ROS-dependent Anticandidal Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Using Egg Albumen As A Biotemplate

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ROS-dependent anticandidal activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized by using egg

albumen as a biotemplate

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2013 Adv. Nat. Sci: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 035015


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Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 (11pp) doi:10.1088/2043-6262/4/3/035015

ROS-dependent anticandidal activity of

zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized by
using egg albumen as a biotemplate
M Shoeb1 , Braj R Singh1 , Javed A Khan1 , Wasi Khan1 , Brahma N Singh2 ,
Harikesh B Singh3 and Alim H Naqvi1
Centre of Excellence in Materials Science (Nanomaterials), Department of Applied Physics,
Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Research and Development Division, Sowbhagya Biotech Private Limited, Cherlapally, Hyderabad 500
051, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received 11 February 2013

Accepted for publication 5 June 2013
Published 1 July 2013
Online at

Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) have attracted great attention because of their superior
optical properties and wide application in biomedical science. However, little is known about
the anticandidal activity of ZnO NPs against Candida albicans (C. albicans). This study was
designed to develop the green approach to synthesize ZnO NPs using egg white (denoted as
EtZnO NPs) and investigated its possible mechanism of antimicrobial activity against
C. albicans 077. It was also notable that anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs is correlated with
reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a dose dependent manner. Protection of histidine
against ROS clearly suggests the implication of ROS in anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs.
This green approach based on egg white-mediated synthesis of ZnO NPs paves the way for
developing cost effective, eco-friendly and promising antimicrobial nanomaterial for
applications in medicine.
Keywords: nanoparticles, Candida albicans, anticandidal, ROS
Classification numbers: 2.05, 4.02

1. Introduction makes it crucial to find new alternatives to currently available

drugs. Possible innovative strategies encompass the inhibition
The brutality of antifungal drugs in pharmacotherapy has of C. albicans growth through the use of nanomaterials.
led to the development of widespread multidrug resistance Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) are being widely
(MDR) in Candida albicans [1, 2]. Unfortunately, most of used in health care commercial products due to their unique
these drugs, being chemical in nature and having bulk form, properties such as UV light absorption, and being catalytic,
are too reactive and unsuitable for human use [3]. With semi-conducting, magnetic and antimicrobial [68]. ZnO NPs
the rising toxicity and development of MDR in C. albicans exhibit unique characteristics that may completely differ
isolates, the search for new medical treatments beyond from bulk-sized ZnO materials in terms of higher proportion
conventional antifungal drugs has become a key aim of public of atoms on the surface of nano-sized materials, light
health research [4, 5]. The failure of drugs to control infection absorption, electronic band gap, and being catalytic and
antimicrobial compared to bulk-sized ones [711]. Therefore,
Content from this work may be used under the terms of owing to the large surface-to-volume ratio, ZnO NPs give
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the
rise to high reactivity towards biological responses [12, 13].
title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Numerous studies suggest that ZnO particles with different

2043-6262/13/035015+11$33.00 1 2013 Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Systematic representation of synthesis of EtZnO NPs. (a) Synthesis method of EtZnO NPs and (b) mechanistic aspect of the
synthesis of EtZnO NPs using egg albumen as a biotemplate.

sizes and shapes have different degrees of antimicrobial exploring the potential of ZnO NPs as a source of smart and
activities [12, 1417]. ZnO NPs also have excellent stability, functional materials. To date, numerous distinct molecules
robustness, biocompatibility and longer shelf life compared such as tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO), sodium dodecyl
to other antimicrobial agents [12, 18]. Although the toxic sulfate (SDS), polyoxyethylene stearyl ether (Brij-76), bovine
impact of ZnO NPs on living cells has been proved, relatively serum albumin (BSA) and citric acid have been used to
low concentrations of ZnO NPs are non-toxic to eukaryotic control the size and shape of ZnO NPs during synthesis
cells [1822]. Consequently, ZnO NPs are believed to be [11, 32]. In recent years, researchers have begun to use natural
non-toxic, biosafe and have been used as drug carriers bioresource with excellent biocompatibility as a template
cosmetics and fillings in medical materials [13, 18, 23, 24]. for the synthesis of nanomaterials. However, information
Multiple lines of evidence propose that ZnO NPs about mechanisms of antimicrobial potential of ZnO NPs
increase oxidative stress through excess production of reactive synthesized via egg albumen acting as a template is not
oxygen species (ROS), namely hydroxyl radicals ( OH) and available. There is thus a need to identify a novel class of
singlet oxygen (1 O2 ), which dominantly contribute to the biocompatible anticandidal ZnO NPs, which could present
antimicrobial activity of ZnO NPs [12, 19, 2528]. Other us with new opportunities for the development of safe and
mechanisms such as cytoplasmic membrane disruption and effective antibiotic drugs for treating C. albicans [33, 34]. In
electrostatic binding of ZnO NPs to the cell surface of the present investigation we synthesized anticandidal ZnO NPs
microbial pathogen have been reported [19, 27]. Although using egg albumen as a biotemplate.
many controversies have been raised on the mechanistic
aspects of the antimicrobial activity of ZnO NPs, recently
2. Experimental details
the production of ROS governed by the electronic band gap
property of metal-oxide NPs were considered to trigger the 2.1. Materials
actual mechanism [28]. The electronic band gap property
of ZnO NPs is influenced by the structural parameters (size Zinc acetate, potassium bromide, ammonia and other
and pH) and carrier molecule concentrations [29, 30]. The chemicals were procured from SRL, India. Sabourauds
debate in the scientific community continues in determining dextrose (SD) nutrient media for the cultivation of C.
exact mechanisms that give rise to the antimicrobial properties albicans 077 were obtained from the HiMedia Laboratories,
of ZnO NPs. Therefore, a fundamental understanding on Mumbai, India. 2,7-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA)
electronic band gap property of ZnO NPs becomes crucial to and histidine were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis,
the tailoring of the new antimicrobial metal oxide NPs and Missouri, USA). All other chemicals used were of the highest
effectively reduces experimental testing cost. purity available from commercial sources.
The properties of ZnO NPs are strongly dependent on
their morphology and the size of the crystal [31]. Morphology 2.2. Synthesis of ZnO NPs
and size can play a key role in many optoelectronic
and antimicrobial applications. Therefore developing a The synthesis of ZnO NPs using egg albumin as a biotemplate
shape-controlled ZnO NPs synthesis method is crucial for (denoted as EtZnO NPs) was performed according to the

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

method of Nouroozi and Farzaneh [35]. In brief, freshly 2.4. Assessment of anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs
extracted 20 ml of egg albumens (5 mg ml1 ) were prepared in
2.4.1. Growth condition. Clinical isolate of C. albicans 077
mixed milli-Q (MQ) water and mixed drop-wise into 80 ml of
was obtained from Department of Microbiology, JN Medical
aqueous zinc acetate [Zn(CH3 COOH)2 2H2 O] solution. The
College, Aligarh, UP, India. Stock culture was maintained on
mixture was stirred for 10 min at room temperature to form
slants of SD agar (containing dextrose 40 g l1 , mycological,
the colloidal solution. The colloidal solution was precipitated
peptone 10 g l1 and agar 15 g l1 ) at 4 C. The primary
by the addition of ammonia (NH3 ) at pH 7.0 and centrifuged
culture of the C. albicans 077 was prepared from the stock
at 5000 rpm for 10 min and twice washed with the MQ water.
slant into the SD broth medium and incubated at 37 C for
The washed material was collected and dried in the vacuum
48 h (stationary phase, 108 cfu ml1 ). The primary culture
oven and grounded into a fine powder (figure 1(a)). The
(1 ml) was re-inoculated into the 50 ml fresh SD broth
obtained dried powder was subjected to sintering at 500 C
and grown for 12 h up to mid-log phase (105 cfu ml1 )
for 3 h and synthesized EtZnO NPs were stored in a dry and
at 37 C. All experiments were performed from the mid-log
dark place until further use (figure 1(b)).
phase (105 cfu ml1 ) freshly grown C. albicans 077 culture
in triplicates.
2.3. Characterization of EtZnO NPs
The x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the powdered 2.4.2. Agar disc diffusion assay. For agar disc diffusion
sample were recorded on a MiniFlexTM II benchtop XRD assay, 5 ml mid-log phase grown of C. albicans 077 was
system (Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) operating at centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 min at 4 C. Then, the pellet
40 kV [36]. For the morphological analysis, transmission was washed with 1 phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and
electron microscopy (TEM) of aqueous EtZnO NPs was resuspended in 500 l normal saline solution (NSS). A
carried out on JEOL 100/120 kV TEM (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) 100 ml of the suspended cells were spread uniformly on
with an accelerating voltage of 80 kV. Briefly, a drop of SD agar plates and the plates were incubated at 37 C for
aqueous EtZnO NPs was placed on the carbon coated 30 min. The seeded petri plates were used for loading various
copper grid and air dried under dark. The elemental analysis concentrations of EtZnO NPs (0, 5, 10 and 15 g ml1 ) onto
was determined using the Oxford Instruments INCAx-sight the pre-sterilized filter paper discs. The petri plates were
energy dispersive x-ray (EDAX) spectrometer equipped incubated at 37 C for 40 h, after that zone of inhibition was
TEM. Thin film of the EtZnO NPs was prepared on the recorded.
borosilicate glass slide for the analysis of surface morphology.
The prepared thin film was analyzed on the atomic force 2.4.3. In vitro killing assay. Cell suspension of C. albicans
microscope (AFM) Innova SPM Veeco in tapping mode. 077 was obtained similarly as described in the agar disc
Commercial etched silicon tips as scanning probes with diffusion assay and suspension (100 l) was dispensed
typical resonance frequency of 300 Hz (RTESP, Veeco) into the 96-well microtiter plate in triplicates. Various
were used. The microscope was placed on a pneumatic concentrations of EtZnO NPs (0, 5, 10 and 15 g ml1 )
anti-vibration desk under a damping cover and analysis was diluted in sterile SD broth medium were added and incubated
performed using SPM Lab software. The electron, EDAX and at 37 C for 2 h. The whole suspension of the plate wells was
AFM images were obtained and converted into an enhanced spread on the SD agar plate and incubated at 37 C for 40 h.
meta file format. For the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Anticandidal activity was detected by the dose dependent
spectroscopic measurements, the EtZnO NPs powder was reduction in cfu ml1 .
mixed with spectroscopic grade potassium bromide (KBr) in
the ratio of 1:100 and spectra were recorded in the range 2.4.4. Growth kinetics assay. To see the effect of EtZnO NPs
of wavenumber of 4004000 cm1 on Perkin Elmer FTIR on the growth kinetics of C. albicans, 50 ml of SD broths
Spectrum BX (PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, CT, in individual flask were inoculated with 100 l of the NSS
USA) in the diffuse reflectance mode at a resolution of 4 cm1 suspended cells. Different concentrations of EtZnO NPs (0, 5,
in KBr pellets. 10 and 15 g ml1 ) to be tested were applied in the individual
The synthesis of EtZnO NPs in the solution was flask. The flasks were incubated at 37 C for 40 h and time
monitored by recoding the absorbance (A) using UVVis dependent growth kinetics were recorded turbidometrically at
spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer Life and Analytical A595 nm . The turbidity backgrounds induced by EtZnO NPs
Sciences, CT, USA) in the wavelength range of A200 were subtracted from the final reading.
to A800 nm . Fluorescence spectra were obtained on a
spectrofluorometer RF 540 (Shimadzu, Japan) with the 2.5. Measurement of intracellular ROS generation
sample placed in 1 cm path quartz cuvette with excitation
wavelength 370 nm. The thermal stability of the EtZnO NPs The produced intracellular ROS was measured using
was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) (Sieco 2,7dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) [37]. The
SII, SSC5100, Instrument) at a heating rate of 10 C min1 DCFH-DA passively enters the cell where it reacts with ROS
under nitrogen atmosphere. The dispersal of EtZnO NPs in to form highly fluorescent dichlorofluorescein (DCF). Briefly,
SD broth medium and MQ water were stored for 40 h and 90 DCFH-DA (10 mM) stock solution in methanol (HPLC
days, respectively, and the A370 nm were measured regularly grade) was diluted in culture medium to yield a working
to ascertain their stability. solution (100 M). At the end of exposure, C. albicans 077

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)


Figure 2. EtZnO NPs structural characterizations. (a) XRD patterns of EtZnO NPs were recorded in the range of 2080 of 2 angles.
XRD pattern of EtZnO NPs depicted the well-resolved diffraction peaks of the crystalline wurtzite particles structure. (b) SEM of EtZnO
depicts the microstructure EtZnO NPs. (c) The EDAX spectrum proves the elemental composition of as-synthesized EtZnO NPs. (d) EDAX
map indicates the presence of Zn and O. (e) TEM of EtZnO depicts the NPs structure. (f) 2D and (g) 3D atomic force micrographs illustrate
the nanostructure of as- synthesized EtZnO NPs, respectively.

cells were washed twice with ice-cold 1 PBS and then Then, a 200 l of supernatant was transferred to the other
incubated in 1 ml of working solution of DCFH-DA at 37 C fresh well of microtiter plate and fluorescence was measured
for 30 min. The C. albicans 077 cells were treated with at excitation of A485 nm and emission of A520 nm using a
different concentrations of EtZnO NPs for 40 h, lysed in microplate reader (Bio-Rad laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA,
alkaline solution and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. USA).

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al



% Transmittance 60 1



4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Figure 3. FTIR spectra of the EtZnO NPs (1) and hydrozincite (2).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4. EtZnO NPs optical and thermal characterizations. (a) Time dependent UVvisible absorption spectrum of EtZnO NPs
synthesized by using egg albumen as biotemplate (1) and pure egg albumen (2). The inset of the figure 1(a) depicts the formation of the
EtZnO NPs in the glass vial. (b) Tauc plot depicted the energy band gap of EtZnO NPs. (c) Concentration dependent fluorescence emission
spectra of EtZnO NPs. (d) Graph illustrates the TGA and DTA based thermal behavior of EtZnO NPs.

3. Results and discussion ( = 0.15418 nm). The data revealed that the well resolved
11 XRD peaks were obtained at 2 = 31.01 , 34.21 , 35.64 ,
3.1. Characterization of EtZnO NPs 47.10 , 56.02 , 62.15 , 65.68 , 67.51 , 69.01 , 72.08 and
76.24 which correspond to the crystal planes [100], [002],
3.1.1. Structural characterization. The crystal structure of [100], [102], [110], [103], [200], [112], [201], [004] and
EtZnO NPs was characterized by XRD with CuK radiation [202] of polycrystalline wurtzite structure (Zincite, JCPDS

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

(a) (b)

Figure 5. EtZnO NPs stability in SD broth medium and during storage. (a) The stability of EtZnO NPs (45 g ml1 ) in the SD broth culture
medium was monitored up to 40 h at 37 C through the change in UVvisible absorbance characteristics. (b) Demonstrates the stability of
the EtZnO NPs in MQ water during storage. The stability of EtZnO NPs in MQ water was monitored through the change in UVvisible
absorbance characteristics. The bar graph illustrates that there was no significant change in the absorbance characteristics of EtZnO NPs
(45 g ml1 ) up to the storage of 90 days at 25 C.

5-0664), respectively (figure 2(a)). The XRD data of EtZnO 511 cm1 , which corresponds to E2 mode of hexagonal ZnO
NPs indicated the absence of any impurities, which attested wurtzite structure [40]. The band at the position 511 cm1
its high quality. The average crystallite size (D) of EtZnO NPs reflects EtZnO NPs stretching frequency of ZnO bonds. The
was calculated following the DebyeScherrer formula intermediate product hydrozincite (without sintering) shows
the absorption band at 677 cm1 due to the presence of the
D= , hydroxide phase of the EtZnO NPs (figure 3). The sintering
B cos process also indicated the disappearance of the egg albumen
where constant 0.9 is the shape factor, is the x-ray signature peaks which confirmed its decomposition from
wavelength of CuK radiation (1.54 ), is the Bragg the EtZnO NPs. The comparative FTIR spectra confirmed
diffraction angle and is the full-width at half-maximum that the transformation of the hydroxide to the oxide phase
(FWHM) of the (101) plane diffraction peak. The calculated occurred during the sintering process of EtZnO NPs. The
average particle size was found to be 16 nm. bands at 1557 and 3452 cm1 were due to the stretching
The nanostructure of synthesized EtZnO NPs was frequency of hydroxyl groups of absorbed water from ambient
analyzed by SEM, TEM and AFM. The figure 2(b) showing atmosphere [41, 42].
the scanning electron micrograph recorded from EtZnO NPs
film deposited on a carbon tape clearly demonstrates the 3.1.2. Optical and thermal characterization. The electronic
formation of secondary EtZnO NPs (average size 1 m). structure of ZnO NPs is characterized by the band gap
The elemental analysis using EDAX indicates the presence (E g ), which is essentially the energy interval between the
of only zinc and oxygen in as-synthesized EtZnO NPs valence band (E v ) and the conduction band (E c ), each of
(figure 2(c)). Moreover, the EDAX mapping result again which has a high density of states [28]. The generation
shows that there are no other elemental impurities present in of a specific type of ROS such as OH, 1 O2 , or O2 is
the synthesized EtZnO NPs (figure 2(d)). The TEM image governed by the metal oxide NPs related to the electronic
clearly showed the EtZnO NPs to be actually composed structures as well as the redox potentials (EH) of different
of several particles of different sizes grouped in clusters ROS generation reactions [28, 43, 44]. The oxidative stress
(figure 2(e)). It can also be seen that EtZnO NPs have a induced by ZnO NPs is thought to be the main mechanism of
spherical morphology with a size range of 1020 nm, which their antimicrobial activity [1, 9, 28, 4345]. Therefore, we
is consistent with XRD and optical results [38]. calculated the electronic band gap energy (E g ) of EtZnO NPs
TEM characterization of EtZnO NPs revealed that all NPs because of their broad application in antimicrobial properties.
were stable, well dispersed, smooth and the agglomeration The ZnO-NPs (10 g ml1 ) were dispersed in ethanol by
might be due to the preparation technique. The particles using ultra sonication and then the solution was used to
were deposited on a copper grid and drying promotes perform the UVVis measurement (figure 4(a)). The spectrum
agglomeration [37, 39]. The AFM images also display the reveals a characteristic absorption peak of EtZnO NPs at
spherical morphology of EtZnO NPs in the size range of wavelength of A360 nm which can be assigned to the intrinsic
822 nm (figures 2(f) and (g)), which is consistent with band-gap absorption of EtZnO NPs due to the electron
results obtained by the XRD and TEM. Thus, the data transitions from the valence band to the conduction band
confirmed that the EtZnO NPs were successfully synthesized (O2p Zn3d ) (figure 4(a)) [46, 47]. The sharp absorption
using the egg albumen as a biotemplate. peak of EtZnO NPs also indicated the narrow nanosize
The comparative analysis of the FTIR spectra revealed particle distribution. Moreover, the egg albumen showed the
possible interactions between egg albumen and ZnO NPs. absorbance at wavelength of A280 nm due to the presence
The FTIR spectrum of EtZnO NPs shows absorption band at of the proteins in their composition (figure 4(a)). Thus,

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

(c) (d)


Figure 6. Anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs. (a) Zone inhibition and (b) in vitro killing of assays show the anticandidal activity of EtZnO
NPs against C. albicans 077. (c) The graph shows the dose-dependent size of the zone of inhibition formed by EtZnO NPs. (d) SEM based
observation of change in cell morphology of C. albicans 077, when treated with 15 g ml1 of EtZnO NP. (e) Growth curve analysis depicts
the growth inhibition of C. albicans 077 in the presence of different concentrations of EtZnO NPs.

results indicate that the egg albumen does not influence where is the absorption coefficient (2.303A/t), h is Plancks
the absorption of EtZnO NPs, suggesting that EtZnO NPs constant, is the photon frequency, and E g is the elctronic
were fully functional. The electronic band gap (E g ) of the band gap. The value of n = 1/2, 3/2, 2 or 3 depending
EtZnO NPs was determined by employing Tauc relationship on the nature of the electronic transition responsible for
as follows: absorption and n = 1/2 for direct band gap semiconductor.
An extrapolation of the linear region of a plot of (h)2
h = A(h E g )n , on the y axis versus photon energy (h) on the x-axis gives

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

Untreated control
5 g/mL
10 g/mL





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (h)
(a) (b)

Figure 7. Role of ROS in anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs. Determination of the ROS production within the C. albicans 077 cells
treated with the different doses of EtZnO NPs. (b) Growth curve analysis shows the ROS quenching effect of histidine (5 mM) in C.
albicans 077 cells, resulting in abrogate the antimicrobial property of EtZnO NPs, however, growth inhibition was recorded in the presence
of EtZnO NPs alone, suggesting the involvement of ROS in anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs.

the value of the E g as shown in figure 4(b). The E g of to the evaporation of water adsorbed on the surface of NPs
EtZnO NPs was determined to be 3.55, which was the higher [57, 58]. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) of EtZnO
than bulk ZnO NPs powder (E g = 3.37 eV) [48]. The high NPs shows the endothermic reaction peak at 135 C possibly
value of the E g is possibly attributed due to the quantum due to change of phases [59].
confinement effect of the NPs. The widening effect might be
related to the influence of numerous factors such as structural 3.2. Anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs
parameters (size and pH), carrier concentrations and the
presence of defects (oxygen vacancies), which may lead to Before starting the experiments we determined the stability of
the BursteinMoss shift [49, 50]. EtZnO NPs (45 g ml1 ) in SD broth culture medium up to
The optical properties of ZnO are more interesting since 40 h at 37 C through the change in UVvisible absorbance
confinement of charge carriers in the restricted volume of characteristics. Significant change in agglomeration and
the small particles can lead to effects such as widening of absorbance of EtZnO NPs was not observed (figure 5(a)),
E g [51]. Since the EtZnO NPs have a wide E g = 3.55 eV suggesting that the SD broth culture medium does not
good electron transporting properties [52], they can be utilized significantly affect EtZnO NPs stability, size and integrity. It
as an anticandidal agent, which can efficiently kill the was also observed that the colloidal solution of EtZnO NPs
C. albicans via ROS production. The data suggest that the remained stable for 90 days and the significant change in
egg albumen facilitates the electronic band gap widening the absorbance does not decrease (figure 5b). Similarly, no
effect via controlling the nucleation and surface capping of significant changes were found when surface modified NPs
the intermediate products (hydrogencite) [51]. The amino incubated in culture medium [37, 60].
acid moiety in the egg albumen is sufficient to form proper
capping, resulting in the formation of smaller sized EtZnO 3.2.1. Anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs. In light of the
NPs, so as to keep the wide E g [53]. evidence, the rapid global spread of resistant in clinical
The photoluminescence behavior of EtZnO NPs could isolates of C. albicans and new families of antimicrobial
give information on energies and dynamics of photogenerated agents have a short life assurance, thus, the need to find
charge carriers as well as on the nature of the emitting new anticandidal agents is of supreme importance [61].
states [54]. Figure 4(c) shows photoluminescence emission Researchers are increasingly turning their attention to
spectra in the visible range of EtZnO NPs and monitoring nanomaterials, looking for new leads to develop better
by measuring the dose-dependent changes in the intensity nano-antimicrobial drugs against MDR strains of C. albicans.
of EtZnO NPs. The emission spectra have a broad band In the present study we assessed the anticandidal activity
with a maximum 532 nm which can be ascribed to the of EtZnO NPs against MDR strain 077 of C. albicans.
singly ionized oxygen vacancy with exited EtZnO NPs at Anticandidal assays revealed that the EtZnO NPs efficiently
A370 nm . The green emission in the visible region arises when suppressed the growth of C. albicans 077 in a dose dependent
a photogenerated hole (O ) trapped at a deep level above manner (figures 6(a)(c)). The cells treated with the EtZnO
the valence band recombines with an electron trapped at a NPs (15 g ml1 ) also exhibited cavity formation, examined
shallow level below the conduction band [55]. Usually, the by SEM analysis (figure 6(d)). These cavities possibly
emission intensity and band width are related to the size and reflected the formation of apoptosome in the C. albicans
nature of the carrier trapped states located at the surface of 077 cells, indicating promising anticandidal activity. The
the nanocrystals [56]. From figure 4(d) we can see that about untreated sample cells showed a normal pattern of growth with
5% of the total weight loss of EtZnO NPs might be due a lag phase of 4 h, active exponential phase of 8 to 21 h

Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

Figure 8. Plausible mechanistic aspect of the ROS generation and anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs. (a) Plausible mechanistic aspect of
the ROS generation induced by EtZnO NPs and their role in anticandidal activity. (b) Hypothetical anticandidal mechanism of EtZnO NPs
against C. albicans 077. EtZnO NPs can enter into the cell by diffusion or endocytosis. Once EtZnO NPs are inside the cytoplasm, they can
interfere with energy production in mitochondria and promote the generation of ROS. ROS and Zn+ ions released from EtZnO NPs may
cross the nuclear membrane and cause DNA damage. DNA damage can be either repaired or lead to irreversible chromosome damage or
cell death.

before attaining stationary phase. However, EtZnO NPs led to ROS production in a time- and dose-dependent manner,
the suppression of growth and delay exponential phases of C. when compared to untreated control. ROS-mediated oxidative
albicans 077 with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) stress is a well known inducer of cytotoxicity and apoptotic
29.7 g ml1 (figure 6e), again proving strong antimicrobial cell death in C. albicans [4]. Therefore, we sought to
activity of EtZnO NPs against C. albicans 077. The MIC examine the possible role of ROS in anticandidal activity
is the lowest concentration of the compound at which the of EtZnO NPs. C. albicans were pretreated with 5 mM of
microorganism tested does not demonstrate visible growth. histidine, a known scavenger of hydroxyl radicals ( OH) and
The almost complete cessation of growth was observed singlet oxygen (1 O2 ). The data revealed that the histidine
at 34.1 g m11 concentration. The obtained anticandidal completely abrogates the antimicrobial property of EtZnO
activity of EtZnO NPs is corroborated with previous published NPs (figure 7(b)). This clearly indicates that the anticandidal
reports on anticandidal nanomaterials [62, 63]. activity of EtZnO NPs is due to ROS production. The
electronic band gap (E g ) structures of the metal oxides NPs
3.2.2. Role of ROS in anticandidal activity of EtZnO NPs. with the redox potentials (EH) of the different ROS generation
Recently, our group synthesized biosurfactant stabilized reactions have been proposed [23]. The metal oxide NPs
anticancer CdS QDs. This effect was associated with the when excited with energy higher than the E g , the electrons
production of ROS [37]. In light of these results, we (e ) of metal NPs were promoted across the band gap to the
concluded that the anticandidal effect of EtZnO NPs may conduction band (E c ), which creates a hole (h+ ) in the valence
be ROS dependent. As shown in figure 7(a), exposure of band (E c ). The electrons in the E c and holes in the E v exhibit
C. albicans cells to EtZnO NPs increased the intracellular high reducing and oxidizing power, respectively [28, 64].
Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 4 (2013) 035015 M Shoeb et al

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