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Appendix F

Diagnostics - Cancer Services Action Plan

Project Lead: Sarah Hodder

Today's Date: 11/4/2017 (vertical red line)

Start Date: 6/25/2013 (Tue) 0

Days Remaining
Duration (Days)

Days Complete
% Complete
RAG WBS Tasks Task Lead Start End
Diagnostics Directorate Actions
- 1 Pathway Analysis 02/07/13 31/08/13 60 0% 0 60
1.1 Analysis of clinic/theatre slots v need for diagnostic reports e.g. theatres on a Carina Hume, Chris 02/07/13 31/08/13 60 0% 0 60
Friday for diagnosis by the following Thursday when no 7/7 diagnostic support Vanstone
over the weekend to begin analysis

Imaging specific actions

- 2 Cancer Services Demand vs Capacity 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 0 36
2.1 Review data regarding the demand from cancer services vs Radiology capacity Graham Bishop, 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 100% 36 0
Sarah Hodder
2.2 Drill down into initial data and identify any planned cases and split down by Heather Morgan 08/07/13 31/07/13 23 0% 0 23
- 3 Departmental Demand and Capacity Planning for Tumour Sites 25/06/13 31/08/13 17 0 17
3.1 Explore carving out slots for cancer patients and/or provide new capacity, e.g Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 08/07/13 13 100% 13 0
use of mobile, extended working day Richard Thomas
3.2 CT/MRI/US to provide figures for additional hours/support they need to clear Katie Theedom, 08/07/13 12/07/13 4 100% 4 0
existing waits and then maintain 7 days for cancer patients Sarah Crocker,
Janet French

3.3 Produce briefing paper incorporating information form 2.2 that outlines Chris Vanstone, 12/07/13 26/07/13 14 25% 3 11
investment required to increase capacity safely to support 7 day turnaround - Sarah Hodder
need to review funding available to support this

3.4 Demand management review by clinical divisions to ensure all referrals are via Cancer 25/06/13 Ongoing
appropriate and to understand the changes in practice to explain significant Performance
increases seen in some cancer referrals e.g. increase in MRI referrals from 60 to Group??
800 in a year - linked to 1.1 and data analysis

- 4 Patient Bookings/Referral On the Day Patients are seen in Clinic 25/06/13 31/08/13 67 0 67
4.1 Review CRIS notification - Meeting scheduled 22/7. Simon Harries, 08/07/13 22/07/13 14 0% 0 14
Margaret Huntly
4.2 Implement CRIS notification Margaret Huntly 22/07/13 31/08/13 40
4.3 LG working on US auto vetting. Education of referrers also required Lucy Gill 08/07/13 31/08/13 54 0% 0 54
4.4 Introduction of patient booking slips (post clinic patient visit to collect Heather Morgan 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 0% 0 36
appointment date)
4.5 Dedicated booking clerk for cancer referrals - a point of contact within the team Heather Morgan 25/06/13 31/08/13 67 100% 67 0
who will coordinate patient bookings made via clinic
4.6 Work to be done on establishing "abuse" of orange cards and addressing with Heather Morgan, 08/07/13 31/07/13 23 0% 0 23
relevant referring teams (admin team to referrer and consultant to consultant) Simon Harries

4.6 Additional booking clerk to work twilight (5-8) to phone patients who have been Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 31/08/13 67 50% 33 34
referred to confirm appointments and fill cancellation slots. Evening deemed Heather Morgan
more successful for catching patients at home/on their mobile - need to review
funding for these additional hours

- 5 Patient Referrals 25/06/13 31/08/13 67 0 67

5.1 Education of appropriate referrals and prep time, e.g CT & PC min prep. Simon Harries, Katie 25/06/13 19/07/13 24 0% 0 24
Theedom, Sarah
5.2 Review process for prep based appointments - timing/who is requesting, Chris Vanstone 08/07/13 31/08/13 54 0% 0 54
appropriateness, can these be streamlined
5.3 Make clear to referrers that orange cards/ "7" on Ordercomms is for new Simon Harries 25/06/13 Ongoing 0 0
5.4 Provision of a list of cancer clinics Monday - Friday (SEH to seek information Heather Morgan, 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 0% 0 36
from GM re weekly cancer clinics timetable) Sarah Hodder
5.5 Issue 'best practice' communique to call tumour sites that incorporates Chris Vanstone, 13/07/13 31/07/13
information from 3.6, 4.1, 4.3 Heather Morgan
- 6 Pathway Improvement 25/06/13 31/08/13 0 0
6.1 Tumour site specific pathways (needs consultant approval, linked to vetting) Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 31/08/13 67 0% 0 67
Richard Thomas
6.2 Radiation protection input needed regarding pathways where vetting would not Chris Vanstone 08/07/13 31/08/13 54 0% 0 54
be required
6.3 Explore introduction of a designated reporting radiologist - this has been Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 12/07/13 17 100% 17 0
reviewed but as the radiologists specialise this would be difficult to fulfil. Richard Thomas
- 7 One Stop Clinics 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 20% 7 29
7.1 Explore one stop clinics for head and neck Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 0% 0 36
Katie Theedom,
Sarah Crocker,
Appendix F

7.2 One stop clinics for Haematuria - in place Chris Vanstone, 25/06/13 08/07/13 13 100% 13 0
Janet French
7.3 Assess utilisation of haematuria slots available v used Chris Vanstone 08/07/13 31/07/13 23
7.4 Explore one stop clinics for thyroid Chris Vanstone, 08/07/13 31/07/13 23 0% 0 23
Janet French
- 8 OCS 25/06/13 12/07/13 0% 0 0
8.1 Mandate use of OCS for all cancer referrals, ensuring priority 7 is selected Sarah Hodder, Gail 25/06/13 31/07/13 36 0% 0 36
appropriately Marsden
Histology specific actions
- 9 Results Process Histology Results to MDT Coordinators 11/01/13 01/06/13 260 70% 183 77
9.1 System Requirement Gathering Steve Creamer 11/01/13 12/01/13 1 100% 1 0
9.2 Histology System Design Steve Creamer 14/01/13 17/01/13 3 100% 3 0
9.3 Implementation Pilot Phase 1 Steve Creamer 15/01/13 19/04/13 94 100% 94 0
9.4 Implementation Pilot Phase 2 Steve Creamer 16/04/13 03/05/13 17 100% 17 0
9.5 Implementation Pilot Phase 3 Steve Creamer 20/05/13 19/06/13 30 93% 27 3
9.6 Implementation Pilot Phase 4 Steve Creamer 29/07/13 09/08/13 11 0% 0 11
9.7 Completion/Close Down Steve Creamer 27/09/13 28/09/13 1 0% 0 1
- 10 Results Process Ongoing Processes 02/07/13 31/07/13 272 0% 0 272
10.1 Explore ability to extend the contract for SC to cover additional development Carina Hume, 02/07/13 31/07/13 29 0% 0 29
work (approx 6 months) Christian Hamilton
10.2 Explore how to maintain new results system beyond SC contract Carina Hume, 30/09/13 31/03/14 182 0% 0 182
Christian Hamilton
- 11 Pathway Improvement 01/10/13 31/03/14 181 0% 0 181
11.1 Cancer pathway mapping to incorporate histology and specific 'breaching' Steve Creamer 01/10/13 31/03/14 181 0% 0 181
tumour sites v cancer type e.g. timeline for histology to MDT meeting
- 12 Department Operations 01/10/13 TBC 91 0% 0 91
12.1 Look in to the costs and feasibility of 6 day working in Histology Carina Hume 01/10/13 31/12/13 91 0% 0 91
- 5 Key Performance Indicators/Turnaround Times 01/09/13 31/10/13 60 0% 0 60
5.1 Publish Histology KPI data internally for RDE/tumour site review Carina Hume 01/09/13 31/10/13 60 0% 0 60
6.1 Publish histology turnaround times to understand patient level delays Carina Hume 01/09/13 31/10/13 60 0% 0 60

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