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QUESTION: A substance that deforms continuously by applications of smallest shear force is

ANS: Fluid

- solid

- both solid & Fluid

- none of these solid, Fluid, both solid & Fluid

QUESTION: The unit for pressure

- Newton

ANS: Pascal

- Joule

- Watt

QUESTION: Specific weight of water at 20oC is

- 9810kg/m3

ANS: 9810N/m3

- 9.81kg/m3

- 1360kg/m3

QUESTION: Force acts to hold two separate bodies together is termed as


ANS: adhesive

- cohesive

- visocity

- surface tension

QUESTION: It is the measure of resistance to shearing motion

ANS: viscosity

- surface tension

- both a & b

- capillary rise

QUESTION: The ratio of dynamic viscosity to mass density is termed as

ANS: kinematic viscosity

- Dynamic viscosity

- static viscosity

- velocity

QUESTION: It measures the elasticity in fluid

ANS: Compressibility

- Viscosity

- Pressure

- surface tension

QUESTION: When the pressure measured above atmospheric pressure it is called

- Absolute pressure

- static pressure

- vacuum pressure

ANS: gauge pressure

QUESTION: Calculate the density of petrol of specific gravity 0.7

ANS: 700kg/m3

- 0.7x13.6

- 0.7/1000

- 700kg/m3

QUESTION: This is the type of flow in which the velocity at any given time does not change with
respective to space

ANS: Steady flow

- Laminar flow

- Uniform flow

- Rotational flow

QUESTION: The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second is

ANS: discharge

- velocity

- accelaration

- momentum

QUESTION: Continuity equation is

- Q1ANS: Q2

- A1V1 ANS: A2V2

- Q1/Q2

ANS: both Q1ANS: Q2 & A1V1 ANS: A2V2

QUESTION: It is a product of mass density and gravitational acceleration

- mass density

ANS: specific weight

- specific volume

- specific gravity

QUESTION: When fluid mechanics is applied to fluid at rest is

ANS: Fluid statics

- fluid dynamics

- fluid kinematics

- fluidics

QUESTION: The volume of fluid flowing across the section per second is

- density

- velocity

- accelaration

ANS: None of these accelaration, velocity & density

QUESTION: An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which

- is compressible

- is incompressible

ANS: is incompressible and non-viscous (inviscid)

- has negligible surface tension.


QUESTION: Newtons law of viscosity states that

- shear stress is directly proportional to the velocity

ANS: shear stress is directly proportional to velocity gradient

- shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain

- shear stress is directly proportional to the viscosity.

QUESTION: A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which

- is incompressible and non-viscous

ANS: obeys Newtons law of viscosity

- is highly viscous

- is compressible and non-viscous

QUESTION: Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to

- dynamic viscosity x density

ANS: dynamic velocity/density

- dynamic viscosity x pressure

- pressure x density

QUESTION: Specific weight of mercury is

- 13.6kg/m3

ANS: 13600 kg/ m3

- 136kg/m3

- 1360

QUESTION: The expression inverse of mass density is

- mass density

- specific gravity

ANS: specific volume

- specific weight

QUESTION: The ratio of specific weight of liquid to specific weight of water is

ANS: specific gravity

- specific weight

- specific volume

- mass density

QUESTION: The compressibility of the fluid is the reciprocal of

- density

- viscosity

ANS: bulk modulus

- capillarity

QUESTION: The bulk modulus of the fluid is the reciprocal of

ANS: compressibility

- viscosity

- pressure

- capillarity

QUESTION: In capillary rise the angle of contact between mercury and glass tube is

- 0 degree

- 228 degree

- 60 degree

ANS: none of these 0, 228, & 60 degree

QUESTION: The Bernoulli's equation is based on the assumption that


- there is no loss of energy of the liquid flowing

- the velocity of flow is uniform across any cross-section of the pipe

- no force except gravity acts on the fluid

ANS: all of these there is no loss of energy of the liquid flowing,no force except gravity acts on the fluid
& the velocity of flow is uniform across any cross-section of the pipe

QUESTION: What is the unit of dynamic viscosity of a fluid termed 'poise' equivalent to?

- dyne/cm2

- gm s/cm

ANS: dyne s/cm2

- gm-cm/s

QUESTION: What are the dimensions of kinematic viscosity of a fluid?

- LT-2

ANS: L2T-1

- ML-1T-1

- ML-2T-2

QUESTION: Decrease in temperature, in general, results in

- An increase in viscosities of both gases and liquids

- A decrease in the viscosities of both liquids and gases

ANS: An increase in the viscosity of liquids and a decrease in that of gases

- A decrease in the viscosity of liquids and an increase in that of gases

QUESTION: The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to

- density of the fluid

ANS: specific weight of the fluid

- weight of the fluid

- viscosity of the fluid

QUESTION: The Bernoullis equation refers to conservation of

- Mass

ANS: linear momentum

- angular momentum

- energy

QUESTION: If the number of fundamental dimensions equals 'm', then the repeating variables shall be
equal to:

- m and none of the repeating variables shall represent the dependent variable.
- m + 1 and one of the repeating variables shall represent the dependent variable

ANS: m + 1 and none of the repeating variables shall represent the dependent variable.

- m and one of the repeating variables shall represent the dependent variable.

QUESTION: The square root of the ratio of inertia force to gravity force is called

- Reynolds number

ANS: Froude number

- Mach number

- Euler number

QUESTION: The time period of a simple pendulum depends on its effective length l and the local
acceleration due to gravity g. What is the number of dimensionless parameter involved?

- Two

ANS: One

- Three

- Zero

QUESTION: In a fluid machine, the relevant parameters are volume flow rate, density, viscosity, bulk
modulus, pressure difference, powerconsumption, rotational speed and characteristic dimension. Using
theBuckingham pi (p ) theorem, what would be the number ofindependent non-dimensional groups?

- 3
- 4

ANS: 5

- 2

QUESTION: Euler number is defined as the ratio of inertia force to:

- Viscous force

- Elastic force

ANS: Pressure force

- Gravity force

QUESTION: Which one of the dimensionless numbers identifies the compressibility effect of a fluid?

- Euler number

- Froude number

ANS: Mach number

- Weber number

QUESTION: It is observed in a flow problem that total pressure, inertia and gravity forces are important.
Then, similarly requires that

- Reynolds and Weber numbers be equal

- Mach and Froude numbers be equal

ANS: Euler and Froude numbers be equal

- Reynolds and Mach numbers be equal

QUESTION: Froude number is defined as the ratio of inertia force to:

- Viscous force

- Elastic force

- Pressure force

ANS: Gravity force

QUESTION: Which one of the dimensionless numbers identifies the surface tension effect of a fluid?

- Euler number

- Froude number

- Mach number

ANS: Weber number

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