard of before, who speaks the truth and stand udsiyn. Amura in magkatali misan makapaawn in “Pilak”. In dublun ini bang ha bayta’ hi
by his word. Misuari may decide to migrate to other countries rather than to stay in an inde- unudsiyn di’ da abutan in pagusal dinar iban Neldy Jolo nakawa’ daing ha bahasa Kas-
tila “Doble” atawa bang ha anggalis “Dou-
pendent Sulu Sultanate ruled by the officers he had earlier purged from the MNLF dirham, pasal in panghati sin kamatauran amura
ble” in maksud niya lipat ganda. Adapun in
in PILAK. Sumasa’ na in mahinang unudsiyn Pilak nakawa’ daing ha palkataan “Perak”
The prime movers of the ‘de-colonization’ of the Sultanate of Sulu are however thankful amura in siyn katas.
of Misuari because his leadership blunders have made it easier for the new movement to magtup da isab iban maana sin “Silver Dir-
prosper and achieve peoples’ support and acceptance beyond expectation. Many of the dis- ham” bilang Pilak.
gruntled MNLF officers and members have jumped ship to join the Sulu Sultanate’s band- Timampal in hal pagusal unudsiyn sin hambuuk
wagon. Therefore, it is only a matter of time that the proponents of the new movement will hula’ – dinar iban dirham - ha waktu pagtibaw hi Ha kahawpuan niya in rahasiya’ sin Di-
eventually declare the assertion of the Sultanate’s sovereignty and independence from the Datu Albi A. Julkarnain iban panaiban niya pa nar iban Dirham amuna in kalimayahan.
Republic of the Philippines. Malaysia sin bulan May-Jun nakalabay. Hapag- Bang maujud in unudsiyn yan mapaawn
da isab in “Muamalat”. Damikkiyan in riba
As Misuari, together with a few aspiring sultans allied to him and the neo-MNLF personnel tulak yadtu nakapagbak sila iban sin hambuuk mapakpak na iban in zakat maparagbus na
have no part in the re-institution of the Sulu Sultanate, it is feared they may be tapped by the Muslim barakkal biya’ na kan Prof. Umar sin bangsa Muslimin marayaw. Karna; ha
GRP to distract and subvert the peaceful transition of the monarchy to independence. Hope- Ibrahim Vadillo. In hi Prof. Vadillo hambuuk pangatud sin manga ulama’ maagad hadja
fully, however, he will not stoop so low as to swallow enemy atrocious maneuvers to destroy Muslim daing ha Andalusia amun ha jaman ini in kasampurnaan sin pagungsud Zakat apa-
the fabric of Moro society within the Sultanate of Sulu that he was supposed to lead, but hambuuk siya “Mujaddid” iban lamud tarbilang bila mapabalik in unudsiyn Shari’ah ini pa
which he had chosen to ditch, hook-line-sinker. ( laum lima sin pamarinta Islam. Adapun,
hapagpasung sin pagusal sin unudsiyn Dinar in kahalan sin pagzakat hinang sin bangsa
iban Dirham ha katilingkal Muslim Ummah. In Muslimin bihaun biya’ na sin pagusal siyn
pagbak nila ha Kuala Lumpur tarbilang na paru katas, in yan mabilang hadja “Darurat”
Duwaa mu, Sanjata’ sin Bangsa Mu sin Allah SWT ha susungun sin Sulu Sultaniyya. atawa “Emergency”. Allahu wahlam.

4 25
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam

Magtuku, bukun Maglarak ...SULU SULTANIYYA

“Daing tagna sin UTP himi- In kabayaan sin kafir hidusdus nila in pamarinta sin Sulu salama-lama: panagnaan, siyulayan
Sh. Aliazer Sh. Abdurajim
nang sin parakala’ salaggu’- sin Kastila baliun in Tausug – Bangsa sin Sultaniyyah sin Sulu – labi daing ha 300 tahun,
laggu’ ini, wayruun ha laum pagubus Milikan masuuk 50 tahun, paghuwas simubli in Jipun iban bihaun Pilipinas labi
In paglasa ha bangsa hambuuk tanggungjawab kakahinang nila in mangdahi daing ha 60 tahun, sagawa’ in katan yadtu siyasiya – in Tausug masi ra nagbubunu’. Mapuas
sin tiyap-tiyap tagbangsa. In hal ini magtup ha bangsa nila pa laum ka- daing ha pagbunu’ tighan hinang sin Kastila’, Milikan iban ha bihaun sundalu sin Pilipinas,
iban hadith sin Nabi Muhammad SAW. tigidluman.” in Tausug wala’ da nakurustiyan atawa kiyatayimbabawan, wala’ nila binin in bahasa iban
“Wahai Rasulullah, unu mabilang baha’ “fa- agama nila, bunnal tuud in Tausug namawgbug sin agama sin kabuhi’nila ha waktu in katan
natic” pihak in tau malasa ha bangsa niya? Tau Sug atawa bangsa Sug. simurindil na pa satru’. Iban sambil bihaun hihinang nila pa.
Laung sin Baginda, bukun, sagawa’ in “fanat-
ic” pihak amuna in tumabang ha bangsa niya - Magtabang hapagmahi sin In Tausug wala’ timangu’ atawa imugbuk ha unu unu na katas palihalan paglamud sin Sul-
maghinang sin kajaliman.” Kapatut Pagkamanusiya (Human right) – taniyyah sin Sulu pa Pilipinas, iban sambil wala’ nila tiyayma’ tawagun sila Filipino, amun
Daing tagna sin UTP himinang sin parakala’ ha waypa na wujud in pagpatindug panji ngan banyaga’ dihil paghuwas ha ngan sin nagkangi’-ngi’ King sin Spain II amun miyatay
salaggu’-laggu’ ini, wayruun ha laum kaka- iban pagpaguwa BC kulang in daing ha sabab sin sakit syphilis ha 400 tahun nakalabay, sampay pa bihaun in Tausug nagpaguwa’ na
hinang nila in mangdahi ha bangsa nila pa bangsa Sug magmahi iban imingat sin sin Sulat lahil amun namaytai in karaayatan nila bukun ha Pilipin sagawa’ ha Sultaniyyah sin
laum katigidluman. Sagawa’ in katan hinang Kapatut Pagkamanusiya’ nila. Gimuwa’ Sulu Darul Islam. Sumagawa’ ha bihaun in waktu dimatung na ha manga Tausug magjugjug
sin UTP manunjuki pa lasa ha hula’, bangsa, man in UTP in kapatut sin bangsa Sug ki- sin dunya: ha November 17, 2010 in Tausug magtilahak ha kawujud sin kalimayahan sin
iban agama. Amura kuman in hal ini wala’ pa yapagmahi na, bang saggawun sin parinta Sultaniyyah sin Sulu Darul Islam. Sagawa’ in labi mahalga’, daing ha November 17, 2010
kikita’ marayaw sin kamatauran Bangsa Sug karna tiyuna’ Abu Sayyaf pagkita in sila sambil pa susungun in raayat sin Sultaniyyah sin Sulu himinang na magparagbus sin kali-
pasalan awn daing kanila tumandaw hadja bukun Filipino maluhay sila makalipuwas mayahan, bukun labay ha pistul iban sinapang sagawa labay ha bulawan Dinar iban pilak
daing ha kalayuan, di’ misan mabaya’ man- daing ha tuhuma. In parakala’ ini magtup Dirhams.
glamud lamud ha UTP. Kalu baha’ subay na iban sin jimatu pagbunu’ tighan ha Lami-
dumagbus in parakala’ ampa sila magduyun- nusa, Sulu amun hinang sin manga Army Hi Datu Albi Ahmad Julkarnain amuna in Chairman sin Council of Regents sin Sultaniyyah
duyun sumaksi’ bahawa daing katagna’ asal in Pilipin ha bangsa Sug. Labi awla bang in sin Sulu Darul Islam, amun pamarinta maghidjatul ha kahalan sin United Tausug People sin
niyat sin UTP hikarayaw – pasal sin makadihil hinangun sin parinta manglaug. kapuan Sulu ha wayruun pa in De Jure iban De facto Sultan ha bihaun. Amuna in Council
na karayawan pa bangsa kaluagan. - Magdihil tatabangan ha manga of Regents ha babaan sin pamarinta hi Datu Albi in magparu ha sungun sin kahalan sin hula’
Misan bihadtu, patilag tilagun ta tiyu’ tiyu’ anak asawa sin nagkasaggaw ha Sabah – amun maginumpung ha November 17, 2010. In hi Datu Albi apu’ hi Datu Julkarnain, amun
bang unu naman in nahinang sin UTP hika- Daing tagna’ pagparagan sin aturan di ha bakas Admiral (Raja Laut) sin Sultaniyyah sin Sulu ha masa pamarinta hi Sultan Jamalul
rayaw lugay sin pagparagan nila sin kakahi- Sabah, asal lamud ha “Program” sin UTP A’lam iban hi Sultan Jamalul Kiram II.
nang ini. Sabbutun ta maniyu’ tiyu’ bukun in pagdihil gastu ha manga anak asawa sin
karna’ magpakita’-kita’ atawa magpabantug nagkasaggaw bangsa Sug, amun taga Su- Hi Datu Albi Ahmad Julkarnain amuna in naguhan sin bisita daing ha Sultaniyya sin Sulu
sagawa’ ha supaya kahatihan sin kamatauran lat Lahil Tau Sug, lugay ha laum kuddam hapaglibut sin katilingkal Malaysia ha hinang mamaytai pa manga Malayu labi awla na in
bahawa’ in UTP masi pa siya matup ha paru basi. Tausug naghuhula’ ha Malaysia bahawa in Tausug saddiya na magtilahak sin kamahardikaan
niya mamindahi ha kahalan sin Bangsa Sug pa - Naganad ha bangsa mangandul sin Sultaniyyah sin Sulu ha November 17, 2010. Daing ha paru sin Allah ha pitsa 24 May
katiluagan niya. ha Kusug sin Tuhan, iban di’ manghuwat 2010 ha Kuala Lumpur in bisita daing ha Sulu nakapagbak ha way tiyuud kay Umar Pasha
- Pagpatindug sin Panji sin Sulu Sul- huwat ha tatabangan sin Tau guwa’ hula’ – Vadillo, amun naghinang sin duwa Fatwa ha masa natu’ ini – Fatwa ha pasal pagusal siyn
taniyya - in ini bang ta kitaun wayruun kara- In hal ini nawujud haka paawn sin aturan katas iban Fatwa pasal Bangku (Bank), iban in siya Founder sin World Islamic Trade Orga-
han, adapun in hal ini namaytai katu’ iban pa di ha katilingkal Sabah. nization (WITO) iban President sin World Islamic Mint (WIM), amun tagbaktulan sin duwa
dunya bahawa in Ukumsakup (Sovereignty) - Iban sin magdaratung datung parhimpunan amun magpabalik sin Bulawan Dinar iban Pilak Dirham bilang unud siyn sin
sin Bangsa Sug masi wujud timagna’ daing ha hinang salaggu’ laggu’ biya’ na sin mag- Ummah ha jaman hika 21.
1405 sambil pa bihaun. In baynat niya in pu- pabalik sin hula’ pa laum ukummilik sin
an tahun na wala’ nakauwi pa hula’ nila, pag- bangsa Sug, lagi’ tukuhun sin pagusaha Piyatarrang hi Datu Albi kan Umar Pasha in makainu inu pagpalamud sin Milikan ha hula’
sintak sin panji nakabalik na sila pa kahula’ labay hapagusal sin Unudsiyn Dinar iban niya pa Philippines amun wayruun misan nakadaug ha Sultaniyyah Sulu, iban wayruun da
hulaan nila. Dirham. isab tiyukbal sin Sultan in kawasa niya pa US atawa pa hisiyu siyu. Biyaytaan niya ra isab
- Pagpaguwa’ Birth Certificate - In hal Amu ini in maniyu’-tiyu’ nahinang sin hi Umar Pasha pasal sin hinang sin Council of Regents hapagpahambuuk sin Tausug ha
ini namaytai pa dunya bahawa in bangsa Sug UTP insya’Allah ha susungun magtataud lingkungan sin sibu’ maksud, amuna in pagtilahak sin Kamahardikaan ha pitsa 17 November
bukun Filipino damikkiyan in Filipino bukun pa in hikatabang. 2010. “In aku bukun Sultan iban di’ da aku isab mabaya’ hinangun, Gikap 6 ...

24 5
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
...SULU SULTANIYYA bangku (bank). In bulawan Dinar iban Pi- ....EDITORIAL
mabaya’ hadja aku magpasaddiya sin takhta lak Dirham amuna in siyn Halal (Bukun
para ha Sultan”, laung hi Datu Albi kan Umar hadja hat sin halal) in siya tanug da isab “ is only a matter of time that the proponents of the new movement will eventually de-
Pasha. “Hi saddiya ta in takhta sama-sama”, - in ha nakauna bilang Unudsiyn Shariah iban clare the assertion of the (Sulu) Sultanate’s sovereignty and independence from the Republic
sambag hi Umar Pasha. In Sultan bukun gulal in siya makadihil duwa, tattap in kusug of the Philippines.” Hadji Zakaria Abdullah concluded.
ha Islam, in siya amuna in maghinang, salag- sin halga’ niya hipagpami, iban maluhay
gu’ laggu’ hinang, in kasabunnalan niya in ini kilahun ha antara’bangsa. “Tausug people have never agreed or signed any document on the Sulu Sultanate becoming
hambuuk kasusahan, amura manga sila amun part of Philippines, and of course they never accepted to be called Filipinos, a slave name
mabaya’ magibadat pa Allah labi daing ha ka- “Di’ niyu na kalagihan mangayu’ ka- given after the disgraceful king of Spain Philip II who died from syphilis 400 years ago,
tan in mabaya’ tumanggung sin kasusahan. Ha mahaldikaan daing ha United Nations; until today Tausugs issue their own birth certificates stating their citizenship not as of Philip-
masa natu’ ini hisiyu siyu in magpaguwa’ Dinar ubus na in hal yan dirihil kaniyu sin Al- pines but of the Sultanate of Sulu Darul Islam.” An Economist from Kazakhstan, Mr. Ghany
iban Dirham ha Sulu, in magkawa’ sin Zakat sin lah SWT. In Malaysia iban Indonesia di’ Aoueskahnov commented.
dinar iban Dirham amuna in Sultan – laung hi makatabang kaniyu magpahinang hula’
Umar Pasha pa manga bisita daing ha Sulu. limaya sabab misan in sila bukun da hula’ Sultanate of Sulu is hoped to be one of the centers of the Islamic revival in Southeast Asia
limaya’; hambuuk adlaw subay niyu ra li- through restoration of paying Zakat using by Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. The month of
Hapaglibut niya sin Malaysia in hi Datu Albi mayahun in dunya Malayu daing ha pan- Ramadan, fasting month of the Muslim around the world is the month of paying Zakat Fitra.
ibanan sin anak niya usug – Datu Nursastri glunggu’ sin Kapitalisim iban Demokra- Zakat simply cannot be paid by using fiat money.
Julkarnain, Tuan Zakaria Abdullah – Secretary si, iban subay niyu ra isab limayahun
General for Foreign Relations of Sultanate of in Filipino daing ha kangian iban suga- The answer is only within the Tau Sug whether to do or never the assertion of independence!
Sulu, Prof. Neldy Jolo – Editor of the Tausug rul pamarinta ampa niyu sila hinangun It is not impossible that Sultanate of Sulu Darul Islam cannot become a free trading island
Global Bulletin, amun bulletin mataud bahasa Muslim. Awn yan ha dugu’ niyu umagad country of Southeast Asia of Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham.
magguwa’ tiyap-tiyap bulan sin Sultaniyya sin kamumpaatan, amura kamu iban Aceh
Sulu , iban hi Julasri Hajad – Official represen- in bakas imatu sambil pa hinapusan. In 17th November 2010 will be part of the written historical significant facts in the books of
tative sin Sultaniyya sin Sulu ha Malaysia. “nationalist State” ha babaan sin United peace journey of the Sultanate of Sulu as the beginning of the victory and glory of Tau Sug.
Nation bukun amun maksud niyu iban The United Tau Sug People, the citizens’ declaration is assertion of independence. Recogni-
“In siyn katas amuna in siyn sin satru’, in pagka- di’ mahinang maksud bang in kabayaan tion from the United Nations is different story. What is important they are right now recog-
wa’ sin kafir sin Darul Islam liyabay nila ha siyn niyu dumaug; sabab bang kamu imiyan nizing their independence from the Philippines, whether the Philippines like and wanted it
katas iban bihaun masi masi kita pipikul ha liug ‘nation state’ in aku tau guwa’ ha hula’ or not!
nagsabab daing hayan. Subay niyu pahamun niyu sagawa’ bang kamu imiyan ‘Darul
misan in kaawnan sin hula’ Muslim awn siyn Islam’ in aku hambuuk daing kaniyu iban If the Filipinos insist that Sultanate of Sulu is theirs, they shall come to choose to let Sulu
nila katas kandi, sagawa’ luwal da siyn katas in pangatu niyu, pangatu ku” – laung hi free and kill the people. As Tau Sug have been saying to the Philippine government to “free
sin kafir in kilahun bilang usalun hipagbayad. Umar Pasha pa manga Tausug. us or kill us”, “give us death or give us freedom” and “please out now or please kill us now”.
Ha supaya sila makahinang sataud taud kabay-
aan nila iban mami sila daing katu’ unu unu in In pamaham sin Tausug pasal Bulawan ...Zakat
kabayaan nila sagawa’ in kitaniyu di’ makapami Dinar hangkaraih da; sagawa’ magtuy tembaga. Haram hukumnya menerima uang yang bukan emas dan perak sebagai zakat atau
daing kanila unu unu na sin siyn katas natu’. nila natali’ bang biyadiin kahalga’ in hal kharaj.
Bangman hadja in kita daran naglalagi sin siyn sin “free money” (Siyn Limaya) ini bu- Apa Kesimpulannya?
katas nila iban in sila saddiya “tumabang” labay kun hadja para kanila sagawa’ sambil pa Dari berbagai fatwa hukum para imam madhhab di atas sangat jelas bahwa zakat harta dan
hapagpabus nila katu’ sin siyn sarta’ iban bunga katilingkal sin Muslim Ummah. Laung hi
Prof. Neldy Jolo: “ha nakalabay in siyn perniagaan tidak dapat dibayarkan kecuali hanya dengan Dinar Emas atau Dirham Perak.
niya iban sulang siya ha manga kapunyahan ta
bilang hipagganti’. Salugay natu’ masi tima- namu’ pagtagun Pilak (magagiad iban sin
pagtag ha Malayu Perak) amun nagdara Bagaimana Cara Menghitung dan Membayarkan Zakat dalam Dinar-Dirham?
tayma’ sin aturan karupangan ini sabunnal tuud
in kitaniyu di’ da maig daing ha laum sin kafir maksud Pilak, misan bihaun in pagtag sin Bila Anda memiliki harta uang kertas atau turunannya (deposito, saham, cek, dsb), harus
zalim. Iban in United Nations yadtu didtu kanila tau namu’ ha Peso ‘Pilak’ da isab, damik- Anda takar nisabnya dengan Dinar atau Dirham. Harta yang dihitung hanyalah yang telah
magtuku sin bukun adil iban karupangan aturan kiyan in ha Malaysia in tau namu’ magtag memenuhi haul-nya, yakni tersimpan selama setahun. Nisab zakat mal adalah 20 dinar emas
sin dunya ini. Laung kanila hi Umar Pasha. da isab ‘pilak’ bang manunjuki pa ring- atau 200 dirham perak. Zakatnya adalah 2.5%-nya.
git”. In baya’ nila magparagbus sin hi-
Ampa piyatarrang hi Umar Pasha ha manga nang ini magduruhun – ha waktu miyaya’ Kewajiban zakat 2.5% dari total harta Anda yang telah tersimpan selama setahun terse-
taymanghud daing ha Sulu bahawa in siyn katas sila maghinang “design” sin Sulu ukum- but kemudian ditukarkan dengan salah satu mata uang syar’i ini, Dinar Emas atau Dirham
amuna in panyap sin gandariba iban in Muslim sakup pisita hapagbalik nila pa hula’.
Perak. Dengan Dinar Emas atau Dirham Perak inilah baru Anda dapat membayarkan zakat.
di’ magkalagihan hadtu bilang hipagpasambu © WAKALA INDUK NUSANTARA
iban hipagdaya, biya’ da sin panulak nila ha Gikap 8....

6 23
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
Menunaikan Zakat Bagaimana Posisi Madhab Maliki?
Shaykh Muhammad Illysh, Mufti Al
Para ulama mengajarkan kepada kita bahwa se- Azhar, pada 1900-an, mewakili posisi
luruh ketentuan syari’at yang berkaitan dengan Madhhab Maliki, secara tegas meng-
harta dan transaksi muamalat (jual-beli, utang- haramkan uang kertas sebagai alat pem-
piutang, dan sebagainya), termasuk untuk zakat, bayar zakat. Fatwanya:
hanya ditetapkan dalam nuqud. Nuqud berarti
dinar emas atau dirham perak. Sampai detik ini, Kalau zakat menjadi wajib karena per-
kita semua mentaatinya dalam menentukan nisab timbangan substansinya sebagai barang
zakat mal dan zakat perniagaan, yaitu 20 dinar berharga (merchandise), maka nisab-
Dinar & Dirham emas (sekitar 85 gram emas) dan 200 dirham per- nya tidak ditetapkan berdasarkan nilai
ak (sekitar 600 gr perak). [nominal]-nya melainkan atas dasar sub-
Datu Albi & Prof. Umar Vadillo stansi dan jumlahnya, sebagaimana pada
...SULU SULTANIYYA Namun, ketika membayar zakat, mengapa kita perak, emas, biji-bijian atau buah-buah-
Nainu inu aku ha manga tau ini: ampa sila nakakita iban nakaulin sin bulawan dinar iban abaikan syariatnya? Yakni meninggalkan Dinar an.
pilak dirham ha lugay kabuhi’ nila sagawa’ wayruun kita’ ku kabuga’ iban pagduwa ruwa ha Emas atau Dirham Perak, dan menggantinya den-
mata nila palihalan pagpabalik sin unudsiyn ini ha Sulu. Ampa in manga tau ini adlaw adlaw gan uang kertas (rupiah, dolar, ringgit, dan seb- Karena substansi [uang kertas] tidak rel-
masinggan sin sundalu Filipino in iyaalup. Nainu inu sambil aku sin panaymai nila kan Umar againya)? evan [dalam nilai] dalam hal zakat, maka
pasha, hipu’ sin pagaddat iban pangandul, bilang taymanghud nila, misan in kaawnan ampa ia harus diperlakukan sebagaimana tem-
nakapagbak. In pananaman ku kiyasaksian ku in kahalan jimatu ha nakalabay 500 tahun: in Berikut adalah Syari’at Zakat sebagaimana telah baga, besi atau substansi sejenis lainnya.
Muslim bubunu’ daing ha hula’ malayu’ sin Darul Islam nagbak, iban sin atay ukab, iban
kasilasa, saddiya masabil pakaniya pakaniya; ha waktu yadtu hambuuk da in Pasport nila – difatwakan oleh para ulama. Maksudnya, sama dengan posisi Imam
La ilaha ill Allah. Syafi’i, (uang) kertas disamakan dengan
In pagtag sin Kastila ha Tausug ‘Moros’ (bang ha English ‘Moors’) biya’ da sin pagtag nila Bagaimana Posisi Madhab Syafi’i? besi atau tembaga, hanya dapat dinilai
ha Muslim daing ha Andalusia. Landu’ hipu’ sin maana ha waktu hi Tuan Zakaria Abdullah, Imam Syafi’i, dalam kitabnya Risalah, me- berdasar beratnya, sedang nilainya ha-
Secretary General For Foreign Relations of Sulu Sultanate, nagtambul sin pagisun isun ha nyatakan: rus ditakar dengan nuqud (dinar atau
bissara: “Bangman paghambuukun sin Allah in Western Moros sin Iberian Peninsula iban sin Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, memerin- dirham). Ketiganya terkena zakat han-
Eastern Moros ha kapuan Sulu. tahkan pembayaran zakat dalam perak, dan kaum ya bila diperdagangkan, dan tidak sah
Muslim mengikuti presedennya dalam emas, dipakai sebagai pembayar zakat.
Nakamataud nangatu in Tausug ha pagbunuan iban kafir manglulungkup, hambuuk daing ha baik berdasarkan [kekuatan] hadits yang diri-
manga madugu’ ha ba’gu nusulan amuna in bunu’ ha Jolo ha tahun 1974 ha waktu in 28,000 wayatkan kepada kita atau berdasarkan [kekua- Bagaimana Posisi Madhab Hanafi?
sundalu Filipino nanggubat pa daira sin Jolo – Pusud daira sin Sulu Sultaniyya – siyunug nila
in daira sambil nahinang abu. In pitsa 17 November 2010 hikadukut na ha kitab nusulan sin tan] qiyas bahwa emas dan perak adalah penakar Imam Abu Yusuf, satu di antara dua
Sulu Sultaniyya bilang panagnaan daraugan iban kalagguan sin Sulu Sultaniyya sabab ha 17 harga yang digunakan manusia untuk menimbun murid utama Imam Abu Hanifah, dan
November 2010 in Tausug tumilahak sin kalimayahan nila labay hapagpi’ sin Bulawan Dinar atau membayar komoditas di berbagai negeri se- pendiri Madhhab Hanafi, menulis su-
iban Pilak Dirham bilang ‘Free Currency (unudsiyn limaya) sin Free Country (hula’ limaya). belum kebangkitan Islam dan sesudahnya. rat kepada Sultan Harun Al Rashid,
Iban in baya’ baya’ yadtu amuna in sarayaw rayaw pamunnali sin galak kalimayahan ha masa (memerintah 170H/786M-193H/809M).
natu’ ini. Iban in Tau Sulu di’ kapasaran isa isa nila, in tau Jawa ha babaan sin pamarinta hi Manusia memiliki berbagai [jenis] logam lain sep- Ia menegaskan keharaman uang selain
Pak Zaim Saidi tumuku kanila, in tau Aceh tumuku kanila, in tau Kelantan tumuku kanila, erti kuningan, besi, timbal yang tidak pernah dibe- emas dan perak sebagai alat pembayaran
iban in laksa’ Muslim ha katilingkal dunya amun naguusal na sin unudsiyn Shariah tumuku bani zakat baik oleh Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi zakat. Ia menulis:
ha Sultaniyya sin Sulu Darul Islam. wa sallam,maupun para penerusnya. Logam-lo- Haram hukumnya bagi seorang Khalifah
gam ini dibebaskan dengan dasar [pada kekuatan] untuk mengambil uang selain emas dan
Pangayuun namu’ pa Allah SWT papagunun in Tausug ha paglimaya sin hula’ nila daing ha
kiyukumkuman sin Kafir. Pangayuun namu’ pa Allah SWT pa tabangan in Tausug magpalin- preseden, dan kepada mereka, dengan qiyas pada perak, yakni koin yang disebut Sutuqa,
dug sin agama Islam ha Sultaniyyah sin Sulu ha tiranan sin Qur’an iban Sunnah. Pangayuun emas dan perak, tidak seharusnya dibebani zakat, dari para pemilik tanah sebagai alat pem-
namu’ pa Allah SWT hipahinang in Sultaniyyah sin Sulu pusud sin pagbalik sin Islam ha karena emas dan perak digunakan sebagai standar bayaran kharaj dan ushr mereka. Sebab
likusantara labay hapagpabalik sin zakat, amun hag nabali’ sin agama. Amin. harga di semua negeri, dan semua logam lainnya walaupun koin-koin ini merupakan koin
resmi dan semua orang menerimanya, ia
dapat dibeli dengan keduanya dengan dasar kadar tidak terbuat dari emas melainkan - Gi-
In Anggalis niya kabaakan di ha url ini berat tertentu dalam waktu tertentu pula. kap 23 ...

8 21
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam

...Pesanan PILAK: SULU CURRENCY IS PHYS- introduced Gold Dinar and Silver Dir-
• Memantau setiap rumah dibawah jagaan- Penjelasan KERAKYATAN TAUSUG
ICALLY COMING BACK! - Neldy Jolo - ham to former Prime Minster of Ma-
laysia Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, he had
nya. Sekiranya ada perjudian atau jenayah dan Citizens of the Sulu Sultanate have been using the been successfully brought the idea to
perlakuan yang mencurigakan dalam kawasannya Peringatan terakhir penulis ialah, setiap Dinar and Dirham as their money. Sulu Sultanate the implementation of Gold Dinar and
perlu bertindak pantas melaporkannya kepada Pan- warga Tausug yang memegang Surat Currency is called “Pilak”. Even today, Sulu peo- Silver Dirham in the Malaysia State of
glima dan panglima akan melaporkannya kepada Kelahiran UTC dan ID Hijau WAJIB ple still calling the money they are using as Pilak Kelantan as part of the state currency
Polis Diraja Malaysia. membuang perkataan “Saya berasal
dari Pilipin” atau”Saya di lahirkan di even it is Peso or Ringgit. and economy.
• Menjaga kebajikan ahli keluarga KAW- Pilipin” sekiranya ditanya oleh pihak
berkuasa. Kerana”Rakyat Pilipin” ti- This is the living proof that Sulu people are still Prof. Umar Ibrahim Vadillo who first
MAN, dengan senantiasa memeriksa kalau-kalau directly aware of their existence as sovereign talked and introduced Gold Dinar and
ada orang tua (terbiar) yang ditinggalkan anaknya, ada hak tinggal atau masuk ke Sabah people of having their own country (nation and Silver Dirham to former Prime Minster
ada keluarga yang tidak ada makanan (mungkin yang ditadbir Kerajaan Malaysia tanpa
“Passport Philippines” dan juga tidak state) and indirectly unaware as their country was of Malaysia Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, he
belum dapat kerja), ada kematian, ada perkahwi- illegally annexed to Philippine Republic in 1946, had been successfully brought the idea
nan, jambatan roboh, atau ada keluarga yang sua- berhak memegang KERAKYATAN until such time they became Filipino citizens by to the implementation of Gold Dinar
minya ditangkap polis. Maka semua pihak tersebut KESULTANAN SULU DARUL IS- fallacy. and Silver Dirham in the Malaysia State
perlulah dibantu. LAM selagi jiwa dan raganya masih
of Kelantan as part of the state currency
• Untuk dapatkan bantuan, Paduka UTC kasih dan sayang dengan FILIPINA. Gold Dinar is called Dublun – weight of piece of and economy.
perlu melaporkannya kepada Panglima UTC yang Gold and Silver Dirham called Pilak. This was
menjaga mukim. Panglima akan buat lawatan Filipino bermaksud “Hamba Rakyat where the Sulu currency came about. This was Prof. Vadillo, Al-Andalus is an expert
pengesahan ketempat yang dimaksudkan sebelum King Philipp II di Spanyol” yang be- started when Sultanate of Sulu became part of the and pioneer of modern Gold Dinar and
adakan mesyuarat. Hasil Mesyuarat akan dihantar ragama Kristian. Dalam sejarah Fili- world’s Darul Islam (Dar Al-Islam). Silver Dirham that said paper bill is
kepada Paduka Daera untuk tindakan susulan. pina, yang dimaksudkan Filipino ialah
“Orang yang dilahirkan di Spanyol Haram – that is Riba’. He is the Chair-
The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham were the cur- man of E-Dinar and President of the
• Sekiranya ada ahli KAWMAN Paduka kemudian berhijrah ke Luzon-Visaya” rency of the Darul Islam or the Muslim world World Islamic Trade Organisation and
UTC yang ditangkap Polis, perlulah segerah mel- dan “Anak-anak yang telah dilahirkan from its first period of existence until the end of the Islamic Mint.
aporkannya kepada Panglima dan Panglima perlu di Luzon-Visaya dari ibu bapa yang be- Ottoman Empire (Khalifiya Usman) period in
ke Balai Polis untuk dapatkan penjelasan penang- rasal dari Spanyol” itulah yang dimak- 1924. Hence, Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham are Prof.Vadillo reminded Sulu people not
kapan. Sekiranya tidak dapat dikeluarkan maka sudkan sebagai FILIPINO. Ferdinand the unity symbol of humanity. to divide as he said “Allah will give
Panglima perlu membuat laporan kepada Paduka Marcos telah menyedari hal ini dan . your victory, do not divide. Sulu is too
Daera. Paduka Daera akan memfailkan dan mem- dilaporkan telah berusaha mengubah The first coins assigned to Muslim are Silver Dir- small to free itself but too big to free
buat arahan untuk memberi peruntukan bantuan ke- nama Filipina kepada MAHARLIKA ham of the Sassarian ruler Yazdegerd III during the world”.
cemasan kepada keluarga mangsa tangkapan agar tetapi gagal. the Caliphate of Usman around 75 Al-Hijra (695
makan minum mereka terjaga agar tidak kebulur CE). It was known that Gold Dinar was first issued Asreesulu hoped as what he wrote in his
selama suaminya belum dibebaskan dari Pusat Tah- Sebab itu kaum Visaya pun tahu akan in the year 77 Al-Hijra (696-7 CE) by Khalifa Abd blog,
anan Sementara (Rumah Merah). hal ini. Mereka mula membuang nama
Al-Malik Ibni Marwan. The weight of Dinar is 1 in Bahasa Malaysia as translated:
• Bahawa, setiap laporan yang ditanggapi Filipino digantikan kepada Tausug. Mithqal (4.25g).
sebagai PENGANIAYAAN kepada Warga Tausug, Kerana jelas dalam sejarah asal-usul . INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
sekiranya Kerajaan Malaysia tidak bertindak un- kaum Luzon-Visaya (tidak termasuk Asreesulu said in his blog, www.tausug-global. be united;
tuk membantu, perlulah Paduka Daera menghantar warga Spanyol era kolonialis) mereka that the possibility of the down of INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
fail kepada Council of Regents di Sulu agar dapat semua adalah TAUSUG. Sehingga hari Russia Economy in 1400 was due to the Gold forget the disputes;
diteliti oleh Peguam Negara Sulu Darul Islam. ini bahasa kaum Visaya (Luzon, Cebu,
Dinar used by Sultanate of Sulu and Sultanate INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
• Setiap Paduka Daera senantiasa membuat Waray-waray, Hiligaynun dll) adalah of Mamluk to trade. Sultanate of Sulu who was leave the weapons of destructions;
lawatan ke setiap mukim Panglima UTC dengan bahasa SULUG @ SUG yang ditutur formally established in 1405 was during the exis- INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
mengingatkan mereka agar sentiasa bersabar agar oleh kaum Taguimaha ketika dulu. tence of the Sultanate of Mamluk in 12th century leave grudges;
jangan bertindak subersif atau membahayakan kes- Buktinya kaum Visaya sekiranya men- to 15th century. INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
elamatan Negara. ganut Islam mereka digelar oleh TAU-
SUG sebagai Balik-Islam bermaksud leave gambling and drugs;
The possibility of using Gold Dinar and Silver INSYA ALLAH!! People of Sulu will
• Bahawa setiap Paduka Daera senantiasa kembali kepada Islam, kerana nenek Dirham as currency could help boost the world be successful to regain their dignity;
merapatkan hubungan dengan pemerintah Sabah moyang Kaum Visaya adalah Tausug economy. INSYAALLAH!!People of Sulu will
(Kerajaan Malaysia) agar setiap gerak kerja dan yang beragama Islam. be successful to voice their INDEPEN-
tindakan sentiasa dalam landasan undang-undang. Prof. Umar Ibrahim Vadillo who first talked and DENCE without fighting.

22 7
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
Rasul Alam AsreeSulu

Simple and meaningful but reasonable phrase, often controversial to all universities and Pesanan ini penulis khususkan kepada Paduka Wazir UTC (Raja Bendahara) Negeri Sabah,
schools and even in job places. Some will say “ it’s normal”or “gossips”. If things were lost, Malaysia, para Paduka Daera (Paduka Bendahara), para Panglima UTC, Paduka UTC dan
we search and if we found, return to the right owner. Search and Return words were combi- rakyat Tausug di seluruh Sabah.
nation in our daily needs. Critics words like “what you know and to whom you know” and
“you saw but you ignore it” these are good combination phrases. Anybody might surprise to MEMATUHI KANUN DAN TAAT KEPADA PEMIMPIN
read these words because its normal or gossip but they heard it before , ignored and forgot. Sepanjang perjalanan penulis bersama rombongan pendaftar dari Kota Kinabalu ke Kunak,
Wide readers can finish five sets or more pocketbooks in a day, do they understand or have iaitu setiap kali penulis dijemput untuk bercakap sepatah dua di hadapan warga Tausug, pen-
they measure their ability to read?It’s amazing also” like traditional politician or “TRAPO” ulis senantiasa mengingatkan beberapa hal penting yang tidak penulis tulis dalam KANUN,
(mean RUG in English), their term of office had expired but join politics even in the man-
ner of side benches because LOST of confidence among young generation in politics and • Bahawa, mereka yang diberi jawatan untuk menjaga dan mentadbir warga Tausug
unsolved cases which they previously involved? Just remember the young is our hope in the di Sabah bukanlah satu keistimewaan dan kesenangan tetapi adalah satu tanggungjawab be-
future. Anyway you have your own sovereignty in your country! sar kerana memikul kalimah “La ilaha illallah muhammadurrasulullah”. Salah guna kuasa
akan menerima padahnya dihadapan Allah SWT di Padang Mahsyar dan pasti di dunia lagi
LOST United Kingdom of Sulu is not a gossip but history, somebody engineered its genuine akan menerima hukumannya.
existence specifically its peoples deprivation,territorial grabbing, disabling its government , • Sebarang permainan politik kotor dan khianat kepada Bangsa, Negara dan Agama
misinterpret its SOVEREIGNTY and not granting its INDEPENDENCE. samada dalam kepimpinan atau yang dipimpin akan diadili oleh rakyat dan Mahkamah
Syari’ah iaitu pengadilan Kesultanan Sulu Darul Islam tanpa mengira mereka Keluarga
Some of our TAU SUG brothers and sisters TAU SUG who LOST from the sights of its Diraja atau Hamba Rakyat. Kalau bukan sekarang, dakwaan akan dikenakan setelah ke-
love ones for three to six months detain of the charged for SELF -DETERMINATION that merdekaannya kelak.
they were TAU SUG.Are they really a lawbreaker citizens? or somewhat on your mind! • Pemimpin yang melakukan kesilapan dan tidak diingini oleh rakyat lagi
“Stateless person”means a person who is not a national by any State under the operation of wajib”Maglupus Kawasa” (Melupuskan Kuasa) yakni turun dari jawatan untuk diganti pe-
its law and thereby Protected by International Laws that adopted on 28 September 1954 by mimpin yang lebih layak dan bertanggungjawab tanpa perlu menunggu diturunkan oleh
a Conference of Plenipotentiaries convened by Social Council Resolution 526A(XVII) of kuasa rakyat.
April 1954 which enter into force 6 June 1960. “What do you know and from whom do you • Bahawa, Sabah atau North Borneo adalah masih dalam tangan PEMAJAK wajib
know about the TAU SUG” ? dihormati oleh Tausug dan Kesultanannya. Sekiranya menyentuh hal tuntutan, PEMAJAK
dan Empunya Tanah (Kesultanan Sulu) mestilah bermesyuarat di meja rundingan secara
You have been ignorance throughout your life! “PILAK” was the past and future currency muhibbah dan kasih sayang bukannya permusuhan dan kekerasan.
of our country, its means that when you pay monthly to us in different currency rather than • Bahawa, Warga Tausug Wajib mematuhi segala peraturan Malaysia di Negeri
“PILAK”, you push us to LOST our identity of being a “TAU SUG”.Some said “we will Sabah. Sekiranya mereka dianiaya tanpa hak, Tausug perlu bersabar dan jangan melaku-
respect “TAU SUG” if their flag will wave in United Nation ground”,my dear brother you kan tindakan melanggar peraturan. Tausug perlu melaporkannya kepadaPaduka UTC dan
know that but you just ignoring and not accepting it. TAU SUG CITIZENS are colonial Panglima UTC mereka untuk difailkan, seterusnya pengaduan boleh dilakukan oleh Paduka
people and SULTANATE of SULU is a colonial country and we do for a living in normal Daera kepada Kerajaan Malaysia (JPM).
and simple way and we are human being also.
Tugas & Bidang Kuasa Panglima UTC serta Paduka UTC
FOUNDING the Truth of history, Sultanate of Sulu, Darul Islam, are ready for Declaration Seorang Panglima UTC adalah berkuasa terhadap satu-satu kampung atau mukim. Panglima
of Independence on 17th November 2010. According to U.N. General Assembly the second UTC adalah dipilih dari kalangan pemimpin kampung atau mukim tersebut (bukan orang
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism(2001 - 2010).Wake up my dear luar) yang persetujui rakyat dalam Mesyuarat Mukim. Panglima berhubung terus dengan
fellow countrymen, it’s our opportunity to withstand our Independence in a PEACEFUL Paduka Daera berkenaan masalah keselamatan dan pembangunan. Dalam Mesyuarat Mu-
manner and don’t judge the book by its own cover. HASTA LA VISTA. - http://realtausug. kim, panglima boleh memilih para Paduka UTC menurut persetujuan “Kawman” masing-
masing (Kawman bermaksud “area” atau kawasan beberapa buah rumah yang dijaga oleh
Paduka UTC)

Panglima UTC adalah pengarah kepada kutipan bulanan “Tumpung Kamahardikaan” bagi
Mukim atau Kampungnya dengan bantuan para Paduka UTC. Panglima akan mengesahkan
setiap kutipan bulanan yang ditandatangani oleh semua Padukanya sebelum hasil kutipan
dihantar kepada Paduka Daera.

The Free Country Starts Here, Insya’Allah! Paduka UTC yang menjaga KAWMAN yakni beberapa buah rumah dibawah jagaannya ber-
tugas sebagai, - .Gikap 22 ...
20 9
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di ...Para Sultan .Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Banten
Para Sultan Ahlul Bayt di Nusantara Kelantan dan Pattani (Thailand) dan Cirebon
Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Champa
Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Brunei lama
Syarif Hidayatullah ibni Abdullah (Umda-
Syarif ‘Ali ibn Syarif Ajlan ibn Syarif Rumaithah Sultan Adiluddin ibni Nik Jamalu- Sultan Abu Abdullah (Wan Bo) ibni Ali Alam tuddin) ibni Ali Alam (Ali Nurul Alam) ibni
ibn Sharif Muhammad Abu Nu’may ibnu Syarif Abu ddin ibni Wan Abul Mu zaffar ibni (Ali Nurul Alam) ibni Jamaluddin Al-Husain Jamaluddin Al-Hussein ( Sayyid Hussein
Sa’ad Al-Hassan ibnu Syarif ‘Ali Al-Akbar ibnu Syarif Sultan Abu Abdullah (Wan Bo) ( Sayyid Hussein Jamadil Kubra ) ibni Ahmad Jamadil Kubra ) ibni Ahmad Syah Jalal ibni
Qitadah ibnu Syarif Idris ibnu Syarif Muta’in ibnu ibni Ali Alam (Ali Nurul Alam) Syah Jalal ibni Abdullah ibni Abdul Malik Abdullah ibni Abdul Malik ibni Alawi Amal
Syarif Abdul Karim ibnu Syarif Isa ibnu Syarif al-Hus- ibni Jamaluddin Al-Husain (Sayyid ibni Alawi Amal Al-Faqih ibni Muhammas Al-Faqih ibni Muhammad Shahib Mirbath
sein ibnu Syarif Sulaiman ibnu Syarif ‘Ali ibnu Syarif Hussein Jamadil Kubra ) ibni Ah- Syahib Mirbath ibni ‘Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni ibni Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi ibni Mu-
Abdullah ibnu Syarif Abu Ja’afar Muhammad ibnu Alawi ibni Muhammad ibni Alawi ibni Al- hammad ibni Alawi ibni Ubaidillah ibni
Syarif Abdullah Al-Akbar ibnu Syarif Muhammad At- mad Syah Jalal ibni Abdullah ibni
Abdul Malik ibni Alawi Amal Al- Syeikh Ubaidillah ibni Ahmad Muhajirullah Ahmad Muhajirullah ibni Isa Al-Rumi ibni
Thaer ibnu Syarif Musa Ath-Thani ibnu Syarif Abdul- ibni ‘Isa Al-Rumi ibni Muhammad Naqib ibni
lah Asy-Saleh ibnu Musa Al-Jaun Abdul Hasan ibnu Faqih ibni Muhammad Syahib Mir- Muhammad Naqib ibni Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni
Abdullah Al-Muhudh ibnu Syarif Hassan Al-Muthan- bath ibni ‘Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni ‘Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar As-Sadiq ibni Mu- Jaafar As-Sadiq ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir
na ibnu Sayyidina Hassan As-Sibti ibnu Sayyidatina Alawi ibni Muhammad ibni Alawi hammad Al-Baqir ibni ‘Ali Zainal Abidin ibni ibni Ali Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni
Fatimah binti Rasulullah SAW . ibni Al-Syeikh Ubaidillah ibni Al-Hussein ibni Sayyidatina Fatimah binti Sayyidatina Fatimah binti Rasulullah SAW.
Ahmad Muhajirullah ibni ‘Isa Al- Rasulullah SAW .
Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Perlis Rumi ibni Muhammad Naqib ibni Salasilah Tun Habib Abdul Majid, bapa ke-
Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar As-Sadiq Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Maguin- sultanan Pahang, Terengganu & Johor (serta
Sayyid Ahmad ibni Sayyid Hussin ibni Sayyid Abdul- danao Riau dan Selangor dari sebelah cundanya
ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir ibni ‘Ali Tengku Mandak)
lah ibni Sayyid Aqil ibni Sayyid Abdullah ibni Sayyid
Muhammad ibni Sayyid Salim ibni Sayyid Ahmad ibni Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni
Sayyidatina Fatimah binti Rasu- “ Syarif Muhammad Kebungsuwan ibni
Sayyid Abdul Rahman ibni Sayyid Ali ibni Sayyid Mu- Tun Habib Abdul Majid ibni Maharaja Sri
lullah SAW . Syarif Ali Zainal Abidin ibni Sayyid Abdul- Diraja ibni Ali Zainal Abidin ibni Abdullah
hammad ibni Sayyid Hassan Al-Muallim ibni Sayyid
Muhammad ibni Sayyid Hassan ibni Sayyid Ali ibni lah ibni Sayyid Muhammad ibni Sayyid Ali ibni Syeikh ibni Abdullah ibni Syeikh ibni
Muhammad Fakeh Al- Maqdam ibni Ali ibni Muham- Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di ibni Sayyid Abdullah ibni Sayyid Alawi Amal Abdullah ibni Abu Bakar As-Syukran ibni
mad Sahib Mirbath ibni ‘Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi Kelantan moden Al-Faqih ibni Sayyid Muhammad Shahib Abdul Rahman As Saqaf ibni Muhammad
ibni Muhammad ibni Alawi ibni Al-Syeikh Ubaidil- Mirbath ibni Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi ibni Mauli Ad Dawilah ibni Ali ibni Alwi ibni
lah ibni Ahmad Muhajirullah ibni ‘Isa Al-Rumi ibni Long Baha ibni Wan Daim ibni Muhammad ibni Alawi ibni Ubaidillah ibni Muhammad Faqih Al Muqaddam ibni Ali
Muhammad Al-Naqib ibni ‘Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar Nik Mustapha (Po Rome) ibni Ahmad Muhajirullah ibni Isa Al-Rumi ibni ibni Sayyid Muhammad Mirbath ibni Ali
As-Sadiq ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir ibni ‘Ali Zainal Wan Abul Muzaffar ibni Sultan Muhammad Naqib ibni Ali al-Uraidhi ibni Khlaiq Khasam ibni Alawi ibni Muhammad
Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni Sayyidatina Fatimah binti
Abu Abdullah (Wan Bo) ibni Ali Jaafar As-Sadiq ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir ibni Alawiy ibni Ubaidillah ibni Ahmad al-
Rasulullah SAW
Alam (Ali Nurul Alam) ibni Jam- ibni Ali Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni Muhajir ibni Isa ar-Rumi ibni Muhammad
an-Naqib ibni Ali al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar
aluddin al-Husain ( Sayyid Hussein Sayyidatina Fatimah Sadiq ibni Muhammad Baqir ibni Ali Zainal
Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Pontianak
Jamadil Kubra ) ibni Ahmad Syah binti Rasulullah SAW” Abidin ibni Sayyidina al-Hussein ibni Sayy-
Sayyid Abdul Rahman Al-Qadri ibni Sayyid Hussin Jalal ibni Abdullah ibni Abdul idatina Fatimah binti Rasulullah SAW. Wal-
ibni Sayyid Ahmad ibni Sayyid Hussein ibni Sayyid Malik ibni Alawi Amal Al-Faqi h Pengasas kesultanan Ahlul Bait di Sulu lahu a’lam..
Muhammad ibni Sayyid Salim ibni Sayyid Aqil ibni ibni Muhammad Syahib Mirbath
Sayyid Abdullah ibni Sayyid Muhammad ibni Sayyid ibni ‘Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi “ Sayyid Abu Bakar ibni Syarif Ali Zainal
Salim ibni Sayyid Ahmad ibni Sayyid Abdul Rahman ibni Muhammad ibni Alawi ibni Abidin ibni Sayyid Muhammad ibni Sayyid
ibni Sayyid Ali ibni Sayyid Muhammad ibni Sayyid Al-Syeikh Ubaidillah ibni Ahmad Ali ibni Sayyid Abdullah ibni Sayyid Alwi
HassanAl-Muallim ibni Sayyid Muhammad ibni Sayy- ibni Sayid Muhammad Shahib Mirbath ibni
Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi ibni Muham- “The Sultans of Sulu
id Hassan ibni Sayyid Ali ibni Muhammad Fakeh Al- Muhajirullah ibni ‘Isa Al-Rumi
Maqdam ibni Ali ibni Muhammad Sahib Mirbath ibni ibni Muhammad Naqib ibni ‘Ali
‘Ali Khali’ Qasam ibni Alawi ibni Muhammad ibni Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar As-Sadiq
mad ibni Alawi ibni Ubaidillah ibni Ahmad were the descen-
Muhajirullah ibni Isa Al-Rumi ibni Muham-
Alawi ibni Al-Syeikh Ubaidillah ibni Ahmad Muha-
jirullah ibni ‘Isa Al-Rumi ibni Muhammad Al-Naqib
ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir ibni ‘Ali mad Naqib ibni Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar dants of Prophet
Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni
ibni Ali Al-Uraidhi ibni Jaafar As-Sadiq ibni Muham-
Sayyidatina Fatimah binti Rasu-
As-Sadiq ibni Muhammad Al-Baqir ibni Ali Muhammad SAW”
madBaqir ibni Ali Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni Zainal Abidin ibni Al-Hussein ibni Sayyida-
Sayyidatina Fatimah binti Rasulullah SAW. lullah SAW - Gikap 19 ... tina Fatimah binti Rasulullah SAW “.

10 19
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
Muslim Unrest in the Philippines
The first ever conflict that involved Muslims on account of this issue was during the incipi- Dr. Benjamin Bangahan
ence of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the Messenger of Allah, when he and his supporters
had to engage their pursuing adversaries who were from their own city of Mecca, which How Do You Solve That Problem When the Cause Is Not Recognized?
culminated in the Battle of Badr (Muhammad Fathi Bakkoush, The Great Battles of Islam).
This would, of course, start the series of battles that they had to fight during the early Is- Unless an adjustment in the posture of the peace protagonists into a more realistic one is initi-
lamization process, which spilled over into later times as Islam made its inroads into Africa, ated, any effort toward an appeasement of the Muslim unrest in the Philippines will just stay
Asia and European continents. futile, for, there is no exact meeting of the minds of the government and the Muslims—that
is, the majority and the minority—as to what is precisely the problem that needs solving. As
The root of resistance in the domestic arena has been basically similar, which is the on- expected, the desire to solve the problem and achieve peace, will remain just that—a desire.
slaught on Islam. This was intensely commenced by the Spaniards and later happily taken There is never a problem solved even by argument geniuses unless there is a prior identifica-
over by the Americans. Some people, however, have come in with their preferred explana- tion of THE problem. That is, of course, a basic mathematical rule of thumb that participants
tions, mostly self-serving, and have created an entanglement of the causes, most of which giggly enjoy violating as well as gaining advantages from. They appear as all-agog and as
being used to muddle the issue. T.J.S. George tried to pry it loose in his Revolt in Mind- concerned peace advocates and report the “points of achievements” as a good media mile-
anao, and came up with “assault on Islam” as still the basic provocation. Others in his list: age. But at the recesses of their minds, this is nothing but a perfectly vicious but enjoyable
“an oppressed minority asserting against the majority”, “a result of economic and social little circle. They cannot wait to do it again and ‘exhaust” all their energies in, in the “pursuit
grievances”, “immoral politicians and their politics”, “foreign meddlings”, “communist of peace”.
influence”, “CIA role”, and “government ineptitude”.
And the Muslims always remain the butts of this.
Except for communism, which is dogmatically diametric to Islam, all the other factors
could be rightfully considered as auxiliaries to the predominating religious fervor. Singling What borders on asininity is that the government panel, whoever the chosen members are
them out and playing their respective role up would be like paying unnecessary attention and whichever Muslim group it is dealing with, is bent on arriving at a solution from that
to the twigs, bushes and trees that make up the forest; they do not make any difference, for standpoint, which is a simple euphemism for their passion to ram their solution down our
from a distance the forest has a glaringly overwhelming presence. throats. But while some Muslim panels have been “touched” by the government in its at-
tempt to ensure that its solution get across—which makes it more ludicrous—many Muslims
Spain believed that Islam was a false religion, in that it was an embodiment of everything are now wary about the government hunky-punky.
hateful. Apparently this was carried out with all fierceness since a royal letter of instruc-
tions, dated 1565 and signed by King Philip himself, was sent to the colonial administration By “exact meeting of the minds” is meant the recognition of the very problem that leads to
in Manila, to wit: “We give you permission to make such Moros slaves and seize their prop- the unrest and then the concoction of an apropos solution, in that everyone must ready his
erty. You are warned that you can make them slaves only if the said Moros are such by birth face to get splattered with mud in the process in order for him to stare at the problem face
and choice…But in no way or manner shall you enslave the Indios.” (George). Because to face.
the year 1565 was only the arrival of Legazpi in Cebu, logically Philip had not had enough
bases for judgment as to the nature of the Moros. The bigotry therefore was generated from
the Spanish abomination of the Moors who had ruled them for about 800 years. BACKGROUND

The Spanish campaign against the Moros was not carried only in the battlefield. In the The Muslims have always had their steam fueled by an unbreakable Islamic dogma and a
christianized areas where they had lorded it over and where their words were the law, they keenly claimed right version of history. Islamic teachings dictate that Muslims in an adver-
primed the minds of the Indios that the Moros were the natural enemies of the Christians. sarial situation with a non-Muslim majority that happens to orchestrate a form of religious
These were done during religious instruction, town rallies or assemblies; and through the
Moro-Moro, a theatrical presentation used to depict Spaniard-Moro encounters, with the suppression (hence, in a state of dar al harb) are enjoined to fight against the oppressors. For
Moros ending as the slay-worthy villains. The result was a mass hysteria triggered even this purpose, a total of 33 Qur’anic verses can be collated and all together made as bases for
by a mere mention of the word “moro”. All Christian natives also now had looked at the arriving at the why, when, how, who and even the prize of it; they are scattered as follows:
Muslims with indescribable hatred. They even became the core of Spanish warriors against a total of 7 verses in Surah II; 4 verses in Surah IV; 2 verses in S. VIII; 9 verses in S. IX;
these erstwhile brothers of theirs, and per dictation from their Spanish masters, they carried 3 verses in S. XXII; 5 verses in S. XLII; 2 verses in S. XLVII; and 1 verse in S. XLVIII.
out similar ferocity, relishing merciless massacres, and even chained and branded the Mus- Therefore, in the Philippines non-Muslims should not wonder why Muslims have always
lims in captivity. Corollary to this, if the prejudiced Max Soliven (may he rest in peace) of resisted against all invaders, right since Magellan alighted in these islands up until now. And
the Philippine Star were any smarter, he should not have written this line in his column of elsewhere in the Islamic world where a semblance of suppression is done, similar Muslim
April 12, 2000: “Remember the attitude of the Moro fundamentalists who’ve been taught reactions are observed, with some even done so extensively that the West calls them “acts
to hate Christians from infancy—and that slaying of Christian infidel is the fastest passport of terrorism”.
to paradise.” This superannuated guy had apparently confused the cause and the effect in
the issue. Rightfully the confrontational status is to last till victory (when dar al harb is transformed to
(To be continued) dar al Islam), or a total defeat (when the Muslims get subjugated and have no choice but to
submit to the oppressors and accept conversion, which has never happened). - Gikap 12...

18 11
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
In between, a state of war or, at least, non-recog- hide its head ala-ostrich from the eagle
nition, exists. eyes of the OIC, hence assuring itself Understanding Sulu Sultanate: A culture of peace Part III
ample oil supplies from the oil-rich Datu Albi A. Julkarnain
Defense of Islam as used here goes much beyond Muslim countries, a shrewdness the OIC
the realm of Islam as a religion that serves as a unfortunately seems not to mind at all. SAYYID ABU BAKR
source of the knowledge of God (Ma’arifa). Is- It is quite obvious that the attitude of each of Hadramaut, Yemen, Arabia:
lam is a way of life, hence, defense encompasses side does not fit quite well into the other
the community, family, home and land, as well as for the peace machinery to purr well. The Based from the ancient “Khutbah” [Sermon delivered at “Salat ul-Jama’ah” or congrega-
traditional, political and cultural values already insistence of the so-called peace wizards tional prayer], Sayyid Abu Bakr was described as a valiant and handsome Prince, intelligent,
so instilled in the Muslims’ hearts and minds even to keep on adopting similar stance only wise, learned in “Figh” [Islamic jurisprudence], master of his age and time, and kindled light
if they might have been originally pre-Islamic. translates to making nincompoops out of of Allah [God]. He was a direct descendant of Sayyidina Hussein, the grandson of Prophet
us, and will be for a very long time with- Muhammad, s.a.w.. Sayyid Abu Bakr was a native of the city of Tarim, Hadramaut, Yemen,
RELIGIOUS SUPPRESSION ? out the necessary change. Southern Arabia. He was left behind in his homeland when his father, Sayyid Ali Zainal
Abirin emigrated earlier to Johore, Malay Peninsula.
The government’s (or the majority’s) posture has However, people with a panoramic view
always been as unbending and firmly established (especially history writers) readily rec- In a related historical record, Sulu genealogy narrates that Sayyid Ali Zainal Abirin
because of the belief that the constitution should ognize religion as the prime mover of was able to convert many natives of Johore to Islam faith. He got married to Princess Jusue
be adhered to (in spite of its being originally both sides in the conflict. There are Pe- Asiqin, the daughter of Sultan Thul-Karmayin of Johore whom he begot another son named
Christian-influenced, not to mention dictated). ter Gordon Gowing, T.J.S. George, Lila Sayyid [Sharief] Muhammad Kabungsuan, the founder of the Islamic state of Maguindanao
Then a mindset that has remained noncompli- Noble and Kenneth Bauzon, who can Sultanate.
ant because of Hispanic zealotry and an adopted guide us in recalling our historical past
value that denies a rectification of historical er- and making this outlook sink into our Sayyid Abu Bakr was a well known “Ahlul Bait” scholar, coming from the school
ror both give a strong support to the stiff claim thoughts. of Sufism [teaching of Islamic Mysticism]. Before he came to Lupah Sug [Sulu mainland],
that dismemberment of the country should never Sayyid Abu Bakr passed at Malacca and Johore where he visited his family thereat before
be allowed. Apparently this is based on the belief PRE-SPANISH ERA: The Islamization proceeding to Indonesia, Brunei, and finally made his way to Bwansa village, Lupah Sug.
that this country has been legally and historically Process According to Sulu “Tarsila” [genealogical narrations], Sayyid Abu Bakr arrived at the sea-
solid right from the start, which is precisely not shore of Bwansa Ummah or village just after the sundown, and the first thing he did was
The pre-Spanish people of these islands to perform the “Magrib” prayer to the amazement of the on-lookers. His arrival at Bwansa
right, as what the Muslims have been trying to had themselves socially organized into
put across. village was estimated at about the last quarter of 13th century. Rajah Baginda, the ruler of
small baranggay communities under the Bwansa village welcomed the arrival of Sayyid Abu Bakr to their place and invited him to
leadership of a village elder, or a datu’. stay in his palace.
The historical basis is actually not difficult to The society was kinship-based and hi-
discern, but the government people, represent- erarchical, and had broad common cul-
ing the interest of the majority, have their minds The shore of Jolo town, near to Buansa
tural traits. This being observed to be While staying at Bwansa village, Sayyid Abu Bakr spent his time preaching and
influenced by the Spanish dictum that grew out of the general pattern in all settlements, it
bigotry, and which in itself was rooted upon the spreading Islam to the natives of the kinder land of Lupah Sug who have not yet embraced
is fair to conclude that the communities the faith. He also taught others how to teach Islam religion, and built more houses, locally
Spanish hostility towards the Moors. had something common to hold onto in called “Langgal” for worship in different places at Lupah Sug. He introduced a systematic
terms of needs for some tactical alli- method in the teaching on how to write and read the “Al-Qur’an”, and “Hadith” [the saying
The psyche that maintains the attitude of each ance. Of course there were baranggay-
side—which recognizes the other as the enemy— of the Prophet]. Due to his expertise in “Fiqh” [Islamic jurisprudence], Rajah Baginda ap-
to-baranggay variations in terms of legal pointed him member of his Royal Court.
guarantees a sure flop of any solution born out codes, literary and artistic traditions and
of pretexts, and whose purpose is only to render trading conventions (T.J.S. George). The
a first-aid treatment of a chronic sore. For, while Sayyid Abu Bakr soon married the charming daughter of Rajah Baginda named
general set-up would prove to be com- “Dayang-Dayang” [Princess] Paramisuli. Out of their wedlock, they begot three (3) chil-
the Muslims’ continuum of resistance has been patible with Islamic religious patterns
kept alive by the obligatory antagonism to any dren, namely: Alauddin, Putri Sarip, and Kamaluddin. Sayyid Abu Bakr handed down the
(Bauzon). But even before the coming of most valuable cultural heritage of the Muslim Ummah in Sulu, and what the present genera-
religious suppression, the government side all Islam, the people were known to have a
along has refused to admit that the animosity has tion of Tau-sugs described it as “Bin Sin Kamaasan”.
concept of the Supreme Creator.
been engendered by the difference in religion,
or more precisely, by the emotions that go along Due to old age, Rajah Baginda resolved to step down ruling the government affairs of
Islam was introduced to Sulu initially by Bwansa village, and entrusted it to his Son-In-Law, Sayyid Abu Bakr. Through his wisdom,
with it. Why the government adopted such atti- Tuwan Masha’ika before the 13th cen-
tude regarding this issue is, at the most, ambigu- Sayyid Abu Bakr envisioned the leadership in Lupah Sug on the consciousness of God’s
tury. His marriage to Idda Indira Suga, vicegerent. To carry out his vision, he introduced the government of Saudi Arabia as the
ous. Some have conjectured that it avoids being Raja Sipad’s daughter (Saleeby), started
accused of religious intolerance, permitting it to model of the structure of government of Lupah Sug. [To be continued.]
the strings of Muslim - Gikap 13

12 17
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam

extent that, even the Christianized Indios who subsequently revolted, had hated the Span- generations that propagated in Sulu. However, Islam became more understood and estab
iards so much that in disposing three friars they had captured in Imus, one was doused with lished when Karimul Makhdum arrived in Sulu in 1380 (Saleeby). The two Muslim teachers,
petroleum, another was cut into pieces and the third one pierced through his body with a but more especially the Makhdum, have been considered Awliya’ or Sufists, who were also
bamboo split (George). called Ahlul Suluk or People of the Path (Al-Attas, The Mysticism of Hamza Fansuri) and
Hispanization was done side by side with the conversion of the natives to Catholicism. With who included the subsequent Sufi teachers who arrived to teach, from which term Suluk or
military force as the Spanish winning factor, a big portion of the northern people became Sulu sprang, which later transformed to Suk and Sug (Bangahan).
Christianized, becoming the so-called Indios. A clear sectarian line effectively dichotomized
the natives, with the unconverted and unconquered half pejoratively called Moros because of It has been claimed by Muslim chroniclers that Islam was welcomed with joy and relief
their similarity in religious fervor with the once-Spanish-tormentors, the Moors, for whom (George). Najeeb Saleeby even quoted a manuscript that showed that the people were very
the Spaniards still had a built-in wrath. impressed by the visitors’ supernatural ability. Islam then spread and made Sulu a major
trading partner of the maritime powers at that time. In fact when the first Sultan, Shariful
The naming of the conquered portion of the islands Filipinas (from Felipe) or its anglicized Hashim, set the Sultanate of Sulu in the middle of the 15th century, Sulu became an Islamic
form Philippines, was passionately motivated by the basic drive to Christianize. Philip was power while at this time Manila and Cebu were still in a struggling stage.
like an icon of Catholicism, and impressing his name on everything and everyone the Span-
iards had conquered amounted to a catholic trade marking. Incidentally, the spin-off term Bauzon in his book, “Liberalism and the Quest for Islamic Identity in the Philippines”, ex-
Filipino to refer to the people was first applied to the full bloodied Spaniards born in the plains that the facility with which the ancient people had embraced Islam was due to the
Philippines (which would correspond to the Creoles). This later included the half-breeds, and adaptation of the religion to their customs and traditions, which means that Islam did not
finally, the Indios. The parameter that would qualify one to be called Filipinos was obviously attempt to make drastic changes. The original social set-up, the baranggay, became the root
the Catholic religion. The unchristianized people, as one can see, were never called Filipinos. of the sultanate through confederation, and made them generate into an Ummah in the land,
Going by the context, therefore, we do not qualify nor deserve to be called one, for we do which brought them pride to declare the area as dar al Islam. This engendered kinship and
not belong. In fact, as claimed by Bauzon, the term Filipino, more than anything, formalized sense of brotherhood with other Muslims in the world and made Islam an ideology. Sulu na-
the psychological, cultural and political division between the two peoples. It would therefore tion evolved and had all the makings of sovereignty.
follow that between Magellan and Lapu-Lapu, the former had better bases for claiming prox-
imity to the Filipinos; Lapu-Lapu never had any. THE COMING OF THE SPANIARDS

Perhaps the basis for the subsequent encompassing of the unchristianized natives by the There is no doubt that the passion for Catholicism was the primary drive behind the Spanish
colonization. We can trace this to Charles I and Ferdinand Magellan and later to Charles’ son
term Filipino was the illicit sale of the Philippines to the Americans by the Spaniards, but Philip II and Legazpi. When Charles became the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1519,
which included even the unconquered area, which was not a vassalage of Spain. The sale, in he assumed that he was an instrument chosen by the Almighty to promote the supremacy of
effect, illegally subsumed the latter. For US$20 million, the Americans gladly consummated the Catholic Church (George). So when Magellan set his sail after obtaining the patronage
the transaction as embodied in the Treaty of Paris, never mind if the Moro portion was not of Charles, his mission was appropriately to check Muslim sea power in Africa and India.
legally part of it. Were it not for military coerciveness, no amount of stretching the moral In Cebu, he initiated the conversion of the local leaders and men into the Catholic faith.
and legal flexibility could make that anomalous sale binding because it involved “some com- Then he met Lapu-Lapu, who resented his cross and interferences and caused him his death.
modities that were not part of the commerce”. Therefore, historically and religiously, and (There are some claims to the big probability that Lapu-Lapu was Muslim, or at least Islam-
morally and legally, the unchristianized areas and peoples were not Filipinized. conscious).
Charles’ passion, however, was nothing in comparison to that of his son Philip, who gener-
The new Whites had their own shrewd plan on how to subjugate the Muslims, whom they ated rigidity and tyranny and was ruthless with non-Catholics, earning him the monicker
compared to their Indians back home but were looked with more disdain. “The only good “Black Legend” among the protestant countries. In spite of his Catholic zealotry, he married
Indian is a dead Indian” shifted to a new battlecry: “The only good Moro is a dead Moro”. four times, according to T.J.S. George.
The Moros confronted the new white oppressors with similar determination as they did the
Spaniards, for to them these Americans were just new replacements in the same team, and Legazpi, Philip’s explorer, recognized Manila as the target instead of Cebu when he arrived
no new rules were set in the game. Meanwhile, the Americans started with their own brand in 1565, for the place would make an ideal command post. The Manila Muslim ruler, Rajah
of inferno which the Moros fought hard against with whatever they could, producing unsung Sulayman, would not submit, but nonetheless welcomed Legazpi and his men with dignity,
Moro heroes and writing Moro history that have not been fully brought to light because of which had led into a friendship that was solemnly established through a blood compact.
the distortion the white people have effectively crafted.
This would prove to be one of the antecedents of treachery between Spaniards and Muslims,
WHY THE CONTINUED RESISTANCE for before even the blood used in the compact could dry up, Legazpi sprang to attack Rajah
Sulayman and conquered Manila, forcing the people into Catholicism. Ironically, treachery
What moves a Muslim to pursue a prolonged and continuous resistance, by tradition, is as a dishonor has never been imputed to Legazpi or the Spaniards by those western writers;
primarily the defense of his religion and his family honor and dignity (Martabbat), and this always the Muslims were being unfairly called the traitors, even if theirs were just reactions
would last for as long as necessary. As described earlier, this is a comprehensive defense that in a tooth-for-a-tooth confrontations. Yet, from these events, and generally during the Span-
is bolstered not just by values but also by Qur’anic dogma. - Gikap 18 ... ish occupation, the Spaniards were primarily the merciless ones to the - Gikap 16 ...

16 13
The First Publication of the Sulu Sultanate Darul Islam
If the coconut milk have been added, add
Langan Pusaka’ LIFESTYLE salt, pounded chili pepper and sugar.
Leave the frying pan to boil maximum of 10
LUPA’ SUG Ingredients: decrease (not dry), before pouring coconut
DUGU’ PUSAKA’ Nelson Singson Dino
1 kg. cleaned stingray meat milk into i t. To make sure before adding

Sh. Aliazer Sh. Abdurajim
Lupa’ Sug in gulalan, Onion - 1 pc coconut milk check the flesh of the stingray
Dugu’ ku, biya’ da kaniyu hula’ sin gagandilan meat first, if it is separated from its bone.
Pula in walna’ Nagbunu ha pantayan, Garlic - 5 cloves
wayi atu’ pagataykuran Ginger - 2 thumbs Source:
Nanugpati kabuhi’ ku

Sh. Aliazer Sh. Abdurajim

Ha laum hilu’ hala’ Kakaun Sug: Beond Recipes Manuscript
Lupa’ Sug in ngan, Tumeric - 2 thumbs
Nagsubangan sadlupan taga pamarinta Sultan Black pepper
bakas tanug Daing ha kaawwal sin jaman
Dugu ku’ dimagan way diyaug nagbawgbug Iman, Lemongrass - 2 pcs.
Indaginis manglungkup nagtuman kawajiban Salt to taste
way nakaraug Chili pepper
Islam in piyamaggut hinang bawgbug Lupa’ Sug nabantug
tau niya maisug Sugar - 1/2 tablespoon
Dugu’ ku Pusaka’ Misan muti’ in bukug
Iyanughara’ sin Tuhan ayaw in tikud-tikud Vinegar
pa bangsa ku Coconut - 1/2 (to be burned)
Wiyawalnaan pula, Lupa’ Sug kiyabubuhan
isug nakabidda’ sin dugu Bayan-buddiman Coconut Milk - 1 Liter
Pangaddatan sasanglitun Nagpatindug sin Islam
duun limatta’ daing ha karna sin Tuhan
Lungbu’ ba’gu bati na kamu Lupa’ Sug kalasahan
Daing ha kahapungan tau niya di pagkarapatan Astana’ ha Maimbung
sin katilibut niyu Daing naman ha pagbunuan Slice the cleaned stingray meat into cubes.
sambil pa pangaddatan Wash the sliced meat cubes with vinegar
Adlaw ini dugu’ ayari, Cut the onion and peel the ginger, garlic
Kunsum dawhatun in adlaw ba’gu Lupa’ Sug dayahan hinang pangusahan
sin Kastila Melikan, and turmeric
September 23, 2008 Siyunuran sin Jipun
Kg. Bahagia sumubli kumawa untung burn the coconut
Pound the ginger, turmeric, black pepper,
Lupa’ Sug kakilahan
hula’ sin Ilmuan burned coconut, and garlic separately with
Bangsa kalulumanan pestle on mortar.
sin hula’ kaibanan
Mix pounded ginger, turmeric, and burned
Lupa’ Sug kaibugan coconut with sliced meat.
Sin hula’ ha sadlupan Heat the frying pan and put a little cook-
pasal sin kakayaan ing oil. Independence Message
Lupa’ Sug mabarakat Put the onion first on the hot frying pan be-
janji tuhan di’ maukat fore garlic, ginger, black pepper, and lem-
Tau niya mamartabbat
mawupakkat in niyat ongrass
Sauté the onion, garlic, and ginger until
Lupa’ Sug piyapata
matakaddam sin mata they turn to reddish.
Piyusaka pa huling bata bat Place the mixture meat on the sauté spices.
kahanungan masampulna
Do not mix first the meat and sauté spices.
Read in/written for the Sulu Union of Student Councils - Leadership Cover the frying pan.
Congress at Suba’ Datu Beach Resort, Indanan, Sulu, September 2003 in
the celebration of Anniversary of Sulu Public Governance. Make sure the water produced by the meat

14 15

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