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Quantitative Data
(errors/statistical analysis/propagation of error)
(version = fall 2000)


Laboratory work in chemistry can be divided into the general categories of qualitative
studies and quantitative studies. Qualitative studies include such areas as chemical synthesis,
chemical identification, mixture separation and structure elucidation. Quantitative studies include
such areas as quantitative chemical analysis, physical property determinations and reaction rate

Qualitative work is seldom completely devoid of quantitative data but usually the required
level of precision and accuracy is much different in qualitative studies than in quantitative studies.
For example, there is a significant difference in the precision and accuracy requirements of the
chemist using a melting point to identify a substance and the chemist who is measuring the melting
point of a substance for inclusion in a reference book. First semester p-chem laboratory is mostly
about the second chemist in this example.

For a variety of reasons, it is always true that, in any quantitative experiment

measurement errors or uncertainties exist which can be reduced by improvement in techniques and
methods but can never be completely eliminated. The magnitude of these errors must be
estimated to establish the reliability (accuracy)of the results.

The assessment of the reliability of results is a very important part of any quantitative
experiment. This assessment involves an understanding of the sources of error, an estimation of
the magnitude of each error and the application of statistical and/or propagation of error methods
to help establish the reliability of the final result.


The term "error" is defined as the difference between a measured, calculated or observed
value and the "true" or accepted value. Often the "true" or accepted value is not known and we
must use the data themselves to determine how much confidence we can place in the experimental

Errors can generally be classified as (a) random or indeterminate, (b) systematic or

determinate or (c) gross or illegitimate.

Gross or illegitimate errors are the result of a mistake. The mistake may be in the
recording of a measurement or instrument reading, it may be a miscalculation or it may be due to
an error in the model or choice of model that you are using to guide your experiment. Recording
and calculation errors are usually easy to spot because they produce a data point which is
obviously inconsistent with other data from the same experiment (see figure 1). Model errors are
much harder to detect. For example, if the model you have chosen to explain your results predicts

that your data should be linear with a positive slope and your data is curved with a negative slope
one is faced with the dilemma, is your data that bad or is your model wrong?

Gross errors can always be eliminated from the experiment by greater care and attention
to proper experimental procedures. Miscalculation errors can be corrected and the data salvaged.
Recording errors usually can not be corrected and generally result in a discarded run. Figure 1
illustrates a data point which contains a recording or calculation error. Sometimes the data point
is so obviously bad that it can be discarded without further justification. In other cases the point
appears bad but the case for discarding the point is less clear. In these cases it is best to use
statistical methods to help in the decision to discard or to keep the data point.


x x x x
---------x---------------x------------------ True value
x x x

Run number

Figure 1- Gross error

Systematic or determinate errors are not so easy to detect. These errors tend to affect all
results from the experiment by the same amount and in the same direction. Because of this, all
data is affected and none of the results will stand out as obviously bad.

Examples of systematic errors include an incorrectly standardized or malfunctioning

instrument which always reads too high or too low. A systematic error could be introduced by a
person who does not understand parallax when reading a buret or pipet. Systematic errors also
includes what is usually referred to as number bias. Many people have a bias toward always
ending a reading with an even digit or with a zero or a five. Other sources of this type of error
are such things as using the wrong method to make the measurement or not waiting long enough
to allow the system to reach equilibrium before taking the measurement.

Since these error are systematic, if they are detected, they can be eliminated from the
experiment. Sometimes the affected data can be corrected and used to give reliable results.
Figure 2 illustrates data which contains systematic errors.

x x
x x x x
x x x x x

-------------------------------------------- True value

Run number

Figure 2 - Systematic error

Random or indeterminate errors are errors that cause results to fluctuate in a random
fashion about the "true" or accepted value. These errors are completely random in nature. With
experience and careful attention to good experimental techniques these errors can be minimized
but they can never be completely eliminated from quantitative experiments. Figure 3 illustrates
data which contains only random errors

x x x x
----x-------------------x-------------- True value
x x x

Run number

Figure 3 - Random error

For the rest of our discussion, we will assume that gross and systematic errors have been
eliminated from the experiment and the data contains only random errors. It is a waste of time to
attempt to establish the validity of a result that contains either a gross or systematic error.
As a professional, it is your responsibility to insure that your results are absolutely free of
gross errors and that systematic errors have been reduced to an insignificant level before
you validate your results.


Precision and accuracy are two terms that usually enter into any discussion of the
reliability of an experimental result. Precision describes the reproducibility of the result. Precision
is a statement of the numerical agreement between two or more measurements made on identical
systems in exactly the same manner. Accuracy described how close the measurement or result
comes to the "true" or accepted value. Accuracy is usually expressed as either the absolute
difference between the measured and "true" values (eq 1) or as the relative difference between the
"true" and experimental values ( eq 2).

S = EXP - TRUE (1)

Where: S = absolute error

EXP = experimental measurement or result
TRUE = "true" or accepted value

R = EXP - TRUE (2)


Where: R = relative error in the measurement or result

Relative errors are often multiplied by 100 and expressed as parts per hundred (%). Other
common multipliers are 1000 to give parts per thousand (ppt) or 1,000,000 to give parts per
million (ppm).

A standard sample has an accepted absorbance value of .516

The measured absorbance of this sample is .509

Then: S = .509 - .516 = .007

and: R = (.509 - .516)/.516

R = .014 = 1.4% = 14 ppt = 14000 ppm



If a measurement of some property of a system is repeated several times (i.e. replicate

data) and if the measurement contains only random errors, a statistical treatment of the data can
provide an indication of the reliability of the result. Strictly speaking, the laws of statistics apply
only to very large pools of data. When applying these laws to a typical collection of laboratory
data it is necessary to assume that the laboratory data is representative of the larger pool of data
that would have been collected if sufficient time was available to perform many runs rather than
the usual three or four runs. Because there is no assurance that this assumption is correct, the
conclusions of a statistical analysis on typical laboratory data is usually stated in terms of

The most common statistical terms, their definitions and uses are given below.

(a) N = The number of results in your data set.

(b) Xi = The value of the i th result. A set with N = 4 would have results X1, X2, X3,
and X4.

(c) X = The average or mean of the results.

Assuming that the Xis contain only random errors, the mean value is usually a better indicator of
the true value than any one of the individual values.

(d) di = deviation from the average of the ith value.

= X - Xi

(e) s = standard deviation

Md i

N 1

(f) s = standard error



(g) t = critical factor, usually gotten from a table such as Table 1.

N-1 t(90%) t(95%) t(99%)

1 6.31 12.7 63.7

2 2.92 4.30 9.92
3 2.35 3.18 5.84
4 2.13 2.78 4.60
5 2.01 2.57 4.03
6 1.94 2.45 3.71
8 1.86 2.31 3.36
10 1.81 2.23 3.17

Table 1 - Partial Table of Critical Factors

Notice that the critical factors are dependent on the size of your data set and the confidence level
you want to attach to your data.

(h)  =confidence limits


The confidence limit is the range at the selected confidence level on either side of the average
value between which the true value should lie. In this course we will report average values at
95% confidence limits.
X  (95%).


Consider the following data collected during an experiment to measure the gram
molecular weight (GMW) of a gas.

Run # GMW(g/mol)
1 58.16

2 60.25

3 61.31

4 52.54

Table 2 - Experimental results

A closer look at these results shows that run 4 is significantly out of line with the other three
results. This result appears to be "bad" but cannot simply be rejected because it doesn't appear to
fit. If your lab notes do not indicate any problems with this particular run, then you should rely on
statistical considerations to determine whether you reject or keep run 4 in your data set.

The simplest statistical test for rejection is known as the Q test.

Q = R1/R2

Where R1 = questioned value - nearest neighbor

R2 = highest X - lowest X (including questioned value)

The R's are known as ranges. If Q is greater than the value listed in Table 3 the questioned result
can be rejected. More complete Q test tables can be found in most textbooks on statistics.

N 3 4 5 6
Q(90%) .94 .76 .64 .51

Table 3 - Critical Q Test values for rejection of an extreme result

In this course we will reject a data point at the 90% confidence level.

As a general rule, only one out of every five data points should be considered for rejection. Thus,
in the case of N = 4, only one point can be considered for rejection.

For the data in table 2,

Q = .64 for run #4.

Critical Q for N = 4 from Table 3 is = .76

Since .64 is less than .76, X4 cannot be rejected with 90% confidence and all four runs should be
included in the statistical evaluation of this data set.

Statistical analysis of the data in table 2 then gives the following results.

s = 3.91
s = 1.96

(95%) = 6.23

Therefore, at 95% confidence limits

GMW = 58.06 6.23 g/mol (95%)

This means we are 95% certain that the true result is between 51.83 g/mol and 64.29 g/mol.

More correctly the result should be written:

GMW = 58 6 g/mol. Or at the most:

GMW = 58.1 6.2 g/mol.

Do you know why?



Propagation of errors is the mathematical process of estimating the expected error in a

calculated result caused by the errors associated with the measured variables used in the
calculation. This method can be applied to both replicate and derivative data. It is most
commonly used with derivative data but it does provide some information about replicate data
that cannot be obtained by statistical analysis. The method of propagation of error is generally
harder to apply than statistical analysis but it is the only method in common use for evaluating
derivative data.

Suppose you wish to use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, to calculate the number of mols (n)
of gas in a system. This requires that the variables P, V and T be measured. As with all measured
quantities, there will be some random measurement error associated with each variable. The
propagation of error method requires that the experimenter (That is YOU) provide reasonable
estimates of the error associated with each measured variable. The propagation of error method
will then allow you to calculate the combined effect of these estimated errors on the result. In this
example, the method of propagation of errors will allow us to estimate the resulting error in the
calculated value of n caused by the errors associated with the measured values of P, T and V.

When done correctly the propagation of error method can accomplish two objectives.
The first objective is to establish the reliability of a result (calculate the expected error) without
having to resort to multiple determinations and statistical analysis. The second objective is that
during the course of the propagation of errors calculation it is possible to determine which
measurements contribute significantly to the total error and which measurements do not
contribute significantly. This will allow you to understand which measurements need
improvement and which measurements do not.

There are several methods currently used to do propagation of errors calculations. Some
methods calculate the maximum error possible and some methods calculate the most probable
error or expected error. The difference between the two methods is mostly philosophical. The
maximum error methods assumes that all errors occur in the same direction and that no errors
cancel. The other methods assume that some errors will cancel, thus reducing the total error in
the final result. We will follow this second philosophy and calculate the most probable error or
expected error rather than the maximum error. In either method, the calculations require that the
dependent variable and all independent variables be connected by one or more mathematical

The following symbols are typically used in propagation of errors calculations.

Let u = f(x,y,z)

where u = dependent variable

and x,y,z = independent variables


Then Su, Sx, Sy, Sz = absolute error in u, x, y and z

Ru, Rx, Ry, Rz = relative error in u, x, y and z

Remember, Rx = Sx/x etc.

The basic equation for calculating the expected absolute error in a result (Su) is given by equation

2 2 2
S u2
0u S x2  0u Sy2  0u Sz2  ...... (3)
0x y,z 0y x,z 0z x,y

Sample Expected Error Calculation

Suppose you wish to use the ideal gas equation (equation 4) to determine the gram
formula mass (GFM) of a gas. The experiment requires that you measure the mass (g), the Kelvin
temperature (T), the pressure (P), and the volume (V) of the gas sample.

gRT (4)

Table 4 contains a set of typical data with their estimated absolute errors. This information can be
used to calculate the expected error in the experiment.

g 1.2117g .0002g
T 298.00K .05K
P 735 torr 5 torr
V 500. mL 2 mL
R .0821 L xAtm x mol-1 x K-1

Table 4 - Gas experiment data and estimated errors

Since the GFM depends on the independent variables g, T, P and V we would say that;

GFM = f(g,T,P,V) (5)

a) Why isn't the gas constant (R) included in equation 5?

b) Why is no error listed for R?

c) Based on equation 5, give the error equation for this problem.


In Class Assignment

1) Your error equation should contain the following partial derivatives. If it does not
correct your mistake before continuing.


; ; ;
0g T,P,V 0T g,P,V 0P g,T,V 0V g,T,P

2. Based on equation 4, generate the four required partial derivatives. For example:


0g T,P,V

3. Using the data in Table 4, determine the numerical value of each of the four partial
derivatives. For example:


50.60 mol 1
0g T,P,V

4. Using the numerical values obtained in step 2 and the errors listed in Table 4 calculate
the predicted error contributed by each independent variable.

5. Which measurement contributes the greatest amount of error?

6. Calculate the total expected error predicted for this experiment.

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