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25 Ways to Make Writing FUN!

1- Read rich literature of all genres to your child. Talk about how the author used this fancy
word instead of a boring word. Point out the climax of the story and how the author resolved
the problem. Help your child see that they can piggyback on or use these ideas in their own

2- Give them the freedom to just write/draw without over-correcting spellings, letter formation,
etc. There will be times when these things are important and need to be corrected, but sometimes
kids just need a judgment-free zone.

3- Let them write about things that interest them. So what if he just wrote his 5th book on
playing soccer? At least hes writing! If his written works all start sounding the same, suggest
that he write about the rules of soccer, how his team won their last game, or even a soccer poem.

Provide resources, such as a sight word folder, a book youve just read together, labels around your
house, sight word cards, or a kids spelling dictionary

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