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Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr.

Sean Tee Poh Kiong


Senior Lecturer: Mr. Chok Nyen Vui Office: GSB Lecturer room
Email: Office Hours: By appointment
Phone: EXT 1756 Classes: Tue 9pm 1pm
Sat 2am 6pm,

Course Description

This module enables students to understand the concepts introduced which underpins an
operation and quality management system function. Students will acquire the necessary
technical skills and knowledge in managing the operation within an organization;
manufacturing, services, telecommunication and other relevant fields.

Course Objectives:

This course provides insights and experience in operation and quality management.
Course objectives are:

Objective 1: To provide a deep understanding of the concepts, systems and strategies relevant to
operations management with the ability to analyze and solve problems associated with the design,
planning and control of the production of goods and services.

Objective 2: To enable participants to undertake a critical appraisal of their organizations

operations using the system approach, supply chain, six sigma approach, etc to understand the
ways in which strategic objectives are translated into decision-making within the wider operation.

Objective 3: To promote an understanding of the contribution of quality management systems

such as ISO9000, ISO9001, ISO9002, etc to the achievement of organizational effectiveness.

Required Materials:

Heizer, J & Render, B., 2017, Operations Management 11/E, ISBN-10:0133130762 | ISBN-13:

Additional Readings: As outlined on Blackboard

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

Performance in this class will be determined based on your ability to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the material covered in class participation, report on operation and quality
management regards a project assigned and final examination.

Final grades will be determined as follows:

Individual or % of
Component: Group Assignment Final Grade
Part A: Case study & application Individual 60%

Final Exam (Case Study) Individual 40%

Total 100%

Please note that all written assignments are due via Blackboard:.

I do not accept late assignments. Assignment submitted later than the stipulated date will grade 0
straight away. Please have access to your assignment in class and be prepared to actively
participate in class discussions. Page lengths noted are general guidelines for length; format as
you see fit to respond to the assignment.

Class participation is a significant portion of your grade is requires persuasive oral

communication. Grading is based on your demonstrated knowledge of the course content and
active, quality participation in class discussions. You are expected to have completed the
assignments and be prepared to discuss their content. If you have any difficulties or issues with
class participation expectations, please let me know.

Other Student Expectations:

1. Regular attendance is expected. In cases of valid family, health or safety emergencies,

students must contact me prior to the administration of the assignment. In general, work
related conflicts or overlapping requirements due in other classes are not valid excuses for
missing project deadlines.
2. Be prompt and seated so we can begin class on time. If you have an unforeseeable issue
that requires you to be late or leave early from class, please notify me prior to class.
3. Please bring name plates to every class.
4. You may use your laptops in class to work on content for this class only.
5. You are expected to adhere to the SEGI Code of Student in which academic misconduct is
defined as any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the institution or subverts
the educational process. If an instance of academic misconduct is observed or reported, the
University Committee on Academic Misconduct will be notified. Sanctions for misconduct
can include a failing grade in this course, suspension, or dismissal from the University.
Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

Office Appointments:

I am available to discuss issues of concern to you on an individual basis by appointment. Please

set up this appointment with me via email. So that I can be better prepared for your visit, please
give me a general idea of the topic youd like to discuss. Appointments are typically 15 minutes.
If you believe you will require more time, please request a longer appointment. My office is
GSB Lecturer room.

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

Lesson Plan

Session Topics Activity/Reading

Course Overview
(TUE &
Chapter 1 Introduction to Marketing

Chapter 2 Marketing Plan
(TUE &
Chapter 3 Marketing Intelligence Class Discussion 1

Chapter 4 Creating Long Term
(TUE &

Chapter 5 Consumer Market and
Business Market Class Discussion 2

Chapter 6 Segmentation, Targeting &
Chapter 7 Positionig

(TUE & Chapter 8 Building Brand Equity
Class Discussion 3

Chapter 9 Product Strategies
(TUE &
Chapter 10 Price Strategies

Chapter 11 Channel Management
(TUE& Assignment due
Chapter 12 Integrated Marketing

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

9 Chapter 13 Managing Mass Media &

(TUE& Online Media
Class Discussion 4
SAT) Chapter 14 Managing Sales Promotion

(THURS Case study discussion
& SAT) Revision

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

Summary of Assessment:

Form of Assessment Percentages (%)

Assignment (Part A & B) 60%

Final Examination 40%

Assessment Details
Student is compulsory to answer all the questions for each of the part.

Protons Sustainable Product Profile - Electric Vehicle (EVs)

In the future, optimally combining diverse energy sources and power-trains, as well as factoring
in different combinations of driving needs will be essential for preserving our environment and
intelligently using our limited resources. Along these options, Proton believes that Proton-EVs
are ideal for mobility in the short distances of urban areas. Proton is continuing to research and
develop related technologies for better performing batteries, with the ultimate goal of improving
the vehicles' quality for future commercialisation.

The EVs is representative of clean mobility running on 100% electricity

Developed for short distances, this small electric vehicle (EV) features an innovative packaging
design that gives it a compact body and a spacious interior.

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

Small Size EV

Designed for people living in urban areas, the Proton-EV is a small-size EV convenient for
driving on busy city streets.

Since EVs do not require an engine, a new packaging design is possible. The cabin interior is
remarkably spacious for the vehicle's dimensions and can carry four adult passengers.

Two Proton-EV vehicles can fit in one regular parking space

Safety Technology

To realise the ideal vehicle, Proton continues to strive for the technology that prevents and
minimises the damage of an accident in any situation. "What causes accidents?" "What can be
done to prevent accidents?" "What mitigates the damage of accidents that have occurred?" These
are the questions to which we are constantly seeking answers. Our technologies will continue to
advance toward the ultimate goal of making a vehicle that is safe for everybody.

Source: Electric vehicle concept Retrieve from (accessed on 1st May 2017)

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong


Assume that you are the Marketing Director for Proton Holding Berhad. With reference to the
above electric car concept, you are required to prepare a marketing proposal that incorporates the
new marketing programme for the above concept car.

You are required to identify your marketplace for the new Proton Electric Car and prepare the

1. Perform a situation analysis inclusive of micro- and macro-environment to identify the

opportunities and threat in your marketplace. You are required to assess at least THREE
(3) micro and THREE (3) macro-environmental forces. Support your answer with
relevant facts from the case. (15 marks)

2. Perform a market analysis. Discuss how you are going to segment the market and
describe your segment profile. Then, identify and justify your target market for the above
product. Referring to your target market, suggest a relevant value proposition that you
used to position the EV in your target market mind.
(15 marks)

3. Prepare a comprehensive marketing strategies inclusive of the 4Ps in order to create,

communicate and deliver the value for your target customers:
a. Discuss and justify your product strategies inclusive of designing some relevant
services, with the support of relevant examples.
(10 marks)

b. Discuss and justify your pricing strategies, with the support of relevant examples.
(5 marks)

c. Discuss and justify your channel management strategies, with the support of
relevant examples.
(5 marks)

d. Discuss and justify your integrated marketing communication strategies inclusive

of at least THREE marketing communication tools (media) in communicating
your marketing message to your target customers.
(10 marks)

Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

To reiterate, it is a requirement that all research must be conducted in accordance ethical
guidelines. This encompasses all research including qualitative interviews, questionnaires,
surveys and physically invasive procedures. For further clarification please consult your course

Assignment guidelines
You are to answer ALL questions.
The coursework must be done and must be entirely the work of originality. Please make
sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them,
please consult your program coordinator/lecturer.
This assignment carries a weighting of 100% within the Module assessment
Students are to answer the following questions in a modified essay format (Cover Page,
Table of Contents, numbered headings and sub headings, with Introduction, Body, Close
and reference list)
The word count is indicative but students should not exceed the limit by more than 10%.
Try to stay with allocated word count as far as possible. Marks are gained for THE
As a postgraduate student, there is no excuse for poor spelling, bad grammar, or lack of
formatting. Use one and half spacing with 12- point font and pages must numbered. Use
New Times Roman.

Table of contents and numbering

A comprehensive table of contents is required, with section numbers, section headings, and page
numbers. It will include the List of references, a List of appendices, a List of figures, and a List
of tables, all with page numbers indicated. All sections and pages should be fully numbered.

An Introduction should be provided at the beginning to summarize the structure of the following
sections of the report/assignment.

Body of assignment
This is an academic assignment, so it is essential that your statements be justified by relevant
academic theory. A major failing of students is to simply describe the processes that have
happened. At postgraduate level, you are expected to be able to apply recognized theory to
situations, and form opinions. You will often find conflicting opinions from so-called experts.
You should be developing analytical communication skills. Students coming from other
universities, and especially overseas students, find this need for analysis the most difficult
transition to make.

You are expected to use your judgment to analyze problems, make value judgments as to
whether it is good or bad (or both), use existing academic theory from a range of sources to
justify your position, and to argue whether something is valid or not. In the study of
Marketing Management Syllabus GSB Segi University | Mr. Sean Tee Poh Kiong

management, there is no right or wrong answers, only lots of opinions, many of which change
over a period of time. Show that you can act as managers, and communicate your opinions.
Major sections should start on a new page. You will be surprised just how much more readable
it makes your assignment / report

Referencing is NOT just inserting a list of publications at the end of the report and this is not
acceptable. Referencing is NOT just inserting a citation at the end of each paragraph and is not

At postgraduate level, you are expected to demonstrate the use of a wide range of sources and
the ability to engage and evaluate different academic and empirical perspectives and practices .
Single or very limited sourced assignments are likely to fail of achieve low marks. References
MUST be cited using Harvard system (which is author/date). Please do not use footnotes, etc.
Read your Communication skills handbook for information on how to cite reference materials.
References must be listed alphabetically by author in a single List of References at the end of
each assignment. Do not put multiple lists of references at the end of each section or part.

Late Submission
A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public
Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework
Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student
will be barred from the final examination.

Additional Information
The coursework write up must be able to demonstrate critical analysis and application of
both theory and practical issues to the company in the case study.
You should bind your coursework with the coursework cover as the 1st page Do not forget
to include both your student names and Identification numbers
A CD containing the softcopy version of your coursework should be submitted as well.

Final Examination (40%)

A written final examination will be held during the examination time set by the university. The
exam will be based on case study questions. Further details of the examination format and
duration will be announced later in the course.


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